#more to come later I am chewing on this website
pinetreeparadoxx · 2 months
Part 3 of This Nonsense
Tad Strange pulls up a slowly resolving PNG of Bread LMAOOOO
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Genuinely cannot tell if these are supposed to be GIFs or just that slow, but the slowness is funnier tbh
Virus brings up a study on the Black Plague!
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Since I'm a bio nerd maybe I will read this for clues later
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Hey :(
Portal yields this
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Bet I couldn't
Baby gets you THIS
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Anyways Waddles takes you to the Pig Placement Network awww
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MYSTERYSHACK gives you the google listing for Confusion Hill
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Monster gets you...
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... Y'know google I think that is the wrong book
my old computer is trying to COMBUST rn I swear
Rat gets you this, which confuses me ngl
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Death and Life, respectively
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Then Weirdmageddon
(this is how I learned it's spelled with only one G? oops?)
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Apparently putting Bill Cipher gets this wiki page
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And there's a full version of Disco Girl and I CAN'T HEAR IT!!!
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Xyler and Craz lead here...
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Dippy Fresh is this, which apparently is the Burger King Kid's Club lmao?
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And Blendin gets this
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Apparently, Stan's ebay listing can change when you click on it!
also the lightning flashes in the background of the main image revealed this:
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Something like that... Hmmmm
Now I need to go give my computer a break before it dies. This thing ATE my entire battery!!
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ladamedusoif · 9 months
Snowball Fight (Javi Gutierrez x F!Reader)
A Merry Fic-Mas - December 16
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Part of A Merry Fic-Mas: A Holiday Fic Calendar - click for masterlist.
Follow @ladameecrit for my writing updates!
Pairing: Javi Gutierrez x F!Reader
Word Count: 1300
Warnings: Light smut; no use of Y/N; no physical description of reader; established relationship; references to Christmas (secular)
Rating: Mature (18+ MDNI, just to be extra careful)
Summary: His first Christmas with you in London, and Javi is convinced it’ll be a white one.
For @agentjackdaniels, with a nod to her wonderful Strictly Javier series
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London. One week to Christmas.
“Javi, are you looking up sleds?”
You blink awake, alerted by the bright light emanating from your boyfriend’s iPad. For a moment you think you’re imagining things. But no - Javi is wide awake and scrolling through a website selling all manner of brightly-coloured plastic sleds.
“Good morning, princesa!” He leans over and kisses the top of your head. “Yes. I thought it would be wise to order now, for when the snow comes.”
You sit up and nuzzle against his shoulder. “Javi, sweetheart…how much snow are you expecting, exactly?”
Javi’s bright smile lights up the bedroom in the morning gloom. “Well, some, at least, no? It always seems to snow in the movies. I have never seen a white Christmas - though I have seen White Christmas, several times.”
You smile softly, thinking of all the chocolate box-perfect scenes from films like The Holiday and Bridget Jones’ Diary of an England where it always seemed to snow at Christmas. The reality, as you knew all too well, was rather different. It had snowed a couple of times, it was true, but you were far more likely to get rain and sleet than the blankets of pure white the movies presented. 
“We’ll have a look at the weather forecast before we make any sled purchases, I think, Javi.” You kiss him and he pulls you in close to his warm body, covering you back up with the duvet despite your protestations. “I have to go to work, love, I’m sorry…but I’ll see you later for our big Christmas shop?”
Javi reluctantly lets you go and watches as you climb out of the bed, grabbing your cosy, bright pink dressing gown and popping on your matching slippers. He smiles beatifically at you. 
“I am so excited, my darling - it’s all new, all the traditions and special Christmas delicacies here! I want to make our first Christmas together - my first Christmas with you, here - perfect.”
“Maybe don’t get too excited about the food, babe,” you admit. “Hope you like root vegetables, that’s all I’m saying.”
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Javi has spent the last week heroically cooking, cleaning, and taking care of you while you finish up the final frantic preparations at work before the Christmas break. Each day he tells you about something new he’s discovered about Christmas here, excitedly sharing his discovery with the kind of joy that makes you realise how jaded your attitude to the season had become over the years.
Today, it’s selection boxes: run of the mill to you, but a marvel to Javi.
“These do not exist in Spain, mi amor! Yes, we have our special sweets but this?” He waves a brightly-coloured cardboard box filled with various chocolate bars at you. “It is wonderful. A wonderful menu of treats to choose from. But you can choose first.” He peers at the labels. “Maltesers or Mars Bar?”
You reach for the Maltesers. “I love you, Javi Gutierrez. You are helping me see the world anew.”
The TV news has ended and the weather report for London begins. 
“Bad news for all those hoping for a white Christmas, I’m afraid - looks like we’ll get our usual mix of overcast skies and showers, at least until New Year’s Eve.” The weather presenter looks apologetically into the camera.
“Oh, well. At least I did not order the sled.” Javi chews thoughtfully on the Mars Bar and you lean over to cuddle him, enjoying the feeling of his cornflower-blue cashmere sweater against your skin. 
“There’s always next year, darling.”
He hums happily. “And the year after that.”
You look up at him and grin. “And the year after that, and the year after that… but I expect at least a few Mallorcan festive seasons, please?”
He squeezes your hand. “We have a whole lifetime to choose where we celebrate the holidays. As long as we are together.”
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On Christmas morning you wake first and peek through the curtains of your flat. As predicted, the sky is overcast, though there’s no sign of the promised showers. 
“Feliz Navidad, princesa.” Javi sleepily hauls himself out of bed and walks over to join you, wrapping his arm around your shoulders as you lean in to kiss him.
“No snow, I’m afraid.”
He shrugs. “Another time. Now, it’s still early and we don’t have anywhere to be, so…can I take you back to bed and keep you nice and warm?”
You giggle and race him back to the comfort of your shared bed, immediately reaching for each other under the duvet, hands seeking to remove and discard pyjama pants, nightshirts, and anything else getting in the way of being completely naked in each other’s arms. 
Javi kisses you along the side of your neck and down to your breasts, hands holding you tight around the middle as you sigh with pleasure.
“I haven’t even given you your gift yet, Javi…”
He chuckles and flicks his tongue over your nipple, making you gasp. “I have you. I do not need anything else.”
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You cook him breakfast - he wants to take charge of dinner, and has spent weeks with various Nigel Slater and Delia Smith cookbooks in preparation - and then repair to the couch, Javi reading through the TV listings magazine and exclaiming happily when he sees a movie he likes in the planner. 
It is possibly the most perfect Christmas there ever was, you think, wriggling your toes happily in your new cashmere socks (one of Javi’s gifts to you) as you cuddle up to him and take a long draught from your huge mug of tea. You close your eyes for a moment to feel fully present in the kind of happiness you never thought you’d get to know. 
At first, you think it’s a trick of the light, caused by the way you’ve closed and opened your eyes. As your vision adjusts, you realise it’s nothing of the sort.
“Javi?” You nudge him and point towards the window of the flat. “Look. Look, Javi.”
He stands up and walks to the window and you follow quickly behind. 
“Is it…?”
“It’s snowing, Javi. It’s a white Christmas.”
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Hampstead Heath is already busy with people of all ages when you and Javi get there, snugly wrapped up in your warmest coats and hats. Some children are gamely trying to use their sleds, despite the covering of snow barely being thick enough to roll up.
Javi glances at them and then gives you a pointed look before breaking into a grin. “I know, I know, mi amor. I couldn’t have used the sled anyway.”
“So what do you want to do, baby? I don’t recommend snow angels, not on the Heath - god knows what you’d find on your coat afterwards - and there isn’t enough snow for snowmen, not yet.”
Javi looks around for a moment, honey-brown curls poking out adorably under his dark red knitted hat. He bends forward and reaches for some snow, carefully shaping it in his gloved hands.
“Something else I’ve seen in the movies, maybe? A snowball fight.”
You nod, and he lobs the snowball at you so gently that it barely touches you before it plops sadly to the grass at your feet. 
“Oh, Javi, you’re going to have to do better than that.” Your turn to take aim, and the frozen missile lands squarely on Javi’s chest. He gazes down at it, amazed, before making another snowball of his own. 
You both run around the open expanse of ground, squealing with laughter and throwing snowballs like raucous schoolchildren (albeit with terrible aim). 
Nearby, church bells signal the hour and Javi pulls you to him and kisses you deeply as the snow continues to fall.
Just like in the movies. 
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Author's Note: I suspect (judging by personal experience) that the selection box may not be a familiar concept to readers outside of the UK and Ireland, so here's an explainer. Basically: imagine a cardboard box filled with a selection of chocolate bars and sweets, usually from a single brand or manufacturer.
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r0-boat · 2 years
So like, Imagine.
Emmet is ranting to the substitute hero.
"Honestly, Months of scheming all for some Nobody to waltz through the door."
"Wow harsh."
"Ah well, even with your sub optimal brain activity you'll make a verrry good meal for my Joltiks."
"Wa-wait a minute I didn't Ask to cock block you. Ya know! I've got my own nemesis who's probably really confused why (Reader Hero Name) is crashing our work date instead of me...crashing my own work date. You get the idea!"
"I am Emmet and I am confused. You did not Choose this assignment?"
"Nope, I'm supposed to be down town watching a terribly adapted book flick. I mean, stopping my nemesis from destroying a movie theater...playing the terribly adapted book flick. We'd throw some one liners, throw some debris, Accidentally destroy those awful movie files in the process. Then sit in the wreckage and eat some popcorn together."
"But instead I'm Here being insulted by, you, because one of our company supervisor's doesn't believe Hero Nemesis relationships should be encouraged. So neither of us is having a good day."
"I see...and what is the Name of this supervisor?"
A few minutes later after the Substitute hero is untied.
"Okay so this is the Supervisor's name and image on the company website. Asshole doesn't even set Foot in the office half the time. Just constantly telling us 'lowly workers' where to go otherwise we get our asses chewed. Last week he said if he catches us taking 'too long with our villian interactions' we could suffer a pay dock. Can you believe that shit?"
"How awful." Ingo agrees as he buzzes around readying their transport.
"Verrry unprofessional. But please continue." Emmet prompts taking notes.
"Oh that's the Tip of the iceberg, there's also a gag order on heroes communicating with their nemesis on the clock otherwise it's Major disciplinary action. Like how does that make sense!? How are heroes supposed to go Meet their villains in battle if we can't communicate!? Also his car looks like this...and..."
Meanwhile at the Movie Theater. The Hero Reader is consoling the Substitute Hero's Villan.
"Like, we planned this date for Months. I know Pookie said work was really cracking down, but I never expected they'd pull This!" CRASH! "IT'S SO NOT FAAAAAAAIR!"
You patted the now monstrous form of the villain on the shoulder as they sobbed. Slow day at the movie theater meant minimum evacuations and without your own villains your heart really wasn't in it for battle.
"There there, I know the feeling you're going through. My day as a hero just isn't complete until I've heard my villains' monolog at least once."
The hero reader swivels to see the twins and the substitute hero standing in the entrance to the movie theater with snacks from the concession stand.
"Hi babe! OOF!" You were too stunned to laugh as your coworker was engulfed in a twirling hug by their nemesis. "I'm So sorry babe. I wanted to tell you what happened but-"
"Shh," The other villian assured, now back in their more humanoid appearance. "I know you didn't mean to hurt my feelings Pookie, I'm just happy you found a way to be here."
"Well, I can't take full credit for that idea." You coworker gestured to your own villains. "Now, let's go tear that movie to shreds!"
The two ran further into the complex with a STOMP STOMP STOMP STOMP to find the flick that had apparently offended them so.
You were still a little bewildered but smiled after them. Two peas in a pod it seemed.
"What's on your mind, dearest?" Emmet cooed, draping his arms over your shoulders and pressing his lips to your temple.
You leaned into the warmth. "That was a sweet thing you two did." You commented. "Giving up your own plan so those two could have their date I mean."
"Technically it was a mutual exchange." Ingo supplied coming to your side and taking your hand so he could bring it to his lips for a kiss.
"Indeed, coming here led us to you. We would not have done so otherwise." Emmet assured, with almost complete confidence.
"True, but you could've goaded my coworkers villian into coming to You. But instead you did the opposite." You felt Emmet tense. "Gotcha, you big softie."
"I am Emmet and I am Not Soft."
"Okay but you are though."
"I am Not!"
"No-Mmph! Mmm...mmm..." His protest was cut off by him melting into your affection.
You smiled against Emmet's lips as you broke the kiss. Then you whispered "are~"
Emmet blushed and grumbled, but didn't release you from the hold he had on your back. Ingo even let out a small chuckle before taking his turn for some of your affection.
"Mmm," Ingo's lips parted from yours only briefly before he went back for more. You'd all missed this.
"But don't worry. That's why I adore you both so much. My nemeses." You cooed happily. "Now Ingo could you step back a moment dear?"
"Hm? Of course." He did so. "But may I ask wh-?"
You wrapped your arms around one of Emmet's and fuckin TOSSED his ass, (but landed him gently) over your shoulder onto the movie theater carpet.
He was stunned for a moment, before a huge grin broke across his face even as he lay flat out on the floor. "You are going to regret that Hero!"
You felt warmth pool in your cheeks and body. "We'll just have to see about that. Villians!" You hopped back, feeling your power course through your veins as your twins readied their offense.
"En garde Boys!
And so on that day a new loophole was discovered regarding heroes and nemesi double dates, the public loves a good collaboration after all.
Well, there was One person who wasn't thrilled about the outcome. But as one person might say "They had barely enough brain activity to satisfy a Joltik, so who cares what they think?"
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Can you imagine a giant monster of a villain just sitting in a tiny seat being consulted by the hero and the just hand them a small tissue. The huge monster thanks them politely and takes the tiny tissue with their sharp claws.
Also thank you so much for this Beaker! this describes exactly the kind of tone this Au would have.
Also also, I would like to imagine the Board is confused and very concerned when all of their Heroes just started banging their villains, and they don't know what to do. Obviously, they couldn't fire all their workers, so they basically just said no work PDA...lol.
Emmet had "no talk, me angry" energy and I love it.
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under-theweirwood · 2 years
Snippet Saturday
below the cut: a very early moment of Prongsfoot friendship and tenderness. tagged by @quietlemonhush to post a snippet and here i am, two days later, with a snippet. (also a reminder to read my other new wolfstar fic) 
tagging @newsom and anyone else who wants to participate ;-) gotta rebuild my repertoire of fic friends (tm) after a long time off tumblr so hit my line if you want to be best friends on this website. 
James awoke up to watery gray dawn light outside and the sound of someone nearby being very unhappy. It isn’t Peter, or Remus, who had both fallen asleep with the curtains ajar around their beds. It’s Sirius, whose bed is closet to James, who barely said a word since sitting down at the Gryffindor table. His curtains were drawn around his bed still, but from within them James could hear a wet gasping sound, as though Sirius were sobbing or breathing hard or both. 
James considered his options. It was far too early to be awake, and his soft sheets and fluffy blanket called to him, to curl back up and leave the other boy to whatever it was that he was doing. At the same time, though, his Mum had told me to always make sure to check on the people he cared about, and sure he didn’t know Sirius well (yet, he added to himself) but he was pretty sure he cared. 
“Alright, mate?” James whispered quietly, leaning across the gap between beds to get as close to Sirius’s curtains as he could. 
In response there was a mumble, wet and low. Then, Sirius pulled back the curtain to peer out at James. Under his heavy dark fringe, his grey-blue eyes were wide and full of tears. His face was wet, too, like he’d been crying for ages. James wondered how long he’d been awake, so sad and all alone in his bed. 
“It’s really early,” James whispered, because he needed to say something. “I don’t even think the birds are up yet.” 
Sirius half-nodded, and started to make a whimpering noise before clapping his hands over his mouth to silence it. “Please don’t tell,” he said, and his voice was squeaky. “You can do what you want to me but don’t tell anyone-” He broke off in another whimper. 
James was confused. It was so early, and Sirius was so sad, and James was getting hungry, which certainly wasn’t right for the situation... “Do what to you? What would I be doing?” He felt like maybe he’d missed something. 
Sirius considered for a moment, taking quivering breaths. “Don’t tell the others that I’m weak,” he said, rubbing at his eyes like he could erase the evidence. 
“I won’t,” James said solemnly, before repeating it in a whisper. “I won’t.” After a second of thinking furiously, he added, “Why would I do that?” 
“Because I’m weak and stupid and I don’t belong here.” His voice broke halfway through and then he was crying again, hands over his mouth, shoulders shaking. 
James was quite alarmed. “I don’t think you’re any of those things,” he said kindly. Feeling far out of his depth, he added, “If the Hat says you belong here of course you do. The Sorting Hat magic is even older than Hogwarts, my Mum says.” 
“Do you want to come lay in my bed?” He asked. “My mum always told me to do that when I got sad in the night.” James crossed back to his bed and patted the space next to him. 
Sirius eyes him again, suspiciously for a second as though it might be a trick, before sniffling and hopping across the gap to settle next to James. 
Up close, James was even more worried about his new friend. Sirius’s lips were bloody and cracked, like he’d been chewing them, and his nails were bitten down to the quicks. Everything about him was raw and pink and sad. James couldn’t imagine feeling so sad; everything he had wanted at Hogwarts was already coming true. Sorted into Gryffindor, found some friends-- nothing could dampen those twin joys, even knowing he couldn’t try out for Quidditch for years and years. 
“Thanks,” Sirius mumbled. 
“‘course,” James replied easily. “It’s what friends are for.” 
Sirius smiled at that, and it was like his face cracking open and light flooding in everywhere. “Friends?” He asked, tentatively. 
“Of course friends.” 
Sirius smiled even wider.
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taylorgraymoore · 9 months
December 5, 2023
Below is one more day from my online diary thingy, which I'm posting more regularly on my website (www.taylorgraymoore.com). If you like it, please take a look :D
I'm going to take a break from chronicling Montreal for now and try to catch up to the present, which is getting forgotten. And that forgets the whole point of the project. I need to wait to talk to someone about the next bit, anyway, and have time to chew on it. So, a break.
Anyway, here you go:
Today has been an eventful day, easily the most eventful of the trip so far: it’s nearly 4AM on the 6th now, and the day hasn’t ended. I just got back. I am well and drunk, and it’s far too late to write about any of this. Let me try again tomorrow, or later. Perhaps on the plane. I don’t know when the next time will be: this end of the trip is so compressed, and there is so much happening that these last days, as I look back at them (I’m back in Vancouver now, I couldn’t even finish this on the plane), and it feels like it should have been most of the trip. It was not—it was only the last 50 some-odd hours of a week long visit.
Almost everything after this point, this day and the next one at least, I finished after the fact. It got that busy. … So, the texture of the narrative will therefore be somewhat different—I don’t know how, but if I’m writing most of it in Vancouver who knows how long later, that will probably happen. It’s a memoir now, not a diary. Although I’ll still try to pretend—
Today is the day I promised to visit Tom in Lachine. Lachine is far—still technically Montreal proper, although this is only recently the case, but so far west it’s almost the airport, and, apart from passing through making my way to a plane, I have never been there. So I had to look up how to get there, and what time I had to leave if I wanted to get there, hang out a bit, and then get back out with reasonable time left in the evening. I have plans to get out to Verdun in the evening, you see—there’s somebody I want to see.
.I check this. I’ve checked it before, but I want to check again to be sure, and be more exact about it. Seems I’ll have to leave the apartment by 10:45—the earliest I’ve left to go anywhere so far—walk to the metro, get off at Lionel-Groulx and change to a bus. Not so complicated. But it’s a long trip, about an hour, and I always dislike unknown transfers, especially when the bus only comes every half an hour.
(It’s Friday, December 15th right now—the fourth day of waking up at 5am, and I’ve been editing this stuff at about 5pm every day this week, after coming home from the early shift I’ve been waking up at 5 for and settling in. It’s starting to get hard to do this, just from accumulated fatigue. And the texture of these texts is starting to turn into something more uncertain, less spontaneous. I’m less sure if I like it any more; I’m not sure if it’s still—and I HATE using this word but it’s the only one I know that gets the idea across—authentic to what it was meant to be. It’s starting to feel too much like fiction. I’m starting to worry too much about the plot, about scenes, about what I want to convey, and I’m going back and editing too much. I’m going to try to quit that a bit.)
I hadn’t seen Tom in… when was the last time I saw Tom? I don’t even remember. We weren’t so close, but I liked him. I was not always nice enough to him. It would be good to see him again. I had promised to see him before I knew he lived way out in Lachine, but that was fine—I like a good, long journey into the unknown. Fleshing out the map of the city a little. I’m a wanderer at heart, at least when I can do it by bus.
He offered to sell me back the copy of Animal Crossing that I sold him back in 2018, during the worst days at the end when I was selling everything off, mostly old games that I had never wanted to get rid of and wish I still had. (Oh, hey, that must’ve been the last time I’d seen him. Standing across from the old bathhouse at Bagg and St-Laurent waiting to meet him and exchange the game for, what was it, about thirty bucks? It was outside where, in the wee hours of the next morning, I would find that Matvey was saying. The world goes in these circles and places find their meaning that way). I said sure. I would be pleased to get it back—I’d give it to my mom, who had played it more than me. I wasn’t happy to sell a single one of those, and the idea of getting one of them, any of them, back is intensely cathartic. Like the quiet sort of emotional resolution you get at the end of a lot of quiet postmodern novels—a little bit of Earthly perfection.
I want to finish editing the last chapter of the novella before I go, and I do that easily—it’s only a couple of pages long, and I don’t have so many notes to copy out. Want to do that so much because I strongly suspect I will have no more time after I heard out the door that morning.
I have another time after I’m done to finish my coffee and get a 20 from the ATM in the dep directly below me, and then I’m off towards Mont-Royal metro through the snow that I’m already used to again. Enough has fallen and been packed now that I don’t slip so easily anymore. Make a quick phone call to home as I go up Rachel, then I turn onto St-Denis, thinking about how I had always wanted to spend more time on the street and how nice it feels to be walking along it now, and then I slip onto the metro and begin the journey proper. I zip underneath downtown and then out the other side.
Lionel-Groulx is a place I’ve never gone to much except to pass through. It’s where the bus from the airport lets you off, and where you catch it if you’re going out again. Sometimes I also got off here to go to the Super C by the Atwater Market, but that’s about it. I know there’s stuff around here, just the pattern of my life. I think I did go to a cafe near here once, just to have done it. But I associate it with comings and goings.
When I first arrived back after five years in exile, last May, I got out here. It has a power to it if only for that.
It’s one of my favourite stations design wise—looks pretty nice, I like the strange twisted tree sculpture with the faces, and it’s highly functional: an exchange station, the obvious transfers are made by just crossing the platform. Refreshing compared to all the walking in Berri-UQAM and not to mention the twisted labyrinth inside Jean-Talon. (I don’t know Snowdon enough to have an opinion.) Matt raves about it on his website: it’s truly excellent. … Let’s not talk too much about who its named after, other than to say he’s got a nice name.
There’s a bit of confusion when I surface from it, because the bus stop I need had been moved for… some reason that was not clarified. I cross Atwater towards a stop I at first think is what I want, only to find another closed stop. I turn around and see the bus appearing and about to turn towards what I realize is definitely the place I’m supposed to be. But the light changes, I bolt back across Atwater, and I join the line with plenty of time. I board. I sit. The bus pulls away and I water the world go by out the window as we follow the same path as that fabled bus to the airport until pulling out to go to Lachine.
Like I said, have never really been to Lachine. The airport bus passes along the top of it, although on the expressway so you don’t really see it, and I did get a better view on Uber ride once, which went along the streets of Lachine while trying to get me through the airport in time to catch a flight while the expressway was backed up with traffic.
The bus followed the same route as that Uber had for a short while, then turned onto Provost. I enjoy seeing previously unknown streets: it looks like how a lot of Montreal looks, but there are more single-floor detached homes. It’s a little like the South Shore, but not nearly that suburban. I watched a TV show filmed here once, and it looks enough like the East End for you to not notice it isn’t. But it is certainly more out of the way than where I’ve spent most of my time.
I get off at the stop Maps told me to get off at, and begin the trek through the snow to my end destination—one long Montreal block away. I pass a stop for the 90 St-Jacques, which is closer to where I’m going and also goes back to the metro. Maybe a better way to leave—and it goes through NDG, where there’s a bookstore I want to visit. Let’s look into that.
The address I’m headed for is the first building around the corner, when I turn. I walk up the steps and ring the apartment number I’d been given, get buzzed in.
Tom is as I remember him, more or less. Which isn’t a bad thing. We do the exchange for the game, he gets his twenty and the Animal Crossing goes into my bag, and then we sit and play some steam games. for an hour or two. It’s the most relaxed I’ve been in days. I do better than I thought I would, and I wish I did stuff like this more often. I note to myself I should see how many of these I can find on the Switch when I’m back in Van.
But then it’s time to go—we promise to add each other on switch, and I leave to catch that 90 St-Jacques bus. Which runs every fifteen minutes, not every half hour like the other one, apart from just plain being closer, and Tom agrees it’s the better way to go. I leave the building, turn the corner. The buss appears, passes me, pulls up to the stop. I break into a run, dunking under one or two tree branches without slowing down and praying I don’t slip. It sits there. I make it. I sit down to catch my breath—my lungs are still not exactly super happy, so I’m suffering a little—and see the useful digital sign telling me that I had five more minutes and so didn’t need to run.
It’s a more interesting bus route: the same way back along Provost, and then down 1re and Georges-V the way I came, but then instead of joining the Autoroute it instead goes under it and takes me through more that I’d never seen—through Ville St-Pierre and the bottom of Montreal West, along St-Jacques until I recognize Cavendish and here we are in familiar lands again. NDG: I spent a lot of time here, I was in a relationship with someone who lived here for years, and then I even lived here for a week at the very end of things. Even after I had come back to Montreal, it seemed like another thing entirely to go back to NDG, and I didn’t honestly expect to do it. But here I am—for the bookstore.
At Upper Lachine and Melrose I get off the bus. I walk up Melrose, through the tunnel under the tracks, and then continue until I eventually reach Sherbrooke West—which is exactly as I remember it. Why does it seem impossible that it still exists preserved? It should have collapsed like a false vacuum after I last passed by here on the 105. Like a fantasy world one wakes up from, like Koholint Island, gone.
But that’s silly; and nothing has changed. My favourite cafe there closed down during lockdown, but even that is the same on the outside—the sign is still up and everything, just the windows are papered over. I know this because I pass it on the bus when I leave, later, and I’m shocked to see that even that is the same. It must have been held suspended for me, so I could see it again and leave it properly, without fear and without distortion.
The reason why I’m here at all: Encore Books & Records. The third and last bookstore I’m going to to find the Okri book. … have they have it! I hadn’t even planned to come here. Must be fate. They have it, plus a couple of other books I want—Achebe’s No Longer at Ease, which I read shortly thereafter, and then I forget the other one—and a couple of records—Ville Emard Blues Band, plus a Christmas gift for someone—and I make myself glad that I brought a reusable tote back. I prolong my visit a bit longer, because I really did not expect to ever be back here. I take some pictures and send them to Mark, who would love it. Then—I really don’t want to be too late getting back—I head onwards. Walk out to the stop for the 105, wait a good ten minutes for it. Take the trip I remember so well back towards Vendome and the outside world, passing the shuttered Shaika and a past life as I go.
A version of myself died here in 2018. For years after, it really was hard to believe that my life had not somehow ended, that the life I was living in my present was in any way still my own. This bus ride reattaches that death to my continuing life. I don’t think that, then; that’s the artistry brought on by a later week’s reflection; when I disembark outside the totally reconstructed and unrecognizable Vendome, I’m only thinking of how hungry I am.
Back in the Plateau, I get off at Sherbrooke rather than Mont-Royal, so that, on the way back, I can stop off at Le Vieux Europe and get one of their sandwiches. It was on my list of places that I’d always wanted to go to but never did. I also like the walk better: I’m sick of the walk from Mont-Royal, and I want to see Carré St-Louis and the lower bits of the Plateau, I am happy to get to walk along des Pins E and along Roy, go past a not-yet-open Else’s and remember the good and the bad times had in there (mostly good; I only haven’t been there yet because I have decided to wait for Matvey, because it was his place more than mine…)
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jaymgates · 2 years
Antares Log - Travel
The collected posts from his journey out here.
So, my journey with Antares, which continues to be the definition of "interesting times":
Saw him on the New Vocations website. Fell in love. Submitted an application that day.
Vet took 3 weeks to send confirmation that they do, in fact, care for the horse Dylan owns.
Application finally confirmed.
Reach out to trainer handling his rehab. She says he's on stall rest for a hoof issue.
Several weeks pass. He gets off stall rest, gets turned out, I'm told he's going back into training.
I contact a ton of horse haulers. Only one gets back to me with a decent quote, which expires in a month.
He gets ridden once, comes up lame.
Two weeks more of stall rest, terror, vet visits, xrays, radiographs.
Eventually, "he got too excited after stall rest and hurt himself."
He finally goes sound again. Goes under saddle. Trainer has a week-long retreat, during which time I'm chewing my nails off.
The shipping quote expires on Wednesday.
I'm supposed to get my first video of him on Friday. On the following Monday, I message with a nervous "heeeyyyy, everything okay?"
He's fine, one of his stall mates did that magical thing horses do where it ripped a gash in its haunch and the trainer spent all day with that.
Get the video literally while I'm being tattooed. Manage, with one hand and no ability to move, to confirm I want him.
I expect it, given the timelines at that point, be a few days at least until anything more happens.
Ten minutes later, "Great, I'll send the contract." I am still being actively tattooed.
Sign the contract, post all sorts of "YAY!" things. Get a call from my grandfather that my grandmother is in the hospital for unknown reasons. (That got sorted out fine, but argh.)
Get a new quote from the hauler. Confirm timeline. Gas prices have gone down, yay, quote is lower.
Let the trainer know the timeline.
Talk to hauler. They have a semi, so getting him directly to the barn here is going to be hard. Can I pick him up in Chehalis?
A few stressed messages, and sure, we can come get him. Plus, it saves a big chunk of money.
A week of blissful peace, during which it starts to sink in that I have a horse.
Nagging feelings of concern linger, but everything SEEMS fine.
Monday, the hauler calls to get my card info. They mention they're having trouble setting up the NY to KY leg, but they're confident it will be figured out. I just won't have confirmation until a day or two in advance.
Contact trainer. Trainer needs specific dates to get his health certificate, without which, he cannot travel.
Contact hauler on Tuesday. Hauler can't confirm but gives me a couple of days it's most likely.
Trainer says she has a horse show the day he's likely to be picked up. Hauler is apologetic, but we'll work it out.
This morning (Wednesday), hauler lets me know they haven't been able to book him a ride because the Keeneland racehorse auction is this weekend and literally every major hauler on the East Coast is booked.
I flip out and light all the signal beacons.
The horse world is amazing. I literally get like thirty recommendations.
Two hours on the phone, everyone is booked, because it's the last minute, SHOCKINGLY.
Trainer, who by this point probably just wants me out of her hair, says to call one of the groups that turned down the hauler the first time.
Local hauler says they might be able to do it.
Call national hauler. They say that their truck leaves Wednesday, so if I can get him there by then, they'll make it work (he was supposed to get there Sunday night).
Call local hauler back. Local hauler says they'll call me back with a specific schedule quote.
Local hauler calls back, says they can't get him in til Wednesday.
Thank them, have a panic attack.
Call another recommendation. He's a lovely, sympathetic gentleman with a VERY New York Brooklyn accent which makes me think fondly of one of my adopted uncles, a former NYPD homicide detective I worked with for years, who was my first glimpse into how broken policing is.
Anyways, he commiserates with me for a few minutes and says he can't help.
I start to hang up.
Wait. Can they pick him up from Columbus? He's willing to go out of his way to meet them in Columbus...tomorrow night.
Call the national hauler back. Nope.
But wait! says national hauler. Truck doesn't leave til Wednesday night. Can I get him there Wednesday morning?
Call local hauler.
Nope, not by morning.
Local hauler maybe takes pity on my jaw-clenched "thank you I understand" response.
"Well, we could get him there late morning/early afternoon."
I call the national hauler. They're nervous, but that will work for them.
I IMMEDIATELY call the local hauler back, and jump on the opportunity. It's risky, because horses are fragile, and that's a lot of travel, but I can set him up with all the meds and supplements to keep him safe, and he's an experienced traveler.
We book everything. I get the dates, times, costs, stall size (he gets the big one for the first leg, just to make it as comfy as possible).
Everything is confirmed. I call the national hauler back, and let them know.
National hauler is surprised, but I point out that favors have been called in. They check the price I'm paying, which is...not cheap.
National hauler says "well, we have another horse that needs to go up to Stanwood that weekend, so we could take yours up for free to help offset the extra cost."
I confirm. Everything is good. Things are settled.
I post all the "thank you so much for your help!" statuses.
While I'm inside, updating Dylan, local hauler calls back.
I have another mild panic attack and forget voicemail is a thing.
I call back, get THEIR voice mail.
Leave a very stressed but polite message.
Remember voicemail is a thing.
"Sorry, i miscommunicated with the scheduler--" (caller speaks in that slow, Southern syrupy voice, which, it turns out, gives one plenty of time to have at least three panic attacks between the words "miscommunicated" and...) --"we'll actually be picking him up on the 19th and getting him there on Tuesday."
I hang up and stare at the phone. That miscommunication cost me an HOUR of phone calls.
Whatever. For the moment, he's booked to get to Kentucky on Tuesday, and Washington on Friday, and the barn on (I think) Saturday the 24th.
I am a wreck, but I'm so grateful for the equine community, which is a glorious trainwreck that is absolutely *terrifyingly* fast and networked when someone says "I know someone who needs help."
But seriously. The phone calls. I have literally made more phone calls today than I've made in probably most *years*.
I am so tired of phone calls. The drop-off update I need to send the national hauler is going in a goddamned email.
Trainer confirmed that Antares loaded up without any fuss this morning. He's currently on the New York to Kentucky leg. If all goes well, he'll spend tonight and tomorrow in Lexington and then, tomorrow night, be loaded onto a semi for a hard straight run from Kentucky to Washington. He'll switch trucks in Chehalis and, if everything goes right, make the last leg from Chehalis to Tulalip on Friday.
Jesus christ this is the stress train that never quits.
Everyone is FINE, but the hauler who has Antares right now just called from Ohio because some fucking asshole pulled right in front of her and a semi and slammed on his brakes. She was able to get stopped in the nick of time because her boss had sent her with the heavy-duty truck, but Antares got a little banged up and his leg is scraped up.
I just spent twenty minutes talking the driver down off of borderline hysteria because apparently she's never had this close a call in decades of hauling and felt terrible about it.
Just...DON'T FUCKING PULL IN FRONT OF TRAILERS AND SLAM YOUR BREAKS FOR FUCK'S SAKE. I suspect I'm going to have a full "what could have been" panic attack in the next few days about this because I've seen those pictures and this is one of my two worst nightmares relating to horses.
The good news is that she's absolutely in love with him. Even banged up and freshly traumatized, she said he stood incredibly calmly and gave her his feet when asked, didn't get spooky about his legs being handled, just did a "hey, that hurts" request to have his leg back when she was checking his wounds.
She said he's also incredibly sweet and friendly, hopped in the trailer with no fuss, and has been steadily working through hay - he's on his second bag already, and eating even though he was just nearly in an accident.
His previous owners and the rehab facility did a great job with him, and I'm happy to hear my assessment of his temperament so far has been correct. I think he's something very special...if I can get him here in one piece.
Also, he's apparently big enough to be a cozy fit even in a big slant trailer, so that helped keep him from getting too banged up.
I just...I really fucking want him home so this nightmare can end.
Antares made it to Kentucky about half an hour ago, finally. He's a little stressed and worried and asking the hauler for reassurance, but he's settling down and stretching out. He'll get electrolytes and free choice hay for the night, they'll check him out in the morning, and then he has a while to relax before the next leg.
I have promised to keep the hauler updated for the rest of the journey, too. This boy has quite the little network of people helping him along.
"No news is good news."
The truck with Antares and a bunch of other horses was scheduled to leave Kentucky an hour ago, and the coordinator (who seems to have hours as relentless and terrible as mine) promised she would let me know if anything delayed them.
I have not heard anything, so now I just...try to keep breathing.
He's a seasoned traveler. He's also injured, and stressed, and those things are hard on horses.
So now I stop pretending for a bit that I am a rational person who no longer believes in metaphysical woowoo and indulge in focusing every bit of good luck and safety I can conjure to get him through this last bit safely.
If it isn't real, it doesn't hurt anything. If it's even remotely a thing...I'll take every bit I can get, after the journey so far.
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fruitcoops · 3 years
hi you know that tiktok trend where people list the times that they’ve been atrociously humbled, could you write one of the lions doing that trend??
This was so much fun to write, you don't even know. SW credit goes to @lumosinlove!
“If anyone was thinking of buying tickets to the next Lions game, how about you don’t,” Finn said as he took the camera; someone off-screen was giggling. He scrubbed a hand down his face, then through his hair, and finally sighed. “Actually, no, that’s how I get paid. Do I really have to do this?”
“Yes,” several unseen voices chorused.
“The team has unanimously voted that I won the ‘Ego’ award this year, which, fuck you guys, I’m not that bad.” Protests tripped over each other until he waved them off with a mock glare. “In honor of my landmark win, I have been charged with the annual punishment. These are the top five times I have been atrociously humbled on the Lions hockey team, ranked in order of sheer agony.”
He pulled a slip of paper out of his pocket and sighed again. “Number five, going for a coast-to-coast goal in my rookie season—and making it past everyone—only to trip on my skate and knock myself out less than three feet from the goal.
“Number four, still having voice cracks at age 23.” He grimaced slightly as he looked to the camera. “Nothing like meeting the Arthur Weasley and sounding like a rottweiler’s favorite chew toy.
“Number three…” Finn trailed off and leaned his head back against his stall as more snickering broke out behind the camera. “You guys are the worst. We shouldn’t even have this award.”
“You seemed to think it was pretty funny when it was me,” Dumo remarked.
“Number three,” Finn continued, scrunching his nose up. “We’re getting into the painful stuff now. Playing the Tampa Bay Lightning and following my brother, Alex O’Hara, to the wrong bench not once, not twice, but four times throughout the game. This was unfortunately the end of my second full year in the NHL.”
“He hasn’t let you live that down,” Logan said gleefully.
“Shut the fuck up,” Finn half-laughed. “Number two, foolishly listening to my best friend’s French tutoring and—I don’t wanna say it.”
“Them’s the rules, Harzy,” James snorted, ignoring Finn’s pleading look.
Finn closed his eyes, a red blush creeping up his neck. “I foolishly listened to my best friend’s French tutoring and told the captain he—ugh—he had a nice ass instead of a good game.”
Cheers erupted throughout the locker room as the blush reached Finn’s face and he pressed the paper over his eyes. “Number one! Number one! Number one!” they chanted.
“I’m never doing anything for you ever again.” He rubbed the bridge of his nose as if it would help decrease the vivid redness of his face, then gave up and turned back to his notes. “Alright, number one. This happened about two weeks ago, if anyone was making a timeline. I came to the rink early to run some drills, and while I was in the shower I started singing along to the music I had put on—”
“He can’t sing, by the way,” Leo noted offscreen.
“Couldn’t carry a tune if he had a bucket,” Remus added.
Finn raised his eyebrows at them. “Is this your story? No? Then shut your fuckin’ mouth. I started singing along to my music because I thought the place was empty, but when I left the showers about three songs later, I came face-to-face with the entire 7 am men’s water aerobics class.”
Judging by the sheer volume of applause that followed, the entire team had come to witness Finn’s ordeal. “Congratulations on one more year of the ‘Ego’ award, Lions,” Dumo said around his laughter as he took the camera. In the bottom corner of the frame, Finn curled up on the floor and laid there with his eyes closed. “You can find the past years’ submissions on the Lion’s hockey website under our ‘media’ tab. Hopefully, we’ll be able to mop Harzy off the floor before the next game.”
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marvelousbutterfly · 2 years
Hi! are you taking prompts? i have one if you want to, how about Tony found out that they're light saber shaped chewables? i have ADHD and used them and when i'm working and recently purchased one, i was unsure because i thought it would be feeling weird (the lego one was uncomfortable) but is smooth and great ❤️
Hey there! I'm sorry it took me so long, but your prompt is finally done! This is part of a story that will have at least one more chapter. Here you go, I hope you enjoy it:
I am burned out (I smell of smoke) (read on ao3)
The school semester was finally over, and Peter was exhausted. It had been a draining one, and he had struggled more than usual. Still, with a lot of support, the boy had managed to keep his grades from sinking - though they did drop a bit.
On the first weekend after the end of the semester, Peter barely left his bed. May and Tony talked and shared their concerns with each other, and they finally decided to let him rest and recover, but still help him feel better from the accumulated stress and not dwell on it.
That's how the trio ended up in the Parker's living room, watching the boy's favorite Star Wars movie while having his current samef-ood from the nearby Thai place.
Once Peter fell asleep cuddled against May, Tony pulled up his phone and started searching for chewables on stim toy stores online. He had noticed that his pseudo-son had been chewing lightly on his fingers, and his chewables didn't seem to reach the teeth he needed them to at that moment, or maybe they couldn't provide the right stimulation he was seeking.
Tony scrolled through different websites, frustrated but unwilling to give up. That's when he pulled up yet another website and immediately saw the store's new products. One of them caught his attention: lightsaber-shaped chewables. The man celebrated quietly, causing May to look at him with a questioning look while suppressing a laugh. Tony grinned at her and mouthed "later".
He turned back to his phone, immediately adding two - no, three, Peter liked the number three - of those to his cart. __________________________________________________
Two days later, the package arrived. Tony rushed to the boy's room at the Tower, where he would stay for the week, knocking on the door lightly.
"Come in," Peter said in a small and slightly muffled voice.
The man opened the door to see a lump under the covers, the soft light of a laptop screen coming from under them as well.
"I've got something for you," he said, and Peter shoved the covers away, jumping up to a sitting position with the little energy he had, eyes wide in curiosity.
Tony handed him the package, which he opened slowly and carefully. When he finally got to the transparent zip-lock bag inside, he turned to look at his father-figure, a grin now plastered on his face.
"No way!" he said excitedly, "These are awesome!"
The man laughed fondly at his joy, happy to finally see him enthusiastic about something.
When May arrived for dinner at the Tower later that day, she couldn't hide her relief to finally see her nephew more relaxed. She also noticed how he was chewing on a toy this time, the light teeth marks on his fingers finally getting the chance to fade.
The small family gathered around the table, happily making plans for the next few days, wanting nothing more than to enjoy the boy's free time.
Of course, he still felt exhausted and needed time to recover after such a draining semester at school - the bad things never go away overnight, like magic -, but every happy moment like this, no matter how small, planted a seed of joy that would be able to grow little by little, until Peter could feel healed once again.
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(That font is so nice. And swirly.)
(Fyi, I've got school, so content will be sprinkled around like pixie dust)
1. Jin's name change.
I have brought this up in a meme, but like seriously. Jun to Jin. Could you guys came up with a more original name? (This isnt pointed at Sho, this is pointed at The Man with the Scar.) Like you literally named her brother swastika. I was thinking about what the options would be if MWS (The man with the scar) did that to Manji (Manji is Ban) so the options would be:
Bin or Bun
And that is just *sigh* amazing.
2. How in the literal guacamole did Isou get a school nurse job?
Ok, I dont know about Japan's teacher degrees, but to be a school nurse, in America, you can't be a criminal. You can't even go near a school if your a criminal.
You guys are probably saying:
What if they didn't know that they where hiring a mass murderer to work as a school nurse?
Well, there are literal wanted posters hanging up with this mans face on them
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Like literally. Why are they letting this guy work at a school? Come on! Do school districts in Japan not do background checks?
They where probably blinded by his doctorate. Of doom.
3. Why didn't the people on the yacht use a radio system?
So I am refering to chapters 252 and 253 where Korjio kindly asks the aggressive pontooners to stop killing his shark friends, and in response they say that sharks are evil and then throws a whale in K-man's face. Some time later Ikkaku destroys the people's phone, while looking like a bad ass:
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(I still hate his guts buttt.....)
And to this I say, Why didn't they use a radio system? I don't know for sure, but my grandpa's old boat has a radio in case of an emergency, and I would be shook if a yacht didnt have one. The only exuses that I could come up with are that they died too quick to reach the radio. But that would leave the question, who was driving the yacht? And that they spaced it or don't have one. The Zodiac get there, but they are already dead so once again the police fail to protect the people they are sworn to protect.
4. Aren't you not supposed to chew gum with braces?
This is referring to Six. I thought chewing gum would get stuck to your braces.
According to Healthline.com,
"Chewing gum, whether it is sugarless or not, can harm braces. Gum is sticky and can easily get stuck in the brackets and wires that traditional braces have as well as adhere to elastics (rubber bands). Gum can cause even flexible wires to bend and adversely impact the effectiveness of your braces to straighten teeth." (Healthline.com)
So umm ya. Chewing gum with braces isn't really a good idea. Maybe its magic gum that doesn't stick to your brackets or something, but in real life, don't do that.
5. Is Shiro a really basic name in Japan? (Is Shiro the Hailey of Japan?)
No offence to any Hailey's or Shiro's out there, but not only is Shiro this guy:
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Shiro is also this guy:
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(I know half of y'all didnt know that, I didn't know that until I read the fandom page, so hopefully the people at the fandom page arent lieing, because that would turn my arguement into sand.)
So, is Shiro a common name?
The only thing that I know about the name Shiro is this story about two dogs that that fell in love but Shiro had to move and then his girlfriend dog got sad, and then he died, and then they made a statue about it.
(That was a really bad summary so if you wanna read the actual story its here)
I can't really research the common-ness of the name, (since I am in america, and I can't easily find Japanese websites) so this was just probably a waste of time. But its ok!
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candy-and-writing · 4 years
Mr. Brightside
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Request by @mmmmm-11​: Can I request a Cap fic in which he's pretty cold to the reader because he really doesn't know how to process his feelings and there is some jealously their in feeling both sides and then the smut 😅🤩
Warnings: 18+, smut, unprotected sex, oral sex, fingering, jealous! Steve, Steve is low-key a dick
A/n: so this took way longer than I meant it to and it's also a lot longer than anticipated. Thank you so much for requesting this!! I had so much fun writing this piece
I am NOT responsible for your media content consumption. This work is not intended for those under the age of 18 due to explicit sexual content and/or dark themes. By reading this work you agree that you are at least 18 years of age. I do not consent to have my work posted on any third party app or website; if you are seeing this work anywhere other than tumblr and archiveofourown, it has been reposted without my permission.
Steve was silent as you sat in the back of the quinjet, your forehead bloody and uniform pulled down to your torso as Bruce tended to the bullet hole gaping in your shoulder. His shoulders were tense, his features drawn into a scowl as he glared at you, stewing in his own anger.
You knew you fucked up, if the blood seeping out of your shoulder and the burning building you barely escaped was any confirmation. Steve huffed, his hands slamming down on the table placed in the middle of the jet.
You had grown used to this—the sudden flip of his mood with you. Ever since you first joined, he was cold and angry with you. It didn't matter if all you did was try to make him happy, there was always something you did that made him annoyed with you. You had learned long ago how to hold yourself up against the angry super-soldier.
"What the hell were you thinking?" Steve suddenly shouted at you, his loud tone sending a dull throb through your temples. "I gave you an order, you could've blown the mission!"
"I was going after Strucker," you groaned, wincing as Bruce pressed a rag against your wound. "I didn't see the detonator. I'm sorry."
"'Sorry' isn't gonna cut it, Y/n. You compromised the mission. You're lucky I cut him off or else you'd in a lot more trouble."
"I get it, Cap, I do, but can we talk about this later. . . when I'm not bleeding out?" Your vision was blurring and your body was feeling alarmingly numb.
"No, we're gonna talk about this now."
"Steve," Bruce cut in, "I think Y/n is right. Maybe we can talk about this when she feels better?"
Steve's jaw clenched. He was quiet for a moment, and you were worried he was going to explode on you again. He looked over his shoulder, where the rest of the team was watching, and sighed. "Fine."
You let out a breath as he walked to the front of the jet. You leaned back, resting your head on the wall as you closed your eyes.
You left Bruce's lab an hour after you landed, your bullet wound all but healed and given painkillers for your concussion. You were still a little dizzy as you wobbled back to your room when you ran into Steve. He was wearing a slim workout shirt that looked two sizes too small and dark sweatpants, probably heading to the gym. You straightened your shoulders, bracing yourself. He looked you over, scowling before he pushed past you.
You stood there for a moment, shocked he hadn't started screaming at you the second he saw you. You blinked, jogging after him. "Steve, wait!"
He stopped, looking down at you as you stood in front of him. You let out a breath, your world spinning.
"I'm sorry," you said. "I should've listened to you. I should've waited for backup and I didn't and it almost cost us Strucker. I'm sorry."
Steve didn't say anything. He looked at you, irritation gnawing at his features. He mumbled out a small, "It's fine," before turning away.
You bit the inside of your cheek to distract you from the pang in your chest. You should be used to it by now—his aloofness. That didn't mean it still didn't sting, though.
You had no idea what you did to make Captain America hate you. Hell, you didn't think he had the capability to hate anyone. When you first joined the team, scared and defensive, you were just there to follow orders—because Fury had not-so-subtly given you an ultimatum that threatened your life. You were good at what you did, you were good at following orders. You stood in the background and did what people told you to do. Being a HYDRA pawn will do that to you.
But then people opened up to you. Bucky was the first one—being the former Winter Soldier, he knew what it was like to have your life taken away by HYDRA. And for some reason, he trusted you, even if you hadn't spoken a word to him. Natasha and Clint were next, then Tony, and soon the whole team treated you like you were apart of their family. But Steve didn't. You'd been with the team for months, and you were no closer to him than you were to that automatic corkscrew in the kitchen that you could never get to work.
You showered, changed, and sat on your bed for exactly twenty seconds before you realized you were done. If Steve wasn't going to tell you what his problem was, maybe someone else could.
You walked into the lounge area, finding Bucky and Sam squabbling over the remote.
"C'mon, man," Sam argued. "I got a recorded episode of the Voice that is callin' my name!"
"Watch it in your room, Wilson. The Great British Baking Show is on and I'm already watching it."
You smirked to yourself, moving to stand in front of them until one of them finally noticed you. It was your best tactic with the two of them, waiting patiently until they were done with. . . whatever they were doing. You rested your hands at your sides, eyebrow quirking when Sam called Bucky's hair 'greasy', which highly offended Bucky.
Bucky had just pulled the remote out of Sam's hands when he finally saw you. "Oh, hey, doll. How long ya' been standing there?"
You shrugged. "Not important. . . can I talk to you?"
Bucky kicked Sam out of the lounge area, who dragged himself out of the room mumbling to himself about his show. You sat down beside Bucky, crossing your legs and folding your hands in your lap.
"So," Bucky ran a hand through his hair, " what did you want to talk about?"
You chewed on the inside of your cheek for a moment, looking down at your hands as you asked the question that had been haunting you since you arrived at the Compound. "Why does Steve hate me?"
Bucky blinked, then started chuckling. You frowned.
"You think—" he paused, sucking in a breath. "Well, I don't blame you. He hasn't exactly been kind to you, has he?"
You scoffed. "No, he hasn't. Did I do something? Is. . . is it because of what I used to do—you know—before this?"
"No, doll, it's not that. Trust me."
You weren't convinced. "Are you sure? Because—"
"Trust me, Y/n, I'm sure." Bucky smiled at you. A teasing smile, like he knew something you didn't.
"Well, can you tell me what's going on, then?" you sighed. "Because I'm getting a little tired of the cold shoulder."
Bucky pursed his lips, his eyes squinting slightly like he was thinking. You stared at him, waiting for his answer.
"You know the party Tony's throwing tomorrow?" Bucky said suddenly.
You frowned, not seeing what that had to do with the conversation. "Yeah. . . ?"
"All you have to do is show up. And wear something cute."
You raised an eyebrow, a smile breaking your lips amidst your confusion. "Don't I always, Soldat?"
You had managed to avoid Steve's austere glare until the party. You knew he would be there for professional appearances, being Captain America and all.
You had shuffled the dress up your body—the silky black fabric tickling your thigh. You stood in front of your mirror, back facing the glass as you struggled to turn your head at the right angle and tie the criss-cross strings racing down your back. This dress had been Natasha's, but had grown too small for her, so she gave it to you. She and Wanda did that with many of their clothes, seeing as how when you showed up at the Compound you had half a duffel bag of clothes to your name—all of which you'd stolen from different shops.
You had opted to leave your hair down, letting your locks fall past your shoulders in loose curls. You did your makeup in record time, finishing the look off with a red velvet lipstick.
Dragging your hair over one shoulder, you clipped the pearl choker necklace Tony had given you for Christmas around your neck, letting it rest on your collar. You weren't expecting anything from anyone for Christmas—you'd never even celebrated Christmas before coming onto the team. Tony's gifts were personal, whether they be deep and meaningful or jokingly hilarious. As he handed you a long, thin box, he had apologized—you were so quiet and reclusive he wasn't sure what you wanted, so he bought you this necklace. That was the first time you hugged Tony.
Slipping on a pair of sleek black heels, you looked yourself over in the mirror once more before leaving your room. You could hear the commotion of the party from your area of the living quarters, music echoing off the walls and people dressed in button-down shirts and fancy dresses.
As you stepped down the stairs, your eyes fell on Bucky, who was playing pool with Steve and Sam. Steve was smiling, laughing at something Sam had said as he sunk the ball into the corner pocket. You smiled to yourself, ignoring the pang of jealousy you felt in your chest. Why couldn't he smile like that at you?
Bucky had noticed you descending the stairs, perking up. He said something to Steve, walking off towards you. Steve frowned, his gaze following Bucky's path when his eyes landed on you. His shoulders stiffened and he shifted on his feet as looked back at Sam. You met Bucky in the middle of the room, giving him a small smile.
"Damn, doll," Bucky smirked. "You look good." You chuckled, cheeks heating up.
"Well," you looked down at your dress, "you said to wear something cute. What exactly do you have planned?"
"You'll see." He laughed at the scowl you gave him. He grabbed two cocktails from a wandering server, handing one to you. "Here—have a drink and come join us."
"Oh, no, I shouldn't. Steve looks like he's enjoying himself and. . . I'd hate to ruin his good mood." Your gaze turned sad without you even realized. Bucky wanted to smack Steve upside the head all over again—he was hurting you, alienating you and all you were trying to do was be a part of the team.
"You won't, trust me. Please? Sam keeps bragging about being the best pool player of his squadron and I'm having a hard time not punching him in his big mouth. It'd be nice to have someone around who isn't on their high-horse."
You giggled, struggling to take a sip of your drink. "Fine, but he starts chastising me, I'm out."
You followed Bucky back to the pool table, Steve glaring daggers at you and Bucky as the soldier picked up his cue stick.
You weren't sure how long you watched the boys play pool, but four drinks later you were tipsy and almost oblivious to Steve's lingering stare. Bucky knocked the eight ball into a corner pocket, yelling out a shout of victory as he won the game. Sam rolled his eyes.
Someone stood beside you and cleared their throat, prompting you to turn your head. Thor stood next to you, his hair pulled away from his face and donning a long red coat and dark wash jeans.
"Lady Y/n." He smiled at you, holding his hand out as you blushed. You always blushed when he called you that. "Would you care for a dance?"
"Uh—" You looked over at Bucky, who was smirking. He tilted his head, motioning for you to go. Your eyes wandered up at Steve, who looked like he was about ready to throttle Thor. He really did hate the idea of his team socializing with you. Smiling to yourself, you looked back at Thor. "Actually, I'd love to."
You walked off with Thor, stopping just before you left their line of sight. It was petty, what you were doing—using Thor to deliberately piss off your Captain. But he didn't leave you much of a choice. Thor rested his hand on your waist, his large fingers brushing against your bare back. You shivered, putting your hand on his shoulder. He held your other hand as you two swayed to the music.
"You look lovely tonight, Y/n," Thor said, looking down at you through his eyelashes. You thought your cheeks were warm from the alcohol, but after that comment, your face was burning. You were sure your cheeks were a bright red.
"Th-thank you," you stuttered. You cleared your throat. "You. . . uh—you look nice, too. I like your jacket."
Thor chuckled. "You do not have to be so nervous, Y/n. It is only a dance."
"Yeah, well, I've never really danced before. . . like actually danced. I've danced for missions before, but things never really ended well for my partner."
"Well, I do hope things end better for me."
You giggled. "Well, I haven't been hired to kill you, so I think you're good." You nervously laughed at your joke, hoping it wasn't as awkward as you thought it was.
You danced with Thor until he invited to get a drink with him. You sat at the bar, nursing a cocktail Natasha made for you while Thor was telling you about the time he battled a pack of trolls in the mountains of Svartalfheim.
When the party was over, you were still talking to Thor. You thanked him for dancing with you, making sure to tell Bucky goodnight. You walked up the staircase, heading toward your room when you stopped. Steve stood in front of your door, arms crossed and frowning.
"Steve?" He turned his head, meeting your confused gaze. "Can I. . . can I help you with something?"
"We need to talk," he said curtly.
"O-Okay." You were overtly aware of the click of your heels as you opened your door for him, letting him enter your room. You carefully let the door slide closed behind you, staring at Steve. "Do you want anything to drink? I can get you a glass of water? Or I think I still have some beer Bucky left in the fridge?"
That had been the wrong thing to say. You watched his eyes darken, lips curling into a snarl as he shoved you up against your wall. His grip on your biceps was borderline painful, his nose inches from yours and you could feel his hot breath fanning your face.
"Don't talk about Bucky. Not now."
You swallowed thickly, Steve watching the line of your throat. "Okay, I won't. I'm sorry."
You fell silent, stuck staring at Steve's features. The barely-there green in his eyes, the crease of his eyebrows, the lines of his frown, his lips. You didn't realize he was doing the same to you until his breathing calmed. You licked your lips nervously, Steve staring at the dart of your tongue. And then his lips were on yours.
You stood frozen—shocked—for only a moment before closing your eyes and moving your lips against his. He let go of your arms, letting you wrap them around his neck and pulling him closer, moaning into his mouth. His tongue darted into your mouth, kissing you like you've never been kissed until you were breathless and had to pull away.
Your lips were red and swollen, eyes closed as you rested your hands on Steve's chest, playing with a button on his shirt.
"I'm sorry," he said quickly, voice husky. "I'm sorry I've been so mean to you. I just—I didn't know how to deal with my feelings about you."
"Shut up," you breathed. "And kiss me."
His lips crashed onto yours again, his hands on your hips as he pulled you closer into his body. The kiss was needy and possessive, the intensity of it almost frightening, the raw need and hunger behind his actions overwhelming you.
His mouth moved down your jaw, leaving a trail of sloppy kisses down your neck. You fumbled behind you, undoing your dress and letting it pool at your feet. He picked you up effortlessly and you wrapped your legs around his narrow waist, hands cupping his face. He tossed you down on your bed, ripping open his blue button-down and throwing it on the floor. He pulled the white undershirt over his head, dropping it with his shirt while you kicked off your heels.
He crawled up the bed, hovering over you as he leaned down to kiss you. Just a quick peck before he moved to kiss your collar bone, his hands roaming up your thighs. One hand reached under you and you arched your back, letting him unclip your bra and slide the straps off your shoulders. He kissed along the skin he exposed, pulling the fabric down past your breasts.
He mouthed at the soft swell of your chest, sucking a red mark into your skin. He pinched your nipple lightly, rolling it between his forefinger and thumb and you jumped, arching your back. You inhaled a sharp, shaky breath when Steve popped a nipple into his mouth, his tongue lapping over the bud and swirling it around.
He continued to work down your body, kissing lower and lower and sucking marks into your skin at random intervals. He sucked a bruise in the divot between your ribs, one above your belly button, and one just above your underwear. As he peeled your lace panties off your legs and dropped them on the floor, he kissed back up your leg, his teeth grazing the sensitive skin of your thigh.
You were panting, squirming as his lips met just shy of where you needed them most. You almost screamed when his tongue finally connected with your little bud. He used the tip of his tongue first, just circling your clit as you whined, his thick finger slipping into your center. He pumped his finger in and out of you leisurely, suckling at your bundle of nerves before he quickly added a second finger.
You continued this until you were right on the precipice of orgasm, and when his fingers curled and brushed against that spot inside of you, your moan broke in your throat. The taut rubber band in your stomach snapped, muscles spasming as your head fell back against your pillows, Steve licking up your mess.
Steve moved up your body and kissed you, your release coating his face and you could taste yourself on his tongue. His hands went to your hips and he suddenly flipped you so you were straddling his thighs. You deepened the kiss, your hands coming up to cup his cheeks as Steve adjusted his length to meet your center, letting you slide onto him at your own pace.
He was large. Thick and long and your tight heat clutched around him in a marvelous way and he wasn't even halfway in. Steve had broken the kiss, leaning back and his eyes fluttering shut as he marveled in the feel of you clutching him like a vice.
"Shit, sweetheart," he panted. "You feel so good."
You bottomed out, letting yourself adjust to his size before you rocked forward. You both moaned. Your clit rubbed against his pelvis as you rolled your hips harder, your hands falling to his chest for stability. His hands rested on your waist, letting you move as you desired.
"St—Steve," you whimpered, picking up your pace. The tip of his length hit a certain spot inside you and you gasped, your nails digging into his skin, his body moving in tandem with yours.
You were unbelievably close. Steve hugged you close to his chest, his lips meeting your breast as he mouthed at your nipple, groaning as he ran his hands up and down your sides. He worked his way up your neck, sucking your sensitive skin as he thrust his hips up into you and that was all it took before you were coming. You cried out his name, gasping and whimpering as your head fell into the crook of his neck.
"Fuck!" Steve groaned, thrusting several more times as your walls hugged him and he stiffened inside you, throwing his head back as he growled, his cock pulsating as he came.
Panting, he carefully laid you next to him, admiring your blissed-out gaze as he pulled your blankets over the two of you, pushing a strand of hair behind your ear. You smiled at him, your lipstick smeared as you opened your eyes.
"So I guess this is what Bucky was talking about?" you asked, mostly to yourself.
"What do you mean?"
"I talk to Bucky yesterday after I ran into you, I thought he might know what was going on with you. He just kinda laughed at me and told me you didn't hate me. . . . Did he know? About how you felt?"
Steve nodded. "Yeah, he did."
You chewed on your lip in thought. "He said he had a plan. That during the party—oh m.y God."
"Thor. Thor was the plan." You looked up at Steve. "Bucky knew you would get jealous so he asked Thor to dance with me."
Steve laughed. "In my defense, Thor was getting way too handsy."
You giggled. "Remind me to make Bucky some cookies tomorrow."
Steve rolled over you, caging you in his arms as he grinned down at you. Your eyebrow arched playfully. He bent down and kissed you, your hands coming up to run along his pecs. He pulled away, his smile sparkling even in the darkness of your room. You swooned, knowing that his smile was something you would never tire of seeing.
"Sleep," Steve told you. "I'll be here when you wake up."
"I promise."
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atinydise · 4 years
Ateez asking their s/o’s member when they’re having a baby
❦ Genre: Fluff.
❦ Pairing: OT8.
❦ Word count: 13k.
❦ Requested: Yes, thank you! 🦋 
❦ Masterlist.
HONGJOONG (ft. Yunho)
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Finally, after this long day at the mall, you could enjoy silence at the dorm. You spent the whole day at the mall, trying to find an outfit for the incoming award show. As a Saturday, the entire mall was crowded, and you bumped sometimes on people. The music was louder than usual and people too. You had only one thought and it was to go back home as fast as possible. Instead of your apartment, you ended in the dorm. You thought that it would be noisier, as always, but everything seemed strangely quiet. “Why are they so quiet?” You whispered, head resting on your boyfriend’s chest. “We had a long day. I think they are tired and it’s a good thing because I can’t handle any yells or fights today.” He replied. You didn’t add anything, you just enjoyed the warmness of his body. Hongjoong settled a little atmosphere. He played a chill music, turned off the lights and opened the window so you could hear, a little bit, the city below. You were at 2 seconds of falling asleep when someone knocked loudly at the door. Not a single and quiet knock but one of the loudest knocks you’ve heard. “Oh hell...” sighed your boyfriend, taking a deep breath. “Come in.”
You glanced at the door frame to look at the intruder. “Y/N! HYUNG!” Yelled Yunho. You instantly had a headache. You weren’t expecting him to scream like this. “Yunho-” you tried to tell him to lower his voice. “WHEN ARE YOU HAVING A BABY HUH?” You blinked dumbly at this question. “When we what?” Asked Hongjoong. Yunho entered the room, “Mingi and I made a bet! Who’s going to the best uncle!” He said proudly. “And everyone knows that it’s me!” “No! It’s me!” You heard Mingi yelling from the living-room. Hongjoong rubbed his head. “Can we talk about that later huh? We are busy r-” “Aah,” he winked. “Busy making us uncles already? I got you.” He said leaving the room. “Did he really thing we were going to-” you whispered. “Let’s see in 9 months! They’re busy making one!” “Oh god...” you sighed falling back in the mattress.
SEONGHWA (ft. Yeosang)
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You were eating with Seonghwa in the kitchen. You were enjoying a simple dinner together since the other members weren’t there. But when you take out the tiramisu for the dessert out of the fridge, Yeosang entered the dorm. He immediately greeted both of you and went to his bedroom. You thought that he was about to sleep but 5 minutes later he joined you and your boyfriend in the kitchen, sitting right in front of you. “How was your day?” Asked Seonghwa, enjoying the bitterness of the dessert. “Pretty good. I met an old friend and we went to a cafe to talk about our high school years.” He quickly resumed as always. “Oh that’s really cool!” You added, happy for him. He nodded, stealing his Hyung’s spoon to eat a piece of Tiramisu. “Actually,” he chewed loudly. “I have a question for both of you.” “What is it?” You asked, curious. “When are you going to make a baby?” He chewed again. At his question, you almost choke with the dessert. You weren’t expecting a such intimate question. “When Y/N wants to. But no rush.” Replied Seonghwa calmly, grabbing back his spoon. “Wh- wait wait!” You stopped him. “Why you are not shocked about this question?” Your boyfriend shrugged. “It’s not big deal.” “N-not a big deal?” You repeated, freaking out. “I’m not ready yet to have a baby!” “That’s why I said when you want to.” “Don’t be too long.” Said Yeosang, standing up. “Wait! Why did you ask this? There’s a link with the meeting with your friend?” “No,” he shook his head. “I just have some love to give and I’ll be glad to give him to your baby.” Completely surprised now you didn’t say anything more. “You are all crazy!” You yelled before eating your dessert again, trying to reduce the blush on your cheeks.
YUNHO (ft. San)
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You were wrapped in Yunho’s arms. Your favorite place to be perfectly relaxed. You were watching a new K-Drama and useless to say that you were totally immersed by it. San was on his phone, sometimes looking at the screen and the other time on his phone. You didn’t notice it, but he was planning something. “Y/N?” Whispered San. “Hum?” You replied, not even looking at him. “What do you think of these?” He sat up on the couch and showed his phone screen to you. “Baby dresses?” You raised a brow. “Yes! They are cute right?” “Yes, it is. As always when it comes to babies.” You stated. “Maybe I should buy one then.” He said before sitting down to his seat. You stared at Yunho who was surprised by his friend too. “There’s something you didn’t say to us San?” He asked. “Me?” “Yes, you.” You replied. “Why do you want to buy baby things? There’s no baby here.” “For yours.” He claimed. Yunho immediately looked at you again. “Y/N are you pregnant?” He lifted your hoodie to check if there was a round belly. “What? Hell no! I’m not pregnant.” You slapped his hand. “Then what is he talking about?” “I have no idea! San what is going on? We are not having a baby.” “You should. I need to be an uncle.” “There’s a plenty of time to make you… an uncle. And maybe another member will have a baby before us.” Stated Yunho. “Relax guys. I was just kidding with you.” He smiled. “You are so evil,” you whispered. “But to be honest you persuaded me that I want to be an uncle soon.” “If I don’t kill you before.” You threatened him. “Come on, you won’t kill the best uncle of the year!” “Shut up,” you throw a pillow at him playfully.
YEOSANG (ft. Wooyoung)
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You were partying with the whole group tonight. Another group were celebrating their anniversary since their debut in the K-Pop industry. Yeosang invited you. There’s no way he would leave you at home while he was having fun. Plus even if you weren’t drinking, it was always good to hang out with you. Just when the party was getting more and more intense, you went outside with your boyfriend to get some fresh air. “I forgot how partying with you was fun,” you laughed, sitting on the bench. “How can you forget that I am the craziest between us!” “I don’t know, you always seem so serious and chill compared to the other.” You explained. Yeosang and you weren’t dating since a long time. It’s been 2 months that you officially started to date. You always learned a plenty of thing these last days. “You mean I’m the quiet one! They are all so-” he started. “YEOSANG-HYUNG! Y/N!” Yelled Wooyoung, exiting the house. “Loud...” he finished. “I WAS LOOKING FOR YOU!” “Stop yelling we can hear you!” Growled your boyfriend. “What do you want Wooyoung?” You gently asked. “I have a request!” “Oh god...” Wooyoung smiled and held your hands. “Woo what the hell,” you tried to remove yourself from his grip. “I know you met each other since not a long time ago but I really like you, so I wanted to ask you this.” “Are you confessing to my girlfriend right now?” Asked Yeosang. “What? Hell no!” He shouted. “No offense Y/N but you are not really my type.” “It’s okay.” You giggled. “Then what do you want to ask?” “Oh yeah! When are you going to have a baby?” “I would prefer his confession...” you said, surprised. “It’s just that one of my friends told me how good it is to be an uncle! So… I want to be one! AND A GOOD ONE!” “Let’s go back inside,” sighed Yeosang, pulling you back in the house. “HEY! DON’T LEAVE ME THERE OR I WILL TEACH MY NEPHEW OR NIECE HOW TO BE LOUD AS ME!” “If someday we have a baby, can we move out of this country?” He asked you.
SAN (ft. Seonghwa)
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The group and you were in the van, heading to their last stage for Inception’s promotion. You were between Seonghwa and your boyfriend, San. Because of your upcoming exams, you were sleepy the whole road to the broadcast building. Your head was resting on San’s shoulder while he was rubbing the palm of your hand slowly. He knew that you were tired, so he asked the group the be a little quieter than usual. Things that they did without asking. They were so respectful. But Seonghwa was a little bit too excited today. You noticed it because he was non-stop saying “cute” at his phone and giggling a bit. Without paying more attention to him, you tried to take a quick nap. Just when you were finally resting peacefully, you heard your boyfriend talking, or whispering, with the eldest member. His body was shaking a bit, so you lost the comfiness of this human pillow a bit. “Don’t! We are not having one right now!” “Come on!” “Don’t wake her up!” You heard a slap noise in front of your face. You cracked an eye and saw Seonghwa’s phone in front of your face. “What are you doing weirdos?” You asked, not removing your head off his shoulder. “See! You woke her up!” Growled San. “I wasn’t really sleeping don’t worry.” You reassured him. “What’s going on Hwa?” “Remember when we were talking about this little baby yesterday?” You nodded, not understanding why he was talking about that. “You said that you loved her little shirt.” “Ah the one saying, ‘best baby in the world’?” You giggled, remembering the cute baby. “Yes! I was curious so I went to their website and there’s a plenty of cuter things!” He smiled. “Ah really?” You glanced at this phone. “Yes! So I asked San when you are going to make a baby so I could buy one.” He simply said. Your head fell of San’s shoulder. You weren’t expecting this, at all. Your boyfriend facepalmed next to you. “I’m sorry babe.” “Oh come on! It’s not like we don’t hear you doing a bunch of sinful things almost… every day.” You blushed furiously and tried to hide your face behind your hands. “Hyung!” Shouted San, more ashamed than you. “He’s right,” added Mingi, behind you. “So when are you going to make these make out session useful and give us a niece or nephew?” He asked, enjoying how both of you were shy. “Please, open the door so I can jump off the van.” You whispered to San.
MINGI (ft. Jongho)
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“Jongho can you bring some snacks for us.” Asked Mingi in the bottom bunk bed. The maknae growled loudly from the upper bed. “Why always me?” “You are the baby. And the baby needs to help the elders.” “Sorry Jongho...” you apologized. “But he doesn’t want me to get up.” “It’s okay. I know it’s not your fault Y/N.” He sighed. Jongho woke up and ordered to his hyung’s order. “Why you don’t do it by yourself?” You pinched his arm. “Why should I do it when he can do it for me?” He smirked. “You are so mean!” You pinched him again. “He doesn’t have to do this!” “Okay okay! This is the last time I will ask him to do or bring something for me.” “Good.” “Or at least when you are there...” he added, whispering enough for you to not hear it. “Idiot. I heard you.” Mingi laughed and buried his face on your neck. He was enjoying your presence so much that he couldn’t leave you for a second. When everything went quiet again in the room, Jongho entered back in. “Here’s your snacks.” He almost threw on his friend’s body. “Thank you Jongho,” you thanked him, appreciating his attention. “I talked with Y/N and she persuaded me to-” started Mingi. “When are you having a baby?” Cut the maknae straight. The chips pack you were struggling to open, suddenly popped up. Spreading few of them on the bed. “What did you say?” You asked him to repeat. “When you, Y/N, are you getting pregnant?” “Jongho what the hell,” said Mingi, throwing his pillow at him. “I want you guys to have a baby!” He added, not scared of Mingi or you neither. “Why? I mean- we are too young, and we are not even-” “Bla bla,” muttered Jongho. “Just make a baby so I won’t be the baby of the group anymore.” He finally explained before getting up in his bed again. You punched your boyfriend’s arm again, “see! I’d you were not so lazy we would avoid this awkward conversation!” “I hope you guys are thinking about my idea.” He added from the upper bed. “We won’t get a baby Jongho!” Yelled back Mingi. “Or at least not now...” “It’s okay. I will ask you this question every day.” You didn’t know but the maknae was enjoying this situation so much. He heard you punching Mingi again and again because you were shy and awkward about this question. Finally, he might get some peace from his member.
WOOYOUNG (ft. Hongjoong)
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“Let’s go to the amusement park babe!” Said Wooyoung, plopping on the couch next to you. You pointed at the big window in the living-room. “What?” He asked, not understanding what you meant. “It’s raining. Why do you want to go to the amusement park when it’s raining?” “It’s a detail... we can have so much fun tonight! There will be fireworks and other stuff like that.” He said enthusiastically. “I don’t think the firework will stay planned with this rain.” Added Hongjoong, eyes glued on his laptop. “We can go tomorrow, there will be a pretty cool weather.” You showed him your phone screen. “No I want to go today!” He insisted, almost acting like a child. “I don’t want to stay under the rain for the whole night Wooyoung. And should I remember you that you can’t be sick because of your upcoming promotions?” “Listen to your girl Woo.” “Come on... both of you are no fun.” He rolled his eyes. “The rain will stop soon I’m sure.” You laid back on the couch, not wanting to waste your time to change his mind. “Come on! Don’t act like you were tired. Just grab your coat, an umbrella and come with me.” He grabbed your phone so you could focus on him. “Wooyoung...” you grunted. “I really don’t want to.” “Just an hour? Or at least 2 hours? We can leave after the firework!” He almost begged you. “Poor Y/N... I can imagine your child being so headstrong. As his or her father.” Said Hongjoong. You blushed a bit, it was not the comment you expected but you didn’t want to make a big deal about it. “By the way...” he finally turned around to face both of you. “When are you having a baby? It’s been a long time now since you know each other.” “Aren’t we supposed to get married before?” Giggled Wooyoung. You glanced at your boyfriend. He was really imagining you being his wife. Or the mother of his kids? “Depends. People don’t really care now. It’s up to you.” Replied the leader. “But I’m really curious to see how this baby will grow up with a father like you.” “Let’s go to the amusement park Wooyoung!” You shouted, a bit too loudly. “Oh finally you want t-” “Just go!” You pulled him in the hallway. Before leaving the room, you saw Hongjoong smirking at you. He probably said something touchy for you to react like this.
JONGHO (ft. Mingi)
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You just came back once again from the bathroom. Since this morning, you threw up your meals and even your soul at this state. It’s been a long time since you didn’t get this sick. Your boyfriend was worried for you. You were always so strong and so healthy. “Are you okay Y/N?” Asked Mingi, walking up to the hallway lazily. “Yes,” you obviously lied but you didn’t need him to worry about you. “Are you sure? Because it’s been almost 2 hours that I hear you throwing up your entire soul there. Like every 5 minutes.” “I’m okay. I just ate something wrong; I don’t know.” You sat back on the couch. “Where’s Jongho?” “He went to the pharmacy for me. Even if it’s not necessary.” “What are your symptoms exactly?” You tried to suppress the throw up feeling coming in your throat. But sadly, you rushed to the bathroom once again. “Vomit for sure,” he concluded. 2 minutes later, Jongho came back to the dorm, hands full of medicines and snacks. “Oh you are finally home.” Stated Mingi, standing in front of the bathroom’s door. “Where is Y/N? Is she okay?” “She’s still throwing up, but she said that ‘I’m okay’.” He mimicked your voice. Just at this time, you opened the door, almost making the tall boy falling. “Oh you are back.” “You look... miserable.” Claimed Jongho, putting his hand on your forehead to check if you had fever. “Are you guys hiding something from us?” “What are you talking about?” “You are going to make us uncles, right?” He smiled proudly. “I will have someone to give my love to.” You stared at your boyfriend. He was speechless as you. “I’m not pregnant Mingi.” You declared. “I’m just sick.” He was doubting about this a bit but the look you had was clear enough to erase this assumption. “Well okay. Too bad.” “Too bad?” Repeated Jongho. “When are you going to have a baby? I want you guys to have a baby! I want someone to give my love to!” He pouted. “Just find a girlfriend or give your love to us.” Replied the maknae. “No I want a mini me.” He claimed. “Not exactly a mini me because, he or she, will be your child but I will help this child to be cool as me!” He smiled proudly. “I think I’m going to throw up again,” you stated in front of this scene. You slammed the door behind you. Mingi blinked at his friend. “Do you think she’s going to think about it?” “You are unbelievable Mingi...” sighed Jongho, entering the bathroom to check on you.
556 notes · View notes
Fever {1}
Series Masterlist
A/N: I rewatched the movies and had an overwhelming need to write the story in ways that I would have liked to see it play out. I am a firm Team Jacob and will be for this fic, there will be Edward bashing. If you don’t like it, don’t read it.
In regards to the wolves, I will be leaning more into the werewolf/shapeshifter mythology, rather than the Quileute storyline that Meyer wrote, I don’t feel that I would do their stories justice, and also just don't like the way Meyer handled any part of their story so I will just be playing with Meyer’s characters. If you’re interested in the Quileute histories or able to donate to their school relocation to help them move their school to higher ground, I’ve included some websites.
Quileute Nation Website: https://quileutenation.org/
Truth vs. Twilight: https://www.burkemuseum.org/static/truth_vs_twilight/facts-01.html
Move to Higher Ground Tribal School Relocation: mthg.org
Warnings: Depression, Anxiety, Abandonment
Summary: Starting in New Moon, what would have happened if Jacob imprinted on Bella? What if she would have chosen him after Edward left? What if she went to therapy?
Rating: M
Word Count: 2,049
I was cold, so fucking cold. And empty, I was empty. The trees overhead were swallowing me as the sun sank. He was gone, I was alone, he just left. He never loved me, I was just a momentary amusement. Cold was seeping into my bones as I lay on the forest floor, waiting for the sky to turn black and for the night to consume me. Rain started, it was cold.The rain started mingling with the warm tears that had rolled down my cheeks.
My world is not for you. I don’t want you to come with me. This will be the last time you see me. Goodbye, Bella. An endless loop of his voice repeated these statements in my mind. It wouldn’t stop, I just wanted it to stop. Then a voice interrupted me, “Isabella Swan? Have you been hurt? Did he hurt you?” Then warmth surrounded me.
“He’s gone, he left. I’m alone.” I groaned, burrowing into the warmth, but it wasn’t enough warmth. I needed more. He kept walking until we broke the tree line and he called out to a swarm of people. “I’ve got her!”
Charlie was yelling my name. “Bella?!” I felt his hands on my face. “I can take her.”
“Charlie?” I whimpered.
“I’m right here, baby, I’m here.” Charlie’s voice soothed.
“Charlie, I can bring her inside.” The voice murmured.
“Please, Sam, let me take her.”Sam, so that was the disembodied voice’s name. I whined as I was passed away from the warmth and into Charlie’s arms.
“I’ve got you baby, I’ve got you.” Charlie murmured, I could hear him puff his breath as we entered the house, he set me down gingerly on the couch. “Sam, blankets are at the top of the stairs, in the cupboard. Doc’s gonna check you out okay?” He asked, brushing hair out of my face, my fingers still shaking. I felt a blanket set on my shoulders, I pulled it close as Dr. Gerandy walked into my line of sight.
“Hello, Miss Swan. I’m here to do a quick check up. Just make sure you’re okay. Do you know where you are?”
“Home.” I mumbled.
“Do you know who is here?” He asked, flashing a light in my eyes.
“Charlie, Sam, and you, Dr. Gerandy.” I answered.
He smiled. “And what happened in the woods? Are you hurt?” He placed his hand on my forehead.
“I…I tried to follow after him. He just left, he doesn’t want me anymore. I’m nothing.” I mumbled.
“Bella, baby, did Edward Cullen do this?” Charlie asked, kneeling down next to me.
“He left, he’s gone. I’m alone.” Then the tears started and I couldn’t hold them back. Charlie’s arms wrapped awkwardly around my shoulders as I leaned into him.
“I’ll be back to check on her tomorrow, Charlie. I don’t see any physical injuries.” I heard Dr. Gerandy murmur before seeing himself out of the room.
“Bells, I have to let everyone know you’re okay and send them home. I’ll be right back.” Charlie murmured into my hair. I clenched my hands into his shirt for a moment, before releasing him.
I heard him call out of the house, saying his thanks and dismissing the group. As his footsteps fell on the floor the phone started to ring. He grumbled and padded into the kitchen, having the same hushed conversation with the callers. There was a pause in ringing for a minute before it began again. Charlie let out a large sigh before answering.
“Hello.” He greeted curtly. “Where? Outside the reservation? I’ll check on it, thanks.”
The phone hung up and he was dialing again. “Hey, Billy. No, she’s fine. Sleeping on the couch. Thanks for sending the boys. Look, I’ve got reports of fires on the cliffs.......Yeah, okay, and why are they doing that?” His voice was weary. “Really? Just make sure it doesn’t spread, I can’t leave her alone.....Yeah, I’ll talk to you later.” He hung up the phone then sighed. He padded around the kitchen, I heard dishes being placed in the sink before his footsteps grew closer and I heard him drop into his recliner.
“What’s going on?” I asked, his head jolted towards me. He started to stand. “Charlie, I’m okay. What’s happening, I heard you talking about fires.”
He sighed, “Just some bonfires on the cliffs. Some of the kids in La Push being rowdy.”
“What aren’t you telling me?”
His eyes met mine, “They’re celebrating.”
My brow furrowed for a moment, “They’re celebrating the Cullens leaving.” I murmured.
Charlie nodded, and sat back in his chair. He was staring at the wall, his mind somewhere else. “Bella?” He asked, in a gentle tone I don’t know if I had heard since I was small. I glanced over at him. “He left you alone, in the woods?”
I remained silent, not sure what to say. He left me, alone. And in the woods, that much was the truth. “How did you find me?”
“Your note, you left it on the table. Said you went for a walk with Edward.” Charlie murmured, worrying a piece of paper in his hand. “Then you didn’t come back. I called their house, no one answered. I called Alice, nothing. So, I called the hospital. Doc told me that Carlisle resigned.”
I closed my eyes, as tears were starting to form again. How did I still have tears left to cry? “Where did they go?”
Charlie balked, I hadn’t meant to say that. “Doc said that Carlisle took a job in Los Angeles, some big hospital, very lucrative opportunity. Didn’t Edward tell you.”
I let out a wry laugh, Los Angeles, the last place a coven of vampires would relocate to.
“Bella, I need to know, did Edward leave you alone in the woods?”
I took a breath and stared up at the ceiling. “I tried to follow him, I was on the path. Then it was dark and I wasn’t on the path anymore. I tripped. Then I heard Sam.” A sob tore through my body.
“Oh, baby, it’s alright.” I heard Charlie rise from his chair and kneel by the couch. I rolled to my side and haphazardly wrapped my arms around him. “You’ll get through this. It won’t be easy, but you will be okay.”
“Dad...” I started, my voice was so weak and I felt his arms tighten around me.
“It’s okay, Bells. I’m here.” He was rubbing small circles on my back as tears continued flowing, at some point they had to stop. They had to. I don’t know how long we stayed like that before he pulled back. “Let’s get you to bed, you can stay home tomorrow. Alright?”
I nodded, he held out his hand to help me off the couch. I walked up the stairs to my room, giving him a small good night before entering my room. I glanced at the window, expecting his shadow to darken it. I did a small turn as I looked around my room, he had left the note. That much, I knew. Which meant, he had been in the house. I opened the CD player on my dresser. It was empty. It will be as if I never existed. “No, no.” I picked up the scrapbook from Renèe, the pages that I had filled were dotted with empty frames. I felt my breathing start to shallow and I sat on my bed. The window still closed, he was gone. He didn’t want me. I sunk into the covers as the dam broke and I was swallowed whole by the tides.
I never really understood what people meant when they talked about going through the motions, at least, not until now. Six months had passed since he left. I didn’t even feel like those months existed, my only proof was the constant changing of the calendar. It was January now, that much I knew, if you asked me for the actual day, I wouldn’t have that answer. I sighed and pulled on an outfit, that Alice would be disappointed in. Maybe my poor fashion choices would summon her here. I let out a laugh and walked down the stairs for breakfast.
I sat down at the table with my usual cereal, Dad nursing his morning coffee. The circles under his eyes dark and deep. I knew those were my fault. Months of sleepless nights had worn on him, I wish I could let him sleep. I wish both of us could sleep. Silence fell in the little kitchen, silence had become common in the house.
But this morning was different, Dad’s fist hit the table. “Bella, I don’t know what to do. Something has to change, or I’m sending you to Florida with your mom.” Dad stated, a shake in his voice.
“I am home.” I snapped back, glancing up into his eyes.
“I’m sending you back, to Renèe, in Jacksonville. I...Bella...I can’t let you live like this. You don’t do anything, you just walk through the motions. I can’t let you go on like this. You can’t... Bella.”
“Dad, please, don’t.” I started, the thought of being sent back to Renèe had my heart pounding, for the first time in months I felt like I had an indicator that I was alive. “Please, I can do better.”
He sighed, “I know, Bella, but I have to do something. Bells, you’re wasting away, you’re falling behind in school, you don’t leave your room. I can’t even say you’re moping because you don’t emote enough for it to be considered moping. Dr. Gerandy recommended a therapist from Port Angeles, thought you might like her.”
I chewed on my thumbnail, being presented with the possibility of being shipped back to Renèe jostled me out of my stupor for a moment. I couldn’t go back to her, I couldn’t take care of myself, how was I supposed to take care of her again? And Phil was hurt again, so he’d be another added to my list. “A therapist might not be a bad idea.” I mumbled.
Dad’s eyes widened. “I can call, see when she has an opening. Get an appointment booked.”
I nodded, still chewing on my thumbnail.
“Bells?” He asked tentatively.
I glanced up from the table. “Dad?”
“You’re not the first to go through this kind of thing. I….” He trailed off. “I had a hard time when your mom left. I was in a bad place. It took me time, but I got through it.” He paused again, he glanced down at his coffee and took a long sip before speaking again. “You can’t waste your life waiting for him to come back. I think if I had seen someone, maybe I would have been able to get better sooner.” There was something else he was thinking, but he kept it to himself.
“I’m sorry, Dad.” I mumbled.
His eyes shot over to me, and he sat up to reach across the table to place his hand over mine. “Bella, you have nothing to be sorry about. I am sorry, that I didn’t get you help sooner. And I’m sorry that I threatened to send you back to Renèe, I’m worried about you, kid.”
“I know, let me know when you get an appointment.” I said, giving him a weak smile before standing from the table. “I’ve got to get to school, see you when I get home.”
He nodded, and took another sip of his coffee as I left the kitchen. “Love you.” I heard him whisper as I left the door. Another small smile spread across my lips and I climbed into my truck. I pulled into my parking space and took a deep breath. The past few months I had been a ghost, I wonder if they’re real too….. I shook my head and stared at Forks High. There were no shiny Volvos parked at the side with a family of too perfect teenagers grouped at the entrance. No van barreling at me. Just a bunch of normal, human teenagers walking to their first class. I joined them, but I knew I was far from a normal human teenager, but just maybe, I would get closer than I was now.
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peterrparrkerr · 3 years
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Vore - read on ao3
In case you guys are unfamiliar with vore (I was until i got this card) Its like, being sexually aroused by eating or swallowing someone alive (which is popular in the furry community) but I'm not into furries (do you though, no judgement) so I tried to find the human equivalent of that. The one website I looked at said the equivalent would be sexual arousal to eating human meat, so we get cannibalism! If that's not your thing go ahead and skip this!
Its Tony's night to cook, and he's got something special planned. It had been difficult to find the right ingredients, and taken time to be delivered.
Tony stirred the penne noodles into the meat sauce just as the click of the front door unlocking sounded.
Tony wiped his hands on a kitchen towel before stepping away from the stove to greet his boyfriend.
"Hey," he smiled. Peter looked up from untying his shoes and grinned. He was wearing his usual ensemble: graphic t-shirt layered with a plaid button up and a jacket. The weather is cooler, so he's wearing something a little thicker.
"Hey," Peter repeated. "It smells good, whatcha makin'?"
"Penne pasta with meat sauce and garlic bread," Tony smirked, hugging Peter when the younger had removed his shoes and a couple layers.
Peter hummed excitedly, leaning up to kiss Tony quickly.
"I'm starving, lets eat."
Tony huffed a laugh, but lead Peter through his home to the kitchen.
Tony's got a dining room, but the two of them usually eat at the small two chair table. Its a more intimate space compared to the ten chair table in the other room.
"You want any help?" Peter asked, reaching for the cupboard.
"No, I'm done, go sit down," Tony says, shooing the younger to the small table. Peter huffs a smile and plops down in the chair, watching as Tony plated the pasta, adding a piece of garlic bread and then setting them down on the table.
There's already two glasses with red wine, and Peter picks up the glass and took a sip.
"Are you trying to butter me up with a fancy dinner?" Peter asked, picking up his fork. Tony eyes the dish, feeling arousal already pooling low in his gut.
"I'm trying to get you amiable to coming to bed with me," Tony smirked, stabbing into his own penne and taking a bite.
The meat has an odd taste to it. Not quite like veal, but with the texture of beef. Its tender -Tony made sure to get young and female.
He's had this type of meat before, but this is the first time he's shared his taste with his boyfriend.
He watches, eyes calculating as Peter scoops up some noodles, sauce and meat. He can't help but pause, mouth growing dry as Peter brings the fork up and bites.
He chews, face growing inquisitive the more he tastes. Tony waits for the inevitable questions, anticipatory.
"Whats in it?" Peter asked once he's swallowed his first bite.
"Do you like it?" Tony answers with a question of his own. Peter answers by shoveling another mouthful. Tony feels his cock stir at the enthusiasm.
"Its really good," Peter said, mouth full. "I was expecting beef, but- what is it?"
Tony can't keep the smile off his face. He takes another bite of his own.
"Its veal," he lies. "With a bit of seasoning."
Peter hums. "Its really good," he says. "What seasoning?"
Its too soon to tell Peter what the meat actually is. He'll wait until Peter's grown accustomed to it, get him used to it, so when Tony reveals that it doesn't come from any animal, Peter won't freak out.
"Its a secret," Tony says, conspiratorially. Peter huffs, but keeps eating. Tony shifts a little in his seat, growing harder and harder as Peter eats, unsuspecting.
"You seriously won't tell me?" Peter asked a little while later. Tony's been hiding his raging hard on under the table, straining against the zipper of his pants.
Tony smiles, taking another bite. "I'll tell you in a few years," he says. "If you're lucky."
Peter groans. "Oh, come on." Tony laughs.
"Finish eating your pasta," Tony nods at Peter's nearly empty plate. He shifts in his seat again, and this time, Peter notices.
"You're impatient," he smirks, eyes glinting with mischief. He takes another bite of his penne before leaning back in his chair.
"Am not," Tony huffs childishly. It makes Peter's grin widen, and Tony feels Peter's socked foot begin running up Tony's calf.
"So you're not hard right now?" Peter asked, taking another bite of his food, foot passing Tony's knee and slipping between his thighs.
Tony doesn't answer him. Hes too busy watching his boyfriend eat, his own nearly empty plate forgotten.
Peter -being none-the-wiser- continues to brush his foot along Tony's bulge, pretending like he isn't as he finishes off his plate.
It's nearly too much for Tony, and he quickly stands. Peter jolts at the scrape of the chair, then bursts out laughing when Tony hauls him from his seat.
"Wait, you're not done eating!" Peter yelped, still cackling as Tony lifts him up onto his shoulder.
They make it to the couch. Peter's still grinning, even as the two rush to undress each other.
"Fuck," Tony gasped, sinking into Peter. The boy moans long and loud, legs wrapped around Tony and pulling him in deeper.
"Who knew pasta got you so horny," Peter gasped out as Tony thrusted into him, still smiling. 
Tony lowered himself, kissing and licking at Peter's mouth, chasing the unique taste of human meat on Peter's tongue.
"You should make it more often," Peter continued against Tony's lips, nails scraping against the skin of Tony's back.
"Oh, you can count on it, baby."
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SuperChat September 2- No Powers
Adrien and Marinette took in the beautiful city of Metropolis as they stepped out of their hotel. "I owe you twenty bucks Mari. This place is beautiful." Marinette snorted, shaking, her head as he offered her his arm.
"What a gentleman, if only we weren't gay.” Marinette said, causing Adrien to laugh and shake his head. They started walking to the park they’d seen on their way to the hotel last night.
“Mari you’re only Bi. I’m clearly the gay one here. Sadly it took dating you to realize that not only were you my sister, but I preferred men.” This caused both of them to share a look before bursting into laughter. Adrien’s loud and eye catching, Marinette’s soft and fairy like, it’s safe to say they drew a lot of people’s eyes. Though neither of them noticed their admirers as they walked. They were too focused on each other.
“Thanks for coming with Adrien, I’m nervous for this show. Not only is it a big show with a lot of publicity, I haven’t even started on the main piece of the show and I only have a week and a half.” Marinette rambled on about her final outfit not noticing Adrien smiling at her fondly. “ I don’t know how I’m going to do this Adrien. An entire outfit inspired by Metropolis-ugh! I should’ve come here months ago! Now I’m on such a tight schedule! I’m going to fail and my name in fashion disgraced! I’ll have to leave the country and work at a coffee shop for the rest of my life!” This caused Adrien to laugh again as they walked into the park. He stopped causing Marinette to stop with him. Adrien turned to her and grabbed her forearms looking her dead in the eye.
“You worry too much Marinette. I know you’ll be able to pull this off, you’ve done more in a shorter amount of time. If anyone can draw inspiration from this beautiful city, it’s you.” He let go of her right arm and pulled out her sketchbook placing it in her hand. “You’re going to sit underneath that tree by the lake and take in the park. I am going to run to the cafe we passed, get myself something that will root my teeth and make my old dietitian cry and you something with so much espresso the barista is worried!” Marinette laughed softly and nodded taking her sketchbook completely from Adrien and pulling out her pencils.
“Very well, I shall sit down and wait for you to bring me my caffeine death. Make sure to text me if it’s going to take you longer than twenty minutes. Metropolis is much safer than most cities, but you know I worry.” Adrien laughed agreeing before heading off to the cafe, a bounce in his step. 
He entered the cafe taking a deep breath, enjoying the smell of coffee beans. He was quick to get in line studying the menu, he hummed softly deciding when he would get. He stepped up and pulled out his wallet smiling cheerful at the barista. “Hello! I would like one chocolate chip frappe, extra chocolate chip, and a red velvet latte with as many expresso you are legally allowed to give!” The girl froze while putting his order in, looking up at him. “Yes, as much as possible.” He said laughing a bright smile on his face the girl nodded before giving him the total. Adrian happily paid, before putting twenty in the tip jar. He stepped to the side allowing others to move up as he waited for his drinks. He thanked them profusely before walking out of the cafe. On his way back to the park he noticed a crew of photographers and reporters standing outside the park. He walked past hoping none would realize he was former model Adrien Agreste. However one reporter caught his eye, a tall man with black hair and stunning blue eyes hidden behind glasses. Adrien paused looking at the man, until he realized the man was staring at him too. He blushed before turning hurrying quickly over to the tree Marinette was under. Jon watched him go before his attention was taken by his photographer again, but his thoughts remained on beautiful green eyes. 
Jon was there to write a joint piece on the newly renovated park, he and a few others were dispersing across the park to take pictures and right notes about the new improvements. He and Megan set off towards the small pond together, he wrote down all the improvements while Megan took pictures. Megan hurried over to a couple sitting together under the tree. “Excuse me, we’re doing a piece on the renovations done to the park and I was hoping to get a picture of you relaxing under the tree.” Jon walked over and his eyes widened when blue met green. Finally able to take in the other man’s appearance and Jon couldn’t help but think he was the definition of beauty. A few seconds later he looked over at the girl he was sitting with and was astonished by her beauty. They were obviously a power couple together, Jon was almost jealous by their beauty. He was certainly jealous of Marinette, who he assumed was Adrien’s girlfriend.
“Yes we’d love to get pictures of you and your girlfriend.” He said smiling at Adrien, his smile wavered when the two burst into laughter. ‘Everything they do is beautiful.” Marinette smiled softly at the two placing her sketchbook down.
“We’d be more than happy to have a picture taken, however we are not a couple. I’m Marinette and this is my adoptive brother Adrien.” He introduced himself as hope swelled in Jon’s heart while Megan took pictures of them together, after Jon asked them what they thought of the park writing in his notebook. They chatted shortly before Megan pulled him away for more pictures. His eyes were constantly drifting back to Adrien sitting with Marinette. It was an hour later that he finally was able to break away, just in time as Marinette and Adrien were about to leave the park.
“Adrien!” Jon called out running up to him, Adrien turned looking at him in surprise. He shared a brief look with Marinette before giving Jon his full attention. “ Before you go, I was hoping I could take you out tonight?” Adrien blinked confused, while Marinette’s eyes widened a bright smile covering her face.
“Take me out? You mean like, on a date?” He said with surprise clear in his voice when he realized. Jon shifted nervously, positive he was about to be rejected.
“He’d love to! We are staying at Madeira just down the road, our place is 748, it's one of the penthouses. Be there at six thirty, he’ll be ready for you.” Marinette said excitedly before pulling out her sketchbook and writing down Adrien’s number, she ripped it out before giving it to Jon. “Now we must go! I need to get fabric, then help get you ready for your date!” Marinette pulled him away excitedly, and Adrien only had a few seconds to turn around and smile at Jon.
“I’ll see you at six thirty Jon!”
Jon was ten minutes early that night and stood outside the door nervously debating knocking or waiting until six thirty. Marinette decided for him when she opened giving him a mischievous look. “You’re here early.” She teased giggling softly when Jon blushed stuttering. She let him in allowing him to see their current home. He was greeted by a toy poodle who barked softly looking up at him. Marinette picked her up, smiling softly.
“This is Tikki, my poodle, over there on the couch in Adrien’s cat Plagg.”
Jon chuckled, giving a hello to Tikki petting the poodle gently. His eyes strayed to the manikin in the corner an unfinished outfit pin to it and cloth surrounding it. He surveyed the outfit and then the multiple garment bags hanging on a rack.
“Are you here for the fashion show?” He asked turning back to Marinette, who raised an eyebrow giving him an amused look. “Or do you just like designing clothing?” Marinette snorted smiling.
“You don’t pay attention to fashion much do you?” Jon shook his head causing Marinette to smile more. “I am not just here for the fashion show, I am running it. All the outfits there will be the designers under me, as well as mine over there. So you don’t know Adrien at all?” Jon shook his head again looking amused.
“Why would I know Adrien?” Marinette just gave him a mischievous smile telling him to ask during his date. Adrien came out soon after giving Jon a beautiful smile when their eyes met.
“Wow, you look amazing, like really really amazing.” Jon said smiling brightly offering his arm to Adrien. They walked out the door together laughing when Marinette told them not to stay out too late.
Jon managed to get them reservations at one of Metropolis’ most popular restaurants. Adrien was definitely impressed with their date so far, it helped that Jon was one of the most attractive people he’d ever seen. Although he could easily tell that Jon didn’t realize his own attractiveness. They made small talk asking small things about each other’s life until their dinner came. “So I gotta ask, what made you ask me on this date?” Adrien asked, taking a bite of his spaghetti. Jon blushed slightly as he chewed, debating how to answer before deciding to stick with the truth. 
“You’re eyes, you have beautiful green eyes. I mean everything about you is beautiful.” Adrien blushed slightly but he smiled at the compliment. “Actually when I first saw you and Marinette together I thought you were a couple. It didn’t help that you two were both so damn beautiful. I really thought you were a couple!” Adrien snorted, looking up at Jon through his eyelashes.
“Funny enough, Mari and I actually dated. She helped me discover my sexuality and I realized I didn’t see her as anything more than a sister. I even moved in with her and her parents when my father...when my father went away.” Jon was quick to change the subject, when Adrien’s eyes looked sad. 
“So you're here for the fashion show Marinette is running? Are you going to be in it?” He asked, causing Adrien to laugh, which made him happy. “You are certainly beautiful enough to be a model.” Jon complimented him causing Adrien to laugh again.
“I was a model growing up and I hated it. Marinette asks me to model occasionally, but it's only for parties or pictures for her website.” He took a sip of his drink leaning back in his chair. “I actually just graduated college and am taking time off, so I decided to travel with Mari.  I majored in Chemistry, it was always one of my favorite classes, so I decided to make a career out of it” Jon smiled leaning back as well.
“I followed in my parent’s footsteps, both were reporters at the Daily Plant and I always loved writing. So it was an easy decision to make for my future.” 
They spent the rest of the night getting to know each other until they ended up outside the siblings penthouse. Adrien was leaning against the door looking up at Jon. They just stood talking softly until Adrien yawned, causing Jon to suggest they saw goodnight. Adrien grabbed his arm and squeezed it smiling softly.
“I’d like to go out with you again Jon. I had a lot of fun tonight.” Jon nodded, smiling brightly before pulling out his phone and unlocking it. Adrien took it typing his number in and then texting himself before handing it back.
“I work tomorrow but if you’re free afterward I’d like to go out again.” Adrian agreed before leaning up and kissing Jon’s cheek.
“I’d love to, just let me know the time and place. I’m probably only going to be here unless Mari needs more fabric. See you tomorrow Jon.” Adrien winked at Jon, before entering the penthouse.
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sunshinejihyun · 4 years
Wedding Bells - Saeyoung Choi
Summary: A dating app brings two unexpected people together
A note about this work: All of the RFA members have significant others (besides Saeyoung, MC is used for this fic as normal) that are referred to by name. Those are my OC’s and they’re the names I use when I play those characters routes. I just needed to give everyone a happy ending, okay?
Here is a quick breakdown: Yoosung and Wenyn Zen and Briar Jaehee and Cordelia Jumin and Luce
You can meet all my OC’s here!
Word count: 5.4k
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“What do you mean I have to have a date to your wedding?” Saeyoung Choi stood staring out his kitchen window, his phone pressed against his ear and his best friend, Yoosung was spewing some ridiculous ideas into his ear.
“I mean just that. Bring a date, everyone thinks you have a girlfriend.” Yoosung’s voice sounded muffled on the other end and Saeyoung’s brow furrowed. “Sorry, Wenyn was trying to tell me something. But seriously, bring a date or else!”
“Where am I supposed to find a date in the next two weeks?” Saeyoung rubbed at the part of his nose that his glasses rested. “You know what - never mind. I’ll figure it out. Talk to you later!” Before Yoosung could get another word in, Saeyoung was pressing the end call button.
Two questions were ringing clearly in his head: first, why the hell would Yoosung tell everyone he was seeing someone and where the hell was he supposed to meet a girl to bring to a wedding on such short notice?
Sitting himself down at his computer, Saeyoung found himself looking at dating sites, only half considering making an account. After one bad tinder date, he had ended up deleting himself from the app (and hacking into her phone to erase his number, but that was a different story) and vowed to never go on another dating app. But desperate times called for desperate measures, so he’d have to make do with the resources he had which is how Saeyoung found himself signing up for Tinder for the second time.
“Any luck on the date hunt?” Yoosung had stopped by Saeyoung’s bunker in hopes of stowing away for a few hours; wedding planning was tough and the blond needed some time away from it all.
“No, I rejoined tinder but it seems the only people who match with me want me to pay for their OnlyFans - I don’t even know what that is! - or just don’t respond! I’m getting frustrated.” Saeyoung whined, glaring at his blond friend. “Tell me why you had to tell everyone I was seeing someone?”
“I don’t know! You’re the only one from the RFA not bringing a date, I didn’t want you to feel left out!” Yousung replied, looking over Saeyoung’s shoulder and swiping right on the tinder profile Saeyoung was currently looking at. “What if.. You make your own app?”
“My own app?” Saeyoung echoed and Yoosung nodded, letting Saeyoung bounce the idea around in my head. “I’d have to hack some websites like Facebook and Twitter to advertise it, but that would be a good idea.”
Yoosung grinned, happy to have supplied Saeyoung with a good idea and patted his friend on the shoulder. “Alright, I’ll leave you to it. Wenyn’s probably freaking out wondering where I am since I said I was going to the convenience store for milk. I’ll text you later and check on how your app is coming along!”
Saeyoung barely heard his younger friend, mind already reeling as he started figuring out how to design his new app.
“MC! Good morning, the usual?” Jaehee Kang was standing behind her bakery’s counter, cleaning the steam spout on the coffee machine as you approached the counter. Ever since Jaehee and her partner Cordelia had opened up this shop, you’ve been a frequent customer and have become friends with both the women who ran it.
“Good morning, Jaehee! And, yes please.” You replied, looking down at your phone and chewing your nail nervously.
“Something on your mind?” The girl’s long hair was tied back today and you laughed as she continually pushed a piece of hair that fell out of place before starting on your coffee order,
“Eh, it’s nothing bad. Just having a family party and everyone’s expecting me to bring a date. A date that I definitely don’t have.” You locked your phone before shoving it in your pocket so you were able to grab your drink from Jaehee.
“I have a friend who just finished designing an app,” Jaehee’s voice was soft as she spoke of this person, like they were someone who she held very dear to her heart. “It might help you with your problem. It’s called Wedding Bells, look it up on the app store.”
“Wedding Bells? I’m not looking to get married!” You laughed and headed for the door, letting the next customer order from Jaehee. She sent you a small smile and a wave before putting all her attention on the man standing in front of her.
As you were walking back to your house, curiosity got the best of you and you pulled out your phone before searching Wedding Bells on the app store. A simple ‘W’ was the app’s logo and the description was: ‘Looking for a fake date to a wedding or another family function? Look no further! With Wedding Bells, you’re connected with other people looking for dates!’
Without thinking about it too much, you downloaded the app and when you got home, you sat down and started filling out your profile. It asked for specifics, like the exact date and time you needed someone with you as well as your likes and dislikes and from there gave you a small list of 10 people they think you’d be a good fake date for and vise versa.
Scrolling through the first two profiles, you were virtually unimpressed. These people seemed bland - like they had no personality, which was probably the reason why they weren’t able to find dates. The third profile you clicked on had potential, he seemed funny in his answers and like he actually cared about how people perceived him. Plus he was good looking, which was always a bonus. Throwing caution to the wind, you decided to message him.
MC: Hey, Saeyoung! I see you need a date to a wedding, what a coincidence, I’m also in need of a fake date to a family function.
You put yourself out there, now no one could say you didn’t try. Just as you were about to exit out of the app, you noticed that Saeyoung was typing so you stayed, anxious to see his response.
Saeyoung: MC! Greetings! Yep yep yep I need a date… it’s to my best friends wedding and everyone thinks I have a girlfriend! You have any experience in the being-a-fake-girlfriend department?
MC: Can’t say I’ve ever been someone’s fake girlfriend, but I have been a real girlfriend once or twice so I think I can handle it!
Saeyoung: Amazing! I think I’d be a great fake boyfriend if I did say so myself! Would you be interested in being my fake girlfriend?
MC: Only if you’re interested in being my fake boyfriend!
The rest of the night was spent chatting with Saeyoung. You had even switched over to a video call at one point and the entire time was spent with you both choosing outfits for the other to wear to the events. You had even caught a peek at him shirtless a few times during that process, which was a very welcome surprise.
“I can’t believe it’s already 3am,” Saeyoung whispered. You were both currently laying in bed, each holding their phone with one hand, your head being popped up by the other. “You’re so easy to talk to.”
“You are also,” you admitted, moving your hair out of your eyes. “I think I should probably get some sleep now.”
“You should, you’ll need that beauty rest for the wedding.” Saeyoung teased, sticking out his tongue at you.
“Says you! You look like you haven't slept in days!” You watched as he closed his eyes, his breathing starting to slow. “Goodnight, Saeyoung.”
Sleepily opening one eye towards you, he sent you a crooked grin. “Goodnight, beautiful MC.”
The wedding day was approaching fast and Saeyoung was a nervous mess. Throughout the week of getting to know MC, he had quickly come to enjoy her silly little texts she would send during the day and the nightly phone calls that went into the early morning that they spent planning their fake relationship and just learning about each other.
Saeyoung was curious about MC. She was quick to laugh at his jokes and was even speedier at supplying her own remark back. She would be the perfect date to Yoosung and Wenyn’s wedding, she was so perfectly in sync with him that no one would be able to suspect that they haven’t been together for the last six months and he only hoped she thought the same about him.
“Hello? Saeyoung?” Her voice brought the redhead out of his thoughts and he zeroed back in on what she was saying. “As I was saying, give me a run down on your friends that I’ll meet at this wedding! I’m gonna need to be on my A game if I want them to like me.” Saeyoung smiled at the bright girl in front of him, so eager to please his friends and set in on telling her about his friends and their significant others
“Your chariot awaits, m’lady!” You opened the door to your apartment to find Saeyoung standing there, a corsage in his hand and a goofy smile on his face.
“Why thank you, my good sir.” You replied before accepting his outstretched hand. “I got you a pink boutonniere to match your tie and my nails, I hope that’s okay.”
“I’ve never gotten one of those before so the fact that you even got me one makes it more than okay.” Saeyoung answered honestly before leading you to a red sports car sitting out front. “Figured we’d arrive in style.”
“Wow, you weren’t kidding when you said you had a nice car!” You exclaimed, getting in the passenger seat, careful not to wrinkle your dress. “What is it you do for work again?”
“This and that,” he answered nonchalantly before throwing you a grin and putting the car in drive. “Now, are we ready to go?”
“I was born ready, fake boyfriend.” Saeyoung laughed at that before turning on the radio. The beginning of the car ride was spent with you and him quizzing each other on your fake relationship but by the end, you both were belting along to the loud music blaring through the speakers.
“At last we’ve arrived!” Saeyoung exclaimed before getting out of the car. “You stay there, I’m going to come open the door for you and then put this corsage on your wrist.” Sitting still, a smile played on your lips as you watched the lanky man run around to your side of the car and open the door for you. “Wrist please,” silently holding out your left arm to him, he gently gripped your hand, thumb rubbing a soothing pattern for a second before letting go to slip the band on your wrist. “There, it looks good! Matches your dress and everything!” It did, although it wasn’t what you would have picked out for yourself. The corsage was adorned with deep green and white flowers and light pink and silver ribbon woven throughout. It went well with your black and green dress, and it was from Saeyoung which was the most important part.
“Okay, now let me put this boutonniere on your jacket.” You opened the case before pulling out the simple pink rose with white ribbon wrapped around it. “These get a little tricky to put on, so hold still.” You warned, hand poised with one of the needles ready to pin the flower to his jacket. As you were about to pin it, Saeyoung shifted his weight from one hip to the other and you pricked yourself, blood immediately blooming at the small wound. “Ouch!”
“Oh man, I’m so sorry MC!” Saeyoung replied, gently grabbing your hang before bringing the finger up to his mouth and gently sucking on the wound to clean it of blood. You watched him, open mouthed and he immediately dropped your hand, face flushing red. “I have no clue why I just did that.”
“MC?” You heard your name being called and you turned to find Jaehee and Cordelia making their way over to you and your date, Cordelia’s arm was wrapped around one of Jaehee’s, both of them with confused smiles on your faces. “I didn’t know you and Saeyoung knew each other?”
You glanced nervously at the boy standing next to you before clearing your throat. “Yes, Saeyoung and I have been dating for six months now.”
Jaehee sent a confused look your way. “What are you talking about? Just last week you were in the shop complaining about not having a date to a family function. I recommended trying my friends app and…” her speech slowed down before she stopped completely, realization dawning on her face. “Oh! I see, you downloaded Saeyoung’s app and you two are now pretending you’re in a relationship.” “Don’t worry!” Cordelia’s bright smile was a welcome change after the awkward encounter. “Your secret is safe with us! Have a nice time guys, we’ll see you inside.” Jaehee bowed her head to you both before reconnecting her hand with her partners, both of them whispering quietly to each other as they walked inside the venue the wedding was being held in.
“Jaehee said I downloaded your app?” You turned to pin the flower again and this time he let you step closer. You could feel Saeyoung’s breath disturbing some stray strands of your hair as you adjusted the flower so it was sitting straight on his jackets lapel.
“Surprise?��� Saeyoung’s face was contorted into an awkward sheepish smile and you rolled your eyes with him. “I didn’t want you to think I, like, hacked your list to put me on there because I needed a date. The algorithm naturally matched us, I had nothing to do with it. I created the app and then answered the questions same as you and every one else who’s using it.”
“I think that’s really impressive, Saeyoung. And it’s another fact that I know about you - you create apps - that we can sell to make our relationship seem real.” You found yourself getting lost in his eyes. Normally when you video chatted with him, he was wearing glasses  but today he must have been wearing contacts. His honey colored eyes portrayed his every emotion, and it would have been easy to spend all day looking into them.
“Umm… we should probably head in.” Saeyoung suggested, holding out his hand for you to intwine your fingers with him. “Ready, darling?”
“Yes sweetie,” you giggled, letting him lead you into the venue. When you walked in, an impeccably dressed man with long silver hair waived you both over.
“Saeyoung!  We were starting to worry that you wouldn’t show up. And you must be MC! So nice to meet you, I’m Zen and this is my girlfriend, Briar.” Zen gestured to the girl sitting next to him and you smiled at them both.
“Nice to meet you both, I’ve heard lots about you guys.” You replied, Saeyoung nervously  squeezing your hand as he watched Zen’s face. Zen was the tough one to trick; he was an actor so it was super easy to tell when others were bluffing around him.
“All good things, I hope?” Zen looked at you curiously and you flushed before turning teasingly to Saeyoung.
“Mostly,” Saeyoung sent you a small smile and you smiled back before finishing your sentence. “You know Saeyoung, he has to throw some weird facts in about everyone. He was telling me about the time he sent a picture of him dressed as a maid and you-”
“Okay! I get it, he’s an annoying jerk who promised not to tell that to anyone.” Zen’s face dropped into a pout and you internally ‘aww-ed’ when Briar leaned over to kiss his bottom lip that was sticking out.
Soon after, the service started which made it hard to talk to anyone. As Yoosung was saying his vows, you looked over to find Saeyoung swiping away at a tear that had filled his eyes and you reached over and reattached your hands, squeezing gently. “You okay?” You whispered.
“Yeah,” he whispered back, leaning his head on your shoulder. “I’ll tell you more later but I never expected to be friends with these people for this long, let alone see my best friend get married. Just kinda hit me all at once.” You didn’t respond, opting to rest your head on top of his and you both stayed like that, your breathing in sync with each other for the rest of the ceremony.
“Well, I don’t know about you guys, but I think that was one of the most beautiful things I’ve ever seen.” Zen remarked once Yoosung and Wenyn had walked out of the venue as man and wife. “It’s time to head over to the reception.”
You and Saeyoung took your time walking over to the reception hall, your hands still connected and a comfortable silence settling over the both of you. “What did you mean earlier?”
Saeyoung stopped and pulled you to a small bench, both of you sitting down, your thighs pressed together. “When I met this group of people, I was working for a secret agency as a hacker. I couldn’t make friends then and when I did, I’d have to change my identity eventually and never talk to them again. With the help from Jumin, I was able to successfully get out and start over after deleting my data and information from their systems.” Saeyoung turned his body slightly to face  you and you could see how hard this was for him. His lip was trembling  and he had a deep sadness etched in his eyes that was replacing the normally playful gleam. “That’s also a reason why I never met anyone romantically, I didn’t want them to get to close and then have to hurt them in the long run.”
“But you don’t have to hide anymore, you can be with someone now.” You pointed out and Saeyoung smiled sadly. “Have you thought that maybe…” you trailed off, shaking your head almost like you were physically trying to rid yourself of the thought. “Never mind.”
“You can ask me if you want to,” Saeyoung encouraged, his smile causing your heart to stutter for a moment before it permanently picked up speed. You swallowed hard and wiped your sweaty hands on your skirt before smoothing it out, playing with the hem to avoid meeting the eyes that you continuously find yourself lost in.
“Just hypothetically… do you think you’ve already met the person you could be with romantically?” Your heartbeat was in your ears and you could barely hear his response after you turned to look him in the eyes. Those damn eyes. They were already hard to resist but when he was looking at you like you were the only person in the world and you were sitting so close to him that you could feel his breath on your nose, those were the only things in the world you could look at in that moment; everything else in the world had faded dim behind those golden eyes.
“MC…” Saeyoung’s hand came up to gently push your bangs from your eyes and when he did so, his fingers lightly brushed your forehead before his palm rested on your cheek. “I…” he inched closer to you and you could feel his breath against your lips. Not wanting to waste a moment more not kissing Saeyoung, you met him the rest of the way. The kiss was awkward and clumsy and your teeth clashed quite a few times - it was his first kiss after all - but everything about it in that moment was just so Saeyoung and it had you yearning for more. Saeyoung’s other arm wrapped around your waist and pulled you up so you were straddling him, your knees resting on either side of his legs on the bench, feet dangling off. Once he had pulled you closer, his tongue quickly darted out in search of yours and when you eagerly met his with your own, he moaned softly, sending a shiver down your spine. Pulling away once, he softly pecked your lips again before helping you off his lap. “Well that was…” you giggled as he adjusted his pants, hands covering his crotch, and waited for him to speak. “That was-”
“A sight for sore eyes?” A black haired man cut off Saeyoung and you watched as his cheeks flushed red at the sight of the older man. “I wasn’t aware this was a soft-core sex warehouse, I thought it was a wedding reception.”
“Um, Jumin… this is my girlfriend, MC. Darling, you remember me telling you about Jumin?” You immediately straightened up where you were sitting, eager to make a good impression on another one of Saeyoung’s friends.
“Yes, I do. Saeyoung told me that you helped him get out of a bit of a sticky situation. You seem like a very good man to have done that for him, and without you I never would have met him. So, thank you. And you must be Luce?” You directed your attention to the small redheaded girl standing side by side with Jumin.
She nodded her head and Jumin cleared his throat. It was crystal clear that when he was in a room, he naturally commanded the attention of everyone around him and you found yourself shrinking into Saeyoung’s side as he fixed his stare on you. “We should be heading in, yes? We wouldn’t want the bride and groom to think we’re all being rude.”
Once Jumin and his wife walked inside, you buried your head in Saeyoung’s chest, face blaring red in shame. “That was mortifying!”
You could feel his laugh vibrate through his chest as he cupped the back of your head holding you to him. “At least now they have no reason to doubt us!”
Pulling away from him you frowned before standing up. “We should head on in,”
“We should,” Saeyoung agreed, linking your fingers together. You turned to go and as you did, he pulled you back to him, sweetly connecting your lips once more. As your chest collided with his, you let out a ‘hmph’ sound that caused the redhead to smile and softly nip at your lip. “I couldn’t help myself, you’re so cute.”
“So are you,” you admitted and he laughed before letting you lead him into the wedding reception.
The reception was already filled with dancing, drinking, and all other kinds of celebrating when you and Saeyoung finally made it inside the room and when Yoosung and Saeyoung made eye contact, the blond quickly made his way over to you both.
Without saying anything, Saeyoung wrapped his arms tightly around Yoosung’s shoulders and you saw his amethyst eyes widen in shock before closing as he let out a deep sigh, wrapping his arms tightly around his best friends waist. You looked away from the pair, letting them have their moment, and made eye contact with Jaehee who quickly made her way over to you.
“It seems you and Saeyoung are getting along well?” She nudge your side and sent a wink your way, causing your face to flush as you look at the ground. “I mean, I’m glad it’s you he ended up bringing, instead of a complete stranger.”
“I’m starting to think you’re right,” you admitted, glancing at Saeyoung and when your eyes met he smiled and threw a cheeky wink at you before excusing himself from his conversation and crossing the room to you, quickly wrapping his arms around your waist from behind.
“Jaehee, what are you and my gorgeous girlfriend of six months up to?” You felt Saeyoung pull you closer and you immediately relaxed in his arms, moving side to side to the beat of the music.
Jaehee narrowed her eyes at him and sighed, pushing a piece of her hair out of the way. “You’re really subtle at this,” she remarked sarcastically. “Anyway, I should be getting back. I’ll catch up with you both before I leave.” You watched as she wandered back over to her girlfriend and taking her hand, spinning her around.
Turning in Saeyoung’s arms, he tightened his grip on your waist as you wrapped your arms around his neck. “Dance with me”
“I don’t dance.” His voice was low and husky as apposed to his normal higher voice with a teasing lilt, something that sent a shock straight to your stomach and caused butterflies to permanently reside there.
“Please,” you begged, tugging on an unruly lock of hair that was sticking out from the back of his head. “For me?”
Saeyoung brought his lips up to your ear, brushing them against it as he spoke. “Everyone will be looking at you if I take you on that dance floor. I want you for myself. Next time, I won’t be able to handle myself if you wear a skirt that short, you’re driving me crazy.” That last word was barely a whisper but it left you a mess on your insides, your legs felt like jelly.
“I’m yours, if you’ll have me.” You whispered back and before you could say anything else, his lips connected with yours for the third time that night.
“Aw, look at these two love birds.” Zen teased as you both broke apart. “Do we hear more wedding bells in the future?”
You and Saeyoung shared a look before bursting out laughing. No one but Jaehee, Cordelia and Yoosung understood why something like that was funny, but they all looked on at the both of you with small smiles playing on their lips - they were just glad Saeyoung was happy.
After the reception, Saeyoung and you were in his car, his hand resting possessively on your thigh and when he pulled up to your apartment building, he turned to you. “MC,”
“Saeyoung.” You replied, reaching out to brush some hair from his eyes. “I don’t want to go inside. That means leaving you.”
“I’ll see you the same time next week.” He replied, a faraway look in his eyes. “I can’t wait to be your fake boyfriend again.”
“I can’t wait either,” you agreed and leaned in to rest your forehead on his for a moment before getting out of the car.
“Hey, wait!” You turned around and watched as Saeyoung got out of his car, walking up to you and cupping your face. “I don’t want to be your fake boyfriend next week.”
“You don't? Well, I was under the impression that we were getting along well but...” The end of your sentence fell off as your brows furrowed in confusion and he was quick to retrace what he said.
“No, not like that! I don’t want to be your fake boyfriend because I want to be your real boyfriend. I know it seems sudden, but it’s not really! We talked for a week before this and I enjoy your company and people say that when you know, you know. And I know. You’re the one for me, right now in this second.” His eyes were pleading with you and your heart swelled as you listened to the words coming out of his mouth.
“Would you be interested in being my real boyfriend?” You asked, a small smile playing on your lips as you repeated the words he asked you a week ago, only this time you were asking for real.
“Only if you’re interested in being my real girlfriend!” Saeyoung replied, before his lips delicately brushed yours, just long enough that he could inhale your breath and leave your heart beating in your chest.
“Text me when you get home, I want to make sure you made it safe.” You said after he had pulled away to study your face, eyes brimming with tears. “Hey, what’s going on?” You cupped Saeyoung’s cheek and he leaned into your touch, closing his eyes and letting a tear roll down to his chin.
“No one’s ever said that to me before,” he replied, eyes opening and looking at you intently. “It feels nice to have someone care like that.”
“Well get used to it mister,” your thumb brushed under his eyes, catching another tear before it could fall. “I’m gonna care the heck out of you.”
Saeyoung laughed and you found yourself laughing with him, eyes welling with tears as well, and when he noticed you were both crying tears of joy, he laughed harder, causing you to as well. “I should get going, let you sleep.”
“I don’t want to say goodbye,” you whispered, moving to wrap your arms around his waist. “I just said hello.”
“It’s not a goodbye.” Saeyoung promised, pressing a kiss to the crown of your head. “I promise, it’s a see you soon. And I’ll text you when I get home safely.”
You looked up at him to find you already looking at you. Saeyoung was looking at you like he couldn’t believe you were real, almost like you were part of a dream and every moment he was expecting to wake up. “You better,” you jokingly threatened before standing on your tip toes to press one last sweet kiss to his lips.
After watching him drive off, you followed the steps up to your apartment and hopped in the shower, checking your phone after you had dried off. Two notifications had popped up in the time you were away from your phone.
First checking the message from Saeyoung, a smile danced across your lips as you read it: Just got home. sweet dreams. I know I’ll dream of seeing you again.
You quickly replied that you were glad he made it back and you’d dream of him as well before you checked the second notification from Wedding Bells. It was a message from someone on your list of 10 people and you exited out of it before deleting the app. There was no need for it anymore; you had someone to bring to weddings and family functions now.
A week later when you introduced your family to your boyfriend Saeyoung, you proudly showed off your relationship with him, eager to display to your family how amazing he is. He did well too, got along with your younger cousins and helped your mom cook dinner and by the end of the night, everyone couldn’t wait to make plans to see the both of you again. Saeyoung had not only wormed his way into your heart, but the rest of your family’s as well.
“I think they liked me,” Saeyoung joked once you guys had left your parents house. You both were back at your apartment, him holding you in his arms as you both lounged on the couch.
“Are you kidding me?” You laughed, moving your head to press a kiss to his jawline. “They loved you. I haven’t seen my family that enthusiastic about anything related to me since I graduated college. I’ll have to keep you around purely for that fact.”
“I’m sorry I don’t have a huge family for you to meet.” Saeyoung’s voice drooped and you shook your head smiling at him.
“What are you talking about? I met your family at Yoosung’s wedding. Like it or not, but those people love you. Family isn’t blood, it’s the people who love you unconditionally. And there’s a whole bunch of them for you specifically.” You had turned so you were facing him. “Everyone who I met that day cares so deeply about you, never for one second think that you don’t have a family.”
“What would I do without you?” Saeyoung’s forehead came to rest against yours and you laughed, ruffling his hair.
“Perish, probably.”
“I care for you more than I probably should.” He admitted, honey eyes locked on your own.
“I don’t know about that.” You responded. “I care for you a lot too.”
Saeyoung leaned in to gently brush his lips against your own and he pulled back, a goofy grin on his face. “Am I the smartest person in the world for creating that app, or what?”
“Or what.” Grinning back at him, you squealed as his fingers prodded your side, hitting a ticklish spot. “I’m kidding, I’m kidding!” Your laughter rang out in your quiet apartment and Saeyoung wanted to record that sound to have it play whenever he forgot how beautiful your laugh was. “I’m extremely grateful that Jaehee recommended me the app that you made that resulted in me meeting you.”
Saeyoung didn’t respond, instead opting to hold you close and pull you onto his lap before both of you settling back down. He played with your hair as your eyes started drooping and once your soft snores filled the room, his eyes closed as well, content to fall asleep holding you.
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elisajdb · 3 years
GoChi Week 2021: A Fulfilled Life: Part Six
GoChi Week 2021
A Fulfilled Life
Day Six: Modern AU @gochi-week
Four-year-old Kakarrot hid behind several crates, frightened and unsure of what to do and why this is happening. Earlier that day, his Mommy and Daddy told him they were moving to a place that will make them all happy. Kakarrot didn’t like that he had to leave many of his toys behind but Mommy promised to buy him new toys.
Daddy drove them to an old building where Daddy said a friend of his will take them to their new home. There, they met a tall burly man Kakarrot knew as Gyumao and the one who will take his family to the happy place.  
It was a lie.
In his mother’s arms, Kakarrot heard words being exchanged between Daddy and Gyumao, loud bangs, his Daddy falling to the ground; Mommy screaming and running away with him; more loud bangs that caused his Mommy to fall and drop him. Before Mommy closed her eyes to sleep, she told him to run. Kakarrot ran and hid behind the crates.
Kakarrot could see and hear everything. Daddy was still awake but sounded in pain. Daddy’s shirt changed colors, too. It turned from light blue to a dark red over his tummy. More people entered the building. A short man Kakarrot heard called Freeza stood over his Daddy. With him were two other strange people and Gyumao.  
“Bardock, you dumb fuck. You got greedy. If you only tried to save Gine and Kakarrot I would’ve looked the other way. I would’ve thought Gine planned her escape behind your back and ditched you because I took Raditz.” Freeza sadistically laughed over Daddy. “I would’ve taunted you at every opportunity your wife took her other son and ditched you. I would’ve had sympathy for you and not ordered them killed but you got greedy. You wanted out yourself.” Freeza pressed his booted foot on Bardock’s neck. “You would leave me after all I’ve done for you? I’m hurt, Bardock. Deeply hurt.”
Freeza removed his foot and stepped away leaving Daddy to cough up red liquid. “Done for me?” Daddy sounded in pain. “You made me and all the members of the Oozaru organization your flunkies. We did your bidding after our boss Vegeta submitted control of our group to you. Your organization became the strongest and the most feared group in the land because of OUR muscle. Without us, you’re nothing!”
A pale skin man Kakarrot heard named Zarbon laughed haughtily, “He thinks the Oozaru should take credit for your strength, Mr. Freeza. How insulting he doesn’t give you the credit you deserve.”
“Indeed. Something must be done.” Freeza turned to Gyumao. “Kill him.” When Gyumao only reacted with shocked eyes, Freeza snarled, “Use your gun and kill him.”
“No.” Gyumao shook his head refusing him. “I betrayed Bardock and my partner to keep my wife and daughter safe. I won’t kill him.”
“Useless.” Freeza snatched the gun out of Gyumao’s hands. He fired two bullets in Bardock’s head. He shot Gyumao’s left shoulder.
Kakarrot gasped. Daddy stopped talking. He was sleeping like Mommy. Kakarrot didn’t understand everything that was going on but even his young mind understood he and his parents weren’t going to the happy place and it was all Gyumao’s fault.
Kakarrot yelp as he was pulled in the air. He saw a burly, bald man grinning at him. “Gotcha, kid.”
Twenty-Two Years Later
“Here he comes. Right on schedule,” Lazuli remarked as she noticed the familiar tall man with wild spiky hair and dressed in a suit that cost more than her rent for six months approaching. Lazuli turned away and pretended to not notice him as she placed signs of today’s menu outside the food truck.
Inside the truck, ChiChi looked herself over in the small mirror hanging in a corner. Her face wasn’t wet with kitchen sweat yet and her makeup looked perfect. She checked her shirt. No food stains yet. Good. Lazuli stepped into the truck. She smirked at ChiChi’s primping. “Aren’t you thirsty for your favorite customer?”
“I am not thirsty. I’m happy to see my favorite customer. It’s because of him Mt. Frypan Food Truck has got off the ground. He recommended this and other locations around the city. I’m so much closer to opening a restaurant. I owe him a lot.”
College roommates and both laid off work, ChiChi used her savings to start her own food truck business. Lazuli never thought ChiChi would have the guts to do it. She even teased if ChiChi got a food truck, she’ll be her partner. When ChiChi arrived in her apartment parking lot with the food truck, Lazuli became a woman of her word and partnered with ChiChi. She helped with the designs for the truck, marketing flyers and building the company’s website and social media accounts.
Business started slowly. They made some money but Mt. Frypan was always in the red. Six months in and behind in her rent, ChiChi started to wonder if this was a good idea. Then Kakarrot appeared. He purchased a sandwich, complimented ChiChi, paid and left. Lazuli and ChiChi thought that was the end of it but Kakarrot returned the next day ordering another item on the menu. Kakarrot eventually ate every item on the menu. Noticing the slow business, Kakarrot recommended locations and ideas to ChiChi. She listened and her business turned around. She became one of the most in-demand food trucks in the city. Her dream to own her restaurant was a lot closer now thanks to Kakarrot.
Every day, Kakarrot arrived at Mr. Frypan Food Truck at 10:30 am when Lazuli and ChiChi began setting up for the day. ChiChi always had Kakarrot’s lunch ready. She cooked extra for him. It was very obvious ChiChi was smitten with Kakarrot but ChiChi never made a move which aggravated Lazuli.
“When are you gonna ask him out?”
“Why would I ask him out?” ChiChi looked out the food truck. Kakarrot had stopped to talk on his phone. She chewed her lower lip. He looked so hot in that suit. “He’s a nice man who’s helped my business.”
“You’re always checking yourself when he comes by. You always give him extra food for lunch.”
“He helped me with my business. It’s only fair I give him extra.” Lazuli raised her eyebrow at her. “I’m not his type, okay. You see him in those expensive suits. I’m just an ordinary woman trying to make it in this world. I know I’m attractive but I know my limits.”
Lazuli scoffed. “You’re being stupid. It’s very obvious Kakarrot is into you. I don’t know what problems you both have in not making a move.”
ChiChi shushed her as Kakarrot pocket his phone and made his way to the food truck. Kakarrot smiled at the two women. “Good morning, ladies.” Kakarrot read the menu outside the truck. “Barbecue today. You should do well.”
“We hope so. We got a lot of meat cooked and ready to go.” ChiChi handed Kakarrot his lunch through the sell window. “Here’s your lunch.” Kakarrot took his lunch and handed ChiChi her money. He paid in cash every time with a hefty tip.
“Thanks. I appreciate this.” Instead of walking away as he always did, Kakarrot lingered. “I know you have to finish setting up before you open but do you have a minute? I’d like to talk to you alone.”
“Uh….” This is what ChiChi wanted to hear Kakarrot say to her for months and instead of saying ‘Yes’ her brain freezes.
“She has time,” Lazuli spoke for her. “I got this.”
ChiChi shook her head at Lazuli flushed. She couldn’t do this now! Her brain wasn’t working! She couldn’t speak! Lazuli brushed past ChiChi and opened the door. She shoved ChiChi forward, forcing her to leave.
Kakarrot stood at the door waiting for her. Pushing down the butterflies in her stomach, ChiChi stepped out of the truck. She noticed Kakarrot’s eyes sweeping over her. “What is it?”
“This is the first time I’ve seen you from the waist down. I only see you behind that sell window. Nice.” His eyes were on her legs. She looked cute in her shorts. Being a runner and having a black belt in martial arts, ChiChi kept herself in excellent shape. “Shame I’m only seeing it now. Maybe I would’ve made my move sooner.”
“Move?” ChiChi inquired innocently.
“Are you seeing anyone?”
ChiChi’s breath hitched, her heart jumped. Was Kakarrot going to…? “No,” she answered breathlessly. “Are you?”
Kakarrot grinned. “I wouldn’t ask if I were.” He stepped closer to ChiChi. ChiChi stepped back until she was pressed against the truck. “We’ve been doing this little dance for way too long. I’ve found you attractive since I laid eyes on you.”
“All of me from the waist up?” ChiChi quipped.
Kakarrot chuckled. “Yeah.” His eyes swept over hers again. “I wasn’t sure you felt the same way but I thought, ‘Fuck it. I’m gonna do this.’ So, I am. I wanna take you out.”
Don’t be shy, ChiChi told herself. Go for it. “I want you to take me out.”
Kakarrot grinned. “You’re very certain of yourself. Not shy like I thought you’d be. I thought I will have to assure you I want you.”
“Why act shy when we both want the same thing?”
Kakarrot’s intense coal eyes bore into hers. “Do we both want the same thing?”
“I…..” his eyes were intense, the cologne he wore smelled so good and there was a definite bulge in his pants that was making her wet. “What do you want?”
“You. In my car. In my bed. In my shower. The breakfast bar in my kitchen.” Kakarrot leaned over her. He was so close he was almost touching her. “You’ve been on my mind a lot lately. I had an intense dream of us last night. So much I had to beat myself off three times before I could leave my place.” The visual of Kakarrot rubbing himself off to her caused her own core to tingle and more moisture to soak her lacy underwear. “It’s not just physical though. You’re beautiful and I admire your drive and determination to make this business a success. I really want to get to know you.”
Kakarrot pulled back allowing ChiChi a moment to breathe. “Oh,” his eyes dropped. “I guess we do want the same thing.”
ChiChi’s eyes followed Kakarrot’s. She looked down at her chest. Damn thin bra. Damn her light-colored shirt.
“How about Friday night?” Kakarrot suggested.
Friday night would give her today, tomorrow and Friday afternoon to shop for a dress. Maybe she’ll go to the salon. She was attracted to Kakarrot for a long time. She never told Lazuli but many lonely nights Kakarrot filled her mind and provided her with relief. If he was impressed with her in shorts and thin shirts, he’ll really be impressed when she’s dressed up.
“Where are we going?” ChiChi asked.
“Bansho’s for dinner and Kame House afterward.”
Bansho’s was an expensive restaurant and Kame House was an exclusive club where many celebrities, the rich and athletes appeared in. Food truck owners like her didn’t qualify but she wanted to. “Sounds nice.”
“I’ll see you, Friday.” Kakarrot took his lunch and walked off. His phone rang. He pulled it out of his phone. The contact’s name calling him read “Asshole”. Kakarrot answered on the second ring. “What is it, Vegeta?”
“You’re playing a dangerous game,” Vegeta warned him. “Remember your father, Bardock? He got attached to Gine. It blinded him. It made him reckless. It cost him his life.”
“No. That was Freeza and that asshole, Gyumao. They’re both gonna pay. Gyumao will be first.”
“Then kill him and his daughter and be done with it.”
“No.” Killing Gyumao would be too easy. Kakarrot wanted him to suffer. “He needs more than a quick death. He needs to suffer like I have. He needs to lose everything like I have. His daughter is the key to getting my revenge and no one will stop me from getting it.”
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