#moments that make me remember that jeremy used to be a gymnast
monarchisms · 2 years
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thanks for the request, anon! ♡ 【☢️】
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emilemiblem · 5 years
For @razzleyd and their wonderful high school au. Purposely cheesy and a bit cliche, but I just wanted to have fun with it. Hope you enjoy it, and I can’t wait to see more of such a wonderful AU!
Jeremy never understood why certain groups in high school didn’t interact with each other. He’s not sure how it was decided that the jocks wouldn’t talk to anyone in the arts, nor did he understand why it was such a big deal if they did. He appreciated both of the social groups, being captain of the gymnastics team and loving music more than anything.
So when he gained a crush on the lead actor in the school’s musical, he found himself in quite the dilemma.
Ryan Haywood was talented, there was no way to deny that. His singing in music class was something that Jeremy envied, never having gained an incredible singing voice. When Michael had dragged him to go see the musical, mostly to taunt them, he had put up quite a fight, but the moment Ryan came on stage and opened his mouth, Jeremy found himself head over heels.
Part of him wondered if Ryan felt the same way. He’d seen Ryan looking his way during the morning stretches for gymnastics, what Jeremy could only assume being blush dusting his cheeks. 
Around his free period, Jeremy found himself sitting in the back row of the theater as the drama kids were tearing down the set of the musical, the final show been the night before. Jeremy scanned over the various kids helping tear the set down in search of Ryan, a smile creeping onto his face as he spots the familiar blonde ponytail, the boy talking to the drama teacher.
Jeremy could look at that man all day. 
“What the hell are you doing in here?” he hears a voice ask from behind him, making him turn. It’s Michael, his best friend and fellow member of the gymnastics team, staring at him with an eyebrow raised. “I thought you said you were going to spend your free period practicing.”
The sudden reminder of the lie he had told his team has Jeremy smacking himself. “Fuck, yeah I was, but then I remember I needed to, um, talk to Mr. Ramsey for a second.” Smooth.
Michael seems to accept that, though he stills appears to be hesitant. “Alright, I won’t tell the team you were in here if that’s what you were afraid of.” He looks up and smirks at the kids on the stage. “You could have just told me you were here for Mr. Drama King, I wouldn’t have judged.”
Jeremy splutters. “Um, I’m not here for some stupid drama kid. I’m waiting for the teacher.” Again, smooth.
Michael rolls his eyes. “Yeah, okay, tell yourself that. Like I said, I won’t tell the team.” He then leaves, Jeremy releasing the breath he didn’t know he was holding as soon as he’s gone. He looks back towards the stage, where he sees Ryan lifting up a piece of set and holy mother of god that boy has biceps.
“You need something?“
He jumps at the sound of Ryan’s voice, snapping out of his little daze when he sees the drama boy smiling at him, the piece of set resting on his shoulder.
“Yes,” Jeremy says, but immediately retracts it. “Shit, I mean, no?”
Ryan laughs as Jeremy stumbles to find the right words, a beautiful sound. “Alright, well you better get going then, us drama kids don’t exactly like it when there’s a jock in here. Last time that happened we were egged and I don’t really want to relive that.”
Jeremy bites his lip, knowing very well how that went down. It had been a Senior on the football team, having gathered a bunch of the players to do the deed. Jeremy didn’t find out until after it had happened when the egg covered drama kids stalked out of the theater furious. He’d felt horrible.
“I’m sorry about that,” Jeremy tells him, offering a soft smile. “I had no part in it, and I didn’t know about it until afterward. I can promise you that is not the reason I’m here.”
“Oh? Then why are you?”
Jeremy was stumped. He wasn’t ready to tell Ryan the truth, not yet anyway. He just wanted another glimpse at the beautiful boy during his free period that’s all. “I, uh, wanted to..”
“See me?” Ryan finishes and Jeremy blushes deeply. “I happened to overhear your friend, he’s louder than he thinks.” He adjusts the set piece on his shoulder. “Follow me out to the dumpsters, we can talk there.”
The dumpsters were the only part of the school that no one hung around. It was a disgusting place that always smelled rotten, which made it the perfect place for two kids from different cliques to talk. As soon as Ryan dumped the piece of set into the trash he turned to Jeremy. “Talk.”
“I saw the musical,” Jeremy starts. “You were phenomenal, probably the greatest actor this school has ever seen. I, um, wanted to tell you that in person.” He’s blushing again, he can feel his cheeks growing hot.
Ryan is blushing too now, and it’s adorable. “Really? Well, uh, thank you. I really appreciate that, especially coming from someone like you.”
“Not all jocks are assholes you know,” Jeremy informs him. “Some of us, like me, kind of like the drama kids. I think you are all underappreciated,” he leans in a little closer. “Not to mention cute.”
Now it’s Ryan flushing red, biting down on his bottom lip. “Well not all us drama kids hate jocks. I happen to think you are probably the nicest one of them all.”
Jeremy grins. “I try to be.” There is silence. “So, um, is there a chance that you might be interested in going out with me?”
Ryan hums. “Maybe, but I’m not sure how our fellow classmates would react to something like that. There could be riots in the hallways, Jeremy Dooley.”
The statement makes Jeremy chuckle, playfully rolling his eyes. “Well, let there be riots, Ryan Haywood because I really want to take you out on a date, and kiss you at the very end of it.”
Ryan smirks. “You could kiss me now if you’d like, nobody here but the dumpsters.”
Jeremy takes him up on that offer, kissing him sweetly on the mouth. It’s soft, tingling, and it makes Jeremy feel on top of the world. When Ryan pulls away, Jeremy can’t help but chase after his lips, only for Ryan’s index finger halt him.
“It can be our little secret.”
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Kobe Bryant called himself a ‘girl dad.’ His words are inspiring proud fathers to celebrate their love for their daughters
LOS ANGELES — Fathers across the globe are paying tribute to Kobe Bryant by celebrating their relationships with their daughters.
Men are posting photographs of themselves with their daughters using #girldad as a way of remembering the 41-year-old NBA legend who died along with his 13-year-old daughter, Gianna, and seven others in a helicopter crash in Calabasas, California, on Sunday.
The hashtag has been tweeted more than 175,000 times since Sunday, a spokesperson for Twitter said. The word most used in the tweets? “Love.”
Bryant was the father of four girls, and the trend started after ESPN’s Elle Duncan shared a moving story while she anchored “SportsCenter” on Monday night about how proud Bryant was of being a father to his daughters.
“I would have five more girls if I could,” Duncan recalled Bryant saying. “I’m a girl dad.”
Celebrity dads share photos of their daughters
Bryant’s words inspired other fathers, including some famous ones.
“I’m so proud and lucky to be a #GirlDad,” sportscaster and former New York Yankees player Alex Rodriguez tweeted.
The rapper/actor Shad Moss, better known by his stage name, Bow Wow, posted a photo of himself and his daughter to Instagram with the hashtag and the caption, “I LOVE YOU SHAI.”
Chicago Cubs pitcher Casey Sadler tweeted a photo of himself and his daughter with the caption, “#girldad and proud of it.”
In response to a follower who questioned his tweet, Sadler said it was a way to honor Bryant and his daughters.
“I will be grateful for whatever the Lord blesses me with,” Sadler tweeted. “Right now that is being a #girldad and its something I love and cherish. One doesn’t take away the other.”
‘There’s something about having a daughter’
Other fathers also got in on the Twitter movement.
“Kobe was right. Girls are awesome. There’s something about having a daughter,” Khalil Jamal posted, along with photos of his 8-year-old daughter Nyla.
Jamal told CNN that he never felt like he needed a boy to carry on his legacy.
“From day one, I knew I had a child who would make me feel honored to be a father and she reminds me each day,” he said.
One weekend, Jamal took his daughter and son along with him to his personal training session. He soon found that he wasn’t performing at his best and felt discouraged. As he was walking to get some water, his daughter whispered to him, “You’re doing a great job.”
“I looked at her and teared up because at that moment, where I needed encouragement most, she was there to provide it for me,” Jamal said. “That’s the person she is growing to be and I am proud to be her father.”
‘They are the best part of me’
Jeremy Hefner says he has no shortage of energy in his household. The pitching coach for the New York Mets is a father to three daughters, 7, 5 and 2.
Hefner wrote on Twitter, “#girldad They are the best part of me, and it’s not close.”
Hefner said his girls have a huge range of interests, and they “all love dancing, gymnastics, basketball, makeup, Star Wars and their older brother in their own way.”
“My favorite part of being a girl dad is that no matter what’s going on in our lives they bring us back to center,” he told CNN. “A center surrounded by a playful spirit and donuts!”
‘They light up my world’
Matt Plyler also has three daughters, Marleigh, 5; Millie, 3; and Mattie, 1.
“#GirlDad & proud of it! Love my Girls! #Mambacitas #MambaForever #MambacitaForever,” Plyler posted, along with a photo of him and his girls all in Christmas pajamas.
His girls make him feel like he’s their hero, Plyler said, and he loves being there for them.
“They just light up my world. They are my world. We are truly blessed,” he told CNN.
‘There’s no better feeling’
Frank Winn is a father to two daughters, 2 and 1.
“There’s no better feeling. It’s indescribable,” Winn told CNN. “They made life worth living. They gave me a purpose to push towards my success. I live for them now. Everything I do is for them.”
Bryant and his daughters
Duncan recalled seeing Bryant backstage at an event for ESPN in New York and asking him for advice on raising girls. She was eight months pregnant with a girl, and Bryant famously had three daughters at the time, she said on “SportsCenter.”
“Just be grateful that you’ve been given that gift because girls are amazing,” she said he told her.
Bryant then went on to tell her about his kids. When it came to sports, he said his oldest daughter, Natalia, was an accomplished volleyball player. Bianka, his youngest at the time, was still a toddler so it was too soon to tell what she’d be interested in.
But Gianna, his middle daughter, took after her dad.
“That middle one’s a monster. She’s a beast,” Duncan recalled him saying. “She’s better than I was at her age. She’s got it.”
“I suppose the only small source of comfort for me is knowing that he died doing what he loved most: being a dad. Being a girl dad,” Duncan said.
Bryant is survived by his wife, Vanessa Bryant, and his daughters Natalia, 17, Bianka, 3, and Capri who was born in June.
from FOX 4 Kansas City WDAF-TV | News, Weather, Sports https://fox4kc.com/2020/01/29/kobe-bryant-called-himself-a-girl-dad-his-words-are-inspiring-proud-fathers-to-celebrate-their-love-for-their-daughters/
from Kansas City Happenings https://kansascityhappenings.wordpress.com/2020/01/29/kobe-bryant-called-himself-a-girl-dad-his-words-are-inspiring-proud-fathers-to-celebrate-their-love-for-their-daughters/
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hachi-ko86 · 6 years
i want you to remember this one...
okay, if theres anyhthing ive learned in the past two days of being at home alone... its that this isn’t home. this is a house with people i love. it’s scary. i’ve always known it and ive told you about it a couple times... hell i even wrote a story about it last year... its that feeling i get with my family. that horrible fucking feeling of not being in on an inside joke, or being late to a party only to see everyones already started having fun without you... i can tell you the first day this shitshow started and when i finally realized i could never have anything to myself...
okay, the first time it happened was when i was little, this isnt so much a long story as it is shitty. i was little and my uncle joey always hung around. he was my dads best friend, my moms brother... but he never really came around to me. daisha was his little princess and he was uncle joe, jeremy loved cars too and he was like jeremys personal father he never had to share... but me. i was always just tagging alone. jeremy wanted to sleepover uncle joes house? jayden had to come with. jeremy wants to go look at cars? jaydens gotta go too... but the one moment i vividly remember is when one day uncle joey brought his new racecar out, we were sitting outside his house, and there was only one passenger seat. he told jeremy to get in and buckle up and i remember so vividly standing outside that car door and asking where do i sit? and him smiling that fucking stupid crooked smile and saying well be right back buddy theres only one seat and i dont want you getting hurt... maybe he did really care. all i know was that i could see his bullshit. he left with jeremy and didnt come back until the sunset. his girlfriend came out and asked why i was sitting outside... i said waiting for uncle joe to get back for my turn in the car... that was the first time it hit me he wasnt coming back and it truly made it worse when he did and said sorry jay ill take you out some other time... that other time never fucking happened and that dick hole moved to california.
the next time is a doozy. youll love this one. okay theres been a few of these so dont worry theyll all pop out eventually. but my tenth birthday. you wanna know what started the shitshow? it was my tenth birthday. my mom agreed to babysit some of my dads coworkers kids... little did i know it was on my fucking birthday. the day consisted of me waking up, putting on my favorite shirt and getting ready to go to the aquarium like my mom had promised... turns out she was waiting for the kids to come... so i said okk ill wait patiently and well go later. we have to go its my birthday... so then they came and my mom thought lets go to the park. but the little boy that came was a dick. my mom loved him she watched him play and run around telling him to go down the slide while her own son sat around doing jack shit because there was no one to play with... then as if i didnt feel shitty enough for that birthday my parents got me an ipad... it was the first thing i had that daisha and jeremy didnt... i was stoked. but then as soon as we got home i sat down and pulled it out... that little fucker came from behind and took it... as i tried to take it back he cried and my mom told me to stop being selfish and share... so i thought fuck it. i can play the drums for a bit. she wants to watch these kids fuck her im gonna go hit something... funny thing is she walked in with the kids a few minutes later after i started.. the little shit from before kept breathing on my back so my mom said jayden let him try... so i did. i sat on the ground next to him as he played for 30 minutes straight. i cried. my mom yelled at me to stop being a little baby and stop being so selfish... she clapped for him every five minutes when he played... she didnt even come to watch me play at my tutor or when i practiced... she doesnt know this but shes the reason i quit drumming... i loved it i really did but she put so much pressure on a ten year old who had anxiety... she really was a dick about it.
and now the big finale.
if ive learned anything in the past two days. its that i dont get shit when it comes to life. its fucked up but true. daisha? clear skin, moms project daddys princess, perfect gymnast with insane talent, four point o student, my parents proudest fuck up. and then jeremy my moms little sunshine, my dads little apprentice, my grandpas project, who was never smart but was always happy and made friends... it sucks. it sucks seeing how my dad had to care for jeremy to calm down or my mom to always give everything for a daughter who couldnt give a fuck or a dad who always shits on me for not being good enough but praises the fuckers who dont do shit. i was never the smartest, or the most talented, hell i fucking sucked at gymnastics honestly i still do and ive pretty much given up... ive never been strong enough or smart enough or had clear skin or the right personality to be friends... but there was one thing i had that jeremy and daisha didnt and that was you... my parents always get on me for how my rooms a mess, or how jeremy does so much, or daisha works so hard... but its funny... for the past two days guess who the only one whos cleaned up around the house, washed the dishes, took out the trash, played with the dogs, cleaned and cooked for everyone let them use my car.... it was me. you think im being crazy when i say i clean the table after dinner? no. i stand up after i finish eating, i take everyones plates, i put all the food and shit away. i wash the dishes and take the trash and recyclables out. i make sure the tables clean... all while daisha sits playing with ness jeremy makes fun of megan and my parents smile at their children. it sucks because i feel it a lot... like im looking at my family through a fishbowl... theyre so happy and put together and im just that kid that always follows behind. daisha always gets what benefits her and what she wants. jeremy can do whatever he wants and gets anything by being a little angel... but hell i cant get anything... honestly most of the clothes i have jeremys taken, my car everyone takes when they want, jeremy uses my couch more than i do... i do all the chores and no one realizes it... its funny when school started and i couldnt do the chores for 2 days my dad sent jeremy and i a long ass text saying how we dont help around the house... for two months straight he and my mom didnt fold clothes or put dishes away or even think to say thank you... 
so heres the part where you come in. 
youre mine. im not home. im in a house with my family and thats it. i was never home with them. i was always just a ghost who didnt really have a place. kind of like a puzzle with a random piece from some other puzzle... i didnt really belong... (sidenote theres a tear coming down my face right now but you wont see it) i guess the reason i hate the distance is the fact that its not fair. how jeremy still gets the girl he wants, daisha moves out and mom and dad dont give two shits... but i still cant be near the woman i love... i cant be there without driving an hour, or making things hard... i cant fucking see you...
when i say youre my home... sydney youre the first home ive ever known. no ones loved me enough to ask if ive eaten, or if im taking care of myself, hell if i told any one of my family members im sad theyll make it a lecture or make it about them... youre more of a family than ive ever had in my whole life. thats why i wanted to post this here. instead of texting you and it being lost in our messages i want you to see this whenever you forget or i forget... i want you to remember these next two sentences.. that when i say youre my home, im not being some cheesy dumb romantic with a thirst for love. im saying youre the first person ive met whos made me feel safe and secure and warm and loved... youre more of a family than ive ever known... and i know this is fucked up to say but i know i love them all like family members do... but thats not what i feel with you... with you its this whole other feeling of love... the kind you only find in a  soulmate... youre asking if im alive so i guess thats where this ends... im gonna go eat some cake cause everyone else is off living their lives... i love you to the moon and back and forever and always... 
<3 jayden
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