raymondshields · 6 years
monarchofthewastes replied to your post: i need to write three thousand more words tonight...
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crossed with
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is gonna equal
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dreamychaos · 6 years
(Hey guys, Discord is being weird & fucky with the connection rn we didn't mean to vanish!) :( :( :(
@sanctum-of-fantasy @pendulumstar @monarchofthewastes
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raymondshields · 6 years
monarchofthewastes replied to your post: Today on: Pale almost started sobbing because...
Dammit I don’t have enough money to buy it for you ;~;
That's okay, I'm getting it myself. I just can't wait to read it to you when we're all snuggled up together in front of the fire. I love you, cutie. <3
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raymondshields · 6 years
You are the Patron Saint of amazing writing and regularly sending me into a Bisexual Panic(TM). ;)
Awww, you big sap. :p
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raymondshields · 6 years
monarchofthewastes replied to your post: tfw you accidentally give a character a backstory...
Is… is the sweet boy alright?
The sweet boy is apparently a worldwanderer to Taranis, which only takes boys and shows them how to be kind in an unforgiving world of unrestrained creation. The sweet boy had to run from something and won't tell me what, but he's happier for it, I think.
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raymondshields · 6 years
Let’s go with Enishi Youzuk, one of my main supporting characters this year! She’s one of Morcair’s love interests usually, but since in this version of the project Tarim takes that spot, I’ve decided to see where else Enishi can go.
Tara usually ends up with Jude during these so she’s gonna stay with him, but to keep things balanced we’re also adding Enishi in as the resident Kharosian loser. She’s helping with the plot.
Enishi’s a Child of the Storm / Atomic Voice, as well as a vampire. She was cured of her insanity about twenty years ago by Haridor’s Prince Terrance, and has been researching other planes in the meantime. Since in this version Tara and Tarim have never met, Enishi is Tara’s only starting connection to him; since Enishi and Tarim worked together once he returned to Ilya Ustuxi after a slightly altered version of the events in Starlight.
I’m not sure how she comes into the story, but she will fairly early on. She’s probably out in Ilya Terrana doing field work and checking things out, and probably joins in with Tara and Jude into Ilya Serina to go do... whatever it is they’re doing in the Serin, I dunno, people always end up in the Serin for wildly long periods of time.
She sees Ilya Serina in a perspective I haven’t yet written about, too. Tarim sees pastel crystal, Jude sees scrap metal, Tara and Naitofiara see a forest. Enishi sees an American-style desert: not vast dunes and full of stars, but with snakes and scorpions and rocks and a shit ton of plants. It’ll be interesting having her along, that’s for sure.
She’s dignified and quiet, all-judging and confident. She’s happier letting those alongside her run into walls they can’t see than trying to guide them, and is no way a leader. She’ll listen, but she’ll scoff at you and tell you you’re stupid even when you’re not.
She probably grows into a more understanding person, or at least a more useful one. Her saving grace is that she is very powerful and nigh-indestructible. She’ll fuck off for a bit and come back with everything solved already, because she’s just like that. Except the tropes are hungry so something else will probably go wrong.
I dunno. I like her.
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raymondshields · 6 years
monarchofthewastes replied to your post: cute things my qpp has done: mistaken my cat...
because it was the funniest thing ever and I aspire to sound like my cat one day.
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