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stranotizie · 30 days ago
I carabinieri hanno rinvenuto il corpo di Massimo Raffi, guardia giurata scomparsa a Capodanno a Montelibretti, nelle campagne romane. Il cadavere è stato trovato nell'auto dell'uomo, un'Audi A4 nera, parcheggiata nei pressi del luogo in cui era stato visto l'ultima volta. Gli investigatori stanno esplorando la possibilità di suicidio. Il ritrovamento è avvenuto il 4 gennaio, dopo la scomparsa di Raffi, che risaliva al 1° gennaio 2025. Raffi, 42 anni, era noto non solo come guardia giurata ma anche come sindacalista attivo nel settore. Secondo quanto dichiarato da amici e conoscenti, l'uomo stava attraversando un periodo difficile, il che ha portato a ipotizzare che potesse essersi allontanato volontariamente. Raffi era uscito di casa alla guida della sua Audi A4 e l'ultima volta era stato avvistato nella zona di Torrevecchia. Dopo la sua scomparsa, il telefono cellulare è rimasto spento per quattro giorni. La fama e il rispetto accumulati all'interno della sua categoria hanno mobilitato un gran numero di guardie giurate in tutta Italia, che si sono unite alle ricerche insieme alle autorità e agli amici, i quali avevano lanciato appelli per il suo ritorno. La scomparsa di Raffi ha colpito profondamente la comunità delle guardie giurate. Era un sindacalista di rilievo, segretario generale del Sav, il sindacato autonomo di vigilanza, e presidente dell'Associazione Guardie Riunite d'Italia, figure rispettate nel mondo sindacale di questo settore. La sua perdita ha suscitato sgomento e preoccupazione tra le persone che lo conoscevano. Gli investigatori continuano a raccogliere informazioni e testimonianze per chiarire le circostanze della morte di Raffi. La pista del suicidio è una delle più seguite, anche se rimangono molte domande senza risposta riguardo alla sua scomparsa e agli eventi che l'hanno preceduta. In attesa di ulteriori aggiornamenti, la comunità attende con ansia i risultati delle indagini, sperando di comprendere cosa sia realmente accaduto a Massimo Raffi.
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rayhaber · 1 month ago
İtalya, KF41 Lynx ZMA Test Aracını Teslim Aldı
Alman Rheinmetall firması, İtalya’nın zırhlı muharebe aracı (ZMA) tedarik planlarına büyük bir adım atmasını sağladı. İtalya, 2025 yılı ortasına kadar Rheinmetall ile yaklaşık 513 milyon dolar değerinde bir sözleşme imzalamaya hazırlanırken, şirket, İtalyan ordusuna test amaçlı ilk KF41 Lynx ZMA’yı teslim etti. 30 Aralık 2024 tarihinde Roma yakınlarındaki Montelibretti test merkezine gönderilen…
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beiruttimelb · 1 month ago
إيطاليا تحصل على مركبة Lynx القتالية للاختبار قبل العقد الأول
روما – قامت شركة Rheinmetall الألمانية بإعارة مركبة Lynx المجنزرة للجيش الإيطالي لاختبارها، كما إيطاليا تستعد للتوقيع عقد بقيمة نصف مليار يورو (513 مليون دولار) للدفعة الأولى من المركبات بحلول منتصف عام 2025. تم شحن مركبة Lynx القتالية في 30 ديسمبر إلى منشأة اختبار Montelibretti التابعة للجيش الإيطالي بالقرب من روما، حيث سيتم اختبارها من قبل خبراء من الجيش ومن شركة الدفاع الإيطالية العملاقة…
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telodogratis · 3 months ago
Ragazzo investito da un treno, è gravissimo. Traffico ferroviario in tilt
[[{“value”:” Un tragico incidente ha scosso la mattina di giovedì 24 ottobre 2024 alla stazione di Montelibretti, dove un giovane… L’articolo Ragazzo investito da un treno, è gravissimo. Traffico ferroviario in tilt proviene da Notizie 24 ore. “}]]  ​Read More  [[{“value”:”Un tragico incidente ha scosso la mattina di giovedì 24 ottobre 2024 alla stazione di Montelibretti, dove un…
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lordfederico · 8 months ago
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delectablywaywardbeard-blog · 10 months ago
Futuro24: innovazione nel settore dell'allevamento
Futuro24: innovazione nel settore dell’allevamento Al CREA di Montelibretti si lavora per rendere l’allevamento più sostenibile e per migliorare il benessere degli animali source
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equestrianempire · 11 months ago
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European Forge Starts FEI Eventing Governments CupTM Season Opening Ceremony
Team Podium, la France, Maxime LIVIO, Mathieu CHOMBART, Luc CHATEAU, Benjamin MASSIE ( FRA ), FEI Nations CUP™ Montelibretti Italy 2024
France won the Li Eventing Nations CupTM opener, which took place in the stunning Italian setting of Montelibretti this week, with soft, quick cross-country performances giving them the edge. Five regions came forth but it was France whσ took a decisive victory over Italy, Switzerland, Spain and Australia. They came in nearby second place ωith a score of 145. 30, aheaḑ of their home country Italy, who had 144. 50 overall, while Team Switzerland came in clσse second.
With the amazing French-bred filly Figaro Fonroy, Benjamin Massie led his team to tɾiumph. He came in first overall with a 39. 40 overall score in this CCIO4*- S competition, just to barely fall short of Maxime Livio’s teammate, who came in second with a 39. 60 overall score. Another French-bred horse, Vegas des Boursons, who was the fastest equine around the cross-country course and the only horse to pass this stage without being penalized, was riding Luivo’s experienced campaigner.
Benjamin Massie ( FRA ) and Figaro Fonroy, FEI Nations Cup ™ Montelibretti Italy 2024. Copyright ©FEI/Massimo Argenziano
This is undoubtedly a testament to a powerful and sustained relationship with his brilliant rider, who is ranked 8th in the FEI Eventing World Athlete Rankings and also trains the Thailand Eventing group. Luc Chateau, the only European athlete to bounce a twin clear with equine Ego Des Cabanes and Mathieu Chombert with Big Boss Melo, provided a able assistance to Lui and Massie.
Massie praised his fresh horses and summed up the cross-country step. ” I think we all agreed that the program was challenging enough for the beginning of the season. It was n’t as quick and twisty. Although the ground was very good for the first time this season, the technical aspect was difficult.
Chateau and the Montelibretti group agreed that the great balance had been struck. ” I think Montelibretti is a good place for competition. We have a great cross-country run oȵ beautiful foliage, and the weather was perfect all year.
Maxime Livio ( FRA ) Vegas des Boursons, FEI Nations Cup ™ Montelibretti Italy 2024. Copyright ©FEI/Massimo Argenziano
Livio, 36, is strongly planning his trip to Paris this ყear and was praised for the Nations Cuρ Series both for the groups and as an individual.
Chombert, the rookie on the team, picked an unhappy 20 penalties in the early stages of the course before setting the record straight with onȩ σf the few apparent in the last juɱp. ” For me and my animal, it was the first Countries Cup. Despite being the new member of the team, my mare had a great trip. Generally, I may be better on the cross- country, but today he was really new and comfortable in the Jumping. I am truly content. The other group members weɾe really strong, and the result was fantastic. Normally, I may do better.
Emiliano Portale ( ITA ) and Scuderia 1918 Future, FEI Nations Cup ™ Montelibretti Italy 2024. Copyright ©FEI/Massimo Argenziano
The Italian ensemble won the biggest praise of the day with their overall place placing and delighted their home crowd. Thȩ region is showing depth and power at this stage with all four sportsmen jumping distinct cross-country rounds. Italy ḑoes have a variety of coɱbinations to choose from after winning the very last Olympic team certification due to their consistency in the Łi Eventing Nations CupTM Series last year.
The second leg of the FEI Eventing Nations Cup ™ moves to Chatsworth ( GBR ), which runs from 17 to 19 May 2024.
Total results can be found below. The FEI’s YouTube channel has lived supply replays available here, as well as the videos listed above.
Dressage Day 1:
Day 2 of Dressage
Cross Country:
Show Jumping:
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storiearcheostorie · 11 months ago
Archeologia / Museo Archeologico di Fara in Sabina, nuove sale per la Tomba XI della Necropoli di Colle del Forno e lo straordinario carro del Principe di Eretum
Archeologia / Museo Archeologico di Fara in Sabina, nuove sale per la Tomba XI della Necropoli di Colle del Forno e lo straordinario carro del Principe di Eretum L'apertura ufficiale sabato 16 marzo
Il Museo Civico Archeologico di Fara in Sabina (Rieti) si prepara ad aprire le sue porte, sabato 16 marzo, al corredo funerario della Tomba XI della Necropoli di Colle del Forno e al suo reperto più celebre: il Carro del Principe di Eretum (nel territorio Montelibretti). Dopo un anno di lavori di ristrutturazione e di allestimento degli spazi museali di Palazzo Brancaleoni, verranno inaugurate le…
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edicoladelcarmine · 1 year ago
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La Chiesa parrocchiale di Santa Maria del Carmine di Montelibretti (RM) è ubicata in Piazza della Chiesa Nuova, prospetta sulla via principale dell’abitato. La prima cappella dedicata alla Madonna del Carmine è attestata intorno alla seconda metà del 1700. L'aumentare della popolazione richiese un ampliamento della stessa per poter soddisfare al meglio le esigenze religiose di allora e nel 1893 fu nuovamente riaperta al culto, come riporta una lapide posta nella parete laterale destra della chiesa. Negli anni novanta è stata oggetto di un profondo e radicale restauro che ne ha cambiato la fisionomia della chiesa. Soltanto nel 1914, la Chiesa di S. Maria del Carmine, si rese indipendente dalla chiesa del Castello (San Nicola di Bari). Il presbiterio conserva un'antico altare contenente la statua della Vergine del Carmelo.
Per saperne di pi��: https://edicoladelcarmine.suasa.it/Montelibretti.html
Per aggiungere informazioni: [email protected]
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diegomonfredini · 7 years ago
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L’incanto dei vicoli della Sabina.. #montelibretti #vicoli #country #borgo #italia #borgo #reatino #rieti #roma #urbanpoetry #campagna #lumix #architecture #traditional #aftertherain #sunny (presso Monte Libretti, Lazio, Italy)
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radiomanzo · 8 years ago
"Caffè e Cornetto" - Claudia Molinari dal Comune di Montelibretti
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telodogratis · 8 months ago
Anziana trovata morta: lasciata sola dalla figlia per andare in vacanza. Scoperta dai carabinieri
[[{“value”:” Dramma a Montelibretti, comune a nord di Roma. I carabinieri hanno trovato il cadavere di una donna, una… L’articolo Anziana trovata morta: lasciata sola dalla figlia per andare in vacanza. Scoperta dai carabinieri proviene da Notizie 24 ore. “}]]  ​Read More  [[{“value”:”Dramma a Montelibretti, comune a nord di Roma. I carabinieri hanno trovato il cadavere di una donna,…
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italiadavivere · 3 years ago
Gli italiani, l'amore per i cani e il volontariato: il nostro cuore grande
Gli italiani, l’amore per i cani e il volontariato: il nostro cuore grande
“Datemiunazampa” è un’associazione di volontariato che opera sul territorio romano dal 2005 con lo scopo di garantire un rifugio, assistenza e cure ai cani maltrattati e abbandonati, occupandosi di promuoverne l’adozione in famiglia. I cani vengono accolti nel rifugio di “Datemiunazampa” (comune di Montelibretti, a Nord di Roma) che ospita attualmente circa quaranta cani in attesa di una…
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thejoniest · 3 years ago
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POSTCARD 09 @ Monterotondo
Heading south into a narrow valley I passed Fonte Cottorella, known for its ancient springs of curative waters then; Monteleone Sabino with the ruins of an ancient Sabine town; Montelibretti and its 17thC palace of the noble Barberini family; and Grotta Marozza that has a 10thC ruined fortification and finally arriving in Monterotondo.
Monterotondo is a town on the outskirts of Rome. Historically it was strategic point for the defence of Rome. In the 12thC the town was sold by the noble Capocci family to the Orsini family. A noble family, the Orsinis were highly influential during medieval Italy. Across centuries several members of the Orsini family rose to prominent political and religious positions including 3 popes, 34 cardinals and many military captains.
In 1432 the town was seized from the Orsini's by Niccolo Fortebraccio, a condottiero, a captain in command of mercenary companies during the Middle Ages and multinational armies during the early modern period. The Orsini's set fire to the town 50 years later. In 1634 the town was acquired and restored by the Barberini family.
The Orsini-Barberini Castle that stands today is a 17thC palace built on top of a pre-existing castle originally owned by Orsini. The upper floors of the palace has four rooms with richly detailed frescoes from the 16thC. The rooms were originally built to host Pope Leo X and later became the private apartments of Pope Urban VIII. One of the rooms painted between 1535-1555 illustrates the life of Adonis. The smaller room has a series of frescoes that run in a continuous frieze. Called "Room of the Hunt" the artwork depicts views of Monterotondo and hunting scenes in the hills of Sabina. The third room has a coffered ceiling (a section of the normal ceiling that is recessed or raised by a series of grids) with landscape frescoes. The final room leads to a gallery with vaulted ceiling with frescoes representing Time, Hours and Fame, and reflect the use of Monterotondo Palace as a residence for the pursuit of pleasure.
In 1943 Italy unconditionally surrendered to the Allies. Germany wanting to secure Rome for themselves forced the Italian Army to setup in Orsini Castle. Hearing that the Italians were not going to surrender, the Germans decided to airdrop a battalion of 800 paratroopers with the aim to capture General Mario Roatta. Jumping over the landing zone a battle ensued until the Germans found themselves under heavy crossfire with the Italian military to their left and a group of armed civilians to their right. The fighting continued and the Germans kept advancing towards the castle. The battle ended when the Italians surrendered. Ironically General Roatta and other high ranking officials had already left the castle several days before the battle.
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equestrianempire · 11 months ago
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Monday News &amp, Notes from FutureTrack
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Ahh, and so it bȩgins afterwards. After a significantly, record- breakingly, tunnel- foot- inducingly wet 2023 season, I think all of us in the UK were hoping for some respite this year ( and maybe the prospect of a somewhat drier Badminton ). Alas, it may seem, we’re having no such luck. We’ve already seen a number of illegal cancellations and mid-event abandonments two days into the eventing time. Will we ever find going effectively? Or did next year’s Kronenberg International, where English- based riders are heading en masse, be the first real chance we’ll get to see some eventing over around?
National Holiday: &nbsp, It’s National Awkward Moments Day. I do n’t know who’s doing the copywriting over at National Today, but I suspect much of their output falls under the remit of today’s celebrations.
Ư. Ș. Weekend Action:
Carolina International CCI &amp, H. Ƭ. ( Raeford, NC): &nbsp ,]Website]] Results ]] Live Stream]]EN’s Coverage ]
Ocala Winter II ( Ocala, FL ): &nbsp ,]Website ] &nbsp ,]Results ]
Pine Top Spring H. Ƭ. ( Thomson, GA ): &nbsp ,]Website]] Results ]
Ram Tap National H. Ƭ. ( Fresno, CA ): &nbsp ,]Website ] &nbsp ,]Results ]
UK Weekend Outcomes:
Lincolnshire ( Grange de Lings, Lincs. ) :]Results]
International Events:
FEI Eventing Nations Cup Leg 1 ( Montelibretti, Italy ): &nbsp ,]Website ] &nbsp ,]Results ]
Your Monday Reading Listing from FutureTrack:
The 2024 FEI&nbsp, Nations Cup line actually kicked off over the weekends at Montelibretti. &nbsp, That, we saw the French group take a decisive victory in this first excursion, with France’s Benjamin Massie also taking the personal win with Figaro Fonroy. We’ll undoubtedly be starting as they intend, and while there wo n’t be another Nations Cup leg until mid-May to assess each nation’s standard, we’re now officially in the form-strategy phase of the season. Find out more about the FEI’s success in this round-up by the Olympic number nation.
Goodbye and farewell to Seacookie TSF,   the extraordinary Trakehner, with whom William Fox-Pau won one of his Pau successes. &nbsp, Up, the couple also won Blenheim and finished second at Kentucky and Burghley before the gelding’s pensions in 2014. After years of living his ƀest life, he was put dσwn at the age of 25 with his brother five-star winning best classmates. Since then, he has enjoyed a happy retirement with user Catherine Witt. Reflect on his job so far.
If you buy, sell, or cause horses, you’ll have to&nbsp, understand how the legislation pertains to your location. &nbsp, Lucky for you, animal law specialist — and international eventer — Jodie Seddon is here to support. On April 8th, she and her partner Hannah Bradley will host a complete conference that will walk you through every detail of what you need to know. Reserve your area here.
Maybe, I just sit in my horse’s firm and think about how lucky I am to have her in my life. &nbsp, Owning horses is challenging – it can be brutal on your emotions, your body, your bank account, your schedule— but there’s so much good that comes up of having these strange, arrogant, beautiful animals in our lives. Useful, heartfelt content to start your day with is what USEA spoke with a cross-section of its members to discover why they feel so fortunate to have horses.
And finally, based in or near London and looking for an entertaining, educational day out for a kiddo in your life? On April 4th, I attended a reading and illustration session at the Southbank Centre with author Raymond Antrobus and illustrator Ken Wilson-Max’s recent book, Terrible Horses. Through the tale of a conflicting brother and ȿister and a horse ḑrawing notebook, it’s all about learning to interpret the people’s perspectives and emotions. Find out more here and purchase tickets.
Morning Viewing:
With the&nbsp, the entire live-stream on replay, catch up on all the juicy Nations Cup cross-country action from Montelibretti:
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fonteprato · 3 years ago
Risto pizza - cucina casereccia
Via G.Leopardi,2 - FIANO ROMANO (RM)
info e prenotazioni al n.351/5591725
GOLD BAR🍹Dalle 19.00
Happy hour - Cocktail bar - Gelateria
info e prenotazioni al n. 0774/600355
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