#more starkid comjng soon i awear
raspberrysmoon · 8 months
a whole of two people said yes to oc posts so here you go
i made a flow chart :]
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ignore that tumblr SHOT my image quality shhhh its mostly legible
isnt she cute? info below :] these r cats btw. just btw
hehe ok hiiiiii
leaders are. leaders theyre not special really. they do all the big major decisions and hold ceremonies
deputies are the second in command and the primary communication between the leader and the rest of the group
seers are nuns, basically. they talk to God and Dead People and have advanced medical knowledge
medics are. well theyre doctors? like regular doctors with only a mild sense of spirituality
medical apprentices are just that. theyre in training to be a full medic
midwives are just what they are irl. they keep close with queens and medics to monitor pregnancies and kits
keepers are medical helpers. think of them as nurses. they get supplies and are generally trained in all medical fields (including midwifery) and can easily fill any position. also help with kits and apprentices as they figure out how life works; sorta like teachers
stewards are sort of like social workers. they deal with emotion-relationship focused conflict and take care of younger cats especially
elders are old
queens are cats with kits in the nursery. pregnant or not. can include permanent queens, and temporary bodies for warmth in the winter
kits are 0-6 months old. from 3-6 months they begin to transition to helping with camp chores.
- 0-3 months theyre like babies, taken care of and not expected to do much
- 3-6 months theyre in preschool/kindergarten. they do little things
- 6-12 months theyre expected to learn the territory and basics of hunting, fighting and medicine
- 12+ months theyre choosing their speciality and training in depth in it. this can last for 6 months, or three years. depends on position and mentor. by this point, theyre treated like adults. college.
organizers are the managers!! the deputy will tell them what needs to be done (hunting, patrols etc) and they delegate tasks around the camp
hunters are the biggest group- they do ALL of the hunting. their job is to keep the group fed
sentries are the second largest group- they keep borders stable and keep outsiders outside
constructors are the third largest group- they do all the building and camp keep up. den roof fell in? which constructor is nearby?
messengers are the speedy ones. they run messages to other groups, and bring information (+gossip) back each day
examples of these roles (all of them, levels included) coming soon i just need to draw em !!
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