#moom knight x reader
wysteria-clad · 2 years
Kissing it better.
paring: Jake Lockley x fem! reader; established relationship with moon boys
genre: that cheesy romantic fluff from early 2000s romcoms
warnings: none
It wasn't unusual for you to spot Jake when he drives around his customers in cab or limo. You've seen him around a couple of times.
But everytime you saw him, you could not contain your excitement. You'd rush to give him little gifts—a flower, a snack, a kiss, a hug, whatever you are feeling at the moment.
You got off early from work that day. You were already beaming, glad to be off so you can relax. It was a long week. When you saw Jake just dropping off a customer, your smile grew only wider.
He could not hear from all the traffic noises around.
"Jake! Baby!" you sped up your walk, the glint in your eyes evident when his gaze locked on you.
"Princesa," he was surprised. A happy one. A lazy smile made way on his face.
"I got out of work early, and now I get to see you. I'm lucky," you leaned into the car window to peck his lips and smiled at him.
"We saw eachother this morning," he chuckled through the kiss.
"My point still stands." That earned a loving caress on your cheek from him.
Unfortunately for you, he still had to pick up few more customers.
"Cariño, I-"
"Yes, you have work, I know. See you at home," you kissed his cheek, standing back.
Home. Coming home to you was one of the greatest joys in his life.
Waving him goodbye, your eyes fixed on your man, what you didn't see was...a pole. You turned and bumped your forehead straight into it. "Fuck!"
The man had you whipped.
He laughed. But he got out the car, "I'm sorry, mi amor, you are too cute."
You groaned, glaring at him, rubbing the spot. You were pretty sure it's gonna bruise later.
"Here, let me see."
It didn't hurt that much, but still you could feel some pain.
"What are you gonna do?"
"Kiss it better."
He placed feather light kiss on your head, a small smile was blooming on your face.
"Better now?"
Another one.
"Nope, I think it needs more to work," you said in a playful tone.
Placing his hands on either side of your face, he pulled you closer, and gently kissed all over your face—your eyebrows, nose, cheek, the spot before your ears, between your eyes, corners of your lips, no spot were left unkissed. He did not caring you were in public.
"Jake," you giggled, letting him kiss you.
He once again kissed lightly on the spot that was slowly bruising before stopping.
You were so in love with him, his heart ached with love for you.
"Te amo, princesa," he smiled, putting his arm around your waist and kissed your lips again before bidding you bye.
Moon Knight taglist:
@twwcs @friendlyneighbourhood-parker @fayes-fics @my-secret-shame-but-fanfiction @devilish-mirage @syrma-sensei @gaymistakeboi @scarabgrant @mintpurplemnm @kittiesluvyou @luke-o-lophus @nana1000night @this-is-me1 @thatdummy-girl @vinsevena @hot-mess-express1 @hotbisexualmess @fandxmslxt69 @beaxtrice @ninebluehearts @moonknightwifey @i-still-dont-like-your-face @toracainz @damnzelsoul @bitchyglitterfox @21stcenturycirce
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raggedyhive · 2 years
sometimes i wonder if i dislike x reader fanfiction because im asexual or because i generally dislike the idea of of being perceived
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