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artblogart · 3 years ago
Saving money at home means making money
For some people it's a sport, but for others it's a necessity: cutting back. Not only here are the best saving tips. There are also many tips on Nibud.nl, Eendutjeopzijnkant.nl and Savingstest.nl. Saving 7,000 euros per year is possible if you follow all the tips correctly.
No curtains for the radiator
Make sure there is no large furniture in front of the radiator. And close the curtains at night. But come up with a creative solution for the curtains that hang in front of the radiator, because they block the heat transport to the room. Close all connecting doors.
Saving money at home means making money
Make it a habit to always close all doors behind you. Otherwise the air will circulate: drafts, moisture and wind will lower the temperature. Therefore, make sure that your letterbox is well draught-free, by building a box for it, or otherwise mounting a special letterbox or anti-draft strip. These tips alone save 30% on your heating costs.
Warm air rises
If you close another door to the top or, even better, close a hatch to the attic, you save a lot, because warm air rises. So the heat immediately hangs through the stairwell against the ridge of the attic and mixes with the cold outside air on the other side of the roof tiles. You will not enjoy that in the living room. That is why insulating your roof is so effective. Your heat can't go any higher. If it is feasible to place a hatch with a counterweight and a pulley in the stairwell or a simple door at the bottom or top of the stairs, then that is a real moneymaker.
Easily create compartments of still air under your floor
Underfloor heating is also important, but for a different reason. That's what the temperature feels like: no matter how warm you dress, if you have cold feet you will still feel uncomfortable. So ensure that the floor is insulated by stapling some plastic to the floor (the ceiling of the basement) in the basement. And then place some stationary air compartments in special heat-reflecting foil and you no longer have cold feet. You can buy the stuff ready-made, but you can also make it yourself. And once you have warm feet, the rest often follows. There is then less need to stoke higher.
Ventilating is actually cheaper
Smart ventilation at times when you don't need the heat. Just five minutes before you leave for work, study or bakery in the morning. Your house is still cold at night, so you don't lose too much heat there. Dry air heats up faster than moist air, so keep track. By default, set the thermostat one degree lower. And you immediately save 6 percent on your energy costs. A return of 6 percent on your investments on the stock market on an annual basis is not wrong at all. And not at home either. Efficiently lowering your thermostat an hour before bedtime to 5 to 9 degrees lower, it quickly saves 20 percent on your stick costs. If your house is already very well insulated, you can lower it by two degrees.
Take a minute shorter shower
A minute shorter shower saves double. On the water and the energy to heat the water. It saves a hundred euros a year. For the handy smart guys among us: you can come up with a system that stores hot shower water in a copper spiral, which then releases the heat to a radiator. If you have it done, you will pay much more on balance than the proceeds, but it is called WTW. So Google WTW for inspiration.
Find the heat leaks in your home with a heat leak scanner
There are heat-sensitive scanners for sale (including from the Home Owners Association) with which you can detect heat leaks in your home. Who knows, there is already a handy app for this. You will see the red spots light up. Those are the places where the heat leaks out the most. Such as windows, cracks, draft spots, doors, mailboxes, dormer windows, keyholes, walls, pipes, stove connections and roofs. Packing the lead Of course, hot water and central heating pipes also give off heat in your home. And that's a nice bonus. But not if it's under a floor or in a closet or in an unused basement or hallway. Wrap those pipes and in this way you push the heat to the places where you do like it: the living room. Placing reflective radiator foil behind your radiator reflects the heat where you want it. Instead of heating the wall, the heat now goes to you.
Earn and save with some simple tips that you can teach yourself. You don't notice it yourself after a while, because you are so used to it. Teach it to your housemates as well, which will immediately give you a double return. This way you can save a great holiday in no time.
Er zijn warmtegevoelige scanners te koop (onder andere bij Vereniging eigen huis) waarmee je in je huis de warmtelekken op kunt sporen. Wie weet is er ook al een handige app hiervoor. Je ziet de rode plekken oplichten. Dat zijn de plekken waar de warmte het meest weglekt. Zoals ramen, kieren, tochtplekken, deuren, brievenbussen, dakkapellen, sleutelgaten, muren, leidingen, kachelaansluitingen en daken.
De leiding inpakken
Warm water en cv leidingen geven uiteraard ook warmte af in je huis. En dat is mooi meegenomen. Maar niet als het onder een vloer of in een kast of in een ongebruikte kelder of gang is. Inpakken die leidingen en zo stuw je de warmte naar de plekken waar je het wel prettig vindt: den huiskamer. Reflecterend radiatorfolie achter je radiator plaatsen kaatst de warmte waar je die wilt. In plaats van de muur verwarmen, gaat de hitte nu naar jou.
Tot slot
Verdien en bespaar door wat eenvoudige tips die je jezelf zo kan aanleren. Je merkt er zelf na verloop van tijd niks van, want je bent er zo aan gewend. Leer het je huisgenoten ook aan, dat geeft dan meteen dubbel rendement. Zo bespaar je in no time een vette vakantie bij elkaar.
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