#more koby content for me too (important ^_^)
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petrichal · 6 months ago
You know what would be really cool? If instead of fillers, Toei would animate One Piece Gakuen or One Piece Party just like Strawhat Theater all those years ago to pad out the pacing and have it be at the end of an episode
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disneydeb1928 · 4 years ago
One Piece Theories: The Truth of the D. Clan
                                                       - The Void Century Theories, Part 3
This is the third part of my Void Century Theories Series. This one is a long one (I apologize).
The D. Clan
So, first I think we should review, what exactly has been mentioned, in canon, on this topic:
1) It is first brought up by Kureha, on Drum Island, when she revealed that the true name of the late Pirate King was “Gol D. Roger” and told Dolton that Chopper had joined up with a very “dangerous man” (Ch. 154)
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After stating Chopper has joined up with a “dangerous man”, she then smiles and says, “D’s will is still alive?”
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2) In chapter 594, which takes place after Marineford, the Gorosei are discussing the possible connection between Rayleigh and Luffy when one of them says, “The ‘D.’s are always the troublemakers… especially Portgas… it seems his name has been a little too visible lately.”
3) Law actually talks about the D. Clan twice. The first time, is right before the timeskip, in chapter 729. After leaving Amazon Lily with Luffy in Rayleigh’s care he says “Still, I wonder what the Dark King’s [Rayleigh] is up to… the ‘D.’ will always bring a storm without fail… heheh…”. Later, during the Dressrosa arc, Doflamingo questions Law about why he would trust the Straw Hat Pirates as much as he does.  Law replies “Because I know the ‘D.’ will blow up a storm again!”. However, both of these statements are merely echoing what Rosinante told him as a child.
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Rosinante refers to where “I come from”, which must be referring to Mary Goise, the home of the Celestial Dragons. He says that will someone “with the name of ‘D.’ begins to make a name for themselves in the world… all the elders all groan and mutter… that ‘D.’ will surely bring with them another storm…”. We know that this is true based off the comments the Gorosei made (see above). He also says that it is a name that people have “secretly” been inheriting throughout history. This is highlighted by the fact that, just a chapter prior, when Law revealed his true name to Baby 5, he said “the ‘D.’ is a secret’ (Ch. 763). Rosinante then states that, in Mary Goise, the “’Family of D.’” is know as “God’s Natural Enemy”. Of course, many have taken this to mean ‘the Celestial Dragons natural enemy’ since the Celestial Dragons see themselves as gods.
When Law demands to know if that makes him a monster, Rosinante admits that “no one knows the actual truth”. However, we know that’s not true. This sentence is important because of a connection it has to the conversation between Law and Sengoku in Episode 743. Sengoku says,
“At least, I know Rosinante had no idea [about the meaning of that ‘D’]. So that wasn’t the reason he saved you.”
While it was a beautiful moment, it should be noted that Sengoku seems to be implying that had Rosinante have known about the true meaning behind the ‘D.’, it might have played a role in why he saved Law (even though we all know Rosinante was a big softy). Sengoku almost seems relieved to hear Rosinante didn’t know the truth. Then, he thinks,
“So he is one, too. The people with the name “D.” always lead a checkered life.”
The dictionary defines ‘checkered’ as: marked by periods of varied fortune or discreditable incidents. It at least implies that Sengoku knows something about the D. Clan.
Now, let’s review the people who appear to know something about the ‘D.’ (at least part of it) and the implications that could have:
1.) Dr. Kureha – (See Explanation Above)
Implications: Kureha aas born on September 8th, 1383. To put this into perspective, that makes her older than every known ‘D.’-bearer we’ve been introduced to in the story so far. In fact, that makes her 141 years old. As mentioned before, she is one of the people who knows Gold Roger’s real name. We know that Roger began to complain about the papers calling him that when he met with Whitebeard (around August) in 1500, so it is very plausible that she simply remembers what he used to be called before the propaganda began. However, her last comment, “D’s will is still alive?” is something of interest.
Grammatically, structuring the sentence as “D’s will” would give the same meaning as “Will of D.”. Both are describing a possessive condition. So we know that she is specifically referring to the Will of D. in this sentence. When she says this, she is smiling, implying that she is pleased with this fact. My question is, why would she have reason to believe that it wasn’t alive. I understand that some families with the ‘D.’ in their name have gone about hiding it, but there is still Monkey D. Garp, who is very public with his name. It’s possible that she’s been living a secluded life for a long time, but if she knew about Roger how had she not known of Garp? Also, I would stipulate, that her reaction makes me believe that there is an emotional connection to the “Will of D.”. It is absolutely possible, that her sentiment could more general, in that she’s happy to see that the World Government wasn’t able to extinguish another token of the past. Or it could imply something else. I think a lot of people wouldn’t be surprised if Kureha had met Roger in the past. He was a sick man and she was a genius doctor, capable of amazing advances in medicine. I think it is also possible that she knew others bearing that initial.  
2.) Roger and some of the Roger Pirates – (As mentioned during my discussion on Joy Boy’s treasure, they discovered the true meaning at Laugh Tale)
Implications: While Roger appeared put out by the idea that the newspaper was covering up his name, he didn’t seem too beat up about it. In fact, we honestly can’t garner much from Roger’s reactions to anything. He, much like Luffy, didn’t seem to let things bother him.
However, I would like to take a look at his last words before his execution. There are two main versions I have seen floating around, but I am sure, due to translations, that there are many more. They are:
·         “Inherited will, the swelling of the changing times, and the dreams of people. These are things that cannot be stopped. As long as people seek the answer to freedom, these will never cease to be!”
·         “Inherited Will, The Destiny of the Age, The Dreams of its People. As long as people continue to pursue the meaning of Freedom, these things will never cease!”
Of course, the first person who springs to mind when I read this, is Luffy, who talks about freedom being a large reason in why he wanted to become a pirate. What I believe Roger is saying, is that as long as people are not content with oppression, and instead chose freedom (which can taken many forms), then people’s dreams and will (Joy Boy’s, Roger’s, Ace’s) can never fully be extinguished (which parallels to what Whitebeard said during Marineford).
Now, freedom mean many things, to different people. Luffy sees freedom as becoming a pirate; Zoro sees it as becoming the world’s greatest swordsman; Koby sees it as becoming a Marine. If you notice, despite having a dislike at the idea of becoming a Marine, Luffy never does anything but encourage Koby (in his own way). Because ‘freedom’ in this sense, is more about following your ambitions – your heart’s desires – reaching for the stars.  
3.) Whitebeard – Roger informs Whitebeard the true meaning of the “D.” during their last meeting before turning himself in. In fact, Whitebeard has enough understanding on the subject that he can confidently say that Blackbeard is not the man that Roger is waiting for [to find the One Piece]
Implications: After Roger complains about his name change, WB asked him this,
“Now and then I come across some people with the name “D.”. Even in my own crew, there’s Teach. Just what is ‘D.’?”
So, Whitebeard is admitting that “now and then” he comes across ‘D.’-bearers. He doesn’t specify how often or even how many bearers he’s come across during his time (at this point WB is 50). However, we know that by 1500, the only ‘D.’-bearers that we know (currently) existed were:
·         Jaguar D. Saul (born March 6, 1397)
·         Monkey D. Garp (born May 2, 1446)
·         Rocks D. Xebec
·         Gol D. Roger (born December 31, 1447)
·         Monkey D. Dragon (born 1469)
·         Portrgas D. Rouge
·         Marshall D. Teach (born August 3, 1484)
We know that Whitebeard was a part of a infamous pirate crew known as the Rocks Pirates and that his captain, Rocks D. Xebec was a ‘D.’-bearer. Now, we have no idea what went down during the crew before they separated – or even when they separated. We don’t even know if the entire crew participated in the God’s Valley Incident. But what we do know, is that the Rocks Pirates were involved in a lot of the taboo subjects of the world. I go into this a lot deeper in one of my previous theories specifically on the Rocks Pirates, but it is very telling that two of the previous crew members end up with a Road Poneglyph. We also know that he is including Roger in his statement, but I also think it is likely he knows Garp as well. I think it is obvious that we have not discovered all of the current or past ‘D.’-bearers, so all we can do, beyond this list, is speculate.
Whatever it was that Roger ended up telling him, Whitebeard appears to keep to himself for the next 24 years. Not that I’m surprised, that man really didn’t care about pursuing any power other then keeping his family safe. However, at Marineford, he says,
“It’s not you [Blackbeard]… The man Roger is waiting for… is definitely not you, Teach. There are those who inherited Roger’s will… and one day, someone will appear who will inherit Ace’s will… As long as that ‘bloodline’ survives, their flames will never die… that will has been passed down from long ago…!!!”
4.) The Marines – They seem to have some awareness of the significance – or at least Sengoku does (as shown by his conversation with Law during episode 743)
5.) Doflamingo – After Law makes the comment about blowing the D. clan being able to blow up a “storm”, Doffy becomes enraged. This sees to indicate that he knows what Law is referencing. This wouldn’t be surprising since he knows the truth about the Treasure in Mary Geoise.
Implications: However, it could simply be that he, much like his brother, was reacting to the fear that the Celestial Dragons instilled in their children about the ‘D.’ clan and was angry that Law knew.
6.) Im-Sama – I think it is clear that if anyone in this story holds all the answers, it’s Im-Sama. They are clearly deeply rooted in the one piece mythology
7.) The Gorosei – Being second to Im-Sama and who the rest of the world view as the most powerful group in the world, it can be concluded that they, at least, know what Im wants them to know on the subject
Commonalities Between “D.”-bearers: All of the members who have passed, have all died with a smile on their face, in what appears to be, acceptance of their fate. This is, of course, with the exception of Teach, who feared death during Marineford.
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cherryblossom-chopper · 5 years ago
We broke Koby now let's break Kidd by making him be a second too late and being in denial that his s/o is dying LETS GO TO HEARTBREAK TOWN WOO
Hello yes the pain machine is here
Pronouns: She/Her
Word Count: 1359
Morning rays of crisp sunshine filtered in through the windows. A redhead tossed his arm over his eyes to hide his gaze from the rising sun. Kidd audibly groaned, his mind was foggy from a night manic drinking. Instinctively he reached a free arm out to space beside him. The cold sheets caused him to suck in a breath of air.
   Like a great flood, Kidd felt each and every emotion he had been fighting back returning with great force. Those God forsaken tears were threatening to spill over now, and he’d rather be damned the start crying.
   The redhead grabbed the nearest bottle of alcohol, he didn’t bother looking to see it what it was, he only raised it to his lips to take a deep gulp. To his annoyance, the whiskey bottle had been drained dry the night before. Kidd scanned the room for a bottle that had some contents, even a drop of alcohol would be enough.
Kidd bit his lip finding that his bedroom was full of empty bottles. He hadn’t planned on leaving they're- his room- until he drank his feelings away. Groaning Kidd got out of bed and rubbed his bloodshot eyes, he tossed his coat on and trudged out of his bedroom. As Kidd stalked towards the kitchen, Killer fell into step right behind him.
“What?” he huffed and tossed a glare at Killers’ masked stare. Killers' silence was causing Kidd’s irritation to boil over. “Why are you staring at me like that?” Kidd turned on his heels and barked into Killers' mask.
“Everyone’s a little concerned about you Captain,” Killer watched his long-time friend, “Maybe you should cut back drinking.”
Killer was diving headfirst into the dangerous territory with minimal fear, “I think you should just deal with your grief.”
“Grief?” Kidd snapped, “I have no idea what the hell you’re talking about.” His blood was now boiling, but all he managed to do is stomp away from his friend, to frantically find any amount of alcohol.
Kidd practically busted down the kitchen door, with his teeth gritted tightly. He tore through the kitchen searching up and down for a good drink. The man breathed a sigh of relief when he finally found a full unopened bottle of sake. A grim smile pulled on his lips as he opened the bottle.
Killer watched from the doorway. “It wasn’t your fault Kidd,” Killer said in a soft tone, almost sympathetic.
It pissed Kidd off. He didn’t sympathy from Killer or anyone for that matter. He didn’t need anyone at all. He took a long drink straight from the bottle, some dribbled down his chin. Kidd glared at his first mate and didn’t bother to wipe away the sake.
“Piss off, would you? I don’t need you to tell me what I already know,” Kidd grunted before leaning back against the kitchen wall.
Killer studied his captain for a few moments before stepping inside and shutting the kitchen door.
“We all miss her Captain,” Killer said with a somber tone, “Everyone loved her.”
Kidd shook his head. No way in hell was he going to have this conversation. Killer wasn’t going to get to him. Because there was nothing to get to. Plain and simple. Kidd didn’t care. He didn’t care about the memories that haunted him at night, or the heaviness in his heart, or the silence on the ship these days.
Kidd didn’t miss her either. Her death meant nothing. Absolutely... Nothing... She wasn’t important or special, she was just some girl he was fucking. Right?
Killer approached his old friend. “What did she say to you?” Killer said, obviously proding. His voice was level, even though he knew Kidd could knock him in the head for asking.
Kidd took a long swing of his drink and stared at the floor. He detested Killer for this, he knew his old friend's tricks and it wasn’t going to work this time. Not even a little bit. Then that damned assassin had the audacity the pat Kidd on the shoulder.
In somewhat of a defeat Kidd slid his back down on the way till he was pathetically slumped on the floor and succumb to his heartache.
“Get off of me!” Kidd growled as medics flocked around him, trying to corral him back into his room. He waved them away as he stormed down the hall to the medical ward. “Wire what happened?” Kidd hissed as he passed the man beside. Wire opened his mouth to speak, but Kidd brushed past him before he could say anything. Kidd marched into the small room they said (Name) was. He grit his teeth and suppressed a gasp.
She was laying there covered in bandages, her chest had a shallow rise and fall, and the minimal parts of her skin that hadn’t been warped in bandages showed a sickly grey color. Tubes, and wires and machines surrounded her. “Kidd?” (Name) murmured out, “What are you doing here?”
He dragged a chair up to her and sat down. “(Name)…” he breathed out and tentatively took her hand in his, “What happened?”
She managed a grin and looked at him with her one good eye, “The marines have some new tech. Flame throwers seemed to be a standard-issue now. Guess you won’t be the only firey one anymore.”
Kidd scanned her body, horrified. Seared skin was being hidden by the bandages. His anger was bubbling up like he was trapped in a kettle. “I’ll kill them,” he ran his fingers through his hair, “I’ll kill them all.”
While Kidd was lost in his thoughts of how he’d maim those who dare harm his woman, medics frantically surrounded the two. (Name) squeezed Kidd’s hand ever so slightly, “Eustass,” she coughed.
Kidd slowly became aware of the doctors' presence and the beeping becoming louder and faster. Anxiously, Kidd stood from his seat and barked out, “What's going on?”
(Name) squeezed his hand again. “Eustass,” she managed with a little more force, “Listen to me. My time… is short.”
Kidd gripped her hand and leaned over her, “No! No, it isn’t. You are staying right here. That’s order,” bile started to rise in his throat, his heart was beginning to squeeze, and those god damn tears were welling up in his eyes because he knew. Kidd knew the truth the moment he saw her, but damn it! He couldn’t let that happen. He couldn’t lose his princess.
(Name) smiled a little, as she stared at her lover, “Can I have a kiss for the road?” she puckered her lips at Kidd.
The soulless, reckless, terror of the seas, was shaking. The tears were slipping down his cheeks freely, he couldn’t care. Kidd pressed a tender kiss to his woman's lips as he squeezed her hand. She smiled a little when he reluctantly pulled away. “Thanks, Kidd,” she murmured softly. Her grasp on his hand loosened. The machines beeping in the background became louder. Kidd squeezed her hand, trying to make up for her grip. He sat in his seat and refused to let go, even when the doctors tried to get him to leave. He couldn’t go… he just… couldn’t.
   Killer watched his captain sadly. Kidd was openly weeping on the kitchen floor. The sake had been spilled at one point as Kidd relieved his loss. “She was supposed to be here with me,” Kidd had sobbed several times. As he slowly got the tears out of his system, Kidd picked up the bottle again. He sniffled and wiped his eyes. “(Name) was so good a taking care of me when I was hungover,” Kidd allowed himself to remember her a little more.
Killer smiled a little and looked sadly at his captain, “Guess you’ll have to learn to do it yourself.”
Kidd finished the bottle of sake, in a single gulp. “If I get drunk enough, maybe she’ll come to haunt me.” He gave Killer a rueful smile, before getting to his feet, “Then she can take care of this god damn hangover.”
Kidd wiped his eyes and again before lumbering back to his room, for a long restless sleep.
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