monologarithm · 3 years
A Brief Explanation
Hello there,
I am a person who enjoys many passions and has many thoughts that I’d rather not throw away. Initially I attempted to write a journal physically but realistically I take a lot of notes on a regular basis and it felt like more work. Digitally seemed more reasonable and separate from my day to day routine, and the reason I ultimately decided on Tumblr is just because I feel I would have better spent my time here than where I did as a teen. I also wanted to post online as an experiment to hold myself more seriously to journaling, I want to try to be as openly honest as possible in my life’s events as a positive channel for more negative emotions, but that’s also why this is not simply an ‘about me.’
My life has been rather complicated, not that anybody else’s isn’t these days especially, however, it has involved several events that certainly aren’t universal to the human experience and could be triggering. I have suffered many traumas and losses over the years so it may strike me to talk about it; I have previously been partially indoctrinated by some ideologies that do not currently align with my beliefs and I may wish to talk about my opinions and frustrations towards them; I am still currently working on completing my education due to many factors some of which I feel are out of my control and may feel the need to vent. Sometimes I may express my current views on topics from a centrist/socialist viewpoint and will miss something or accidentally misrepresent an established ideology I didn’t research or realize I was proposing. That being said I will try to always place relevant trigger warnings in entries that deal with more sensitive topics, and will always take the utmost care to treat topics involving groups of people I can’t speak for with dignity. I also suffer from Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD) and went to school for physics and mathematics so I may information dump in an overly terse and wordy manner. I apologize in advance if it comes across as arrogant or pseudo-intellectual. I just genuinely adore learning about many subjects and like to be very concise as to upset as few people as possible.
That significantly more serious bit out of the way, obviously as I previously mentioned my background is in two STEAM fields (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, and Mathematics, is my preferred over STEM), and I have a tendency to ramble on far longer than I should due to my neurodivergency, so I conjured up the name “Monologarithm” and it was free.
A little more about myself that’s hopefully a little informative. I am working every day to be in a position to finish my degrees as I truly believe science is something to help humanity. I ultimately want to be a part of the change that makes humanity more sustainable and unified as a community. I identify as non-binary and pansexual, I have only relatively recently in my life identified as NB because of the lack of visibility when I was growing up and coming to terms with my sexuality. So I’m still in between whether I identify with a further subgroup, but NB definitely feels right as it matches up with feelings of existing in a consistently gender non-conforming state since early childhood and being painfully aware of how I was perceived by others.
I tend to be into a lot of nebulous different things. I enjoy games of all varieties, reading, shows & films (Star Trek especially), doing self enrichment adjacent to my fields, food, playing with Lego, collecting various toys and figurines, going to museums, caring for and learning about animals, learning about other languages and cultures, programming, making music, and occasionally making very stupid memes. I’m also going to be at random talking about my hobbies and my perceptions about trends, hopefully that will generally be more light-hearted but I do apologize in advance for any controversial statements I may make about certain pieces of media. I’m never trying to criticize an entire fanbase, I’ve simply been into critically analyzing the things I enjoy since I was a kid, and I tend to rarely find things perfect in an ‘I wished artists could happily improve their technique eternally’ way. So potentially I may discuss and vent about some of the shade I’ve been thrown by more toxic fans of things I enjoy over the years. I just also want to make it explicitly clear whenever I do bring up the topic I’m trying hard to restrict the scope of my criticisms to who and what I am venting about in an isolated situation, and I’m never intending to trashtalk a fandom at large.
Thank you very much however few people take the time to read this before continuing. I hope I bring some level of entertainment to people with my various musings on my hobbies, perhaps offer some insight for other people into difficult situations they haven’t had to deal with yet or are struggling with now, and most of all manage to actually write in this blog relatively frequently. I appreciate your taking this time to read my explanation/about me.
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