#moonlightmagus : prisma yuuki
cantillat-moved · 1 year
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@moonlightmagus "Shirou! There you are." The female says, smiling warmly as she caught up to her partner. A small box was in her hand. "I couldn't let this day go without this! It took a bit longer to get together, but here!" Inside was a picture frame. The photo was a small group photo of Shirou, Miyu and Yuuki. Yuuki was holding the smaller girl with a big warm smile on her face. Miyu was giggling with her eyes closed as she was being lifted slightly. Shirou was in the back also holding onto Miyu with her. The frame said 'Our Found Happiness'
"Happy Birthday, Shirou!" (The prisma Gang!)
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Sitting down in one of the dojos, Shirou was enjoying a moment of respite. Truth being told, as much he wished to pull his weight all the time today was one of these days that he could feel his body feeling a little heavier, sluggish. He had been extremely harsh on his body, so he deserves that – the strain that his magic circuits have been through not entirely healing and the constant chiding from Chaldea’s medical staff makes him feel bad for them. So maybe taking one day off might be a good idea, right ? Arms crossed, eyes closed, if he wasn’t going to train his physique perhaps some meditation could do him some good. A beloved voice chimed, her smile bright as the morning sun in spring meeting his now-opened eyes. His smile tried to match hers but it was nigh impossible, she was simply too beautiful and her elation was contagious. ❝ Eh ? This day ? ❞ her words cause him to pause for a bit, trying to figure out until it hit him: his birthday ! Shirou was so used to focus on celebrating Miyu’s birthdays and barely paying attention to his own that he seldom recalled it. It was a little hard when there weren’t a lot of people around to share it… ❝ Oh right. Birthday. ❞ his mouth finally caught up with his thoughts, so he stood up and met her as soon as she got closer.
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❝ Hey, I remember this day. There was a fair or something in the Singularity and I was worried Miyu and you would get stomachache from all the cotton candy you ate. ❞ his smile widened, holding on to the frame ❝ I wonder if it has anything to do with Gray-san calling them “fairy floss”. ❞ a small tease before caressing Yuuki’s features with one free hand and giving her a gentle kiss. ❝ Thank you. You two are my happiness. ❞
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cantillat-moved · 2 years
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@moonlightmagus ❝ Another world in the mountains doesn’t sound so bad. ❞ Prisma Yuuki to Prisma Shirou??
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❝ We already got the mountains part down, but yes. Another world in the mountains sounds very nice. ❞ his arms folded concealed by the yukata’s sleeves and his gaze lost watching the horizon, Shirou was thinking about their circumstances and it seemed that Yuuki had a similar idea. For a very long time they both had been saddled with responsibilities too heavy for their young ages, forced to grow up too quickly – did he have done a good job keeping Miyu safe? At various times he was beset by doubt if it had been the correct decision to turn his back to his oath of becoming a Hero of Justice and saving the world, a doubt that was washed away the instant the girl wished upon a star they’d become truly brother and sister.
But what about Yuuki’s wishes? And Sakura’s? It was almost their school lives were another world altogether. A reality separated from their struggles where they could dream they were normal school students for a while and watch their beloved friends being happy and unaware of the pain, forgetting about their woes. Little they knew that they were all connected and they were all each other’s dreams.
❝ You know… Another world in the mountains does sounds really nice but it sounds better with Miyu and you with me.  ❞ Shirou was clad that his sister had a chance of being happy and safe elsewhere, finally experiencing how to be an ordinary girl for a while – at least as ordinary as magical girls can be. ❝ Maybe we should try it. ❞ he proposed with a wistful hum and a sidelong glance. ❝ Do you think we’ll get to the another world in the mountains if we try finding it? ❞
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cantillat-moved · 3 years
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@moonlightmagus​ For Prisma Shirou from Prisma Yuuki!
She knocked on his door and held a small box in her hands. Inside was a set of knitted hat, scarf and gloves. They were a mixture of red and black ombre colors as she smiled. "Merry Chrismast, Shirou." She wanted him to have a nice warm set. "I hope these keep you nice and warm."
🎄 Cʜʀɪsᴛᴍᴀs 2021 ! 🎄
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Shirou had been sitting on the ground of his room, meditating a little. After the events of that island when someone scrambled his mind he decided to try to improve his mental resistance and calm down his thoughts – it didn’t take a genius to realize how harmful his entire way of living had been. Always living under tension, torn between calling Miyu “family” and having to fulfill his promise to Kiritsugu, only to lose everything and then his entire world along with everyone he loved… That certainly would make him a prime candidate to be manipulated like that again. With both his sister and girlfriend surviving, Shirou didn’t want to take risks or be vulnerable like that again: perhaps he could at least put up some resistance, right? His meditation was cut short upon a knock on the door. ❝ Ah. Come in. ❞ the young man stood up in time to see Yuuki walking in.
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❝ Great timing, I also got something for you too. ❞ he moves and grabs something from inside his closet: it is a rather small gift – inside, there is a knitted wool dress in a desaturated dark teal tone. His caramel gaze lingering for a moment in his own unwrapped present before looking at her with a smile ❝ It seems we had similar ideas. Thank you. ❞ a step closer, he held the scarf she’d gifted him and gently put it behind her neck, bringing her next to him, touching her forehead with his before their lips met. ❝ Merry Christmas. ❞
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cantillat-moved · 3 years
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@moonlightmagus​ “You’ve treated me kinder than anyone else” Prisma Yuuki to Prisma Shirou
Lᴏʏᴀʟᴛʏ sᴇɴᴛᴇɴᴄᴇ sᴛᴀʀᴛᴇʀs
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The snow outside formed a pearly blanket turning the world colorless. The kettle sat atop of the heater as they waited for the water to boil, only the two of them in the living room. Her words made his heart grow heavier, sometimes he was under the impression that her smile seemed like she had been walking on broken glass.
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❝ You deserve it kinder still. ❞ his arms crossed under his kimono’s sleeves, he watched Yuuki sitting across the table trying to conceal his own anger. The girl had been treated with less kindness than a songbird on a cage…No, she was treated like a caterpillar in an aquarium, waiting for the time of her transformation to be nailed into a mounted display frame. ❝ You have endured things that no-one should. Yuuki, you deserve so much kindness. ❞ Shirou made a solemn vow to himself: to never allow her to go throughout anything like that again.
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cantillat-moved · 2 years
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@moonlightmagus​ ✏️  -  Archer Yuuki! And Arthur and Yuuki! And Cameo Prisma Illya Yuuki and either Prisma Shirou or Archer! 
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No Saber or Nem and Alter or Aiguille? Shocking.
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Yuuki: I am a responsible adult! Archer: *raises brow* Yuuki: I am an adult.
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Yuuki: You read my diary? Arthur: At first I did not know it was your diary. I thought it was a very sad handwritten book.
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Shirou: I can't imagine what Yuuki is planning. But I can tell you two things. We won't like it and it won't be legal.
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