#moots are always welcome to stroke to me
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That feeling when a mutual tells you they’re stroking to your #me 🥴🥴🥴
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Till it becomes a pumpkin
Yuta Maki Inumaki x Gn! Reader
Summary: part one of the tamaki s/o series this one ant for my moots its for me 😻
Notes: the reader will be referred to as boss sometimes. Reader has a curse technique to suppress certain things and extends this ability to objects. Little Halloween snit bit at the end of eatch one. IM SORRY IM A DAY LATE.
Warnings: swearing, pretty long headcannons, not proofread some parts im half asleep.
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3
When he joined jujitsu high, you had this werid welcoming feeling about you. He couldn't put his finger on it...that was till you,Inumaki and Panda cornered him. "As your classmate I cannot stand by and watch you suffer" you pull out two hairclips "please hold still" utterly confused yet letting it happen you carefully put the hair clips on. "Rika didn't come out..." "that just means my cursed technique is as amazing as ever" "Bonito flakes" "Shut up inumaki" you pull out a mirror showing him the hairclips in his hair. "It only suppresses Rikas will to attack people you consider allies, only take it off when you feel you have full control"
He stuck around you more than anyone else there, sometimes hiding behind you. "Wait till he realizes you can barely flight" "keep talking and I'm going to suppress your hairline into next week" you held Yutas hand with that same welcoming warm presence. "You'll be fine" Even when he got to know you all better he still stuck by you and inumaki the most.
"You're so cute Yuta!!" Is something mostly everyone's heard for the past year, you'll never stop showering him with praise and affection for the most minor things. "You're into him" "PFTTT please yutas my best friend plus he's always so gloomy I'm only trying to cheer him up" "Bonito flakes" "I swear to god Inumaki" "you're into him!!" Panda walks back to Yuta and then to you "you have a fat chance!" "STOP WITH THE STUPID POSE" thank god he somehow didn't hear half of that conversation
He did try to confess to you...multiple times. "So I was thinking we could go out sometime" "oh? So you finally proposed a spot?" "I really like you y/n" "I like you too Yuta!" "Really?" "Yea you're my friend!" He'd never correct you thinking you were just avoiding the topic when in reality you just never got it. Until most of your friends called you out on it. "I don't know he just seems more glum than usual" you pause looking up when two figures hover over you "has anything happened over those few days" "well...he said he liked me and that he wanted to go out" your friends stare in shocked silence. "What?" One of them finishes up a few pencil strokes "have you considered the fact he has a crush on you" your eyes widen at the thought. "WAIT HE DOES?!" "You tone deaf idiot" and so they set up a plan to isolate both of you from the rest. "Turn em down like him back I don't care" as soon as the door locks you sigh lightly "Yuta...do you have a crush on me" his eyes widen with his cheeks turning pink. "Why would you think that" "you lock arms with me alot you say things that kinda flew over my head at first and" he shushes you quickly avoiding eye contact, moving his hand off your mouth as you begin to speak up. "I love you too Okkotsu" you could have sworn you saw his heart skip a beat "are you serious?" "I wouldn't joke with someone's feelings, especially yours" you could have sworn he was on the brink of tears watching him walk up to you, gripping you waist tightly and hiding his face in your chest. As soon as you pat his head the waterworks flow. "There there Yuta" hugging him back gently you let him cry into your chest
"Sooo who's the lucky lad boss" "I'm not telling you" "you don't have to he's your lock screen" "WHEN DID YOU GET MY PHONE" you link arms with your friend "MAKE THEM STOP PLEASEEE" "I would but this Yuta person has me intrigued aswell" "...you can't be serious" "were very serious, we should share cake with him!" "..oh no" they did meet him sadly and found out how easy it was to fluster him. "So how's the boss like around you" "eh?!" "Do they not treat you differently at all" Yuta hesitantly takes a bite of cake "now that you mention it they do hug me more often" your friend stares at him narrowing his eyes watching Yuta flush up. "Something tells me boss kisses you before bed too" "HUH?!?" "Knew it cross it off bingo!" "I got a cross already" "I already filled mine" "dammit"
He probably has a bingo too with how open he is to showing pda. Hugs from behind that feel like he's trying to be as close to you as humanely possible, whispering into your ear small little things he wanted to do later, kissing you suddenly but somewhere private, and the free space casually calling you "honey or babe" infront of everyone but Gojo. This is mostly how your friend group outside of school found out about the people you go to school with. "So you're here for the bingo of your life huh?" "First one to fill their board wins" "you're on" turns out Yuta was the one everyone got bingo on first.
This is also why you two mostly go on dates in the night. "Pst yuta yutaa" he rolls over "pookie" "NO NOT AGAIN oh-" sitting up suddenly he sees you at his window "WHEN DID YOU GET HERE?!" "No time to explain I wanna take you somewhere" "where?" "A surprise" you lead him out the window to a small hill sitting down on the grass. "Wait for it" he does only looking at you though until you suddenly point at the sky, his eyes widen as stars begin to fall not noticing when his head lands on your shoulders. "I'm sorry I heard the news and didn't wanna be the only one to see it" his hand reaches for yours while he watches the stars. "I just wanted to show you this then we'll be off" "then let's stay a while" he moves a bit closer "but you can barely keep your eyes open" he hugs you suddenly "then let's stay till I fall asleep" you only hum in response you two watching the stars together.
You two couldn't be separated even for two secounds. Of course if it was for a mission you'd be understanding but that wasn't gonna stop you from your u.f.o accusations. "HES BEEN TAKEN GET THE HELICOTPER I BEG OF YOU" "Why do you have one at the ready? But relax he's in Africa for a mission" "of course.." "nothing to worry about" as soon as maki tried to hang up "ALIENS KIDNAPED EM AND NOW THEYRE KEEPING HIM IN AFRICA" "HES FINE CALM DOWN" she sighs into the mic "listen..Yuta is gonna come back he'll be fine mostly unharmed now please go back to sleep" she hears a sniffle on the other line "thank you Maki" didn't stop you for nearly losing all energy and barely able to perform starlight kicks "Boss what was that?" "Starlight kick more like bummy poke" they're waiting for the random rain so you can reach maximum dramatic. "I know you two text everyday but if you miss him call him" "you cake devouring monster what a great idea!" You call him near instantly and suddenly your emo arc is over. Wait till you learn Yutas been the same way while away.
As soon as he gets back you do almost instantly notice his change in demeanor. More confidently standing infront of you and smiling warmly. "Yuta..." "yes?" "YOURE SO CUTE HOW COULD ANYONE BE INTIMADATED YOURE LIKE A PUPPY" that demeanor instantly broken by how you showered him with adoration. "Super soft too" you hug him for a long while everyone coulda sworn that guy turned a new shade of red just because of you. "And you took off the hairclips I'm so proud of you Yuta" you hold his head to your chest hugging him close not noticing just how flustered he is yet happy to be by your side. "That reminds me" you feel Two objects clip to your hair with him showing the same hairclips you gave when you first met him. "They look nice on you" giggling softly he takes a picture of your confused face. "DONT TURN THIS ON ME YOURE WAY CUTER WITH THESE ON" "I don't need em anymore!" "I don't care put em back on!!"
"Close your eyes and" Click, as soon as that's heard a bunch of lights and decoration were turned on. "It looks amazing Yuta I can't thank you enough" "don't mention it" "I will mention the cutiest Halloween decorator in the world!" You cup his cheeks ready to give him a small kiss. "Ew cut it out" "what if kids see" "you two need to get a life" they both shake their head in unison "simp" "oh my god" "they just came to remind you we had a party at the school" one of your friends hand you a flyer "yes I know I was just about to leave my candy bucket out" "that's not the problem" your friend looks at Yuta "where's his costume?" Your eyes widen at this realization. "...I'll be right back" you drag him inside quickly opening your drawer of make-up "when did you have this?" "You doubt how many times people ask for either a pad or makeup, always prepare for everything!" You run around gathering things while panicking and looking back at him only to get some of the best smiles in modern day. "Yuta don't look at me like that it's making me wanna give you dog ears" he turns away hearing tou ravange your closet when finally you settle on an outfit for him. "Here here we don't have time put it on I beg of you" "you think boss is going through hell up there" "have faith in y/n if they can manage to make probably criminals into club memmbers well be ok" they all look at their rabbit loving friend. "What?" "AHHHHHHHH" "that's bosses "I SAW SOMETHING WAYYY TOO GOOD THE TWINS SHOULD DO SOME DIGGING AND MAKE FUN OF EM SCREAM" "you're adorable" your on the brink of tears looking at him after putting on the outfit "the most handsome phantom I've ever seen" "are you sure-" "I'm very sure I'll just have to change my outfit last minute but" you sit him back down grabbing your eye liner "please hold still this shouldn't be long" "oh no please take your time" the same guy enjoying how close your chest was to him watching your eyes narrow as you figure out what to do. It's a great view on his end. Unfortunately, you finish quickly with you quickly changing to match him. "Alright lets-" you were stopped by him hugging you tight placing kisses all over your face. "I couldn't pass up this chance for the world" he kisses you again "you're gonna ruin your make-up Yuta" you avoid eye contact "I don't mind if it means you get to cup my face more" "Yuta!" You walk downstairs with him with the others. "Alright dearest" "blerg" "Shut up, anyway let's go win that contest" "that you're suddenly interested in" "Why yes since I have the best partner for it ever there's no wa-" your friend shushes you casually throwing you and Yuta into the car you all shared "lets go before they start monologing" "YEAAA"
She wonders why you don't use a ball instead of those needles for weapons... Because while you were playing with friends outside of school all she heard was "IVE HAD ENOUGH OF YOU TWO, STARLIGHT KIIIIIICK" and a few secounds later she got knocked out cold. Woke up in your bedroom with you crying next to her. "MAKI YOURE AWAKE!!" "What the hell happened" "you were hit with bosses starlight kick" "it was for them! I didn't mean to hit you!" Sincere sounding enough didn't save you from her attempting to train with you.
"It's either you teach me that kick or we train together for a week" "please don't ive seen what you've done to Yuta" you did attempt to teach her your kick and it mostly failed miserably, didn't stop you from suddenly getting determined to try harder. "Welp looks like you're training with me" you move her leg a bit "try kicking it now and with wind up" "ok?" "And kick it like Panda made a weird comment about you" she performed a starlight kick flawlessly at that momment. You cheered watching that ball go into orbit while maki grumbled under her breath. "That was amazing Maki!" "First try too" She always seemed to come up to you more often to flex her achievements just so you could stroke her pride a bit.
You even spoke about her outside of jujitsu tech. "Boss is into people that would most likely step on em. As usual they're always this werid" "CUT IT OUT YOU TWO, Makis super cool though you'll love her!" Little to say they did love her, so much she's basically apart of your friend group outside of school now. They're debating on making her the new vice prez to witch you friend did NOT approve to say the least. "Atleast she won't take pictures of us while asleep" "actually I have them while most of you were awake and those have been selling better than the sleeping ones suggest you get better sheets" "Awe man" "wadya mean awe man he just confessed to having cameras in our houses" "unless you wanna sell them for free" there's a long silence. "I don't think we should demote em guys" "yea totally not illegal im blind" "bliinndddd" three of you say in unison
She does like dragging you around to do stuff with her. "Y/n!" "Yea!" "Lets go to the supermarket together" "what could be waiting for us there-" "instant coffee" "SAY NO MORE" you do this happy go lucky little dance whenever you drink it even though she finds it childish it is pretty fun watching you enjoy instant coffee. "Thank you Maki I'm gonna drink the entire box" "save some for me" "maybe" "wadya mean maybe?" She did have to hide any mention of instant coffee around you.
The twins use her to mess with you, knowing to exploit your totally not obvious crush on her. "Hey boss wanna play" "I'm busy right now" "shame I guess we'll just have to plan our wedding with Maki then" you turn your head around almost like an owl as soon as maki and marry were in the same sentence. "I'll play" your voice suddenly more threatening and low as the twins shrug "alright then-"
She did like being around you alot, that changed from like to loved the day you hugged her when she got back from a mission. "MAKI!" no time for her to respond she braced for impact, not expecting a quick yet tight hug from behind. "I missed you a bit" "seems like more than a bit" you huff softly "I..." You tighten your grip even more "just had a bad feeling atleast I was wrong" sighing she pushes you off "you're gonna crush my ribs" "OH-" You let go of her backing up "I'm glad you're ok Maki" she couldn't sleep after hearing those words, you're the worst for saying that you owe her!
So she makes it her mission to ask you out. Shouldn't be that hard except she doesn't know how to put it. "Oh so you're trying to ask out y/n" the twins giggle "don't worry we got you covered" your friend pushes up his glasses before him and the twins get to work "remmber Wednesday by their window and be there by sundown" the twins smirk while your friend finishes up the thing he was scribbling. "Put this in their mail" "Sure thing!" She did what she was told opening your window to see you turned around "Maki, I must confess this is kinda...unlike you" "wadya mean?" You give her the note "IM IN LOVE LOVE. EVRYTIME I LOOK AT YOU IT FEELS LIKE MY HEART BEATS OUTTA MY CHEST PLEASE MARRY ME!!" That's all she got through before crumbling it "im gonna end em" letting her in from the window and closing it. "They usually do that thinking they'll help, they're not very good at love notes" you cringe remembering one of them, looking to see Makis embrassed expression. "So they tricked me" "I mean they got your message across" laughing softly she narrows her eyes walking closer "I like you, go out with me" "so straight foward" she looked at you seriously "I love you aswell if it wasn't odvious" sighing she hugs you hesitantly.
She won't be lovey dovey in public she mostly hides it, infact you didn't even know she had a crush on you till she told you. Won't stop her from bluntly declaring it. "Soo" the twins stare at you two walking in, you not sure how Maki will feel about it decide not to say anything, fortunately for you she smirks "we're dating" everyone stops in their tracks before an uproar of "WOOAAAHAHAHHAAHHAHH"'s were heard. The clubroom sounded like a frat house. "Congrats boss!" "CONGRATS Y/N!" The look on one of your fangirls faces were priceless exactly what she aimed for when doing that.
As SOON as you two are alone, it's a different story. "You should kiss me" "you just closed the door maki" your laugh only makes her even more lovesick. "You owe me two now" "so unfair" she's all over you when your alone as if acting on every thought she held off in public. "Maki dial it back-" she kisses your cheek "what scared?" As if teasing you she holds your hands pinning you down "I've been waiting all day for this you know" you go to school the next day looking a bit stunned by thise events that anytime you think of maki you just kinda pause. This happened way too much. Thank god no one figured out why.
She dosent understand why you help people so much its kinda painful to see you walk into odvious traps. Such as the one set up by a newspaper club. "Excuse me you know y/n correct" "yes why?" "Is it true they have a dark side?" She thinks back a bit "you mean the emo phases?" "NO NO not that! The evil dark side kind" she realizes what's going on rather quickly "No matter of fact y/n's a ball of idiotic sunshine" "Maki!!" You shout out to her suddenly "come on! We're about go start the next round without you!" She walks off toward you ignoring further questions from the newspaper club. Unluckily for them they had gotten a surprise visit from the club memmbers aswell as her. "They disbanded? What a shame" "indeed" "you two just pushed up your glasses in sync that was cool" "do it again"
She took you to a haunted house not expecting to carry you the entire time. "AHHHH MAKI A GHOST!" "it's super small tho" "SAVE MEEE" "MAKI!!" As much as she would admit your cute when scared she wasn't gonna let em jumpscsre you like that. "Hold my hand" you blush a bit "oh I cant" "you wanna get outta here?" You grab her hand as she leads you out with ease, almost avoiding all jumlscares. "What about this" she presents to you a small cart. "Now we can't run" "don't worry too hard about it" swallowing your fear temporary you went through the ride with her resting on her shoulder fully admiring the scenery. "Thsnk you for bringing me" "don't mention it" she pinches your cheeks "your reaction to all this is key ya know" "they really are scary!" "One was just a cut out" "still scary!" She laughs softly at that "what?" "Maki protect me!!" Qouting you as your face turns red "your the worst" "oh please you love me" she kisses your cheek not thinking much of it, but leaving you speechless. "You know you never kissed me in public before..." You get a bit bashful "maybe I should be scared more often" "too late already know your tactics" "awe"
"BONITO FLAKES!!" "STOP SQUIRMING" he kept moving his head away as you tried to give him a spoon. "Inumaki you're gonna taste this so I don't lose to those two idiots and you're gonna be honest" "Mustard leaf!" "Gojo was being dramatic he didn't pass out!" You see disgusted fear in his eyes before he swallows down and opens his mouth. To his surprise its pretty amazing. "Sooo" he narrowed his eyes "salmon" "YES!" "I never knew you cooked" Panda walked in. "Why I do, to make everyone happy I mastered many things" "so you mastered leaving the teachers bedridden" "I TOLD YOU HE WAS JUST BEING DRAMATIC, that won't stop me from beating the twins in this bet" you smirk "maybe I'll even get that little bunny holding monsters approval!" You reach your fist to the sky. No one was sent to bed because of your cooking that day.
You've always forced inumaki to do stuff with you and in exchange whenever he'd as you'd use your curse technique to limit the effect his abilities had on him. He just had to sit through a make-over scene. Sometimes he thinks you can just nerf his powers entirely if you tried but you'd always respond "last time I tried to cancel someone's cursed technique I think I was too broad with it, think the guy ended up with like 50% fish 50% human it was really awkward". He "looses" the clips you gave him and you always have the same "WHAAA we must set up a funeral arrangement" "salmon" "don't agree your paying for it" "fuck" "don't speak normally while I'm reconsidering our friendship"
You're also the Inumaki decoder, which is why you two are usually partnered for missions, totally not because Gojo sees it happening. "Those two are married" "Why yes they are" "what-" "Bonito flakes" "not what you said last time this question came up" you could feel inumaki go deadpan you could tell the guys smiling under there "Bonito flakes" said in the most "I'm lying" way ever "I swear- give it to us before this guy ends up six feet under"
He definitely would find out the hard way what club you do outside of the high school. This "cooking competition" was actually a setup for something else something with rose petal involvement... "Welcome ladies" "AAAAAAAAHHH" "I've made eatch one thinking of all of you please savor every bite" "oh y/n you remembered my favorite dish!" "How could I forget something that important when it reminds me of you" "tuna tuna" "oh y/n please not in public" "don't worry my dear no one would mind this display of my adoration" "ah-" the girl causually faints into your arms and you put her in the preprepared bench to rest. "That's the 32nd boss" "I bet you guys couldn't reach 20" "we just had our 19th" "eh. HUH" "Tuna tuna" "you two idiots!!" You ran off once again never noticing inumaki trying to get your attention so he did the next best thing. "Next guest-" "tuna" it was as if someone had suddenly decided to jumpscare you, your eyes widening as you instantly break character finally hearing his voice. "...well if you don't mind" you drag him behind a table" trembling as you grip his shoulders "inumaki...what the hell are you doing here" "followed" "ARE YOU SERIOUS" you sigh "whatever listen you're gonna pretend to be a normal customer and then we move on with our day" "salmon" "yea you better" he enjoy that day knowing you watched his every move, kept it a secret just so he could keep messing with you.
He does sometimes wonder what it's like for the girls that come by so he does try to get you to seriously put on your theatrics, unfortunately you see him as a friend. Just means to try harder. "Inumaki?" He gets closer to you laying his head on your shoulder "are you alright would you like me to get you some water?" He dosent respond only holding your waist. "Inumaki...I don't know what's wrong but" you play with his hair "you always seem to brighten up when I do this" the twiddling with his hair strands was amazing to say the least. "I like you alot" "huh?" "I mean it I love you" you stop playing with his hair "wait...YOU TWO?!" You blush heavily "I've been inlove with you for a while aswell" smileing fondly he hugs you even tighter. "Salmon" "salmon you jerk" teasing him you kiss his forehead, you could feel him melting.
Everyone just automatically knows you two are dating without even saying it. "So did you two get together over the weekend?" "?" "I can feel it it feels like I'm third wheeling" "don't worry too much about it" "salmon" "yeaaa" Maki narrows her eyes at the both of you. "Inumaki there's a spot I wanted to try out nearby" "?" "They're even setting up dates right now" "it's gone too far" "who the hell are you two" your friends turn to her one with a bunny in hand the other looking like if megumi cut his hair and got taller. "A fanclub" "They're leaving" "GO GO" she did finally got conformation you two were dating when inumaki held your hand and looked as if he were about to teasingly kiss you, thank god your friends were so painfully odvious as stalking. "Inumaki you mustn't,wait...WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU GUYS DOING HERE" "sorry boss just wanted to see it happen since you had to cancel" "WHO PUT YOU UP TO THIS" your friend raises his hand "I'm jealous" "that's the worst excuse you came up with.
He will admit one of his favorite activities is getting involved in your out of school shenanigans. "I order you to master the sassy chicken by the end of this week!" "Salmon" "inumaki not you unfortunately you can waltz...right?" "Bonito flakes" "UNACCEPTABLE, get over here were gonna dance!" He lied he just wanted to see you flustered, unfortunately he realized you were incredibly serious on this. "So what if you might not be there it's still worth it to teach you" you teach him quite quickly. Now let him buy those magazines of you.
The twins love him. So much infact that he helps mess with you. "Heyyy pookie" "who told you to call me that-" Inumaki waves from the distance. He 100% uses the twins to send you letters while your in the middle of club activities. "Now now ladies" "Boss it's from tuna" "...give it to me" you take it gracefully opening it to reveal "ditch the ladies and get over here" you turn your head to see inumaki stuffing his face with cake with the other two turning around just to smirk at you "that little" you fold it neatly putting it in your pocket "apologies ladies" "AHHHHHH" "SELL YOUR BATHWATER" "Alright now that's a little too werid"
He does like making you his personal nap post, trust as soon as he gets the chance he hits you with the "so tireddddd" waddle and lays on you. Ofc the first few times you gave him piggy back rides letting him sleep on your back but then he kinda ruined it when he didn't even use his curse technique at all. "Wait a minute you didn't use it at all!" Your eyes narrow as you point at him "no free piggy backs you can walk!" "Bonito flakes..." "you have a bed at home" you are his bed at home! He does NOT let you go as soon as he's napping you're gonna have to rizz people up with him latched onto you.
As soon as you two are alone he's up to something. Biting your cheeks texting you the most random things so he doesn't accidently curse you. "I wanna go to a park" "marry me" he deletes that text "sorry my cat typed" "you're right next to me you're such an idiot" and the best part a kiss to the forehead. The best thing ever in his opinion is when you get all affectionate. "You're always so needy, one can only assume you'd want to spend every waking momment with me" kissing his forehead again while playing with his hair the guy basically turns into puddy. "I should do this more often so you won't be jealous of the fans" you pull him closer "not to worry I'll be as affectionate as need be to make up for that" "salmon" he dosent even look up at you but he's very amused by the idea cuddling up to you continuing to play with his hair
"Salllmmmoonn" "you're a very depressing zombie ya know you're worse than Yuta" "Bonito flakes" "true you're much more adorable" "salmon" "salmon" you repeat back at him watching his cheeks puff. "Don't worry zombumaki well scare the other team easily!" "How long till they get here" "10 minute" "perfect" you continue on with your plan to jumpscare the next people in the room. "You'll be down in just a secound inumaki" waving at him from up there while he's stuck to the ceiling suspended by a few bits or ropes. "You know your lines right?" "Salmon" "perfect" you and your friend hide in the corner together bickering about small things. "You're such a jerk" elbow jab strike one "we wouldn't be friends if I wasn't" "true I like you like this" "me too" strike 2 "Oh they're comming!" You grab your friends wrist pulling them closer "shush shush I swear" "Relax I'll cover your mouth if you scream too loudly" "you're the worst" he quickly shushes you, strike three there wasn't time to glare at your friend as someone had triggered the trap set by you and your friend. He suddenly drops down infront of the guests "boo" "AHHHHHHHHHHHH" They all ran off without a secound thought. "Great job inumaki!" You untie his ropes so he's able to get out "I'm sure you got then good" "salmon" he hugs you suddenly glaring at your friends before back at you. "Alright next stage" he pulls you down suddenly whispering something in your ear making you blush. "Go on without me" "Alright if you insist" your friend leaves the room, with that happening Inumaki hugs you tighter making you pat his head. "You were a great zombie good job" giving him small head pats you stand there with him for a little while. "We're gonna win cause of you" "salmon" "of course you'd say that" you move his head to face yours. "Yes im helping you take off your makeup" "salmon" "yep"
#jjk#jjk x reader#jjk x y/n#jjk x you#jjk x gender neutral reader#yuta okkotsu#yuta okkotsu x reader#yuta okkotsu x you#inumaki toge#jjk inumaki#inumaki x reader#yuta x reader#maki zenin#maki x reader#jjk maki#jujutsu kaisen#fluff#jujustsu kaisen x reader
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hello, hello, hello! ☆⋆。𖦹°‧★
welcome to my blog!! ✮about me: you can call me asteroid. i am korean-american and currently live in seoul. i am looking for moots and friends with similar interests to me. i love music, films, concerts, and discussion. ──────────── ✮here you will find: lots and lots of music discussion (especially britpop) britpop reblogs occasional rambles and opinions on my hyperfixations ──────────── ✮bands/artists i love: blur, oasis, pulp, suede, elastica, gorillaz, the beatles, the 1975, arctic monkeys, the last shadow puppets, the strokes, the smiths, the stone roses, alexandra savior, hole... ✮ please ask anything, say hello, chat, etc... music recommendations are always welcome. (i really want friends) ✮
[tag guide (honestly for me because i love organizing things): #aster.talks - talking or responding to asks, #aster.britpop - britpop related, #aster.reblog - reblogs, #aster.offtopic - non-britpop related discussion]
#aster.talks#britpop#oasis band#blur band#damon albarn#liam gallagher#noel gallagher#pulp band#jarvis cocker#suede band#the london suede#brett anderson#elastica#justine frischmann#looking for moots#looking for friends
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Toruk Makto’s Sister

Warning: Very bad writing, maybe some gramatical error (English si not my first language, so be gentle), some bad words, one episode of bullism, mention of death, mention of mourning, mention of grieving.
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⚠️⚠️The image is not mine, all credits to the owner.⚠️⚠️
Chapter n.2 Welcome Jakey.
“I didn't choose you, but I still love you and I wouldn't change you for the world. Thanks for being here, big brother.”
“Y/N they have arrived, do you want to go and see if your brother is with them?” Norm Spellman, one of the scientists I befriended and who trained with my brother, looks at me with concern. He knows how much Tommy's death has hurt me and he thinks going alone to see Jakey isn't the best idea, but he can't accompany me, he has a backlog of work. I hold my breath, clenching my hands into fists so hard my knuckles turn white, staring straight ahead but not really seeing what's there. I haven't seen Jakey in person since I got back here for training, and I can't deny that I wish I could have seen him under far better circumstances than Tommy's death, but whatever, there's no other choice.
I'm still very happy to see Jakey again, but at the same time I can't help but wonder if I'll actually get to see him, he and Tommy are twins, what if I'm not as ready to see him as I thought I was? If I couldn't stand the sight of him why would he remind me too much of Tommy? If this reaction of mine hurt Jakey I could never forgive myself for it, and on the other hand his presence could serve as the last indicator that I have learned to live with the pain of his death, no matter how much they say, time doesn't heal anything, it teaches you to live with your pains, because some are so strong that they will never really go away, they will always stay with you, but the wound heals and this is what allows you to look forward. "Yes." I answer.

When I arrive I rush into the room, scanning the newcomer capsules with my eyes and there he is, he is waking up but I can't help but recognize him, my big brother is here, he has arrived. I made a strangled sound, bringing my hands to my mouth with a few tears squeezing out, blinked them away and started running towards his pod. "Jakey!" I squeal as I rush to him with a toothy grin, lightly slap my hands on the glass as my brother opens his eyes wide and smiles seeing me so excited, he tries to move but I wave him off as I address the nurse next door who enjoyed the mooted interaction, Tommy's death was scandalous, after all. "Excuse me, can I open the capsule and hug my brother again? Will it be okay if I do it now?" The girl nodded and I didn't get told twice, I opened the capsule quickly while he, as usual, instead of listening to me does the exact opposite, the familiarity of this attitude is reassuring. As soon as I manage to open it, I help him sit up then I wrap my arms around his neck and hold him close to me as if I was afraid he would disappear, and indeed he was, I was afraid that if I let go he would disappear, like in a I dream, when I would have opened my eyes again. Jakey hugs me back, placing a hand on the back of my neck and starting to softly stroke my hair, I didn't even realize I started crying with joy until I hear Jakey's voice whisper “Shh, don't worry Sweetie. Your big brother is here, it's alright…” I sigh and smile at the same time, my brother's affection always warms my heart no matter what the occasion.
“Jakey, I'm sorry…Tommy, he's…” I hear him nod “I know, I know…” “Could you see him?” I retort and he replies: "Yes, you weren't authorized to travel... It's not a nice act on the part of your superiors." I nod and rest my forehead against his shoulder “I know, but they had good reasons not to give me permission. In order to travel you have to…Be fit, and I wasn't because…I was having some health problems.” “And what would they be? Why didn't you mention it in your last letter?” I was afraid this question would come from him, but honesty is always the best way in general, but above all it is recommended with stubborn people like Jakey. “Because…Because I didn't want to weigh you down. I didn't want you to worry, and they weren't disabling in everyday life, but they were enough to prevent me from making a further journey from here to Earth, my body couldn't handle it and it was a risk my superiors didn't want to take." Despite the happiness I felt for seeing him again, the discussion had led to silence on the part of both of us, the only noise we could hear between us was Jakey's hand constantly stroking my hair. Just when I was about to pull away slightly from him, fearing I'd pissed him off, his sweet voice reaches my ears again.
“I can understand both your attitude and that of your superiors, I would be lying if I said I wouldn't have done the same if I were you or them.” Jakey tapped his fingertip gently on my temple, mimicking the way we communicated as kids. I'm only a year younger than Jakey and Tommy and I've always been very affectionate, which means that I would have hugged my brothers and I would not have easily detached them, on the other hand it's not like they could just hold me, given the little age difference, this prompted us to "invent" our own "language" to communicate. It's not that it was who knows what, but it was one of the few things our parents let us do without punishing or scolding us, they have never been so good to us, just as the Earth itself is no longer good to its inhabitants, but this it's only our fault and we have only ourselves to blame for it, no one else. In any case, it is sweet that this way of doing has reached our adulthood intact without being lost. I pulled away slightly and his blue eyes mirrored in mine e/c, my brother smiles and strokes my tear-stained cheek, delicately as if he fears damaging me further. We look at each other for a couple of minutes and I realize he's very pale, I didn't remember him that haggard, and only then does the realization hit me, so eager to hug him again after all this time and after Tommy died, I didn't even make sure that he was fine. My eyes widen and, before I can calm down, I speak up “Jakey, I'm sorry I should have asked first, how are you? How are you feeling?” Jakey chuckles and twists a finger in a strand of my h/c and h/l hair. "I'm fine, Sis, don't worry." "If you lie it doesn't reassure me, you know?" I retort. His laughter echoes softly throughout the room, it's contagious to me, I can't hold back a smile that creeps rapidly across my face. “Still got some temper, huh?” I nod and he resumes "Anyway, I'm a little nauseous and my head is spinning...Is that normal?" I don't even need to turn to the nurse, I don't even know if she's still here actually, to nod. While preparations were being made on Earth to convince Jakey to come here, I wasted no time in inquiring about all the symptoms he might experience when he woke up and how to remedy them.
I rummaged in the shoulder bag I'd been carrying around, pulling out some light snacks that she could eat to curb the nausea, and handed them to her. “Eat, this will make your stomach turn.” I smile. “Have you really thought of everything, hmm?” she laughed as he grabbed the snacks and started eating them. "Of course, my brother deserves the best available." Jakey laughed again as he ate them and I gently pressed his head to my chest, kissing his hair softly. We stayed like this for a couple of minutes, just long enough to finish the snack, then we waited another two/three minutes for him to go away from the dizziness, I helped him sit in his wheelchair and accompanied him to the shuttle that would take us back Back at the base where our Avatars are kept, my brother and I talked the whole way.

“Jakey, can I push you?” My brother looks at me and sighs, nodding. He has always been very independent, despite the injury, he never accepts help from anyone, except that he can't say no to me. I smiled and began to push him behind the line of soldiers who were exiting the plane and entering the base. “Well well, guys, look at how much fresh meat here! Ahh, look at this one... She's a nice morsel, I'm telling you!" One of those who was waiting for the newcomers could not help expressing his unsolicited and decidedly inappropriate opinion. I looked him up and down for a couple of minutes, he was stripping me with his eyes, I don't even wonder why he doesn't have a girlfriend, his unhappy outing about him speaks for itself. “Very kind of you, I wish I could say the same about you but…I'd be lying, and I'm not a good liar. Sorry."
His cronies burst out laughing at their friend's expression as Jakey performs his usual protective act “Keep your eyes dirtier than the inside doorknob of public bathroom away from my bastard sister, or I'll teach you a lesson in chivalry!” I chuckled as I pushed Jakey towards the cafeteria, where the meeting that all newcomers have to attend takes place. Once inside I knelt beside him, to be level with him and rested my hands on the arm of the chair, looking into his eyes. “Here is the meeting you need to attend, okay? I have to go, the meeting is only for newcomers like you, when it's over I'll pick you up, so we can stay together a little longer, ok?” She nods, we hug quickly and I go out to join Trudy, I promised her that I would help her with the maintenance and care of her flying jewels.

“Hey, Trudy!” I greet her as I catch up with her, smiling spontaneously to herself for the first time in a while. “Hey…Wow, nice smile. Has your brother arrived?" I nod as I hug her, it doesn't matter if she's all dirty or sweaty, I've never been a picky eater when it comes to giving hugs to my friends. "You're better, I'm really happy about it." she whispers as I feel her hug back. “Yes, the pain will never really go away, he is always my brother and I will miss him until I reach him, but I am happy that I knew him, happy that he was my brother, happy that his love gave me memories that no one will be able to steal." Trudy chuckles softly, she's always said she likes my "wisdom." “Who knows where your wisdom comes from.” "Nowhere." I reply. “I always thought you were smart, I wasn't wrong. And now, let's get to work so you finish in time to show your brother the bodies you're going out with." I nod and get to work with her, talking about the mechanics and history of her planes, I also had to hear her complain that her colleagues had ruined her Samson.

Once finished, I joined Jakey in the cafeteria, he was leaving when someone, perhaps in the mood for a fight, purposely stood in front of my brother at the last moment, pretending they hadn't seen him move. “Oh, watch out!” "Be careful you fucking handicapped!" My eyes widened at the fellow's words, and just as Jakey was about to retort, I placed myself between them both. “Of course…Some people are mythological creatures, with a human body and a dick head. The Dickheads. Have you ever heard them?" I smile candidly at him while he, confused by my sudden appearance, stares at me in disbelief and shakes his head. “Oh, too bad, because I see one right here in front of me.” Jakey bursts out laughing as the individual recovers from the initial confusion and glowers at me. "Well, look here, he's being defended by a little girl!" “Wow…My compliments for the originality, you deserve a lot of applause…Yes, with your head in the middle.” I turn to my brother and give him a complicit wink, he continues to laugh. That character's gaze becomes even more idiotic than before and I didn't think it could get any worse. “You have a sharp tongue, I like it.” "Thank you, please place your opinion on one of the tables in the cafeteria." I retort and, since I wanted to end the discussion quickly, I resume the conversation before he has time to respond. “That's about if you like me, if you don't like me, well…Then go line up with the others so you all wait together for me to give a shit.” I joined Jakey in laughing as I winked at the man who grunted in frustration as he walked away, not having found fights as easy as he probably hoped. “You did good, little sister.” Jakey congratulates me, not that he said anything. "Thanks, I didn't want to argue for a long time, we don't have time to waste." I answer smiling. “Can I push you again, big brother?” I ask again, Jakey's laugh slowly fading and he raises an eyebrow. “You know I prefer to move by myself as much as possible.” “Yeah, I know…” I curled my lip slightly and made my classic beaten puppy expression and he moaned knowing he couldn't deny me anything. "Tommy never taught me to say no to you." he moaned again and I smiled "Even he couldn't do much in the sense of denial... Neither of you could say no to me." I giggle. "At least Tommy resisted more, I always gave in first." we both laugh until Norm's voice cuts us off.
“Y/N! So how did it go?” I turn in the direction of the voice to see a specimen of Norm Spellman walking briskly towards us. “Oh, hey Norm! I would say quite well, are we late, by any chance?” Norm joins us and denies it, then lets his gaze fall on my brother. “You must be Jake Sully, right? Hello, I'm Norm Spellman! I did Avatar training with your brother and just finished it.” Jake shakes his hand vigorously. "Hello, Norm. Yes, I'm Jake, I'm Y/N's older brother and Tommy's twin." he looks at me “Late for what, exactly?” “Oh, but to see your Avatar bodies. Follow me guys, I'll take you to the labs." Norm answers the question even though it was clearly aimed at me. Before Jakey could say anything, I started pushing his chair following Norm, his resigned sigh making me laugh. “Norm, so it's true? Shall we go out tomorrow on a mission?” enthusiasm shines through my voice, I've always longed to come here to Pandora, ever since I was little and, despite dreams and things changing from childhood to adulthood as it is normal, this dream on my part does not it never disappeared. “Of course, we will all go out together tomorrow night, today we will take the last test of the Avatars.” he replies. “Everyone who?” Jakey asks. “Oh, me, Norm, Grace and you.” I answer. Jakey turns to look at me amazed “Can I go out tomorrow already? Really?" I nod. "Sure, your Avatar body should be ready, or at least, last I checked it was ready." Norm speaks up again and doesn't seem to be letting her go anytime soon. “Ok, Jake welcome, this is the area used for the use of the laboratories, this part leads to the bio-lab. We'll be spending a lot of time up here, you'd better get used to it." Jakey looks at me with a raised eyebrow and I shrug smiling kindly, Norm is ecstatic, it's clear as day. "To the right is the connecting chamber, that's where we connect the various Avatars to our human bodies." my brother nods "Sorry, but can we now see our Avatars?" he asks, probably already suspicious that the bodies aren't actually ready and that Norm has the thankless job of distracting us to buy the others time. “Oh yes, sure! This way, come on!” replies the scientist and takes us to finally see the Avatars, or rather, the Avatar that Jakey will wear, the one that should have belonged to Tommy. He was wonderful, just perfect and enchanted everyone. So caught up in admiring the Avatar we didn't notice a man in a white coat joining us. "It's fantastic, isn't it?" he asks, catching both of us by surprise, making me yell in a decidedly unflattering way.
Max, that's the name of the new addition to the group, laughed. “Sorry, sorry Y/N, I didn't mean to scare you. You are admiring the Avatar, huh? What do you think, do you like it?” “Sure, it's just perfect. There's nothing more to say." I replied. "It's big. When did he grow up so much?” Jakey asked. “During your journey, the Avatars fully develop as their human counterpart reaches Pandora from Earth.” I explain and both Norm and Max nod "That means the propioceptive sims work perfectly, it's a relief to know for sure." sighs Norm. We said goodbye to Max who had some work to fix and we stayed a few more minutes admiring Jakey's body. "It's...Identical to him." sighs, I smile sadly placing a hand on his shoulder. “No, he is the same as you. It's yours now." Jakey smiles. "But where is my sister's?" he asks, after a moment's pause. "Yes, where is mine? Everything went fine?" I worry as Norm smiles and motions us to follow without saying anything. Jakey and I look at each other and then we follow him, Norm guides us to a side room, where Max is already checking some papers, and my Avatar is lying in a capsule.
“Leave my chair, go see your Avatar, I can move by myself, you know.” I turn to Jakey and see him nod, so I leave him alone and go to press my face against the glass that encloses my Avatar. It was...Absolutely breathtaking. Her hair are h/l and h/c, with a braid, her body resembles me only in some details, since her shape is much more similar to a feline, only bipedal, as the Na'vi are on the other hand. The skin is of a well distributed dark blue, the color becomes lighter on the face going from dark blue to light blue, obviously the skin is all covered with white dots that look like our freckles, to protect it from the heat of the sun, while the streaks act as a perfect outline on the body, resembling the streaks of a land tiger, just a little lighter. I thanked both of them for their work on my Avatar, just as Jakey also came out of the trance he had engulfed him when he started watching my Avatar. “What do you think, brother?” I asked him smiling, he reciprocated and replied “Definitely beautiful, as you are in reality. I like that they kept this detail quite a bit!” he laughed to see me blush redder than a tomato as Norm and Max joined him in laughing at me.

After a few more minutes of laughter Max, Norm and I take Jakey to practice video logs, even though I've never been out and tomorrow's is the first practice mission of my life, I got to do some practice with video logs, is a training topic, to be as ready as possible because it would be better to be prepared once in the field, because then there will be no time to learn. After that we took him to meet Grace, the legend. “Grace Augustine is a legend on Earth, she is the one who leads the Avatar program and she is also the one who wrote the book on the flora of Pandora.” after finishing his introduction Max looks around and smiles sarcastically "Well, because she prefers plants to people." he concludes and I reply immediately, as if they had flipped a switch. “If I found myself surrounded by idiots, I too would develop a disproportionate love for plants, huh, what are you saying?” Max smiles and raises his hands in surrender “Sorry, Y/N. I forgot that to you Grace is practically sacred and nobody can touch her." I roll my eyes as Max looks around again. “Oh, there she is! Let's reach out to her, let's take advantage of the fact that she has graced us with her presence. ” he smiles as we catch up with Grace. “Hey, Grace, I wanted to introduce you to Jake Sully, he's here replacing his brother Tommy, and Norm Spellman, he's just arrived and you haven't had a chance to meet him personally yet.” Grace, in the meantime, had smiled giving me a nod, continuing to smoke her cigarette quietly, as if what Max said about her didn't concern her in the slightest. “I've heard good things about you Norm, regarding Y/N she did the entire training under my personal guidance so I don't need to know anything.” I smile as I watch her flick some ash off her cigarette and put Norm's Na'vi to the test. "It's a bit formal, but it's not wrong. All right. As for you…” Her inquiring gaze wanders towards my brother and I am already starting to sweat. “Your sister told me about you, I have to make sure of what she said. How much lab experience do you have?” Jakey grins and I glare at him, "Watch what you say!" I hiss, warning him that if he says what I'm thinking he's going to get a slap on the back of the head. “I dissected a frog once.” and the slap on the back of the neck starts and it was definitely a must. "Ouch! You knew I was going to say that, sis!" he moans like a child. "Yes, unfortunately, and I also warned you, but you wanted to go your own way. Don't say you didn't deserve it." I finish before turning to Grace, "Sorry, I love him, but sometimes she's such a jerk." “Hey!” he replies offended. Grace raises her hand and smiles. "I know, you told me." she replies. "Anyway we have to do with what we have available, and that goes for the staff as well. Come back here at 8.00 tonight, try your Avatars for the first time and take a tour of the outer perimeter." “Grace, do you need help?” I ask her. "Yes, could you give me a hand to update some categories and some of my notes? I plan to get more information tomorrow evening... Ah, you were told that you will accompany me, right?" "Yes! And I can't wait!" I yell, hopping slightly and Grace smiles at me. "I figured, but now come on, the break is over." she resumes her serious gaze as she begins to walk into the labs, I turn to Jakey "I'll let you go, I see you have work to do." he smiles, glad to see me busy with people who like me and doing what I love. "Norm, can you please give him a short tour? He needs it." I ask and Norm nods, after which we say goodbye and I help Grace until 8.00 in the evening.

“How long have you been logged?” Grace's question is for Norm, as far as I'm concerned she already knows everything, even if you don't actually use your Avatar body, you still get plugged in to get your body used to the feel of the plugged in, sadly that's not something I it can be done out of the blue, unless you have a particularly strong physique and in fact I don't know how Jakey will react, all I know is that I studied on purpose to make sure everything goes well. I've already lost Tommy and I can't lose him too, I wouldn't forgive myself that. “More or less 520 hours.” he replies. “Perfect, not bad.” she congratulates then passes in front of my capsule, leans out and smiles at me, greeting me. I returns it and I relax, closing my eyes without thinking about anything. Suddenly a kaleidoscope of bright shapes and colors appears around me, soon replaced by a moment of total darkness that leaves room for a pure, blinding white light that seems to embrace me and welcome me home. I wake up once I hear the sound of monitors all around me. “Do you hear me, Y/N?” I open my eyes and I see the faces of the scientists pressed close to me, not too much to suffocate me but it cannot be said that they stay away. "Yes I hear you." I answer smiling and breathing deeply, despite being still in a laboratory you can already feel its purity that you will never find on Earth again. “How are you feeling? Some problems?" asks another scientist. “No, I'm fine. Thank you." I look around and see that, in the meantime, Jakey has also woken up, I smile at him as I watch him look around and observe his own body. “Y/N let's start testing your movements, can you touch my thumb with your fingers?” I perform both this and the other requests, my movements seem to be, for now, perfect, which is strange since it is the first time I take on the body of Avatar, so it shouldn't be so fluid, yet…They just come naturally to me, like i'm meant to hold this body, like i feel at home. “Jake, man, I need you to sit down! Do not get up!" And did it seem to you that my idiot brother didn't do what he does best, that is the moron, not even listening to the indications of the scientists by mistake? I turned to Jakey and saw Norm trying everything to get him down, failing miserably. "Don't worry, I can do it, I'm strong enough." she attempted to reassure the team following her link. Jakey gets up and leaves the room, I imitate him with the scientists who follow me. "Don't worry guys, I can do it, I recover my brother since I'm the only one able to do it." I reassure, despite the chances that Jakey will listen to me are slim, despite the good we love each other Jakey has to do his own thing and bump his nose against the consequences of his actions, otherwise he doesn't understand.This attitude drives practically anyone into a rage, I understand to be honest, it wears you out inside unless you have infinite patience. I follow it through a basketball court, had to dodge Avatars playing on it, and an obstacle course before I was able to retrieve him. “Jakey, I want a hug! Come here!" I call him, for once he listens to me and joins me, then giving me the most bone-breaking hug I could bear. "It was a stupid thing to do, you know." I scold him with concern welling up in my voice. "I could not help it." he defends himself. I hum as I rub my cheek against his. “Sorry, you might have felt bad since you have no training or experience and if something happened to you I…I couldn't…” “Shh…Hey, I'm here, it's ok.” he reassures me. “I love you, big brother” I smile. "Me too little sister." he responds by turning around and kissing my temple softly. "I'm sorry for making you worry." he apologizes as I rest my cheek on his shoulder. "It does not matter. I'm happy to see you standing and walking, how do you feel?” I ask him and he smiles. "It's great, fantastic! I mean, now I can move on my own without always having to carry the chair with me, I can go wherever I want without restrictions and you don't have to push or wait anymore. It's a blessing for me!" I laugh at his enthusiasm as I kiss his cheek.
Jakey is about to ask me something when Grace's voice interrupts us. “Hey! Marines! Y/N!” we turn to see the Avatar version of Grace join us. “Grace? It's you?" my brother asks as Grace stops near us. "Sure, who were you expecting, idiots?" she replies, I smile looking at her. “Grace, you are beautiful. Your Avatar is perfect!” I compliment, she looks at me and smiles at me. “Thanks, yours turned out well too.” It's her best, I already know that. Having said that I see her take two fruits. “Quick thinking!” she smiles throwing the first fruit towards Jakey who catches it on the fly, he is about to pass it to me when Grace throws another one towards me which I catch on the fly with very fluid movements, which amazed both of us. “Perfect, your motor system is good. Y/N, yours is particularly good, congratulations.” she congratulates and I nod smiling. "Already! It almost seems like you've always had this body. As if you were born Na'vi." Jakey compliments as I lower my gaze slightly, taking on a darker shade on my face, the equivalent of human blush. “Thanks to both of you, I don't know what it's from, they just come naturally to me.” I justify myself. “Very interesting…” Grace notes as I blush further and, since both Jakey and I are hungry, we eat the fruit Grace threw at us.

We spent all afternoon and late into the evening doing test after test, making sure all was well with both of our Avatar bodies. Although Jakey's initial stiffness coped great and soon felt more natural, but never as much as I did, the training has only increased my motor agility and my feeling at ease, which impressed Grace and my brother. However now it is night and we have to rest, because we are all tired, it has been a busy day. My brother and I are both sitting on a bed where our Avatars will be safe until we get them back to go on a mission tomorrow night. Jakey obviously plays dumb and plays with his queue, I've already told him twice not to. "Stop playing with it, you'll go blind if you go on like this." Grace scolds him and finally Jakey takes his eyes off the queue, much to my relief. "It's so weird..." I took his hand in mine. "I know, but you'll get used to it, we'll both do it together." I smiled "Because the Sully’s stick together." I concluded smiling and he did the same thing. “Come on, lie down and be quiet! Lights off! Relax your body and clear your mind, Jenny! Hurry up, come on!” Grace yells out various instructions as Jakey and I do what she tells us to do. We are in the same bed, actually at my request, I wanted to stay with my brother and he doesn't mind, I always slipped into their bed when I was afraid for some reason, so sleeping next to each other is nothing new for the two of us. “Good night Jakey, thanks for being here and thanks for letting me sleep next to you this time.” he hugs me and kisses my forehead, before falling asleep I hear his voice whispering “I love you too, little sister. I'm glad you're okay, don't be afraid, big brother is here and he will never leave you. Good night and sweet dreams."

Ok, so this is the second chapter, maybe even longer than the first😅...I'm still trying to work on my ability to summarize but it's not going so well😅...Anyway, thanks to everyone who enjoyed the first chapter, I didn't even think that anyone would read it, let alone appreciate it🤩😅.
©️ Floralifetime April 13-2023, please don't do not republish, repost, steal, modify, translate or claim my work as your own. All rights reserved.
@avatarbyamara This is the second chapter, if you want to stop being tagged let me know, I hope you like it.
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WAIT AHHH IM FREAKING OUT @tamaytsuki you’re actually the coolest ilysm
okay quick before i have a stroke from happiness
@nivea-ah @klancer-warrior @ronihilator @robylovi @still--kicking @reading-stains
y’all are the coolest and ur stuff makes my day (im so sorry for how long it took me to follow some people back im horrible at keeping up with that kind of stuff) ❤️❤️
and then also just for fun because i follow an embarrassingly low number of people, here are some blogs that i’m not mutuals with (yet 😉) that always make my fucking day y’all are awesome and i’d be honored to be moots with you someday ❤️
@heavilycaffeinatedsblog @catsushinyakajima @existwound @t0fuuteri @liiizzard @klance-daydreams @frogmanthethird @slvx0
thank all of you for being so welcoming and making my first tumblr experience so amazing 😍😍
positivity train!
if you see this or are tagged in it, tag a couple of your favorite mutuals/blogs and let them know you appreciate seeing them on your dash!
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i thought down bad meant something like being head over heels hshshsh the downside of learning english on internet when you didn't have english friends yet 💀 but i meant it that way lol ++ me neither ship many characters in the game but for me you're the only one who was able to steal xiao's heart ♡
staying on topic (for the selfship hcs call): xiao is probably the type to let you lean on his back whenever you want. being the shy little bean he is, especially in the early stages of your relationship, he would probably be fond of this kind of closeness cuz yeah he may not be facing you but you two are close and feeling each other's warmth and everything else; in the later stages of your relationship it still stays cuz it's now routine, and it feels even more intimate when you wrap your arms around his torso and kiss his back/the middle of his shoulder blades/neck/wherever c:
also a question about scara: what would his reaction be to being my teething/chewing toy? i have what i think is a hyperfixation on nibbling and biting like whenever i see my friends' bare limbs i just wanna go CHOMP CHOMP GNAW (they're lucky it's a long distance friendship) so yeah i need to if this latent cannibalistic tendencies hyperfixation would be okay to scara or if i need to buy a toy 💀
— ❄️
that’s what it means though? at least that’s how i (and my native speaker moot) always use it jsjsjh also yes his heart is mine hahahah /silly
also i’m so fond of back hugs, be it giving or receiving!! so i’d love to slump my weight against his back, burying my face in the soft fabric of his shirt/ hoodie and breathing in the scent of his cologne mixed with the lingering smell of the laundry detergent
as i wrap my arms around his waist, xiao would put down whatever he was doing so he can put his hand on mine, slowly stroking along the lengths of my fingers as we bask in each other’s company <3
it’s a rollercoaster until i decide to drop angst and it turns into a free fall tower *evil grin*
ngl the first time it happens he’s probably like “what the hell is wrong with you” but he just kinda gets used to it (also gets used to the teasing if his shirt ever uncovers a bite mark), so he just expects it to happen after a while; if it gets excessive though he will buy you a chew toy himself lmao
#┊✩彡 divine correspondence ♡#┊✩彡 cherished guests ♡#┊✩彡 letter from — ❄️ anon ♡#┊holly’s modern au ✩彡
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Paper Planes ✈ nerdy!hongjoong x reader (smut)

The room was quiet except for the lava lamp on his bedside table and the heavy, guttural groans he had failed to cover as Hongjoong felt himself reaching climax a bit faster with each stroke. His fist tightly wrapped around himself with a fair mix of saliva and his own arousal pooling into his palm as the most natural lube, Hongjoong tried his best to solely focus on the helpless moans coming from the next room, perfectly conscious of how fucked-up he must have looked right now, jerking off to his roommate having sex with a girl he could only wish to ever touch, someday, given the opportunity of her seeing him as anything more than her boyfriend’s nerdy roommate.
⁂ warnings:
smut, handjob (m), oral (f. receiving), voyeurism, unprotected sex (don't do this, kids!), hongjoong is a soft nerd with a heavy crush on Y/N, soft sex, bit of fluff if you squint, all in all some cute nerdy sex, also hj is a gentleman, asking for permission and all.
⁂ author's notes:
Hi ♥ (insert shy wave to the crowd) I'm sort-of-kinda-maybe back with this piece that was requested by a moot (hi, moot! ♥) but bear with me I'm still going through massive struggles with my writing. Apologies if it's shit. Apologies if there's spelling mistakes, I can't seem to english lately? (still not my first language though so yeah there's that I guess) - hmm anyway, I went all soft on Joongie with that one but who can blame me really, have you SEEN him?
As usual, feedbacks are more than welcome. Pls be nice. ♥
one shot | 5.2k words
The room was quiet except for the lava lamp on his bedside table and the heavy, guttural groans he had failed to cover as Hongjoong felt himself reaching climax a bit faster with each stroke. His fist tightly wrapped around himself with a fair mix of saliva and his own arousal pooling into his palm as the most natural lube, Hongjoong tried his best to solely focus on the helpless moans coming from the next room, perfectly conscious of how fucked-up he must have looked right now, jerking off to his roommate having sex with a girl he could only wish to ever touch, someday, given the opportunity of her seeing him as anything more than her boyfriend’s nerdy roommate.
“Fuck…! Hwa! HARDER…!”
Instantly flustered at the sound of her voice begging for more, it took him all the strength he had left not to growl louder as his fist increased the pace, matching the filth of his thoughts as Hongjoong pictured himself pounding deeper into the girl of his dreams, her perfect figured pinned into the mattress as his name escaped her lips through a scream, eyes glued on her perfect, bouncing tits and that single mole that always caught his attention whenever she wore one of her signature v-neck cardigans. Biting into his bottom lip as he recalled the day she had shamelessly admitted she loved to wear knitted tops without a bra only to enjoy the soft fabric on her naked skin, Hongjoong could feel himself slowly falling apart.
While he was sadly used to being the inevitable witness of his roommate’s wild sexcapades, Hongjoong couldn’t help but think he would definitely be a better lover than Seonghwa could ever be, to her. Knowing his friend, Hongjoong had painted a pretty self-centered portrait of Seonghwa through his own stories and confessions. He knew how much he loved the attention without truly giving much back. Sex was never about having a deep connection with his partners and while he claimed to be pretty amazing at it, Hongjoong just couldn’t stop picturing himself in this room instead, worshiping that girl’s body until she begged him to stop. Not that he would, but the thought of her clenching and shaking into his arms, whimpering sweet nothings as his name flew through her lips over and over again was enough to—
Fuck— He had made an absolute mess of himself.
Red at the cheeks, his shirt sticking to his sweaty chest, swollen lips from biting at it too hard to cover up his own profanities, Hongjoong opened his eyes again to stare at the three paper planes attached to his ceiling lights. Over time, he had grown quite fond of those, using it as a distraction when things were getting out of hand next door and he was definitely too tired to rub another one out.
A little more composed, Hongjoong shifted into his sheets to get a better look at the disaster below: His checked PJ bottoms pushed down to his thighs were covered with a thick white mess, his semi-hard cock resting over his stomach, twitching through one last spur as a couple more drops trailed down his hip bone like a river filled with his most unspeakable fantasies.
Collecting himself , Hongjoong reached for the matching checked vest he had gotten rid of earlier, using it as an emergency towel to wipe himself off, collecting as much of his own fluid as possible before he sat on the edge of the bed, crouching his dirty laundry against his thighs until his breathing was back to normal and his erection tucked into his pants again. Biting on the inside of his cheeks, Hongjoong couldn’t find the inevitable shameful feeling as he suddenly felt exposed, vulnerable, and absolutely disgusting.
Next door, things had gotten quiet too and while he wished the fantasies would have stopped immediately, Hongjoong couldn’t help picturing Y/N’s body snuggling into his chest, still trembling from his assaults, her strawberry lips reaching for a kiss. God. Why did she have to be that beautiful? Her scent often remained through the dorm hours after she had left, like a torturous reminder of what her skin would taste like if he was allowed a single bite.
Not that he would settle for one.
But still.
Feeling himself getting worked up at the simplest thought of her giving him that sort of attention, Hongjoong decided to escape his room to get rid of the dirty evidence of his sins, his throat burning for a cold glass of water. Grabbing his glasses from the pillow where they had dropped earlier through the urge of his intimate moment, Hongjoong finally lifted himself off the mattress, his legs still a little numb from the ecstasy.
Seonghwa’s door was closed, which he took as a blessing considering the many occasions he had walked past his roommate’s bedroom, catching the inevitable through a partially open door. Though he was definitely ashamed to admit, Hongjoong had found himself peeping through the thin opening a couple times before. It’s not like he wanted to see, but curiosity had killed the cat the moment his eyes had come across the filthiest sight of Y/N bending over Seonghwa, mouth full of him as he buried himself deep down her throat with both his fists keeping her head low. The view was absolutely obscene, making it impossible for Hongjoong to keep his eyes off her as she remained spread out with her knees into the mattress, her panties pushed to the side, her glistening slit making him foam at the mouth as she pushed two of her fingers into her dripping core. From where he stood, Hongjoong could almost hear the quenching sound of her cunt tightening around her digits, wishing to taste the shiny coat covering her skin as she painfully moaned around another man's cock. While jealousy was eating him alive, Hongjoong was lucky enough to have enough imagination to picture himself in that bed with her instead of Seonghwa.
At this moment, he wasn’t a perv looking freak staring at a couple having sex with a hand down his pants, he was the one making her wet to the point she couldn’t keep her own fingers off herself.
The fond memory of her fingers scissoring her opening to the point he could almost feel how tight she would be around him simply vanished in front of his eyes as soon as the door opened, bringing him back to present and the brutal reality of him standing in front of Y/N with his clothes covered with his own cum.
She was wearing Seonghwa’s frat house sweater, which unfortunately made it too easy for him to pretend it was his, the greek lettering staring back at him as the fabric seemed to wrap her up entirely like a robe but not enough for Hongjoong to ignore the fact she had nothing else on as her thighs were fully exposed. He could only wish she had the decency to wear panties around him, otherwise he would probably go insane.
“That’s an odd time to be doing your laundry?” Of course she had to make that comment. Regardless of the mess of his schedule as a Computer and Informational Sciences Major, Hongjoong couldn’t find a good reason why he would decide to do a late night laundry on a wednesday.
Still, nothing came close to the awkwardness of his silence following her remark.
“Couldn’t sleep” He eventually blurted out, tightening his grip around his clothes while hoping she wouldn’t catch any suspicious stain. He knew he probably looked nervous right now, a small layer of sweat covering his forehead where a couple of his golden curls were still plastered from earlier. His glasses had slipped all the way down to the tip of his nose, making him look like a rabbit caught in the headlights and if that wasn’t enough for her to realize something was off, his voice sounded nothing like his usual composed tone. He was stuttering, almost struggling to use actual words when he was supposedly a head student.
How embarrassing.
“Aw, fuck… Did we keep you up?”
She was now standing with her back against the closed door, one leg above the other like some frozen-in-time ballerina, a small smirk twisting her lips as she kept her gaze locked with his. Pretending he didn’t hear them having sex would be a sad attempt at an obvious lie. Y/N had been there too many times not to realize how thin the dorm’s walls were. Thinking about it, Hongjoong inevitably wondered if she had ever caught him whimpering through the wall, the obvious creaking sound of his bed suddenly turning into the devastating evidence of his late night activities.
Her smile grew bigger as silence remained between them.
Of course she knew he could hear them, and as a man of sciences who hated to assume without actual facts, Hongjoong was now struggling to deny the obvious content painted all over her face right now. Was she actually enjoying this thought?
“I—I—Umm… I didn’t h-hear much, don’t worry”
He hated himself for stuttering so much over nothing, but at least, he was being honest about the whole situation, only keeping the saucy part of it for his own secret space. Y/N on the other hand, simply brushed the thought off with the cutest pout, emphasizing on the fact she obviously didn’t mind being heard. The fact it might have been a turn-on of hers still remained pretty vague, though.
“Can’t hear much, uh? So if we fucked in the next room, Seonghwa wouldn’t wake up?”
Hongjoong had to blink a couple times just to make sure she wouldn’t vanish in front of his eyes. Clearly, this was another of his fucked-up fantasies, only a little too vivid for him to feel safe. His roommate’s girlfriend couldn’t be standing there, suggesting for him to fuck her into the room right next to the one where her boyfriend was still fast asleep.
“I— I guess it would be just the same, you know, uh, walls work both ways…”
Walls. work. both. ways?
Now he truly hated himself for coming up with the lamest possible answer to an obvious attempt at disarming him with a flirty suggestion. Why couldn’t he be cool for once and play along? Most of his friends would probably be head first into her breast right now but him? No. He just HAD to be the lamest guy to ever walk the Earth.
“Are you trying to find actual science facts to make a point?” She laughed, which made it even worse for Hongjoong as his brain simply couldn’t avoid the scientific parts of every thought ever crossing his mind.
“You’re such a nerd, Joong…”
Hongjoong couldn’t point out the worst part of this whole interaction as she walked closer to him, her hand traveling up his chest, sending his heart into a racing pace that almost got him dizzy while her scent was all over him, draping him with a sweet mix of vanilla and a specific kind of flower he couldn’t identify with her palm ghosting his cheek as she stared into his soul. She looked even more beautiful from this close as Hongjoong looked down through his glasses still resting at the tip of his nose, his jaw suddenly lacking some strength as his mouth remained slightly open for her to graze her thumb over his plump, bottom lip.
As a simple touch of her hand sent him through oblivion, Hongjoong was frozen into space, unable to move, talk or do anything but focus hard enough to hide the obviousness of his erection poking through his pants. Pushing his dirty laundry against himself while gulping whatever was left of saliva down his throat, Hongjoong silently prayed for a quick relief as Y/N took off his glasses to try them on as her soft giggles echoed down the corridor.
“God– you’re practically blind?
"I– actually I have pseudopapilledema, that’s uh— an issue with the retinal nerve fiber layer?"
"I love it when you talk dirty to me, Hongjoong”
Hongjoong was thankful to hear the sweet sound of her laugh as his down-to-earth way of thinking often made him miss the point or ignore the obvious sarcasm in one’s tone. Lucky for him, Y/N always made sure to be extremely bold, sometimes a little too much for his own comfort.
Pushing his glasses back up his nose, the touch of her hands upon his ears sending shivers down his spine, Y/N flashed him one last smile and excused herself to the bathroom, wishing an unspoken goodnight as she abruptly cut their special moment short. While he already missed her touch, Hongjoong inevitably welcomed this peaceful moment to himself, taking a deep breath until he was able to walk to the laundry room, Y/N never leaving his thoughts for even a second.
Back to his room minutes later with a glass of water, Hongjoong’s heart almost jumped off his chest at the sight in front of him as soon as he walked through the door. Sitting on the edge of his bed, Y/N seemed to have a curious look around his personal space, the only place no one was ever allowed in, stepping into his cocoon in the most violent way possible as his eyes instantly caught sight of her bare thighs grazing his sheets. The very same sheets he was laying in while jerking off to her, earlier in the night.
“I like the paper planes…” She simply stated, crossing one leg above the other as her chin pointed at the ceiling. There was something terribly erotic about the fact she now shared his view, that special view he only had when laying down his bed while she was getting pounded next door. It almost felt like a terrible joke, a crossover he never saw coming, and yet, he loved to see her in that scene, a stranger lost in a painting that didn’t fit her aesthetic.
“Wh-what are you doing?” Hongjoong barely managed to blurt out, still stunned at the sight of the girl of his dreams sitting on his own bed
“I was curious, to be honest I almost expected some Star Wars beddings… But these are nice… I like the fabric…”
Swallowing his painfully sinful thoughts away, Hongjoong watched as Y/N grabbed a fistful of his sheets, creasing the fabric into her palm the same way she would if he was on top of her with his hips rocketing between these thighs he couldn’t keep his eyes off.
“Ever fucked a girl in there?”
Smiling proudly to herself, her bottom lip tucked between her teeth, Y/N couldn’t hide her excitement at the sight of the helpless nerdy boy in front of her, struggling to compose himself as words failed to reach his lips. He was closer to choking over his own saliva than giving a decent answer to her invasive interrogations.
He simply decided to shake his head no.
After all, he was being honest. No girl had ever walked into this room before.
Until tonight. Until Y/N.
“Sad. So this bed is only for you to jerk off, hmm?”
Her pout and the way she tilted her head to the side made it difficult for Hongjoong to contain himself. He knew she was purposely pushing all the right buttons, making sure he was crumbling into her palms until he was openly confessing to her. She wasn’t even trying to hide her enthusiasm at the thought of being here, in his room, barely dressed as he ultimately came up with a very shy confirmation of her own statement. Nodding like a puppy caught peeing on a carpet, Hongjoong pressed his middle finger to his glasses, pushing them back up not to look more pitiful than he actually seemed right now.
“Curious about what you’d think about while touching yourself…” She added, still smirking as a devil, her fingers plummeting over her bare thighs like an invitation.
“Ever thought about me?” she smiled, wincing slightly like she didn’t know he was the only girl on his mind whenever his fist found its way into his sweatpants. She couldn’t miss his gaze whenever she walked by or the way he only seemed to see her in a crowded room, smiling shyly when she actually gave him a minute of her precious attention. If anything, Hongjoong was obsessed with her to the point he didn’t even know if he would ever be able to cum to the thought of anyone else.
Not that he wanted to.
Finding himself unable to lie to her face, Hongjoong gave her a simple nod as a silent confession for his late night sins. By now, her nails were grazing her thighs a little deeper, thin white lines following their path as Hongjoong couldn’t help but shiver a little, picturing his own hands kneading her flesh.
“Kneel” she surprisingly commanded, the foot that was previously traveling up and down his leg to briefly brush his throbbing cock now tapping the side of his knee until it bent as Hongjoong immediately granted her wish by falling knees first in front of her, his lips slightly parted as he looked up at her in awe.
Now that she was close enough to stare at his delicate features, Y/N found herself amazed at the sight of his plump, pink lips and the couple freckles scattered all over his cheeks and nose, almost too discrete to be seen if she wasn’t merely an inch away from him, his unstable breathing fanning over her own face.
Sliding over the edge of the mattress, Y/N leaned forward to grab his face between her palms, ghosting her lips over his as a soft chuckle escaped her as soon as Hongjoong took the deepest breath, his entire body shivering from the newly found proximity between them. As much as he tried to collect himself, both his fists tearing his sweatpants apart over his folded thighs, Hongjoong couldn’t contain the surprised groan coming out of his throat the moment her lips crashed upon his. Tracing the outline of his mouth, Y/N took pride in the way Hongjoong seemed to dismantle into her hands, his entire body leaning forward like a magnet that couldn’t be pulled away from her intoxicating scent as he unexpectedly deepened the kiss.
When it came to kissing, Hongjoong was the complete opposite to Seonghwa. While his roommate liked to impose his dominance by holding her jaw still and taking the lead, Hongjoong was far more docile and careful with his moves. There was something about the way his tongue almost shyly explored her mouth, like he was trying to hide his devastating lack of experience while proving himself to her.
Her hands quickly traveled from the back of his neck to his curls, tousling his messy locks between her fingers as she granted him a better, privileged space between her legs. Nervous but completely over the moon, Hongjoong reluctantly broke the kiss to take a couple unsettled breaths, his glossy eyes staring right into her soul.
“Is it— is it okay if I touch you?” He finally dared to ask, his hands almost burning to take a proper grab at the thighs he was only ghosting timidly so far.
Y/N couldn’t help but giggle a little, one of her hands abandoning his mane to palm his fiery cheek while her thumb grazed his plump lips to collect her own saliva with a soft smile.
“You’re really something else, Kim Hongjoong…”
She went silent for a while, staring into his eyes like she was seeing him from a whole new point of view, and while Hongjoong could have taken this remark the wrong way, he was smart enough to realize that, sadly, she was simply not used to men treating her decently - a terrible realization that instantly increased his urge to keep her into his arms and let her know she was safe.
Never breaking their eye-contact, Y/N slowly grabbed both of his hands, guiding him as they traveled along her bare legs as Hongjoong couldn’t help but blush a little harder as he felt goosebumps covering her skin, appalled to even consider the fact he may have had some sort of effect on the girl of his dreams - thinking about it, he was still anxiously waiting to wake up from the obvious dream he was stuck in.
“So now tell me… What would you like to do to me?”
A little taken aback, Hongjoong had to tilt his head downwards, too afraid for her to read his mind through his desperate eyes as his specs once again slipped to the edge of his perfect, pointy nose. Eager to catch every ounce of his reaction, Y/N instantly lifted his chin up to lock his gaze once more, a sincere smile curving her strawberry lips.
“If you can’t speak, you’re gonna have to show me, you know?”
Hongjoong could feel his heartbeat increasing with every second passing by, each of the words coming out her mouth whacking him in the face like an ice bucket. While his skin was covered with a thin coat of sweat, his entire body was shivering, her attitude mixed with their proximity definitely messing with every nerve in his brain. Still, terrified to see her leave as he failed to speak again, Hongjoong surprised himself with his next move as he leaned forward to graze his lips over her neck, pecking a random spot as he waited for her reaction.
The gesture, sweet, tender and yet incredibly intimate, took her by surprise, her hips tilting forward at the sound of his lips smacking together so close to her ear, like a primal reaction from her aching body as desire started to build inside of her. What started as a little game fueled by her compulsory curiosity was slowly backfiring as she pushed her legs together a bit tighter to lock his body between her thighs, her ankles crossed upon his lower-back as Hongjoong took it as a signal to move forward. Though his breathing was hectic and warm against her skin, he seemed to be surprisingly confident with the way his lips traveled up and down her neck, his ego slowly growing as she tried to contain her moan against her tightly shutted lips.
Definitely jacked up on the sounds faintly escaping her mouth as she tilted her head back, Hongjoong allowed his hands to move upwards, pushing past the hem of her oversized sweater, his fingertips flirting with the thin fabric of her underwear until he eventually settled for her hips as he delicately pushed her further towards the edge of the bed as both of their breathing increased under the sudden heat wave gathered through their embrace.
His hungry mouth was all over her neck, nipping along her throat, licking a stripe over her jawline, nibbling at her lips until she was left panting and begging for more, her slightly opened mouth welcoming his surprisingly skilled tongue back for a much longer and fievery kiss that left them both groaning in pure agony once they broke it, a thin string of saliva keeping their mouth tied in the most obscene way.
Looking down to the place where his palm and her most intimate secrets met, Hongjoong couldn’t recall the precise moment when his hand had found its way between her legs but as he looked up into her eyes, looking for a green light, he was more than pleased to see her nod impatiently, waiting for him to cut her out of her misery as his painfully slow kisses had definitely sent her over the edge.
“Tell me when to stop” Hongjoong felt the need to ask as his slightly nervous hands pulled at her underwear, rolling it down her legs until it pooled to the carpeted floor.
Y/N could feel the way her heart seemed to stop every time he asked for permission, her cheeks burning up at the comfort his voice seemed to bring her and the way his hands only seemed to follow her instructions. Hongjoong’s touch was softer than anything she had ever experienced before, every brush of his fingertips filled with adoration as he looked up into her eyes one last time, right before he disappeared between her knees to get a first taste of her inner thigh, his teeth slowly grazing the softest part of her flesh as he took his time to explore that place he had only dreamed of.
Palming her thigh, Hongjoong gently pushed one of her legs a bit further apart, allowing himself a wider access to the spot she needed him the most. Any other man would have probably commented on how wet she already was, bragging about how eager she seemed, desperate to be fucked, but Hongjoong only found some genuine pleasure in the way she instantly pushed her hips forward, her hands landing at the back of his head once again as he took a first, painfully slow taste of her cunt.
When it came to eating pussy, Hongjoong wasn’t exactly the most skilled partner Y/N could have wished for, but to her own surprise, he wasn’t half as bad as most of the men she had been with before. His patience knew no boundary as he made sure to explore every single part of her, darting his tongue to tease her clit every time it landed flat against her aching hole, dripping all over his chin as both of his hands kept her thighs apart so he could feast properly.
Looking down, Y/N was faced with the most beautiful sight of him, the entire bottom half of his precious face buried into her as his lips and chin seemed coated with her own arousal when he finally looked up at her with the softest smile, her heart skipping a beat as he realized just how much she needed him to wreck her insides now. He looked magnificent and painfully innocent as he took a couple kitty licks from her slit, his eyes never leaving hers as her thighs started to shudder slightly, the urge to ruin his perfect face growing wilder as she started to grind a little harder against his mouth, her hands keeping him tightly locked there as he welcomed her assaults with throaty moans while her taste was all over his tongue.
“Fu-u-uck I’m close— keep going— don’t you fucking stop” she yelped, her hips chasing climax as she started quivering. His hands traveling up her chest as his mouth relentlessly guided her to the the edge, Hongjoong started to palm her breast, her hardened buds rolling against his fingertips, collecting a louder moan as he flicked her nipples and kneaded her flesh until she was left shaking and whining, almost begging him to stop as his lips remained tightly wrapped around her clit, cheeks hollowed as he sucked a couple more desperate pleas out of her.
Panting- out of breath- Y/N suddenly felt dizzy as she took a couple blinks towards the ceiling, the three paper planes spiraling at a crazy pace to match the intensity of her heartbeat as she struggled to come down from her high. She looked absolutely fucked out as she rested above the bed, slightly to the side with her sweater up her tits while Hongjoong kept a delicate trail of sloppy kisses along her legs, knees and thighs, his chin brushing against her stomach as he finally crawled back up and on top of her.
“Are you okay?”
Again, the innocence, the kindness, his absolute pure heart.
Brushing a hand through his damp hair, Y/N simply nodded as their lips crashed together through a soft kiss. She could still taste herself all over his tongue as he inhaled through their embrace, his heart filled with nothing but absolute bliss.
Burying her head into his neck, Y/N only now realized just how good he smelled, the delicacy of his perfume wrapping her into a comforting place she surprisingly wished she could call hers as her hands traveled down to his sweatpants, pulling at the two strings that kept it tight against his bony hips, ready to return the favor when he suddenly grabbed her wrist, stopping her.
“You don’t have to do this– not tonight…” He whispered, pushing their foreheads together as she gave him a little pout, hoping to collect more of those timid moans he had granted her while going down on her. Still, it was once again completely new to have a man declining a payback, especially when it involved her doing all the work while he laid flat on his back, enjoying the sight of a mouthful.
While she couldn’t deny how much she appreciated him for it, Y/N was still hungry for more, every fiber of her skin burning with need as she bathed herself in Hongjoong’s now familiar scent. Her hand still close to his painfully hard cock, Y/N took the opportunity of a peaceful moment of intimacy to pull down his pants and guide him towards her entrance without a word.
Taken off guard, his mouth agape, Hongjoong locked his gaze with her as she wrapped her legs around his hips, pushing him forward until he was completely buried, her tight cunt swallowing him up entirely as he slowly filled her up to the brim.
“Don’t move. Just stay like that for a while” she instructed, her hands pushing his hair back as she once again melted her lips with his, enjoying the simple feeling of being completely filled. There was something terribly intimate in the way their bodies connected, never breaking apart or moving an inch until she finally allowed him to.
Hongjoong wasn’t exactly a rough lover, but his thrusts weren’t as soft and tender as she expected them to be. Her fists tightening around a couple of his locks, Y/N covered her screams against his shoulder, taking a soft bite into his flesh as Hongjoong took a strong grip of her hips to slowly push himself back in, deeper with each thrust as they started to build a comfortable yet intense pace together. There was no miracle to this situation as Hongjoong knew he wouldn’t last long. As much as he wished he could have stolen another orgasm from the girl of his dreams, there was so much he could take after everything happening to him tonight.
Collecting her hands from the back of his head, Hongjoong pushed their intertwined fingers into the mattress on each side of her face as he increased the pace, his eyebrows knitted together as he could feel himself reaching climax a bit faster every time she swallowed him back, her tightness almost suffocating his throbbing cock as he reached for her lips, taking a surprising bite into her flesh as his moans turned into the most delicious whimpering, his hips jolting uncontrollably while he suddenly pulled out, hoping to collect his release into his palm but failing miserably as it pooled all over Y/N’s stomach.
Red at the cheeks, Hongjoong instantly collapsed on top of her, his tired lips coming up with some barely audible apologies for the mess he had made. His heart was thumping against her chest as she wrapped him into her arms, his damp hair glued to her neck as he tried to collect himself.
Pecking his forehead tenderly, Y/N looked up to the ceiling while listening to Hongjoong’s heavy breathing, hoping to see more of the paper planes in the future.
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Reader and Steve end up exposed to something on a mission that cause them to body swap. It would be hot as hell if one of them was seeing Bucky too and he decides to have fun with their misfortune.
(okay so this is kind of a crack fic so im sorry in advance asgjakhsagdj this is the WEIRDEST SMUT I’VE EVER WRITTEN... very nsfw and a slight touch of dubcon beneath the cut.)
you’d only been in Steve’s body for a few hours when you began to understand how deprived this man was.
you hadn’t gotten his memories. you didn’t really understand how this had happened at all but you knew that for sure, because you distinctly recalled being you yesterday and now you were him. and he was fucking horny.
maybe it was you, a little bit, but this was definitely his body acting of its own accord more than it was your mind inside of it. it felt different in a guy’s body, for one. it felt so different to have need like this, so much more all-encompassing than the subtle tingling in your gut that you normally felt when you were turned on. damn, is this what it was always like for men? you weren’t sure how they ever managed to get any work done. maybe they don’t.
my cock is hard, you thought to yourself, trying to wrap your head around the concept. you tried not to look down at it as you leaned back in your chair-- his chair, actually-- but you could feel it, not just the arousal coursing through it but the head curving back and digging into your hip.
I can’t touch it, you decided, it would be invasive. he’s not here to consent to me touching his body. and you firmly believed that logic, and yet you felt your hand-- his hand-- reaching into the waistband of his uniform and pulling it out. you whimpered just to feel warmth on it, though the sound was foreign to your ears as you realized you had his voice.
you had never been good at handjobs, but it was like instinct was guiding you as you stroked the cock you found in your palm. his hands were sort of rough, something you normally liked but was not well-received in this body. but it was enough-- it was just enough to satisfy this desperation that burned in your chest. you could tell it had been so long since this cock had gotten attention from anything but this hand, you could feel how much he needed more but you, as his friend, understood why he didn’t get it. he always told you he was too busy for dating. frankly, if you got to this point, you wouldn’t really be worried about “dating” so much as “hooking up” but he was, understandably, not the type.
your head fell back as you bucked up into your hand, biting down on your lip-- and you’d always dreamed of tasting his lips, just not like this. “fuck,” you hissed, the sound of his voice mundane to his body but driving your mind wild inside his stupidly beautiful head. there was an urge to moan your own name, just to know how it would sound if he said it like this, but the idea was too weird for you go through with it.
then again, you were stuck in Steve’s body and jerking off so, ‘too weird’ was kind of a moot point.
you were jolted out of your rhythm when there was a knock at your-- his-- door.
“wh-who is it?” you stammered.
“it’s me!” you heard from the other side of the door. “or, well, it’s you!”
“shit,” you mumbled as you rushed to redress, running to the door-- you were so much faster in this body, unsurprisingly. you weren’t really psychologically prepared to open the door and see yourself there. you weren’t ready to be pierced by your own gaze, your own arms crossed in confusion.
“do you always get wet when you look at me?” Steve asked you suddenly. “or is this just me... knowing it’s you?”
you swallowed, feeling an Adam’s apple bob in your neck-- what an odd sensation.
“does my voice always sound like that?” you asked when you heard his words from your mouth.
“we need to fix this before Bucky finds me again,” he demanded, “I barely managed to toss him off me.”
“... so I guess you found out about us too?” you winced, your secret fuckbuddies relationship now out in the open.
“more than I ever wanted to know,” he frowned. his expression shifted as he looked up at you again. “what were you doing?”
“what?” you asked, and you heard your own breathlessness. “I wasn’t doing anything. you always breathe like this. don’t you have asthma?”
“I used to have asthma,” he corrected.
“yes, and now you have a vagina-- my vagina!-- so maybe we should focus on that and not you giving me this random third degree here?”
“whatever,” he scoffed, brushing past you to step into the room as you shut the door.
“you didn’t... look, did you?” you asked nervously.
“uh, no,” he answered quickly, “did you?”
“I made a specific point not to,” you announced proudly.
“oh...” he mumbled, “good...”
“sooooo...” you changed the subject awkwardly, “any plans on how to fix this?”
“I was thinking we’ll start by trying everything we can think of, and work from there,” he offered.
“good plan,” you decided. “maybe.... maybe, uh... we have to... go... somewhere? or do something?”
“go somewhere and do something?” steve repeated incredulously. “you’re a real genius.”
“don’t make that face at me, you’re gonna give me frown lines,” you sneered. “I can’t help it, okay? I can’t think! I’m distracted!”
“by what?”
“by... by stuff!” you defended, scratching the back of your neck-- it was your nervous habit, rendered entirely different by his short hair.
steve sighed, your chest rising and falling with his breath. “it’s hard, isn’t it?”
“well, yeah, switching bodies is hard--”
“no. it’s hard... isn’t it?”
your eyes went a little wide. “ohhh. uh, yeah, it is.”
“god, I’m sorry,” he groaned, hiding your face in your hands, “it does that a lot.”
“how do you do anything?” you squawked. “it’s like all I can think about is... is how bad I just need to be in something, something... warm!”
“welcome to my world,” he shrugged.
“you have to let me...” you began, but stopped yourself. “no, no, we-- no.”
“what is it?” he asked.
“you have to let me fuck you. me. you have to let... you fuck me...?”
“won’t that be, you know... scarring?”
you nodded. “but I’m not sure we have a choice, please just-- just let me-- I know I want it. I mean, I know my body wants it. didn’t you say I’m wet? I’m probably drenched by now, huh?”
he stammered a bit before answering. “um... I think so...”
“it feels warm, right? warm and sensitive and like you need to be filled with something?”
“...kinda...” he replied hesitantly.
“please,” you groaned, “don’t tell me I’m the only one that’s ever thought about it.”
“no,” he answered, quicker than ever, “no, you aren’t. you’re... you’re sure it’s okay?”
“I’ve wanted you for so long,” you finally admitted, “not like this, but I’ll take what I can get--”
“fuck it,” he mumbled before pulling you into a heated kiss, and with your eyes closed you couldn’t really tell the difference of who was who anymore, you just knew that it was him touching you and you didn’t really care that his hands were smaller and that his lips were softer.
you undressed each other at lightning speed, and there was a hand on your cock-- clearly he was pulling from his own experience with his own cock, because wow, he knew exactly how to touch it to make you gasp and whimper.
“you can look,” he offered to you when he pulled back from the kiss, “I know I did.”
“did you like what you saw?” you asked hesitantly.
“better than I ever imagined,” he grinned. “I even put a finger inside you. I’ll be honest, I’m not sure I’m gonna fit.”
“neither am I,” you sighed as you looked down at the thick member your own slender hand was wrapped around. “fuck, steve... it’ll probably hurt you.”
“let’s just hope we can fix this tonight and you get to be sore tomorrow, not me,” he chuckled a little.
“k-keep stroking it, please,” you sighed, “I’m already-- I think I’m close. I can’t really tell...”
“you should be able to feel it here,” he explained as he slipped his touch lower to cup your balls--
“oh,” you breathed, “this is... new...”
“oh please, it’s nothing compared to a clit,” he laughed, “that thing is sensitive.”
you realized that steve was taking much better advantage of this than you were-- while you had his body at your disposal, you needed to test out the superhuman strength. it took you almost nothing to lift your own weight onto the desk, grinning as you saw him gasp at the show of strength.
“been a while since somebody lifted you?” you asked him with a smirk. he didn’t reply, just spread his-- your-- legs and let you grind against him, just the warmth of a body enough for now even if you weren’t inside of it. you kissed him again as you pulled him closer, thrusting to let that poor, sensitive cock slide over the delicate skin beneath you.
“well, well, well,” a voice echoed from the doorway. you sat up and spun around to find Bucky, leaning around the wall with crossed arms and a satisfied smirk. “it was just a matter of time before you two got together-- we all knew it. no wonder you ran off so fast, babygirl... you had another engagement to attend to.”
“Buck, hold on--” Steve began.
“Bucky, this is not what it looks like,” you interrupted.
“then what is it?” Bucky asked with faux innocence.
you and Steve looked at each other, neither of you sure exactly how to answer that. “it’s complicated,” you answered in unison.
“don’t worry about me, I’m not jealous,” he explained. “we never said we were exclusive, no hard feelings,” he addressed Steve-- but he was talking to you. well, he was trying to talk to you, but he didn’t know he was looking at Steve. well, he was looking at you, but just your body-- oh fuck it, even you couldn’t make sense of it. “but Steve?” he chuckled. “he doesn’t even know what he’s doing. he can’t make you feel as good as I can, I know it.”
he was like a blur as he pounced on you-- your body, at least, but it was Steve that was arching his back and moaning as Bucky licked and sucked at your neck, slipped his metal hand into your shorts and apparently found your most sensitive spots instantly. Steve was already bucking up into his touch, your own moans echoing over the walls even if you weren’t the one making them.
“B-Buck, wait,” Steve protested, but he was too weak now to push him off, and too far gone into the pleasure to want to.
“feels good, hm?” Bucky purred, throwing a stray glance at you. “are you jealous?” he asked you tauntingly.
“yes,” you admitted.
“jealous cause you know how good it feels when I make you come like this?” he pressed, and you froze.
“do... do I?” you asked Steve anxiously.
“don’t look at him, look at me,” Bucky corrected firmly. him? you wondered, but before you could ask, he answered your question, turning to address Steve pinned under him. “I know it’s you, Steve.”
“what?!” you both gaped.
“she would never call me ‘pal’ like you did earlier,” Buck explained, “and she would never say no to me like you also did earlier.”
“hey!” you protested.
“and you,” he laughed, “I’d know that deer-in-the-headlights look anywhere, even on a different face.”
as embarrassing as this whole situation was, it was sort of nice to have someone else acknowledge it. it made you feel less crazy.
“I can’t keep track of this conversation while there are fingers inside of me,” Steve shivered.
“it’s weird, isn’t it?” you smiled at him. “good weird.”
“very good, very weird,” he agreed, breathing heavier as Bucky’s arm flexed from pumping his hand back and forth.
“she usually comes in just a few minutes from this,” Bucky explained to Steve, making you feel oddly exposed-- and not just because you knew they could both see the achingly-hard cock threatening to burst from the hastily-zipped pants. “I know it’s you in there, but it’s still her body... so it should still be the same, right?”
“I-I’m close,” Steve replied, making Bucky laugh.
“oh, you’re even faster, damn. go ahead and come for me-- don’t you wanna hear how she sounds when she comes?”
“don’t you wanna see that pussy cream all over my fingers?”
“then beg me not to stop,” Bucky demanded, and instinct took over.
“please don’t stop,” you found yourself saying before Steve could answer, making them both turn to you.
“I’ve got you so well-trained,” Bucky grinned before looking back down at Steve beneath him. “just like that, doll,” he repeated his instruction.
“don’t call me ‘doll,’” Steve barely managed to protest between loud moans.
“okay,” Bucky relented, “beg for me just like that, Stevie.”
“please!” Steve shouted instantly. “please... please don’t stop.”
“one more time?”
“damn it, Buck, don’t stop!” he sobbed, and you wondered if you always looked like that when you came or if it was Steve’s expression painted on your own features. Bucky, as always, wasn’t content with just one, and Steve’s eyes shot wide open as he realized that this could just keep going, over and over.
“you’re-- you’re really not gonna stop,” Steve gasped.
“he’s mean like that,” you explained with a little smirk. you were looking forward to getting back in your own body just for the multiple orgasms alone.
“how’s it feel, Stevie?” Bucky asked proudly.
“s-so good,” he answered dutifully, “so good it almost hurts. fuck it hurts... but I want more, I wanna come again.”
“mm, so greedy,” Bucky praised. “just one more, then we need to give our lonely friend some love... I bet she’s ready to make a mess in your pants just from watching me finger you--” he turned to you suddenly-- “isn’t that right?”
“yes,” you answered quickly. “p-please, Bucky, I feel so... I need you.”
“I know, babygirl, it won’t be much longer,” he promised, “I can feel your cunt clenching on me already-- come on over here and feel for yourself.”
you hesitantly stepped closer, hissing a little as Bucky’s free hand grabbed your wrist and pulled your hand closer. “see? just put your finger in beside mine, I want you to know how tight you get when I make you come.”
you took a shaky breath but did as he asked, hearing Steve’s gasp as you inserted his thick finger into your slickened channel. it definitely felt different than when you put your own fingers in yourself-- for him and for you. it was different to feel your pussy around your finger when you couldn’t feel the finger in your pussy... if that made any sense.
“three’s too many,” Steve complained.
“and yet, here we are,” Bucky winked.
“I can’t,” Steve clarified, “it’s too big.”
“aw, she always says that but then she changes her mind... you will too,” Bucky decided. “now just move like this,” he explained to you as you started to move with him, feeling the way your body responded instantly. it built up so fast as you tried to keep up with Bucky’s pace, watching Steve cry out at the same time as your walls tightened around the assortment of fingers-- Steve and Bucky’s, flesh and metal-- inside you.
“you’re close,” Bucky informed both of you. “feel the way that pretty pussy is getting so wet, holding on so tight?”
“y-yes,” you shivered, trying your best to ignore the pangs of need coursing through the cock you still struggled to acknowledge as your own.
“go ahead and come, Stevie,” Bucky encouraged, and that was all it took; Steve cried out as your whole body spasmed-- not just your body, but the body you were in. You were coming, much to your dismay, without even being touched, ropes of hot come creating a wet patch on Steve’s uniform, and you couldn’t bit back the groans of pleasure as your gut flexed with each wave of the orgasm.
“oh, now look at that,” Bucky purred as he looked back and forth between Steve and yourself. “you two both made a mess.”
“aw damn it, my uniform!” Steve protested as he looked at you.
“I think you need to help our girl clean up that mess,” Bucky cooed as Steve shot him a look. “it’s been too long since you got your dick sucked... and I’ve always felt it’s your responsibility to solve your own problems.”
“I... I don’t know how,” Steve protested.
“I’ll show you,” Bucky promised as he guided Steve to kneel in front of you, helping you push down your trousers. “just lick up some of that come first, nice and slow.”
you gasped the second you felt a warm tongue against your skin, your hands reaching out and finding a comfortable place to grip on your own hair-- and Steve moaned when you pulled on it.
“you like the taste of your own come, Stevie?” Bucky purred. “now put it in your mouth-- just the head, you might not be able to fit much else. suck on it like a popsicle.”
you bit back a moan that wouldn’t been embarrassingly loud when you felt a warm, slick mouth wrap around where you were now much too sensitive.
“look down, babygirl,” Bucky whispered to you.
“I-- I can’t,” you denied, “I can’t look.”
“but you look so pretty when you suck cock, doll, haven’t I told you a million times?”
you sighed but obeyed, opening your eyes and looking down at Steve looking up at you, but with your eyes, and with your lips stretch around his thick shaft. “I... I do look pretty,” you agreed nervously.
“did you always wonder what Steve looks like when he’s getting his cock sucked?” Bucky asked you as he knelt down beside your body where Steve was using it for the moment. “The answer is... very confused.”
“that might be unique to this situation,” Steve explained as he pulled away from you.
“keep sucking, whore, I didn’t say you could stop.”
that language made you both moan softly, but Steve obeyed.
“oh, we are going to have so much fun,” Bucky chuckled excitedly, and you already knew that you were in for a very long night.
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i made myself hurt. i made myself soft. i made myself fall apart. here we are :(
send me a chanyeol + a prompt!
Verse: Enough + Hospital AU Pairing: Chanyeol x Reader (oc; plus size female; enough!reader) Rating: PG-13 Warnings: some sexual themes; heavy angst; romance; chanyeol cries and it breaks my damn heart; discussions of being overweight; the stigma of being a plus size or fat person in a hospital which is a really specific thing to experience; discussions of pregnancy Word Count: 1.4K
Three minutes.
It only took you three minutes to know you loved Chanyeol. The day you met him, he was shy, a new hire. He shook your hand with confidence and smiled like he had something he wanted to prove to the sun. He was soft. He was handsome. But then, he sat beside you and he giggled. That day, his desk was decorated with welcome confetti - your idea, a tradition you started for each new member brought to the team. Flowers were placed next to his keyboard, ribbons on his stapler and notepad. Your idea too, a way to bring colour to the monotony of admin work. He giggled, joyful, unbridled, clapped his hands together and didn’t bother to hide the glee that overtook his features.
It took only three minutes.
Six months.
It took six months of dating to realize you wanted to marry him. You didn’t say it out loud, certain this kind of admission was coming much too soon and much too fast, but you knew it was true. Over time, you had grown utterly disinterested in a life, in events, in plans that didn’t include him. You had a life. You had friends. You wanted him to be involved in every aspect of it. It was a Sunday, the day you told yourself you wanted to be his wife. A new thought, a new idea, one you had never tried on before - until Chanyeol, you were content with yourself.
After Chanyeol, you were alive. You rolled over and cupped his cheek, whispered that you needed him, wanted him, craved him to his closed eyes and soft breaths. He didn’t wake when you touched him, and from the kitchen you smelled the coffee start to brew from the automatic start. You were making a life together. You wanted to age alongside him until your bones were ash.
It only took six months.
Two years.
The earth moves slowly around the sun, but in Chanyeol’s arms life came quickly, and life came strong. Before him, when you were alone and at peace, you not once felt the urge to be a mother. You are not maternal - you are naturing, you are kind, and you are affectionate, but you are not maternal. Your reasons for not having a child outweighed and grew well beyond your reasoning for having one, but just the same way you woke up one morning wanting to be his wife, so too did you go to bed one night wanting to carry his child.
It happened silently, suddenly, a thought that entered your mind abruptly while he dried his hair. Sitting on your shared bed, shoulders rounded and skin soft, you decided you wanted more of him. Another. An infinite amount of his hope, his smiles, his laughter, his temper in the world. You wanted family - not just him, your whole life, but a line of it, the kind of line that leaves scars in the earth long after you both have passed, a generation born out of love. You were still unmarried, close to calling him your fiance and still calling him your husband in your mind, a thought and a name you keep to yourself, but this too came quickly. Two years was too soon to want a child, a family, but you wanted it. You wanted it.
It took two years.
Chanyeol has been crying for three hours.
With your hand held tightly in his, sits beside your hospital bed, eyes and cheeks wet, too afraid to leave your side. Head pressed against the pillow, you watch as he weeps, fights against the barriers that keep you separated, and clings to you as best he can. The back of your hand has grown wet with his tears, his body still wracked with fear and anguish. He’s your soft star, your heartbeat, and you bring your other hand to card through his hair, needing more of him. Needing all of him.
‘I promise I’m fine,’ you repeat.
You’ve lost track of the number of times you’ve said it, the number of times you’ve done your best to affirm it, but still he does not believe you. His large eyes are stricken, painted with horror as he shakes his head, pushing the chair closer to your bedside, even though there is no more room to spare.
‘No,’ he argues, because he is stubborn, because he is insistent, because he refuses to let it go. ‘You fainted in the kitchen. You didn’t even wake up until we were halfway here!’ The stress creeps back into his voice, skin falling pale once more, and though you roll your eyes at his persistent challenge to your confident affirmations, your heart flutters, wondering how you ever coped without a love like his.
Giggling, you stroke your finger along the tip of his ear, feeling his long eyelashes flutter against your skin. He’s burrowed into your arm, breathing your scent in deeply. If he could, you’re certain he’d be in the bed with you, unwilling to be parted.
‘Yes,’ you agree, nodding against the rough cotton. ‘But I have juice now.’ You cast your gaze to the bedside tray that contains a large juice box of apple juice. The straw reminds you of when you were a child, the days when you chewed the plastic out of anxiety. Today, it remains perfectly rounded, your toes having wiggled beneath the sheets with each excited sip. ‘I’m practically spoiled here. They even gave me peaches!’
Chanyeol shakes his head against your arm in vigilant disagreement, looking up once more with an expression that conflicts your heart. You would swoon by the sight of it, but are shattered by the pain of it, wishing he would believe you are whole, and you are well, if only so he could return to being your sunshine.
‘I’m scared,’ he whispers, and you break.
Laughing at the softness, the silliness of his anxiety, you pull him up to you, kissing his lips eagerly.
‘Don’t laugh,’ he murmurs, kissing you once more with a groan. ‘I can’t cope if you’re not safe.’
The sound of the door opening interrupts you both, and Chanyeol returns to his seat, gaze fixated on the doctor who enters carrying a clipboard. His hair is greyed at the edges, glasses thin framed with lenses almost too thick for the wiring. Normally, you hate doctors. You hate doctors and you hate hospitals, neither a thing that seems to listen to women, all your problems and all your issues always somehow boiling down to your weight or your gender. You prepare yourself now for a reprimand that will almost certainly be moot, ready, once more, to be told you are not thin enough, not well enough, and certainly not privileged enough to be healthy.
‘Well,’ he begins gently, lowering himself to the rolling stool in the corner of the room, ‘your iron count is low which partially explains your fainting spell.’
Rearing back against the pillow, you cock your head in surprise, amazed that, no, this is not about your weight. ‘See!’ you exclaim, giggling as you nudge into Chanyeol.
‘But,’ the doctor continues, distracting you from Chanyeol’s sigh of relief, ‘congratulations are in order. Your blood tests confirm you’re pregnant. You’ll have to come back in a few weeks for a scan and a full pre-natal check up. There’s no way to tell how far along you are at the moment, so you’ll have to schedule an appointment with the nurse on the way out. Until then, I’ve prescribed a full pre-natal vitamin…’
A ringing in your ears overtakes the room, blood rushing simultaneously away from your head and into your cheeks, a conflicting experience that makes you feel dizzy.
Chanyeol puts the straw of your juice box between your lips and urges you to sip. Obedient, you regard him with wide eyes, feeling ashen. He’s started to cry again, doing his best to maintain his composure for your wellbeing. And it is only when you pull back, the sugar and the sweetness taking root in your veins once more that you look back to the doctor, bewildered.
‘I’m sorry,’ you begin, finding your voice with care. ‘I’m pregnant?’
At this the doctor laughs, dropping his pen and offering you an understanding smile. ‘I understand this is a shock.’
Blinking through your shock, you feel Chanyeol fall into your chest, pressing kisses to your neck, your jaw, your cheek. Openly he cries, his hand wandering down your belly where he splays his fingers wide.
‘I love you,’ he whispers. ‘I love you, I love you, I love you.’
‘Chanyeol,’ you mumble, stroking his hair with trembling fingers.
He pulls away to look at you with concern, a new wave of tears soaking his cheeks through his brilliant, otherworldly smile.
‘I’m scared,’ you whisper, and he rests his forehead against yours with a quaking sigh.
‘We’ll be fine,’ he assures. ‘I promise.’
#chanvember drabble game!#chanvember 2020!#chanyeol x you#chanyeol x reader#chanyeol scenario#chanyeol fanfic#chanyeol fanfiction#chanyeol au#chanyeol prompt
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1/? ((Quick disclaimer; ur more than welcome to post these publicly or keep them in ur inbox, idm!! :D there'll be alot I am A VERY sappy person I apologise)) Hello AJ!! I'm glad to be writing this ask rn as well as a few others to tell you how absolutely delightful and wonderful it has been to know you for the time I have. It's honestly funny and wack the reason we became mutuals-- ((end of ask 1))
(2/?) was simply because of the fact me and my friend had a stroke over your kisuke-philza art :D ((which hello kon, i see u there)) but, I'm honestly so glad I sent in asks/send in asks everyday to sorta either give heads up with plotlines and just sorta mess around. Even if we haven't known each other for a good bit, it feels like we have for a good solid :D!! im honestly very delighted to know you and I cant wait to see where you go into 2021! (end of ask 2)
(3/?) but another thing rq and I PROMISE ill finish talking LMAO, but I honestly wanted to say you're a massive inspiration to me. the art you do is seriously amazing and I think it's so fucking poggers!!! i absolutely enjoy seeing ur art about and being like 'oh hey!! thats some awesome art from my moot!!!!' bc its super fucking cool!!!!!! but besides all the mushy and sappy stuff, keep going!!! i cant wait to see what you do further on/how much you improve!!! (end of ask 3)
(4/4) to finish up, thank you to those I have met (so far) on this blog!! Including battery anon :D!! have a wonderful and delightful new years everyone ((AND AJ!!)), I love being here :) its like a nice lovely lil community!!! alrighty ill scramble outta ur ask box ((end of ask 4))
i warned u :) /j/j
Catz Response: OH my god Icen0 I don’t even know where to begin holy shit this is beyond overwhleming just.. Thank you???? I actually didn’t know it was my Kisuke-Philza stuff that brought you here but I’m so glad that you stuck around and were nice enough to keep sending those updates and stuff (seriously I’m not over you sending me stuff for the whole day I was travelling that was just BEYOND sweet of you to do and I agree it feels like we’ve been Mutuals for WAY longer)
I’m so idk honoured? that I could be an inspiration to you?? Idk you’re a fantastic person Icen0 I’m glad you’re a part of this little part of the community that seems to be building here, I hope you have a Fucking Amazing New Years you’re always welcome to scramble into my ask box and you seriously deserve the world <3
#answered asks#long post#icen0#icen0blade#ahhhh you sent so much and idk if my response is good but i'm gonna cry if I read this too much akgjklj THANK YOU ICEN0 <3#AND THANK EVERYONE ELSE ON THE BLOG AS WELL YA'LL ARE POG AS FUCK TOO SERIOUSLY I LOVE YA'LL!!
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Drive/Home:The path to you (Astral connection part 3)
Connie looked outside of her window with a groan. She was feeling lonely and touch-starved. She hasn't seen Steven in the last two months, the last they met being their time in the dream...When he told of his visions of his mother. The last time they talked was a week after, a small sweet text with a little information about his next destination, though it had a typo..
‘Can’t wait to meet up again. I'll contact you when I reach my next destination; it's a beach tourist town. I'll pick you up there for your birthday. I love you, Dream Berry’
Connie sighed, a mixture of sadness and pining in the same breath.
“What a way to bring in my twentieth birthday.” She looked at the clock near her bed reading 12:30 am.She officially turned twenty, thirty minutes ago...More importantly to her, it was officially one year since Steven and her became ‘Dream buds’.
“Is he having second thoughts, regrets?”
Connie has been wondering about this since for a couple of weeks...Within the dream they crafted, they acted like newlyweds. They talked intimately, sharing secrets no one else knew, like him no longer being a vegetarian and her getting a tattoo on her right inner thigh...A black and red star.
They kissed each tenderly, passionately, and hungrily, in ways and places only they could. They touched each other in ways that only they could. They loved each other in ways special to them. He loved her in ways no other man or woman would ever be allowed to; an exchange of each other's last bit of mental and spiritual chastity.
She was grateful it was through astral connection and not yet a physical one, or they might've been in trouble after the first few times.. She did start to take precautions in the physical plane, for when...If they did.
“What a way to wake from a dream though. Even more tired, but so much more...Everything else.”
His little carnal text of thank you’s and praise for her amorous nature, they were always the highlight of waking up after those types of nights. It was revitalizing to have him not just enjoy her more... Erotic side...but appreciate it; welcomed it.
"Though Dreamscuit is more libidinous, than I expected." She let out a silent chuckle as she thought of one particular time they were carnivorous with each other.
The scene was a hidden spring he found on his travels, surrounded by tropical foliage and a waterfall spilling into it. He was in it, bare as birth, looking towards her who sat on the edge in her nightwear. The story of how he came across it was simple.
He fell in after chasing down and poofing a falcon like gem mutant. The mutant was causing problems for a nearby cape town with its destructive behavior, running through shops and breaking merchandise, ravaging the forest nearby, rampaging through the streets. He put an end to it after a chase through the forest, and a well placed shield bash after hitching a ride in its back.
He plummeted, as the falcon was already diving in attempt to throw him off, leaving him flying down the path set for him. Which happened to be in the spring, he was slightly knocked out due to the force of entry. He stated he dreamed about her during that time...Always dreamed about her when he came here.
Her asking him to tell her his dreams sealed the deal as he swam over to her, innocently; placed his hands on her knees, innocently ; and suggested he showed her his dream; INNOCENTLY . She agreed of course, it was her Innocent Dreamberry.
Which is why she was surprised when he examined her new tattoo thoroughly, through kneading, suckling and nipping. When he touched her in ways and places she herself dreamed about., stealing her breath, making lay back as he revealed his fantasies through action..and unknowingly, allow Connie to live out her own, in a manner of speaking.
At the end, she sat upon him in the spring, peppering his neck and chin with kisses and nips as he held and instinctively caressed her in away only her can. A way only she would allow him too. They were bare, bitten, bathed in sweat and spring water, and felt a bit bestial in their actions; but there were love with the lust, care with the carnality, romance with ravishing, solicitude with the sex. Their appetitive actions were fueled by their unyielding adoration for each other. It was wonderful..as was the three rounds after; they turned out to be quite the carnivorous couple.
"Couple..are we a couple?"
Small thoughts like that plagued her over the last two weeks, like an annoying bug that won't die and she couldn't stand herself for having them. Six weeks of complete Steven silence led her to uncertainty, over-worry, doubt. It brought thoughts of him being hurt, lost, in danger..even..
"No..He's ok..He's fine..much better than before he left on all fronts."
A calming thought that was compounded by even worse ones...Her thoughts went from his well being to their new status and the possibility of him no longer seeing her like that. Maybe he found someone else he can be physically intimate with instead of just in a dreamscape? Maybe he found someone better to be with? Maybe he found a better life in the town he was going to..and didn't want to break her heart.
Is this what it was to miss your partner...your lover? Could they even say they were together.. Everything happened in their dreams. Besides fatigue nothing physical passed on.
" Maybe, I'm delusional and even sent those texts to myself." Connie laughed a harsh wet laugh as she laid on her bed. She was so pathetic right now. She knew better. She knows better.. She was just missing him..Badly.
"Get it together, Maheswaran...Just because he's not around doesn't mean your world stops and everything you shared is moot. You went ten months without him and kept it together. Besides, you know your Biscuit, your Steven...Your man...Whatever reason he's been silent, it's important."
Rationality and logic sucks sometimes...She did know Steven and because she knew him, she could reason that he going silent was probably important...Yet stupid. He has a track record of ghosting people because he believes it's the right thing to do at the moment or he didn't want to burden someone..That thought just stroked her ire. She looked towards her phone and all the messages she sent him without a response..
"I'm gonna smother him next time we meet.. I swear to the stars."
Just as she was about to send another text..A roar was heard outside her window. She turned to see Lion, by himself looking up expectantly, ready for his mistress to mount him.
"Well, at least there is one dependable guy in my life."
Connie smirked as she got her jacket, her sword and went to meet her current favorite boy in the whole universe. She kissed the beast skull as she nuzzled close to him. Who in turned nuzzled against the crook of her neck before licking her cheek, making her giggle. She really could count on Lion to make her feel better.
"Why couldn't you be human, you'd be the best partner. Adorable, dependable, loyal, near ageless, able to teleport where you want..NOT LARS, but of course you have to be a lion, so I can only love you like a son."
She mounted the pink beast, ready for wherever they were going. With a roar, Lion created a portal and the two were off.
"So where are you taking me this time, Lion. A meadow, a battlefield, a forest." She chuckled as she held onto the beast. This wasn't the first time Lion took her out on a stroll alone. Far from it, this has been a common occurrence ever since Steven's surrender all them years ago.
She was surprised to see them on the beach behind the temple..The place where she officially met Steven. He bent down allowing her to mount off him. She turned to the sea rested her sword down and watched the serene waves as Lion gave her one last lick and nuzzle, before walking off...As he does on their 'dates', until the time he's needed. She sat pulling her knees to her chest as she took in the scent of the beach with her eyes closed.
The sand, surf and saltwater; his old smell, comforting as always...His smell now was a lot more woody, musty, musky. earthly..It was consuming, arousing and energizing…
Thinking about it made her imagine him. His broad chest, large limbs,long locks, whiskered face, rugged face and strong let pleasant breath. She was so lost in her thoughts that they could literally feel his touch upon her.
The fell of his arms holding her in that special way, around her middle and just above her chest.�� His inner thighs brushing against her hips as he sat her on his crossed legs, the feel of his whiskered chin on her collarbone. She could feel him, smell him.
"So this is what it means to be in love.. To long for someone so much that you can feel their presence even when they are not around. You're not even here..I don't know where you are, but I feel your touch, smell your scent... Isn't that stupid.,,"
"I wouldn't say that, Birthday Berry."
Connie's eyes opened up a husky, wine-like voice, as she looked up to Steven's smirking face. She looked past him for a moment before stretching out her hand to the left as flexing her fist.
"I..I'm not dreaming."
"I was going to summon a wiffle bat and bash your head in."
" I can't...I can't see the edge of our scene...Cause it's not a scene… It's real..,"
Steven kissed her crown tenderly as her breath became short, her eyes moistened and her hands trembled as she reached up and touched his face. It was warm..much warmer than the last twelve months. They chuckled, giggled and laughed as the tears began to fall from both of them. Connie kissed his temple as they held each other closed. Silently whispering to each other affirmation after affirmation, that this moment was reality, he was there with her, she was there with him, they were holding, kissing basking in each other in reality.
Connie turned towards him to hold her best friend and be held by him, before looking up. " Was it real?..Last year.. Those times..Was that really.."
She never got to finish as he kissed her tenderly.. The same way he's done it for the last year..Except more chapped, more full, had more heat, softer, gentler..yet rugged. It was his kiss..just not as a dream and she melted for it all the same.
He broke it and looked at her before whispering in her ear about the spring. About what they did in the spring. About the bites, the sounds, the words..Her mark's on his back. About him paying so much attention to her star.
Connie gulped as she covered her face in embarrassment.
"It was all real, Dream Berry. So to speak." He stroked her hair, as he reaffirmed last year.
Connie laid her head on his chest before taking his hand in hers. "You're so big now."
"You've said that, almost every time we've met"
"Can't I admire your growth."
"Sure, as long as I can admire your own."
Connie smirked impishly as she covered herself playfully. "These curves are for my partner and me only.."
"Isn't that me though."
Connie looked to the sea. "I thought so..I hoped so..then you went ghost...AgaIn." She looked towards him with a sadden glint in her eye. "Two months, No contact.. What happened?"
Steven sighed, shame coming from the breath. "I did what I said I was going to. I came to a beach tourist town..I returned here, was here for a bit, maybe a night ..Before heading to Homeworld."
Connie listened intently as he told her of the last two months. How he paid a visit to Homeworld, where he experienced a galactic jamboree. From the consensus it was surprisingly a lot of fun compared to the last ones; now that era 3 was in full effect. He also found out that the diamonds were thinking about sending gems to other planets as diplomatic representatives in hope to find other ways to expand their race and ranks without harming another.
He told the Diamonds, Spinel, and Volleyball the truth about his mother's feelings for them. How she regretted everything she did to them and loved them all until her last second, despite everything that transpired. Told them everything she did to herself in their name as well. It was a bittersweet conversation but it did put some things in perspective.
He was on Homeworld a month before heading back to the beach city, to the temple, to his family. He was surprised to see all six gems and his father waiting, expecting him to come out of the warp stream. They all stood silently for what seemed like an eternity.
"I cried. I took a deep breath...I was going to say hi...Joke...Something...but I cried...We all cried."
Connie let use a chortle, wiping a tear herself. " Of course, you guys did. Not seeing each other for so long, seeing how everyone changed, must've been shocking. Wish I was there to see the reunion."
"If they hadn't ambushed me like that, you would've, I digress though.."
Steven continued his tale, speaking of his journeys across the earth, The same tales he told Connie. He was surprised at the changes of the gems.
Pearl was giving relationships a chance with Sabina. Amethyst really took over as Little homeschool headmaster and even got Jasper in her staff, as a teacher in motivation.That made Steven pause for a moment, but he accepted it. Garnet was the vice headmaster of little Homeworld. Peridot, along with Bismuth, Pearl and Connie made little homeworld R&D, with Bismuth and Pearl acting as directors, as Peri still had her gardening classes to attend to and Connie had college. Lapis took her art online and got exposure for some of their meep-morps. Lapis was on her way to becoming famous and Greg is managing her. Bismuth took her forging online and now has a following of 10 mill on tubetube. As for Greg,he was still his dear old dad...Just a little grayer.
After catching up, Steven sat them down in the living room before telling them about Rose quartz, and unlike with the diamonds and Spinel, he told them everything. Her travels, her self-hatred, Sheva, the self-poofing...Everything.
"We've put a smaller version of her picture back on the living room desk. It's progress."
"I take it, they were reeling from the revelation."
Steven nodded. "Garnet split to hold each other, Lapis and Peri consoled Bismuth, Dad and Pearl had each other."
"And Amethyst?"
"Amethyst...Actually took it well, better than anyone else."
Connie features softened at the prideful look on his face.
"She took me to the side and asked me how I'm handling it. I told her that I was fine..Which I was and am..I came to terms with what she was and dealt with…How she dealt with them.."
His eyes glistened a bit as he held his head down thinking about Rose and how similar he was to her.
"We had a nice one-on-one...Talked about how I was going down a similar path as mom. Starting to hate myself for not being needed, or able to help people...You know, things I told you."
Connie nodded as she recalled one of their first dreams together. She remembered holding him as tearfully told her how he started to feel unfulfilled and useless again. After everything he went through to get better even seeing a therapist. He still felt the need to get away from everyone and everything related to the Crystal gems. He felt like he still needed to find himself..These were the reasons he left.
“After that..Amethyst asked when did I talk to you about this."
Connie eyes widened at the statement, trying to hide her shock through a smirk. " What?"
"She just figured it out. Said that I had a certain calmness and maturity, about everything. Said the only time I am like that is when I talk to you and mulled it over."
He took her hands in his and gave them a kiss. Connie squeezed them back.
"What did you tell her?"
"The truth...No need to keep it hidden…"
" Oh..And what truth is that?"
Connie smirked as he felt his lips upon hers, his thumbs massaging the back of her hands. His smell invigorating her senses… He broke the kiss but didn't pull away, nuzzling behind her ear giving her small nips.
" Said I've been visiting my girl twice a month, for the last year."
"Hmm.. Except for the last two."
As Steven pulled away ready to apologize to Connie, when she placed her index on his lips, shaking her head as she did.
"Don't...You did nothing wrong. If anything, I should apologize...I wanted you to feel a bit bad for not contacting me, that's not how you treat your partner."
"Your partner, huh?"
"I mean.."
Her bashful side glance made him snort, which in turn made her cheeks flamed. "If you'd have me."
With amusement, Steven caressed her left cheek before drawing close. Nose tips touched as he looked into her deep black eyes.
"Obviously. I am still under the assumption that today is our anniversary, as well as your birthday. Am I…"
"No!" Connie let a little stifled laugh at Steven's surprised face. Her heart was pounding against her chest, she found it hard to look at his eyes..she felt anxious, excited, and scared. "No. You're not wrong…I..I also thought of us as a couple since then...Though we never defined it, exactly."
She smiled as she nuzzled into the stroking palm, kissing it. The moonlit ocean giving her eyes an fantastical glow. "We're not in a dream now, Dreamscuit."
His face turned pink and not from his gem. "And yet you're still calling me that.”
“Of course...You’re my Biscuit and a big piece of my dream for the future. Besides, you called me Dream Berry. Why is that?”
Steven licked his lips before letting his his hands rest on her hips and pulling her close...Trying to ignore how thin her nightwear was. She tilted her head slightly to the right as she saw a passionate light in his cool, almond eyes.
“You know why..It’s the same reason as you to me.”
Connnie gave a teasing grin, before tracing his cheek and jaw. She kissed him lovingly, passionately, heartfully. Her loneliness and heartache over the two months, her regret and penance over doubting him for even a moment. Her swelling pride and carnal hunger for him, Her thankfulness and graciousness over his safe return. Her happiness and undaunting love for him. It was all displayed, all revealed to him in that kiss.
Her kiss tenderness left him awe-struck, the depth; weak, the emotion; speechless.The touch left him trembling. His heart swelled and burst as he held her close by her back returning the kiss...The emotions He felt rejuvenated, reborned, truly reformed .He felt as he truly returned home.
They broke the kiss, laughing with tears in their eyes. Words lost them as they wiped each other's eyes and gave each other chatse kisses.. It was a few moments before they relaxed, opting to hold each close.
“I love you.”
Both their eyes widened at the dual confession,neither expecting it from the other first. Connie broke out of the stupor first, tackling him down to lay upon him. Her head on his chest ear to heart.
“You are home with us, with me. After so long. It’s real…In the present.”
Steven held her close, left hand stroking her head, right arm around her waist. “Yeah..I’m finally home..Finally where I want to be.”
As he gaze down at her receiving a small yet illuminating grin. He couldn’t help but think that both their present and future never looked so brighter.
#Connie Maheswaran#Steven universe#jambudweek2020#drive#home#Connverse#Rose quartz#StevenXConnie#Self-hate#Journey#Tales#Astral connection#Reunion#Steven's finally home
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Title: A Hot Day
Daltonfic Big Bang: Week 5, Day 7: NSFW Wildcard 5 Dwiladie Vegas AU Continuity; Laura and Sadie have some time with just each other for one of the hottest days of the summer.
“Laura, honey, it’s too hot for sex.” Sadie complained, turning the air conditioner down another two degrees, wondering if maybe it was broken. They were in the middle of the desert, but even this was ridiculous for Vegas.
“You’re too hot.” Laura grinned, hugging her fiancée around the shoulders. “Come on, it’s been like, a week since you’ve have a day off from the shop. I wanna be with you.”
“That was a shitty pickup line.” Sadie still couldn’t help the giggle that escaped her as Laura brushed her hair aside, tickling her neck before kissing it.
“Yeah well, I’m all out of the good ones. I had to steal from Dwight’s repertoire.” Laura insisted, pressing another kiss under Sadie’s ear.
“If he was here he’d tell you it was shitty even for his standards.”
“Yeah well he’s not. He’s in Kansas, which is not a desert- and goddamn why did we move to the desert?” Laura sighed, not letting go of Sadie.
“Because we don’t know anyone here and we wanted to avoid them for a while; so we could just be us.” Sadie repeated the same old mantra.
Laura smiled into Sadie’s neck, “So… why can’t we just be us for a while? Just you and me?”
Sadie sighed; but the air conditioning did seem to be kicking in, and she had missed Laura this week…
“Can we get the tower fan at least?”
“Um, duh.” Laura said, spinning Sadie around and leaning down to kiss her. “I wouldn’t want you to be sweating for any other reason than-”
Sadie laughed, rolling her eyes. “Laura! Come on! You need better lines!”
Laura pressed a quick kiss to Sadie’s lips before escaping into the bedroom. “Let a girl try!”
“I resent you referring yourself to anything other than a woman since you decided to get taller than me!” Sadie called, following Laura who was already turning on the tower fan in the bedroom.
“I got taller than you at like? 16 though? It’s been way too many years for you to keep complaining about that.”
The fan did a world of good in cooling down the bedroom; but even with the blinds drawn Sadie still knew the steaming pavement and melting tires were waiting for them outside the townhouse; itching for them to step outside and roast in the Nevada heat. Maybe they should get a basement dug, if only to have a place to retreat in the summers.
Laura rolled out onto their bed, sprawling like a starfish. “Come on, don’t make me do all the work.”
“This was your idea, I thought you were treating me.” Sadie teased, one hand on her hip. “I expect to be dazzled.”
Laura rolled off the bed, stepping up to Sadie, “Oh I can dazzle. But like, are you ready for what I throw at you?”
“You’re being silly.” She said, looking up at Laura’s goofy grin. “Just kiss me before you start really sounding stupid.”
“I’m trying to woo you.” Laura said, tilting Sadie’s chin up, her smile crinkling the corners of her dark blue eyes. “Let me woo.”
“Woo away honey.” Sadie said, softly as Laura kissed her. Gently at first, before nibbling at her lower lip and deepening it with a tilt of her head. Sadie gasped, Laura’s hand in her long hair and pulling her closer.
As hot as it was, they didn’t waste time shedding their layers, making a game of it to throw each item in a different corner of the room. It was laundry day tomorrow anyways; picking up shorts from the lamp in the corner was easier than bending down to the floor.
At least that’s what Laura said when Sadie pointed it out; any further observations were rendered moot by Laura sliding her hands up Sadie’s sides, smoothing rolling flesh under hand and tracing a line to her breasts. Sadie bit back a giggle, sitting back on the bed and letting Laura touch her. It was purposeful and sure; they didn’t have to explore each other, because they’d already seen and discovered each other over and over, though there were always surprises, nothing was unfamiliar.
Sadie caught Laura’s neck, pulling her in for another kiss, Laura’s thumbs against her nipples, peaking to the touch. The tip of her tongue against Laura’s always made her catch her breath- even for just a moment. Each roll of Laura’s thumbs was consistent and soft, the way Sadie liked. It didn’t have to be hard; if it was too much all at once, she just ended up with a restless sheet of energy settling under her skin, weighing her down and not letting her get off, just plateauing uselessly. They had to build it slower.
“That’s good, just like that.” Sadie tightened her fingers for a moment, settling her hands on Laura’s shoulders.
Laura switched pressure but kept consistent, drawing a pleased noise from Sadie. “Glad to know I’m not rusty.”
“It’s been a week, not a year.” Sadie huffed, rolling her neck around working out a crick. “Besides, you’re always good to me. Huh, hey move up.”
Laura had her knee resting between Sadie’s legs on the bed, but they scooted up and over so Sadie could lay on her back. She shoved the pillows up behind her head, rolling another under her bottom so Laura wouldn’t strain herself.
“God we’re old. I need assistance to go down on my girlfriend.” Laura said, complaining into Sadie’s neck, pressing a quick kiss there before nipping her collarbone.
“Fiancée dear. Don’t tell me you forgot?” Sadie teased, nudging Laura’s side with her knee. Laura rubbed her thigh, settling between them.
“I didn’t, I just think girlfriend sounds cuter until I get to call you my wife.” Laura yelped at Sadie shoving her playfully.
“Gods, you’re so weird!” Sadie said, but her flush betrayed her real opinion. Laura took that as an invitation to jump back up, kissing her between giggles. Her hands rubbed circles on Sadie’s hips; the length of their bodies too hot to stay like this in the Vegas heat, but for the moment? It was worth it.
Laura bit her lip, teeth flashing in a bright grin. “You love me Sade.”
Sadie softened. “Of course I do.”
“Love you too.” Laura pressed another quick kiss to her mouth before nipping her ear and the side of her breast, back on track to her original plan; hands on Sadie’s thighs, stroking long lines against dark skin.
“You’re not too hot? I can turn the fan higher.”
“I’m good.” Sadie tucked her hair out of her face, tracing her sternum methodically for something to do with her hands. “You’re comfy down there?”
“It’s my favourite place.” Laura grinned wickedly, kissing Sadie’s inner thigh. Her hands got closer to the trimmed thatch of curls with every pass. Green eyes closed, concentrating on breathing slowly and hitching her hips up in the smallest of rocking motions. Laura licked a thumb and moved closer again; Sadie chuckled, shifting up.
Laura looked up, fingers pausing. “Do you want to use lube Sade?”
Sadie thought about it, opening her eyes to the ceiling. The cool breeze from the fan was welcome, but distracting. She shifted, “I’m good, unless you want to use the strap on?”
“No; it’s too hot for that unless you want to go on your front- oh, oh yeah.” She said belatedly, her thumb’s circling reaching Sadie’s lips and slipping in easily.
Sadie breathed in, rubbing her cheek against her shoulder, letting out the breath with satisfaction. “Oh that’s nice. Are you going to be like this every time I’m not completely wet down my thighs?”
“I hate the taste of the lube, but you’re worth it.”
“This is why you, ah, take your time.” Sadie leant back onto the pillow, squirming up as Laura ducked down to press her tongue against Sadie’s clit, switching to her pointer finger curling into Sadie. “Oh, in and out- not curling.”
Laura complied, circling Sadie’s clit with her tongue keeping pressure even; her other hand pulling the curls away to let her mouth work away against Sadie’s rocking hips. Sadie whined, her legs pulling back towards her. She ran her nails lightly against her stomach, wanting to touch, to feel. The energy under her skin was vibrating, thrumming with the slow build Laura did to her so well. Laura’s arm against her lower belly kept her from bucking too unexpectedly. It didn’t stop her from scratching Laura’s arm as her hands went by.
“I like that, you’re doing great.” Sadie tried to stay consistent, but Laura was throwing in a random flick with her tongue, or sucking quickly, before going back to the steady circles. Sadie’s breathing was getting shallower, swallowing whines as the feeling of pleasure mounted.
“Two fingers?”
“Three.” Sadie twitched upwards, grasping at Laura’s finger sliding in and out of her in slick, solid motions. She could hear how wet she was getting, how she sounded against Laura’s tongue.
“Greedy.” Laura murmured between Sadie’s legs, only adding one more finger anyways. She knelt lower, her own thighs rubbing together; sticky from sweat and how much she couldn’t wait for Sadie to return the favour.
A whine. Laura smiled, picking up the pace minutely; switching directions to lap against Sadie’s clit- pausing between licks and enjoying Sadie’s needy sounds.
“Please?” Sadie asked, rocking up in jerky motions, gripping the fabric beneath them. She could hear her heart getting louder in her ears, a throbbing want in her thighs to press against Laura and have her hands sink deep in her. “Ah!”
Laura kept going; steady hands and a hungry tongue, tasting Sadie go from thick and bitter to salty slick. She caught a look, Sadie’s chin tucked against her chest and whining. She made such cute noises, high pitched and shaky. She’d only made her cry once, a marathon after they’d gotten engaged; it left Laura with hand cramps and two sets of lips swollen and throbbing for what felt like forever. But it was always nice to hear those shaky sounds; Sadie squeaking, her ankle springing up and onto Laura’s back, urging her forward.
She couldn’t talk huh? She was getting close. Laura kept at it for another minute before pressing her whole mouth down, jerking her fingers up and curled in fast, quick motions. Her tongue flicked side to side with hard swipes; pulling gasps and moans from her fiancée’s mouth. Sadie squeaked, swearing and thrusting up against Laura’s ministrations.
Come on babe, Laura thought, keeping the blitz going; smelling the dark scent of Sadie’s sweat between soft thighs which couldn’t keep still with how much she was moving.
A choked swear- ah there it was. Laura curled her fingers in deeper, rubbing the rougher patch she knew would do Sadie in. She was rewarded with Sadie raking her neck with her nails, her chest rising in a silent moan as she came against Laura’s tongue. The rocking was erratic, more thrusting hips without direction; it was fun to try to make the peak last, to see how long the flush would stay on Sadie’s skin, how unfocused she got as she lost herself in the feeling Laura gave her.
“Little more, come on babe.�� Laura said, leaning up and rubbing Sadie’s slick clit with her free hand, curling in with her other. She leaned back to draw the last ragged breaths from Sadie with a satisfied smile.
Sadie gasped, eyes opening to Laura’s slowing motions. She couldn’t just stop; Sadie was still shaky, clutching at her skin with trembling hands.
“You always look so good when I make you come.” Laura said, biting her lip.
Sadie pushed her hair back again; it’d gotten messy as she moved. “Flatterer.”
“I do what I can.” Laura teased, finally letting Sadie rest; wiping her fingers on the discarded tank top.
She crawled up, lying beside Sadie on her side. Sadie let her legs fall open, resisting the urge to play with her soaked curls. She felt well sated, a glow she couldn’t stop smiling from.
“You’re so good at this.” Sadie said, looking at her fiancée with a smile.
“I practice.” Laura admitted with amusement in her eyes. Sadie met and matched that look.
“Well, give me a minute; I want to get my fingers in you, but I have to catch my breath.”
“Take all the time in the world.” Laura said.
“I love you.”
“I love you too.”
#daltonficbigbang2020#daltonfic#exp#otp#ladie motorbike#laura bancroft#sadie moore#vegas au#oneshot#artemiswrites
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All Were Innocent Once: Chapter 9 - The Hunter
I had a lot of fun writing this chapter, and it’s up there as one of the Cirak chapters I’ve been most excited for (though there are two more that I’m hyped as hell to write). This is the last chapter we’ve got until we skip forward to the year 3653 BBY - people familiar with SWTOR lore will understand its importance. Things are really going to start picking up real soon. These little kids won’t quite be so little anymore.
I also want to give a brief shout-out to @the-sith-in-the-sky-with-diamond and @exeunt-legacy, both of whom have made really awesome art pieces recently that featured Cirak. It means a lot!
As always if you’ve been enjoying these be sure to like and reblog. Feedback - positive, negative, nonsensical - is always appreciated!
Despite his best efforts, the airspeeder remained dead. Cirak huffed in frustration as he slid the wrench out from under the machine and then rolled himself out in suit. Just as when they’d first taken flight the repulsor refused to work, and any hopes Cirak had of flying away remained as grounded as the speeder itself. Though it had taken considerable effort, Cirak had managed to repair the speeder to at least a point of adequate functionality, all save the repulsor. With every attempt at ignition it would refuse to budge from off the ground. He didn’t care how long it lasted. Anything as much as a start was fine by him.
Days ago the Jedi woman had taken Tyar from him, but it felt as though it had been months. Each passing second filled Cirak with regret, anger, and bitterness. He had allowed his little brother – his only living kin – to leave his side, possibly forever. All he could hope was that Tyar was somewhere safe and not stuck like himself.
He was really starting to doubt the claim Kihts always get by.
With a grunt Cirak slumped himself against the speeder, too tired to even bother adjusting himself into a more comfortable sitting position. The heat from the underside of the vehicle had forced him to abandon his shirt as he worked on its repair, and he snatched it up from where it’d been heaped. His legs were sprawled out in front of him, and his arms hung limply at his sides. He felt so tired, and sleep called to him like an old friend, but he knew of whom he’d dream should he welcome it, and it was still too painful. All he could do was work on getting away.
It was nothing short of a miracle that no one had stumbled across him or the wreckage yet, especially one a planet such as Nar Shaddaa. All it took was one gang or errant criminal to stumble across him unprepared, and that would be it. His father’s blaster hadn’t left his side, just in case. As with everyone else who tested their luck on the Smuggler’s Moon it was bound to run out, and it loved repaying in kind. Cirak knew he had to move fast in order to escape her wrath.
Above him the city continued giving off its neon glow. Advertisements flickered in brightly lit signs beckoning him to engage in just about every product, luxury, or vice their purveyor could offer. Below him, infinite black. It struck him for the first time that he had no restraints left. Mom was long dead, and Dad had most likely just joined her. Tyar was no longer his responsibility. When he did finally reach the air, he’d have to ask himself where he’d go next. Offworld was out of the question without credits to spare. Cirak glanced down at the blaster. If need be he could hold up some small store, but that would only be a temporary solution. As unsavory as it sounded, a gang was the most likely was to ensure his survival on his own.
It was an entirely moot point for the time being. He’d first have to get airborne again before he could decide on anything.
Cirak started redonning his shirt when he paused. The only way he’d survive was if he worked. With an annoyed flick he tossed it away and slid back under the airspeeder, wrench in hand. “Okay,” he muttered, tightening the repulsor in place. “You are gonna work for me, or I will personally scrap you and sell you off piece by piece. Got it?” He tapped the wrench against metal, but all he received in return was an emotionless clang.
Sliding out once more, Cirak hoisted himself up and crawled into the driver’s seat for the umpteenth time. With a shaking hand he flipped the ignition again. The airspeeder hummed to life, vibrating gently beneath him. All beginning systems seemed functional. Muttering a silent prayer, he flipped the switch to the repulsor engine.
The vehicle violently lurched upwards, jolting Cirak as it carried him up. The repulsor roared to life, and though it rocked slightly with imbalance, it still floated all the same. He could fly. Laughing, Cirak engaged the landing module before turning the speeder off again. It worked; it actually worked.
Not wanting to waste a second longer, Cirak threw himself from the speeder as he sprinted towards his makeshift encampment around the corner, stumbling as his feet hit uneven concrete and rubble. The Jedi had left him the tent, a canteen of water, and some packages of dried fruit, all of which he’d found hours after they’d left. He’d used all three sparingly. From scavenging the refuse in the surrounding area he’d found a meager plasteel canister of fuel, which he kept inside the tent with the rest. Tucking the snacks and canteen under his armpit, Cirak snatched up the canister with his free hand and made his way back towards his ticket out of Nar Shaddaa’s depths.
Just as Cirak was pushing back the tent flap he heard the roar of an airspeeder overhead. He froze. It couldn’t be his. There hadn’t been anyone else around to take it, and the sound he heard seemed far more stable than the clunky mess he’d just fixed. This was someone else. The planet seemed to have decided that his luck was up.
Cautiously, Cirak peeked his head out from the tent and looked skyward. A red speeder made its descent slowly towards where Cirak’s prize lay waiting for him. He counted four occupants, but couldn’t make out any details from his vantage point. They were probably armed. Everyone here was armed.
Cirak crouched, darting over to the nearby corner of the building, the same one he’d crashed into days earlier. Chunks of rubble and caved-in portions of the storefront provided him some cover, and he ducked behind it. He set down his food and water, switched the canister to his left hand, and then drew his father’s blaster from his side. After taking another deep breath he peered over, finger resting on the trigger.
Now that it was at eye level, Cirak could clearly see the insignia on the speeder’s side, the same one that was painted on the doors of the one he’d stolen. Three goons, all aliens, emerged from it, each wearing some light combat armor more commonly associated with gang enforcers. They spread out in the perimeter of their landing zone, blaster rifles at the ready. Cirak shrunk himself down against the rubble, holding his breath as the footsteps drew closer. He could hear the thug’s bootsteps crunch against the graveled pavement, stopping mere feet from where Cirak hid.
“Nobody here boss,” the goon closest to him called back. His footsteps retreated, and when he seemed a sufficient distance away Cirak exhaled as quietly as he could manage before poking his head out again.
In the passenger seat of the airspeeder sat a portly looking human reclined in the seat, his stubby fingers drumming against the speeder door with a distinct note of impatience. His auburn hair was a single line of short running vertically down an otherwise cleanly waxed dome. What little hair he possessed fanned up at small intervals, giving a spiny appearance not unlike the spikes on a krayt dragon. Although he could only see the man’s profile from a distance, Cirak made note of metallic plating around his jawline that extended upwards to his eyes, masked only by a thin forked beard. Cirak couldn’t imagine getting cybernetics for any reason other than necessity, and given the man’s lack of scars it seemed as though he’d done it by choice.
The man stepped out of the speeder, his long jacket unfurling as he rose. With a gait not unlike someone approaching a long-lost lover he approached the other airspeeder, a single hand outstretched that stroked its scuffed-up hood. Its violet color had been all but scratched away in the landing, and its whole body was riddled with dents. “Oh my sweet girl,” the man said, still petting the vehicle, “What did those kids do to you?” He froze mid-motion and turned back to the closest member of his entourage. “You said there’s nobody here?”
“Uh, well, yeah,” he said, scratching the back of his head.
“Tell me then,” the man started. He whipped out a blaster pistol from his side and pointed it at the speeder’s seat. His puffy face turned a deep shade of red. “Why aren’t there two child corpses in the seats? Someone’s been working on it!”
“Y-yes boss, that makes sense.”
“Find them,” he barked, “But leave them alive. Only kill the older kid if you absolutely have to. The little one will fetch a good price with the right people.” He started for his own speeder again, brushing past his lieutenant.
Blast it, Cirak thought. If they fanned out they’d find him in no time, and he couldn’t fight three gang enforcers by himself. Even one would be a challenge. He could try making a run for it and hope to lose them in the alleyways, but there were so many straight shots that he’d only end up with a bolt in his back. And he couldn’t hide. If they found his campsite then they’d know for sure that he was nearby, and they’d find him eventually.
Dad would know what to do. He always had some idea. Mom used to laugh about them, saying how sometimes his dumbest ideas would get them out of the tightest jams during their smuggling days. “Sometimes you don’t need to know what you’re doing,” Dad had said once. “All you need is a way out and a good aim.”
Cirak glanced down at the fuel canister, frowning. Right now he had the element of surprise, and he couldn’t use the speeder anyways if he was dead. They’d shoot him on sight if they detected him, especially seeing him armed. It was a very bad idea, but the only one he had.
Rising, Cirak heaved the fuel canister across his body with a grunt, hurling it towards the gangsters and the speeder he’d spent so long trying to fix. As it tumbled end-over-end through the air, Cirak tracked its path with his blaster. He released a steady breath. The canister landed at their feet, and they had just enough time to look up in his direction.
Then he fired.
The ensuing explosion rocked him from his feet and sent him sprawling to the ground. Fire swallowed the two closest gangsters before they could even cry out, and the charred remains of the third was sent hurling into a nearby alley. Fiery scrap metal spun out just above him, and Cirak felt wind rush past his face as it whirled by, nearly ending his life then and there. A cloud of smoke billowed from the wreckage, so dark and black that he could barely see it against Nar Shaddaa’s night sky.
Cirak scrambled for his blaster and crawled to his feet. Despite his distance from the blast, his ears still rung, and he braced himself on the building’s support beam for balance. Dust coated his hands, and the scrapes on his hands stuck against the blaster’s handle as he readied his aim.
He scanned the area again, heart racing violently against his chest. The explosion had consumed two of the gangsters, and spat the third out in flames, but he hadn’t seen the fourth, the leader. He was quite possibly dead, and Cirak just hadn’t seen him die. Not like the others.
Moving cautiously, Cirak approached the wreckage. Both his hands remained locked around his blaster. It took all the focus he had to keep them from shaking. Heat emanated from the skeletal corpse of the airspeeder. Metal screeched as its frame melted away, its sound like a wounded animal. Cirak gave the speeder a light kick. This is gonna be a lot harder to repair, he thought with a smirk. Humor was all he had.
Before Cirak could react, strong hands gripped him by the shoulders and hurled him back with colossal strength. He hit the ground hard, and his blaster skidded underneath the other, undamaged, speeder. Cirak started reaching for it, but then he was seized up in his assailant’s grip once more, dragged towards the speeder. They slammed him against the door, and the impact denting it. Cirak cried out in pain.
“Do you have any idea who you’re messin’ with kid?” the gang leader roared, his spittle coating Cirak’s face. The flames had taken a significant amount of his face away, revealing the cybernetic implants underneath. They glowed red-hot, and the flesh nearest it sizzled. “Huh? Do you?!” He shook Cirak again.
“You blew up my home!” Cirak shouted. To his own surprise he felt anger, not fear. “You tried to kill my little brother and I!”
“Wrong,” the leader replied, shoving him to the ground. The passenger-side door opened, and as Cirak pushed himself up he realized that his head was right in its path. “I tried to kill your brother. I’m going to kill you.”
Cirak threw himself back to the ground just in time to avoid having his head crushed with the same ease as a rotten gourd. He rolled, scrambling underneath the speeder as he narrowly dodged the gang leader’s grasping hands that searched for any loose bit of clothing he could use to restrain him. Locating his father’s blaster, Cirak dove for the weapon and fired two shots back. They found only empty air, and above him Cirak could hear metallic beats as the leader climbed over the speeder.
He planted his feet on the speeder’s underside and pushed off. The ground scraped his back as he slid, but he didn’t pay it any mind. Without a second thought he fired again just as the gang leader re-entered his sight.
Heavy weight fell atop him, coating Cirak’s view in black. The smell of sweat filled his nostrils. Clammy skin pressed hard against his own. The sensation made Cirak want to retch, and he scrambled out from underneath the corpse, gasping for air. Fresh air was a nonexistent concept on Nar Shaddaa, but that deep breath then felt the closest thing to it. He was alive.
Someone clapped behind him. “Well done!” Cirak spun towards the voice, blaster raised. All he saw was a silhouette against the shadows of the storefront, and he could only make out vague details. Tall and muscular, befitting of his deep voice; thick, broad shoulders put his wingspan wider than most other men, their size exacerbated by the body armor he wore. Cirak could see the outline of a blaster rifle across his back, and the man didn’t even seem to be considering reaching for it. “I’d lower that, kid,” he said, sharing the advice with a tone no more serious than someone suggesting a meal needed more salt.
“Are you gonna try to shoot me?” Cirak yelled back, keeping his aim steady. Enough people had tried to kill him tonight; he wasn’t about to lower his guard to let it happen again.
“If I was planning on that why would tell you?”
Cirak clenched his jaw. “I don’t know, but how’s that a good reason for me to lower my blaster?”
The man paused. “Fair point.” One hand raised cautiously in front of him, the man reached around his back with other a slowly removed his blaster rifle from its holster. He crouched, and in one smooth motion slid his weapon across the ground to Cirak. “That good enough?”
Hesitating, Cirak glanced between the man and the rifle. It could still be a ploy. Who was to say that he wasn’t carrying some other weapon at his side, or concealed beneath his clothing? But he had been standing there, watching long enough that Cirak hadn’t even noticed his presence at all. If he’d wanted him dead, he’d be dead. Cirak let his aim go limp, the dropped the blaster altogether.
“Good,” the man said, stepping fully out of the shadows. Even by human standards he looked pale, the only color in his cheeks being the red from the neon signs flickering above. The hair atop his head contrasted this feature greatly, as dark as the planet’s abyss and trimmed into a clean crew cut framed by pointed sideburns that curled inwards like horns. Sure enough he wore armor, the quality of which was unlike anything Cirak had ever seen. It didn’t have the same gleam or polish that he’d seen of Imperial and Republic soldiers, but twice as effective, its dark color suited for camouflage.
The man strode past Cirak right on over to the gang leader’s body. He rolled the corpse over, clicking his tongue. “Griph Griph Griph, not how you expected to go out huh? Always lookin’ over your shoulder…Bet you never expected a kid would shoot you in the face.” He reached into his pocket and pulled out a cigarette. After blowing a puff of smoke he stubbed it out on the body.
“Who was he?” Cirak asked as he pushed himself back to his feet.
“Griph Rymor,” the man said, casting a backwards glance at him. “The man’s been racking up quite a bounty since Coruscant. Well, he had been racking up quite a bounty.”
Cirak looked the man over again. It all made sense, the weaponry, the armor… “You’re a bounty hunter?”
“One of the galaxy’s best. Which puts me in a bit of a predicament right now.” He rose, leaning against the speeder. “See, I only hung back because I thought you’d make a good distraction. Didn’t think you’d actually survive, but, lo and behold, you did, all while I was busy getting set up. I’ve been chasing this bounty for a while. I find it pretty disappointing that I didn’t get to finish the job.
“And, since I didn’t finish the job, I can’t be the one who collects.” The man gestured to the buildings, tracing his finger from points that Cirak could not grasp. “There are video feeds everywhere along here. If my employer wants this authenticated – and they often do – they’ll be checking those feeds, at which point they’ll see you making the kill, not me.”
“How’s that my problem?” Cirak said, glaring. The man didn’t feel so benevolent, not anymore. He shot a cautious glance to his blaster again.
“I’m getting to that. Kid, I like getting paid. ‘Paid’ is one of my two favorite words that ends in ‘-aid.’ So, I’m left with two options. Option one: I break both your kneecaps, torch this rather fine airspeeder right here, and then get to work erasing any and all footage of you killing Griph Rymor, which will probably take me the better part of a week to get done. Big hassle for me, lots of pain for you.” The man shrugged, then lifted his arm to reveal a blaster pistol concealed on his person. Cirak cursed less-than-quietly.
“What’s option two?” he asked.
“Glad you asked. You, kid, have one hell of an aim and an even better survival instinct. In my line of work there isn’t a more vital combination than those two things.” He raised two fingers. “Option two: you join my team, and we all split the bounty on this one. Just looking at you I can tell you’d make a great hunter. Ah, don’t worry,” he said, waving off his own comment, “I’ll show you the ropes so you don’t flounder out there. So, what’ll be kid? Crushed kneecaps or credits?”
Cirak looked him over. The man’s face didn’t bear any hint of jest and he watched Cirak expectantly. For a moment he forgot that he was even supposed to answer. “You’re serious?”
“Dead serious.”
I can leave. Cirak glanced around him, then up at the sky. “Will I get to go offworld?”
“Kid the who concept of ‘offworld’ is going to lose its meaning to you with how much of the galaxy you’ll see.”
Cirak laughed breathlessly, the grin spreading on his face unfightable. The prospect of bounty hunting seemed far preferable to gang life or robbing people. There was nothing left for him on Nar Shaddaa. No home, no family, no Tyar… “Credits. Definitely credits.”
The man smirked. “Good, you have some brains.” He approached, extending his hand. “What’s you name kid?”
“Cirak Kiht,” he said, taking it and giving a firm shake.
“Taelros Obi’sey. Welcome to the team Cirak. We’re going to make a bounty hunter out of you yet.”
#all were innocent once#awio#swtor#my swtor#swtor oc#oc fanfiction#swtor fanfiction#swtor fanfic#cirak#cirak kiht#bounty hunter
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Different Kisses with Hakyeon / N

Thanks so much for this request and your patience! Hakyeon is one of the most hardworking leaders in kpop and I have so much respect for this beautiful human, so it’s going to be fun writing kisses for him! I hope you enjoy!
Kissing Hakyeon is fairytale inducing – he makes you feel like you’ll float away into another plane of pure happiness with every touch of his lips.
First kiss:
Even though he worked with you before dating, he still wanted to impress you that he is the perfect boyfriend to have. And well, so far you weren’t going to deny that. He had treated you to the most romantic experiences of your life and frankly, you were smitten with him. He wasn’t the type to fall fast with anyone and perhaps because you were one of his stylists it makes sense that the time as co-workers had built up enough of a bond to explain why he fell hard for you ever since you started dating.
So the first kiss had to be perfect. He came up with many plans, should he rent a small restaurant room and kiss you over dessert so it was a sweet encounter? Take you to the beach and as you’re walking along hand in hand at night kiss you under the stars? Drive you to your favourite lookout, point out at something to distract you and come in and deliver a mind-blowing kiss? He was a dreamer as well as romantic. The more effort he put into this never to be forgotten kiss, the more exhausted he became. His schedule was hectic and now he was trying to plan some extravagant event too. It was becoming all too much and he wasn’t getting enough sleep.
You found him resting in a chair in his waiting room in between scenes on his latest drama set and smiled, coming up to gently take in his sleeping features. You noticed just how exhausted he looked and this wouldn’t be good when he went on set in fifteen minutes. It wouldn’t be the first time you applied makeup to one of the VIXX members whilst asleep, Hakyeon included. Getting out your supplies to fix up his makeup a little, you leant down into his face, applying some concealer when he started to mumble.
“What?” you asked, slowing down your actions. “What did you say?”
“I want to kiss you so badly,” he mumbled and you bit back your smile trying not to squeal at how adorable he was being. Now you knew what he was putting all his energy into.
You waited until he was more alert later when the set was being packed up for the day, both of you hopping into the staff van and waiting on his manager to wrap up with tasks when you leant over and placed a chaste kiss upon his lips, Hakyeon’s eyes widening as he jumped back.
“What are you doing?!”
“You said to me earlier that you wanted to kiss me badly. I thought you’d appreciate getting to do so now.”
“But, but…” he trailed off and realised that there was no point arguing the point about his plans now being moot. He pouted all the same, shaking his head at you. “Do you even call that a proper kiss?”
His lips were swift to move back to yours, firmly kissing you as you gripped at his shirt, completely unsettled by how passionate this was all getting. He made sure to make your lips feel like treasures that he was collecting, sucking sweetly at your bottom lip before he pulled away.
The expression of sheer surprise was enough for Hakyeon to know that it didn’t matter where he had done it with you, but how. And he was certain you wouldn’t forget your first kiss together, ever.
Public kisses:
Hakyeon isn’t affected by environment on where he shows you affection. Of course he’s respectful and isn’t going to make a display out of your love for everyone to see, but frankly, he doesn’t care what others are doing with their lives when he’s with you either. His top priority is to see you happy, and if you’re smiling then he is too and feeling super in love with you from witnessing such happiness. Oh yes, this man loves you too much to merely hold your hand when he’s happy around you. Lots of stopping to hug you, to softly speak into your ear about how beautiful you are, kisses on the side of your head are all too common when out with Hakyeon. And on dates, he’ll do all that he wanted to in the beginning, making the dessert sweeter, digging his toes into the sand when you kiss under the stars and stealing so many kisses in between. In fact, he’s a master at stealing kisses now, loving how you instantly blush with surprise at his lips on yours. The epitome of a romantic. Oh, and he knows he’s doing well too, all this feeding into his ego that he is the best boyfriend you could ever have. Yeah yeah, just keep kissing, Hakyeon.
And it’s actually you who gets jealous when out and about because it’s so very obvious to all those around you that he loves you that you find women gazing at him often in awe at how effortless his moves are on you. Sometimes it irks you enough to push him away but he only chuckles and pulls you back in his arms, uttering that he only can see you. Dammit, why is he so good at placating you?!
Private kisses:
Behind closed doors, it’s as if you’re living a married life together. Sure, there are some playful times because all couples need them, but from early on you’ve just fit into each other’s worlds seamlessly. There is a lot of connection through holding one another, lots of cuddling on the sofa after schedules with deep kisses mingled in. Domestically, even if he nags or is lazy at times, he will barter through chores with you and fulfil them. There’s nothing outstanding about each day, there is routine in your actions but the comfortable nature is welcomed when you’re both busy in the entertainment industry. You love watching him do the dishes and he loves helping you cook. It’s these simple tasks that everyone has to face in life that you both enjoy the most together, endless smiles in between, quick kisses when you cross paths with one another around the house, and gentle touches. Even when you’re working on tasks in the same area but are individual, Hakyeon prefers being able to touch you at all times, resting a hand on your thigh or in your lap and your spare hand linking with his, a non-verbal way of expressing happiness and affection for each other without interrupting what you’re doing.
He’s definitely big on utilising all the time you have together to shower you in his affections, telling you constantly that he loves you whilst he’s back hugging you and kissing along your neck. And whilst his kisses are high in quantity, don’t expect them to lack in any way – even when they’re short and sweet, there’s definitely a firmness to them that reminds you every time that he craves you 24/7.
Making out:
Because there is a lot of kissing already in your relationship, you’re used to feeling the flutters erupt in your stomach every time his lips find yours. It’s a different feeling when you start making out as if your skin is burning from the inside out. Hakyeon is quite the tease; he knows all your little sensitive weaknesses on your body and will toy with you for quite some time whilst his lips caress yours. He’s an expert at speeding the tempo of your heated moment up, entrapping you and listening to you gasp as he bites at your neck and collarbones deftly, smirking when he pulls back with a lustful gaze. He likes talking to you when you’re making out which due to the headiness of the situation, his voice is thick and it makes you beg for more, of his lips, of his voice, of his everything. Of course, this plays into stroking his ego and can either go two ways, him giving in to the major desire he’s feeling for you or withholding a little more and making you both work harder. He’s a moaner, especially if you tug at his hair and his hands are always exploring all over you, with his lips following too. And despite how eager you are to be fully connected with him, you know all too well there is a time and place for that. Generally, making out is just the first act and you’ll have to wait for the main event later on. Even though it has you on edge for the rest of the day until you can both crash through the front door of your home and shed your clothes along the way to the bedroom, you know that the build-up of the anticipation is always worth it.
Morning kisses:
Waking up in Hakyeon’s arms is blissful. It’s usually you who wakes up first and gets to stare at the man who has captured your mind, body and spirit. And whilst he’s definitely more of the handsy partner, you love being able to gently draw out his features with your fingers, running them lightly over his face before landing on his lips. And whilst you claim his eyes is your favourite feature to him because they show you so much of his inner thoughts and feelings, his lips are a definite runner-up, making you smile when he blindly kisses you as you hesitate your hand over his face. When awake there is a string of fumbled kisses that all meld into each other, alerting his senses and making him smile into you. Mornings are so endearing and set you up to get through the grind of the day.
And if you don’t have to move immediately, he’s definitely going to pull you on top of him as he sits up. He loves having you straddled over his lap so he can hold you closer, gaze into your eyes and kiss and talk with you all morning long. Yes, please.
Making up:
Fighting with Hakyeon doesn’t happen as often as it used to. As co-workers, he was very opinionated and upfront, and whilst that hasn’t really changed, you’ve grown accustomed to picking your fights well. A lot of the things he says, well, they’re easy to brush off at times – even if this annoys him. All the same, you both have a healthy banter, able to choose how far things are allowed to travel and preventing a lot of arguments because you’re both sensible as a couple. However, if things do get heated he’s a petty fighter who grows more emotional the longer you’re yelling at each other, and it becomes pretty detrimental. For a couple who love being so connected, physically and mentally, arguing takes quite a toll on you both.
Hakyeon is usually insistent on taking a break from one another in the heat of the moment, but neither of you lasts too long apart, rushing into each other’s arms and kissing with a desperate need for one another. Making up definitely has the ability to be focused on reconnecting physically first, Hakyeon practically worshipping your body with thousands of kisses. When you’re both calmer, you can approach the situation with a better mindset, holding hands the entire time to reiterate you are a team and don’t need to get too out of control like before.
Dance Studio kisses:
Hakyeon isn’t just the busy leader of VIXX, he works hard on his art form as a dancer, both for his personal performances and for his group. It makes sense that he spends a lot of gruelling hours in the dance studio perfecting his skill and creating new concepts through moving his body. You spend a lot of time watching him dance over and over, making subtle changes and building up yet another hit dance for his members. And even though he seems completely exhausted when he finally accepts his dance is good enough to stop, he’s still full of smiles for you when he collapses against you on the sofa, running his hand up and down your side, sighing in content as you brush his sweaty hair away from his face. He’ll close his eyes in content and point to his lips in request for a kiss, your giggles meeting his lips obligingly and getting wrapped up in one another. It’s as if your lips revitalise him enough for another hour longer of dancing, and when he’s finally done, he’ll beckon you to him, swinging his hips against you as he holds you and kisses you for being so patient and waiting around for him. It doesn’t matter how often you see him dance, it never gets old so how could you not come and watch – and receive rewarding kisses of course!
Nagging kisses:
I’m sure you all expected this header, right? Hakyeon is a known nagger. Everyone who means something to him is put through his opinionated ways, and you are definitely no exception to this. He’ll nag you for good things, like making sure you’re eating enough, or when you get unwell, especially if he’s away. It’s his way of showing affection and care for you. But there’s also the endless stream of his opinions and how he views things to go. He’s a perfectionist and when people change that on him, effectively taking the control away from him, his response is to nag and drive that person insane as a form of taking the power back again. And as a romantic, he’s rather traditional in his thoughts about your relationship. Sure, he’s an advocate for equality but he can’t help but want to be seen as the one in control a lot of the time. As your protector, he likes to lead the way (even if he doubts himself, he won’t give up this role) and will nag to do so.
You know its part of his personality and mostly ignore him when he is mindlessly picking up on things that don’t really affect you as much as they do him but sometimes he can be incessant to have your full attention and make them a bigger deal.
He also nags when he’s jealous, pointing out things that don’t really suit the situation just to garner attention on him. If you were to look deeper into his behaviour, you’d know all this nagging makes sense with his personality.
But it doesn’t make it any easier to deal with sometimes. Much like his members, it’s hard to hold back the urge to retaliate or roll your eyes at him, and hyping up his already nagging tone is never fun. So you have a great tactic that quietens him instantly, kissing him and holding him still until he stops thinking and focuses on kissing you back. It’s a great confidence booster if he was feeling frazzled or jealous, and he’s got your full attention now too so he’s going to relax and possibly stop nagging for a while.
I said, possibly. Heh.
Stressed/sensitive kisses:
Following on with some of that insight into why he nags and knowing he’s a perfectionist in every sense of the word, it’s easy to imagine Hakyeon is able to get stressed often. He’s very self-critical on himself, and being a sensitive Cancerian doesn’t exactly assist him with clarity all the time. It’s easier for him to beat on himself than others, although he has no problem at pointing out faults when it’s the right time and need for it; he often shoulders a lot of the responsibility for his team members’ actions. It’s hard for you to watch him burden himself like this, knowing the actions of others deeply affect him at times and he’s too hard-working for his own good at times.
The great thing about your relationship is that you quickly realise the signs of his self-deprecation. For a guy who talks a big game about himself, he’s actually quite frightened and concerned on the inside of what to do next. And so you make the decision for him, encasing him in your arms and holding him to you. He questions you for your actions but deep down he knows you’ve realised things are hard on him and he breaks in your arms, not afraid to show you in that moment how vulnerable he’s feeling, and how much he needs you. Kisses are frequent little reminders that you’re beside him and will help lift him back up, encouraging him to let go of some of his burdens, to talk about them with others and accept he’s being too hard on himself. Of course, as desperate and emotional as the situation is, when he’s recovered from it he’ll be back to his vivacious self, nagging you for leaving a mess in the kitchen last night to try and avoid that recovery from how broken he was the night before. He’s thankful for you, and you can tell by the way he touches you for the next few days, gripping at you a little more tightly as he steps out from his burdens again.
Practice kisses:
We need some happy now, right? Of course, this kiss couldn’t be left out. As a budding actor, Hakyeon has lines he has to go over for his scenes the following day. And you’re a great help in assisting him with them all, acting out other characters for him to deliver precisely and practice the required emotions. Hakyeon doesn’t get many kiss scenes so when he suddenly drops his book and kisses you, well it’s a little overwhelming. You resist only for a second because his lips feel so good against yours, but when you’re pulling away, you accuse him of kissing you when it wasn’t in the script to do so.
“They don’t give me any kiss scenes, so I thought I’d make my own,” he informs and you’re secretly pleased about creating your own kiss scenes, after all, you’d rather him locking lips with you than on set anyways.
Night kisses:
Hakyeon is a deep thinker. He likes to share his thoughts with you throughout the day but admittedly due to your schedules, it makes sense the deep and meaningful talks happen when you’re wrapped up in each other in bed, winding down from your schedules and getting ready for sleep. Sometimes you can discuss so much in a night that sleep is put off due to the intensity of the conversations. There’s an element to these sessions that is so captivating that any worries or exhaustion you held previously are all forgotten about, getting completely lost in the words you’re both uttering. It could be about things you want to do together or individual goals, future dreams, and of course, there’s a lot of talk about how you both feel for each other. Because it’s supercharged with all these beautiful words and visions being shared, it’s naturally an intimate moment, caressing each other with your lips as your hands move over each other, grasping further at one another when you think of how close you really are to being able to start living our some of those future goals.
Dating Hakyeon is like you stepped into a fairytale where Prince Charming is always there to remind you how much he loves you and will do anything in this lifetime to make sure you remain as his. But he also has the ability to fall into the vivacious sidekick, helping you navigate your way through the obstacles that you face to get to your true love, making sure each and every day is fulfilled and you tried your best. And whilst he’s quite a sensitive person, it means you get to see all sides to his soul, inside and out and honestly, being able to call him yours is worth every nagging session in the world.
All rights reserved © prettywordsyouleft
Other VIXX members: Hakyeon // Taekwoon // Ken // Hyuk
[Different Kisses Masterlist] | [Main Masterlist] | [Request Guidelines]
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L1-L1 WH80 - Chapter 5, Beer
"Traditionally brewed beer has become a luxury, but this one's pretty close to the real deal..."
VA-11 HALL-A AU. HonoUmi. NicoMaki.
Word count: 5.9k
[Ao3] [FF.net]
“Umi-chan, you’ve been starin’ at the counter for a whole minute now. If you just wanted my company that badly, you could’ve just asked.”
“S-Sorry.” Had it really been that long? Umi had asked Nozomi for a word as they finished opening the bar tonight, but now words failed to come out of her mouth. Where did she even start? Umi did not know about relationships, crushes or anything at all regarding love. Just thinking of the word made her heart run at a marathon pace and her cheeks turn red like Adelhyde.
“Clearly we’re not getting anywhere if you can’t focus, so concentrate and gimme a Mercuryblast,” Nozomi said as she swiped her card for the transaction.
“Right, Mercuryblast.” Nozomi was right, her train of thought was somehow going through several different rails at neck-breaking speeds. A Mercuryblast, one Adelhyde, one Bronson Extract, three Powdered Delta, three Flanergide and two Karmotrine. All on the rocks and blended. Umi stared at the blue mix as she poured it into its glass. Hadn’t Honoka ordered one of these? She even tried to make a dumb joke about it too. The blue also kind of reminded her of Honoka’s eyes, but the color was not quite right, it should be a deeper tone. Why was Umi suddenly so aware of this drink? And not to mention that-
“Umi.” Nozomi’s voice snapped Umi out of her thoughts and handed the drink to her boss. “So, what did you want to talk about?” Nozomi asked as she swayed her drink in a circular motion.
“I-I figured that you might have… more experience about this sort of topic,” Umi started and, to keep her hands from trembling, grabbed the first glass her hands found and started to clean it, the cloth wiping it faster with each stroke.
In other circumstances, Nozomi would have poked fun at the fact that Umi had ran out of dirty glasses and was simply occupying her hands out of anxiety. Instead, she put down her drink and listened intently.
“And even if you don’t have that much experience on it, even a little bit would be sufficient. I-I myself have not experienced it before, and I consider you a good friend and someone I can talk about this. N-Not like Rin isn’t a good friend either! But… this requires a bit more subtlety and I’d rather not have her talk about this to every client she serves and…”
Nozomi simply listened, and she considered a pretty good listener at that, but Umi had started rambling and dodging whatever she wanted to talk about. “Umi,” she called out for the second time.
Hearing her name again almost made her jump. “D-Did I start ramble?”
“Are you gonna have sex? Is this what this is about?”
If the glasses provided by the BTC had not been made as sturdy as they were, Umi’s grip would have certainly cracked and broken the glass she had been wiping right in her hands. “N-No!” Umi yelled, startling both Nozomi and Rin, who was standing on the other side of the bar. “It’s not about sex!”
“Well, what’s got you so worked up then?”
“It’s Honoka-!” The words slipped out of her mouth before she could catch them. Instead of being met with a smug and playful grin from Nozomi followed by a teaseful joke, Umi found a gentle smile on Nozomi’s smile.
“Honoka, huh? So you finally put the pieces together?”
“T-The pieces? What are you talking about?” Umi put down the glass, knowing that it would eventually crack if she kept it in her hands.
“That you like her.”
Umi managed to keep her mouth shut and only made a muffled scream that was tame enough to not make Rin think that someone was getting murdered inside the bar. Thinking about it made her cheeks red, but hearing it from Nozomi heated up her entire face. “Y-Y-Yes, that… was I wanted to talk about.”
“So, what’re you planning to do?” Nozomi asked as she gently poked her drink.
“W-What do you mean what am I planning to do? I don’t know what I’m supposed to do!” Umi was starting to regret asking Nozomi for help. Was she not supposed to be wise, or at least a little bit knowledgeable about these kind of things? “I’m at a loss,” Umi said defeatedly.
“Well, do you wanna go out with her?”
“W-Well…” Umi blushed at the fact that now she was imagining Honoka, walking with her hand in hand. Embarrassment turned into a smile when she pictured Honoka smiling. “Y-Yes, I would.”
“Then just tell her,” Nozomi said curtly and began to drink her Mercuryblast.
Had all the time running a bar with marginal profit finally gotten to her boss? Or was she always this crazy? “I-I can’t just tell her!”
“And why not? I thought you wanted to go out with Honoka.” Nozomi only stopped drinking to talk and immediately continued with her Mercuryblast.
“Because what if she… what if she rejects me?” The thought stung much more than what Umi would have liked. “I… I don’t wish to make things uncomfortable. A-And she has a girlfriend already...”
“Oh, does she?” Nozomi raised an eyebrow. “Are you sure?”
“W-Well… I wouldn’t say I’m completely sure she has one, but that designer did seem to be her girlfriend,” Umi explained and sighed.
“Umi-chan, oh Umi-chan. You’re lookin’ at your cup half-empty again,” Nozomi shook her head. “A maiden in love shouldn’t be brooding! She should be gleefully happy, with butterflies in her stomach.”
“I do feel like I’m going to throw up,” Umi mumbled.
“Cheer up, Umi-chan. You’ve got nothing to worry about, you’re just overthinking yourself to death as per usual. You don’t have to tell Honoka, but the more time you let pass, the more it’ll gnaw at your head and the worse those butterflies in there will get,” Nozomi explained before getting up and offering her worker the now-empty glass. At least she now had something to actually clean. “Chin up, we’ve got a customer coming. I’ll be in my office,” Nozomi bid her farewell with a smile.
“And hey, if you really want that relationship, in the long run it really is about sex!”
Nozomi had taken refuge in the confines of her office too quickly and the steel shaker bottle that Umi threw in a blink of an eye panged against the office door instead of her boss’s face.
Umi glared at the door for a few moments before sighing and walking out of her station to pick up her shaker. Even if the conversation had seemed short and even moot, Nozomi was right: Umi would eventually need to talk to Honoka about this, her feelings were not going to simply disappear.
Once back in her station, Umi wiped the shaker as she began to ponder. She needed to come up with a plan. First, she should clarify what was the relationship between Honoka and Kotori. As much as it pained her to think that there was one in the first place, it would certainly put a quick end to this ordeal. There are plenty of people out there in Neo Tokyo that Umi had yet to meet after all. Going out to meet them seemed like a pain though, and none of the people who came to Lily White shone as bright as the police officer. Umi cursed internally, she was still overthinking everything like Nozomi had said, and she was not getting anywhere. She was in dire need of a distraction, something to clear her mind. More than ever before Umi cursed the lack of customers in the bar-
Umi had lost count how many times she had failed to notice people in front of her tonight. Looking up, Umi saw Maki sitting in front of her, her designer clothes halfway hidden by contrastingly white coat she wore over them.
“Oh, um, welcome to Lily White,” were all the words that Umi managed to mutter out. With the way things had gone last time Umi saw the doctor, she was certain that she would not come back ever again.
“Uh, yeah,” Maki seemed almost as distracted as the bartender as she looked around the bar. “Has that Lilim come back?”
“E-Excuse me?” Maki’s sudden question caught Umi off-guard. “Do you know Hanayo?”
“Wha- Hanayo?” The doctor repeated in confusion before shaking her head. “No, I meant the idol. The singing robot.”
“Oh, Nico,” Umi should have realized sooner. “No, you made sure to scare her off.” The memories of that night were still fresh in her mind, of how unnerving it had been to discover that Lilim could be that upset.
“O-Oh.” Maki raised one hand to one of her bangs and started to twirl it. She was not sporting a ponytail this time, Umi noticed. In fact, all of her appearance seemed less taken care of, her clothes had wrinkles under the coat and even her makeup did a poor job to conceal the dark eyebags on her face. “A Sunshine Cloud, please.”
Umi nodded and began to prepare her ingredients. As she poured the halves of Adelhyde and Bronson Extract, Umi decided it was for the best to keep the client sober and refrained from adding any alcohol. “I presumed you wouldn’t be coming back,” Umi commented as the drink blended.
“Work’s been more stressful than usual, so I needed a drink,” Maki explained once the blending process was over.
“It has been getting colder, so I'm guessing more people come in with a cold,” Umi chit chatted as she finished preparing Maki’s drink.
“It’s a private hospital, people don’t come to us just for a cold,” Maki denied Umi’s idea as she took her glass. “I’ve been having problems focusing and concentrating.”
“And you thought coming for alcohol would help you with that,” Umi deadpanned.
“Yes,” Maki agreed and was about to take her first sip before slamming her drink onto the counter. “No, wait, no! That’s not what I came here for!”
Umi was impressed: she had not even started to drink and she was stammering already. “Why do you come to a bar if not to drink then?”
“T-That’s none of your business,” Maki mumbled before starting on her drink.
Umi had never been as good at reading people as Nozomi but years of experience had taught her enough to see through the red haired doctor. She had probably come to offer an apology, to her if not to Nico. It was a shame that the idol never came back, as annoying as she was. She did seem to genuinely care for the things she loved, like her family. Umi had not picked it up at first, but thinking back on those previous days made her realize the small changes in the Lilim’s demeanor when she talked about those things.
“So she really hasn’t come back?” Maki asked again, her glass lying empty on the counter. Her voice showed a cocktail of feelings, one too familiar for Umi when she had to deal with people who had tried to drown their problems with booze, but Maki was completely sober.
“Do I have a reason to lie about it?” Umi asked as she inspected Maki’s expression. It seemed vacant at first glance, but Umi knew better. “No, she hasn’t.”
Maki took a deep breath and let it out with long groan. “Great, I made sure to come early tonight in the hopes of finding her and apparently she’s been long gone. I won’t be able to concentrate fully in my work, I’ll probably have to put off some appointments and…” Maki’s rant grew quieter until her words her an inaudible mumble for Umi. “Grizzly Temple.” Her voice picked up just to order another drink.
Umi could not remember when was the last time someone had ordered a Grizzly Temple without a hint of irony in their voice. According to many, Umi included, it was one of the worst drinks in the BTC menu. Three Adelhyde, three Bronson Extract, three Powdered Delta and one Karmotrine. All blended. Once poured into its glass, Umi handed the order.
“Look, if you really want to apologize,” Umi started as she dug her phone out of her pocket, “she gave us her contact details.” Under normal circumstances, Umi would have never shared private information of her clients to other clients, but she did not want to witness another fight like that again. At least not in the bar.
“W-Who said I wanted to apologize to her,” Maki mumbled defensively before sipping her drink.
“So you don’t want it?” Umi took out a pen and was ready to write on a piece of paper. Taking a sneaky glimpse, she saw Maki staring intently.
“I-I never said that, just give me the number.”
Umi managed to control her eye roll and simply shook her head as she began to write Nico’s contact information.
“Officer Kousaka Honoka, presenting for duty!” Honoka’s loud announcement of her arrival made Maki jump in her seat as she pocketed the scrap of paper. The police officer cheerfully walked to the empty seat next to Maki and waved at Umi. The doctor eyed the officer for a brief moment before going back to her drink. “Evening, Umi-chan,” she greeted with a smile.
“A-Ah, Honoka.” Umi found it difficult to keep her face straight when she felt her cheeks flushing. “H-How are you?”
“Hmm, well, I guess I'm fine. Had a scuffle with a guy who didn't want to take his parking ticket.” She crossed her arms and shook her head disapprovingly. “The nerve of some people!”
“There's a fair share of people who'll refuse to pay additional fees,” Umi pointed out, “money can come short when basic necessities become more expensive every once in a while.” Umi knew better than anyone else about the importance of saving.
“A parking citation is basically pocket change,” Maki chirped in offhandedly before sipping her drink.
“Wow, you must be some kind of rich doctor.” Honoka’s joke only got a raised eyebrow from Maki. “A Beer please! Oh, and I’m Honoka, by the way.”
Maki inspected the officer once more before presenting herself. “Maki,” was all she said.
“Well Maki-chan, it’s a pleasure!”
“Wha- hey! Who told you you can address me so casually?” Maki asked defensively.
“Well, you only gave me a name to work with.” Honoka laughed and scratched the back of her head. “Would you prefer it if I was rude to you?”
“What’re you saying? You’re making no sense,” Maki mumbled and tried to take another sip before realizing her drink was empty. “Another Grizzly Temple, please.” Umi nodded and started to prepare Maki’s order as she finished Honoka’s.
“Yuck, Grizzly Temple, Beer’s definitely the way to go,” Honoka said to herself as she took her Beer and swayed it side to side like an excited child.
“Excuse me?” Maki turned to Honoka and glared; the doctor frowned even more when she saw how Honoka was too busy happily drinking her Beer to even notice her. “What’s wrong with a Grizzly Temple?”
“Hm?” Honoka put down her drink and looked at Maki in confusion. “What do you mean? It’s pretty awful-tasting, bitter and bland.”
“And you-”
“Here,” Umi interrupted Maki before things got out of hand and placed her order on the counter. “And you should stop,” she said and glaring at Honoka.
Honoka could only laugh nervously under Umi’s piercing eyes. “Sorry.” Honoka’s apology was vague enough to be directed to both the bartender and the doctor. Maki still looked unconvinced but went back to her drink. Umi was just glad she defused the situation before another fight blew up in front of her.
Umi took a deep breath and started to think. She needed to clear everything with Honoka so she could finally sort out her own feelings. Perhaps not in front of the doctor; hopefully she left before Honoka did.
“Oh hell no.”
Umi looked up to see that Nico had just entered the bar, any pretense of a grandiose entrance gone and replaced by a scowl directed to the doctor.
“Oh, Nico,” was the only thing Umi managed to say. Honoka gasped loudly while Maki looked back at Nico and visibly failing to not scowl back.
“The feeling is mutual,” Maki snarked as Nico walked to the counter, taking a seat next to Honoka. Well, rather than next to Honoka, it would be better described as taking the seat that was not next to Maki’s.
“Well, Nico managed to get a day off so she had planned to wrap it up on a happy note with a couple of drinks! So…” Nico flipped one of her twintails and with a mocking smile she looked at the doctor, “why don’t you just leave?”
“Hi! I’m Honoka, big fan-”
Maki frowned and her finger once more began to twirl with her hair. “Actually, I’ve been meaning to see you-”
“Well, Maki-chan! If you wanted to see Nico sooo badly, why don’t you just lift that mug of yours to look at a billboard or something?”
“Excuse me? I go out of my way to come here to apologize and-”
“Oh, now the oh-so intellectual redhead wants to apologize to Nico! Yeah, and while she’s at it, I’m sure she wants to insult her family, just like she did to her career!”
“Umm.. Umi-chan…” Honoka could not help but to have shrunk her shoulders as the women at her sides began to yell.
“Hey! Take that back! I-”
“Well, where’s my apology? Nico’s waiting-!”
“Enough!” Umi slammed her hands on her mixing station loud enough to silence Nico and Maki. “If you’re going to fight, do it outside. Your pointless bickering is scaring the other customers.”
“Pointless bickering? She’s the one who started it!” Maki huffed and turned away from Nico.
“I-It’s fine, Umi-chan.” Honoka laughed nervously and she slowly sat back up.
“Please don’t kick out Nico? She’s really sorry for getting into another fight with a dumb woman,” Nico apologized before glaring at the doctor.
Umi audibly groaned and pinched the bridge of her nose. If this kept on going, she would have to remove both of them from the premises and that would certainly kill any sort of mood for talking with Honoka.
“Um… Maki-chan said she wants to apologize, so why don’t you just let her?” Honoka asked Nico.
“Because she insulted Nico! And she’s so arrogant and full of herself-”
“So what? She came here to apologize. Isn’t that good enough for now?” Honoka pressed on.
“N-No! Because-”
“Because what?” Honoka pressed on. The genuine curiosity in Honoka’s gaze made Nico and her pride falter. Nico tried to come up with something to say but nothing would come out of her voice receptors.
“F-Fine, okay! Nico gets it!” Nico threw her arms in the air before turning away and crossing them. After an annoyed sigh, she turned back to Honoka and Maki. “Fine, Nico’s all ears.”
Honoka turned around to look at Maki, who looked back at her from the corner of her eye before turning away. “And?”
“I-I’m not going to apologize to that robot.”
Nico gasped offendedly, but before she could say anything in return, Honoka interrupted her. “Hey! That wasn’t nice. You said you came here to apologize, so why are you insulting her again?” Maki simply huffed in response. “You’re just giving her an actual reason to be angry now, you know? And then she’s going to leave, then you would’ve come here for nothing, and then you’d feel bad for insulting her again and how you’ll never see her again and-”
“Fine! I get it!” Maki quickly turned around and covered Honoka’s mouth. “Shut up, will you! I’m sorry!”
Honoka leaned back and took a quick glimpse at Nico before going back to Maki. “Sorry to me or her?”
“To her! A-And to you too, I guess,” Maki mumbled as she started to twirl her finger in her hair once more.
Honoka looked at the Lilim, and under her gaze she gave in once more. “Fine, okay. Nico accepts your apology.”
“There! Was that so hard?” Honoka asked with a smile. “Bartender! A round of Beers for everyone!”
“I shouldn’t, but fine. Just this once.”
“Nico won’t say no to a free drink!”
Impressed would be an understatement of how Umi felt about Honoka; she had managed to calm both women and reconcile them despite how stubborn prideful they were. She had been planning to talk with Honoka but she found herself at a lack of words again.
“Three Beers,” Umi mumbled as she placed the three glass mugs on the counter.
Nico looked at the beer curiously, inspecting it from side to side and even lifting the mug to look at its bottom side. “I’ve never had a Beer that wasn’t canned.”
“Canned beers aren’t that bad, but these ones are way better!” Honoka lifted her drink and waved it, spilling a slight bit of its contents.
“In comparison to the ones I prepare, canned beers are watered down,” Umi explained.
“Craft Beer’s better,” Maki mumbled before taking a small sip of her Beer.
“Oh, you’re just full of unnecessary comments, aren’t you?” Nico glared at the doctor for a second before starting to chug her Beer.
“Whoah! That’s the way to go, Nico!” Honoka cheered on the Lilim as she petite girl kept chugging and chugging until the mug was empty. “You’ve got spirits, Nico-chan! That’s what I love about you!”
“Oh, you’re a fan?” Nico was all too pleased of having impressed another fan and smiled. She flipped her hair once, took out a marker and placed it right above the empty mug. “Do you want my autograph?”
“Oh, no no no, I couldn’t-”
“For free! For being such a good crowd for Nico’s Beer drinking.”
“No, I couldn’t have it on Umi-chan’s glass. It’s not mine,” Honoka clarified. Nico was left with her mouth wide open, not in her lifetime had she had an autograph declined for a reason like that. “Oh, you could autograph my phone!” Honoka suggested as she pulled out her phone from her pocket.
“Sure, love! Can Nico get your name?” Nico asked before jotting down her signature in Honoka’s phone. Before handing it back, Nico unlocked the password-less phone, something unfitting for a police officer, Umi thought, and activated its camera. “Wanna take a photo?”
“Oh, yeah! You bet I wanna!” Honoka nodded with excitement and placed her fingers just like Nico did.
“Hey hey, redhead! You too, pose! Get in the shot too, Umi!” Nico commanded rather than asked and the sparkling joy in Honoka’s eyes made it difficult for either of the two women to say no. To get everyone in the shot, Nico got off her seat to get a better angle and Honoka wrapped an arm around Umi’s shoulders to pull her close. Umi could feel the heat rise up to her ears and could barely move to do the Nico’s hand pose or even face the camera. Maki reluctantly put her hands like Nico before the picture was taken.
“Wow, thanks!” Honoka said with excitement as Nico handed back the phone once she made sure to send the picture to herself.
“Don’t mention it.” Nico grinned and patted Honoka’s shoulder. “And you, Maki-chan?”
“W-What?” Maki asked with slight suspicion and put the mug of Beer between her and the Lilim when she approached her.
“Gimme your phone number.”
“What? Why would I do that?”
“So I can send you the photo too, duh.”
“Who said I wanted it?” Maki glared at Nico who seemed unfazed by her defensiveness.
“Stop being so stubborn and give it to Nico! And maybe you can invite Nico somewhere to apologize properly and not in some shoddy bar in the middle of nowhere.” Nico finally glared back.
After a few moments of staring down at each other, Maki sighed and pulled out a card and a pen from her purse. Writing down something on it, she began to wave it at Nico. “Here, take it or leave it.”
Nico snagged the card and began to read it “Dr Nishikino Maki… Nishikino Medical Center… wait, this is a business card!”
“And all of my contact information is there,” Maki pointed out and turned back to the counter.
“You’re gonna have the great Nico Nii book an appointment?!”
“I wrote my phone number on the back of the card, idiot.”
Nico flipped the card. “Oh, and so it is,” Nico mumbled and pocketed the card. “Fine, well, Nico got a free drink and a pretty girl’s number, she’d say it’s been a pretty successful night.” Maki choked on her Beer when she heard Nico’s comment. “Well, Nico should leave. She needs to scout out for a nice and expensive restaurant~,” she cheerfully said her farewell and skipped out of the bar.
“I’m going to regret doing that,” Maki groaned and rested her head on the counter.
“Well, at least you’re not gonna regret not apologizing anymore!” Honoka pointed out and gave Maki a thumbs up.
Maki smiled a little bit. “Yeah, I guess so.”
Umi couldn’t help but to wonder how Nico and Maki’s first interaction would have gone if Honoka had been there.
“Ugh... I need to go,” Maki said as she slowly pulled herself up from the counter. “I have work tomorrow and I hadn’t even planned on drinking too much tonight.” Too much, she says. “It was a pleasure, officer.”
“Please, my friends call me Honoka,” Honoka corrected her and smiled before offering Maki a hand to get up. Maki blushed a little but was drunk enough to swallow her pride and take the help, even if she did not need it.
“It was nice meeting you, Honoka,” Maki said once more and waved at Umi. “Um, thanks for the drinks. They were as good as I remembered them.”
“Thanks for your patronage.”
“Bye bye, Maki-chan!” Honoka waved goodbye at the doctor and turned back to Umi once she was gone. Taking out her phone, she gleefully stared at the autograph. “Man, what a night.”
“You could say that again,” Umi mumbled and, without realizing it found herself staring at Honoka. If only more people could be like her the world would be a much better place.
“I got a selfie with Nico! And her autograph too!” Honoka hummed happily. “I’m glad she didn’t ask me to name some of her songs because I don’t remember any of their titles.” Umi would have laughed if she was not the same, but in her defense she had only heard Nico’s songs once.
Now that the two of them were alone, ignoring Rin on the other side of the bar, Umi had to steel herself for now was her chance. Her chance to find out about everything and if it all went well she could have something to look forward to beside Lily White. All she had to do was clear up all the things Umi did not know about and ask Honoka about her relationship with Kotori. What could be the worst thing that could happen-
“Hm? My relationship with Kotori-chan?”
Umi froze. Had she been thinking out loud all this time? The confused look on Honoka’s face was all the confirmation she needed and this was probably the worst thing that could have happened. How much had she even said? Her thoughts were scrambling to remember anything but the pit that she was suddenly feeling in her stomach could not let her think. Was the bar always been this stuffy? Umi could not breathe no matter how air she tried inhale.
She could only hear faint sounds of Honoka as she stepped away from the counter and out the door to the back alley.
Umi just had to ask. How hard was that? Apparently too hard because everything that could have gone wrong had gone wrong. Nozomi and Rin were right, she overthinks everything and now that had screwed everything up. At least out here she could finally breathe fresh air. Well, at least as fresh as it got in Neo Tokyo, certainly fresher than inside the bar. Umi pressed her back against one of the alley’s wall and slid down just before touching the ground. Hugging her legs, she closed her eyes and took a deep breath of the fresh night air. Fresh and cold air. Temperatures had been dropping with each day and tonight had gotten to the point where one could see their own breath. Umi left her coat inside, but going back to get it right now… Umi could stand in the cold for a couple more minutes. Going back in there after leaving Honoka like that would be-
“Umi-chan? Are you okay?” Honoka walked out of the bar’s back door and into the alley.
“H-Honoka?” Umi quickly stood up and dusted the rear of her skirt. It was not like she was sitting on the floor, but a fetal position was not one she wanted to be seen in. “W-What are you doing here?”
“Your co-worker told me you went out for your break, and when I asked if I could come out here she insisted I gave you a few moments and then gave me your coat too. Here,” Honoka explained and handed Umi her coat. The bartender stared at it dumbfounded for a few seconds before taking it. “Do you have panic attacks frequently?”
“U-Um… no. Last time I had one was before a BTC test back when I was in training…” Umi said as she put on her coat. She felt a slight shiver from its unworn coldness but it was better than not wearing it. Back then, Rin and Nozomi had helped her calm down in time to take the test she had forgotten to study for and in the end she breezed through the test, something she still felt embarrassed about.
“How are you feeling now?” Honoka asked before pressing her back on the wall too, next to Umi.
Umi took another deep breath and watched her breath dissipate in front of her. “Better. Thanks for asking.”
“Hey, don’t mention it.” Despite the cold temperatures, Honoka’s smile warmed Umi as always. Out in the alley actually felt warmer.
Neither spoke another word, falling into a comfortable silence. Only the faint bustling of the city reminded them that there was a whole world out there.
“Thanks for checking up on me, Honoka. A-And sorry for leaving you like that,” Umi apologized.
“It’s fine, it happens to the best of us.” Honoka’s comment made Umi smile. “Kotori-chan has had them sometimes when she stresses too much.”
Kotori again. It felt like a pang on Umi’s insides, but even so, now was the best time to ask her. Finally be able to cope with her feelings.
“U-Um, Honoka?” Honoka looked at Umi with such attentiveness that it almost hurt to make such a strong question. “W-What is your relationship with Kotori?”
“Kotori-chan?” Honoka repeated with a confused look. “Well… we’ve been friends for a long time. We’ve been through a lot of things together, highs and lows, we've known each other since we were little kids. She was even my first kiss!” Honoka reminisced with a blush and a chuckle.
Oh. Somehow, it hurt so much more than Umi had been expecting. She supposed that deep down she hoped that there was no relationship at all between the two, as awful as it sounded.
“But…” Honoka continued, looking down at the ground and kicking a littered can, “it really didn’t work out, we only dated for like a week or two. Thankfully we’re still friends and hang out a lot. Truthfully, I don’t have much going on my life so having Kotori-chan as a friend has helped me out a ton.”
Oh. Umi had never felt such a whiplash of opposite emotions in a such a short span of time, but leave it to this police officer to make it happen.
“What’s up? Are you interested in her? She’s pretty cute! She cooks the most amazing sweets, has a lovely voice, always looks out for you, she will pretty much give you free clothes if you date her…”
Umi was not sure at what point she had stopped listening, instead having focused on taking a deep breath and steel herself once more.
“No, the one I’m interested in is you, Honoka.”
“And then one time-” Umi had managed to silence Honoka. Whether it was a good or a bad signal she did not know but she tried to not let it get to her. Not now. “I uh… r-really? Me? Not Kotori-chan?”
“I don't know why you keep thinking that I’d want to date her. I barely know her, but I know that these complicated feelings I’ve had since you showed up are about you, and that… t-that I want to… d-date you.” Umi did her best to power through the embarrassment of her words.
“Well, because Kotori-chan is so much better than me. I’m clumsy, dumb, trusting to a fault, and-”
Umi shook her head and took hold of Honoka’s hand tightly. “Then, please, trust me on this. On my feelings. I… I like you, and if possible… w-would like to date you.”
Honoka could not help but to swallow some of her doubts when Umi’s gaze was as serious as it was. She felt heat crawl up to her ears, growing self conscious of how much Umi was staring at her. “Kotori-chan only managed to up with me for like a week, you know?”
“I’m not Kotori.”
“Then… I think I’d like to see you more often. Outside the bar.”
“Are we… not outside the bar?” Umi asked, confused. She could not help but to look around the alley. “Or do you mean-”
Honoka interrupted the bartender by giving her a quick kiss on the cheek. “I meant on dates.”
It took a couple of second for Umi to realize what had just happened, her face flushing red. “H-Honoka!” she yelled and pushed Honoka away.
“Y-Yeah?” Honoka laughed heartily, seeing Umi’s face as red as it was.
“T-Tell me if you’re going to k..! To…! To k-kiss me,” Umi’s roaring voice quickly turned the meekest Honoka had ever heard Umi talk.
Honoka laughed some more, much to the bartender’s dismay. After wiping away a tear, Honoka took a deep breath to compose herself. “Umi-chan, can I kiss you?”
Umi’s blush only got worse, something neither of them were aware was even possible. “A-Actually being asked is worse. Please don’t ask if you can kiss me.”
“Then… I can?”
After another deep breath, Umi sighed and nodded. “Y-Yes… you can.”
Honoka smiled, and despite her embarrassment, Umi smiled back. Honoka took hold of one of Umi’s hands, their fingers entwining as she leaned closer to Umi. Closing her eyes, Honoka kissed Umi on the lips, this time savoring the moment, her other arm pulling Umi closer.
The sudden noise of the back door sliding open startled both girls, breaking the kiss to find Rin staring with her mouth wide open.
“Oh! Sorry, keep going!” Rin waved at them and backed up. “Nozomi! Umi-chan and the cop were making ou-!” As the door closed, the soundproofed walls of L1-L1 WH80 cut off the rest of the cat boomer’s announcement.
It would also soundproof Umi’s pending fury upon her co-worker.
“Umi-chan, could we stay like this for a bit?”
Well, all of that could wait. She knew that if a police officer ever asked her something, the best course of action would be to simply agree with them.
A/N: And it's done! Thank you so much for reaching this finish line alongside me. This is my first multi-chapter fic that I've managed to finish, and honestly, it feels pretty great. It also feels like I've lifted a huge weight off my back and can now guiltlessly write other thingies. Some actual Christmas ideas and prompts have taken the back seat this past week so I could finally finish this. All the feedback that I received was a huge motivation to continue this AU I came up with half a year ago, so I truly appreciate all of you.
L1-L1 WH-80 is done! This last chapter came out as the longest one yet (actually each chapter got progressively longer) and I think this is chapter alone is my longest piece yet, coming out at almost 6k. A number not too impressive when compared to others but this is a new benchmark for me, hopefully one that I'll surpass one day. If the ending was disappointing, I apologize for not living up to the expectations. I always wanted to finish it up in the back alley, a setting that was also present in VA-11 HALL-A. The only one I couldn't get a chance to recreate was Jill's apartment, but I didn't want to take the story outside the bar.
Oh hey, and apparently I took so long a VA-11 HALL-A sequel was announced. Yikes!
I would love to revisit this AU and explore other characters and other parts of this setting, so look forward to that at some point in the future :)
I’d like to thank @bcheddar13 @saberin @master-thief-gray-shadow and @grayneigh for helping me out a ton by beta-ing this project for me.
Hopefully I'll get to post something before the 31st, but if not, happy holidays everyone.
#honoumi#umihono#nicomaki#makinico#sonoda umi#umi sonoda#kousaka honoka#honoka kousaka#Nico Yazawa#yazawa nico#nishikino maki#maki nishikino#hoshizora rin#rin hoshizora#Toujou Nozomi#nozomi toujou#love live!#love live school idol project#fanfiction#bartending au#VA-11 HALL-A#va11halla#va-11 hall-a AU#L1-L1 WH80
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The New Party Meta - Part 2
Welcome back to my attempt to dissect character relationships in Berserk! Today we’re gonna talk about the disaster that is Serpico!
Serpico's relationship to Guts is intrinsically one that revolves around his relationship with Farnese and as such is slightly challenging to parse. It feels at times as though there are two halves to it—the half which deals mostly with how Serpico feels about Guts and what he means for Farnese, and the half which deals more with how Serpico interacts with Guts in matters where he's suppressing his “personal feelings” and doing his best to get along with him.
The biggest and most obvious thing is that Serpico considers Guts to be a threat—to Farnese's safety, and to hers and his views of the world and their places in it—and he has told Guts this on at least one occasion. He has stated that were it his choice, they would not be traveling with Guts. In the beginning, before they're traveling with each other, he does try to hide these feelings—neutral faces and simple requests that he not antagonize Farnese overmuch, which only break in the instants that he attempts to claim Guts' life (shooting him in the back with a crossbow bolt, the one-stroke battle after Farnese is possessed, and their later battle on the cliffside spring to mind). The real heart of their relationship, as laid out by Serpico himself in his own ruminations, is both that Guts is dangerous for Farnese's well-being and changing her in ways that Serpico could not or did not think to try to (which, I think, bothers him more than he lets on) and that Guts also is changing him, making him feel things with an intensity that shocks him (“While I arrayed myself in feigned ignorance, perhaps before I knew it, I too was affected by that heat. You certainly are a man impossible to ignore.” “Truth be told I thought to kill you many times. And the violence of these emotions within me shocked me.”)
Yet, they do still get along with each other quite well on the surface, when Serpico's threats don't hang over them overmuch. Even right after the Tower of Conviction, when the Kushan attack, Serpico admits that there's nobody more reassuring to fight alongside than Guts. Serpico is willing to offer him his shoulder when he's wounded, to try and carry him to safety when he's been struck by Ganishka's lightning (and here I think it's interesting that Guts calls him out on trying to do that, accusing him of not thinking straight because there's no way he can lug Guts back to shore even with the sylph hood). He overhauls Guts' attire with ease of use in mind, which Guts shows appreciation for. He defers to Guts as the leader of the group. With the exceptions of the instances in which Guts dons the berserker armor and poses a legitimate danger to the entire group, Serpico seems to have mellowed out to Guts the more time has worn on, and I wonder if that's not because of the extent to which Farnese has changed for the better—proving perhaps to Serpico that Guts is far less of a threat to her than he thought.
As far as the facet comparisons go, I think Serpico most represents Guts' fixations—on someone who he feels he must protect at all costs, and on someone that he believes to be a danger to that person. There's also an interesting little thing going on regarding how Serpico feels about his freedom—he's stated that he feels chained down by obligations (to his mother, to his father, to Farnese), and Guts, while certainly chained down by the obligation to keep Casca safe now, once roamed the lands without aim and without purpose, and he wasn't very happy doing that. What I'm saying is that what Serpico thinks he may want, as far as this freedom goes, may not be what he actually wants in the end.
If I'm being totally honest, the first time I read Berserk I thought theirs was a nigh impossible to sort out trainwreck, and I do still kind of think that now.
There are two big things to keep in mind when trying to figure Serpico's side of the relationship out. The first is that Farnese is the most important thing in Serpico's world, without question. Serpico will, and does, prioritize Farnese's safety over the safety of everybody else in the group even after he warms to them. The second is that he considers Farnese his other half, considers them to be if not exactly the same, then similar enough as makes no difference—save for expressions in emotion of course.
Serpico was introduced to Farnese as Farnese's servant, and up to a certain point, this is how Serpico acts to her. He goes where she goes without question or complaint, but he is not always direct about it. He appears to refuse Farnese's order to kill Guts because they're only supposed to capture him, but he makes an attempt to do just that as soon as she's run away. He doesn't explicitly protest her decision to leave the Holy See and go chasing after Guts, but he does pick and choose his moments to try and get her to go back. The only reason that Serpico appears to stop acting like a servant to her is because Farnese stops acting as his master.
Serpico knows Farnese—he knows her moods, her expressions, and what each of them mean, again because he was raised with her, but he only is certain of them until she begins to change. And then, frankly, he's at a loss. He does not “know this defenseless side of her”, as he tells Guts. He resists these changes in his own way—trying to get her to return to the Holy See in an oblique manner, trying multiple times to kill Guts, who he perceives as the root cause of all these changes. And then, eventually, he stops, because Farnese is growing for the better and he can tell that it's for the better despite how he personally feels about it. So he lets it happen, neutrally accepting at first (“[...]the wind has blown. A wind strong enough to blow down everything you yearned for. And so I shall at least see to it that my other half isn't torn to pieces in the storm.”) and, gradually, with pride and happiness at her accomplishments.
And then, of course, there's the romance that never was. It's my read on it that Serpico does harbor at least some romantic feeling for her—otherwise he wouldn't call Farnese's mother 'astute' after her comment (“Such companions cannot be separated, because they cannot stand without entwining against each other, just like a pair of trees... my, the scent of the forbidden.”). This is of course to say nothing of his initial reaction to her entreating him to run away with her after her father intends to marry her off, though that's admittedly ambiguous at best and may or may not be influenced by him knowing that he's related to her while she does not.
There's also the slight side-issue of what kind of negative feelings he may harbor towards her because, for all that he's devoted to her, he does imply she's something that he's chained to, and Serpico again has weird issues with the idea of being free. When she asks him outright if he hates her his answer isn't an answer (“To talk of hate...”) and the subject is immediately dropped, never to be brought up again. Worthy of consideration, maybe, but as far as present canon goes it may well be a moot point, as they both seem much happier with themselves and each other.
Oh yeah and there's also that he completely, 100% loses his cool when Farnese says she wants to become a witch, and it notably takes him a while to wrap his head around that idea and accept it. Not sure what the significance of that is but it was pretty funny.
Serpico and Schierke don't interact directly very often, but she does give him items blessed by wind elementals and oddly enough, they appear to be the means by which he begins self-reflecting in earnest. He thinks the wind is the thing most alien to him, being free to do whatever it wishes without consequence—so then, what does it say that he masters that power so quickly, as Schierke notes?
The other interesting thing is his general attitude towards magic. Delighted, I think, isn't the right word, but he seems much more smiley when in magical places, surrounded by magical things. The aforementioned sylph hood and sword are things he considers heartening to have in battle against monsters and they end up rather attached to him—he's impressed with their power, and with Schierke's power. He urges Schierke to have pride in herself when she feels down about her inexperience, calling her skills miraculous. He defers to her on matters that he's less experienced in, with a view that isn't colored by differences in age or gender.
Serpico and Isidro aren't very close to each other—if Isidro's view of Serpico is hard to pin down and theoretical at best, Serpico's view of Isidro is even harder. He does have opinions of him though—opinions that giving him a dagger that spits fire is probably not the safest idea (though he does note that at least it's better than Farnese getting it), and that Isidro's skill in improvisation is surprisingly good (noted mostly by how Serpico sits up and takes notice when Isidro starts dual-wielding against Guts in practice, managing to make some headway but ultimately coming up short).
Aside from this the bulk of their interaction is kind of the hotheaded eager to prove younger brother and the cool aloof older brother who checks some of his more reckless impulses, though Serpico doesn't seem to go out of his way to do it. Serpico holds him back, physically if need be, when he's about to do something rash, he's constantly telling Isidro to mind himself in battle, and he's willing to explain himself to Isidro if Isidro doesn't understand something (at the end of his second fight with Guts, for instance).
I think the problem here is that we don't see a lot of the interactions they do have, but are implied—they do after all go out into Vritannis alone together to search for a ship, and at some point Isidro must have told Serpico something about his past, because Serpico's the only one who brings up that Isidro grew up in the mountains.
#berserk#serpico#meta posts#bizarre adventures#i might do a meta on serpico as a complete character later because holy Fuck#theres a lot to unpack here
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