#mordern feysand
hellogoodbye14 · 3 years
The Games We Play - Feysand
⚠️ Mordern feysand with a sporty jealous Rhys and a quirky badass Feyre. (Haven’t decided if this is a one shot or series yet, all I had was this one scene thus far)
Scene inspired by the VIP series.
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God, getting the guys ready for the start of the tour was always a nightmare for him as captain.
They were an hour late and Rhys’s mood was already sour since Feyre had left him at the hotel bar late last night.
“Where are we putting Feyre?” he asked Mor, who stood next to him as the buses were being loaded up.
“Why do you care?” She took a long sip of her coffee.
I don’t know Mor, I’ve gone over the ledge into absolute madness.
“She’s a new employee. Accommodations will have to be rearranged for your new team photographer.”
“We have six new employees,” Mor retorted. “You know any of the their names?” One blonde brow lifted behind her glasses. “Or job functions?”
“What has your knickers in a twist?”
Before she could answer, Emerie went past.
They ignore each other as usual, and Mor’s nose rose a touch higher. Rhys repressed an eye roll.
“You two really got to do something about that sexual tension.”
He could almost hear her teeth grinding.
“There is entirely too much screwing going around this little bunch already, thank you very much.”
“Who?” Rhys couldn’t help asking.
“Feyre and Cassian, for one.”
It was as if she’d kicked his legs out from under him. The sudden pain in his chest was so sharp.
“What?” The question lashed out like a whip.
Slowly she lowered her cup from her face and took a step back. “Ah, you know what? That’s just speculation.”
“Based on what, exactly?” Rhys bit out.
Mor looked around as if trying to find an escape. Not likely.
Rhys took a step into her space. “Talk.”
“Feyre came in late and Cass said he’d hooked up with her, and she confirmed it,” Mor blurts out. “Though, she sounded extremely sarcastic, so it might have been a joke…”
Her words drifted off, as the ringing in Rhys’s ears grew stronger. He turned on his heel, not knowing where he was going, when his gaze landed on the man in question loading the bus.
“Cassian”, Rhys barked out loud enough for his voice to echo through.
Cassian frowned at Rhys who used his full name and strolled over.
“What is this about you and Feyre?”
Cassian gave him a stupid grin. “Oh just a bit of fun Rhys.” He glanced at Mor who was shaking her head at him in warning. “Right Mor?”
Rhys didn’t let her respond, “Did you not give Azriel a lecture on how not to partake in work place affairs.”
Cassian snickered, “Right, he clearly listened well. Him and Gwyn can’t keep their hands off of each other.”
Rhys ground his teeth some more, “It was good advice. Maybe follow it.”
There was a smug grin on Cassian’s face and Rhys was three seconds away from wiping it off his face.
“You’re right but there wasn’t much sleeping involved.”
Rhys’s breathing was going haywire.
“Rhys, what’s got your knickers in a twist?”, whispered Mor.
Rhys wrenched his head in her direction, and she paled.
“Whoops, joke gone bad, joke gone bad,”
Mor wailed, flapping her hands and just ran away on her stiletto heels.
Cassian watched her go, a smile on his lips.
“What’s with her?... Hey, man.” He holds his hands up. “Easy with the crazy eyes dude. It’s just Feyre.”
“What’s just me?” Feyre asked, appearing at Rhys’s side.
He rounded on her. “You.”
“Me.” She points to her chest then to Cassian. “Cassian”, then pointed at Rhys, “Rhysand”.
Cass chuckled, but when Rhys glared at him, he suddenly became very invested in scurrying off toward Azriel and Gwyn.
Feyre frowned. “What’s that all about?”
“Are you fucking Cassian?”
Her eyes go wide and shocked.
A flush rushed over her cheeks. “Are you serious with this?”
Yes. No. He didn’t fucking know.
“Answer the question.”
She took Rhys’s arm and dragged him in between the space of two buses.
“Look, you,” she hissed, poking his shoulder. “I don’t have to tell you a thing about my personal life.”
“You do not sleep with the team members.”
“Members?” she squeaked. “So I’m screwing my way through them now?”
“Cassian. Let’s concentrate on Cassian now. Did you sleep with him?”
“I cannot believe you’re asking me this.”
Rhys simply stared at her.
The flush rushes down her body. “Fuck you, Rhysand. I don’t know who you think you are, but let me tell you, I’m not some bimbo you can bark at. I am done with this conversation.”
She moved to leave but he gently grabbed her arm.
“You’re right. I don’t get a say… but don’t.. not one of the guys Feyre. Please.”
She looked at him for a moment, the torment which he himself did not understand was clear in his eyes.
She sighed, “You’re such an ass.”
“I am n-“
Feyre held up a hand and interrupted.
“An ass who can’t bother to notice that there was no way I could have been with Cassian last night when I was with you at the bar for most of it.”
Rhys’s head hit the side of the bus with a thud as his body sagged against hers. Relief and embarrassment swimming through him.
“Yes, shit”, she said in sarcasm, “Cassian was merely covering for me when I came back late.”
“I apologise.”
Feyre humphed and pushed him off.
“You’re not fooling anyone Rhys.”
“What do you mean?”
“Don’t come to me again until you’re ready to admit you were jealous.”
“I was not jealous.”
Feyre simply kept walking, flipping him off as she went.
He was in such deep shit.
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Are you still working on your mordern AU for Feysand?? I have a deep need to read what happens next
Honestly it was supposed to be a one-shot originally. I can keep it going but I’ll have to figure out a plot line. Atm I have no other fics in the works (out of ideas it would seem) so I may take a look and figure out the next part :)
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hellogoodbye14 · 3 years
The Ties That Bind - Feysand (Upcoming)
Hi All!
I’m about to release the first part of a new feysand series 👀
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The setting is based on the mordern day world but the supernatural exists within this society and there are fae state nations which are ruled under a tyrant.
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Enemies to lover arc/ slow burn/ we’ll be seeing the IC and Valkyries in some regard as well.
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Let me know if you’d like to be added to the taglist ❤️
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hellogoodbye14 · 3 years
Up next is mordern day feysand mafia romance
Backstory: two of the strongest mafia families agreed to join their empires through marriage. The heirs of each have grown up and its time for the engagement.
Keen on finishing it up and posting it. Let me know if you want to be added to the taglist once its done 💃🏼
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