Jackson Frost
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acephotoman · 4 years ago
"It's not so much being afraid," I admitted, "more so just trying to fit in with my friends." I sighed heavily. "If I tell you something, you promise not to tell anyone." Not that I believed she would, but I still didn't come right out with it with most people. "I wasn't born like this. I'm afab." I paused, "Assigned female at birth." Wincing, I continued, "It's not something I really want people knowing. I'm just me, you know, I don't want people looking at me and thinking ... all the things they think about transgender people."
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acephotoman · 4 years ago
It was good to know that she was... at least accepting of what I was. I was a man through and through, but I still lacked what I should have been born with that would have made me a man in the eyes of the world. As it was, I was lacking. "I am, but it's really just a show. Sometimes I feel like an actor, more than a baller."
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acephotoman · 4 years ago
I smiled brightly at her, nodding. "I'd be honored if you would," I told her, honestly. She was so incredible, and I bet she didn't even know she was. "Why, uh, don't take this the wrong way, but why aren't you someone's girlfriend? Do you like guys?"
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acephotoman · 4 years ago
I shook my head. "I don't think I could. No one has ever read my writing. I am not comfortable. Maybe some day, but I'm not just yet." I smiled, uncomfortably about it. "I mean, you could read some of it, if you wanted?" I'd never let anyone, not even Dante knew I write, but I would share with her. I felt ... a connection to her that I couldn't describe.
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acephotoman · 4 years ago
"You mean aside from sports?" Because everyone knew that. "Honestly," I was certain she wasn't going to mock me, "I like writing. I'm a writer. At least I want to be." I smiled with a soft shrug. "What about you? What do you like to do, other than read?" Yeah, I paid attention to her.
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acephotoman · 4 years ago
"It's an image," I told her honestly. "I go because it's expected of me. You know, being one of the popular kids?" I shook my head. "It is just part of the territory, you know what I mean? I'd much rather just hang out at my house or at Dante's or Guilly's, you know?"
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acephotoman · 4 years ago
I smiled, heading away from the water, toward the sand dunes. They weren't that big. I'd seen bigger, the type that people ride dirtbikes over, but they were sill considered sand dunes. "You don't like these parties, do you?" I asked softly. "You always come, but I never see you really having a good time."
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acephotoman · 4 years ago
“You’re welcome,” I said, smiling brightly at her. “Wanna get a drink and maybe take a walk away from the noise and the water?” I hoped she’d accept. I could really use a break from on the socializing. Not that I didn’t like these parties, but people like Justin Thompson made them unfun.
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acephotoman · 4 years ago
Her quick, cat like scared actions made me wonder if she was okay. I nodded my head at I stood. “Yeah, I’m fine. I wasn’t the one being heckled or thrown by one of the biggest jerks in school and then thrown into another person. Are you sure you’re alright?”
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acephotoman · 4 years ago
I was enjoying myself, maybe not as much as I would if Dante had been over with Guilly and me, but he was too distracted by Tina to do anything else. He’d just gotten back from rehab and, I didn’t really understand it, but he just seemed… different. I was just telling Guill that when I saw Justin Thompson picking up Abigail Samms, the girl I’d been in love with since before I knew what love was.
But I was a chicken, honestly. I always liked to play the hero, like my uncle Hyrum who was an ex marine, ex firefighter, ex who knows what else, but I was always afraid people would laugh at me because I hadn’t been born a guy and shouldn’t be trying to be something I’m not. I didn’t have as much courage as Guilly, but I wanted to.
Leaving him mid sentence, I ran over and got up in his face. “Put her down, Thompson!” He laughed. “Aww, Superman flew in to Lois Lane. Here, Supes—Catch!” He Abigail right at me and we both tumbled down, splashing into the leaping waves just at the edge of the water.
“I’m so sorry!” I said, grateful I’d been able to catch her fall. “He didn’t hurt you, did he?”
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I wasn’t the biggest fan of the beach. I hadn’t been since I was little and me and Abel went out in the water and I nearly got swept away in it. I was little. Barely 8 and I could still remember the feeling of it. The water was strong. Swift. And brutal. It didn’t care I was 8 and had my entire life to live. It didn’t care that my twin brother was screaming my name and I couldn’t breathe. It didn’t care that fire filled my lungs. It just swept me up and under and if it hadn’t been for my Daddy and his strong arms I’d be part of that water. An eternal being of the sea. 
So when B asked me to come to this party with her I had been reluctant. Especially because if I knew her, and I did, she’d be looking for Dante. “Want a drink?” Justin Thompson asked, holding out a shot glass. “No, thank you.” He looked me up and down, seeing I wore a pair of jean shorts and a tank top. “Kinda over dressed for the beach, ain’t ya?” I blinked, not answering him because frankly it wasn’t his business. “I think you could use a swim.” I went to tell him no when he grabbed me and tossed me over his shoulder. I let out a cry of fear and started hitting at his back but he was relentless as he moved toward the ocean. 
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acephotoman · 4 years ago
"She's not alone," I said, coming in the living room. Pops nodded, excusing himself from the room. "Your brother's here," I told Abigail as I sat next to her, my hand gently placed on her back and the other scratching Milo's head. "Are you alright now? You had me so worried, baby!"
“Yeah,” I nodded, walking slowly over to her. “Jackson brought you here. He told us to watch you while he went to take care of things.” I didn’t know the whole story. “My wife, Presley, Jackson’s mom, went to get Tony Castellano, Jackson’s uncle. He’s gonna help figure out what happened to you.”
“Oh..” I said softly, looking at my bruised and bloodied fingers. I heard a noise and watched as Milo was climbing up on the couch. “He brought Milo?” I asked, blinking as he was licking my face. But I felt so disconnected from life. Like I wasn’t me anymore. It felt.. just like before.. when all my choices had been taken. “Someone.. activated me..” I turned my eyes to Jackson’s father. “That’s what this is.. I think..”
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acephotoman · 4 years ago
"Well, he seems okay," I muttered, looking at my cousin. If Benny was okay, Abigail should be. "I'll be right inside, okay?"
I looked into the house to see Abigail and my dad talking, shaking my head. “Come on, I gotta get this bullet out and then we gotta take him in to be with Abigail.” I knew that’s what Abigail would want, but I didn’t need to make things worse with Dante bleeding to death in there. I reached for one of the cloth napkins in the drawer and rolled it up. “Bite down on this.” Once he did, I grabbed the open bottle of whiskey that my pops had no doubt forgotten out here and poured it over the wound.
I took it, and slid the cloth in my mouth. “Do your..” I growled roughly over the napkin as the Whiskey poured over my wound. “FUCK!” I screamed, the cloth falling from my mouth. “Jesus FUCKING nut sack DOG SHIT!” I sat back some to breathe. “Fucking hell..” I grabbed the bottle from him and took a long swig. 
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acephotoman · 4 years ago
I looked into the house to see Abigail and my dad talking, shaking my head. "Come on, I gotta get this bullet out and then we gotta take him in to be with Abigail." I knew that's what Abigail would want, but I didn't need to make things worse with Dante bleeding to death in there. I reached for one of the cloth napkins in the drawer and rolled it up. "Bite down on this." Once he did, I grabbed the open bottle of whiskey that my pops had no doubt forgotten out here and poured it over the wound.
I hadn’t been fast enough. I saw the bullet go in before I could even move. I was supposed to be faster than a speeding bullet, but I’d missed that. Pulling him into my arm, I apologized, knowing he was gonna be in a shit ton of pain before I could help him with the fucking bullet. I moved faster than a blur and swooped up Benny as well, tossing the gun and hitting one of the goons in the head as I sped back to my parents’ place. “Abigail’s been triggered too. I don’t know how, but she started shooting at me and when that didn’t work, he told her to do whatever it takes to kill me, or die trying. This is serious.”
I reached out to choke the one I’d been shooting at before I felt pressure on my neck and fell hard into them, falling hard asleep.
I stumbled a bit as I sat on his parents lawn furniture as we got there and looked at Benny laying on the couch. “Triggered too? What?” I was so confused. My brain felt fuzzy. Like I was fighting something I couldn’t put my finger on. “Whatever it takes? I mean.. that’s basically what that asshole told her.. he eh..” I rubbed my head. “told Benny to kill me. And well, he tried.” I leaned back. “Fucking shit.. is this that guy she told me about tonight? She said he and his sister killed him.. but maybe he’s not dead? I mean he did say the guy sneaking around was his old trainer..” 
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acephotoman · 4 years ago
I hadn't been fast enough. I saw the bullet go in before I could even move. I was supposed to be faster than a speeding bullet, but I'd missed that. Pulling him into my arm, I apologized, knowing he was gonna be in a shit ton of pain before I could help him with the fucking bullet. I moved faster than a blur and swooped up Benny as well, tossing the gun and hitting one of the goons in the head as I sped back to my parents' place. "Abigail's been triggered too. I don't know how, but she started shooting at me and when that didn't work, he told her to do whatever it takes to kill me, or die trying. This is serious."
I tried to wrap my head around all that he said, it was all happening so quickly. More and more was making sense, but I didn’t have all the pieces yet. We would get to the bottom of this, I knew we would. “Yeah, of course!” I went to move, but stopped. “Which one is Benny?” I had at least gotten that Bianca wasn’t a she anymore, and that something had happened to both her—him and Abigail, but I still didn’t know which one of the shooters was Benny.
I looked around, trying to see if I could see Benny. “There..” I said, pointing at him as a shot hit my shoulder. “FUCCK!” I hissed, grabbing at the wound from the bullet. 
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acephotoman · 4 years ago
I tried to wrap my head around all that he said, it was all happening so quickly. More and more was making sense, but I didn't have all the pieces yet. We would get to the bottom of this, I knew we would. "Yeah, of course!" I went to move, but stopped. "Which one is Benny?" I had at least gotten that Bianca wasn't a she anymore, and that something had happened to both her—him and Abigail, but I still didn't know which one of the shooters was Benny.
The shots were coming from more than my gun, but I wasn’t wasting bullets. I only shot when I saw him. Catching another glimpse, I aimed but he moved and the shot missed again.
I saw the gunfire through his walls and knew I had to set Abigail somewhere safe. I wasn’t setting her down in the middle of that. Instead, I took her to my mom, telling her to keep her safe before zipping back to Dante’s side. “What the fuck is going on, man?”
“Fuck if I know! Some guy said something to Benny and now he’s trying to kill me!” I ducked some, staying close to Jackson. “Oh, and some other guy is shooting.. and another is hanging out in my apartment. Benny is Bianca.. by the way.. You know.. Abby’s sister? Well, he’s now her brother..” I heard a shot and ducked. “FUCK! Can you get me and him.. out of here, please?” I normally never asked for help.. I’d kill the motherfuckers and not blink. But this was Benny. I couldn’t hurt him. 
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acephotoman · 4 years ago
I saw the gunfire through his walls and knew I had to set Abigail somewhere safe. I wasn't setting her down in the middle of that. Instead, I took her to my mom, telling her to keep her safe before zipping back to Dante's side. "What the fuck is going on, man?"
Mikhail instructed me to go after him, stopping at nothing, and I did. Seeing a glimpse of him, I fired the gun again. I felt something in me screaming, telling me to stop, but my head was not mine. I continued on to kill.
I continued toward the door, flung it open and stumbled outside, someone else started shooting at me besides Benny and I flung behind a car. I pressed in a code under my car and grabbed my gun. I turned and started shooting at the other person that wasn’t Benny, trying to dodge his shots too. 
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acephotoman · 4 years ago
I couldn't stand watching her do this to herself. I knew, though I didn't know how, she had no control over what she was doing. I had to stop her. "Forgive me!" I said as I reached up to pinch at her neck on the pressure point that I knew would put her to sleep. Once she fell into my arms, I scooped her up and Milo before zipping off into the air with her. I'd take her to Dante. He'd know how to clear her head. He was the smart one in that area.
I moved, even if the bullet would have only ricocheted off me, taking the gun from Abigail and aimed it at the fucker. “I don’t care who you are, but you’re trespassing on private property. Get the hell out before I toss away this gun and make you wish you were never born!”
“Kill him or die trying.” I flipped, kicking the gun out of Jackson’s hands before dipping back and grabbing the gun. I aimed again, shooting at him and when that didn’t do what I wanted it to do. I lunged at him, abandoning the gun and started hitting at him with my fists. Which I knew as soon as my knuckles cracked, because the pain was intense and took my breath away, but I couldn’t stop. I had to still keep hitting, he had to die. 
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