sakuraspoke · 2 months
🎧 yes oh my god
ahhh thank you lovely 💕
bess atwell - time comes in roses:
Five years wasted I'm still young But only by a couple months And then I'm dead For all intents and purposes And I've been slower than I thought At getting my life off the rocks Nobody thinks I'm special yet Nobody thinks I'm special yet
Send me a 🎧 and I will put my music on shuffle and give you a song and my favourite lyric from it
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wildwood-faun · 3 months
list 5 things that make you happy, then put this in the askbox for the last 10 people who liked or reblogged something from you! get to know your mutuals and followers 👋🏻
oh!! I didn't get a notification for this so luckily I saw it when I was retrieving something from my drafts just now :)
detective work (was recently given some environmental clues and told to identify three unknown plant seeds and my brain went full fireworks)
body in equilibrium: no pressing physical needs, neither hungry nor full, just the right temperature, ahhhh ✨
people who are super excited about their Thing! YES we're here to nerd out and stim about it.
surrounding myself with beautiful things
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aamaranthiine · 1 month
pro: the most emotional, vulnerable, soul-wrenching sex of your life that makes u question and love and appreciate who u are as an existing orgasm amidst billions of other organism in a greater, never-ending wheel
cons: you have a legit existential crisis because amalthea keeps asking abt mortality and the purpose of humanity
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pros and cons to having sex with my muse.
In an OOC capacity, just, yes. I genuinely think a lot about the mix of awkwardness and dream-like experience of Amalthea discovering intimacy and sex. But also her ill-timed questions that definitely make you contemplate your own existence.
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miss-polly · 8 months
passes u roland's url like a glittery sticker
urls in review // @eritvita ;
Do I Follow Them?: Yes of course! On every rp blog I've had.
Why Did I Follow Them?: Initially, I think it's because you were a mutual of Arlo's (@intothewildsea), and I was following a bunch of their mutuals many moons ago :3
Do We Role Play?: Ye of course!
Do I Want To Role Play With Them: Yes always i want more plots
An AU Idea For Our Muses: Ooh what about princess Polly bringing Roland back to the court as fairies tended to do with their favorite humans.
A Song For Our Muses: Would That I by H.ozier
Do I Ship Our Muses?: There are very few muses of mine i don't ship roland with sdhfhdfsf
What I Think About The Mun: Celeste is a dear! A sweet person, an incredible writer, I would actually die for you probably but instead I'm just gonna cry tears of joy
Overall Opinion: If you're not already following @eritvita what are you doing with your life
Blog Rate: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10!!!
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ariveth · 1 year
🙅‍♂️what does my muse feel insecure about?
Honestly... everything? Genuine answer: her identity. With no home, no history, no family (and no family name), no religion, no culture, no real inherent abilities or skill aside from the ones she develops out of necessity that only bring her more shame later; Ariveth's felt isolated and as if she was a total nobody since childhood.
It's what drives her to present that front of charming bravado, and to obscure so much of herself out of fear she'll fall short of expectations when people realise how flawed and insignificant she really is.
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imbxrbie · 2 years
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❛ In my defense, I'm kind of lost here. This world is so ugly, with all due respect. ❜
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archaeval · 2 years
‘ what endearments am I allowed? ’ from eritvita, to Isa!
p&p ; accepting
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WHAT SORT OF QUESTION WAS THAT, when he had never once held back his affection before? He called her such beautiful things already with his silver tongue, leading her to blush and giggle and feel almost beautiful beyond his own rose-colored gaze.
“Has your well of poetry finally run dry?” she laughed, trailing a finger across his features and brushing stray locks of hair out of his face. “I suppose I can be persuaded to place my offerings in your everspring of inspiration.” But everything that came to mind fell flat, as was often the case when Isa consciously tried to sound poetic.
“You might call me....” She began, and shook her head. “Cleverest among the roses? No--” She shook her head and laughed, drawing her hand away to cover her mouth. “No, that’s terrible, don’t call me that. You know you might call me whatever you wish when we are alone.” Gone were the days where she even tried to hide her shame over their secret meetings, stealing away into the night or simply walking and talking without a chaperone. The consequences had yet to escape her mind, but she knew the risks and thought less of them as every day went by.
“You must still call me Miss Lark among others, I’m afraid. My grandmother will no more forgive me than she did my father for following love over status.” She sighed, leaning back to take Roland in. His beautiful, shining eyes, that smile of his that charmed her own shrewish self. And the love within him, guileless and honest and gentle, more alive than anyone she’d ever met before.
“One day, perhaps...” She mused, and her own grin flickered, too afraid to finish the sentence. Once, ages ago, she’d drunkenly declared that he was the only man she’d ever care to wed. It had only grown more true as time went on. But one day, perhaps, she might take his name, and he might call her Mrs. Enaera with his every beautiful breath.
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intothewildsea · 28 days
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sidhewrites · 3 months
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leatherfangs · 9 months
“why be sorry? i think it’s all going rather smashingly.” from eritvita!!
Led Tasso starters // @eritvita
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Her kitchen still smelled like smoke from the burnt roast. She could still smell the sad excuse for takeout she'd ordered as a backup. And, to top it all off, the power likely wouldn't come back on until the blizzard passed. Comfortable though her house was at the best of times, it was slowly losing heat, and she apologized with each candle that was lit.
But Roland was Roland. She ought to have known he'd find something to enjoy about all this. "Smashingly?" she echoed with a laugh, and set the lighter aside. "Don't tell me this is actually going the way you want it to."
Then again, maybe there was something to enjoy about all this. They were alone in the dark, waiting out a winter storm together. Liddy pulled a heavy throw blanket out and threw it over Roland before slipping underneath it with him. Though she was already cold to the touch, she was downright warm compared to the world outside her walls. "Why, Mister Roland," she crooned, clapping a hand over her mouth. "Don't you tell me you wanted to get me here alone, in the dark, forced to snuggle up close to each other for warmth?"
But even as she settled in next to him, there was no setting the guilt and frustration aside for long. "I really am sorry though, mate. I swear, dinner was gonna be amazing."
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witchpetal · 1 year
"where have i been ? uh .. long story ." from eritvita!👋
" ... I'm sure it is.. " Her teeth flashed through a wry smile, eyes blinking rapidly for a few seconds as she took in the appearance of the other half-elf. She didn't recognise this one, and by the look of him, she was beginning to think he'd wandered in by mistake. " For one, you've forgotten to wear shoes today. Maybe you'll have some tea before I send you on your way? "
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starter prompts (accepting!) -> here
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sakuraspoke · 2 months
happy birthday!! the world is blessed to have u in it!! 💖💖💖🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉
what the heck celeste that's so sweet!!!! right back at you tbh!!! thank you so much 😭💕
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wildwood-faun · 2 years
why is kiera knightly your celebrity nemesis?
I often avoid talking about this because I know SO many people who adore her and have her as their queer awakening etc and I don't wanna yuck their yum but... I just don't like her! I get angry looking at her. I've avoided films I quite wanted to see because she was in them.
I have some kind of irritation around the types of characters she often plays (something something "strong" female character that leaves me lukewarm) but to be perfectly honest I think the characters might annoy me because she's playing them and not the other way around.
None of this is personal or tied to anything she's said or done because I know nothing about her. She just rubs me the wrong way.
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edelweissmage · 1 year
“It’s not the first time I’ve been tossed out a window, and it won’t be the last!” from eritvita!
The Emperor's New Groove: Starters
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"NO! No you will not!" Vailintin follows in a rush, face red, as Roland hurries to the window with a bottle of champagne in each hand and guards chasing after him.
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miss-polly · 1 year
❛ there it is, there’s that smile! ❜ from eritvita!
soft and sweet ;
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The days were not always kind, no matter how hard Polly tried to convince herself otherwise. It was the nature of working in service. People were irritable, or thoughtless, or outright cruel when they hadn't had caffeine yet, or just thought the person behind the counter was lesser than. She'd tried to hold it in as she found Roland that night, tucking herself against him and fighting to keep her expression neutral, if not convincingly happy.
And yet, there was something about him -- the warmth of his skin against hers, his hands so gentle and capable. It was impossible not to feel some relief as she sank into Roland's arms with a sigh, and, despite her tiredness and the weight on her shoulders, his words managed to pull a laugh out of her.
Finally, she managed to pull back just enough to look up at him and grin. "I missed you. Is that silly? I missed you a lot."
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ariveth · 1 year
🍰what’s my muse’s guilty pleasure?
It's a bit cliche, but number one is sex. Aside from the obvious aspect of physical pleasure; Ariveth derives a lot of mental and emotional gratification from it — she likes the power it gives her, the attention and adoration she receives through it (an unhealthy replacement for that smothered longing for love), the use of it as a manipulation tactic, and the confidence she gains through her awareness of her physical appeal as an attribute and sex itself as a 'talent' or 'skill'. The 'guilty' part of it comes in the form of often manipulating or leading people on for her own gain; but after doing it for so many decades, she's all but trained that guilt out of herself.
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