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diagnozabam · 3 months ago
Clasificarea Vehiculelor și Autovehiculelor Conform Legislației Românești
Definiția și Distincția dintre Vehicul și Autovehicul Vehicul: Termenul „vehicul” se referă la toate sistemele mecanice construite pentru a se deplasa pe o cale de comunicație. Acestea pot avea sau nu mijloace de autopropulsare și includ orice mijloc utilizat pentru transportul de persoane sau bunuri ori pentru efectuarea de servicii sau lucrări. Autovehicul: Un autovehicul este un subtip de…
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probablyprompts · 2 years ago
date prompts (part 3)
Puddle Stomping
Playing Baseball
Kite Flying
Climbing a Tree
Easter Egg Painting
Petting a Bunny
Picking Strawberries
Sidewalk Chalk
Duck Feeding
Blowing Bubbles
Creek Wading
Four Leaf Clover Search
Stone Skipping
Flower Planting
Arts and Crafts
Bird Feeding
Shoe Shopping
Scooter Riding
Mud Pie Making
Basket Weaving
Walk Down the Beach
Walk Through the Cherry Blossoms
Scavenger Hunt
Baking Cookies
Playing Guitar Hero
Thrift Shopping
Doing Each Other's Makeup
Spot it! (It's a card game)
Clam Digging
Firefly Catching
Shed Cleaning
United States Jigsaw Puzzle
Playing Project Diva
Watching K-Dramas
Pretending to Be Puppies
Playing Scopa
Rock Climbing
Making French Fries
Cheese Tasting
Building a Doghouse
Painting Together
Playing Duel Monsters
Smashing a Wall
'50's Diner
Guacamole Party
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drevon · 2 months ago
Ein mekkis frå Voss
Ingeniør Arne Røen har klatret karrierestigen fra ufaglært mekaniker på Voss til kabelspinner på verdens bredeste bru.
Reportasjen ble opprinnelig publisert i Nito Refleks, nr. 2/2014
På denne nettsiden har jeg her publisert et lite utvalg av tekster og bilder fra min store journalistiske produksjon. Dette i tråd med åndsverkloven og vanlig skikk og bruk.
- Eg har no vore ein mekkis i alle mine dager og gått gradane med mopeder, motorsykler og heile den pakko der, sier Arne Røst i et Skype-intervju med Nito Refleks.
Røens karriere startet som ufaglært mekaniker ved Hordaland Mekaniske  Verksted på Voss. Utdannelsen hans var kort: Fra 1978-80 tok han maskinlinjen ved Ingeniørhøgskolen i Bergen.  - Jeg lærte litt om alt og alt om litt, oppsummerer Røen sin  toårige utdannelse.
Magasinet Nito Refleks som publiserte saken opprinnelig har ikke lenger et nettarkiv, men saken kan heldigvis fortsatt leses her.
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idagnyheter · 3 months ago
Miljömötet COP16 går in på slutspurten
Extra stora och extra bepansrade poliser kantade den ganska långa vägen till konferenscentret Centro de Eventos Valle del Pacífico på tisdagsmorgonen. Bilar, bussar, mopeder och motorcyklar rullade fram i snigelfart, höljda i kvava avgaser. Ganska många på väg till FN-mötet, ännu fler på väg till sitt vanliga arbete – och alla med andan i halsen. För klockan nio skulle vägen stängas av helt för…
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alexsavescu · 8 months ago
Atenție la conducerea scuterelor și mopedelor pe drumurile publice
În ultima perioadă, aproape zilnic au fost raportate incidente și evenimente implicând conducători de mopede. Mulți dintre aceștia nu conștientizează necesitatea deținerii unui permis de conducere conform categoriei, purtarea echipamentului de protecție și respectarea regulilor de circulație. Incidente recente În ultimele două zile, au fost identificate șase cazuri de conducere a mopedelor…
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Quadrupedal, bipedal, mopedal
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peaksmopeds · 3 years ago
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ビアンコ隊@yasuhito_tokuhiro 号 置き場のからみもあり、 関東に戻す。 あとはビリィ氏に託した。 よろしく頼むね。 私はカラスカブを大事にします。 #piaggiociao #mopeders #runsnmopeds #遺品 #出逢ったバイク #moped #モペット (Peaks Mopeds) https://www.instagram.com/p/CbfKIRWJ58U/?utm_medium=tumblr
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hardtickettohomevideo · 2 years ago
The Schlocktoberfest - Day 24: Rabid
The Schlocktoberfest – Day 24: Rabid
  Rabid (2019) Read my review of the original here. Trailer:  *Spoilers Throughout* What’s This About: Rose, a friendly St. Bernard, contracts rabies and conducts a reign of terror on a small American town. Here are some of my observations as I watched the film: A mopedded woman narrowly misses driving into a dog and two cars. An offscreen voice says, “Why do we keep remaking old trash?” THANK…
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kezenani · 3 years ago
amik vannak:
- még egy kollégánk kovidos, holnap újabb pcr-teszt, már hazajárunk - délben kisétáztam megnézni egy kolodkót - ha ebédszünetben fordul ki a bokám, az munkahelyi baleset? - holnap nem császkálok azért a bizti kedvéért. amilyen napjaim vannak... - egész álló nap zabáltam - tízóra körül egy hete minden áldott nap menetrendszerint megjelenik az ablakunk alatt egy mopedes, és húszpercekig köszörüli a nyomorult gépét. az istennek nem indul de a türelme végtelen, nem adja fel, ma délután is jött, szintén elidőzött minkelőttünk, és még mindig nem hullott atomjaira a jármű, ritka jó fajta, és az agyonsmirglizett agyam már a fülemen folyt ki, ha legközelebb is ezt tervezi, szivem minden melegével kimegyek és úgy tarkónbaszom hogy elrepül onnan a motorjával együtt a picsába - hazafelé vettem észre hogy hát megin mingyá telihód, hát most volt kifli, mosmeg megin nő, ezeken a napokon amit megeszünk duplának számít, hogy rohadnameg. - kár hogy nem tudtam ezt mindjárt reggel - lehet ugyanennyit zabáltam volna, csak nem esett volna ilyen jól - mégis jobb így
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God no, that would be gross, but on the other hand Flemings Bond was very pro-abortion and mental health services, which was unusual at the time and sadly hasn't made it into the movies. He funds Honeychile Ryder going to uni and getting her doctorate iirc (to say thanks for fake dating him to get him into a villains lair), which was pretty neat. The movies cut out a lot of the racist comments, but we still ended up with Face Surgery To Look Japanese, so I'm hoping the next lot are better.
I have now read every single one of Ian Fleming’s James Bond novels, except for Live and Let Die, which I had to stop once I hit the chapter title which includes the N-word. Here’s a list of things you will encounter in these books:
James Bond throws up due to trauma at least once per book
No, really, more racism than you’re expecting
Yes, even for the 50s
At one point Bond writes a letter in his own pee
“All the real hep-cats smoke reefers!”
Many comments on the nature of American culture, including the “exotic pungency” of American road signs
Extended passages of James Bond being racist against various ethnicities you didn’t even know one COULD be racist towards
No seriously, James Bond inexplicably despises Bulgarians
A lengthy passage in which Bond shares his opinion that homosexuality is caused by giving women the right to vote
Bond gets tortured for the first time and immediately comes over all political and philosophical like, “Maybe communism is good actually, and also the Devil is a good guy?”
At one point Bond gets brainwashed by the KGB into trying to kill M
Bond is a grade-A Karen who delivers all of his restaurant orders with lengthy specifics as to how the food should be prepared, and gets pissy if it’s not up to his specifications.
“a gay, happy little crocodile” 
Bond is very excited to learn that in New York there are places where you can watch porn with sound AND color.
James Bond is The Most Boring Man in the World. His hobbies include golf and complaining about food.
Late in the books, Bond’s fiancee is killed right in front of him, and he starts showing PTSD symptoms and, instead of being all macho-man “I don’t need no help,” immediately starts going to every doctor available trying to get treatment
At one point the government tries to offer him a knighthood or some such and Bond messages back that he refuses the knighthood and that “My principal reason is that I don’t want to pay more at hotels and restaurants.” When told that this is too rude, he amends it to, “I am a Scottish peasant and I will always feel at home being a Scottish peasant.”
At one point the Bond girl is tied down by the villain of the book to await being eaten alive by crabs. Bond is terrified for her, but she, being something of an amateur zoologist, knows perfectly well that crabs aren’t gonna eat a living human, so she just chills there on the beach and waits for them to go away.
There is literally a damsel in distress tied to the actual train tracks, presented without irony
An MI6 agent speculates, in an official report to headquarters, that the target may be homosexual because he can’t whistle. Apparently men who can’t whistle are gay.
Bond is drafted to act as the villain’s secretary not once, but two separate times in two separate books. 
When Bond is at a boring party at a hotel conference room and is ordered by his employer to liven up the party, he accomplishes this by ORDERING THE HOTEL BAND, who were previously singing a censored version of some song, TO PERFORM A STRIP SHOW FOR HIM AND THE GUESTS WHILE SINGING THE DIRTY VERSION. This is his second idea, after he previously livened up the party by using one of the girls in the hotel band - the same one he wants to strip for him - as target practice by balancing a false pineapple on her head and shooting it. 
Bond exchanges a look with a fellow secret agent that is said to be “the recognition that exists between crooks, between homosexuals, between secret agents.”
“A hand-painted sign said ‘SNAX’ and, underneath, ‘Hot Cock Soup Fresh Daily’.”
The backstory of the villain of The Man with the Golden Gun is as follows: there was once a circus elephant who got REALLY HORNY and then went on a rampage and was shot by the cops, and then came back to the circus to  pathetically and tragically attempt to perform its circus act one last time. The child who was supposed to ride the elephant in the circus act witnessed all of this, and when the cops shot the elephant dead while performing its tragic act, the boy grabbed a pistol and SHOT ONE OF THE COPS in revenge for HIS ELEPHANT DYING. And that boy grew up to be a deadly, womanizing, hired gun, with three nipples, whom MI6 speculates must be gay because he can’t whistle. And that’s the villain of the book.
These books will make you hate the British as much as every single villain seems to
Waaaayyy more casual drug use than you would expect
like, seriously, at one point Bond is AT DINNER WITH HIS BOSS in his boss’s fancy-ass club, and he orders an envelope full of benzedrine from HQ and just casually pours it into his glass to drink with his champagne.
M lives with the man who used to be M’s Chief Petty Officer on his last naval posting, and who had followed M into retirement, and I am pretty sure they are boyfriends.
When Bond sleeps with the Bond Girl of Dr. No, she orders him to “Take those off and come in” and “You owe me slave-time. Do as you’re told,” proving once and for all that James Bond is a switch, I rest my case your honor
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svenskjavel · 3 years ago
Till ni som inte gillar EPA/mopeder/moppebilar, bor ni i större städer? Tänker framförallt i relation till kollektivtrafik. Jag är från ett liten stad så framförallt på helger och lov så är kollektivtrafiken hopplös att använda (på sommaren går våra stadsbussar - de som går som oftast - bara var 40e minut ibland)
Här är många tonåringar som vill träffa vänner och så beroende av egen transporting för att ta sig runt inom rimliga tider, och typ alla tar körkort så fort de bara kan. Det här är absolut inte menat som någon form av attack, det finns mycket negativt med epa-kulturen och så men jag ville bara nämna det perspektivet så att folk tänker på det också ifall ämnet kommer upp här
Haha, jag tog inte den asken väldigt seriöst så det är inte menat som en attack från min sida heller. Förstår att det är viktigt med transportmedel och att tillgänglighet till kollektivtrafik och föräldrar/vuxna som har tid/pengar att skjutsa är avgörande.
Min tankegång var mer EPA-nedsättande (=EPA främst kopplat med lantisar, halvfattiga) medan moppebilar-förolämpning (=association: dyrare, ej hållbara, rikemansbarn). Väldigt generaliserande klasstänk från min sida.
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christamasu · 4 years ago
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Just a capy mopeding around, he's very busy lol
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alexsavescu · 11 months ago
Motocicliștii scapă de obligația echipamentului medical și reflectorizant
În urma adoptării unui proiect de lege de către Camera Deputaților, motocicliștii vor fi eliberați de obligația de a avea trusă medicală, triunghi reflectorizant și extinctor, o măsură ce urmează să modifice Codul rutier. Așadar, fălticenenii care conduc de mopede, scutere sau motociclete nu vor mai fi sancționați pentru lipsa acestor echipamente, cu excepția categoriilor AM, A1, A2 și A.…
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engrosservice471-blog · 6 years ago
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Tøffe scootere og mopeder til lave priser:
Leter du etter en ny scooter eller moped  i tidsriktig design og til konkurransedyktig pris ? Da er Engrosservice leverandøren for deg. Vi tilbyr de beste scooterne  og mopedene på markedet til fantasipriser. Sjekk ut fargekombinasjoner på alle våre scooter og mopedmodeller.  Du er også velkommen til oss for å prøvekjøre en av våre billige scootere eller billige mopeder av topp kvalitet. For nærmere informasjon , besøk vår nettside: https://www.engrosservice.no/
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karamfilmare · 3 years ago
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I’m just mopeding my way into your dm’s to tell u I think ur neat 😎
Many kithes to you, Mwah Mwah 🥰💛✨
Oh my gosh, you cutie, you really know how to win me over.
Many kithes to you as well.
Mwah mwah❤️❤️😍😍🥰🥰✨✨😘😘
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dizajn · 4 years ago
STX Moped verkstad, MC-Verkstad och Bilverkstad from Predrag Petrovic on Vimeo.
Vi är din lokala Moped verkstad, MC-Verkstad och Bilverkstad
Vi på STX har expertis och professionell utrustning för alla typer av service (mopedservice, mc service och bilservice) och även för bilreparationer oavsett märke. Vår bilverkstad utför allt ifrån ac-påfyllning, däckskifte, montering av tillbehör till reparationer oavsett om skadorna är omfattande, likaså gäller vår mc verkstad och mopedverkstad.
Med korta väntetider och fördelaktiga priser i vår verkstad. Vi utför även garanti jobb för ett flertal moped märken och alla försäkring jobb för mopeder och motorcyklar. En komplett mc verkstad.
Bilservice, mopedservice, bilreparation, Motorcykel verkstad, Moped service.
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