#more jonesy because she's baby
bluecoolr · 2 years
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I don't care, okay? Lester digs out finds his older brothers after the movie ending.
They're all alive and hiding out somewhere until the heat dies down.
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loveandmurders · 3 months
The Sun of Ambrose V (lost Sinclair!daughter reader AU)
Hi everyone, this is the final part of my Sinclair!daughter AU in which the reader is Bo's daughter and she has been taken away and adopted by a new family.
You can find part I here.
Hope you'll enjoy! <3
Warnings: no proof reading, killer!reader, mentions of guilt, violence, murders, blood, some sort of dark angst/comfort
You quite enjoyed your summer break in Ambrose. You loved to sculpt with Vincent, you loved to watch your dad work on a car and to have him show you things, you loved to wander around with Lester. You loved to play with Jonesy as well. Everything felt good. You never slept so well in years, because you were finally feeling safe enough to fully relax.
You hadn’t asked about the tourists anymore because you didn’t have enough strength for more drama for the moment. And whenever people were coming around, the brothers made sure you were busy somewhere else in the town or with Lester. You pretended you didn’t notice anything. You just wanted to be happy. 
And for the moment, your own desire to kill has quieted down. You were still feeling sick from the murder of your mother.
The brothers didn’t notice anything amiss; apart from the fact they still hadn’t heard the sound of your voice, you were once again their ray of sunshine. You were making them so full of joy. The twins were talking, late in the night, about the legacy once again. They hadn’t thought they could resume their plans on this matter. They were so relieved.
However they were a little bit concerned about your adoptive father. They were certain that even if the man wasn’t doing too well for the moment, at some point he would want to get “his daughter” back. The twins had no idea how to cut him out of your life without killing him. Bo would love to murder him - out of jealousy - but he knew that you would know it one day, and he didn’t want to upset you that way. Both your mothers already died after all…
You were having a snack in Bo’s garage while he was taking care of a new car. You were sucking on the chocolate that dripped on your fingers, as you were listening to the music your father put on. You were both enjoying each other's presence even if you weren’t interacting directly. Bo was always a lot more at ease when you were in the same room than him or at least in his line of vision. He was still traumatised; he lost you once, and he promised himself it would never happen again.
You slightly jumped when you felt your phone buzzing next to you. You grabbed it and frowned when you saw it was your adoptive father. Bo noticed the look on your face.
“What’s up, baby?” he asked you as he came closer to you. You put your phone on your lap so you could sign
“He is wondering where I am.” you replied, knowing Bo would understand who was the “he”. You father rolled his eyes and groaned
“Oh so he remembered he's supposed to look after ya?” he ironized and your crossed your arms on your chest “Don’t pout” he hummed and kissed the top of your head
“I’ll have to tell him I’m here. I can’t lie to him about that. Just be nice to him, okay? Things are difficult and… And he won’t be happy about the situation because…” you trailed off
“Because what?”
“Well before mom got sick, she discovered I was chatting with you and Vince and Les, and she was worried about me. She wanted to call the cops on you” you explained. Bo didn’t show any emotion but you read in his eyes that he was quite concerned about such news
“Luckily she got sick then” he commented out loud before realising it “Sorry, love, I didn’t mean it like that” he quickly added as you looked away. Luck had really nothing to do with it, you thought.
“Anyway, I will tell him I’m here. And he’ll probably come get me. I’m just gonna make sure he doesn’t call the police or anyone” you promised as you got up and left the garage
You needed to be alone to write to your adoptive father: “Hey dad, are you feeling better? I didn’t really have anywhere to go so I went back to Ambrose. Everyone is very nice to me and Bo is inviting you over (so please don’t call the police, they really didn’t do anything wrong!). Will you bring me back home?”
The answer was almost instantaneous: “Yes, I will. I won’t call the police because I shouldn’t have asked you to go away in the first place. Love you, I’m sorry for everything”
You were relieved, knowing he wouldn’t be lying to you, not after what happened, not when he had failed his mission of taking care of you.
You came back home and settled at the kitchen table, thinking about what to do next. You didn’t want to leave Ambrose but you wouldn’t be allowed to stay here. You tried to busy yourself on some silly games on your phone but soon enough you grew bored. You were feeling quite upset as well. For the first time in weeks, you wanted to kill someone. You needed to express yourself in another way than sculpting or drawing. You needed to take out your frustration on someone, but there was no one to kill here.
Vincent opened the basement door, in need of some water when he saw you. He quickly saw you weren’t your usual happy self. He put an hand on your shoulder for you to look up at him before signing:
“What’s wrong?”
“My adoptive father will come get me. I think he should be here tonight” you replied
“Do you want to go?” Vincent tilted his head to the head, you quickly shook your head
“No, but I can’t really do anything about it”
You could tell that Vincent wanted to say something but didn’t dare and he simply sadly nodded his head at you.
“How about we make something together? Would it cheer you up?” he offered, which made you smile
“I’d love to”
As you focused on the art you were making with Vincent, you forgot about your adoptive father and you forgot about the time. Your need to kill quietened down, but was still there, waiting for you to be on your own to eat you up alive once again.
You were about to finish a sculpture of Jonesy you intended to offer to Lester, when you heard two vehicles coming into Ambrose. You looked at the window, but didn’t recognise your adoptive father’s car. There were lost “tourists” who were following behind Lester’s truck. Vincent tensed and looked at the clock before asking you:
“When do you think your adoptive father will come here?”
“I’m not sure, soon I guess” you shrugged but you saw the panic rising into Vincent’s eye
“Alright. I let you finish the sculpture without me. We have work to do. Stay here, please.” Vincent replied
“What work?” you frowned
“Promise me you will stay here” Vincent asked, firmly signing each work. You understood he was pretty serious about it
“Of course, I promise you, uncle” you finally replied as you sat back down and watched Vincent leave the room and go back into the basement.
You were about to go back to your sculpture when you heard people violently arguing. The “tourists” didn’t seem to be too happy with Bo. Lester was quick to intervene as well. You watched the scene of a man pushing Lester to the ground, and Bo hitting the said man. Your eyes widened at such a display of violence. You nibbled on your bottom lip. Were your family killers, or was it just bad people disrupting the peace of Ambrose?
You saw that things were getting pretty rough between the three tourists and your father and uncle. You wondered where Vincent was, and almost got into the basement to look for him… Until you saw your adoptive father’s car coming into view. He really couldn’t have arrived at the worst moment. He stopped in front of the garage and tried to put himself between Bo and the man, and to appease the situation. Bo asked him to go away, you guessed, according to his gestures. And your adoptive father refused.
You were too far away to see everything, and even more when they seemed to come more into Bo’s garage. You just knew that at some point someone screamed. Two tourists ran away, Lester ran after them with what seemed like a knife, and Bo was covered in blood. You had to stop yourself from leaving the house. You wanted to help, and you wanted to be the one covered in blood. However, you never broke a promise you made to your family before, so you had to be better, you had to stay inside. You didn’t know where your adoptive father was anymore and you grew worried. How could things go so badly after such happy weeks in Ambrose?
Bo grabbed a rifle and was about to go after the tourists when he received a massive hit on the head from behind and fell on the ground. You saw your adoptive father with some mechanic tool in his hands.
You couldn’t stop yourself this time. You took the gun Bo was hiding under his armchair and ran to the garage. You had to stop them, you had to do something about it. You couldn’t scream or you would have. Your legs brought you in front of the two men with such speed, as the adrenaline was pumping into your veins. Before you knew it, you aimed at them.
Your adoptive father who was ready to hit Bo stopped his movement as he noticed you and he brought his hands in front of him. Bo was still on the ground, pretty disoriented by the hit he received on the head. He looked up and saw you. You had never looked so much like a Sinclair before. He knew you were his daughter then; he wouldn’t even be disappointed if you decided to kill him.
You were perfect.
“What are you doing? Shoot him, shoot him! He killed the guy, and he wants to kill us all. Your mother was right, they are murderers!” you adoptive father yelled as you eyes moved between him and Bo
“I won’t hurt ya, baby” Bo whispered to you “Everythin’s alright” he continued, trying to sooth you. And one thing was certain, you wouldn’t stand to never hear him talking to you like that anymore.
You looked back at your adoptive father, tears in your eyes. You wanted to tell him how sorry you were about what you were going to do, about what you did to his wife, but with the gun in your hands, you couldn’t.
You shooted and closed your eyes. His body loudly fell to the ground and you shivered. You looked down at Bo and helped him to get up.
He quickly hugged you before gently rocking you, so you could calm down. You didn’t cry in his embrace, you felt at peace. You felt like everything was as it always should have been.
“Ya alright?” Bo whispered to you as he cupped your face into his bloody hands. You nodded and sniffed.
Screams resonated from the House of Wax and you moved from Bo. You were ready to help, you were ready to kill some more but Bo grabbed your wrist. He softly took the gun from you and kissed the palm of your hand.
“Don’t worry, baby. Les and Vince are taking care of the two others. Ya can rest now. Ya did amazin’. Ya saved me, ya saved the family” he hummed, pride shining into his eyes. “Told ya everythin’ was gonna be alright,” he added as he brought you back against him once again.
You couldn’t fully relax, not knowing if your uncles were doing alright. You kept your face towards the House of Wax, waiting for them. Soon enough, you saw them pulling two bodies out of the museum and you felt the adrenaline leaving you.
“I need to sit down” you signed to your dad who quickly nodded. He opened Lester’s truck and sat you down at the passenger seat, as it was the most comfy place he could offer for the moment. He didn’t want you to see the body of your adoptive father either.
“Stay here, I’ll be back soon” he murmured. He needed to let his brothers know about what happened. 
Soon enough, they were all around you. You quickly scanned them, to make sure they were unharmed. They didn’t really know what to tell you. They were happy, of course, but they weren’t too sure how you were feeling. You killed the man who raised you for years, after all.
Truth to be told, you used to feel guilty because of the death of his wife that was driving him crazy, but now they were back together. You felt free. You felt ready to kill again, to kill for the family business.
“Bo told us ya did the right thin’” Lester told you and you gave him a soft smile “Feelin’ all good?” he asked and you nodded.
“You don’t have to feel bad for having… killed him, you know. You protected your real father, you protected us. You did what you had to do” Vincent signed to you, even if Bo and Lester weren’t too sure that reminding you you killed him was a good idea. To their surprise, you relaxed into the seat and nodded again.
“I am a Sinclair” you said in a rough voice you hadn’t used in years.
Taglist : @murder-hobo - @lacychick ; @magical-sass ; @limehaspassed ; @loveinglymessedup ; @bloodmoon-bites ; @iwantsleepplz ; @kawaistrawberry21 ; @12gaugefalls ; @kriston1210 ; @slushi-chan
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The slashers
(And Carrie please 😭)
With a albino child reader🤭‼️
Omg I don't know much about albinism sorry if I got something wrong or missed anything.
I shortened it because I'm not consistent.
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Michael was stalking and then he saw you and thought you were a baby angel at first. Like seriously, you look so angelic!
Wanted to observe you more but then he realised that he's out for killing and then ran walked away.
A bit later when he's killed 3 people that he wonders why he didn't kill you. But whatever it was he wanted to see you again.
For a possibly-not-an-angel-and-just-an-odd-kid you sure as hell did act like an angel.
And then he started to feel protective over you. He distanced himself but that didn't work so he just dealt with this annoying feeling for now.
He saw a kid call you a mf chalk and then later he was also found cut out and dead like a chalk.
It was a sunny day where you tried to cover your eyes from the bright sun away from your sensitive eyes and your not so good wasn't helping at all.
You kept bumping into things when you bumped into a hard clothed big statue like legs which made a shade for your smaller body and you got a good look at your savior.
You were kinda creeped out since his gaze on you felt the exact watching ones you felt when you were outside or near a window but those eyes never meant harm or anything malicious towards you.
The figure then fastly walked away which was unknowingly the start of your new little friendship.
Sinclair brothers
They couldn't believe their eyes when they first saw you. You were just so... Different! In a good way! Wondered if you were just a pale kid who just bleached every hair on their body. Please forgive them they're new to this.
Bo again shows you off for tourist attraction but just in the shade, if you think he only likes you is because you can get the attention of people effectively he'll be very quick to dismiss those thoughts, of course he sees you more than that! That part is just for business. Don't think such silly thoughts again. Probably says shit like "don't run off and trip on the ground, it'll be a pain if your hair gets dirtied." but really it's just a dumb excuse to keep his paranoia away. He'll buy glasses for you if your eyesight is crazy poor.
Vincent also loves how you look. He's just in the corner like "wow I can't believe that beautiful child likes me." his cute little ass is in the basement and scribbling. Plays with your hair if you have any. He'd pick you up if you're having a hard time seeing, or covers you up on a bright day. He loves how you look but also hates the consequences you have to suffer with. He thinks you're very delicate because of these reasons and so comes mama Vincent, bo is around the corner no one can handle his mom energy yet.
Lester is sad that most of the time you can't go outside mostly because of your light sensitivity. But although the stars and the moon do look nice. Still tries to give you a good life though, he understands that you probably got looked at weirdly and doesn't want to make you feel that same way. Lester and Jonesy always have your back on this one. Random person bothering you? No problem Jonesy will get the pleasure of scaring the shit out of them maybe bite them idk depends. Maybe they're both mauling that person
Was awestruck when she first saw you. Thought you kinda looked like her! And that you were an angel since you fit the description of one.
Would get confused if you said you get bullied. God people find reasons to bully someone for no reason.
She would definitely do something about it though, it would be very rude of her if she just let it continue.
Wouldn't go as far as killing but would scare them into never talking to you again. She might feel kinda bad but they deserved it.
Gives you old light coloured clothing as it goes well with you. Maybe you two can match!
Doesn't know what her mother will think of you so she keeps you hidden. She means no harm! She just wants to make sure she can be there for you.
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small-sinclair · 1 year
Cats of Ambrose
Part 2
Ambrose has stray/pet cats. They are:
Saint Bo-seph. Lester says it looks like Bo when he’s mad. Bo has denied it love, but the fluffy brown tiger cat sleeps in the shop at the front counter. The oldest cat you’ll ever see.
Pebbles. Vincent found her while he was walking with Jonesy by the river one day. The cat is missing a leg, but she is the fastest thing on the planet when she hears her food bowl getting filled. She’s a white cat with grey spots on her ears, and she has a heart-shaped spot on her nose.
Big Shit (BS for short). Bo found this tiger cat digging in the trash one night. BS then bit Bo’s arm while Bo tried to trap it. Honestly. BS would kill you for a Snickers bar. Now, it runs Wilson Avenue to Dallas Street like he owns the place. Attacks Jonesy because Big Shit can. Has killed a lot of birds and mice.
Little Shit (LS for short). Please pet her and hold her like a baby? Please, do it. She’s smaller than BS and so much more nicer, but she does dart around the shop when she has the zoomies, which she dumped HOT coffee on Bo’s crown jewels while he was under a car. He hit his head on the engine when he got burned, thus earning the name: Little Shit. You can find Bo cradling her like a baby if she’s stressed out if he thinks he’s alone.
Hoot. A black kitten Lester found while picking up road kill one morning. She sits on his shoulder like an owl while driving, meowing at every tree and leaf she sees. Biggest green eyes you’ll ever see. Hoot looks lost most of the time. No thought. Head Empty. Thinks of commuting tax fraud half the time ^•w•^
Lil Vinny (LV for short). This orange cat is missing half his face like Vincent (no ear or eye with a scarred face). The cat just came to Ambrose one day. Lil Vinny sleeps in Vincent’s bed, and sits on his lap while he draws at the desk.
Waddles the Wizard. Lester and Vincent named the black and orange turtle kitten this after it waddled out of Bo’s locked shop out of nowhere. Like, where the fuck did it come from? How did it get there?
Waffles. Honesty, Jonesy brought him home. An orange fluffy cat that curls up near the toaster and will steal cold and hot waffles if you’re not watching. He screams and screams until Bo or Vincent gives Waffles a waffle. Will attack if he doesn’t get a waffle right now.
Sweetie Bell. Bo named the little blind white kitten this after finding it in a victim’s hot car. He noticed it after towing the car to the shop, which was baking in the hot sun for 40 minutes before he could get there. When he asked the owner of the car why didn’t they tell Bo about the baby kitten, they responded with, “It’s broken. So, it deserves it for being a freak.” Let’s just say the death was slow and as painful as he possibly could make it. Once he got Sweetie Bell out of the car, he nursed it back to health and gave it all the love her could muster. He kept telling her that she’s not a freak. She is loved by all of the Sinclair brothers. (Bo will die for this kitten.)
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mayisgoingnuts · 2 months
The boy who never wins — A post with Theodor's story (PT 1)
TW: Bullying, self-harm (brief), beating — All including children.
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Taglist: @merwynsartblog @clownazon @dismissivedestroyer @jonesy-squish
LONG, so I hope you're feeling patient!!
[PART 2]
Daisy and Henry did not planned to have a child, considering their bad reputation in the family and the husband's lack of responsability. He made it clear that she'd either abort the baby, or she'd have to take care of it by herself and herself only. She was stubborn, and chose to spare her kid's life. Despite not being the richest, she had good conditions and a nice job, taking care of him as dearly as possible. It leades him to have an awesome life at home, but it was the complete opposite once he leaved.
Ambrose and Finn, two kids that were friendly at first, but soon began to pester him for apparently no reason at all — Ambrose began to, atleast. Finn slowly joined, not as harshly, but not stopping anything either.
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As time passed, for some reason Ambrose began to be more aggressive and even upset, which worried even Finn himself. Later on, Theodor eavesdropped their conversation and found out that the kid's parents were very abusive to her, and she basically used him as a way to relieve stress. It made him feel guilty on fight back or even express anger, even though he did hated her with all his might. He thought that she didn't deserve it, despite everything.
At 8 years old, his mother got severely sick, which was a result from a bunch of symptoms that she decided to ignore. Even after being hospitalized, they were unable to keep paying for the exams and anything else needed, specially when Daisy had no one to contact in her family. At the very least, they informed that she could be taken care of at home, but would be needed a responsible and a lot of patience.
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Said "responsible" ended up being Theodor himself. The boy had to find his own ways to get money for the two, even if he wasn't legally allowed to work. However, Theodor isn't able to deal with so many things at once. It was overwhelming — It was either school or home. He chose home. At 6th grade, the boy no longer attended to school.
His absence was soon noticed by Ambrose, who no longer had someone to let her anger out and avoid any sort of harm on herself. She was obsessed, and even though the town is small, she didn't know where he lived, and couldn't go after him. She missed him — Not because she wanted to, but because she couldn't not miss him.
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Finally, after months, both Ambrose and Finn managed to meet with him by luck next to school. She began to practically beg him to return to school, that she's going to make her lessons for him if needed, anything for him to come back. Theodor obviously refused, saying that his mother is more important, what made her snap for having "the opportunity lost forever", just going after him.
Chasing after him through a forest nearby and finally managing to catch him, Ambrose began to basically beat the boy up, who tried to fight back this time, but it didn't changed anything. Finn tried to calm her down aswell, which was just as effective. The only thing that stopped her was a man, who appeared from the opposite direction.
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The man promised not to tell anyone what he witnessed as long as they leaved, and that's what they did — Not out of respect, but fear, as he seemed covered in his own blood, but not looking weak at all. Theodor strangely didn't felt afraid, he was actually relieved that he was saved, and saw the stranger as someone just above, like a hero.
The man offered help to the boys' wounds, accepted gladly despite not being a good logical decision to do. He asked Theodor a little more about himself and asked where his parents or friends are, quickly discovering that the kid only lived with his mother and had no friends to go to.
" You see, I lost both my son and wife just recently. They are not dead, but I am not sure when I'll be able to see them again. Do you accept to be my little company on the meanwhile, son? "
He says, leading Theodor to a mansion on the hill that the boy never dared to approach before.
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nolan-chance · 3 months
OK so, the DiamondChance kid right?💎🎲💖👀(?)
I've been thinking about that a lot because. Apparently, I can't give my mind a rest (?)
So, Montague is trans here, yes, trans Monty, that idea I said I liked but wasn't going to use in my stories? Yeah I'm using it here (?).
They just... they just wake up one day and decide they want a kid (?). Nolan wants a boy, Montague just wants them to be healthy and happy (?) and of course he also wants a gender neutral name for his baby. They had a reaaaaally hard time deciding which would be the right one, some options were Morgan or Spencer, but end up deciding to call them Dominique (yes, Montague's French heritage played a huge role in the decision, and Nolan liked so he went along with it. Plus, he can call them Dommy or Dummy as pet name, he likes it, he can mess around with the name lol).
I remember I read a fic (can't remember which one) in which the author gives Montague the last name Delacroix so I'll stick with it because I like it and I think Dominique Delacroix-Chance sounds awesome (?).
Pregnancy? Gross (?) I won't dive deep into it, let's just say it was normal. The thing is, is until this point in which the rest of the people Montague knows realize he is trans (he transitioned long ago, before being the Society man he is). He doesn't say a thing about his pregnancy, Nolan doesn't either, despite being too loud about everything they're very secretive with it.
Nolan is way more protective and indulgent with him, he's always pleasing him in everything and doesn't care if he has to break into meetings to fulfill his cravings, he'll just do it.
Montague craves sweets, lots of sweets, but can't stand coffee and macarons (his favs), something that frustrates him a LOT. He can't stand chicken or eggs either. Asides if that, he'll eat anything, mostly sugar-ish things.
Oscar is the first one who notices something's off with him, he smells different, can't figure out why but he's different. Hope notices he's getting a bit fattier, pretty clear in his thin figure but it's also easy to blame on Nolan since he's always feeding him with tons of sweet treats. She also notices he's less angry than usual, he let things and mistakes slide easily, like he doesn't care about anything (He's trying not to stress about things for the baby's sake(?)).
Jones is the only one bold enough to ask Montague if he's OK, to which he just casually says "I'm fine but I'm five months pregnant and I'm feeling quite exhausted", and Jonesy just... can't (?)
Dominique is raised in a family full of love, Montague doesn't want to be as controlling as his parents were with him, Nolan doesn't want him to struggle for money (good thing he'll never have to struggle for that lol), neither for him to end up in negative life paths the same way he did. They both agree to never involve him into any illegal activity, that may have been essential part of their lives but they don't want that for their son.
He's motivated to pursue something else, more productive. Spending most of his time surrounded by snow makes him really interested in his environment. This helps him develop a great interest in science, he's fascinated by nature and wildlife.
As stated earlier, his full name is Dominique Delacroix-Chance
He's in his early 20s
His natural hair color is dark brown (he bleaches it)
He likes being called Dom, or Snow. Nolan calls him either Dom or Dummy (he doesn't like it), Montague straight up calls him Dominique, no Snow, no Doom, no Dom (he doesn't likes it either, it sounds like he's always scolding him (?). When he was little, his parents called him Snowflake (he loved snowflakes(?)), so, Snow is the natural progression of the nickname. He think Snow is a badass nickname (?))
Loves snowshoeing/hiking, snowboarding, and outdoors acitivies in general
Loves potatoes, in every way, from potatoes au gratin to regular fries, he just loves potatoes
Pretty obvious but he knows pretty well how to use weapons (Monty and Nolan teached him, because of reasons (?)). Nolan wants him to be specialized as sniper (like him lol)
He's very close to his parents, asides of them, he has not much friends
His favorite animal are polar bears (reason why the face mask he uses has sharp teeth)
His best friends is Polar Patroller. They... patrol together?? IDK (?) (Monty doesn't like him much because he's kind of chaotic with his love for explosions but they know he'll protect him. Nolan is used to that kind of people because of Mae lol)
Personality-wise, he's more like Montague. He's a man of few words, might seem quite cold and distant and prefers to be by his own (or with his parents. Actually, he prefers to spend time with Montague(?))
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Of course this thing wouldn't fit in the Give me a Chance setting, since it's pretty clear Montague is cisgender there (and probably bi, or pan, idk) but still weird because I talk about Oscar and Hope as if they were in the same team so it doesn't make sense but nothing of that I said makes sense. I guess Give me a Chance AU: Everything is the same but Montague is trans? It could work but it would need an extra chapter or two about Nolan finding out about that, and getting absolutely confused about it(?)
Anyway I just had to get it out of my system and now I can move on from this idea (?)
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toweroftunes · 5 months
oooo TAG GAME!!! i never get to do these so many thanks to @chickycherrycola for the tag in the "Get to Know You Meme" 💖
Last song listened to: "Meter Run" by Bad Bad Hats. and I'm gonna throw in a couple more because, as my handle might suggest, I do indeed love some tunes 😈 haha. "Fireflies" by Pearl & the Oysters as the last song added to my spotify liked list, and "Die Da?!??" by Die Fantastischen Vier as a song giving me some vibes for my SteinMarie backstory fic haha.
Currently obsessed with: Heaven by Mieko Kawakami. I saw this at the library by chance and picked it up because I enjoyed another one of her novels, Breasts and Eggs, when I read it a few years back. Idk if this counts as obsessed exactly - I'm basing it off of the fact that once I finished it, I wanted to buy a copy, and I would definitely recommend it if anyone is looking for a short piece of fiction. I can also see this ending up on required reading lists/syllabuses for literature courses in the West, if it isn't already (idk it was published in 2009, but only translated to English in 2021, I think). Anyway, how Kawakami writes her characters' perspectives in the broader context of social issues and moral questions is really engaging. I also very much enjoy how she creates/describes atmosphere, and the rhythm of the prose. And dang, I always wonder what I'm missing out on having read this as a translated work. Like how the rhythm/style communicates differently (especially with a language that's syllabic and has many words that in English have to be elongated into descriptive experiences but damn I'm already talking too much ugh sure let's call this some form of obsessed lol).
Currently watching: I started watching Baby Reindeer on Netflix and woof. It's really well written so far (I'm only like 1.25 episodes in) so I'm curious to see how it stretches out for another 5.75 episodes. Also apparently Bodies Bodies Bodies is also on Netflix now?? And that's been on my watch list for a while so I'm def watching that next.
tagging @memethebum, @jonesy-murgatroyd, and @alcruid. i know not everyone is on here all the time, so hopefully this tag finds you well, even if very much in the future!!
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trashcanplant · 10 months
More Interactions with Marnie, Grover, Deirdre, and Jonesy
Alright back at it again but this time with our new baby!
Marnie: She and Julie do hair together. Marnie built the fence for Frank’s garden in exchange for teaching them violin (they actually really enjoy it now) Marnie’s pretty good in Italian because of how much music she reads. Her first instrument was the cello and from there she went wild. She thinks Wally is a sweet kid but doesn’t understand why he’s not picking up piano very fast as they’ve been doing lessons for months and he can still only play quarter notes. Marnie chalks it up to a lack of rhythm. She cannot dance! She is terrible on her feet. Marnie thinks Eddie is pretty nice but nothing more really. She gets along decently well with Poppy and she made a little carving of a bird for her home.
Grover: This man if given a credit card would have a panic attack then buy one loaf of bread. Grover calls himself cotton-headed when he makes a mistake (because it’s true). Grover’s heart is made of his mama’s favorite dresses all stitched together. Scarecrows are usually single parents who sew their children up. Grover decides that he wouldn’t be a good dad and doesn’t want to have a kid. His straw goatee falls out sometimes and he gets really sad when it does. Grover loves kids, doesn’t believe in himself to take care of one, and has little emotional control over himself around them. He can play banjo pretty good! Learned by himself, too. No thanks to Marnie. He only writes letters to Barnaby while he’s away.
Deirdre: She definitely writes fanfiction. She cannot stand things being dirty. Deirdre’s favorite coffee flavor is pumpkin spice. She’s basic. DeeDee HATES being called frumpy or grumpy as she takes great pride in her appearance and not being a stick-in-the-mud. She is a stick-in-the-mud though. She’ll never admit it. I think she has undiagnosed OCD. Deirdre has a lot of pollen allergies and it sucks so much. She’s the most violent out of my kids. She has beaten up the Grover multiple times and will continue to do it again. Deirdre can actually find truffles and has not told anyone about it. She shame eats.
Jonesy: This kid has ADHD. He has no thoughts in his head and too much energy. Howdy calls him ‘son’ sometimes. It’s giving Oliver Twist. Jonesy is in Deirdre’s class but often gets in trouble cause he’s technically a class clown. He loves strawberries so much. He plays with Julie and Eddie all the time. Howdy is his favorite though. Jonesy is surprisingly good at chess and certain word games. He can’t spell the word cinnamon though. It’s his Achilles heel. He sleeps in a hammock. Jonesy has a little fluffy tail. Poppy embroidered bat wings on the back of his vest. He would be a mummy for Halloween and by the end of the night have no more toilet paper left on him cause he kept tripping over it. Jonesy loves to work at the bodega in the afternoons and is actually pretty strong from carrying stuff in all the time. He has a model train set at home he’s been piecing together with the change that Howdy gives him from his jobs and when he’s done he’s gonna give it to him. Jonesy’s parents own a winery but decided to send him off so he could get a real education before deciding what he wanted to do. He has a nice little space that Marnie built him. Poppy checks on him all the time cause she worries.
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gay-little-bitch · 1 year
My notes that I wrote while watching season 2 (not very detailed because I didn’t wanna miss anything but it definitely gets my feelings across)
Mr farouk…!!!!
Issac baby😕
It’s okayyy hun you weren’t ready
TAO nonononono
I love that Imogen is part of the group!!!
You can do it nicky 🖤
Jane 👀
Tori my love 🥰
Charlie isn’t doing well…
Aww Elle baby
Charlie sweet boy ur gonna get in trouble 
CHARRRR please eat baby
Oh noooo baby don’t be sad!!!
Nickkkkk nicky baby :/
“I dIdNt MeAn Do ItTtTt” EEEEEE
Ben doesn’t even like her 🙄
Nick talks to charlie abt the eating :(
Nickyyyyy :((( babyyy
Taradarcy 🥰 
WHY IS EVERYONE SADDDD (not n+c or t+e) 
Tori and Charlie 🥰🥰
Paris squad 🥖
Darcy :(
Aww Issac. hunnn
Issac is gonna come outtt!!! Kinda
Oh nooo taooooo babyyyy
Poor Darcy 😕
Charlie baby please eat :(
I love the tao and nick friendship 🥰
Tao opening up :)) 
Poor darcy 😕
I’m so happy for nick and charlie 🥰🥰
Oh no tara is gonna see darcy’s mom
Darcy baby :(((
Oh it was The talk
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ripleybipley · 1 year
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Here’s the first of the Friends&Family blurbs. We’re starting off with the most important ones, my cats Jonesy and Darby!
For the VTuberverse the important thing to know about them is that they’re the mascot pets. They will likely appear in various editing things, like the streamer border, or as emotes? They may even get incorporated into my model at some point, whenever that’s ready.
As far as the VTMverse goes there’s a lot more detail to be shared!
Let’s start with Jonesy, the big boy. He’ s my baby, I adopted him when he was a little kitten, he’s fluffy, orange, and huge. He’s got the ideal personality for an orange cat, and a maine coon. Basically a golden retriever in a cat’s body. He likes sitting on my shoulders and puts up with me holding him like a baby. I learned Animalism from my friend, Hazel so he can truly be a furrever friend. Even when all the remnants of my human life have faded with time and decay, I hope he’s still around to remind me of the time before now.
Darby is my other cat, I adopted her from the ASPCA after taking Jonesy in for his vet visit. She’s an aloof little kitty, and doesn’t care for being held. She’ll play with laser pointers though. She’s like most animals, in that she doesn’t like kindred, like she barely likes me. She was rescued along with a feral CNR cat colony. I was told that it’s likely that she wasn’t feral, but a pet cat that someone abandoned. They suspect this mostly because she seems to be pure bred Mau. So it’s either that whoever bought her abandoned her when she started getting too big, or a breeder just like, dumped their excess kittens on the street? We don’t know, and will likely never know. I’m trying to win her over with treats and respect for her personal space, but I don’t know that she’ll ever be ‘friendly’ persay.
She has learned to get along with Jonesy though, which, *thank God*.
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my-tummy-hurts · 2 months
Nonlethal Chestburster AUs: Kane's Son (Little Chap cause I like the idea of Nonlethal Chestbursters having an extended childhood) chasing Jonesy through the Nostromo cargo bay while the crew is trying to unload supplies. Sneddon from Out of the Shadows trying to do SCIENCE! research but her chestburster is in her lap trying to get her attention. Fuqua from River of Pain scolding her chestburster for biting Reese during checkups (She is so high strung). Purvis from Resurrection freaking out because Uncle Johner gave the baby moonshine.
Nonlethal chestbursters growing slower does make a lot more sense, because they're less focused on growing up and becoming unkillable xD
These scenarios are all adorable, I especially love the Sneddon one because I feel like she had the closest thing to a bond with her chestburster, love to see her continuing to SCIENCE!
The Purvis one is interesting because I actually used to RP a AU where he survived Resurrection and was on the run with the Betty crew, in that scenario his burster still hadn't come out because of his hypothyroid condition (the reason given in the novelization for why his burst was delayed)
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dionysia-does-stories · 11 months
Haud Your Halloween
Cringetober 2023, Day 31: HALLOWEEN!!
On AO3
Rating G - 1,335 words - Original Work - Halloween Traditions & Lore
Summary: A little girl, Alice is depressed that there will be no real ghouls, ghosts and fairies out on Halloween after she learns that the doorway to the otherworld is through elevated earthen mounds--and she lives in Florida where the world is flat.
Some merry, friendly, country-folks, Together did convene, To burn their nits, and pou their stocks, And haud their Halloween
-Robert Burns, Halloween
This Halloween was not going according to the plan Alice’s parents had devised. Her parents had the sort of relationship where you planned everything down to the millisecond so you could spend as little time as possible interacting with each other. That philosophy bled into their parenting style. Most of the time if Alice was raised by anyone, then she was raised by her older brother. Wolves might have been better role models then Alice’s brother, Jonesie. But they wouldn’t be half as much fun.
The problem was that Jonesie had been reading to Alice from a book of old Halloween traditions. The pages were filled with the really good stuff. Ghoul stories of headless men and women walking the Earth. Halloween hosts who’s parties you may never escape. The dead come back to life to walk the Earth. And the most important piece of information. The tradition that was currently causing a problem. The location of the Halloween goblins, ghouls, fairies, (or as Alice had began to say with unintelligible accuracy to anyone who would pretend to listen, the Aos Sí)
Aos Sí meant people of the mounds. That’s where the otherworld was. Where the fabric between dimensions thinned and magic seeped into the human world. And Alice was distraught about it. Because there were no hills in Florida. That is where she lived. In stupid flat Florida where there was no magic and no fairies could ever come to visit. This was the greatest tragedy of her young life and her parents thought she was being dramatic over nothing.
What was even the point of Halloween now that she knew the ghouls and fairies couldn’t reach her?
“Isn’t that a good thing?” her mom had asked, “Aren’t ghouls and ghosts scary.”
Alice had looked up from where she was crying on the bed. “Life is scary,” she declared with the eerie foreknowledge of childhood. “The point is to be scared but to live fully and well anyway.”
“Well, I can’t argue with that,” her mother conceded, “But I do think you’d be happier if you went trick-or-treating anyway.” She left Alice’s room.
Her dad had left an hour ago. He’d only budgeted two hours of his time for “family Halloween activities” to begin with. When a temper tantrum had been imminent, he suddenly had to get back to the office.
Halloween this whole year had been a fight. Mom had wanted her to be a princess. Dad had wanted her to be “you know, the thing with the glitter.” Alice had spent hours thinking about it. She’d agonized, doodled some ideas, agonized some more. Finally, she’d settled on being a tooth fairy. Her costume had 300 real teeth. Not human, as she’d reassured her mom, teachers, classmates, and that woman at the grocery store. (One of them was human but nobody other than Jonesie needed to know that—It was her brother’s old baby tooth after all.)
Alice wished Jonesie was here for the holiday. But he was a teenager and that meant celebrating Halloween in a very specific way. Jonesie was off getting drunk and kissing girls (Why? Alice had no clue.) They’d read a Halloween tradition about young men playing a sport where they chucked flaming logs at each other. Jonesie had convinced (like it was hard) his friends to play. Alice was a little worried they were going to get hurt (or set the swamp on fire). But at least he was properly celebrating Halloween. Even without elevated topography. 
Alice threw her window open the hot still air slinked into her room. She looked out at the starless sky. The flat jungle of flora just past the back of edge of their yard was taunting her. You’ll never get to walk among the Aos Sí. You’ll never even get to toss flaming logs in the swamp. You’ll be small and silly and dramatic forever.
That was the real problem. What she saw as fun the adults saw as loud. What she saw as mystical the adults saw as morbid. She was the black keys on the piano. Every note she played was somehow flat. And people were always trying to correct the way she sounded. She didn��t think there was anything wrong with her though.
Alice climbed out the window. So what if there were no hills? She could still dance in the moonlight. She could still play fortune telling games. It was still Halloween even here in this flat place.
She shimmied down the side of the house, whispering half remembered rhymes and songs to herself. She tore across the grass into the jungle like trees. She ducked under Spanish moss and leaped over low growing ferns. She spotted a weed that looked easy to pull and yanked it from the ground. Tradition held that the massive root system indicated wealth in her later life. She threw it over her shoulder.
She ran through the forest, picturing a bonfire in her mind. She hadn’t been able to convince her parents that the fire, the lights, the warmth, the glow was the most important part. The burning at the center of the human side of magic. So, she would burn. She would be her own bonfire.
She crashed over a fallen log and found herself face to face with a wild boar. She’d learned about dangerous wildlife in school. They were taught how to run away from alligators and which snakes were poisonous. But the section on wild boars had been the scariest. They were taught that you can’t out run one. They’re fast and mean. They’ll gore you in the back. Your best bet is to climb a tree and wait for someone to find you.
She locked eyes with the boar. There was an intelligence there, a sparkle of something otherworldly. 
She gave it a try. “Hello, Mr. Pig, sir.”
The pig snuffled at her. Alice’s fine hairs were sucked into the snout, before an exhale released them. 
“A fine night,” the Boar greeted her in return.
From behind a tree a slender woman’s figure dressed in white emerged. Where the top of her neck ended instead of a head, she had a bouquet of wild flowers. There were bits of birds’ downy feathers and pecan shells mixed in with the flora. A snake and a mouse chased each other threw it.
Alice was frozen in awe for a moment before she stood and sketched an awkward curtsy (the first of her life). “Hello, Good Lady, Ma’am.”
The flowers twisted in what might have been a smile. It was hard to say, but it seemed benevolent. “What were you looking for little tooth?”
Alice glanced down at her costume. It worked! The Good Lady thought she was a fairy. “I thought I wouldn’t find any others out tonight.” That was mostly the truth.
The Headless Lady called the boar to her. “Why not?”
“There’s no hills here.”
“But of course there are.” The Lady shuffled a delicate toe through the sandy soil. “This whole land is made of dust that blew from great mountains. Everything remembers what it once was.”
“That hasn’t been my experience.” Alice wondered about the wisdom of disagreeing with such a formidable figure. But she’d never had an adult take her so seriously.
“You are young,” the Good Lady said, “You will see. Time inevitably changes all things. But there is no inevitability to forgetting what you are. That is always a choice.”
With a nod, the Good Lady and her Boar carried on their way.
Alice set off in the opposite direction, toward the road. She’d go to the houses with the superheroes and the princesses. She’d delight in every revelry and fright Halloween had to offer. She’d seen the future. It didn’t matter if the world made sand of her. She was not flat. She carried her hills inside her.
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brandnewhuman · 2 years
Can I request the slashers with an s/o who are obsessed with cats? Like they have almost a million rescues with them or at home. All the clothing they wear is cat themed, everything is cat themed. Cats ヽ(=^・ω・^=)丿
Michael Myers - Vincent Sinclair - Bo Sinclair - Jason Voorhees -
Tw: none? Maybe just canon violence, you never know if Michael ends up being more unhinged than usual
A/n: there's something so funny to me in forcing this menaces of men to put up with this type of things. Anyway, thanks for the request and I hope you enjoy it ^^ I basically picked the slashers with who you would be able to have many cats around without risking the victims hurting them
Bro almost stomped one of your cats when he broke into your house to kill you first time you met
In Michael's defence your cat was in the way
 your cat started making weird demon noises when Michael picked him up by the scruff 
Congratulations, you have adopted an unhinged stabby bastard to add to your collection of strays
Michael is surprisingly accepting of having cats around
That's until they scratch him. 
They will get thrown in the trash can and if you bring them inside again Michael could and will get offended 
What do you mean she didn't mean to? To him it seemed very much on purpose y/n 
You might find him sometimes laying on the couch stiff as a fucking tree  with your cats all over him. 
He's not even sleeping, he's just chilling and regretting his life decisions 
When he comes home late after doing his job he will take his time to pet every cat
Will spy you to see where you keep their treats 
So if you see your babies a little bit more chonky than usual is Michael's fault
He's basically a cat himself so after the initial shock of having around so many of them he will eventually get used to it
When he notice that you seemed to like cat themed things too he would bring anything he finds that he deems cat related 
What now, Michael has given you literally just a black rock? Y/N, silly little thing, he's Michael Myers. He doesn't have to explain anything, if you don't get that it looks like your black cat which happens to be Michael's favourite then that's a you problem
Would spend hours having staring contests with your cats. 
You will find him, not a single thought behind his or your cat's eyes, staring at each other 
If it's rz mikey he will make you a mask inspired by your cats. 
It all started when you one day came back covering something with your jacket that was suspiciously breathing 
He tried, he really tried to say no. But you gave him that puppy dog eyes stare and promised that it won't bother anyone and you would've take care of everything 
He hasn't known peace since 
All it took was one (1) single time of him saying yes for you it to become a menace with the whole stray cats thing
He had to give up in the end so now he's just helping you out with your little friends 
You kept your promise but he didn't want you to overworked yourself - and because honestly he's starting to love them too but you didn't hear it from- 
Now…I know what you all want to know
Vinny loves to have one of the kittens sleeping on his lap while he's working but would have to stop doing it because he gets distracted by petting and playing with them
The house of wax will suddenly be filled with cat themed things and even cat wax figures (none of them are your cat's dw. Vinny would never do that to you)
He knows and you know that Bo doesn't like the cats and the cats don't like Bo
So you both try your best to keep both parties away from each other. 
Ngl Vinny would shamelessly let the cats scratch the shit out of Bo when he starts acting like an asshole
What makes Vinny appreciate the cats even more is that they keep you company when he has to work all day.
At least he knows you're not alone
He has done countless drawings of you with your cats
Vincent is a simple man, if it makes his s/o happy then he doesn't have a problem with it. 
Besides, all of your cats really like Vincent. Cats are really sensitive to people's energies and vibes and Vincent has something that is simply irresistible to your kitties 
Bo absolutely despises them. 
As soon as you bring one cat home he's already throwing it out
He's going to mercilessly make fun of how obsessed you're with cats 
Tho everytime he goes to run some errands he brings something that has a cat on it for you
One of your favourite gifts that Bo has brought you is a cat shaped mug. You always and only use that mug for everything 
Everytime he sees you drinking from it he just smirks proud of himself 
Type of person who argues with you about how cats sucks just out of spite 
That's until you bring home a specific cat 
It's black but has white paws and he's missing one eye
It was love at first sight 
That cat tolerated you at most but with Bo? That little fucker just acts like an angel
Bo's not gonna let you forget it not now not ever
Much like with jonesy, he started with the whole "I ain't gonna care for that little shit" just for you to find him on the couch cuddling with the cat
He's the kitty's dad now and you can't do anything about it
He'll pretend he doesn't know what you're talking about when reminding him of how he used to hate cats
Mh? Hating cats? Couldn't be him y/n. He's a father now, what you're talking about
It's basically the "I hate everyone but you" trope just with a cat that has anger issues as big as bo's 
Jason loves animals, I'm pretty sure we're all aware of that
Now if we're talking about normal Jason then there's no problem
Zombie Jason on the other side… at these point your cats are straight up bullying him
Animals tend to avoid Jason now that he's not alive 
Every single one of your cats is weirded out by jason. Every Time he's near them it's like peace has never been an option in their life 
Please try to cheer him up cause he's getting his feeling obliterated by a bunch of merciless mini demons
Even if your cats are a fucking menace in this man's life he's going to care about them as much as you do
He treats them like they're the most precious thing in the world just because they're important to you
He's building them all little beds and things where they can play safely
He's going to be careful none of them gets out of the cabin and if they do he's immediately bringing them back inside looking at them with concern and silently scolding them
He makes you wooden cat themed things too 
Like he has made mini wood figures of all your cats 
The only time the cats are comfortable around Jason is when he sits still on the couch or bed and just let them approach him.
He doesn't even dares to look at the little thing as it curls on himself on Jason lap to sleep
That's it, he's never going to get up again. Oh well, it's not like he has anything to do right?
Both normal Jason and zombie Jason would help you rescue stray cats. 
He's overall so happy of having them around but they are literally the meanest things he has ever seen
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lebenspurpur · 3 years
headcannons that just make sense
⇝ Michael loves children. He wouldn't want any himself but he enjoys watching them since Michael loves their natural lively imagination.
⇝ He loves candy, especially gummies and candy corn.
⇝ Michael enjoys reading. He is a quiet person and very intelligent. Reading is one of his favorite hobbies to gain knowledge.
⇝ Michael definitely broke through the floor in the old Myer's house before.
⇝ Michael likes cats, surprisingly. He doesn't understand the idea of pets but cats are so independent and quiet. He tries to copy their moves a lot.
⇝ This man literally doesn't have an ounce of social intelligence. Small talk with him would be so uncomfortable and awkward. He doesn't know how it works.
⇝ Vincent is stronger than Bo.
⇝ He secretly despises the mask. His mom technically made it for him to make Vincent understand that he looks like a freak. He wishes he'd be more confident and could live without it.
⇝ Vincent loves Bo with all his heart even if he's a narcissistic asshole.
⇝ Vincent is scared for Lester a lot. Since he's younger Vincent wants to protect him.
⇝ Vincent wants to learn an instrument. Piano would be his favorite but violins are a close second place.
⇝ Vincent secretly adores being with both of his brothers, even if one bullies him and the other one reeks.
⇝ Vincent doesn't like his father. They never had a close relationship.
⇝ The things Vincent has done for the aesthetic of them... God..
⇝ Bo would actually sacrifice himself for both of his brothers.
⇝ He feels bad about treating Vincent like he does but his pride is too big for him to apologize.
⇝ Bo doesn't actually know how to repair cars but he's learning.
⇝ Bo wishes he could draw like Vincent.
⇝ He is very lonely sometimes, alcohol is his best friend in these times. He's high-key alcoholic.
⇝ Bo was the child in elementary school that brought a knife to class.
⇝ He had a teacher that realized his abuse and subsequent aggression. She protected him and he saw her like a mother.
⇝ Bo sometimes wants to leave Ambrose and just discover what lays beyond his beloved America.
⇝ Lester loves Halloween, he makes the twins go trick or treating with him. Since nobody opens the door (what a surprise), he buys candy himself and places filled bowls all over town.
⇝ Lester has a very close relationship with Vincent. He stands up for him when Bo gets too harsh.
⇝ As a child he used to sleep in Vincent's bed when he had a nightmare.
⇝ Lester believes in true love which is absolutely adorable.
⇝ Lester has had emotional deep talks with his dog, Jonesy.
⇝ Lester was the child that actually loved his parents, he misses them a lot.
⇝ He used to run to the forest and looked for fairies and goblins as a child.
⇝ Lester likes to watch Vincent draw, it calms him when he's stressed.
⇝ Otis would never tell them but he loves his adoptive family, the Firefly family, so much.
⇝ He's sure that if they hadn't found him he'd be dead by now. Either because of drugs or suicide.
⇝ Otis secretly wants a dog.
⇝ He is very intelligent and if he tries he can actually be impressive when it comes to stating his opinions and beliefs.
⇝ Otis daydreams daily how his life would've worked out if he was "normal".
⇝ He overthinks his actions a lot. He doesn't feel bad about them but he analyzes the mistakes so they won't happen again.
⇝ Baby has had days where she just laid in bed and cried. She isn't always as happy as everyone believes.
⇝ Baby was very insecure about her body as a teenager. The other girls bullied her which led to quickly decreasing confidence.
⇝ Baby is very glad to have Otis as a brother, he's her ultimate idol.
⇝ Baby is scared by horror movies. She's not squeamish but she gets scared easily, especially when the subject's demons or supernatural horror.
⇝ Baby fell in love with a girl in her school once. Unfortunately it was a bully of hers.
⇝ Baby forced Otis multiple times to go and buy pads for her.
⇝ Billy is a little geek and we all know it.
⇝ Definitely a gamer though back in his time, video games just started developing.
⇝ Billy has comfort characters without knowing what that means.
⇝ He has thought about making out with Stu before.
⇝ Billy is a very emotional person even if he doesn't show it in public. The only one who has seen the emotional side is Stu.
⇝ Billy wants to dress more alternative but that'd ruin his "perfect disguise". He'd love some leather boots and dark eyeliner.
⇝ Stu is sure that he's bisexual though he hasn't outed himself yet. His closet is made out of glass let's not lie here.
⇝ Stu is actually a very empathetic character which is why Billy loves him so much.
⇝ Stu loves everything that involves rollercoasters, he's an adrenaline junkie.
⇝ He either has ADHD or ADD.
⇝ He is actually pretty tolerant with a lot of stuff. He'd definitely wear nail paint and a skirt, sure. He's all against toxic masculinity.
⇝ His room is so fucking messy.
⇝ Brahms has porn magazines hidden in the walls.
⇝ Brahms really likes gardening. He's a huge fan of planting his own stuff.
⇝ He is terrified of wild animals. This man is literally scared of wolves even though that's the last thing that'd attack him.
⇝ Brahms doesn't like fire all that much. He usually sits far away from it.
⇝ If he had a camera he'd totally take creepy stalker pictures through the walls.
⇝ He knows how to cook, surprisingly. Though he himself lives off of toast and tea.
⇝ He isn't stupid but his intelligence mainly bases on literature. He couldn't solve a simple equation yet he knows "Romeo and Juliet" like he wrote it.
⇝ Brahms hates sports. Especially running. He will throw himself on the ground after two minutes and whine.
⇝ Josef either lives vegan or vegetarian.
⇝ He wishes he had a pet. He'd love a cat or a dog.
⇝ Josef actually loved his parents even if they didn't have a close relationship. They passed away which is why he has so much money.
⇝ Bisexual king. I mean come on, he wanted to seduce Aaron as well as Sara.
⇝ He knows a lot about healthy eating. Fresh vegetables as well as fruit are a must in his house.
⇝ He doesn't actually have a house, he rents apartments or tiny houses for a few months and then leaves again.
⇝ He wanted to study medicine when he was a teenager. His grades were good enough as well.
⇝ Thomas loves animals a lot. He wishes he wouldn't have to slaughter them sometimes but at the time he didn't have a choice.
⇝ While he despises school he loves gaining knowledge. If it wasn't for the bullies he'd gone back to school.
⇝ He hums lullabies to himself while he works.
⇝ He has thought about killing Hoyt yet he knows that he isn't allowed to kill family.
⇝ Tommy never had the chance to understand what's so wrong about cannibalism. He kind of gets it though.
⇝ Thomas has a huge artisanal intelligence. He can craft very well, as well as repair things.
⇝ He makes little dolls and toys when he's not busy.
⇝ He too wishes he had a pet with fur so he could pet it.
⇝ He has stamina like an ox. Thomas is probably able to run for hours.
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imagine youve been stuck in Ambrose for a while and you find the highchairs and start to cry because you started to put two and two together about what happened to them as kids
TW; canon-descriptive child abuse (all three brothers), canon typical darkness and allusions of previous violence, reader cries, implications of Stockholm Syndrome (but that was unintentional; you know by now I prefer to think of the Sinclairs healing & learning to love an S/O genuinely - however, it could be interpreted that way so I'm putting it on here just in case), swearing in the narrative and dialogue, reader has some self-negative thoughts within the narrative, references to stomach bile, nausea and feeling sick (NO vomiting or anything physical; just emotionally driven physical responses).
You didn't ask for a specific Sinclair (which is more than fine!!!) so I meshed all three of them - it can be platonic or romantic for any or all of them. Take what you need from this piece, it's all left ambiguous so you can decide for yourself!!!💗
I wrote this out in one sitting so apologies for any typos; it kind of... just flowed out of my fingers??? IDK but here! I hope you like it! <3
Word count: 2, 777.
Also lmao sorry not sorry the things Y/N says to the brothers are all things I want to say, as well as others here, so there's some degree of self-insert in here.
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The pieces were all there.
They had been since the very beginning - the thick scars which roped around Bo's wrists, always covered and never ever touched; Vincent's wax mask and the way he never took it off; Lester's reluctance to go into certain rooms of the house; the various newspaper clippings scattered all around the house but only in drawers that remained shut, picture frames shattered and never replaced. They loved their parents, they hated them, they missed them, they were glad they were gone. Small pieces of information had revealed themselves to you over the months you had been stuck in Ambrose, every puzzle piece you needed to connect the dots of the tragic, horrific past of the Sinclair brothers was there, but none of them fell into place properly until one day when you were in the House Of Wax playing with Jonesy in the foyer.
As you called Jonesy to you, causing her to bark excitedly before she trotted over, your eyes fell upon the highchairs in one of the alcoves. You shuffled closer to the childhood momentos. They were caked in a thick layer of dust, cobwebs so thick that they were stretched like cotton candy across the handles and the spaces in which limbs were supposed to fit. One of them was in pristine condition, well loved and kept, with 'Vincent' engraved on the back rest, and the other... you felt bile rising up in your throat almost immediately. Dried blood was crusted around the restraints on both foot rests and both arm rests, and you had a flash of a mental image of baby Bo, restrained by his wrists and screaming, kicking, making noise because no one was listening to him so he would only yell louder until someone did...
Everything crashed down onto you all at once like a ton of bricks and you gasped so hard that you had to cough. Oh, fuck. Everything made sense now and a sob ripped its way out of your throat so violently and so suddenly that it scared you. You cried harder for that and Jonesy barked and raced off down the corridor behind you. You shuffled a bit closer to Vincent's highchair and reached your hand out, wanting to touch it but also not wanting to. The disgust that you felt towards Trudy and Victor was rising, and your eyes fell on Bo's highchair next. There was so much blood and you couldn't breathe, your throat aching, your lungs sore, your vision blurry with tears that wouldn't stop falling.
"I'm sorry, I'm sorry," Who were you apologising to? You knew not, but it didn't matter. Your head bowed under the weight of the grief, the empathy, the sympathy and the disgust all piled atop your mortal shoulders and you let it take you over. You had always felt everything just a little too much, and even though the start of your permanent residency in Ambrose hadn't been a pleasant one, you had grown to love the brothers and their lifestyle. "You didn't deserve it, you didn't - " Words continued to pour out of your mouth and it masked the sound of someone approaching you with slow, confident steps. "I see the twins, but where's Lester?" A pause as you thought about it - the terrible truth had always been right under your nose - and then, "Oh... oh, that's even worse. Lester, honey, I'm sorry."
Vincent stood there, listening to you grieve for him and his brothers, and it was making his chest hurt. Oh, but you thought you were alone, so that meant that this was all real. You were genuinely upset for him and his brothers, and it made Vincent even more grateful for the fact that his brothers had both asked him to leave you alone all those months ago. Somehow had you wormed your way into three hearts with walls constructed around them so high that even the brothers themselves couldn't see over them sometimes, and here was the proof that they had made the right decision. Vincent vowed in that moment to get to know you more, to let that final sliver of ice in him towards you melt away. He was the hardest brother to properly bond with, so cautious was he.
Carefully, Vincent pulled out his phone and sent Bo and Lester a message each. All three of them had to be here for this, the final event which had to happen in order for you to become a Sinclair, and not just someone they had decided not to kill so very long ago.
Wax House. Now.
It wouldn't take them long to get here; rarely did Vincent command something of his brothers, free spirits were the three despite the fact that they bore the chains of their past, their traumas, and the hopes and dreams that had been murdered alongside their parents. They had been doomed from the start and they never would have been anything more than what they were. They were chained up by the ghosts of themselves, a cemetery was Ambrose, the tombs mere replicas of the bodies encased within.
All in Ambrose were dead, even those with heartbeats.
Vincent tapped his thigh twice and Jonesy moved from his side over to yours, her tail wagging slowly, her nose poking at your damp cheeks. "Hi, pretty girl," You sniffled thickly. The wet noise of such made Vincent wince and he decided that this was a real display; you weren't faking it. It was too raw and it had been going on for long enough now that if it was an act, an inconsistency of some kind would have made itself known. He was gently apathetic to your grief but touched by it all the same; Vincent barely understood how that could be so.
You were still sobbing, your hands in your lap and your head bowed. You were the very picture of devastation. Vincent knew well the cost of a horrific realisation. Of all the brothers, he was the one who had the clearest head about their childhoods, and his grief had been processed whereas yours had only just begun. Your love for them was so strong and it commanded Vincent now to make himself known to you. He wouldn't interrupt, though - he wanted to see if you were going to say anything else. Vincent approached you from the side and scuffed his boot so that you would hear him; he knew not how badly you would startle if he seemed to materialise right in front of you. It would have made for some free entertainment, but this wasn't the time or the place. Bo absolutely would have made you jump, just because he could, but Vincent couldn't bring himself to do that to you, even if the thought of it made him smile. Vincent wasn't his twin, the differences subtle but distinct.
As quickly as the upset had come to you, so too had moral conflict. They had had abusive childhoods, Bo seeming to bear the brunt of it just from the state of his highchair, but that could never and would never excuse, condone or justify any of what they did. It could serve as an explanation but even that was a stretch. They were all sadistic, cruel and underhanded, psychotic, dark, dangerous, evil motherfuckers... and you had grown to love all three of them in their own ways. You swiped at your face just as Vincent's wax-encrusted boot came into view and the door to the museum swung open, revealing a panting, curious and worried Bo and a cautious Lester. The sight they walked in on - you on your knees sobbing in front of the highchairs and Vincent looming over you - was a decidedly odd one and characteristically was Bo the one to make the first move.
"Uhh, Vincent? Th'fuck they doin' down there?" His voice was quiet, every syllable enunciated. Uncertainty never sat well with Bo, who wasn't looking at you. He only had eyes for his twin as he pointed at you rudely, his chin tipped up so that he could see the room clearly underneath his baseball cap.
Not wanting to be spoken about when you were right there, you sniffled louder than you needed to, just to make a point, and said, "I found the highchairs... put the pieces together about what you've all been through. I'm really sorry." Your voice broke and now all three brothers had gazes fixed on your body. It was unnerving to have three matching intense and unwavering stares on you and it made you fumble your words out, your forehead growing hot from the inside. "It's disgusting what was done to you by the people meant to love and protect you like no other. Doesn't mean I agree with what you do 'round here as adults, it's not right... but none of you deserved to go through that as kids and I'm sorry." Your tears were slower now but still very much present in your face and on your face, and all three gazes softened as they looked at you. You were down on your knees, broken over their pasts, and none of them knew what the fuck to do.
So they stood there and watched with unapologetic apathy, though parts of all three brothers wished they found it as easy to physically offer you comfort as they did thinking about it.
You wondered which one would join you in breaking first.
"Bo, you - " You turned to look at him, and you saw his face crease in sympathy. "I'm so sorry. Your wrists, I - " You covered your face in your hands and let yourself choke out a sob before you straightened up and tried to get your words out, so thickly laid were they in your throat that it felt like you were going to be sick. "They never should've done that to you. You were just a kid with behavioural problems. You needed help, not... not that. Fuck, I - " Your face screwed up and your tears fell faster, hotter, harder.
Vincent made a quiet noise of distress - this was now starting to become too much, even for him, and he knew that he needed to intervene so that he could calm you down, if nothing else, before you spiralled even further. He ducked down to rub his hand up and down your back in fluid, slow motions. It was almost clinical in the way he was trying to soothe you, the heat of him sinking through your clothes and warming you from the inside. It accompanied Lester's murmured, "oh, sweetpea," and the unexpected tenderness only made you cry harder still. Fuck, what had the Sinclairs done to you?
There was a look of something on Bo's face. "Darlin', y'don't gotta' feel sorry for me, it was..." Words failed him. There were too many emotions at once in his voice and eyes for you to name but there was vulnerability on his face and in the way his thumbs rubbed at the seams of his black shirt. With the Sinclairs, vulnerability was always met with the same, a silent gesture of thanks. Bo started to come towards you and you reached out for him. He didn't touch you yet, but somehow, some way, all four of you ended up on the floor together, with you in the middle and the Sinclairs dotted around you. Jonesy made her home on your lap as she whined and licked at your cheeks. You kept your hands on her even as you poured out more of your thoughts. You wanted them out of your head but you also wanted the Sinclairs to hear them.
"And Vincent, you - " Your eyes fixed on the line which announced the presence of a mask on his face, "Your momma shouldn't have taught you that. She should've taught you to love you for you, to accept things beyond your control. She should've taught you to love yourself. I'm sorry she taught you the opposite. It was wrong of her and you deserved better." The hand on your back froze briefly before it continued, the touch softer this time, and you heard his thank you within his gesture. "Lester - you don't seem to have a highchair in here which makes me feel sick. Whatever was done to you, or... or not done, I'm sorry. S'not right to have a child and not treat them like any others. All three of you deserved better."
Silence met your rawness and you began to feel like an idiot who had just embarrassed themselves in front of -
Thick roped scars came into your view and you began to tear up again. You raised your hand, as if to touch, but the last time you had accidentally touched Bo's scars, he had ripped away from you with a snarl and avoided you for the rest of the day. Your fingers clenched and you pulled your hand away, but Bo stopped you. "No, shush, it's okay," Bo's voice was but a whisper. "After that whole thing, darlin', d'ya really think I'd stop ya'? Y'c'n touch." His tone was soft, his words harsh but the look in his eyes kind. It was confusing even during the best of times, but right now you could see how hard Bo was genuinely trying, and it only made your poor heart bleed for him more. How many times had he screamed for help in his head and gone unaided? How many times had he asked as an adult for help and been unheard because no one stuck around long enough (typically, he killed them before they could even find out who he truly was, but that was a point of semantics as far as you were concerned).
"Does it - do they hurt?" You sniffled and fingers ghosted across Bo's flesh. A shudder ripped through him and you glanced up at him. He shook his head just once and you understood - it didn't hurt him now. The flesh was just too damaged after years of repetitive abuse. "I'm sorry, Bo," Those tears dripped down your cheeks still, and Bo sighed. He didn't know what to say and so he didn't say anything at all. He just let you touch his scars and examine them up close and he hoped that that would be enough. It had to be, because he didn't know what the fuck else to do with you or for you. For all of his scripts, for all of his southern charm and acts, when it got down to the nitty, gritty raw emotions, Bo was lost.
Vincent's hand continued to rub up and down your back and you realised that he had been this entire time as it registered in the back of your mind that your spine was tingly every time he moved away from one spot and onto another, even though you hadn't paid any attention to him since you had said what most needed to be. Lester made a soft noise, something between an "ohh" and an "awwh", and leaned over to cup your face in his hands. His muddied thumbs clumsily brushed away your tears and he leaned in, closer, closer, until he could press a tender, lingering kiss to your forehead. "Too kind t'us, Y/N."
You shook your head and the most pitiful whine left your throat. All three brothers froze into place, their hearts wrenching in their chests, and then there were hands on you. Bo's hand, which had come to be cradled in your lap between both of your own, was now tightly gripping yours. Lester's hands remained on your face, and Vincent managed to somehow straighten out his legs and plop you on his lap in just two motions. It was scary how he was able to move like that, and his brothers shifted closer too.
You allowed yourself to sink into their touches, one of your hands in Jonesy's fur and the other tightly gripping Bo's own, your fingers interlaced. How long you all sat there for, you knew not. All you did know was that you were surrounded by the Sinclairs, and though none of them had really said anything to you in response to the way you were hurting over them, for them and because of them, the fact that they had all gathered around you on the dusty, dirty and well worn floor to comfort you said everything it needed to... as did the fact that when you finally went home that night, all three were just a little warmer towards you.
You were a Sinclair now, for worse or for the worst.
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slasherhaven · 3 years
Hey, my birthday is soon and so I thought, what would the slasher do on their S/O’s Birthday? What would they gift them? You probably know what I mean, I already say thank you^^💕💕
How the Slashers would celebrate their S/O’s Birthday: 
Thomas Hewitt
Luda May lets you take the day off. It’s your birthday, so you get to skip your chores for the day. Luda May will take care of them. Thankfully, that gives you more time to spend with Thomas since she becomes more lenient with him on your birthday as well.
He and Luda May bake a cake. The two of them surprise you with it. Thomas knows how to cook and bake basic things, Luda May had taught him, but there is no way she is missing making your birthday cake. So, they make it together. They’re both just so glad when you like it.
He probably makes your gift. He might find something in a victim’s belongings that he thinks you’ll particularly like, and he’ll hang on to it so that he can give it to you as a gift. But if he doesn’t come across anything that he considers worthy, he will make you something. He is pretty crafty after all.
Michael Myers 
You kinda think he’s going to forget. Birthdays don’t seem like a think that Michael would care too much about, and that’s not completely wrong. However, the two of you had been together for a while at this point and you had made an effort for his birthday, making him a cake and getting him a gift. So, he figures he should do something similar for you.
Probably steals a gift for you. He is trying. It’s not like he can walk into a shop and purchase something for you, so he will probably just steal something that he think’s you’ll like. It’s the thought that counts, right?
There will be a cake. Michael probably won’t make it, but you don’t really want to take that risk anyway. But he’ll assist you as you bake it. The cake is his favourite part of your birthday or his own, he has a bit of a sweet tooth.
Jason Voorhees
Plans a picnic date. He wanted to do something special and feels bad that whatever it is has to happen out in the middle of nowhere or in the abandoned camp. However, the picnic was a brilliant idea. He enjoyed it and the happy look on your face told him that he had done something good. It’s simple, it’s cute, it’s perfect.
Gets you flowers. As for a gift, he gets you a bunch of flowers, your favourites that grow in the woods. Jason isn’t as willing to pocket a past victim’s belongings and pass it off as a gift as some of the other slashers, but if he sees something that he knows you’ll like, he’ll take it for you.
Brahms Heelshire
It’s your day! He knows that pretty much every other day is his day, you’re always doing for him. So today he is going to do things for you! You shouldn’t have to do anything chore like on your birthday.
Tries to bake a cake. Brahms will do his best to bake you a cake on his own but you might end up stepping in and helping him out, but it’s a sweet gesture and he’s not completely hopeless so don’t worry too much. He just tends to make a mess.
Will get you whatever you want. The two of you obviously have access to his family’s money and Brahms will use it to get you something nice, of course having it delivered to the house. So, you will probably answer the door to a random delivery and have Brahms run over to you, snatching it from your hands and running off again as soon as you close the front door.
Bo Sinclair 
Does just spend the day with you. Bo isn’t too sure what to do for your birthday (and god forbid he lets you think that he actually cares). But he does actively spend the day with you, ignoring both of your responsibilities for the day.
Might actually take you into town. If he’s feeling extra nice, he might take you into the town they get their supplies from. Taking you for something to eat and maybe even buying you something before heading home. All in all, you have a good day and you can tell that Bo tried to make it a little special.
Vincent Sinclair
Just tries to spend the day with you. Vincent makes sure to work extra hard on the days leading up to your birthday so that he can spend the day with you, without giving Bo anything to complain about.
Gifts you little wax a sculpture. He puts a lot of thought and effort into your gift, crafting you a flawless little wax sculpture for you to cherish. It will likely be of your favourite animal or even a tiny replica of yourself.
Lester Sinclair 
Plans a day with you and Jonesy. Ambrose can be a lot to handle so Lester thinks that you’ll appreciate a lazy day with your two favourite Sinclairs. Him and Jonesy. And he was right, it’s a peaceful but fun day.
Get’s you something from town. He went into town a day or two prior to pick up a cake (which he was determined to hide from you, making him act awfully suspicious but you figured it was something to do with your birthday approaching). He also picked up something that he thought you would enjoy so that he could give you a gift, he had been saving up for it and everything.
Bubba Sawyer
Will make a cake but has to hide it from his brothers. He wants you to have a birthday cake but everyone in that house likes cake, snacks always go missing, having been stolen by someone. So Bubba makes sure that you’re the first person to have a slice of your cake.
Makes you a gift. He can’t really buy you anything but he thinks it mean more to make the gift anyway. And, of course, you adore any gift he gives you.
You might even get something from Nubbins or ChopTop. If the family has warmed up to you enough and you have befriended the two of them, Nubbins and ChopTop will wish you a happy birthday and maybe even get you a little gift each.
Billy Lenz
Extra affectionate (if that is possible). As soon as you wake up, Billy is wishing you a happy birthday with a hug and a kiss. He just wants to show you how much he loves and appreciates you on your birthday. 
Will attempt to bake. He certainly isn’t used to baking so you might have to help him out if you don’t want him making too much of a mess or burning the house down. But it ends up being a fun thing to do together.
Might gift you something that he found in the attic. Since he isn’t about to go shopping, he kinda gives up on giving you a gift. But if he founds something of particular interest hidden in the attic that he hadn’t noticed before, he decides to gift you that. He thinks you will like it and you appreciate the thoughtfulness.
Asa Emory (The Collector)
Will take you out for dinner. It’s a nice restaurant, your favourite if you have one. If not, he definitely already has one in mind that he knows you will like.
Asa is observant, he’ll get you something you want. If you’ve ever mentioned something that you liked or wanted, Asa will make sure that he gets it for you. If you have never mentioned anything or made a hint towards something, he will definitely get you something that you will like. He knows you very well.
(If you have more of a ‘favourite pet’ relationship) He is more lenient and affectionate with you. The whole day feels like a reward, doing what you want to do, receiving a gift, and getting all the attention and affection you could ask for.
Jesse Cromeans (Chromeskull) 
Will take you out for dinner, or whatever you want to do. Jesse takes you to a fancy restaurant that he loves (he will take you to your favourite place if you have one). He will also do whatever you want, if there’s somewhere you want to go, a show you want to see, anything, he’ll take you. 
Will spoil you with gifts. Anything you want or could want, Jesse provides. It doesn’t need to be your birthday for him to get you gifts, so he gets you even more when it is your birthday. He enjoys spoiling you so it’s no surprise.
Otis Driftwood
Mama Firefly tells Otis to do something special. She gives him a bit of a lecture about how he should make your birthday special, get you something nice or take you somewhere. Otis rolls his eyes and bats her away but he was already planning on doing something, he just hadn’t told anyone that. Can’t have anyone think he’s going soft. 
He takes you out so the two of you can spend the day together. Otis decides to take you out of the house for the day, just the two of you. While Baby is always excited to party, Otis is more open to doing something calmer if you’re not in the partying mood. Whatever you want to do, that’s what the two of you will end up doing, he’s feeling generous.
Just a small gift. Otis doesn't get you anything big or expensive but the fact that he is getting you a gift at all makes you smile, knowing he is one for sentimental things like gift giving.
Baby Firefly
The whole family remembers, Mama is most likely to make you cake. You’re family now so the whole family will remember your birthday and make sure to wish you a happy birthday. Plus everyone is happy to have an excuse for cake.
You have to celebrate! Baby is definitely going to be dragging you somewhere with alcohol and music to celebrate properly. It’s difficult to not have a good time when Baby is involved.
She has a gift for you, but it’s definitely stolen. Of course she got you a gift! And yes...it’s stolen, but what do you expect? Still, it’s the thought that counts and she makes sure that it’s something you’ll like.
Yautja (Predator)
You’ve explained to him how you celebrate birthdays. He wants to learn everything about humans and your culture differences, so when you mentioned your birthday was approaching, he asked how you would normally celebrate. And, of course, he is going to give it his best shot even though he doesn’t have too.
Tries to bake. A cake, that’s a tradition you mentioned right? He’ll find a recipe somewhere and give it his best shot. It’s not a disaster but it’s your kitchen so you ended up intervening and offering to help. He has waved you off, telling you that you shouldn’t help because it’s your birthday, but you convinced him to let you step in and do it together.
His gift is...unconventional. You never specified what the gift should be, so he lets some of his culture slip into the celebrations. The gift is most likely some sort of alien skull or bones, which he presents to you proudly. How can you turn them down when he looks so proud of himself?
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