#moonhaven fans
dragonmythfandom · 2 years
Moonhaven the series is now my favourite series. I WISH for a season 2 to stream somewhere on another platform!!! SIGN PETITION NOW!!!!
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jeniffercheck · 1 year
light blue (nothing's gonna stop me now)
shivlina fic exchange: exposed affair with a side of shiv becoming twitter's rich white lady of the month, s2 canon (until it's not), set during 'safe room' - 2x04, shivlina are established affair partners.
words: 7.7k
read here or on ao3
for @shivvroys<3
“Do you have a Goodreads?”
Shiv pauses in the bed. Karolina’s been scrolling through her phone, laughing every so often at a cat video that she desperately needs to show Shiv right now, asking her if she’s heard about some absurd foreign news that Karolina gathers from the pits of Reddit.
(Because Shiv desperately needed to know that a rolled truck in Canada covered an entire highway in celery.)
It’s the worst part of the night, when the hours turn into minutes and the minutes to seconds, and every passing moment becomes one less that they get to breathe the same air. One less that they get to sit next to one another and exist in their small bubble, away from all the bullshit that makes up their lives.
“What?” Shiv asks, flopping her head to face Karolina.
“A Goodreads account,” Karolina says. “Do you have one?”
“Yeah,” Shiv says. She shifts closer to Karolina, trying to get a better look at her phone. “Why?”
Karolina shifts the device into Shiv’s view. “I think you’ve been discovered.”
“What?” Shiv rips the phone out of Karolina’s hand, eyes quickly scanning the screen. It’s her account, and the numbers do look suspiciously higher than usual. She grabs her own phone and opens the app, and lo and behold, hundreds of notifications have rolled in throughout the day. Likes and comments on her reviews, followers on her account. She’s not not used to it, her Twitter and Instagram receiving a healthy amount of engagement compared to the average user, but those are staged. This is…fucking embarrassing.
“How the hell did they find this?” she grumbles, clicking through some of the followers.
“I don’t know,” Karolina says. “Maybe the one-star and very detailed review of that unauthorized biography on your father was a good hint?”
“My review?” Shiv asks, scrolling through her page.
“I mean,” Karolina continues, “I don’t think the words, ‘My dad,’ were very helpful in keeping yourself anonymous.”
It appears on Shiv’s screen, a review logged last week. Sloppy, choppy, and boring as hell—she deletes it before she has time to read the rest.
“Oh my god,” she says, covering her face with her hands. “I was drunk when I wrote that.”
“Well, you’re a tough critic when you’re plastered,” Karolina says. Shiv’s mouth curls upward in disbelief as she unveils herself to Karolina, who seems to be fighting a smirk of her own. Shiv can’t contain her laughter as she drops back onto the bed, and Karolina follows, perched on her elbow next to Shiv’s head.
“What are the optics on this?” Shiv asks. The last thing she needs is to start an internet war with some E-List author. Karolina pulls her phone back in front of her, the screen flashing as she swipes through different apps, her nails making that grating tapping sound that pisses Shiv off when she’s trying to go to sleep.
“Uh—” Karolina pauses, zooming in on something. “Well, looks to me like you’ve just become the internet’s newest white girl of the month.”
“The what?”
“I mean, just look—” Karolina holds out her phone again, urging Shiv to read whatever’s on the screen, Twitter coming into view as Shiv does so. She scrolls through a variety of tweets, phrases like feral and deranged and mommy punching through. “They’re going crazy over you.”
  @evermores: Does anyone else think Shiv Roy and Nate Sofrelli had something going on?
          ↳ @dazzlinghaze: why do you know random ass Gil staffers
                      ↳ @evermores: Spoken like a fake fan.
↳ @notromanroy1: they were definitely boning
@milfhotline: I mean I know she probably steals money but she’s hot, so.
          ↳ @moonhaven: ???
                   ↳ @Ryan2334657: Her dad is Logan Roy. Definitely a family of thieves.
                            ↳ @moonhaven: sorry are you their bank? maybe she hates him. we don’t know
                                     ↳ @milfhotline: oomf out here defending a capitalist?
@candlenights: I don’t care what y’all say. Shiv Roy is my new Caroline Calloway. If she wants to steal, let her. Who am I to deny a woman her wrongs?
“Why the fuck do they all think I’ve stolen money?”
“You’re a Roy. It obviously means you commit wire fraud for breakfast,” Karolina says, scrolling through more tweets. “You should reply to one of them. Fan the flames.”
“Why would I do that?”
Fanning the flames sounds like the opposite of what her years of PR experience have told her.
“It would look good, engaging with the culture,” Karolina argues. “You know ATN’s viewership is sixty-eight percent senior citizens? Imagine if you brought in the youth. Your father would salivate.”
Shiv sits up, looking at Karolina doubtfully. “You, Karolina Novotney, want to brainwash the youth with ATN?”
Karolina shrugs, that hint of a smirk still visible on her face. Shiv scoffs playfully.
“Fuck you. You just want to see what would happen.”
“Fine,” Karolina concedes. “Sue me.”
“Yeah,” Shiv says, leaning over to press a kiss on Karolina’s forehead before getting out of the bed. “You couldn’t afford that.”
Karolina gasps, throwing a pillow at Shiv. “Whatever,” she says. “I just think it would be a good temperature check. Organic.”
“Well, I’m not engaging,” Shiv says. “I’m disengaging, if anything. I’m deleting my Goodreads and leaving the rest to their imaginations.”
“Their imaginations certainly are impressive,” Karolina says, grimacing at her phone.
“What is it?” Shiv asks.
“I thought you were disengaging?”
Shiv rolls her eyes. “I am.”
“You’re no fun,” Karolina says, pouting as she stands, but Shiv walks back over to her, lightly pushing Karolina back on the bed.
“You hang around me because I’m fun?” she asks, hovering over Karolina. She stops just as she reaches Karolina’s lips, and Karolina’s breath hitches. It’s then that Karolina’s laptop chimes from the other end of the room, and both of them sigh, an unwelcome reminder that their time for the night is officially coming to a close.
“You’re so much fun,” Karolina says before she leans up, stealing a chaste kiss from Shiv’s lips. “What time is Tom expecting you?”
Shiv sighs, rising once again.
“Thirty minutes ago,” she says. She walks into Karolina’s bathroom, pursuing her things that are already there. It all feels so simple, having a toothbrush in Karolina’s holder, having pajamas in her drawers. It’s a second life, sure, a home away from home, but it doesn’t feel any less real than the other parts, the parts where wakes up in the middle of the night and wonders why Karolina’s hands feel so big, why her sink looks so different. She washes her face, pushing the thought away for another time.
“Shiv,” Karolina says, her accusatory tone following Shiv into the bathroom.
“What?” Shiv asks, drying her face. “He’s fine. Mondale’s there.”
Karolina’s silent as she leans against the door frame, watching Shiv freshen up. It’s one of the more humiliating parts of the routine, running home to her husband who thinks she’s well on her way to becoming the next Head of PR for Waystar, guiding his eager mouth through the dark to her already-bruising breastbone, lest he think the marks came from anyone other than himself. Karolina looks at her sadly. It doesn’t happen often, but it’s annoying when it does, the sour mood or separation catching them both by its vicious claws.
“Are you sure this is okay?” Karolina asks. She asks at least once a week. Shiv would find it endearing if it didn’t make her feel entirely suffocated by just the thought of her actions.
“I told you, we have an arrangement,” Shiv says.
“And you’re not lying to me?”
Shiv sighs. She’s not lying, not really. She and Tom do have an arrangement. She stays out of Tom’s business—not that he even makes an effort to participate—and he stays out of hers. It’s simple, and she wants it to stay that way, but still, a part of her knows things with Karolina have gone outside the parameters of the arrangement. So, she’s not lying, but she isn’t quite sure where the truth fits just yet.
“I’m not lying,” Shiv says. “And Tom doesn’t own me. If I’m late, I’m late.”
“Alright,” Karolina says, voice still weary.
“What, you want to get rid of me so soon?” Shiv teases.
“I wouldn’t let you hog my sheets all the time if I wanted to get rid of you,” Karolina says.
“I do not.”
“Prove it,” Karolina challenges, and Shiv laughs.
“Should I set up the cameras before, or after we fuck?” Shive asks, facing the mirror. Karolina laughs, but it’s small and she replies by hugging Shiv from behind and resting her chin on Shiv’s shoulder. They lock eyes through the mirror.
“Stay over tonight,” Karolina says.
It’s an easy ask, as easy as anything else Karolina ever asks Shiv to do for her, and a rare one at that, and it tugs at Shiv the way it always does when she has to deny Karolina of something that she wants. Karolina, a never-ending stream of goodwill and wonder, Shiv, a constant disappointment.
“What do you get out of this?” Shiv suddenly asks, and Karolina doesn’t hesitate with her response.
“I get you.”
“But—” Shiv stammers, unsatisfied by the answer. “Like, what do you get out of it?”
Surely Shiv is not the prize. She’s a consolation, a means to an end. Karolina should be lucky to have her, sure, but when luck runs out, what’s left? Shiv is convenient.
“You make me feel normal for a little while,” Karolina says. “Like I’ve finally done something right. You do.”
It feels like a cosmic joke, Karolina saying that Shiv makes her feel right when Karolina makes Shiv feel as though she’s done everything wrong, her mere presence causing Shiv to rethink every action she’s ever taken to lead up to their interactions. Not that it’s Karolina’s fault. It’s a mess that Shiv’s made, one she knows she has to clean up soon, before it all comes crashing down on her.
“Not what you wanted to hear?” Karolina asks, looking nervous in Shiv’s silence. Shiv reaches up to grab Karolina’s hand, squeezing it as she smiles softly.
“Just—not what I expected,” she says.
“What did you expect?” Karolina asks.
“I dunno,” Shiv says. “Maybe that my financial crimes get you off.”
Karolina’s lips curve gently, and a soft laugh escapes her. Shiv knows she’s laughing because Shiv wants her to. Because Shiv has to leave in fifteen minutes and if they get into it now, if they let their emotions get any further, they might go places they can never come back from. Shiv turns around, connecting their foreheads. By the time she leaves, Karolina is back to some late-night work, and Shiv, back to Tom.
The first thought Shiv has when the gunshot goes off, is that it doesn’t really sound like anything at all. One second she’s playing Connect the Dots while being babysat by the Old Guard, and the next she’s being rushed off through the executive floor to a safe room that she isn’t really sure is all that safe, given the fact that they’re on the top floor of a high rise in the Financial District, distinctly known for having zero issues involving life-endangering events and fucking high rises.
She stumbles her way through an increasingly irritating phone call with Tom, something about the wrong safe room and she realizes that she doesn’t have a clue where Karolina is, right safe room or wrong safe room, and she still doesn’t know if there’s a shooter in the building, and she still doesn’t know where she stands with Dad, and she doesn’t know shit about anything, because everybody wants to keep her around but nobody wants to keep her in the loop.
“Where’s Kendall?” her dad is immediately asking, winded and wilting, and only ever concerned about her older brother.
“I don’t know,” Shiv says. It doesn’t seem like the correct time to remind him that she’s not Kendall’s keeper, and she’s also got bigger concerns on her mind. “Were you with Karolina? Have you seen her?”
“Karolina?” he repeats, and at first, it’s a quickening of Shiv’s heart rate, wondering if she’s somehow said too much, gone too far, but then it’s a dismissive wave of her father’s hand, a welcome sign that she hasn’t completely screwed anything up just yet. “Get on the phone with her—figure this fucking mess out.”
She does, retreat to a corner and call Karolina several times, her pulse beating harder with every passing ring. It’s not until the third try that Karolina actually picks up, just as Kendall and Gerri enter the room, and she still has enough time to roll her eyes as her dad greets Kendall, his golden boy returned safely to the throne room.
“Shiv?” Karolina’s voice comes through the receiver.
“Karolina,” Shiv sighs, relieved. “Where are you?”
“I was on a lower floor dealing with a small fire—we were evacuated right away,” Karolina says. “I’m with the news crew now, they’re prepping to go live from outside. Where are you?”
Shiv looks around. Kendall doing God knows what in the bathroom, Rhea and Dad looking awkward as all fuck on the couch, Colin hovering creepily. Gerri, it seems, is heading right for Shiv.
“In the Kensington Palace of panic rooms,” Shiv says, losing her words with every step Gerri moves closer. “I just wanted—we, wanted to check in on the response. And I—you’re safe? With the protestors outside?”
“I’m pretty sure ANTIFA is the least of our safety concerns,” Karolina mumbles, her voice getting quieter as Shiv cups the phone, Gerri stopped in front of her, gesturing to the phone.
“Can I speak with her?” Gerri asks.
Shiv has half a mind to say no. Wants to take herself and her phone and Karolina’s voice and lock it all away from others. Wants to touch her hand and make sure it’s real, that Karolina’s right where she says she is, outside of Waystar HQ, prepping some corporate shill with eyelashes far too long for national news to tell the whole world that everything’s fine, that there’s a shooter inside of their workplace but they’re all fine because this is America and guns are our friends.
Instead, she holds her phone out to Gerri. She’s at least grateful to be rid of the vibrations from Tom’s texts coming through every twenty seconds.
“How’s it looking out there?” Gerri asks into the phone. She eyes Shiv and then turns her back, mumbling a yes, and a no, and a no, we’re not legally liable, and a yes, they can say that on-air, and when Gerri turns back around, she looks as though she’s about to hang up, and if things were different—if Shiv weren’t trapped in a room with five people who definitely can’t know that Karolina is anything more to Shiv than a corporate sounding board—she’d get Gerri to stop. She’d rip the phone out of Gerri’s hands and take Karolina back.
Except, Gerri pauses. Her eyes flash suspiciously at Shiv, and she bids Karolina goodbye before handing the phone back, Shiv, using everything in her power not to look as desperate as she feels.
“Shiv?” Karolina says. “You there?”
“I’m with you,” Shiv says, trying her best to sound inconspicuous. Dad, Kendall, and Rhea are still deep in talks, but Gerri’s ears are her, even if she’s pretending they aren’t.
“I stepped away for a moment,” Karolina says. “Are you alright?”
“Yeah, we’re all good here,” Shiv says. “I’m glad we got in touch quickly. It’s best if we get a statement out soon.”
“I was worried,” Karolina says, and Shiv bites the inside of her lip. “When they said there’d been shots fired, you know, I-I didn’t know—”
“Uh-huh,” Shiv cuts her off. “You’re right, we should wait a little. Don’t want to sound too haste.”
There’s a bit of silence on the other end, and Shiv feels bad. Feels awful, actually, because she’s worried too but she can’t show that. Not right here, not in front of everyone. She can’t cry or panic, can’t tell Karolina that if something had happened to her it would’ve been the end of Shiv, that the entire time she was speaking to her husband the only thing that was on Shiv’s mind was Karolina. She can’t tell Karolina any of this, ever.
“Can I see you tonight?” Karolina then asks.
It’s small and slightly hesitant, and feels far too fragile for the circumstances, feels too fragile to be aimed at Shiv. She can’t help it. Shiv might explode if she has to deny Karolina anything ever again.
“Yes, of course,” she says. “I’ll send you the details when we’re out of here.”
“Okay, Shiv. Be safe,” Karolina says, and it feels like the words are hanging, like there are so many more they should be saying that are inhibited by time and space and circumstance, and Shiv can’t help when the spell is broken, when she forgets that she isn’t the only person in the room and her lips curl to say something irrevocable, until at the last second she looks at Gerri, perceptive eyes still plainly on her and she does remember. The destructive words swallowed, and replaced with a cordial, “You too.”
She avoids Gerri’s gaze as she hangs up, opting to read through the abundance of texts from Tom that she’s received within the last twenty minutes. He’s going to be stuck at ATN all night, and the paperwork is, “Horrendous,” considering the shooter was revealed to be one of his employees. She schedules a car for Karolina and a separate car for herself, both to be taken to her apartment. It doesn’t feel entirely right, but it doesn’t feel wrong either, wanting to just sit on her own couch in her own place and bask in the silence with Karolina.
“What did Karolina want from you?” Gerri asks suddenly, voice quiet so as not to interrupt the Boys Club still trying to land a deal.
“Uh—just wanted my opinion on some words,” Shiv says. “That’s all.”
“Right,” Gerri says. “Because it doesn’t make sense to speak with the people who are actually on her payroll.”
“Look, Gerri, if you have a problem, then take it up with Karolina,” Shiv says. “I’m sure she’d love to explain.”
She locks eyes with Gerri this time, smiling her Shiv Roy best, and Gerri just sighs. “She’s not a toy, Shiv.”
Shiv can’t help it as she laughs under her breath.
“Are you my godmother, or hers?”
Colin whispers in Dad’s ear. He stands, Rhea joining him. They’re all shaking hands, smiling as Colin opens the door.
“If I were Karolina’s, I’d be telling her to run rather than telling you not to fuck things up.”
It’s the only thing Shiv feels when there’s finally a knock on her door and she opens it to find Karolina on the other side, a little more disheveled than Shiv is used to, but her Karolina, nonetheless. Shiv normally wouldn't have her over like this, not when it’s so late and Tom could be in even when she knows he won’t be, but she finds that she’s running out of reasons to care.
The second Karolina is inside and situated, she’s pulling Shiv into a hug. It’s not her first hug of the day, but it’s the first one where she feels like she’s being held. Like her hands aren’t the only two things doing the lifting, like her body isn’t a vessel for someone else to consume and spit out and mold—like she’s being hugged because someone cares. Like someone is wrapping her in their arms, not because it’s where they want her, but because it’s where she fits. With Karolina, everything fits.
“Eventful day,” Karolina says, brushing a thumb across Shiv’s cheek.
“Not really a good reflection of Waystar,” Shiv says, frowning. “An employee blowing their brains out in the bullpen.”
“We’re lucky that’s all it was,” Karolina says, and her hands tighten around Shiv, voice thick with the emotional toll of the day. “Three Roys in the building an active shooter, I mean—it could’ve been anything, Shiv.”
“Hey,” Shiv instantly says, attempting to calm the concern in Karolina’s words. “It wasn’t that. I’m fine, and you’re fine—we’re all good. Right?”
Karolina looks at her, furrowed brows and scrunched lips holding back like they always do, and she just nods. It comes over Shiv again, that wave of protectiveness that she pretends hasn’t recently become exclusive only to Karolina, and she takes control of the embrace, bringing the side of Karolina’s temple to her lips and holding her tightly in return. She wants to say something, wants to make more promises that she can’t keep, and ask more questions that she doesn’t want the answers to, but her phone buzzes in her pocket.
“It’s Tom,” Shiv says, pulling away from Karolina, and then into the receiver, “Hello?”
“Hey, honey,” Tom’s voice comes through. “Are you home yet?”
“Yeah,” Shiv says. “Yeah, I got in about an hour ago.”
“Okay, good,” Tom says. “Will you make sure to feed Mondale? I’m afraid I’m going to be in the studio for a while.”
“Yeah,” Shiv says. “Can do.”
She’s being short. It’s not fair, but so many things aren’t fair. Which safe room are you in, Shiv? Are you sure there’s only one? I think they brought me to the wrong one, Shiv. I thought that it was something we wanted for me. What happened to the plan, Shiv?
“Alright, well. Everything—everything’s good?”
“Yeah, Tom,” Shiv sighs. “Your safe room kept you safe, I guess?”
“Oh, yeah,” Tom says. “Very spacious. It was nice to have some quiet time, you know? Hard to come by these days.”
“Right, no—yeah,” Shiv says. “Ours was—it was quiet too.”
“Good, good.”
There’s a lull of silence between them that Shiv often worries is a permanent fixture, but she knows Karolina looming behind her isn’t the best fuel for a conversation with her husband.
“Well,” Tom says, filling the silence, “I’ll see you later?”
“Sure, honey,” Shiv says. “Just let me know when you’re on your way, yeah?”
“Alright,” Tom says. “Love you.”
“Love you too, Tom.”
She keeps her back turned, scrolling through the calls on her phone. Tom, incoming. Karolina (3), outgoing. Tom, incoming. Roman, missed. Tom (2), missed. Karolina, incoming. Karolina, outgoing. She locks her phone, sliding it into her pocket without another glance. She finds Karolina’s set herself up at the kitchen counter, laptop out in front of her, fingers typing away. She looks up as Shiv returns, and Shiv wonders where her determined energy comes from, how Karolina can always keep going, despite it all.
“ATN putting out the fire for us?” Karolina asks.
“Yeah,” Shiv laughs sarcastically. “They’re gonna own the libs and turn a suicide into a men’s rights issue.”
“As long as the ATN audience believes it, I couldn’t care less,” Karolina says. “Waystar will provide its condolences and ATN can do…whatever the hell it does.”
Shiv knows Karolina doesn’t mean that. That she’ll be watching the news broadcast and she’ll send a scathing email to ATN’s PR department when their story doesn’t align with the professional public image that Waystar needs to maintain, and she’ll work long and extra hours just to make it right, even though there are plenty of people on her payroll that can do it just as well with her guidance.
Shiv wonders if Karolina thinks the same way about her. That whenever she asks if they can spend the night together or if they can see each other, if there’s not always a part of her that couldn’t care less. A part of her that can’t afford to care more.
“Well, with a Nazi on the news desk, I’m sure they’ll do just fine,” Shiv says. Karolina sighs and leans her elbow on the counter, head in her hand. She continues to type with one hand, a skill Shiv would find laughable on any other day, and Shiv pulls another seat closer to Karolina, resting her own body across the countertop as she watches Karolina work. Suddenly, Karolina’s typing furiously, sitting up straighter and switching through tabs at a rapid pace. Her phone dings a few times, and an unsettling feeling comes over Shiv.
Karolina’s expression has grown from slightly annoyed to exceedingly worried within seconds, and Shiv sits up instantly.
“What is it?” she asks. “Ken get high and shoplift with the Naked Cowboy?”
Except, Karolina doesn’t laugh, which worries Shiv, because Karolina always laughs at her jokes, no matter how stupid or ill-timed or horrible they are.
“Um, no, Shiv,” Karolina says. “It—it’s about you.”
Shiv goes through her mental calendar, trying to remember the events of the last week. She can’t remember stealing candy or vape fluid or murdering a fucking homeless person though, so whatever it is, surely can’t be as bad as Karolina’s frantic typing is having her believe. Karolina continues to type, and then pauses, turning her laptop screen to face Shiv, a gaudy email taking up the screen.
Subject: Heavy is the Head
Message: Married heiress to a popular American news conglomerate spotted cozying up to a mystery woman at a gala.
Shiv tries to make sense of the words. “What am I looking at?”
“It’s a blind,” Karolina says, and Shiv attempts to calm her panic. A blind is a blind. They’re bullshit, even when true.
“It’s just the same thing as last night,” Shiv says. “Nobody’s going to believe it.”
Shiv does, hesitantly, and her heart sinks as she makes it to the next part. There’s a photo. A fucking photo of her kissing Karolina t that stupid charity gala that she didn’t even want to be at, taken by some sleazeball with an iPhone 14 and a dream. But still, it’s not the end of the world, right?
“Nobody can see your face,” Shiv says. “I mean, fine, fuck, I’m kissing a woman—that doesn’t mean anything—”
Karolina slides her second phone over to Shiv, a screen that’s usually reserved for the most desperate of occasions, and on it is a thread with a different photo, Karolina’s face and dress circled out of a crowd.
“Fuck,” Shiv repeats, because what exactly is the proper word to being outed to millions of people at once, and also, by the way, the person you’re kissing is one of your dad’s most trusted advisors, and, oh, you’re also fucking married! She looks to Karolina, who seems to be flitting between passing out and figuring out where she can purchase a military-grade machine gun to mow down the Reddit headquarters.
“Is someone on this?” Shiv asks, and she’ll admit it, she’s panicking, because normally it’s Karolina who’s on these stories and squashing them before they’ve seen an ounce of daylight, but Karolina is here, and the story’s already broken, and her eyes are a little frantic and her hands a little shaky and Shiv’s slowly losing faith that they’re making it out of this one unscathed. Shiv grabs one of Karolina’s hands, and the contact springs her into action.
“I—I don’t know, Shiv,” Karolina says, puffing her cheeks. She pulls her hand away, standing. “I need to make some calls.”
“You can use my office,” Shiv says, and Karolina nods, walking away without so much as another word. It’s a lot, a shooting and an exposé all in one day, and Shiv doesn’t even want to begin to think of the fallout. The thought of checking her phone makes her feel sick, and if the universe is at all on her side (which, it’s decidedly not, considering this is happening at all) then Dad is already asleep and he’ll never have to find out about this mess. There’s no way Roman hasn’t already found out, and she makes a mental note to come up with a list of things to blackmail him with if he enjoys his life as it is currently. And then, as if on cue, Tom is walking into the apartment, either blissfully unaware, or entirely all too excited.
“Shiv?” his voice calls out, and she steels herself, not at all ready for the first wave of consequence.
“In here,” she calls from the kitchen. It’s a little while before Tom actually enters, his slow, tentative steps confirming her suspicions.
“Hey, honey,” Tom says as he approaches. He doesn’t greet her like he normally does, his inviting arms usually engulfing her, and she’s troubled by the fact that it doesn’t bother her. The distance almost feels welcome.
“Hey,” she says. The tension is thick.
“Crazy day, huh?” he asks. He looks at her expectantly, and she imagines what he’s thinking. Maybe he wants her to fall to her knees, to beg for forgiveness. Maybe he wants her to serve him with divorce papers, to annul the marriage having violated the terms of the prenup. Maybe he wants to pretend it never happened, to forbid Shiv from seeing Karolina ever again even though they both know that Shiv would never listen to that order. She can’t tell, because she never knows what Tom wants. He pretends to want what she wants, or he says he wants less when he always wants more, or he wants things that simply don't exist, things that can’t ever exist, and she just has to stumble her way through his needs, catering to him without completely destroying her own desires.
She feels that urge again, to hide Karolina somewhere far away, somewhere where Shiv wanting can’t be used against them. Where she doesn’t have to suppress her desires just to make everyone else around her feel whole.
“Yeah,” she says stiffly. “Wild.”
Tom nods, still playing his cards close to his chest. He eyes the mess of screens on the counter, not lingering for too long on any device. It’s likely he spent his entire car ride home memorizing every detail of the news.
“So—what’s the plan?” he asks, like he’s somehow a part of it. Like it’s a business move that they’re making together and now they have to figure it out. Like it’s not Shiv’s livelihood at stake.
“The plan?” she asks. She knows it’s not the time to be dense, but he’s already pissing her off and they haven’t even begun. She doesn’t need a Tom-solution to her own mess.
“Shiv,” he says, her name coming out like a warning.
“I don’t know, Tom,” she says. “I have to—you know, I need to talk—”
It’s not the admitting that’s hard. She’s admitted plenty before. Admitted worse. It’s saying her name. It’s giving Tom that piece of her, that version of Karolina that up until now, had only belonged to Shiv. If she says her name, then it’s real. They belong to everybody. It leaves her control.
“Her,” Shiv finally says. Tom’s current state of mind is elusive. She never prided him much in the way of not wearing his heart on his sleeve, but he’s doing a good job currently, and it’s unnerving, not being able to suss out what he’s thinking.
“When will—I mean, is that—are you in contact with her?” he asks. “Because we should really all be on the same page.”
We. Us. All.
“She’s in the study,” Shiv says, and Tom’s eyebrows shoot upward.
“She’s here? Now?”
“Well, yeah, Tom. Did you want me to drop her off in front of Waystar?” she asks. “See how many different ways the paparazzi can ask her what it feels like to fuck your wife?”
“Okay, Shiv—I understand you’re upset—”
“Oh, fuck off,” Shiv says, turning away from him. “Can you just—stop, being so nice right now?”
“Well—I mean, this was a part of it, right?” he asks, that sickeningly dumbfounded expression slapped across his face. “The arrangement?”
Shiv hopes her face isn’t conveying the paralyzing lapse of nausea that she feels course through her. She can feel the boyish hurt seep through his words, pretending like the arrangement is still something he’s okay with. If she were being completely honest, it doesn’t feel like a part of the arrangement. If it were a part of the arrangement, it wouldn’t have been Karolina in that photo. It would’ve been some hot, young guy, just barely taller than Tom; enough to make her feel like he should be jealous, enough to make him jealous. Karolina is different. He wasn’t supposed to find out about her. She was supposed to be Shiv’s secret, her life away from Tom that he couldn’t touch, couldn’t steal. She won’t let him steal her now, either.
“Right,” she says. Silly. How could she have forgotten? “The arrangement, yeah no—sorry. It’s been a long day.”
Tom pouts and steps forward, Shiv’s lie like some kind of spell cast on him. It feels more morose than usual, his desperation for her bare minimum commitment to him. He pulls her into him, as if the arrangement means it’s not real. She isn’t sure either of them believes that, but she knows he wants to, and Shiv, as always, is beholden to his wants.
“It was frightening being in danger,” Tom says. “And this, on top of it all. We’ll get Rat-Fucker Sam on it. Ruin some Silicon Valley tech mogul’s life.”
“I think it’s too late for Sam, Tom. It went viral instantly,” she says. “I just need to figure this out.”
“Well, has she gotten the call yet?”
Shiv looks up. The call?
“What call?”
“You know,” Tom shrugs, and Shiv wildly shakes her head, because, no, she doesn’t know. She’s not some clairvoyant psychic put on Earth just to be able to read Tom Wambsgans’ mind when he decides the middle of a conversation is a good time to play fucking charades.
“What call, Tom?” she says again, stepping away. He looks around to make sure it’s just the two of them, which, Shiv’s pretty sure they are, considering she can still hear Karolina’s commanding voice leave the confines of the study every few minutes, and he leans in, lowering his voice.
“The fucking axe, Shiv!”
He says it like it’s break room gossip. Like Karolina isn’t one of the few people at Waystar who’s actually decent at their job, like she’s dispensable and that’s why Shiv chose her. Not a real person. She wonders if that boyish hurt isn’t just a glint of zeal, like maybe he’s finally found his opportunity for payback. Shiv gets to cheat, and Tom gets to watch the destruction. She wonders if this might not have been his play all along, let her run herself through brick walls over and over again, and watch silently until one of them finally takes her down, bruised and bloody and begging for mercy. Something tugs inside of her then, and she realizes there is a wall worth salvaging, and it’s not the one in front of her.
“She’s not getting fired, Tom,” Shiv says, hoping the blood and the cement seep through, spoken proof that even knocked down, the fragments of Karolina are deep within her now.
Tom just stares at her, open-mouthed with that stupid, disbelieving smile.
“If you’re worried about the optics, Shiv—we’ll have her sign papers. This won’t come down on you,” he says. “It’ll be quick and painless, I mean, you won’t even have to be a part of it—”
“Tom,” Shiv snaps, he closes his mouth, jaw set. “I said, she’s not fucking getting fired.”
In come the theatrics.
“Oh, oh, I mean, of course, Shiv, I don’t—I mean, I wouldn’t really think of it as a firing, more so as a sort of, Witness Protection situation,” he says. “I mean, she can’t possibly come back to the office, right? That could be, well—sort of disastrous, if you think about it.”
She tries to imagine it, tries to picture either of them returning to Waystar with a shred of their dignity, and she wants to believe that there is a way, somehow.
“She can,” Shiv says. “It was just a part of the arrangement, right? If we don’t treat it like a big deal, then it’s not. Firing her looks sloppy, Tom. It’s guilty.”
“Yeah, Shiv, it’s fine,” Tom says, finally letting some of his anger come through. “Maybe I should walk in with her tomorrow, then everyone can know I’m friends with the woman from whom I got cucked.”
“I don’t really want that any more than you do,” Karolina says, and Shiv looks past Tom, his head immediately turning towards the sound of her voice.
“Karolina, hello—”
“Hi, Tom,” Karolina says.
She’s a new kind of silent. Shiv isn’t sure how long Karolina has been standing there, doesn’t know how much of the conversation Karolina heard, but however much, Shiv wishes she hadn’t.
“Uh, hey—Tom?” Shiv says, Tom now looking back at her. “Can you just, maybe?” She nods in the direction of the door, and he raises his eyebrows before a light, “Oh,” escapes him, suddenly cordial again now that Karolina’s in the room.
“Sure, sure, yeah, I’ll just—I need to take Mondale out. All of this…energy isn’t good for his sleep schedule, so. I’ll, um, I’ll leave you two to…it,” he says, wincing near the end.
They both wait for him to leave, Karolina not daring to move closer until she hears the door shut, and even then, it’s a minimal attempt at closing the distance.
“He seemed mad,” Karolina says.
“Yeah, well,” Shiv sighs. He reacted how she’d expected. Highly upset but too desperate to actually show it.
“I thought he knew,” Karolina says, her tone slightly accusatory.
“He knew, yeah,” Shiv says, trying to sound sure. “I guess, he just—didn’t know who with, is the problem.”
She doesn’t expect Karolina to believe her, not in the way she expects Tom to take her words at face value, and Karolina doesn’t. She never does.
“So, we’ve been having an affair,” Karolina states.
“I told you, Tom and I have—”
“An arrangement. Yeah, Shiv, I got it,” Karolina says. The silence isn’t awkward more than it is uncomfortable. There are too many things to say, too many questions and strategies and unknowns. Shiv starts with what’s simple.
“Who was on the phone?” she asks.
“It was Gerri,” Karolina says. “She, um—well, she chewed me out, and then she, you know. Advice.”
“And what was her advice?”
“She told me I should stock my arsenal,” Karolina says. “HR, journalists, lawyers. She gave me some numbers.”
“Are you going to call?” Shiv asks, a knot forming in the pit of her stomach.
“I don’t know, Shiv,” Karolina says. “I might.”
Shiv nods, unsure of what other response she could give. Of course, she doesn’t want Karolina to call those numbers. Of course, she wants Karolina to trust her, to believe that Shiv will do the right thing, to believe that Shiv would stand by her, would choose her. The longer this bullshit goes on, the more Shiv thinks that she would.
“Don’t,” Shiv says. “I’m not going to hang you out to dry. I wouldn’t do that.”
“Shiv,” Karolina sighs, and her face falls almost sympathetically. She moves closer to Shiv, though they still feel worlds apart, and Shiv wants nothing more than to reach out, to grab her hand and never let go. “It’s not you that I’m worried about.”
Dad. Shiv had nearly forgotten about him while trying to handle Tom.
“Did Gerri say—”
“He hasn’t called her about it,” Karolina says. “So, he either hasn’t seen it, or he’s ignoring it.”
Shiv lets out a sigh of relief at the information. This gives them time, a lot more time than she initially thought they’d have.
“So, we still have a chance to get ahead of it,” Shiv says. “Or he doesn’t believe it. Both work in our favor.”
“It doesn’t really matter whether he hasn’t seen it, Shiv, there’s a photo,” Karolina says. “Everyone else has seen it. The entire fucking internet has already seen it.”
“He’s the only person that matters, though,” Shiv says.
“The only person?” Karolina asks. “What about my subordinates? My boss, fucking—Hugo? There are people who want to see me fail. This could ruin me, Shiv.”
“It won’t ruin you,” Shiv says.
“I’ve been fucking the married daughter of the fucking CEO, Shiv. This is a PR disaster from hell,” Karolina says. “Who’s going to want to hire me? I’m a fucking liability now.”
Shiv waits for Karolina to say more. Waits for her to say that she regrets this, and that she never should’ve done it, and that it was a bad idea from the start. That Shiv’s malignant, a festering presence that bursts into people's lives and does her bidding and then leaves right before things go to shit, that she somehow makes it out unharmed every time, a body count living in her wake. She won’t let that happen to Karolina. Won’t even give her a chance to think it.
“I’ll handle it, Karolina,” Shiv says. “I’ll fucking, I’ll figure it out, okay?”
“How?” Karolina asks. Her voice is sharp and jagged and Shiv doesn’t think she’s ever heard it sound so unsure before, so small in the face of something so large.
“I don’t know, I’ll offer my soul to Shanghai, I’ll do the fucking management program, I’ll do whatever he wants—”
“What?” Karolina interrupts. “Shiv you’re not even in the company—”
“Why do you think I was in the office today?” Shiv asks. “It’s me. It’s fucking me, Karolina.”
Karolina shakes her head, confusion taking over her face. “Seriously?”
“I don’t know if he meant it, but he said it, and it’s something,” Shiv says. “If he wants me out of his precious politics, then it’s fucking something, okay? We have to try.”
Because if this is rock bottom, then Shiv has nothing left to lose, and she knows the Dems on Capitol Hill would kill to have the gay fucking Roy child on their campaigns. She can work with this; she just has to convince Karolina.
“Even if that did—it’s not a Get Out of Jail Free, Shiv,” Karolina says. She goes silent, her arms crossing gently. Her expression softens, her anger at the situation replaced with something sadder. She looks up at Shiv again, eyes boring into her from across the room, “Did he really choose you?”
“He said it,” Shiv shrugs. Karolina still doesn’t look convinced.
“It’ll never work,” Karolina says. “It just won’t, Shiv. The CEO of Waystar—home of ATN—with a woman?”
“Then we’ll go to Pierce,” Shiv says instantly. “Get them to agree to an exclusive sit down. Dad will be so mad he’ll back off. Fuckin’ extort the hell out of him. I’m from a crime family, right?”
Karolina’s brows furrow so thoughtfully, Shiv might think Karolina were pitying her. “No, Shiv.”
“Why the hell not?” Shiv asks, growing irritated when Karolina laughs.
“Shiv, you can’t ruin your life for me.”
“What’s that supposed to mean?” Shiv asks.
“That I can’t let myself get in the way of you becoming CEO.”
And it’s that. That sentence right there, when the decision’s already been made for her. She doesn’t care if Karolina hates her for the rest of her life and they never speak again; Shiv won’t let anything happen to her. Karolina, who didn’t go running to the papers right away. Karolina, a top PR strategist who could’ve spun the story in her favor within minutes of its release. Karolina, who desperately wants what’s in Shiv’s best interests. Karolina, who’s willing to throw away her tenure for a fucking vanity title Shiv isn’t sure she’ll ever actually get. Karolina, who cares about Shiv. Who’s worried about how it’ll affect her, sure, but who cares about how it’ll affect Shiv.
“And what if I told you that it wouldn’t even be worth being CEO unless you were there, by my side?” Shiv asks, finally moving closer to Karolina. Karolina's arms are still crossed, but she doesn’t move away as Shiv does so.
“I’d tell you that’s a stupid thing to say.” Karolina looks down, and Shiv lays a hand over her arms, squeezing lightly.
“I know this is bad, Karolina,” Shiv whispers, ducking her head as well. “I know that. But I don’t want any solution that doesn’t involve you. You’re non-negotiable.”
“I’m not an acquisition, Shiv,” Karolina says. “I’m a person and this is my life.”
“I have a life too,” Shiv says. “I want you in it.”
Karolina looks up, her eyes misty. “You have a husband.”
“I don’t have to,” she says, and it’s the first time she’s admitted those words out loud. The first time she verbalizes to another person that maybe she has made some wrong choices along the way.
“You’d leave him?” Karolina asks. Shiv looks into Karolina’s eyes and knows it’s not about leaving Tom. It’s about choosing Karolina.
“You make me feel like I’ve finally done something right, too,” Shiv says, tugging Karolina’s arms free. She presses their foreheads together, and Karolina’s hands grab at Shiv’s waist. They stand there in the silence, connected, and Shiv prepares herself for it to be the end, until Karolina’s voice rings out one final time.
“Shiv—are you sure?”
Shiv kisses Karolina, and it feels like nothing could ever go wrong again.
“I’ve never been more sure of anything.”
“Look at this one,” Karolina says, rolling over in the bed. It’s been like this every morning since the divorce went through, Karolina doing her morning doom-scrolling and subjecting Shiv to the first round of daily tweets. She assumes one day it’ll get old, but for now, the only thing Shiv cares about is the peaceful glint in Karolina’s eyes and the easy smile she adorns, and Shiv lays her head on Karolina’s chest, giving her undivided attention to Karolina’s selection.
@milfupthesun: shiv roy has game like that ?
          ↳ @chaostheory: i mean we’ve all seen her girlfriend
                   ↳ @milfhotline: want a waystar baddie soooo bad now
          ↳ @onemintjulep: need her to teach me her ways
          ↳ @notromanroy1: shiv is definitely not the one with game
“Wait a minute—” Shiv snatches the phone and sits up, squinting at the screen. “Is that fucking Roman?”
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brainyxbat · 1 year
Hi it’s me agsin I hope things are oksy. Anyways I just thought let you know I did begsin write different epic fan fictions. I’ve been writing them lot lately. I probably re-edit them and maybe possibly load them on fan fiction. Net and here. If I get around to might try hand at drawing some scenes based on fan docs post on deviant art and here.I just have wait and see.
As on top that I still have to focus on my school and taking care of family. So be when I can anyways. I was wondering I know haven’t in long time if like to continue with epic role play? Or say like start a new one be cool. If not it’s fine I know both lives can be crazy at times.
Anyhow some of epic fan fictions I’m writing I give brief here:
Untitled epic fan fiction 1: Ronin dies of old age and Nod having hard time coping with loosing another person cares about. But thanks to mk his now wife plus thier children help nod get through difficult time.
Untiled epic fan fiction 2: set pre ending of movie but before Nod visits mk ( after mk returns home) as see at end of movie. Ronin tries make reason with Nod his new relationship with mk. About complications of leafman and stomper being in relationship because of being from two different worlds and two different dimension sizes. Of course Nod refuses to listen and chooses to visit mk regularly while thier relationship grows.
Untiled epic fan fiction 3: Mandrake breaks free of his tree prison with new unbeatable strength, now some special dark magic power. He out for revenge for ones took pod from him and trapped him in tree. Mandrake has bogans set up trap. Process of the trap they get Nod. Mandrake uses his new special power to curse nod to follow mandrake every whim against nod will. He uses nod as bait to get to ronin and mk. Among mandrake revenue tries make nod kill ronin and mk but he refuses as saying he ratger die then kill his father figure and love of his life. Therefore mandrske totures nod more, where nod no longer has control over his own body.
Ronin, mk and rest of nod family and friends try find some answers how set nod free and get rid of mandrske once and for all. With help of Nim glu from scrolls there old prophecy tells of the events happening and whst must do. But unfortunately by prophecy only way stop mandrake and break curse nod has. Is to use of special magical sword of great power and has to be driven into both of them. Will Nod survive or will he die?
Untiled epic fan fiction 4: Two years after nod and mk been together, they break up. Due to complications of size differences, from two different worlds and never be able have real relationship like most couple have. Of course at end Nod is devastated by break up and say something’s to mk he regrets tries make up bit too late. Nod never gets see or speak to mk again. Or will he?
Four years later after heartbreaking break up of nod and mk, each has tried move on with thier lives. Mk is in city going to college while nod continues his life as leafman. But somehow over 4 years nod hasn’t been sane after mk,he just wrapped himself in leafman duties, as feeling he had nothing else live for. He lost himself, all gone was his free spirited loving , caring self. Now he became bitter, cold and distant and empty shell of his former self.
One day leafman are called to edge of moonhaven after some disturbance. Nod goes along with them with ronin to investigate. In process of it there surprise attack of bogss which caues leafman be outnumbered. Among that nod gets knocked off his bird and gets captured. Trying plan his escape ftom his captures, he ends getting hurt in process, and blacks out. When wakes up he in edge of forest not far from mk home. Nod now by some mysterious accunce has lost all his memories and not only that but no longer his leafman size, he now stomper!
Dazzled, confused, and scared Nod trying remember all events happened as well figure out he got where he at. Not sure what to do he wonders off forest and see some type home and heads to it. Unknown to him it’s actually mk home. Mk happens be there for time visiting her dad. She gets unexpected visit from nod at her door. Will this change of events help bring nod and mk back together? Will mk be able help nod to solve mystery of his lost memories and whst happened to him? Unknown to both of them a new enemy along with bogsn are threatening forest and moonhaven again. Will ether be able to help?
Well so far this it of stories I’m working on. Of course each will be edited before I send it to those sites.
Ooh, those all sound interesting! 😊
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alltimesupdate · 2 years
MOONHAVEN Season 2 Release Date: Everything What We Know So Far
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There are many sci-fi shows that are suitable for binge-watching, and more possibilities for viewers to marathon endlessly keep appearing as new works in the fantastical genre are published. “Moonhaven,” a specific programme, has been making waves in the science fiction field in an effort to be regarded as another series that fans are compelled to read from beginning to end Read More
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tvsotherworlds · 10 months
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newsconduct · 2 years
Moonhaven Season 2: Was Moonhaven Cancelled?
Moonhaven Season 2: Was Moonhaven Cancelled?
There are several sci-fi shows that are suitable for nonstop marathoning, and new titles in the fantastical category are continually being launched, so viewers have even more to pick from. In the realm of science fiction, one show, “Moonhaven,” has been making a splash in an effort to be recognized as yet another series that viewers feel compelled to watch from start to end. Fans of dystopian…
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dreadfeel · 2 years
Moonhaven is so neat
Moonhaven is so cool and thoughtful
I love you Moonhaven 💋
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retiredkat · 2 years
From Deadline: New AMC CEO Christina Spade, Replaces Interim CEO Matt Blank
AMC Networks Ups Christina Spade To CEO Post; Patrick O’Connell To Take On CFO Role
AMC Networks has appointed COO and CFO Christina Spade as its new CEO, succeeding Matt Blank, who has held the role in an interim capacity since last September.
Patrick O’Connell, previously a senior executive at CBS Corp and Goldman Sachs, has in turn been named Executive Vice President, Chief Financial Officer, reporting to Spade.
Blank will remain with AMC Networks until the end of the year in a consultancy role, a spokeswoman confirmed.
AMC Networks operates cable channels such as AMC, plus streaming services AMC+, Sundance Now and Acorn TV. Spade will lead them all from September 9 when she steps into the new role.
Today’s development, which comes as the business reports its second quarter results, marks a fast rise for Spade at AMC Networks. She has been with the New York-headquartered operations since January 2021, where she joined as Executive Vice President, Chief Financial Officer, and took on a dual role as CFO and COO in November last year.
During that time, she has worked under Blank, who was named interim CEO last September as previous Chief Exec and President Josh Sapan moved to an Executive Vice Chairman position. While the network is known for launching influential cable hits such as Better Call Saul, The Walking Dead and Mad Men, Showtime veteran Blank has focused heavily on building out the streaming business, which currently has an aggregate of 10.8 million subscribers and is expecting to hit 20-25 million in 2025.
The hire comes at a time of change for AMC Networks. The Walking Dead franchise is moving into a new era, with the original series set to end after its next tranche of episodes and several spin-off series launching. Anthology series Tales of the Walking Dead is due to land on August 14, while series featuring fan favorites Rick Grimes (Andrew Lincoln) and Michonne (Danai Gurira), Negan (Jeffrey Dean Morgan) and Maggie Green (Lauren Cohan), and Daryl (Norman Reedus) are forthcoming. Newer series include Moonhaven, Dark Winds and This is Going to Hurt and upcoming titles include Anne Rice’s Interview with the Vampire.
Blank said: “It’s been a pleasure to lead AMC Networks in this interim role, in particular working alongside Chris and the talented team to help develop the company’s direct-to-consumer businesses and strong pipeline of high-quality content. Chris is a strong, versatile leader whom I’ve known and worked closely with for more than 20 years, and I know she’ll bring her strong business and leadership skills, and passion for this company, to her new role.”
AMC Networks Chairman James Dolan said: “I want to thank Matt for his leadership over the past year and for the changes he’s brought about in the company and best positioning us for our further pivot into streaming. I’m delighted that Chris is taking over as our new CEO. She is a proven leader with a long track record driving transformative change in media and entertainment and I am confident she has the expertise and vision to guide AMC Networks to greater success.”
Spade said: “I am honored to assume the role of CEO. I’m a fan of this company in every respect, its content, brands, and most importantly, its people and dynamic and inclusive culture. I’m grateful for the support of Jim, our Board of Directors and Matt, and I look forward to working with the strong team here to unlock the rich opportunities that lie ahead.”
Before AMC Networks, Spade was Executive Vice President, Chief Financial Officer of ViacomCBS and before that held the same role CBS Corp. She also performed similar duties for Showtime Networks, spending a total of 21 years in the business overall.
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nesuna-nightwinter · 7 years
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[A] Moonhaven Raid Group – Recruitment
My community’s raid team is recruiting; you do not need to be part of a guild to join. We raid one night a week, Saturdays at 8:00 PM (server time), and it lasts between 2-4 hours. 
The team is 9/9 Normal and 2/9 Heroic for Tomb of Sargeras (ToS).
We have veteran raiders but our primary focus will always be roleplay. That means we only do normal and heroic raiding at a steady pace – if you’re interested in mythic level content, you will not find it with this community. 
As a Team, we’re very laid back, interested in being successful, and just generally want to have fun. We do not want to spend mind-numbing time min/maxing, or turning PvE content into a part-time job (we all have actual jobs).
Things we do not (and will never) accept: Elitism, harassment (on any medium), and childish behavior (to include drama starting).
Things we absolutely accept: A positive attitude, a willingness to learn, and a team-oriented mentality.
We’re currently looking for DPS and Healers, but we’d consider tanks (or DPS with tank off-specs) as well. 
You do not need any raid experience to join, but you do need a minimum i-lvl of 885. If you don’t have the i-lvl but would still like to step into ToS, reach out to me! We’re more than happy to run folks through some mythics or old NH content to get gear.  
Feel free to contact me directly on Tumblr or in-game with inquiries: I can also give you my B-tag so we can chat and see about inviting you to our raid this Saturday (the 8th) for our normal ToS clear.
You can also peruse our community here. 
Thanks! ~Nesuna - Moon Guard
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dragonmythfandom · 2 years
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mogstomp · 7 years
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Eliana Moonhaven takes center stage!  Source- - http://mogstomp.deviantart.com/art/Eliana-Moonhaven-677488823
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elianaofshiverpeaks · 8 years
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When it comes to GW2, I can art! \ (•◡•) /
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tvsotherworlds · 2 years
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dragonmythfandom · 2 years
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Moonhavencore (Moonhaven aesthetic) is AWESOME!!! I’m a fan!
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nesuna-nightwinter · 7 years
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Fala’ndor Nightwinter was fond of blessed jewelry; though, few pieces were left after the destruction of Kel’Theril, and fewer still after her death during the War of the Satyr. Ne’suna gifted this moonstone and elunite bracelet to Rhenelle Nightblade, upon her ascension to the Captain of Moonhaven’s Sentinels. The Nightwinter motto in engraved within: “By Night, Elune Shines.”
Item Name: Nightwinter's Hope Use: The Moonpetal Lily blossoms outward in a starlit shield, blocking single-target attacks. Cooldown: Once per event.
Brought to life by the amazing YourImaginaryTwin! Inspired by a KG Design and here’s the Darnassian script fan-source.
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