#mooncaught → faye
sabuleum · 5 years
Clutching the pole of her lance within her palm, she looked up at Emké; the ends of her braid split where sweat clung to her neck from a rather intense round of training. But that still wasn't good enough for her. She had to be stronger. She had to be strong enough to protect everyone. Steeling her resolve, her eyes met the other's without a hint of hesitation. "Emké, I would like to ask for you to train with me, even just once would be enough." {Faye!}
They can sense it, that steel. Resolve tempered like the metal which so often bent under their hands, but all at once, it is still hot; sizzling, sparking. Fragile, even in it’s strength. Few may better understand that drive to strength than the Adherent, that nagging desire to keep pushing, to be ever stronger, ever faster— there were so many people to protect, weren’t there? How could they ever be enough if they didn’t keep pushing?
Sweat, heavy breath. Activity has already begun to tax the other, and yet, her tone is unrelenting.
“You should know that I’d agree, of course. But you shouldn’t overdo it.” Even with those words of caution, she’s grabbing her weapon— a polearm not unlike Faye’s, especially for the sake of training, (their warhammer was not well-suited to practice bouts and friendly fights)— and coming to a proper stand. 
Emké moves with a practiced confidence that tells of a storied past, handling the lance as though it were merely another limb, settling into a ready stance with their eyes still fixed on their young counterpart.
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“One round, to start. If you need to stop at any time, don’t hesitate, just give me a signal.”
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unladylikc · 5 years
"Oh...I'm so sorry about her, she's - Sue, please stop." To say the pegasus had always been odd would have been insult to the energetic and fearless steed that had become her partner. And, right now, that fearless steed was busy combing her slimy lips through Vivian's hair in hopes of tricking a few treats out of the stranger, must to Faye's dismay as she stood there, attempting to pull Sue away from her newfound target with little luck. Her hair a mess and bags beneath her eyes. { Faye! }
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     “ Ah! ” Vivian lets slip a startled gasp, accompanied by widened eyes. Truth be told, she had never quite expected that pegasus to actually trot  FORWARD  and slobber all over her midnight black tresses, causing an eventual grimace to emerge over her countenance. Admittedly, it felt gross, but when she sees how earnestly her owner tries to pry away the creature, she couldn’t… bring herself to stay annoyed. “ N-No, it’s fine. Nothing a little hair tonic can’t fix, ” Vivian hurriedly brings herself to utter aloud before lifting up the freshly rooted carrot she was holding.
     “ Come to think of it, do you suppose Suester might be interested in this? ” she then inquires. “ Sh-Should I throw it like how a person throws a ball to a dog or something? ”
        ↬ @moon-caught┆faye┆
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