#more i could say i think 8ut this is a quirk post and its 1 am this isnt a 8i8le
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cornflowercanine · 2 years ago
on using masto
"what is mastodon" imagine if twitter was split up into a million diff chunks of smaller, seper8 twitters, 8ut 8ecause its still Twitter (general) everyone from every seper8 twitter can interact with eachother (unless you chose to 8lock specific people or specific instances of twitter)
"how does it work to post on" like... imagine if posting on tum8lr/twt was as quick and light as putting a message in discord. it is to me how i imagine "status upd8s" are meant to f33l on every other site. extremely light extremely easy to use the extent of its "you just stream your train of thought in here" can 8e good or 8ad depending on like..You and how you wanna use this site
"which instance do i choose" go hog wild lol just read the rules and may8e stare at their local if avali8le on their frontpage or p33k around at other active users to get a vi8e of how people There talk 8ut thats mostly like... if you plan to use masto to make friends and not Just to stream your train of thought/for you
THE!! CW!! SYSTEM!!!! never worry a8out commonly used tags again you can cw something "gross eye shit" "a8ortion joke" "anime mpreg" ANYTHING GOES AND WHOEVERS VIEWING WILL NOT HAVE TO S33 IT UNLESS THEY CHOOSE TO DROPDOWN OPEN THE POST. ITS SO GR8
train of thought streaming :) easy to post on easy to share tiny things up with me i like it
INSANELY INSANELY A8SURDLY EASY TO MAKE FRIENDS/ACQUAINTANCES. you know how your tum8lr can tend to just 8e Stuff You Like and not, like, what you talk like what you talk a8out Your General You. MASTO HAS YOUR GENERAL YOU! couple this with the train of thought thing and when you and other ppl do this for a while where you're just sharing your daily lives and talking for like months yeah you can just 8e friends ez pz
square pfps that are 8igger at least in profile view :) this is my preference 8ut i like it Hehe
if you have friends/a group of ppl you talk with on there IT IS A FUCKING 8LAST. you get the satisfaction of making Posts online that are 8eing s33n AND talking to your friends 8c chances are they are talking 8ack to you and !!!!
SOMETIMES. SOOOOMETIMES instances have 88code so you can have colored+size'd etc etc text :) otherwise yeah no fuck yourself your instance will have fun(hopefully) custom emojis and thats it. also your 8rowser will may8e crash trying to open the fuckhuge emojis list have fun this is also may8e a me pro8lem
THERE IS A CHARACTER LIMIT it depends on instance 8ut 500 is the standard i think
you, depending on Where you are on masto, are kinda expected to cw weird shit. ranging from food to Using Caps Lock it can 8e either not 8othersome at all or stifling as fuck depending on how much you mind cwing Like, Half of what you post depending on what you post.
there is no archive system. DEPENDING ON YOUR INSTANCE, you have the a8ility to search posts and every post you have made+interacted with will pop up, 8ut otherwise, nnno, not really. it's a very fl33ting format due to the whole Streaming Train Of Thought thing
there is what i call, "masto normies" (8ad name its from 2019 cope), Everywhere due to 8eing kinda who masto is made for and they depending on your you can range from insta8lockworthy to friendly and neat. this depends on your tolerance for ppl who have their kink list pinned/in 8io 8c they think its "praxis", will actually get for real mad for you if you use Anything Google At All In Any Capacity, use the cw "cw 8irdsite mention" for A TWITTER SCR33NSHOT, and respond to everything you say ever like its a fucking email to their distant coworker. if this is fine to you Yyeah go have fun. otherwise you will get At Least One unwanted reply on any post of yours that gets more than like 3 rts
posts are called 'toots' (usually) (depends on instance)
you can actually get sensory overload if the timeline is 8usy enough. yes it goes that fast. also spamliking is a thing. 8ut this is pro8a8ly very very very very largely a me issue cause my friend group is fucking mental 8ut if your friend group similarly enjoys annoying the shit out of eachother uh. watch out
even if you are sharing your train of thought your posts are ultim8ly just posts and people can ignore them if they so wish. depending on your flavor of mental unwellness and WHAT you post this can range from not an issue to, pu8lically vaguing 'oughughghhhh no8ody caaares a8out me this is penis as hell'.
instances like to implode in on themselves due to discourse so try not to pick too niche ones or Poof Your Site Gone
mods/admins of your instance can view your dms if. you. report. a. specific. dm. it gets a little more specific than that for other instances (i do not remem8er the specifics) 8ut no your dms are not just There for mods to view, 8ut also due to Just 8eing Posts not like a seper8 chat function or anything, yeah they can 8e viewed for stuff like this
if you dont have friends/a group/etc to interact with on there uhhh. it can get. kinda 8oring. it is a very very social social media
there are (USUALLY) 3 options for viewa8ility of your posts: pu8lic, unlisted, and followers-only, and the option to let Anyone follow you vs follower Requests 8eing on. pu8lic posts go on your home timeline (who you follow+you), local (timeline of Specifically people on Your instance and what theyre posting), AND feder8ed timeline (Every Single Instance On All Of Mastodon At Once. theres a lot of porn. dont open this one). unlisted your posts only go on home timeline, and followers-only... self explanitory, home timeline 8ut it's not visi8le on to just Anyone. making your account follow-requests on will automatically make your posts followers-only, which is how you successfully 8ecome a priv8 account in the same way priv twitters are except your rts may or not 8e pu8lic i dont remem89er. i personally have follow-requests on 8ut have my posts set to post on unlisted 8y default (ofc you can change this for specific posts) to maximize my 'this is literally Just me and my friends and like 2 ppl i think are cool everyone else go away' experience
i like this site 8ecause it's small and light and i can 8e in one small social area with my friends and say whatever 8ullshit we want :) its not 8ulky and An Entire Process For A Post To 8e Made like it is on here and it does Nottt f33l as consequence laden as other places. you dont have to reword your post 50 times to make sure you didnt Accidentally make it sound like you Kill One Million Puppies everyday if the timeline is going 40 posts a minute and will 8e impractical to find to anyone who didnt interact with that post. no8ody cares go wild
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