#monsta x the x clan
dreamaze · 8 months
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BFFL 44/∞ ↪ 1, 2, 3, ba! (ft. mostly-cooperative maknae)
+ mandatory tiny wonnie closeup
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hyungwonalong · 21 days
This is going to be my first theory on this account! Today i’m going to be discussing the widely debated idea that in The clan part.1 Minhyuk and Hyungwon were infact together in a male x male relationship. I believe that i have multiple points which confirm this to be true.
First of all i would like to start with a small summary of the main premise of The Clan Part.1. In the MV for this song we see a lot happen but what is very clear from the beginning is that they live in a very controlled society which is stopping them from being their true selves. To combat this they all slowly get recruited in The X Clan by Jooheon which revolves around these blue flowers which seem to have healing properties.
Now that we have recapped the events that happen in the MV we can go into why i truly believe Hyungwon and Minhyuk to be Lovers in it.
Throughout the MV we see Minhyuk preform acts for Hyungwon that he didn’t even consider for anyone else. He went to burn down Hyungwons abuse father’s house after the rage he was filled with because of seeing him BEAT hyungwon. This shows how far he would go for Hyungwon compared to the rest of his friends. Why would he do this? Because he loves him. and would do anything for him.
My next point is how after Hyungwon was beaten by his father Minhyuk seemed like the only one to truly be there for Hyungwon and comfort him after the beating. This shows how their bond is just so much closer than their bonds with anyone else.
Of course all this could be excused as them just being closer friends than the rest of them.
However this brings me to my final point for this theory.
After Minhyuk fails to kill Hyungwons father we see Hyungwon submerged in a bathtub full of water supposedly drowned. Although it is unconfirmed whether this was a suicide,an accident or his dad getting revenge we can still see he is definitely unconscious. However when minhyuk sees this he climbs into the bathtub Hyungwon is lifelessly laying in and pours a blue liquid which seems to be made from the flowers into the bathtub. After this we see Hyungwons hand move. This signifies he’s alive.
However this blue flower is a clear sign of The X Clan. This shows how Minhyuk is finally submitting himself to the X Clan and making them officially join The X Clan because of this sacrifice.
In this we see minhyuk sacrifice his future to The X Clan to save his beloved Hyungwon
In conclusion i believe they ARE Lovers and their love is a metaphor to show how controlled their society truly is. They aren’t free to be their true selves and openly love eachother. This leads to them getting involved in The X Clan which finally lets themselves truly be together.
This is my first theory and i really hope you guys liked it!!
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monstax-info · 2 years
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heonist. 》 do not edit or crop the logo
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kdreamsound · 1 year
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zheniakirsikkalove · 4 days
❤ ^-^
[Special Clip] 몬스타엑스 / MONSTA X - 네게만 집착해 (Stuck) MV
Shownu, I.M, Joohoney, Hyungwon, Kihyun, Minhyuk, Wonho
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yusukenui · 2 years
i miss 2016 mx so much...
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justsomekpopstuff · 6 months
monsta x as d&d characters
NOTE: Remember, these are just my opinion and how I would classify them in D&D. You can have your own perspective, just don't be a hater about it. I also know that my D&D knowledge isn't perfect. Don't judge me.
Shoutout to @vesvosmozhno who encouraged and awaited this post! You are awesome, and thank you for all your support!
current masterlist | fic recs
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Shownu: Half-Orc Barbarian
Shownu was born and raised into a communal clan of half-orcs, living in isolation from the rest of the world. While he did have parents, he really was raised by the entire group, with each member teaching him every skill they could. As he grew, he eventually became a proficient blacksmith, becoming the official apprentice for the clan. Everything was peaceful - until it wasn't. One day, the village was attacked by a group of raiders who had a particular hatred for half-orcs, wanting them to suffer. The raiders were destroying everything in their path, taking anyone and anything they could get their hands on. Shownu, who happened to be finishing his shift at the blacksmith's, ran out to the commotion, newly forged and sharpened axes in his hands. After witnessing the terror for himself, Shownu's rage became too much to handle. Despite his typically peaceful nature, he blazed through the raiders, as if the axes were made to be in his hands. When the raiders realized there was no stopping him, they ran, never to be seen again. While the village stood silent, marveling in Shownu's show of strength and fury, all he could care about was going back and fixing the damage to the shop, as well as what he was going to eat for lunch. That day, without him knowing, his people deemed him the town protector, knowing that his love for his village and his might would protect them from any danger - even with his peaceful demeanor.
Wonho: Human Druid
Wonho doesn’t have any memory of where he really came from. All he knew was that as a small child, he wandered into the feywild and was adopted by the people there. They showed him all sorts of magic, but quickly learned that he loved animal magic the most. As he grew, they focused more on teaching him the lessons of animal magic, and Wonho quickly became a druid prodigy. Befitting for his gentle temperament, the feywild people bestowed upon him the power to transform into a small lop-eared rabbit, with a nature as gentle as himself. After bestowing this gift upon him, the feywild people gave Wonho a mission: go into the human world, and show the power of love and kindness to those who are most in need of it. Each village he approached, he approached with kindness and curiosity, which was off putting to most of the locals. However, those who saw his genuineness and appreciation for learning welcomed him. Wonho quickly learned he had a soft spot for the orphanages of the villages, seeing how much in-need the young children were of love and kindness. Wonho became a regular presence, often showing up in his rabbit form to greet the children as they played. He rarely showed his human form to them until one night, when he was caught sneaking in extra food rations by the head of the orphanage. The head of the orphanage watched as Wonho got so spooked by his presence that he accidentally shifted into his rabbit form, exposing himself as a druid - and the one that was giving comfort to the children. The orphanage owner, instead of kicking Wonho out, allowed Wonho to stay and work at the orphanage as a caretaker for the children. Needless to say, the children were incredibly overjoyed at his presence, both animal and human. Wonho knew from then on, his mission would always be complete.
Minhyuk: Tiefling Rogue
From the time he was born, Minhyuk knew that he was meant to be a showman. As a small child he would regularly pretend to be different characters, creating new stories of people and things from far-off lands. However, because of his appearance and infernal nature, his theatricality was often seen as a threat by the other children. Being a tiefling was seen as a curse. Despite those who tried to make him feel ashamed for who he was, Minhyuk never gave up on his dream. However, as much as he put on a brave face, he could never deny that the words of the ignorant cut him to his core. One day, it became all too much. He saw the horrible paintings on his home, depicting him as nothing more than an awful monster, a creature never to be respected. That night, he packed his things and ran, never to return to his hometown again. Every village he wandered into, he found the outcasts, the odd-ones-out, and the rejected. To each of them, he gave kindness and respect, and shared his dream of creating a show where no one would have to be ashamed of who they were. Eventually, he had a whole group of followers, and their dream began to take shape. Every talent, magic, look, and style were welcome in Minhyuk’s show. He would make sure they were all introduced with respect and lauded with praise. Anyone who dared try to ridicule his fellow performers would quickly be met with Minhyuk’s legendary infernal wrath. While his show was still met with the usual group of detractors and protestors, Minhyuk knew that he was doing what he was meant to. His dream of showmanship, and showing the world what those who are rejected are capable of, all came together. No matter what, he never let the hatred get to him anymore.
Kihyun: Half-Siren Bard
Kihyun was born on a boat to a sea-faring family, but ships are not friendly places to small children. There was a massive storm that tossed him overboard, and because of his age, he began to drown. That was, until he felt two arms scoop him up and the air returned to his lungs. He would learn that he was saved by a siren queen who had taken pity on him and bestowed him with some of the powers of the sirens. Kihyun was raised with the pod, never really questioning why he was the only one without a tail, scales, or gills. To him, they were the only family he actually knew. He grew up singing, his voice becoming a unique and alluring power that benefited him greatly; and, because of his mostly human origins, he would learn that he is the only “siren” that could walk between sea and land. When Kihyun reached adulthood, he decided to leave the pod and venture onto land full time, promising his mother the siren queen to never forget his true self. He wandered onto the shores and began his new life, humming his way through local villages. Because of the alluring tone of his singing, he quickly drew crowds. Local taverns tripped over each other to try and get him to perform, and Kihyun found himself obliging all of them, bouncing to a different one each night. However, this quickly became too much for Kihyun. He decided to become an apprentice at a local bakery, where his skill with baked goods nearly outshone his talents for music. Every now and again, the owner of the bakery would open the door to the shop to let the locals hear Kihyun’s humming as he worked. One day, an elderly member of the village came into the bakery, and Kihyun recognized them as the owner of one of the oldest, smallest taverns in the village. Kihyun felt it was fate as the tavern owner lamented over how few patrons came through their doors. Kihyun volunteered to help, scheduling a performance for that night at the old tavern that brought in nearly the entire village. Seeing the smile on the tavern owner’s face as he sang brought so much joy to Kihyun’s heart that he announced to the village that this would be the only tavern he would perform in. From then on, Kihyun was a baker’s assistant by day, and a tavern singer by night. He finally felt whole both of his worlds finally at peace with each other.
Hyungwon: Human Ranger
From his earliest memories, the only human person that Hyungwon ever knew was his grandfather. Living in the middle of nowhere, on the outskirts of society, Hyungwon was raised to trust and respect the land around him, and was taught how to survive in the harshest of conditions. Despite his disdain for exerting extreme amounts of energy, Hyungwon became a skilled survivalist. Eventually, his grandfather passed away, and Hyungwon was driven to live out in the wild on his own. Because he didn’t really have anyone else, Hyungwon found himself connecting more with the wild, especially with the animals. This led to him discovering his ability to summon an animal companion to keep him company. This animal companion, or companions, became a hoard of rats he accumulated while on the road, with their leader, whom Hyungwon named Ratrick. Every now and again, whenever he realized that he was running low on supplies that he couldn’t make or find himself, Hyungwon (having a small existential crisis) forced himself to wander into local villages to restock. He would use Ratrick and his hoard rats to gather what they could before he had to step in and do it himself. Anything he could do to avoid people, he’d do it. The only person who ever made the effort to become friends with Hyungwon and give him one small connection to society was Shownu. The only reason that this happened was because Shownu almost killed Hyungwon by accident after he found Hyungwon sneaking large amounts of snacks out of the community pantry. Shownu saw that despite Hyungwon's incredible reflexes and skill, that all Hyungwon really wanted was to be. Just be. So, Shownu gave Hyungwon the supplies he needed and told Hyungwon that if he ever wanted a place to return to, that he would always have one in Shownu's village. That one connection was all Hyungwon needed in the world - that and Ratrick.
Jooheon: Human Sorcerer
Even though he would deny it, the village where he was born called Jooheon a miracle. For many generations, the village had been plagued by a militant occupation of power and money-hungry warlords. These warlords would regularly steal children as young as infants to raise them to be pieces of their military machine. Jooheon’s family did everything they could to keep his birth a secret, but his presence was felt all the way to the Feywild. The Fae decided to bless Jooheon with magic abilities - a jack-of-all-trades magic that would help him on his quest to freedom. Despite his blessing, Jooheon grew up hidden and isolated. His parents told him stories passed down from those before them of how the village used to be free until the warmongers had taken over. Every story fueled Jooheon to want to take action, and so he grew his magic to one day bring that liberation to his village. As an adult, with his Fae blessing fully charged, he made his presence known with explosions, taking out many of the warmonger’s bases. Cultivating all of his power, he blew through the warmonger’s encampments. By the time dawn began to break, not a single leader was left. The village was finally free - but, what now? Jooheon spent days in the village, ensuring everyone that he was force of good, and working with the other villagers to liberate all of the lost children that had been stolen from them. As more weeks passed, Jooheon began to feel more like there was something more left for him to do. As the village got back on its feet, free of their militant oppressors, Jooheon felt more and more useless, and his family could sense it. And so, they knew to let him go. They knew, with his Fae blessing, he would become a powerful freedom fighter that would bring liberation to countless people - just as he was born to do.
Chankgyun: Half-Elf Bard
Changkyun was born into a family of bardic singers, beloved by the humans and elvish. Everyone born into the family was blessed with a beautiful voice, and joined in the family choir once they came of age. That was, until Changkyun came along. When he became old enough to start his training to join the family, they learned something quite jarring - Changkyun couldn’t sing at all. No matter what they tried, he just could not sing to their standards; and so, they gave up on him. Every time they would travel to a new town to perform, Chankgyun’s family would sit him in the very back of the tavern while they performed. One night when he was a tween, and they saw him scribbling away on some paper. When they snatched the paper away from him, they saw that this whole time he had been writing lyrics -lyrics for him to perform. At first they laughed, reminding Changkyun that he was tone-deaf, but then he opened his mouth and began to rap the lyrics to perfection. His musicality, despite not singing, rendered his family speechless, as they never realized that talent could look different than what they expected. And so, Changkyun’s family gave him permission to join the family choir - an offer that he quickly refused. Chankgyun knew he was meant for more, and the fact that it took them until now to realize it never sat well for him. He walked off into the night, lyrics and a small drum in tow. On Chankgyun’s travels, he grew his skills of rhythm and rap. His unique musical stylings (and sporadic d*ck jokes) enthralled every village and town he came across. Despite being more shy and quiet when not performing, his stage persona was goofy, flirtatious, and a little bit of a menace. Every now and again, when he would have to interact with fans on the road, he’d break out the persona - an act that would regularly get him into trouble. There was an incident where he accidentally got engaged to a half-orc that he sweet-talked…he doesn’t like to talk about it. But, with every adventure and every song, he felt more and more free. He was no longer the “tone-deaf outcast”, but a creative spirit in his own right - one that he was meant to be all along. His talents helped him connect to so many on the outskirts, including Minhyuk, Jooheon and the others. Changkyun knew from then on that he would never be tossed aside again.
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little-writing-worm · 4 months
Has anyone else noticed Kpop albums missing on Spotify?? Yesterday I noticed that two albums by Monsta X are gone: the Rush-Ep and the Clan pt.1: Lost.
I can’t find anything that says why. And I haven’t seen any other albums disappear, but I’ll keep an eye out.
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kpoploveblog · 4 months
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MONSTA X (몬스타엑스) - The Clan Part.1 Lost The 3rd Mini Album (2016)
Track List: 01. Ex Girl (Feat. Whee In (MAMAMOO)) 02. ALL IN (걸어) *Title 03. Stuck (네게만 집착해) 04. White Sugar (백설탕) 05. That's Cheating (반칙이야) 06. Because Of You
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virtuangel · 10 months
hi 👀 i was the kpop album anon. if ur willing to share i would love to see/hear about ur list! i love when people talk about their albums/interests/etc!
HIIIIIIIIIIIIIII hehe <3 this is going to be a bit long i'm sorry in advance ... but I started buying kpop albums in like. my last year of middle school maybe?? back when i was still living in belgium (and those are still at my parents' house with my later purchases when we moved to spain). so i don't have my full collection here!! i'll still mention the full one just bc i can and bc some of my personal favourites are back there and not with me rn, but!!
my criteria for buying albums changed a lot with time i think!! nowadays i mainly buy albums if i really like the way it looks (the packaging) and/or when i know i will enjoy the photobook (mostly if i really loved the concept pics for a given version!) . or if i Really want some of the inclusions (i'm currently debating buying the upcoming nmixx album because im absolutely in love with the silly little fluffy keychain guy that comes with the ? limited edition i think...) . i used to often buy any album of a group i was REALLY into (and thus my skz collection despite not really being into their music as much anymore, for example), though, or albums that i really liked from a musical standpoint (which is why i am...the owner of a jay park album....................,)
what's also interesting to mention is that before i ever started buying kpop albums i WAS buying jpop albums, actually!! my collection of those isn't as huge (in part bc they're way more expensive, and in part because i pretty much stopped getting those soon after getting into kpop). so. if u'll allow me. i'll add these to this post as well.... they're still v important to me </3
back at my parents', i have!! :
jay park, everything you wanted
4minute, act. 7
monsta x, shine forever
ioi, miss me?
bts, young forever
got7, flight log: departure
got7, flight log: turbulence
monsta x, the clan pt. 1 // lost ver.
monsta x, the clan pt. 2 // guilty ver.
wanna one, 1-1=0 (nothing without you)
seventeen, boys be // both versions
seventeen, love&letter repackage
seventeen, going seventeen // all 3 versions
seventeen, al1 // all [13] ver. (i think?? honestly can't remember)
seventeen, director's cut
jj project, verse 2
day6, moonrise
gfriend, snowflake
astro, summer vibes
astro, autumn story
pristin, hi! pristin // prismatic ver.
lovelyz, a new trilogy
taeyeon, my voice // deluxe edition
bts, wings // can't remember the version i won't even try
ailee, a new empire
day6, the day
day6, daydream
oh my girl, windy day
shinee, 1 and 1
bts, youth
day6, youth pt. 1 (shoot me)
nct dream, we young
nct dream, we go up
nct 127, regular-irregular // can't remember the ver. either
and these japanese albums!! :
chico with honeyworks, sekai wa i ni michiteiru
shuuen no shiori project, re:act
q'ulle, q'ulle and answer (q&a)
q'ulle, unreal / hope
undead (from ensemble stars), vol. 1
last note., mikagura gakuen kamikyoku
honeyworks, suki ni naru sono shunkan wo
honeyworks, boku jya dame desu ka?
akb48, 0 to 1 no aida // complete singles, limited edition
as for my collection here!! :
skz, i am you // you ver.
skz, i am not // not ver.
skz, i am who // i am ver.
skz, clé 1: miroh // miroh ver.
skz, clé 2: yellow wood // clé 2 ver.
skz, mixtape
victon, nostalgia // algos ver.
skz, clé: levanter // clé ver.
skz, go live // possibly limited ver. ?? can't remember
skz, in life // limited ver.
tbz, reveal // wolf ver.
tbz, chase // trick ver.
ace, hjzm
han seungwoo, fame // seung ver.
cravity, season 2. hideout: the new day we step into // ver. 3 (i think?? forest fairy princes ver.)
victon, voice: the future is now // the future & now ver.
cravity, season 3. hideout: be our voice // ver. 1
enhypen, border: carnival // hype ver.
txt, the dream chapter: magic // arcadia ver.
txt, the dream chapter: eternity // starboard & port ver.
txt, the chaos chapter: freeze // world, you & boy ver.
skz, noeasy // limiter ver.
enhypen, dimension: dilemma // scylla & odysseus ver.
itzy, crazy in love // special edition, photobook ver.
wei, identity: action // ocean ver.
kingdom, history of kingdom pt. 1: arthur
kingdom, history of kingdom pt. 2: chiwoo
seventeen, fml // deluxe ver.
enhypen, sadame // type a
&team, first howling: we // type b
enhypen, dark blood // half ver.
zerobaseone, youth in the shade // shade ver.
jini, an iron hand in a velvet glove // iron hand ver.
as well as a few photobooks:
skz, stay in london
skz, stay in playground
cravity, league of the universe (one of my most prized possessions fr)
and a few albums that i stole got from my best friend:
enoi, red in the apple
enoi, w.a.y
tbz, bloom bloom
hotshot, early flowering
e'last, day dream // dream ver.
now i wanna be a little annoying and talk about them sorry . first of all, currently on display are these: (as well as my cravity photobook and one of my victon the future is now albums on other shelves).
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unsure how to talk about every album individually without being super annoying so. being annoying will have to do. but soooo . starting with what i have Here at my place.
my entire skz collection is currently in a box, but i am you was my first album purchase after i moved here, from my trusty kpop store (musica i love u). i really, really love the way its cover looks!!! most skz photobooks are varying from boring to ugly (so do the packagings, since go live)(it all started going downhill with god's menu i'm sorry to be saying this but it's true), but i quite like this one and the levanter one!!! and the mixtape album is also cute in a way!
i also really like the nostalgia album (and so does my mom, btw, which i can't say about most of my photobooks sadly). the way the box is cut also made it perfect to help me display one postcard at a time on my display shelf for a while lol also i really love this album from a musical standpoint! i remember looping it a lot in my compsci labs . . . the other two victon albums i pre-ordered after seeing the concept pictures . . . they were princes for me..... if there's one thing you have to know about me it's that i will always be insane about a prince/royalty/knight concept. also they had like pc-sized little ?? mirrors?? idk but that's rlly cute it's hanging off my bookshelf rn. and i really like my fame album as well because....well i like swoo. and the photocards were really cute!!!!
the ace album i absolutely LOVE from a visual standpoint it's SO pretty (my mom doesn't understand its beauty sadly). it's so pretty it will always be on display idc i love it... it's also very thin and while that's sad (i could take 238472983749823 more of those pictures) it also helps it maintain a very . . . . fancy look i think
the forest fairy concept for the cravity s2 album that i got is close enough to the royalty concept and thus it was SO for me... it rlly reminds me of lovelyz's a new trilogy photobook and that's been my favourite photobook (that i had) for a LONG long long time like.... i really love is SO much. and this vity one really compares to it i love it just as much!!! and thus i had to have it. well, that, and also i have had this album looped for like most of the year it came out in? like i listened to it an abnormal amount. like. a worrying amount. season 3 i pre-ordered and i'm not as satisfied with it visually (i don't rlly like it to be honest) but it has call my name and thus i had to have it also. i've been Obsessed with call my name since the prologue video for this album was released and That is why i pre-ordered it despite not liking any concept pictures it was just THAT important... call my name i love you
border: carnival!!! this one is very important to me on a personal level... both visually and musically. drunk-dazed is still so insane i still don't know what kind of drug they put in it but dear god. and i love mixed up a whole lot too... visually, the box is really pretty despite being simple like. it just fits anywhere really. makes a little statement... there's like. not MUCH to it but it's not ugly like most skz boxes these days, for example. and the photobook is so......important to me i love it so bad i don't get bored of it ever. i just love this concept so much... (surprisingly way more than the prince concept, which u might or might not have noticed... i have Not bought. i didn't like it as much. the One prince concept that i didn't rlly vibe with as much). the scylla ver. of dimension: dilemma is much more my style!! and thus. i really love that one a lot as well <3 odysseus ver. i don't like as much unfortunately but that was a gamble on my part in the first place (i mostly just trusted the blurred gradients on the album preview pictures for this one bc it looked pretty. and well. sunset colours wise it still does. the concept itself just doesn't do it for me). one thing about enhypen is that when they decide to have beautiful photbooks, they WILL have BEAUTIFUL photobooks. the half ver of dark blood i so absolutely beautiful . the other thing you need to know about me is that i go insane about water shots (in water photoshoots and like .... pool scenes in mvs like. txt run away or &team under the skin). this one was just so for me it's insane. also the outer cover for this one is a really beautiful colour it's like... navy... it's so pretty . additional fact is that the group photocards from enhypen albums are some of my fave photocards they're so cute
one thing about hybe is they will release albums that i will want to own. as you could see on my list one day i just went on a full txt spree like i went absolutely insane at the store like idk what possessed me but... i mean i don't regret it. i love these albums to my core. for tdc: magic, it's about the photobook - first of all the photobook is in the format of like. a spiral notebook abt i find that SO cute (and also practical in a way)(although i would hate if that was the default for photobooks, just to be clear). but like . it's just. idk how to describe it... it's Magical?? the darkness the glitter it's so...beautiful.... i love it so much.... the eternity ones are like. little diaries and that's ABSOLUTELY adorable??? i mostly like the version with the.... magical lullaby concept as i like to call it (there's beds there's stars there's . purple and there's . vibes), but since the diary idea is so cute i kinda just caved in and got both... and then comes freeze which i think i preordered? all three versions because all the concept pictures were just so good. and i don't regret this choice at all even today i don't know which version i would choose if i could buy only one. these photobooks are absolutely. beautiful...
my tbz reveal album is one of my fave albums actually!!! i love it a lot musically, but i love it just as much aesthetically... it kinda looks... like a fancy book?? which is just so cool and it's really nice to the touch also (under the initial outer box)... and another one of the VERY rare photobooks that my mom likes. i was honestly surprised at how much she actually liked this one sdkjjksdbk she got out her phone n all... but that's valid it's a really nice photobook. the chase one i like way less, but it's quite different? quite creative i would say!! and i really liked the concept for this version (no regrets once again) !! the chanhee postcard i got from it has always been on display on my shelf he's watching over me (<- insane woman speaking)
my itzy album!!!! bought it a while after it released so i already knew i LOVED the album musically i think i like every single song on it to a degree?? and it turned out to be SO pretty as well... i had an amazing time looking through it after i got home (i stopped by the store minutes before it closed after hanging out with uni friends in the area bc i happened to check my email and see that i could pick my order up kjndkjbdwnjws) not only the photos/concept themselves but just. the entire design of this photobook is so nice it's almost shocking it's coming from jype i was sitting like wtf jype u CAN make pretty albums??? insane. i also love the photocards i got from it!!
wei's identity: action album is another important one... those are my fancy little guys!!! the inclusions were really cute and i really like ... well wei in general, but also bye bye bye is SO good and i like the rest of this album a fair amount, and. most importantly. fancy concept. for me. great. so for me. SO for me.... <3 meanwhile the kingdom albums were a bit more of a caprice because i was getting into kingdom at the time. they're a little... clumsy, i'd say, in the way they're...designed?? but they remain really nice mainly because that's just. a big royalty concept . for me . FOR ME ... once again, not a purchase that i regret!!
it's surprising that fml is the first svt album that i bought since i moved, but what's even more surprising is . the reason i bought it. it's quite embarrassing actually . i was seeing the previews for the deluxe ver. and i noticed that there was . a set of photocards IN the super mv (2nd half) outfits which meant. jeonghan with that hairpin . and once i processed that information my hands acted on their own . um,
<my jini album3 i love jini's album so so so so much... she was my favourite in nmixx back when she was still a member n honestly the only one i rlly knew like. i knew a few of the other members' names but cldn't always recognize their faces n stuff . but my jini ... that's my performer daughter.... she's such a talented performer it's insane. and i was quite worried about her solo debut because... that's easy to screw up ESPECIALLY when expectations are high and. mine couldn't be anything but high because i do think she's insanely talented, and because the title of this album invokes such a strong imagery... and in the biggest plot twist of the year she even exceeded my expectations and released an album that was so for me. i love all the songs SO much i don't think words are enough to express how much i love this album... and when i looked at the concept pictures (a bit after the album was released, actually), i decided i really wanted to buy it... honestly i wanted both versions but i couldn't justify buying both, financially, at the time so.... i'm still waiting for an occasion to buy the pink version <//3 but i am very happy with the version i have as well!!! very proud to have it. and if you haven't checked my jini out yet, you should!!!!!
and finally. i actually didn't think i would buy the zb1 album - i don't really like it musically. i can't remember the exact reason i decided to buy it after all, maybe it was because i DID like the shade ver concept pictures quite a lot? but either way i'm SO glad to have bought it because.... i think it's currently my favourite physical album that i own... it's absolutely gorgeous. in every single way. in its entirety. it's just. beautiful. i encourage you to watch an unboxing video of it or smth because it's . genuinely so beautiful.
my sadame album was actually one that my aunt bought for me because i saw it in a bookstore we went to together and thought rlly hard about whether i wanted it or not.... i was mostly looking forward to the photocard but i got The One Photocard i absolutly did not want . but oh well. meanwhile!! my moonrise album was actually a gift i got from my best friend back in brussels!! which was really cute of her it was SO cute :< we also bought our al1 albums together <3 kissie for aly!! and as for the five albums i got from my bestie... she's been holding them for me for YEARS kkjsdjkndcb but i finally flew over to the states to see her this summer and she somehow managed to cram them into my luggage as i was leaving... and im so vewy grateful for these because i lob them all... i didn't even know that she had a hotshot album to give me but it's an album that i really love (musically) and turns out it's SO pretty also??? it looks quite book-ish, similar to tbz reveal (amd theyre both red also...) which i really love!
another photobook that i REALLY love is the one from my taeyeon's my voice album!! it's beautiful i love flowery concepts... (also really love that album musically a whole lot). was my favourite for a long time visually alongside the lovelyz's one that i mentioned earlier!
musically, got7's turbulence was my favourite album for quite a while, actually... i don't think i can say it and mean it nowadays anymore, but back when it was a relatively new album it was one that i really loved listening to.
other stories include. me constantly forgetting that i own a shinee album. the fact that i managed to own the pristin album (bought it at a convention) but they didn't have the version i wanted (elastin) anymore and i still really want that version... hopefully i can get it one day. not that i dislike this one i'm just glad i have something to remind me they were real..... the fact that i own a jay park album because at one point in my life i was going to kpop dance classes and everyone really liked his music and i started rlly vibing with it for a while to the point of buying. this album. and me hunting for gfriend's snowflake for a long while before i finally managed to buy it (kpop stores in brussels are very. different from the ones in paris. it was not an easy feat)
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dreamaze · 2 years
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Minhyuk × Roses (AGONY) Are You There? // We Are Here
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faceglitchsworld · 2 years
Discography tag
Tagged by @onlyoneofyouu (thank you Jo, I needed to do some new games 💘)
rules: pick an artist or band and share your favorite song/s from each of their albums and then tag some mutuals
Oke, since I'm a freaking multi and choosing only one artist would basically be the death of me, I'll choose five (5) groups/bands that I love this time.
Monsta X
Trespass: Trespass and One Love
Rush: Perfect Girl and Broken Heart
The Clan Pt.1 Lost: Ex Girl, Sweetheart, Because of U and Unfair Love
The Clan Pt.2 Guilty: Fighter, Queen and Roller Coaster
The Clan Pt.2.5 The Final Chapter: Ready or Not, Miss You, Beautiful, Incomparable, Need U, 5:14 (Last Page) and All I Do
The Code: DRAMARAMA, Now or Never, In Time, From Zero and Tropical Night
The Connect: Dejavu: Jealousy
Take.1 Are You There?: Underwater, Shoot Out and Myself
Take.2 We Are Here: must admit, I think every song here is good, I can't choose one 😅
Follow-Find You: Find You, Monsta Truck, U R and See You Again
Fantasia X: FANTASIA, Beautiful Night and IT AIN'T OVER
Fatal Love: Love Killa and Sorry I'm not Sorry
One Of A Kind: GAMBLER, Heaven, Secrets and BEBE
No Limit: Rush Hour and Mercy
Shape of love: LOVE, Breath and Wildfire
Reason: Beautiful Liar, LONE RANGER, Crescendo and Deny
Honourable mentions to Who Do You Love, Middle of the night, You Problem and The Dreaming from the English albums
Gorillaz (I needed to do them, their new album will come out like this friday 🤣)
Self Titled: Tomorrow Comes Today and 19-2000 from the singles, Sound Check (Gravity) and Slow Country from the b-sides
Demon Days: Feel Good Inc., El Mañana and Dirty Harry from the singles Kids with Guns and November has Come from the b-sides
Plastic Beach: uhm, all of them? I'm sorry but this was THE ALBUM, every song here is perfect 🥴
The Fall: Revolving Doors, Little Pink Plastic Bags, Amarillo and Bobby in Phoenix. No distinction between singles and b-sides because the only single here was Phoner To Arizona and I still don't like it that much 😅
Humanz: Saturnz Barz and Strobelite from the singles, Ascension, Busted and Blue, She's My Collar and Out Of Body from the b-sides
The Now Now: Humility and Tranz from the singles, Fire Flies and Souk Eye from the b-sides
Song Machine, Season One: Strange Timez: Strange Timez, The Lost Chord, Aries and Dèsolé from the singles, Chalk Tablet Towers and Dead Butterflies from the b-sides.
Honourable mention to Hong Kong from the D-sides anthology aka the reason why I love songs with a traditional sound on it 🥹
Stray Kids (in honour of their deserved vacation, even tho it lasted like...three days 😅🥲)
Mixtape: Spread my wings
I am NOT: District 9 and Grow Up and Awaken
I am WHO: Awkward Silence
I am YOU: I am YOU, My side and Hero's Soup
Clè 1: Miroh: Maze of Memories, Chronosaurus and 19
Clè 2: Yellow Wood: Side Effects and the Mixtapes. All of them.
Clè: Levanter: Double Knot, Levanter and Astronaut
Go Live+In Life: Back Door, We Go, Wow, My Universe and Another Day
NOEASY: Silent Cry and Gone Away
ODDINARY: Venom, Waiting for Us and Muddy Water
Maxident: Case 143, 3RACHA and Can't Stop
SKZ Replay: any solo song made by Han and Changbin+Deep End, Stars and Raindrops, Hug Me and miss you
Honourable mention to Hoodie Season, which is into SKZ 2021
Melanie Martinez (in honour of her trailer for her next album)
Crybaby: Pity Party and Soap from the singles, Alphabet Boy and Mad Hatter from the b-sides
K-12: Drama club, Strawberry Shortcake, Orange Juice and High School Sweethearts
Oneus (in honour of their vacation from the tour, hoping it will last more than SKZ or I'll go through a tantrum)
Light Us: Valkyrie, Red Thread, HERO and Crazy & Crazy
Raise Us: Twilight and BingBing
Fly With Us: LIT and Stand By
Devil: Incomplete, Lion Heart and What You Doing?
Binary Code: I can't choose one song here, everything here is good. Yes, even Valkyrie (rock version).
Blood Moon: LUNA, Life is Beautiful and Yes or No
Trickster: Skydivin', Firebomb and Mr Wolf
Malus: Same Scent, STUPID LOVE, Mermaid and FULL MOON
Honourable mention to STAY, because the WeUs family is the most dear thing to me ❤️
Tagging @jongside and @atinystraykid
No pressure, have fun, I love you ❤️
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monstax-info · 2 years
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heonist. 》 do not edit or crop the logo
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kdreamsound · 1 year
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monsta-x-star · 2 years
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Yun Chobyeol (korean: 윤 초별; born July 30th, 1996), known professionally by her stage name Star, is a fictional South Korean rapper, dancer, producer and songwriter. In May 2015, she made her debut as a member of the co-ed group Monsta X, under Starship Entertainment.
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Disclaimer: This work is purely fictional and does not represent any idols real personality or action. Please consider this while reading all of my work. Thank you and have fun.
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Profile | Appearance | Aesthetic | Style | Habits (currently being re-done) | Pets | Quotes | Dorm Room | Phone | Tattoos & Piercings | Love Language | Added Characters |
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Monsta X | Family | Company Artists | Staff | OCs | Female Friends | Male Friends | Ships | Her Crushes | Crushing on Her | Dating |
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coming soon
Trespass & Rush (2015)
coming soon
The Clan Pt. 1 Lost & The Clan Pt. 2 Guilty (2016)
coming soon
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Social Media & Content
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A/N: If you want to check out my other Kpop Additions, here is the link to my Masterlist. My original account is @i-am-confused-about-life, if you want to check that out. Have fun!
Kpop Masterlist
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Hey, thanks for giving this post your time and I hope you will enjoy my stories. Consider reblogging, liking and commenting. Constructive Feedback is always great. You can also send asks and I will answer them. I appreciate you 💛
Disclaimer: All the pictures are from Pinterest and are not mine. Credit to the owners. ©︎ monsta-x-star - all rights reserved. do not copy, repost, or translate my work on Tumblr or other platforms.
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Font: Facebook- The Clan: Monsta X
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