#momma samm
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kaywavy · 1 year ago
1 and 10 and 16 and 17 and 18
music ask game
1: A song you like with a color in the title
the mint - earl sweatshirt (mint is a color right?)
black hole / green sun - malcolm brown
[blue]print (momma loves me) - jay z
10: A song that makes you sad [going with songs that have made me cry]
he say, she say - lupe fiasco
hey mama - kanye west
moonsetter - toby fox, samm neiland, clark powell
16: One of your favorite classical songs - [real basic and/or incorrect, i dont really listen to classical right now sorry]
rym says spaghetti western falls under cinematic classical so..
the ecstasy of gold by ennio morricone
17: A song that would you sing a duet with on karaoke
both of the duets avant did with keke wyatt [you & i / my first love] those songs fuck severely
18: A song from the year that you were born [this list could be so much longer believe me]
momma i'm so sorry - clipse
any of the songs from j dilla's donuts
throw some d's - rich boy
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charcherry-weekly · 1 year ago
Charcherry Weekly - Issue 171
Hello Everyone, this is your Page of Mind, Samm. Unfortunately the two siblings usually in charge of running the newsletter are out with a cold this week. So, I've stepped in to help out so that they can both get some well deserved rest. Now, as you might imagine, I lack the same abilities a these two that would make it easier to oversee how everything has gone since last time, but I will do my best!
Birthdays and recent holidays
First, as was mentioned in last week's article, this month has been jam packed with birthdays!
The birthdays of Hazel, Katyleen, Blaze, HAZEL and HAZEL have passed just as Nick said, but I didn't attend or leave presents because I was, and still am, uncertain what they might like. I don't know them as well as I might wish to, but I'm making a mental note to change that given half the chance. Maybe some movie night or something?
Oh, and I missed my Halloween visit to Thanatos too...dang it. Add that to the list.
As well, the birthdays of the Emit Siblings have come and passed. For these ones too, I was late on, but at least they have been sent out. Rise and Brae both receive accessories that I hope they like, as I know they like oranges, Flux got a knife I thought suited her, and then I paid Thoren a visit. Given how busy and stressed they must be lately, I decided they might appreciate a visit more than any material thing I could think to give them. I might have bumbled that up by accidently letting slip about an illness of mine (more on that later!) but they seemed to appreciate the visit anyways.
Still to come is the birthday of Nick and Aeons. I don't know if anyone has anything planned for November 16, but a little something might be nice. I haven't heard from either of them in a while. Maybe I'll drop by and...drag them to that movie night? Who knows!
editor's note: I have no idea when movie night will be a thing again. It largely depends upon the setup in the lab's living room working in the presence of more than one godtier individual. Not sure why it's particularly sensitive to aspect interference like that. I appreciate the sentiment though.
My plans for Grass 3 are on hold and have been for a little bit now. As you can see, there's a lot for a momma to be doing lately that more important than her hobby project. But you know what isnt on hold? Dastardly plans, of course.
Antechamber Antics
Earlier this week, Korosian President Thoren Emit, Unity Mayor Brae Emit, your back up newsletter writer Page of Mind Samm, and a few others received a distress signal. The request was sent by Thoren's wife, Raine, who had gone off on a journey before and not been keeping up communications. I've been worried more than once during that time, but I also hadn't wanted to hear that she was captured and chained up to a dungeon core!
Thankfully, she was able to hang on for a few days as the Dungeon Crashers located and planned for a crashing of the dungeon. Thoren drove as we approached a fire pokemon gym in some region named Distan.
Also joining the initial group included Rogue of Heart Charles, Maid of Void Skitis, Bounty hunter Samus, and Page of Rage Jovin.
Finding our way in wasn't all that hard, and we met with a cute little charcadet, who we fixed right up with a potion, after charles got a little case of the butter fingers.
And soon enough, we were face to face, and pokemon to pokemon with a Team Abyssal member, that we defeated quite handily, despite the intense heat and some of us needing a little coaching. I'm glad to say I might also be starting to get a hang of pokemon battling. I can only hope.
Anyways, after defeating our opponent, we apprehended them, and in lieu of a given name, dubbed them Squidward. I admit I got a little angry with Squidward for their role in harming my family, but I managed to limit my rage to a few slaps (mostly!)
After Squidward's defeat, we went on to face our next challenge, the mysterious puzzle of... three unknown hallways. After some coaxing, Squidward let us know there was a graveller down one way that would explode, but that all of them would actually lead us to the same spot. So we carefully went down one way, met the graveller, talked our way through, and continued onward to rescue raine and, we presumed, the gym leader as well. I also spoke to the graveller and recruited them while the team faced the next challenge...
Somehow Chandelure and the many litwick were down there too, and chandelure was turned into a shadow pokemon!
Some of us moved to subdue the angry pokemon, while some of us struggled with the idea of attacking friends.
But either way, something went wrong, and the ceiling above us became unstable. Jovin was knocked unconscious, and squidward, chandelure, and litwick were all buried. With a little time, we all got our wits about us, found Raine's location, and dug straight there.
It was a simple thing to release Raine and the other chained trainers, though now that everyone was safe, my guard was down. Then Raine was told about Chandelure and well...let us say that I could feel strong waves of rage, and that made my illness act up.
I shall not go into details here, but everyone present was able to witness the effects of the strange illness that I have been trying to keep from everyone, and I ended up worrying a few folks, likely by the strange change in my appearance and demeanor. And I may have threatened Squidward with death and possible torture a couple times. Sorry everyone. And a thank you to Brae, who stayed back to make sure I, and everyone who hadn't immediately left, was fine and sent off to safety.
The dungeon core was transported to a desert on Korous, and recently was safely destroyed by a bomb squad, at Thoren's command.
Squidward, chandelure and litwick all ended up fine, if anyone was worried, though last I checked, chandelure was still in Shadow mode.
As of today, we're all safe and recovering. Some of us have gotten checked by a doctor, and some of us have come down with a cold. Thoren is looking into setting up transportation to and from Antechamber of the Distan region to further relations in all social aspects, and in trading commerce, while Brae has offered assistance and a contact number from Unity Village to the Antechamber gym leader, as a gesture of support and solidarity.
All in all, a fine, almost mundane, wrap up to the week.
This week's known market stands in Desertia Town:
Katie’s potion stand (Not available to plitlanders due to regulations, available to all others however)
shinyjiggly pokesnacks stand (ran by Rufus)
Antique Cookware Stand
Hunters shop
- Shortbow (25 gp)
- Crossbow, Heavy (50 gp)
- Longbow (50 gp)
- Fishhook (1 sp)
Bird Shop
- Duck (2 gp)
- Falcon (40 gp)
- Chicken (1 gp)
- Raven (2 gp)
- Owl, ruffled (20 gp)
Yes, so I'm sorry if the formatting on this last bit is rough, but I'm just happy to source this information for all of yall.
Take care and stay safe.
- Signing Off, Page of Mind, Samm
Editor's note: I'd like to thank you again for writing this last night so I could focus on recovering. As you might know from the very late timestamps on most newsletters, it tends to take me a long time to write these. It's hard work to get myself focused, and I didn't want to impede my health with that struggle. If you ever need anything in the future, let me know, because I definitely owe you a solid.
-your usual newsletter writer, currently acting as editor, Mage of Light Nick Card
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To summarise:
This episode was brought to you by the NY Pest Management Association.
Electricity is out at Thornhill but it’s not because Cheryl forgot to pay the bill. She’s just setting the mood for a romantic rendez-vous with MinMin.
Nothing like a couple of good horror stories to get you started.
People haven’t hung their art collection in their bedroom, since Francis I of France put the Mona Lisa in his bathroom, but Cheryl’s Night Gallery is in her bedroom? A true art aficionado.
Everybody in Riverdale has Darkness™. Except from Archie. Archie has Trauma™.
He has also finally caught up with the s3 plotline i.e Hiram experimenting with drugs on people. He goes off about it to his bewildered therapist.
Reggie may have some big ideas but between working at his dad’s car dealership, Veronica’s jewelry shop/investment company and Archie’s new mining business, he has no time to put them into action.
He does have time, however, to wink at Nana Rose. And for that, he gets all the points.
Kevin realises that being the Blossom Ministry’s art director might not be as lucrative a profession as expected. He also turns to mining to supplement his income.
The miners experience hallucinations due to gas. That is, all the miners except Uncle Frank, because someone has to explain to Archie what’s happening.
Archie saw some of Jughead’s sketches of the Mothman and immediately hallucinated him. That boy is so impressionable.
I can’t tell if Uncle Frank was taking power naps or has been faking it so that he doesn’t have to deal with his nephew. Have we misjudged Uncle Frank?
“I don’t think it’s safe for you to be around anyone right now” says Dr Winters. Does this mean that Archie will go on another road trip? Possibly to a nature retreat? Hopefully with bears? A bearchie set-up, if I ever saw one.
Maybe if Betty had finished her FBI training, she would have been more effective in interrogating her serial killer.
Momma Cooper demonstrates once again her bad parenting skills. Maybe she does have the killer genes after all.
According to faux Martin Tucker there’s been stories up and down the highway about some crazy rogue FBI agent looking for her sister. And, yet, he took no precautions when he tried to kidnap and kill Betty. He should have swallowed his tongue.
He does.
Thank God for long weekends, because otherwise neither Betty nor Jughead would be able to get anything done: apparently everything takes place at the High School. Surely, this must be a metaphor …
Mrs Bell feeds Cheryl these stories. There’s no other explanation.
I cannot believe that broody, fluffy-haired writer prodigy Jughead Jones would not have a line of potential love interests outside his dorm door.
Jughead’s first signs of alcoholism start in Iowa, when he has to produce a hundred copies of his manuscript and he switches from his PC (and printer) to his typewriter. Precious boy, why?
Samm Panksy, the Old School Legend, becomes Jughead’s literary agent and only cheerleader. Contemplate on the visual of Samm in a cheerleader costume for a bit.
“So, swallowed up by the dark. Was that a metaphor?” “I wish.” You and me both, Jughead. You and me both.
Jughead is all of Edgar Allan Poe’s works coming to life. Cheryl wishes.
Betty calls Jughead to tell him she can’t make it to his book launch and Jughead goes rabid. Literally.
He doesn’t die from it, because survival is Jughead’s superpower. The writers’ superpower is ignoring how things work in the real world.
Jughead does hallucinate his agent as the Rat King though. There is some nice repurposing of young FP’s tin crown. Father figure metaphor?
The Voicemail(TM) story line has more plot holes than New York has sinkholes. Or maybe not: NY sinkholes’ average number has just gone up. 
Ratatouille lied to me.
Jughead hallucinates Betty as his saving angel. Endgame arc activated.
I pity whomever had to go after Jughead in that AA meeting. I mean … try to tell your story after the Jughead Jones New York Rat Extravaganza.
Toffee, an expert on the subject of rats, was unfortunately unavailable for comments. She’s on a gondola ride in Venice, reading The Outsiders and munching on fritole, overcharging Alice’s credit card.
One down. Five more opportunities to fall into a sinkhole.
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colinfirth · 4 years ago
TAGGED BY: the incomparable @day​😍
TAGGING: @ewan-mcgregor @timothyolyphant @javier-pena @robintunney​ @sarahspaulson @samaraweaving @ngoveronicas & anyone who wants to - if you don’t want to do it too, no biggie hahaa 
Rules: Answer 30 questions and tag 20 blogs you are contractually obligated to know better.
Name/Nickname: Georgia (No nickname - please do not call me Gigi or Georgie, God knows people have tried lol) Gender: F Star sign: Sagittarius, baby!! Height:  5′ 6" Time: 9:02am Birthday: December 17th (coming up soonnnn :D) Favorite Bands: Caamp, Foster The People, Kozad (y'all should check them out, fr - 'Backseat Driving'!!!!), The Strokes, Epik High, BTS, Jannabi Favorite Solo artists: DEAN, Ruel, Harry Styles, Samm Henshaw, Jelani Aryeh, Janelle Monae, Tom Misch, Still Woozy, Dominic Fike, Gabrielle Aplin, Childish Gambino, UMI Song stuck in my head: Hallucinogenics - Matt Maeson Last Movie: Up (bc I'm planning on giffing it LMAO) Last Show: The Mandalorian (hehe) When did I create this blog: July 2020 What do I post: Lots of things (I know lately there's been a lot of Pedro but... I mean, it's PEDRO) - movies and TV shows in 99.9% GIF form Last thing googled: "Board Games for Adults" (xmas gift ideas for people I don't even care about -gag-) Other blogs: Nope Do I get asks: ...... Let's not talk about it Why I chose my url: A very kind person offered it to me and momma ain't raise no fool Following: 64 Followers: A little more to go to 200 Average hours of sleep: Around 7 because any less than that, I am non-functional Lucky number: 11 and 6 Instruments: A little bit of guitar but that's about it haha What am I wearing: An old college T-shirt and shorts (I run super hot) Dream job: Film Director/Screenwriter Dream trip: At this point? Anywhere Favorite food: Mashed potatoes (bc I am a child) Nationality: I am, for better or for worse, an American Favorite song: (Loaded question...) Lately, 'Stella Brown' - Jelani Aryeh, 'I Been' - Berhana feat. Crush, 'UGH' - BTS, 'Respect' - BTS Last book read: Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone (I'm rereading the series :D) Top three fictional universes I’d like to live in: HP, LOTR, and... I can't think of a third one hahaha
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douxbebearchives · 7 years ago
Canon/Scandal Universe: N-Z
Nicest Thing (T) - @musesoftheminds
No Chill in Vermont (M) - KWsGladiator
No Escaping Him - Uncensored (M) - @glamour02
No Marks (T) - Topofthehour
Not Tethered (T) - Topofthehour
Now We’re Done! (K) - lissylou78
Oh! The Places We Could Go (M) - RGBzMom
Olivia and Fitz in a closet (M) - DO YOU REMEMBER WHEN
Olivia Cleans House (K) - Reader575 / @reader575la
Olitz One Shot And Then What? (M) - Isabel Samms
One Shots: A Sick Day, Blind, Hospital Contemplations and Revelations, Hi, Abu Dhabi, Ducky, Climax (M) - @magicinhermadness
Only You (M) - anonolitz
Only You (T) - Next To Me
Option A or Option B (M) - EverAfterOverACliff
Ordinary People (M) - MyLoversPrayer
Our Beginning (K) *  - lissylou78
Our Roots Take Flight (T) - mebe1993 / @4noptimisticpessimist
Payback (T) - lonnii renae / @lonnii-renae
Please Come Back To Me (M) - eenoora
Positive (T) - RunningGladiator
Power (M) - ByThePen90
President Like No Other (M)- NCISGIRL
Protect The Ones You Love (K) - cbssoapsgirl
Pushed to a corner with nowhere to go (K) - lissylou78
Real Again (M) - EbonyBeach / @babybemydownfall
Recovery (M) - QueenOfPink87
Resisting You (K) - lissylou78
Right And Wrong (M) - SURGEON GENERAL
Righting Wrongs (M) - Olitz fan 0117
Scars We Carry (T) - luna velvet / @makingjaminvermont
Slow Dance (M) - RunningGladiator
So Far Gone (T) - AgentRez / @democrattotheend
So High (M) - KWsGladiator
Soft (T) - GladiatorInHeels
Soul’s Release (T) - I’m Not Even A Writer
Standing Still * (T) - LiveInLoveAndLaughter / @livelovelaughter531
Stay With You (M) - DesperateRomantic
Staying Away (K) - cbssoapsgirl
Step-Momma Grant (K) - olitzshipper
Swan Dive * (T) - LiveInLoveAndLaughter / @livelovelaughter531
Symphony (M) - RunningGladiator
Thank You Dr. Pope (M) - Hydrangeasia
The Baby Shower (M) - RunningGladiator
The Chase (M) - Aussiegladiator
The Candidate’s Speech (T) - AgentRez / @democrattotheend​
The Countdown (M) - amaryllis214
The Decision - Extended Version (T) - AgentRez / @democrattotheend​
The Fall (M) - @corinnestark
The Fall And Rise Of President Grant (M) - kkimberly49 / @kkimberly750
The Final Try (M) - QueenOfPink87
The First Lady (M) - BessnHenryMcCord
The house that we built (K+) - ThatWALKERKid
The Investment (K+) - victrolannights / @choosingvermont
The New Normal (T) - @bonespixi
The Path To Vermont (M) - A.L. Carrington
The Right Kind Of Madness (M) - almostfamousxo / @songbirdstrivestothrive
The Secret Child (K+) - Scandallover1
The Secret That I Hide (T) - AgentRez / @democrattotheend​
The Story Of Us (K+) - @bonespixi
The Talk (T) - refusetoshine
The Things People Do For An Oval Office (T) - Reader575 / @reader575la
#ThemHands (M) - FitzgLivviep
There Is A Reason (M) - KWsGladiator
There’s Hope (K) - Clanay
These Things Happen (M) - RotatinMyTires
Things Happen (M) - @lynalexandria
This Time Next Year (T) - HopelesslyOlitz
Thomas - musicsmysoul313 / @doctormeredithshepherd​
Time Won’t Tell (T) - AgentRez / @democrattotheend​
To Let You Go (K) - lissylou78
Today (M) - @corinnestark
Tonight (M) - annabanana9
Trampled Roses (T) - Around Here Somewhere
tranquility with you (T) - popexpaulsen
Trust (T) - FitzgLivviep
Turn My World Around (M) - LiveInLoveAndLaughter / @livelovelaughter531
Unbroken (K+) - burtneymac95
Undeniable (T) - Ghissie
Unravel (K) - lissylou78
Victory: An Olivia and Fitz Story (K+) - Evey Edge
Waiting For Happy (T) - rosesaregreen / @char-thelove
Walk Away (T) - @babycakesbriauna​
Watch Me (T) - AgentRez / @democrattotheend​
Water and a Flame (T) - rosesaregreen / @char-thelove
We’ll Meet Again (M) - CorinneStark / @corinnestark
What It Is Like In Words (T) - breatheinsync
When It All Falls (M) - Jayismz
When The Lights Go Out (I Miss You) (M) - loveoverpride / @lovesbiggerthanpride
When The Past Comes Knocking (M) - imaginationispower
Where Did You Go? (T) - FitzgLivviep
Why Are You Here? (M) - AgentRez / @democrattotheend​
Why Are You So Confused? (T) - Reader575 / @reader575la
Winners (K) - rosesaregreen / @char-thelove
With This Love (M) - RunningGladiator
Would She Forgive Me, If She Knew? (M) - Next To Me
You Are Enough (K+) - olitzplease
You. Are. Mine. (M) - CMW2
* = sequel
Updated on 11/30/2019
A-M can be found here.
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soobadnoonecanstopher · 8 years ago
It feels like im gonna die on sept 14! Ohboooyyyyyy......i mean its 7 xiumin fics AND its u & momma samm & dia. I will get to know the rest also ~~~ to better prep meself becoz it feels like i need it. I have a few days to binge. THIS SEEMS MASSIVE MY GAWD!!!!!! 😍😍😍
It's extremely massive honestly. Literally the size of this one shot and the fact that there will be seven other ones too! I hope everyone enjoys them all! ❤️❤️
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ssenshi8 · 6 years ago
@thesammtimes momma samm momma samm!!!!! Its happening!!!! Im so happy! OMG!!!! 💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖
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acephotoman · 4 years ago
I was happily playing with Milo, knowing that is beautiful momma had to be around here somewhere. I scratched his ears, paying attention to my favorite puppy in the world. He was full of so much life, just like his momma. I loved both of them. Aside from my family, they were my family too, even this dog.
Immediately, there Abigail was, kissing me. I hadn't even noticed her coming. I had heightened senses, but I had control over them and didn't use them unless needed. I was there to be with my girl and didn't need to be on alert, even from my girlfriend sneaking up on me. And boy did I love the way she did.
Flying up a bit, I reached up to grip her by the waist and pulled her down, flipping her around to wrap her legs around my waist and bringing our lips back together. I'd missed her so much. I missed her every moment we weren't together. I wanted her in my life all the time. I wanted her to be my wife.
I held up the flowers to her once our lips parted again. "Hello, Miss Samms. What a lovely surprise!" I held the flowers up to her. "Wouldn't you say?"
Tumblr media Tumblr media
Being a superhero has it’s perks. Being an alien, not so much. Sure, I was born a U.S. citizen because my mama was, but I’m only second generation Earthling. My grandmother was born on a planet called Tanix, so I’m only part Earthling part Tanixian. Which I mean, there’s less than 200 of us on the entire planet, so I guess it’s cool and all, except for when the world thinks they get to monitor you.
Granted, being a part of the Superhero Squad isn’t a horrible thing. Great benefits, but all of us, not just us Tanixian’s, have to undergo random testings, drug and otherwise. Sometimes I think my cousin has the right idea about not being affiliated, but when you’re also the grandson of a former President of the United States, it’s kind of mandatory.
He and my grandmother founded the Superhero Squad. He wasn’t a superhero, just a regular old joe. My grandmother had powers like me though, and she was killed for them. Considering Tanixian’s are invulnerable, I still to this day haven’t figured out how they killed her, or who even they are. Grandfather Conny, my mother and Dante’s mother don’t talk about it. I think they all feel somewhat to blame somehow.
For my day job, I’m a reporter for the Daily News out of New York City. I never felt like superheroes other identities should ever be public knowledge, that’s why I admire my cousin and what he does. His subversive approach to being a superhero does have it’s advantages, but being a part of the Superhero Squad does bring security, and being a registered alien more or less, even if I was born here, does give me peace of mind. Mostly.
When that gets to be too much though, when I just need a break from the world, that’s when I fly down south to where my girl lives. Abigail Samms is the love of my life and my safe haven away from the hustle and bustle of the world we live in, especially being a superhero. Which she understands all too well.
She was trained by the Russians as a spy and so much more, but having escaped their clutches, she vowed to right all the wrongs they made her do and now she helps the Superhero Squad out on occasion, especially with covert ops. There’s no one better at infiltration than Abigail. Her mind thinks in ways I could never naturally. It’s even a stretch for it to try and comprehend most of her tactics and strategies.
But what I love most about her was her tenacity and her courage. I know courage is in no short supply in the circles we run in, but her’s goes beyond any I’ve ever seen. The Russians had been about to kill her sister for defecting, but Abigail’s love for her sister broke the mind control they had on her and she ended up taking out everyone at the base where they held her sister captive. No one has seen or heard from Abigail’s sister since it happened, but I knew Abigail would always come to me if she was worried about her sister.
The connection Abigail and I have is unexplainable. From the moment we met, it was serendipitous. Everything just aligned and I fell head over feet in love with her. There’s nothing I wouldn’t do for her. She’s as much my family as Dante is, but hopefully soon she’ll consider being my wife and then she’ll be the closest of family. Until that day, I’ll take every second I have with her.
Touching down, I fixed my tie and knocked on her door. She wasn’t expecting me, or the flowers I brought, hidden behind my back as I wait for her to open the door, but I loved surprising her.
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