#moments like this really reminded me of just how much untapped potential there was with a CRM pov and how towl could've benefitted so much
esmecarmona · 6 months
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Once the operation on Portland begins, children will be airlifted away from three school sites. It will result in an evacuation of possibly 10% of the children in the city, before the area is gassed and its population is liquidated.
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browniefox · 17 days
I asked for fic recs so it only makes sense that I provide some.
The Invisible Stan by The Last Speecher (HeidiMelone)
Simple, short, but elegant. You know how hanahaki disease is a trope? I feel like this should be a trope, but idk what you'd call it - Ninny disease sounds bad, but like it's clearly based off of Ninny from the Moomins. Anyway, great fic <3
An Outreached Hand by WDW
Ghost trick au! Love a good ghost trick au! I reread this recently and it still holds up so well, still so good even if unfinished. Haven't played ghost trick since, some of the twists make a hair more sense - especially the twist in the last chapter posted and being like 'OH IT'S *THE* GHOST TRICK'. Shoutout to undead creepiness and cute kitties :3
Retrograde by scrawling_stardumb
Kissing this one on the mouth. Only one chapter and unfinished, but it's a long chapter and really makes you go 'whoa'. It's interesting because the summary *technically* gives you more info than the chapter itself, but it's that kind of dramatic irony that fits the writing so well. A good solid McGucket POV too, which there really isn't enough of. Tbh, it stands okay almost as a one shot? I wish this became a whole popular au like all the others, bc it kicks ass as a concept.
Finding the Right Frequency by impish_nature
A pretty cute one! Ford trying to figure out how to deal with Bill, and Stan having found a stable job, and someow their two worlds intersect. Cute moments between the two, and some good Stans getting to reconnect.
Things You Can't Take Back by thesnadger
Classic by the Snadger! I always appreciate people who take Stan's memory less and make it more complicated, or at least have there be aftershocks to have your whole life erased :D So well written.
like they were a perfect fit by hapful
Stanford Pines and the photo he never looses. A beautiful story about Ford throughout the ages and his opnions on family, specifically Stan.
putting the dog to sleep by parsnipit
Old Yeller is such a sad story, and also some of this made me think of Mice and Men, and ugh just Stan and Ford and beign willing to kill something you love - sometimes because you love it - and it's such a perfect analogy to them I could die.
none of those phds is an md, you dumb idiot by untrustworthyglitch
I always love a fic that acknowledges language barriers. It reminds me of a really old fic where I did something similar, but like, being away from Earth would lead to you forgetting a lot of things, including language.
Too Late, Too Soon, Not Enough by IncomingAlbatross
Ah, gotta love a good fic that shows the missing scene of Ford and Stan switching places. Who came up with the idea? Who needed to be convinced? What swears do they get to use while off camera? Stan I love you so much, and Ford I lov eyou for beig nso complicated.
Raising Stakes by MaryPSue
Mwah! A Classic if I've ever seen one! While I'm partial to werewolf!Stan, Vampire!Stan does have so much potential and MaryPSue puts it to use so well! A great look into what Gravity Falls was like back in taht time period, and I love when people utilize Susan in fics that take place pre-portal <3 Also, Carla! I miss you so much Carla <3 It's drama, it's action, it's everything!
Lost and Found by PengyChan
Tate & Fiddleford have a lot of untapped potential, and while I think going the angst route makes a lot of sense, this one is almost more fluff and catharsis, I guess? I love it, near and dear to me.
Off-Season by anistarrose
Time Travel fic, but not a timestuck au? More likely than you think! A cute oneshot with particular focus on Stan, Mabel, and Dipper. Just a fluffy little thing with a couple strangers helping Stan out through a difficult winter.
Persist and Dwell by fencesit
A bit of Soos's trust in Grunkle Stan, and a mystery that isn't so much mystery as it is simply just not explicitly said. One of the final scenes has still stuck with me, and this is defo a concept I'd love to see explored more.
flee from your ghosts (burn your house down) by thepolysyndetonaddictsupportgroup
While typically OTGW x Gravity Falls crossovers are, like, Pinescone, I'm partial to this version where Wirt is their dad. There'a few details that didn' sit well with me, but over all so incredible and well written. Some of the metaphors are just so evocative I could eat them. The descriptions are to die for. And I love the depiction of a dad struggling to get his kids to open up to him that feels like it's part dads struggle with teens and part those pines twins just won't tell the truth.
If you have any Gravity Falls fic recs, feel free to comment them!
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acacia-may · 4 months
Hi Acacia! 💕
What about these three for the fruit ask game 🍇🍏🫐?
Hi Lola! Thank you so much for your ask!! I'd be happy to answer these for you 💖
🍇 Is there a particular scene/episode/book/etc that you want to just write a million fics about, over and over? Which one?
This is a difficult question for me because I think, in general, I'm more of a "missing scene" writer where I prefer to use my fanfictions to fill in plot holes and/or explore things that the canon didn't (i.e. how did certain characters react to certain events or how did these two characters even become friends with each other in the first place?). I also write a ton of post-canon fics resolving those loose ends that the endings of things left open to interpretation. For instance, I have written a lot about Finral and Langris repairing their brotherly relationship in the future and resolving to break the cycle and be better parents to their own kids someday.
I'm not sure I have a lot of fics that take place during a specific scene we actually got to see happen in the canon. I have written a few that take place during scenes we know happened/that were talked about but just happened off screen (i.e. "2AM" [OMORI]) or scenes that were (heavily) implied to have happened ("Faulty Wires and Empty Spaces" [YTTD]) but aside from a few brief moments (like the flashforward at the end of my Finral/Finesse fic "I'll Be Waiting") or "A Mixer Mix-Up" (which is a time-travel fic that takes place entirely during Finral's mixer at the beginning of BC) I don't think I've really written a lot of fics that take place during a specific scene, chapter, or episode of anything.
That said I think I'll just answer about what scenes have had the biggest impact on me and my writing and (totally showing my bias for my beloved Spatial Mage Brothers) I'd have to say Langris and Finral's face-off during the Royal Knights Exam and especially that extended flashback of their childhood is probably the big one for me (Shout out to Finral's childhood flashback in the Underwater Temple Arc too!!). Related to that is, of course, its continuation during the Elf Arc where the brothers face off again and, especially, that moment Finral finally gets through to Langris and we get to see how vulnerable and lonely he is.
Even though I don't think I've ever really written a fic that takes place during these events (at least not one that I've posted anywhere 😅), I think these two instances really shape how I interpret both Finral and Langris as characters and also how them and their relationship with each other.
🍏 Is there something you overuse, whether it’s a certain phrase, trope, or piece of punctuation?
I answered this here if you want to see the full discussion, but I certain fall into a lot of repetitive pitfalls as a writer. One I'd add to the list that I hadn't mentioned already is the characters "sigh" and "chuckle" all the time. 🤦‍♀️ It's in my quest to avoid dialogue tags, which I think I also tend to overuse, but yeah I need to get a little more creative in this category, I think.
Also, I think I've referenced the same song that reminds me of a particular ship in multiple different fanfictions about them. 😅 (But that's not for Black Clover so at least you are spared that one 😁)
🫐 What’s your favorite underrated thing in your fandom? (A ship that only you seem to write for, a character there’s almost no fics about, a trope that criminally hasn’t been written yet, etc.)
I answered this too, unfortunately (sorry about that 😅), but pretty much anything with Langris and Finesse whether as individuals or especially their dynamic with each other (regardless of whether it's in a romantic or platonic way) is a particular favorite but very underrated in my opinion. I think they're both really interesting and have an interesting relationship, and I feel like there is a lot of untapped potential there that isn't explored enough in the canon or in fanworks.
I'd also like to add Charmy in here too, and not just because Rillmy can be a little underrated as a pairing sometimes (though I certainly feel that way at times) but also because I feel like a lot of times Charmy is kind of just shoved into the background and played for laughs as a feral, food-obsessed gremlin and while she can definitely be a feral food-obsessed gremlin sometimes, I feel like there is a lot more to her and to her character than just that. I love exploring Charmy's friendships with the Black Bulls especially Vanessa and Finral and just kind of giving her a little more room to breathe as a dynamic, capable, surprisingly shrewd, and kind of snarky character who is honest but really loves her friends.
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sukuna-slut · 4 years
teacher’s pet - pt. 1
yan!sukuna x reader x yan!gojou
as you fall deeper into an unusual relationship with the king of curses, your favourite teacher becomes increasingly worried for your safety.
mild depictions of injury, abuse of power, infantilisation, noncon
rating - teen
word count - 1558
What was happening? As a Jujutsu sorcerer, you had lived by the affirmation that you would not regret death once it came upon you, but you never prepared for the possibility that death would sneak up on you when you least expected it. Before stupid Itadori crashed into your world like a bull in a china shop, you were Tokyo Jujutsu Technical High School’s most promising student. That freaky Okkotsu kid had that super-powerful Cursed Spirit living inside him which automatically made him Special Grade, but with your extraordinary natural talent for jujutsu, you were sure to one day reach his level if you just worked hard enough. Gojou-sensei had said it himself, you were a rare talent. You still had so much further to go, so much more to achieve, so why were you now bleeding out in some random alleyway with nothing to show for your sorry life but a few empty words of praise?
Your opponent let out a rumbling peal of laughter. ‘Oh yes, I love that one… you know, of all the expressions people show me before I kill them, anger is my favourite.’
Even with the tattoos crawling up his arms and extra eyes blinking on his face clearly marking him as Ryouma Sukuna, you couldn’t help but hate Itadori for once again ruining everything. Gritting your teeth, you ground your twitching palms into the cold asphalt in an attempt to push yourself up, but your elbows gave out, making Sukuna laugh even harder.
‘I’m not… done yet,’ you spat, blood spilling down your chin in direct betrayal to your words.
‘Yes, you are.’ 
Sukuna turned to leave and you attempted to will away the black spots clouding your vision. Despite your pride, you wondered when your life was going to flash before your eyes like it was supposed to.
‘Such a waste… you might’ve had a chance if you’d tried a little harder,’ he murmured with a slight chuckle. ‘A small chance, but who knows.’
The shock you felt at his words momentarily numbed the pulsing pain in every muscle of your body, giving you the strength to prop yourself up on one elbow.
‘What… do you mean?’ you forced out.
He turned his head with a slight raise of his eyebrows, as if he hadn’t expected you to still be alive.
‘My technique was perfect,’ you insisted.
Itadori’s features morphed into a derisive smirk unbefitting of the cheerful boy.
‘Who told you that? That irritating teacher of yours, no doubt,’ Sukuna laughed. ‘So much untapped potential… if only they taught you how to really use your powers, you could even rival dear Itadori.’
Your eyes widened. You had potential to match Itadori, the vessel of the most powerful Cursed Spirit in existence? Sukuna was turning away again but you couldn’t let him leave, you had to stop him. Ignoring the screams of your body, you pushed your weight back until your butt rested on your heels, your arms stretched out in front of you in a deep bow.
‘Teach me!’ you begged with every bit of energy you had left.
Sukuna paused where he stood, turning to regard you with an expression of utter shock. It was only there for a moment though, melting as soon as it had appeared into raucous laughter.
‘You want me… to teach you?’ he managed between cackles. ‘Interesting! Maybe you’re worth keeping alive a little longer.’
He took slow steps towards you before crouching to lift your chin between his thumb and forefinger to gaze into your teary eyes, silently pleading for his help. You were barely holding onto life at this point, yet he seemed to be in no hurry, a grin stretched wide across Itadori’s face.
‘A teacher, huh?’
The last thing you saw before you blacked out was Sukuna’s extra eyes and tattoos melting back into his skin, his malicious expression replaced with your classmate frantically calling your name.
Gojou Satoru was livid. Staring at the swirling mahogany of his desk, he forced his bloodlust down to a simmer and fixed his face into a painful smile with which he regarded the snivelling boy before him.
‘You lost control,’ he accused, ‘a mistake which nearly caused the death of your classmate. What do you have to say for yourself?’
As Itadori began blubbering apologies, Gojou’s mind returned to the sight of you lying in a hospital bed, a mess of wires and bandages around the gaping wound in your stomach that nearly cost you your life. The image of you, his bratty little (YN) looking so defeated made his blood boil with the desire to tear whoever was responsible to shreds. Unfortunately, the perpetrator was the very student he had insisted on keeping alive. Was it worth the risk? What if losing you was the risk?
You came into his life bright-eyed and brimming with terrifying reserves of untapped potential. Whether or not you were aware of just how much power you possessed, you had an inexplicable desire to distinguish yourself which reminded Gojou of himself at your age. While others were irritated by your brashness, he found himself growing fond of his latest protege. He liked to think that he was the only one who truly understood you. When he informed you of exactly how exceptional you truly were, your face lit up with such fervent excitement, he couldn’t bring himself to be ashamed of the sudden increased blood flow to his nether regions in that moment. He ended up complimenting you whenever possible during his private sessions with you just to see that face again. He loved the way you lapped up his praise like a cute little dog, he loved how you treated his word like gospel… eventually, he came to terms with the realisation that he just loved you.
Even so, you scared him sometimes. At first he had lived to see you shine whenever you discovered a new ability with his help, but with every milestone, he felt you edging further and further away from him. At that rate, you would surely become a Grade One Sorcerer, and then… you’d have all these responsibilities, responsibilities he honestly wasn’t sure if you could handle with your weak constitution, responsibilities that would lead you away from him.
So he altered your training program a little. Taught you to unknowingly hinder your own abilities, just enough so you’d still need him by your side. Maybe it was underhanded, but you were the purest thing in his life and he wasn’t about to let you leave him so easily. But his selfishness had backfired. With your stoppered abilities, you were unable to defend yourself against Sukuna, and because of him…
Gojou buried his face in his hands.
‘Sensei?’ Itadori asked nervously.
He shook his head, donning a carefree smile.
‘You shouldn’t apologise, Itadori. After all, I’m the one who miscalculated when I assumed you would be able to sustain Sukuna’s growing power.’
‘Am I going to be executed?’ Itadori’s face turned sheet white.
Gojou had considered killing the boy himself when he first saw your beaten body. Itadori’s hold against the ancient Curse had been gradually slipping ever since he ate the fourth finger, but he had been so consumed with capturing Sukuna, that he failed to see the situation for the disaster it was.
However, logic soon overruled his desire to destroy anyone and anything that hurt you. The inconvenient truth was, they had no hope of stopping Sukuna without Itadori’s body. But in order to mitigate the risk…
‘No, you won’t be executed. But you will be detained, at least until we figure out a better solution. For the time being, your responsibility will be reduced to being a vessel for Sukuna, nothing more.’
Itadori hung his head but did not protest.
It had been a whole week since you were discharged from hospital, yet Gojou-sensei still refused to let you train. Before, when his presence had been fleeting due to his foremost duty as the strongest sorcerer calling him away every other day, you had craved his attention, but now you wished he’d just disappear.
‘(YN)-chan, you should be resting!’
You had barely taken seven steps down the hallway before he intercepted you and corralled you back to your room, gripping your upper arms firmly as if he were redirecting a wandering child.
‘I should be training!’ you protested, noticing with no small amount of irritation the way his lips drew tight. ‘I’m almost fully healed, the nurse said I could participate in moderate physical activity the day after I was discharged. It’s been a week, Gojou-sensei! When are you going to stop treating me like a- mmh!’
Suddenly, your lips were captured in a suffocating kiss. Gojou-sensei wasted no time pushing his tongue between your unprepared lips, the wet muscle surprising you with its coldness as it invaded your mouth. At some point, his hold on you had tightened to the point of being painful.
‘S-sensei!’ you exclaimed, shoving him back.
His blindfold prevented you from gauging the full extent of his emotions, your teacher raising a hand to his parted lips as if shocked by his own actions. Before he could regain his composure, you bolted down the hallway, your only goal to get as far away from your attacker as possible.
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True Love’s Kiss
Summary: Jefferson loves his family but when Regina puts (y/n) under a sleeping curse he risks it all to save her only to end up separated from them for more than 28 years. Also shout out to @fangirltrash15 for asking for this fic. I know you didn’t ask me specifically but I hope you like it.
Warnings: Spell check? We don’t know her!
A/N: This is the longest story I have ever written in one sitting and I loved writing it. I honestly love writing for Jefferson. He’s such and untapped potential for fanfiction and I blame that for his lack of screen time which I blame on the fact that he was dating Jennifer Morrison and they broke up so I guess it was weird for him to be on the show but there was a wonderland spin off and there is no reason he shouldn’t have been on that.
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Jefferson was making his way down the street like he did every night. Only stopping outside the Tea Grove cafe to look through its window on the other side of the street where he couldn’t be seen. He watched as the young woman in the store turned off the open sign and began to sweep away at the floors. He just loved walking by her store to watch her close up at night. He knew he could never talk to her. In this life she didn’t know him and he couldn’t tell her what he knew because knowing was the worst curse.
The enchanted forest.
(Y/n) was running through the forest. Dodging every tree she could and jumping over the big roots of trees that stuck out of the ground. She ran until she eventually found a hollow tree to hide in. She did her best to remain silent while she caught her breath but her hiding place must not have been good enough...
“I found you!” Said the little blonde as she popped her head into the tree (y/n) had hidden herself in.
“So you did sweet Grace,” she laughed “at least tell me you found your father first.” (Y/n) climbed her way out of the tree and finally stood up.
“She did.” Said a slight grumpy voice from behind the tree.
“Oh well good, that means at least I didn’t lose.” (Y/n) said smiling and laughing at the handsome man who was leaning against the tree.
“Just because grace found me first does not mean I lost.” He huffed.
“It kind of does,” He rolled his eyes. “Oh come on, admit it, you're just upset that you lost to a girl at hide and seek. Come on admit I beat you.” She said teasing him and pointing at his chest.
“Ok find you beat me, you always do.” He laughed.
“Damn straight.” (Y/n) said finally getting close enough to Jefferson to throw her arms around his shoulders and pull him down for a quick kiss. Making a mental note that grace was still there.
She had been living with Grace and Jefferson for a couple of years now but she was always sure to keep things g-rated around Grace. Especially since she wasn’t Grace’s actual mother, though she loved Grace no less, (y/n) knew she could never fully replace her like that.
“Come on papa let’s go back to the house and have our tea party.”
“Of course my dear Grace,” Jefferson said holding his hand out for his little girl. Grace took her fathers hand and then offered her other hand for (y/n).
Present day.
(Y/n) finished locking up the store and turned to head toward her car. It was pouring down rain and as she opened her umbrella a gust of wind blew it out of her hand and down the street. She quickly chased after it down the road. She paid no attention to the road as cars tried to swerve around her. As she made it to the other side of the road she ran down the sidewalk never getting much closer to her umbrella till a strange man finally caught it and walked over to her.
He set the umbrella straight and held it over her head. “You uh... dropped this I think.”
“Thank you, so much really.”
He seemed nervous or even panicked. She had never seen him around before which was so strange for this small town. “Here I’ll walk you to your car.”
They both walked back up the street till they reached her car. He helped her get in and handed her the umbrella. “Thank you so much, uh I actually don’t know your name.”
“Jefferson,” he said with pain on his face.
“Well it’s nice to meet you Jefferson, I’m (y/n). I guess you’re sorta like my knight in shining armor tonight aren’t you? You really saved me out there.” She laughed.
He frowned at the ground before looking at the girl in the car again. “Trust me I’m no knight and you didn’t need my saving.” He said before walking away from the car.
The enchanted forest
After having visited the market that evening with Grace, (y/n) came back home to find the queen's Carriage sitting by their house. (Y/n) bent down to her knees so she was at eye level with the young girl. “Wait, stop Grace. We should hang out in the woods for a bit ok? We can play our game for a while.” She smiled at the little girl.
“Who’s at the house with papa?” She questioned being the smart girl she was.
“I think it’s the Queen.”
“The Queen, at our house. What does she want? Shouldn’t we go inside and check on papa?”
(Y/n) rubbed up and down Grace’s arms. “No sweetie. Me and your father made a deal a long time ago that if our past ever came back that one of us would stay with you. He doesn’t want you to ever be alone. Ok? So for now let’s go into the woods and play our game. Your father can handle this.” She smiled.
After spending sometime in the forest the girls walked back to the house. This time with no carriage in sight. When they went inside they found Jefferson sitting at the table in the kitchen contemplating the box in front of him.
“Papa!” Grace ran and hugged her father.
“You're both back late. Did you enjoy yourselves at the market?”
“Yes we did but when we got home we saw the queen's carriage so we stayed and played in the woods for a while.”
“Oh I see. Grace why don’t you go play in your room while I talk to (y/n) for a moment.” She smiled and ran off to her room.
(Y/n) frowned and set down beside Jefferson. “What did the Queen want?”
“She wanted me to portal jump.” He said running his hands through his hair.
(Y/n) began to rub calming circles on his back, “and what did you tell her?”
“I told her I didn’t do that anymore. I have a family now.”
“And so she just left?”
“Yeah I think so.”
“ I doubt that she doesn’t have a plan to come back.”
“I know. When Regina wants something she’ll get it. Whatever the cost.” (Y/n) rest her head on his shoulder.
“Is that why you brought out your hat? Incase she comes back?”
“I don’t know. I just keep thinking maybe it wouldn’t hurt to just do one more job. We wouldn’t have to worry about money ever again. You and Grace wouldn’t have to live so poorly.”
“Jefferson, me and Grace are just happy with the life we have. We don’t need money to be afamily and we need you here. With us.”
He smiled faintly and kissed the top of her head. This was why he needed (y/n) she reminded him of why he put that hat away. He belonged here.
A couple of days later
It was getting late and (y/n) still wasn’t back from the market. She left hours ago and it was almost supper time. She should be back by now and Jefferson was beginning to worry.
With the sun beginning to set he grabbed his hat and told Grace to go stay at the neighbors house till either he or (y/n) came home. He knew they had once said that in times like these one of them would always stay with Grace but he needed to bring (y/n) back home.
He knew exactly where she was; he didn’t need to look. He quickly made his way to the queen's castle and by nightfall he marched through the doors. No guards stopped him so obviously he was in the right place and the Queen wanted him here.
He finally reached the queen's quarters and tossed his hat bose on to the floor. “Here that damned hat Regina, now where’s (y/n)!”
“Calm down mister Jefferson. We both know that I don’t know how to use that hat without ending up somewhere useless. Only you know how to use it properly. It’s useless to me but if you're looking for your little girlfriend I’m sure I can help you with that.” She stood up from her seat and walked over to the middle of the room where Jefferson stood.
She waved her hand and a mirror appeared. “Here this will show you anyone you wish to see.”
He cautiously took the mirror from Regina and held it in his hands and thought of (y/n). The mirror in the cloud of smoke showed through a picture of (y/n), she appeared to be unconscious, almost appearing to be dead.
“What did you do to her!”
“She’s fine Hatter. She’s only sleeping.”
“Wake her, I know you can!”
“Well of course I can but why would I do that? Not to worry though, if you want to wake her on your own all you have to do is give her true love's kiss.” Jefferson's face dropped. “That is if you believe in your true love?”
“I love (y/n)”
“Yes but is it good enough? I mean does she truly love you? All you can offer her is a small house with little money and a daughter who's not even hers.”
“And what do you want? What would I have to do in exchange for you waking her?” He said through gritted teeth.
“Like I said before. I want to go to wonderland of course.
Present day.
Jefferson set alone in his house like always, using his telescope to check on his family. He hadn’t been able to stop thinking about (y/n) since he last saw her on the street.
Ever since Emma came to town he’s had this annoying hope that maybe she could break this curse and he could be with his family again. He knew it wouldn’t be that easy though. He abandoned his family many years before the curse, who says they would want him back now. Besides, Emma was convinced in not believing in magic. He tried to show her and despite all his proof she didn’t believe him.
As he peered through his telescope he spotted a glitter in the sky. It seemed as though it was moving closer like a wavy. Before he could even process it the wave washed over him. At first he felt nothing, like nothing was different but he looked back through his telescope this timing aiming it at the town square. He could see everyone coming out of their shops and houses and hugging and reuniting with people on the streets. He couldn’t believe it, there was no way this was possible. They were waking up.
Jefferson passed back and forth through his whole house. This was all he had waited for for 28 years, even longer when counting the time he spent in wonderland. But he couldn’t muster up the courage to go find his family. He finally forced himself to go outside onto the street. Families and reunited loved ones pass him all around. He slowly made his way down the street but not long after the first wave he saw another come toward him. This one was like smoke, purple smoke. No one had time to cover for shelter but as soon as it covered the street it was gone. Everyone began to panic but he knew what this was. He had been a dabler of magic; he could feel it here.
Pain rang through him as he thought of what would happen now that magic was in town. He quickly ran down the street toward the little tea shop he had passed millions of times before. When he finally reached the shop there was a small crowd of customers who crowded around the entrance. As he approached the crowd and tried to push passed through them, he heard a familiar voice.
“Grace, my darling” he hugged his little girl as hard as he could, too scared to let her go.
“I was going to find you but (y/n) found me first. She was fine but when the smoke came by she collapsed. I don’t know what’s wrong with her papa.” He did his best to calm the girl and then stood up and pushed the crowd away to finally reach (y/n).
“No no no, this wasn’t how it was supposed to happen. You were supposed to be fine in this world.” He knelt beside (y/n) and held her unconscious form in his arms.
“We tried to help her but we can’t tell what’s wrong with her. Someone already called 911.” Said some man in the crowd.
“They won’t do her any good. This is a magic problem and it needs a magic solution.” He snapped. He tuned the rest of them out as they all stood around them. He leaned his forehead down to hers as he brushed some hair out of face. “(Y/n) if you can hear me… I I need you to wake up. Ok?” He paused for a second but she didn’t move. He closed his eyes and pressed a small kiss to her forehead.
(Y/n) eyes flew open and she jumped as she quickly awoke from her sleep. She looked around her and saw Jefferson and sweet Grace by her side. She smiled, finally being able to remember them after seeing them everyday but never truly seeing them. She cupped Jefferson's cheek with her hand and smiled. “How did you know that would work?”
He laughed slightly as he took her hand and placed a kiss in her palm. “I didn’t.” He swiftly pulled her into a passionate kiss with all the love he could conjure. “I love you”
(Y/n) smiled, “I love you too”
Jefferson pulled his family into a hug as they all sat on the floor. He had been dreaming of this day for too long. “Let’s go home” he said smiling at his small family.
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citadelspires · 3 years
P1-Looking at how great your posts on how Anne,Sasha,&Marcy would interact with both the Duck nephews and Team Magic, I thought I may as well do one on them interacting with Owl House kids and add Sprig & Polly in there too to even it out. Who do you think the Calamity trio, Sprig, and Polly would get along with the best individually between Luz, Amity, King, Willow, and Gus? I'd assume Luz with Marcy (both fantasy nerds), Amity with Sasha (both not so good friends and maybe not so good parents)
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First off, thank you I'm glad you enjoyed my posts about the duck crew! Secondly, I am so sorry it took so long to get to this ask, given how much I loved doing the stuff with the duck kids and amphibia girls the first two times around, these types of asks are my absolute favorites to get, so I decided to wait till I had the time to really put some thought into it and give it the response it deserves! That being said, lets get to it! (rest of the post under the cut cause wow this is long)
Ok so I do agree that Luz and Marcy would get along splendidly but I am saving Marcy for later because I have plans for her, along with a few factors that lead me to believe there's some interesting fun to be had with another combination. While Marcy and Luz both share the "enamored with another world" aspect, Marcy's approach is to enjoy diving into studies and making herself useful on commanded missions and such. Luz can't study for longer than a few minutes at a time, and while she's always down to help her friends, she's also perfectly content causing chaos in the home of a known criminal. However, there is a character from Amphibia who loves to engage in the daring adventure side of the world of amphibia, diving headfirst into whatever trouble they can find, regardless of how much they do or do not know what they're getting into.
Luz is a perfect match to go on chaotic adventures and have massive amounts of fun with Sprig. Sprig, especially at the start of Amphibia, is always the one dragging Anne along on all kinds of adventures in the wilds of amphibia, and Luz is the driving force behind exploring the boiling isles and finding new adventures and places to see, exciting things to do. Whether Sprig ended up on the boiling isles or Luz ended up in Amphibia, I'm certain one of the pair would immediately ask if there were any cool and potentially dangerous places to explore, and the other would be the first one to take them up on it. Sprig would get the chance to see more of what the people from Anne's world are like, and Luz would get the chance to see a little glimpse of that "PG fantasy adventure" she was looking for in the first place. Overall the two of them would have so much fun together, on that I am certain.
Next up, I will admit there are probably better characters for each of these two to get matched up with, so this is admittedly a bit of the two being leftover, but I do think I can buildup a pretty solid argument for the pairing. Willow and Polly is a strange duo on the surface. Polly is bold, loud, and aggressive. Willow is calm, quiet, and gentle. However I think there's some potential there. I think Willow is a really great person to keep Polly out of trouble, in the hypothetical scenario Polly is let loose on the boiling isles that would be a complete disaster(for the isles, Polly would come out of a fistfight with the entire emperors coven unscathed) unless someone was there to reign her in. At first Polly might be a little reluctant to be looked after by someone who is just another kid in her eyes, but we've seen bits and pieces of Polly where we're reminded that, as aggressive as she can be sometimes, she's still just a kid. She's not immune to love and affection, and I think Willow is just the kindhearted, loving person to help Polly feel a little more okay with not always being the strong brave kid she tries so hard to be. As a little bonus I think it would be pretty great for Polly to think she's got Willow and her softhearted nature all figured out after some time only to be taken completely by surprise by the sudden realization the moment Willow uses her magic that "oh hold up this girl is insanely powerful." To be honest that might be a pretty great experience too for her to see that power comes in many shapes and forms. (A lot of the people who are able to fight in amphibia are more agressive about it than willow is so it would be new for polly). This goes double if Willow meets Polly in Amphibia because I mean have you seen how much foliage is in that world? Dear Lord Willow would be a god.
(it is at this point that I realize how long this post is gonna be, maybe I should go put a cut up there somewhere)
For the third pairing I will now reveal where I decided to send Marcy. I would absolutely love to see interactions between Gus and Marcy. Just imagine it. I would argue that Gus is the most curious and inquisitive owl house kid, as well as the most inclined to actually be constantly studying new things instead of jumping right into them. Gus is a dedicated investigator (perhaps too dedicated) and Marcy can absolutely get behind that. Beyond that I think Gus would lose his mind to find another human in the first place, let alone one who can probably recite all of human history off the top of her head. Meanwhile with Marcy, she would be absolutely fascinated by everything and everyone in the boiling isles, and I can just imagine right now that every time she had a new question she'd pose it to Gus and Gus would be like "I... I don't know. *excitedly* I don't know! Let's go find out!" cue the two of them rushing off to investigate:tm:. Also! More than anything else i want Marcy to help provide suggestions to Gus on how to improve/expand his tunnels under hexside because I NEVER FORGOT THE TUNNELS.
With only two pairs leftover y'all can probably guess who's going with who. Unless you can't that would also be fair. I am kinda throwing a curveball with Sasha's I suppose, but I think it actually works out pretty well. Sasha and King have incredibly similar ideas about just about everything. While I think initially King would try to order Sasha around and it would get on Sasha's nerves severely, once that toned down, the two of them would get along really well. Sasha wouldn't see King as a threat due to his size and overall lack of power, and King would just continue seeing Sasha as a very strong pawn, though not out loud so she doesn't yell at him. I mean, we've seen what King would act like provided he became a teenager and it's honestly pretty in line with how Sasha would take over and be in power. I can absolutely see the two of them conspiring to run the whole isle, whether or not those plans ever actually come to fruition, I think she'd develop a soft spot for him.
And finally, I think there's a lot of untapped potential with Anne and Amity. While Anne is more coming from the past of the person who got pushed around and Amity is more the one who did the pushing, the two of them have more to bond over than it would seem. The core concept at the depths of each of their characters, is a chance for them to finally figure out who they are and what they want to be. With Anne it's been Sasha's presence and her need to be socially connected at all times that drove her to have a messed up view of friendship (friends are there to do stuff for other friends, like an exchange for their love), and the feeling she should just be quiet and let everything happen to/around her. With Amity it's the constant pressure from her parents to let them define her along everything she does and all of her relationships. Both Anne and Amity are in a place where, after spending so much time missing out on the chance to form their own identities and become their own people, they're finally starting to realize they can decide who they are. They're finally going to find themselves, and it's gonna be beautiful.
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decendingfromgrace · 4 years
Miruko x fem!Reader
So @mirukobecomingbothered and I had the head cannons that Miruko thumps her foot when mad, this fic is inspired by that!
Words: 2,200
Warning: Pure, unadulterated Fluff
Tags: @cutesuki--bakugou, @mirukobecomingbothered
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The soft clicking of the shopping cart you pushed could not drown out the grumbles behind you that had been following you for the past thirty minutes. You looked over your shoulder at the brooding bunny hero, her arms crossed over her chest and fingers tapping irritably over her bicep while her show white bunny ears twitched and turned with irritation. You rolled your eyes for the tenth time that minute at her before pushing on to the next aisle your grocery list required. Before this, you and Rumi had been out running errands, doing the simple daily tasks that needed to be done while spending time with your lover chatting about nothing and making one another laugh.
Since that day when you literally bumped into the bunny hero, spilling her and your groceries onto the pavement, the two of you had become close. For some reason Rumi had refused to tell you, the bunny hero had taken a liking to you, and became stuck close to your side. She made excuses each time you both seemed to end up in the same places in the city, and each time you welcomed her confident, strong, beautiful self with a large smile that made her cheeks turn rosy. Soon Rumi began to look for you, purposefully trying to spend more and more time together doing whatever task she caught you doing, be it just on a walk or going to work, Rumi wanted to be there. Eventually those chance encounters became meaningful get togethers and ultimately dates. For the past three years, you and Rumi had basked in the others' loving warmth daily, barely separated, and the world soon had a new hero couple to gossip about, but you didn’t care because you had each other.
This day had been pleasant up until now when you had told the seething women behind you that you wouldn’t be home tonight for movie night.
You reached for a container of sugar, Rumi had to hand it to you since you were too short and she could easily use her powerful thighs to reach up high. While you checked the exasperation date, you assessed the upset woman scowling beside you, her gaze angry at the canned soup in front of her. Her anger would soon pass as it usually did, though the temper was intense and it reminded you of that one angry blonde guy you have seen around her agency, it was nothing you couldn’t defuse with your soft touch and calming words. Another aspect of your relationship was balancing out each other’s qualities.
Rumi may have a bunny quirk, but she never acted like one. She was strong and confident. Beautiful and tenacious. Intelligent, funny and soft, but that was mainly around you. She was everything other than a scared, timid rabbit, and you loved that. So you often wondered what she saw in you, this bashful, humble, quiet woman that saw Rumi as a fallen star. Yet when Rumi asked you out, you were dazzled once more by her and with the honored title as her lover, soon her traits rubbed off on you. With Rumi’s help, you seemed to be able to grasp the sun itself, reaching higher and higher as she encouraged you to reach any goal that came to your mind. Even when her encouragement became harsh, you knew she only wanted you to reach your untapped potential and in the end it was worth every bit of struggle.
“You can’t stay mad at me, fluff butt.” She growled at the nickname, even though she thought it cute, it still instilled annoyance in the bunny hero. Such a nickname came about when you saw her fluffy tail shake when she first saw you after a long work day or when you laughed.
“I won’t be out for too long, it’s just a dinner for my hero agency.” A low growl was accompanied by the sudden rapid thump against the tiled floor of the grocery store. This caught your attention, the sugar container held in your grasp but forgotten in the moment and you turned to be staring at the heated flushed face of your lover, her white ears and tail continuously twitched in irritation and you felt your heart flutter at her utter cuteness. You giggled at her expression and she puffed her cheeks out, a red glow coating over them subtly once she was caught tapping her foot in that special way you found adorable, though her thumping only increased in tempo and volume once she saw you stifling giggles.
“Rumi, are you really thumping your foot at me? You can’t be that mad, are you?” The white ears a top Rumi’s head twitched and then tilted back slightly, a way, you researched, most bunnies did to show anger. That was not part of your relationship you didn’t expect, learning on bunny behavior in order to tell what your lover felt, but it did come in handy.
“I’m not mad at you dammit! I’m pissed that- that you won’t be around tonight, Carrot.” Your face flushed at her nickname for you, one that she quickly came up with when you started calling her “fluff butt” Rumi didn’t miss the way your face heated at her words and that signature smirk on her face and her ears twitched with your reaction. Her palms came to wrap around her hips, their muscular bulk caged you protectively, as her lips peppered kisses over the side of your jaw. You tried to brush her off and she laughed.
“Aww what’s wrong Carrot? My little nickname get you all flustered, you know it’s cause I think you’re so tasty-“ You huffed, that blush refusing to go away as you pretended to reread the sugar container before putting it into the cart.
“I’ll be there for a few hours then come back home, ok? We can watch that one horror fic you wanted when I get back.” Miruko came to walk close to your side, feeling accomplished with making you blush as her ears and tail twitched in triumph. Her fingers locked with yours with slight possessive intent, but the promise of you coming back to spend time with her made that anger fade and her rabbit-like foot stopped it’s angry display.
“I’ll make you carrot cake too, as a thank you.” To your statement Miruko smiled wide and practically began dragging you through the store, the smallest of hops in her step.
“Alright fluff butt, I’m off.” You fixed your earrings into place and checked your makeup one last time before heading down the stairs of Rumi and your home, your gown elegant and beautiful. This hero dinner was a large affair, one that was to honor the retirement of one of the oldest heroes in your agency, so casual dress would be inappropriate. A whistle, similar to a cat call, sounded from the couch and you saw the vermillion eyes of Rumi trailing over each inch of your body. You blushed as she stalked over to you, her ears attentive to each subtle sound you could make, you swore she could hear how your heartbeat quickened when she gripped your hips softly and gave you a kiss.
“Damn Carrot, you sure you can’t stay? I’m sure we can do something much more exciting than some boring dinner.” Her hands began to wander, trailing over your hips and butt, to your upper back then ending on the zipper of your dress. The intent was clear and mischievous, but you made all her movements stop once you squeezed the incredibly soft plush of her white tail. A violent shudder came over her and from her tan shoulders up to her cheeks became a deep shade of red and you giggled lightly at her embarrassment.
“Later, but I do have to go.” Rumi gave an angry pout and cupped your jaw, her hands were warm and you leaned onto her touch. With a last, deep, lingering goodbye kiss you were out the door, leaving your lover to sit in the all too quiet house.
The silence drove Rumi crazy, the image of you looking so stunning teasing her mind as she paced around the home in search of something to occupy herself. She couldn’t help the thumping of her foot as she sat on the couch, the involuntary movement only made her more cross and so her foot pounded against the floor with more furosity. Rumi missed your voice, that cute airy laugh that filled her slow moving surroundings. To Rumi, the world moved slower compared to her bunny biology, she moved incredibly fast as did her heart, so the concept of sitting still made her anxious. You were her grounding, the one person that could make her stop and take in the world rather than speed by, so without you the world began to speed back up.
When Rumi stumbled into you, she was in awe. Your eyes dazzled in a caring way that day when you kept apologizing to her even after helping her gather her fallen groceries, and in that moment she thought you were the most stunning person in the world. You had hit Rumi like a truck, a piercing arrow to the heart that made her lips twitch up into an uncharacteristically soft smile whenever she saw you. You were beautiful, kind, loving, smart, and attentive to each small detail of the world. Before you, Rumi would impatiently wait for each day to pass, never stopping to admire anything, only wanting for those dull quiet seconds to speed by, but then you came. You noticed beauty in places Rumi had never seen, you showed her parts of her life that Rumi had never thought about. And after a while Rumi began to see the world in a different way, in a more appreciative way. Thanks to you she learned how to be less abrasive and brash in situations, how to be gentle and calm and she was thankful for each special quality of yours she picked up on. You were her everything, her life, her love, and she hated not being near you.
It had been three hours of Rumi frantically cleaning, trying to organize her and your fan mail, organizing her schedule for the next month, and then re-cleaning the house before Rumi had enough.
Once the sound of the wall clock ticking began to make Rumi have the urge to punch it, she realized she was going to crash your dinner party.
“Fuck this” Her voice was evidence enough that she had reached her boiling point. The bunny hero leaped up to your shared bedroom, skipping up the steps four at a time until she threw open the wardrobe and haphazardly put on a gown she knew you would drool over and headed out the door to your agency.
The chatter of the room was small, a dull murmur in the air that gave no excitement to you. Dinner had ended with a small speech from the retiring hero, said retired hero then left the party, leaving the rest of the guests to mingle. You swirled your glass of wine, upon tasting it you decided not to drink the dry bitter alcohol anymore. You began to let your mind wander, the conversation you were involved in being blocked out with thoughts of your wife. You imagined her trying to figure out what to do at home, bored as hell and thumping her foot in that adorable way out of pure unexpelled energy.
That thumping first happened when you two were out on a date, you had gone out to dinner with Rumi, a sweet little place that you and Rumi visited often. Rumi had gone to the bathroom, leaving you to sneak pieces of her dinner when a random guy walked up to you. He had begun to chat you up, you trying to give him a hint, when a loud thumping noise caught your attention. Rumi stood, practically trying to obliterate the guy on the spot, but her foot continued to pound against the floor. Needless to say the guy backed off when Rumi threatened to punch him, but you were beside yourself with the fact that your girlfriend thumps her foot when mad. You smiled after recalling the memory.
Then the oak door burst open, to your and everyone startle, but a warm burst bloomed in your chest when a familiar ruby gaze instantly found yours. Rumi, with the attention of everyone in the room sauntered over to you and you began to walk in order to meet her.
“Rumi, what are you doing here. I thought-“ You were silenced by Rumi’s lips which drew you in as her hands held your face. Once you two broke apart, her arms draped over your neck, your hands on the small of her back.
“Come on Carrot, let's get out of here. I’ve been wanting to dance with you since you left the house.” You giggled and Rumi’s heart swelled as she pulled you by the hand out the door, your goodbyes quickly thrown over your shoulder as Miruko practically pushed anyone out of your path.
That night, instead of small talk and boring dialogue, Rumi and you slow danced in the kitchen of your home, the carrot cake you promised to make sitting half eaten along with a bottle of vodka. And you wouldn’t have it any other way.
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duraxxor · 4 years
Character Sheet: That Damn Trio
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Uh oh, it would seem Duraxxor has gotten himself in a lot of trouble this time around! He’s been split into three pieces of his former self! Oh the humanity! Well there’s only one thing to do. What’s that? Well, we go on a wild adventure to put him back together, of course! That’s why I have decided to create character sheet to explain and every one of the fragments and their traits. So without further interruptions, let’s get down to the material! 
Character No. 1
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Name: Daev  ( Pronounced just like Dave ) 
Race: Sin’dorei?
Height: 5′ 8″ ( down from the 6′ 4″ that he once stood at. )
Hair Color: Silver Blonde
Eye Color: None, his eyes are as clear as glass
Age:  “ I was only born not that long ago... I jest though... “ 
Physical Traits: When a person comes in contact with Daev, the first thing they may notice as his youthful appearance. Unlike Duraxxor as a whole, Daev has the physical body of a young adult that has suffered from lack of muscle. Despite this, he seems able to stand straight and maintain himself but is unable to physically apply the strength and running speed he once had. The scar that once dominated his features is now shrunken down and appears to have lining that almost reminds some of a stitching, so to speak. Perhaps even mending? The same can be said about the majority of his black attire that decorates his body other than the sleeve that appears to have torn on the right side. A thin trench coat and a pair of black leather britches that are only matched by a pair of boots below. One can also notice the pair of snake bites piercing on his lower lip that seem to have appeared as he no longer bears even a semblance of the elven fangs gene. 
Personality: Quiet and probably the most balanced of his former self. Daev seems to be given the nickname of being the Heart of the Trio. And with good reason considering he is probably the very being that keeps the other two in existence. He is never to quickly jump to violence and seeks to see how people function and feel. Selfless thought and under normal circumstances, kind to those that share a mutual respect for him and his space. Although he is the most attuned to multiple emotions, he has a hard time properly expressing them and it may even come out in a series of riddles. However, he does seem to have something to say for every type of person. 
Abilities: Lack of physical strength, Daev has to rely on his mind and quick thinking if he hopes to manage avoiding being killed off with the help of his familiars. It isn’t known whether he retains much of his weaponry training, other than having a dagger tucked away under his coat that appears to have a significance, or perhaps even symbolic value. Despite his familiars having their own personalities, he seems able to maintain control of them in certain moments and can even call them or dismiss them at will. Daev’s greatest ability is that he has so much untapped potential that is it unpredicted what he may learn in his stay within the Shadowlands. 
Character No. 2 
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Name: Randdu ( Ron-doo ) 
Race: Familiar ( Bat ) 
Height: Unspecified, look to his Abilities for details
Hair Color: White
Eye Color: A mixture of Red and Yellow
Age: “ Look, man, give me a break. I only look old. “ 
Physical Traits: You feel a piercing gaze always watching you when you approach Daev with his avian shadow, Randdu. He takes on the appearance of most bats native to Azeroth aside from some defined features that make him appear more like a Fruit Bat from our world, bearing a canine-like snout beneath the leathery wraps that are his lengthy wings. Jagged claws appear to be on both the back legs and wing joints, giving him almost the look a humanoid if not for the fact he lacks thumbs. He is the definition of wild animal with personality. 
Personality: The reckless familiar that is highly regarded ( and prideful of himself ) as the symbol of Duraxxor. Randdu is also the loudest and most immature of the trio. He would rather pick a fight and see who is the strongest than listen to negotiations. He also possesses quite the appetite match this need for combat. However, this doesn’t mean he isn’t self aware when he is in over his head, being the quickest to also panic when he feels outmatched, that is until something goes right, then he will simply mock his foe. Warning: He may curse a lot. 
Abilities: Despite his reckless personality, Randdu is actually quite the powerhouse. He is physically strong and can easily pick up something that is three times his own size, which is only matched by the fact that he is able to grow and shrink his form based on the energy reserves he has obtained through his vampiric aura. The more he fights and succeeds, the stronger Randdu gets. Claws, teeth, and even a mind piercing screech are at his disposal. However, the magical affinity seems to lie more so in the fact he is able to cast a blaze of shadows about his form, giving him enough speed to perform a Wraith Flight, an ability that projects his vampiric aura outward and making mere contact results in the sapping of one’s raw energies. 
Character No. 3 
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Name: Sphula ( Sph-ooluh ) 
Race: Familiar ( Serpent ) 
Height: 15′ 07″ in length 
Hair Color: “ Crimson Scales, you uneducated pig. “ 
Eye Color: Onyx 
Age: “ To old for you to know. “ 
Physical Traits: While Randdu is regarded to be the visible lurker, Sphula sticks to remaining hidden into his time is most appropriate. The lengthy serpent bears a strange familiarity to the Arcane Serpents of Northrend, but with many more rows of teeth and definitive fangs. He also lacks the ethereal skin until certain abilities are applied. Scales, bladed fings, and circular markings that are akin to chains, this crimson familiar seems to be the most colorful of the trio. 
Personality: Calm until provoked, Sphula recognizes his own intellect and will exercise it when it is most necessary. More often than naught, he is seen wrapped around Daev, whispering into his ear while chastising Randdu. For once to gain conference with Sphula would mean that you either have earned his respect or there is something of worth about you or upon you that he would sooner have you align yourself to their cause. Unlike the other trio, Sphula is not above breaking the rules in his favor. For he believes logic is more important in the case of survivability in the cruel world of a snake. There is one he deems the most worthy of his time: The Lady in the Red @sanguinesorceress​ . 
Abilities:  Not as physically strong as Randdu, Sphula is also a constrictor and has no issue wrapping his long tail around his foes or even applying it in a flailing motion to dispatch someone from approaching Daev. And speaking of which, did you know that snakes can actually jump three times their length? Not just this one, but he can also slip his entire length through objects much like a pocket space just to come out in a near forty yard radius. Sphula is also the strongest when it comes to the use of magic and intellect. He is able to conjure geomancy, hemomancy, umbramancy, and in some cases, cryomancy and pyromancy. But what would a snake be without his bite? Twin fangs possess a potent cytotoxin, which is a toxin that induces tissue necrosis. Keep your hands away from this snakes mouth!
OOC Information Station 
Rp Style:  When interacting with this blog or even the in-game character, I cannot always guarantee that you will interact with all three of them, just as I also cannot guarantee that one of the other’s won’t squeeze themselves into the RP. Otherwise, I am generally laid back and always up to most themes, including the dark and twisted. I am an adult writer and in most cases, I am not so easily triggered and easy to speak with. Please, don’t hesitate to ask questions as I may have an actual answer for them. I also would like to remind everyone that I have been roleplaying in World of Warcraft for nearly ten years. All I ever ask is your undying patience and kindness in return. 
Platforms: Tumblr, Discord, and In-game (Planned) 
If you have made it this far, congratulations. Now to get to the nitty, gritty disclaimer warnings and rules.
1. Roleplaying with The Trio means you have agreed to not knowing the original character Duraxxor is the true identity of these characters without the proper knowledge or permission. Should you regard him as Duraxxor, Alphus, Lord Daevara, Myotis, or any other former alias, it will be ignored in-character. Should this become a continuing habit, I will ask you personally to please stop trying to ruin the mystery of the characters. Let’s make this a fun plot for all, old and new. 
2. If you are seeking to fix the problem as quick as possible, then you have come to the wrong player. I am wanting this particular plot device to go longer than a few weeks or even months as the Shadowlands is going to obviously take longer than a single year itself. There’s going to be hurdles to make evolve these characters over time. You are welcome to speak about being a part of the plot where he attempts to fix himself though!
3. When addressing particular character questions, please specify who you are addressing to unless it is all the above or the mun. This makes my life so much easier and more engaging. 
4. Do not god mod my characters as I would not god mod yours. All of them have their own individual strengths and weaknesses and should be considered only through natural interaction. 
5. More importantly, be respectful and patient. This is a brand new concept I am playing with and I really wish to see it through to the very end and want those involved to have fun. 
Thank you all for taking the time to read this and I do hope that everything is clear! I look forward to roleplaying with everyone and enjoying the Shadowlands storyline! Happy Writing everyone! 
And if you have not read Chapter 1 to the Shadowlands storyline, here is a link to the story is here
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Top 10 Things I Love About Supernatural
It’s been almost half a year since the show ended and now that the dust has settlIed, I just want to list ten reasons I love this show. Despite it’s flaws, it’s been quite the ride.
1. Team Free Will
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When I first got the idea to make this list, I originally planned on doing entirely separate entries for “Sam & Dean” and “Destiel”. Except then I wanted to pay tribute to “Sastiel”. And then I wanted to do an entry for “Team Free Dads”. By that point, I was already halfway through the list and I hadn’t even moved on from the main characters. A few months ago, I made a post about why I love every single pairing in this group. Obviously, Sam and Dean are a legendary duo. Obviously, Dean and Cas have an unparalleled story. Obviously, Sam and Cas are an underrated team. As for Team Free Dads, I’ve always had a soft spot for father/mentor figure characters and and all three tackle the role in different ways. I love Jack, too. I love how everyone in this bizarro family is “broken” in some way. We’ve got the Allistair’s prized pupil, the spawn of satan, the boy with demon blood, and the angel who nearly obliterated all of heaven. But they help each other heal by being supportive and seeing the good in each other. They all love each other so deeply and when together, nothing can stand in their way. Not Michael, not Lucifer, and not God himself. They tore up the book and wrote their own story. And it was a pleasure to watch it all unfold.
2. The Suppporting Characters
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To list every single supporting character I have loved and lost in this show would take way too long. I don’t know if it’s the writing or acting performances, but I love pretty much every single supporting character on this show. Even villains like Azazel or Allistair are top-notch villains. Hell, I even like characters like Metatron, Lucifer, Mary, and John! Characters like Rufus, Charlie, Crowley, Rowena, Kevin, Ellen, Jo, Bobby, Gabriel, Balthazar, Mick...how am I not supposed to love them??? All of their stories were cut so short. I’d watch a show about any of these characters. The Wayward Sisters were robbed. So many ships were gone too soon (Sam/Rowena, Dean/Jo, Cas/Meg, Etc.). So many heartbreaking deaths. I want to be best friends with all these characters. Why be a “dean-girl” or a “sam-girl” when you can be a garth-girl? A kevin-girl? A claire-girl? A bela-girl? There are so many great characters with interesting and compelling backstories and so much untapped potential. I could go on forever on this, but I digress.This show has one of the best supporting casts I have ever had the pleasure of watching.
3. The Themes
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It’s no accident that I got addicted to this show at the time that I did. Namely, my Senior Year of College and 2020. Graduating college and entering the “real world” felt like it’s own sort of apocalypse. 2020 definitely exacerbated my worst tendencies. Messages like “family don’t end in blood”, “you can write your own story”, and “always keep fighting” really resonated with me. I could definitely relate to the feelings of insecurity these character’s felt and the ways they suppressed/repressed their issues instead of facing them. I could relate to the feelings of not fitting in and I could definitely relate to the loneliness. This show helped remind me that I’m not alone. That it’s okay if my values and identity don’t line up with the what I envisioned for myself. And, most importantly, that there is a light at the end of the tunnel and that I should never give up. If Dean, Sam, and Cas can keep moving forward despite their demons and despite how bad it gets, so can I. Regardless of how the story ended, these themes resonated with me and I’ll still hold them with me. A single episode can’t take that away.
4. The Fun Episodes
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This show has so many legendary standalone episodes. Changing Channels. Ghostfacers. The French Mistake. Fan Fiction. Tall Tales. Bad Day at Black Rock. When this show goes for the absurd, it goes all-in. It takes the risks it needs to take, it gets completely insane, and it pulls it off. So many of these episodes could have easily been the moment that the show “jumped the shark”. Yet, time after time, the show delivered on it’s potential. I don’t know how much I can say about these episodes except that they made me laugh out loud, made me fall even harder for these characters, and that they’re the episodes I remember best. If I were to rewatch any episode, it would be one of the fun ones. This show knew how to not take itself too seriously and how to poke fun at itself. I’ve always had a soft spot for shows that can make me laugh and cry (X-Files, Buffy the Vampire Slayer/Angel, Doctor Who, etc.), and this show definitely nails the fun part. 
5. The Sad Episodes
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Death’s Door. Hammer of the Gods. Despair. Carry On. Abandon All Hope. In My Time of Dying. Swan Song. When this show wants you to cry, it doesn’t pull the punches. It gets downright devastating. No character is safe. Literally every character you love will either be forgotten or will die. Or both. The amount of trauma Sam and Dean have to go through is insane. Both have literally been to hell and back. Both have killed countless people, including innocents. When this show decides it wants to wreck you, it’s overwhelming. I sobbed when Bobby died. I sobbed when every single member of Team Free Will died for the final time (I still can’t watch any of those scenes). I still wish Jo, Ellen, Charlie, Kevin, Mick, and Gabriel had been given more time to tell their stories. Being a hunter means a life of endless angst. Being an angel or demon doesn’t get you off the hook, either. I remember going into this show thinking it couldn’t hurt me. My favorite character type is “mentor/father figure”. But holy hell...I don’t think every single sad moment was necessarily good writing, but when it was? Damn. 
6. The Biblical Themes
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I’m not a relgious person. But, despite this show being steeped in Christian mythology, it really touched on my feelings about the Old Testament in a profound way. Well, really just Ben Edlund and Robbie Thompson did. I’ve never seen a show really hit the overall feel of the bible the way this show does. The idea of Angels as mystical and terrifying creatures. The idea of God as a flawed father figure with a penchant for wrath. The sheer epicness of the biblical stories. The idea of family members constantly being turned on each other. Cain and Abel. Jacob and Essau. Moses and Ramses. Moses and Aaron. Abraham and Isaac. The bible is full of stories of family drama. This show doesn’t always give angels and demons weight. Sometimes it’s silly and stupid and cheesy. But when it hits right? It’s epic. This is more of a personal thing I love about the show, but definitely a plus!
7. The Music
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The early seasons music is so good. I really miss the classic rock of the golden era of the show. I mean, there are still some great musical moments later on, but damn. I loved hearing songs I recognized and I loved learning new songs. I loved when the song and the scene hit perfectly in time (Death’s intro. Cas’s return in Season 13.). Also Supernatural wouldn’t be Supernatural without the ‘Carry On My Wayward Son’ song at the end of every season. Even at the end of a season I didn’t love, that recap would always get me pumped. Also Chuck singing Fare Thee Well? Dean and Lee singing together? Fan Fiction? All great. 
8. The Cast & Crew
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I never care about the actors or actresses in a show. I definitely don’t bother with the names of specific writers and directors or their styles of writing/directing. They’re just random people who happen to write for or play these characters I love. They’re not actually the characters. But these guys? Well, for one, I’m pretty sure half this cast actually is their character. At least to some degree. They’re also just...really cool people? Who are all friends? They make a point to do community service, to interact with fans, and to promote positive ideas. Jared’s Always Keep Fighting campaign. Misha and GISH. The fact that they all participate in fundraising opportunities and encourage fan engagement. Do they all have issues? Definitely. Have they said stupid things? Yes. But the good far outweighs the bad. They’re an entertaining bunch whether onscreen or not and I hope they all do well in whatever their future endeavors may be.  
9. The Fandom
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I joined this fandom late. To be honest, I thought this fandom was obnoxious before I found myself a part of it. Now that I’ve been in the trenches? It’s got it’s ups and downs like any fandom. There are some parts that are more toxic than others. A lot of people yelling that their opinion is the only opinion. But overall? The good outweighs the bad. And the good? The good is great. Some fanfictions I’ve read are better than actual books I’ve read and just as moving. The fanart? Incredible. I love reading all the metas about random aspects of the show I never would have noticed. I love the music videos and I love the analytical videos. In real life, I’ve made many friends through our mutual love of this show. Hell, even getting sucked into GISH once or twice has given me some solid memories and brought me closer to friends. I wish all fandoms were this much like family. I’m so glad I got to be a part of this fandom and I can’t wait to continue being a fan. After all, nothing ever stays dead in Supernatural.
10. The Chaos & Insanity
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Season 16 has been a time. First, Destiel went canon. Then suddenly Sherlock was having a 5th season, Putin was retiring, and Georgia was going blue. Destiel going “canon” and Joe Biden winning the presidency will always be correlated in my mind now. Things in the fandom went from quiet to blaringly loud real fast. Carry On happened. The fandom went into a civil war. I can’t even remember half of what happened in Season 16, but it’s been a wild ride. There’s been ups (my personal favorite being the french dub and the Saileen wedding). There’s been downs (Jared’s controversial statements and the original scripts being leaked). At one point Misha Collins had sex with Bill Clinton???? It’s been a wild time. It’s honestly gotten me through the end of this pandemic. At least it’s entertaining. I would say that at least all the craziness is over, but is it ever really over? Every time I say that something else completely insane happens. But it’s been fun. I’m glad I started watching this show despite my reservations and here’s to whatever happens next. 
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quirkfics · 4 years
spilling whiskey
word count: 4.4k
warnings: tension, Spies AU (..I mean. It could be canon..), smut !! all the smut, mild dom/sub vibe, mild implied age gap (Giran is older than reader, how much older is never specified), Giran spoiling reader
pairing: Giran/Kagero Okuta x Spy!Reader (gender neutral)
The drink tilts, whiskey sloshing, catching the light and turning caramel bright before it spills all over your shirt. It soaks down into the waist of your trousers, burns your nose and the back of your throat when you gasp, tugging at the drenched material like you have any chance of saving it. “My shirt,” you cry, low enough to be pitiful, to sound upset but not angry. It helps that you aren’t, really, that satisfaction and triumph are blazing through your veins now that you know his eyes are on you, that you have the brunt of his full attention.
“Shit,” Kagero Okuta - also known as Giran to his clients - exclaims, righting his glass and setting his cigarette in the half full ashtray on the bar. “Am I clumsy or what?” He says, trying to turn the situation into something to laugh at, something inopportune, but not particularly memorable. He’s good at that, and has been for a while, or so his file says. He fishes a pristine looking handkerchief from his suit jacket, hooking a finger in the belt loop of your trousers to pull you in close. It’s nerves that make your heart beat faster, that make your mouth dry. At least, that’s what you tell yourself. “Let me get that,” he insists, flashing a gap-toothed grin before he nods at the bartender. “Whatever they want, on my tab,” he says quickly and then blots at your ruined shirt, soaking up whiskey with his handkerchief. The warmth of his hand is seeping through the damp material, knuckles brushing against your abdomen.
“Ah, no- no, it’s fine. I think it’s kind of a lost cause,” you say, because it’s the truth and the truth will help build who you want to become. You know for a fact that it will be a lost cause, that the tannins in the whiskey will stain as surely as blood, in fact- well, you’ve kind of been counting on that.
“No,” he insists, eyebrows furrowing as he looks over the mess. He looks a measure too long, eyes tracing the pattern of the spill with a degree of heat most definitely not caused by worry or embarrassment and finally raises a chastened smile. “Let me buy you a new one?”
Hesitant, forcing down the victory of the moment before it can choke you, you try and disregard the inconvenience of a ruined shirt. It’s nothing, you can always get another, but... After a few moments of back and forth, you let Giran convince you - and you accept the drink the bartender brings, careful not to spill a drop.
His file says he likes to take care of people, find wells of untapped potential. You’ll be everything he wants and more.
The first evening you’d spent in Giran’s company, you’d drank enough to get buzzed. Enough to loosen your shoulders and your temperament, with that ridiculous stained shirt a constant reminder. He hadn’t been able to stop looking at the ruin of it, hadn’t been able to put the twist of his handkerchief back in his pocket. He’d kept it in hand, watching you talk, rubbing the whiskey soaked mess between his fingers until it was dry. At the end of the night he’d asked to do a further two things. Bemused, you’d agreed to both. The cab he’d called for you had been more than welcome, and another sign of blatant interest. Requesting your phone number was the final nail, poised over the coffin lid. You gave it, and mission parameters hammered the nail home, leaving you sealed in alongside him.
You’d gone home warm, riding the edge of victory and nerves, memories caught on the way he’d pulled at your belt loop, on his fingers twisting whiskey out of your shirt- and you’d gone straight to bed. Your last night of freedom and you’d thrown it away, like a child eager for a morning trip. 
The second time you see Giran, it’s entirely by his design. He’s waiting outside the bar in which you’d met, dressed ‘down’ in a purple shirt and black waistcoat, a gold chain gleaming around his neck. He stubs his cigarette out on the window ledge when he sees you, glasses pushing up with the force of his smile. He’s sentimental, you add to your growing mental file for him. You won’t be able to write a lot of this down, not if you want to ingratiate yourself in his life, not if you want to be given access to things you’ll need to pass along to your handler.
“You came!” He says, like he thought you wouldn’t. He clasps his hand to your shoulder, like he just can’t help himself, thumb stroking once over the arch of you before he lets his hand drop back down to his side. “I worried you might change your mind,” he teases, glasses slipping down his nose as his smile softens. 
Let him take care of you, you tell yourself, covering the spot he’d touched with your own hand, like you’re trying to keep a lingering shred of his warmth. 
“Ah, well, I.. I do need a new work shirt. I can’t exactly go in this,” you say, laughing as you tug at your t-shirt sleeve. It’s nice looking, a step up from something you can get off the rack, but there’s a bit of fray at the hem and your shoes are worn thin. 
It’s important not to throw yourself in head first. Giran is smart. He’s evaded police and heroes for years now, has gotten to the point of arrest a half dozen times and always manages to slip through their fingers like smoke. They suspect it has something to do with his quirk, but nobody knows and you don’t want to tip your hand this early in the game. You’re playing at being down on your luck, stuck in a retail job, mildly unhappy- but not enough to be desperate. Not yet. 
“Let’s fix that then, shall we?” Giran nods his head down the street, waiting until you keep pace and you cross off another crucial step in your mind. 
You spend the rest of the day in his company, dragged from shop to shop, where he tries - and fails - to buy you much more than the shirt he’d ruined. It feels like some kind of test. A non-subtle inquiry about whether you’re after money or after something else. He takes a call in front of you, and though you would love to know who’s on the other end, if it will eventually lead you to high-end targets, you turn away. You walk to the other side of the shop, nodding your head in acknowledgement when he holds up a single finger, letting you know he’ll just be a moment. 
“Work hounding you?” You ask when he returns, because that’s safe, and shows interest without fishing too deeply. You let him reach out to straighten the collar of your shirt, looking away when he takes a step closer.
“Always! That’s just how it goes though. Are you sure you wouldn’t want something in this shade?” He asks, and then the rising tension settles back down.
He takes you out for lunch, which you allow, because it feels like a silent apology for the repetitive questions, for the insistence that this one will bring out your eyes when all you need is something to replace a uniform item. It feels like you may have won this round, that he might be letting down his guard, but then he digs in his waistcoat for his cigarettes, leaning on the table as he lights up.
“You don’t mind, do you?” He asks, as if he’s only half paying attention and then- damn it, you wonder if you’ve played everything too safe. Too mannerly. Or maybe not needy enough?
“Actually, I do,” you interject, before he can turn away or wave down the waitress. 
His smile reappears, and that’s when you know your attention has been lagging, just a bit. Giran likes to take care of people, sure, and the manners you’ve displayed haven’t hurt anything, it’s that you have to want something from him. It’s what he understands, after all, what his business is built upon. 
You, you decide, straightening in your seat and giving a little half shrug of an apology. I want you, and you’re not going to turn me down, are you? Giran sighs, but the smile stays. By the end of lunch, you forget, for just a split second, that you’re not on a date. When you get home, getting ready for the real-but-fake retail job you’ve had for two months, a text lights up your phone:
This was fun - make it a date next time?
Wouldn’t miss it, you send back, along with a blushing emoji.
Giran sends back a kiss.
Time slips away from you. You can’t always fight the feeling of comfort, of rightness that follows you whenever you’re with him. Even the litany of: this is work, none of this is real, none of this is real, none of this matters in your head feels hollow.
Reality is Giran taking your hand when it’s resting on your thigh and lacing his fingers through yours. Reality is the clothes he buys for you, the way he likes to find places to touch, to pull: the collar of your shirt, the waistband or belt loops of your trousers, the sleeve of your jacket. Every time he does it, it feels like he’s pulling you off course. Not just from the direction in which you’re walking, but the direction of your mission, your work. Your livelihood and the task that will save people from pain, from trauma
“He’s a villain,” you murmur to your mirror sometimes, trying not to frown whenever you say the words. It shouldn’t make you sad, it shouldn’t make you want to change that, to stick by him and try and help. It should fill you with resolve every time you catch sight of a text from a suspicious number, every time you catch sight of him with a known criminal. You know what many of these people have done, have seen the devastation left behind from the weapons and drugs and the funding of killers with dangerous quirks.
But you like him.
It sounds like such a idiotic phrase when you finally allow yourself to admit it. You like him. The lines on his face when he smiles - and he smiles often - the gap in his teeth, and the way he tugs at his jacket to straighten the collar. You might not like the cigarettes he smokes, but you like the faintness of it, coupled with his cologne on his clothes. You like the way he sounds when he laughs and how he clutches you close if you’re the one who made him do it.
Your mission seems like such a faraway thing, like it’s relegated to memory alone. 
It’s why you’re all the more eager to finish it, why you push yourself. It’s why you wince when you think of kissing him, because you shouldn’t want it with softness or think about the way his stubble might feel. You should be wanting that kiss because it might leave you close enough to steal information. It might get you so far past his guard that you could wipe everything he has his fingers in off the map. But then your attention drifts, and you’re thinking about the way he tastes and what his touch would feel like, stroking over your belly and the tops of your thighs.
That’s when you ask for help, for a life line, to be taken out if you can or pulled away somehow. Just for a bit. Just so you can breathe clean air again, without craving the taste of his cigarettes. You get a hold of your handler a day after you start pressing for contact, legs bouncing in your seat like you’re jittering over too much caffeine. You tell her pertinent information first and then when she asks about your state of mind? You tell her everything. You shouldn’t be here any longer, not if you have these doubts, should you? 
Your handler makes the hard choice to keep you in, to keep you pushing for more, to insist that you need to be closer. “You were correct when you said you needed to look forward to a kiss, or more for the mission. All your instincts are correct. Get closer. Get closer,” she tells you and hangs up the phone. And that’s when you know you’re fucked.
It’s been months, you realize. Of this slow building relationship, of the frequent smiles and the soft way he’ll trace the shell of your ear. You’ve been funneling information to your handler and forgetting you weren’t his- 
“I feel like I’m everything,” you whisper one afternoon, riding in a cab to your doom.
You need to jump the gun, you’ve decided. Push for more in every which way, as soon as possible. It’ll be more like ripping off a bandage that way, than leaving an aching wound. It’d still hurt when they came to take him away, when he found out who you were and what exactly you’d been doing in your time with him, but it would be a fresh pain, ready for someone to staunch it. So you’d invited yourself over, when last you’d spoken on the phone. 
Giran hadn’t seemed perturbed by the request at all, and only mildly curious. More than anything else he sounded pleased, like he’d been waiting for you to give the word. He gave you an address and you’d jotted it down only to give it to the cab driver, not even taking the time to look it up. When the cab stops, you’re in front of a high-end hotel and the sky is starting to dim. Golden lights are flickering on in the parking lot and Giran had said… You glance down at the piece of paper, reading the last 4 digit number he’d added to his address. A room number.
You give the receptionist your name, head held high, and you even get to the elevators, but you freeze in the open doorway of one. You’re.. A little worried about why he’s decided to meet you here. Is it that he still isn’t comfortable with anyone knowing where he lives, or was it that.. He knew about you? If he knew, if he thought you played the assassin end of things, would he really be willing to-
You jump into the elevator when it nearly slams closed on your foot. It doesn’t matter, you decide, nerves making you sweat. If he knows, surely he’d be more willing to hold you and make some kind of deal for information in turn? You’d never seen Giran actually hurt anyone, but- There was still the matter of all the times he’d escaped heroes and police alike. 
You knock on the door when you reach room 1143, heart jumping into your throat when Giran opens it. His glasses are slipping down the edge of his nose and he looks.. Rumpled. He has a whiskey in hand and his shirt is partially unbuttoned, short curls of chest hair visible. “You missed me, hmm?” Giran asks and steps back to open the door wider, to let you by. He puts his whiskey in your hand as soon as you step over the threshold. “I thought we had a date just yesterday.”
You try not to drink heavily around him. Not that you ever thought he would take advantage, but more that you might let something slip, might get a touch too comfortable and give in to the urge to fall into his lap. This time you take a sip of the whiskey, relishing the burn of it, the clarity it gives you so you can harden your heart. You want this.
“I can’t want to see you again?” You ask, taking another sip as you breeze through the room, eager for him to close the door. When you turn around, his back is pressed to it and he’s giving you a quietly bemused smile. 
“That was never the issue,” he assures you. “Want me whenever you’d like!”
You set down the whiskey on the hotel table, right next to the glowing desk lamp. Your heart flip flops in your chest. You’re playing a dangerous game, you tell yourself, not waiting to see what’s really the issue here, whether he’d figured out who you were or not. You turn back to Giran, surprised to find him a few steps back and not close like he usually stays. The distance feels like thorns catching at your ankles - you should stay where you are, slow down, your subconscious says. You cross the carpet instead, breathing deep before you’re yanking on his shirt collar and pressing your mouth to his. 
You’re sharper than you’ve ever been, because Giran makes a little noise of surprise, hands almost slapping onto either of your hips, like he can’t decide if he wants to keep kissing you or he wants to hold you away. Just in case. You let yourself go boneless, nearly melting against his chest, dragging the edges of your fingernails down his middle, catching them on his buttons. His knee presses forward, perhaps to keep from falling back and you groan, rocking your hips against the pressure. His fingers dig into your hips.
Giran huffs, and you wonder if he’s going to stop, going to slow things down or ask where all this is coming from. Instead he catches your chin with his fingertips, taking over the kiss and licking into your mouth. He swallows the gasp you make, stubble catching against your lip and then grinds his own erection against you.
“I suppose you do want me?” Giran asks, voice so rough and tight with wanting that you feel almost short of breath. 
“Isn’t it obvious?” You whisper, pushing his jacket off of his shoulders. Then Giran is pulling you down onto the bed, losing his smile while kissing your mouth. You start out on his lap, still rocking your hips over his thighs, but he laughs after a moment and then tilts you sideways, pushing you onto the bed. He gets to his feet and urges you onto your hands and knees, but his hands pause on your hips, fingers slowing.
“Need to take a breath?” He asks, leaning over your back. You shift, but you can’t feel anything beyond his middle against you. He’s keeping himself at a careful distance. “Or maybe I should be grabbing a cigarette. Are you trying to wreck this old man?” 
He doesn’t know. He can’t. Giran is acting just like you’ve finally decided you’re ready for more, he’s not threatening you or hinting that he knows about anything. He’s- His thumbs have slipped under your shirt and are stroking softly over your bare skin.
“Maybe I want you to wreck me,” you tell him, glancing over your shoulder. It’s as good as saying green light. Giran hums, unfastening your trousers and hooking his fingers into the waistband. He pulls them off of you, slowly, carefully, letting his knuckles drag against your skin, over your thighs and calves before vanishing when you’re left bare. You don’t know what he does with them - lay them over one of the chairs, maybe, but you don’t hear them hit the ground before he’s back in place, one hand splayed in the middle of your back, pressing you down into the mattress. He slips his hand between your thighs, dragging his fingertips over your most sensitive parts and then presses a kiss to your spine. 
“You’re lucky I come prepared,” he teases and then pulls his hand away to pat your thigh. 
You.. aren’t thinking about missions or work. Not even a little bit and definitely not when his hand returns, slicking over you with lube and making you gasp into the sheets. You’re hot, suddenly, blazing and all you want to do is press back against his touch, to keep his hands on you. Giran pushes up your shirt, pressing another kiss to your lower back and then his knee is leaning against yours, urging you to spread your legs a little wider, to shift and make room for him between them.
He kneels on the bed, but you can still feel his slacks against your thighs and you’re only growing warmer, rocking yourself against his touch, repeating his name as his fingers open you up. 
“You can’t rush me to the finish line,” Giran tells you, leaning over you to place his glasses on the nightstand. His fingers curl deeper and your jaw goes slack. “But I like that you try.” For just a moment, you feel his cock pressed against you, the outline of it heavy as he straightens up again and then he changes the angle of his hand. The wet noise of his fingers, the angle- he has you tensing, toes curling as he picks up the pace and then promptly stops.
“Giran,” you choke out, trying to rock back against him, but he only laughs. 
“Didn’t you just tell me you wanted me to do the work here? You can have your wicked way later when my thighs are aching. Right now just relax.” 
It’s easier said than done. Giran knows exactly what he’s doing and every stroke, every time he scissors his fingers inside you, you have to concentrate on holding yourself motionless. You want him to have his fill of touching, but part of you wants to fuck yourself on his fingers, let him sit and sip his whiskey while you do all the work. The thought nearly pushes you over the edge and Giran must notice the difference, must feel you tensing because then he pulls his fingers out, places both hands on your hips. 
“Such an eager thing, aren’t you?” Giran asks and then he’s dragging the head of his cock over you, coating himself with the lube.
“Yes, yes, I am. I want-”
“I know what you want,” Giran says and for a moment there’s pressure and you think he might finally fill you up, but then he resumes that maddening stroke, down and back up, leaving you whimpering. “But you keep trying to rush, don’t you?” He reaches out with one hand, taking your arm and carefully, gently, adjusting it so it’s twisted behind your back. “Try and grab your wrists, or hook your fingers,” he tells you. “If you can’t, just lay your hands there.” As soon as your hands are where he wants them, Giran presses into you. You almost shout, almost move your hands from where they’re resting, but he stops you, fingers curling around both wrists. “Does it hurt?” He checks, grip careful. “Or was that just a little overwhelming?”
“It’s ‘whelming,” you mutter, trying to slow your rapid pulse, words coming out all wrong. He feels so good. You bite down on the noises you want to make, trying to make yourself relax. Giran’s cock slides in another inch though and you’re whimpering. “Good,” you add, “over-overwhelming in a g-good way.”
He thrusts forward and words fail you. “Glad to hear it,” he says, and everything inside you thrills at the roughness of his voice, how low it’s fallen. You want him to keep talking, to keep moving, to keep going, but after every shift forward he pulls back, just a little, still gentle, still slow. “If it’s too much-”
“‘S not,” you gasp, though you want to laugh. It’s not, not right now, but you’re fairly sure your lower back is going to ache in the morning, as well as the muscles in your chest and arms- And then Giran starts to settle into a rhythm and you’re not thinking about anything any longer. His slacks are still on, just pooling around his thighs, the cool metal of his belt buckle brushing against your heated skin every time he bottoms out and his hands keep flexing around your wrists. “Please,” you whisper, though you’re not sure what you’re pleading for. He feels good, wonderful, and his pace is steadily pushing you higher, getting you closer and closer to orgasm but you can’t stop yourself from asking for more, asking for harder. 
“So impatient, you sweet thing. You really want it harder?” Giran asks and then laughs when you shout yes against the mussed sheets and bedclothes. He leans back, sitting on his own calves, but he pulls you with him, grip growing tighter around your wrists. “Then keep moving, hm?”
Your thighs are already starting to burn, but you listen, rolling your hips, fucking yourself back on his cock until every muscle feels like it’s starting to ache. This isn’t a position either of you can hold for every long, but you’re so fucking close, and his hands are starting to tremble around your wrists.
“I suggest,” he breathes, grip gone slightly slippery with sweat, “that you go a little faster, or we’re going to- to have to take a break soon.” The admission only makes you tighten up, which leaves Giran cursing and pressing back against your thrusts and then the world goes a little hazy at the edges. You come, trying to keep fucking yourself through it, to keep bouncing yourself on his cock, but the way you clench leaves Giran falling to pieces right after you. He releases one of your wrists, grabbing hard onto your hip and you try and brace yourself, but your arm feels like jelly. It collapses when you try to catch yourself on the mattress. You fall face first onto the bed, Giran slamming into you one final time and then the room is silent, save for heavy breathing and the very faint, far away noise of cars going by outside the hotel.
“Fuck,” you say, with feeling, turning your face so you’re not mouthing at the sheets. Giran, still half clothed, heavy against your back, chuckles, right next to your ear. Aftershocks make you tremble. 
“I thought we just did?” Giran asks, and his stubbled face brushes against your neck, lips and teeth soft against the tender skin.
“Well round two-” You start, but Giran sits back with a groan, slipping out of you, smacking you once on the ass.
“Round two will have to wait. My quirk isn’t endless stamina or youth.”
That leaves you both laughing as you clean up, and truth be told, the only thing left on your mind is whether you’ll get the chance to wake him later, to stroke your hands over bare skin and whisper what you’d like to do again. Your reason for coming here, for rushing, has completely slipped your mind.  
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unknowncountrygirl · 3 years
The New Chaser Pt. 1
Murphy McNully was finishing up with some quidditch strategy when he over heard Skye Parkin talking to one of the older Beaters,
“You should see her, she's all hair and stubborn determination. I hexed a broom, never thinking in a million years that she would actually mount the damn thing.” She laughed.
“Sounds like quite a project, I'm surprised you volunteered to help her with the tryouts.”
“If it's someone I have to work with, I'm gonna make sure it's the best fit for the job.”
Ah, it's about the tryouts for the new chaser! Murphy thought, and decided he was going to find out more information about this girl and how she was faring. Being trained by Skye was, in his opinion, not exactly the best way to go about getting a tryout.
Skye was good, but in his opinion she could be better if she would think less brute force and more strategy, but getting her to listen was like hoping a brick wall would dance.
“So you're helping someone train?” He asked, rolling up to Skye and the Beater.
“Sure am. I see a ton of raw untapped potential there, but she's never played Quidditch in her life! It's the Cursed Vaults girl.” Skye informed him while gnawing on a chicken leg, “she's skilled, no doubt there, but it's like trying to hone a firework.”
Murphy nodded, and decided he was going to spy on Skye and this Cursed Vault girls practice. If she was as skilled as Skye said, she would need his help.
It was that following Thursday, two days after he had eavesdropped at lunch, before Murphy could sit down and watch a practice between the two girls. He had figured out her name, Iris Rosewood, and understood what Skye meant by all hair and stubborn determination.
The girl had a metric shit ton of hair that was dwarfed by her personality on a broom, and Murphy felt like this could be all sorts of interesting. He watched as Skye taught Iris the Parkin Pincer, and realized immediately that Iris was much more level headed then Skye could ever be, so having her paired up with Parkin could be a step in the right direction.
Honestly, he was rather surprised Skye hadn't chose someone just like herself.
“Time to show me what you've learned Rosewood!” He heard Skye holler.
The three teammates lined up to give Iris the setup for the Parkin Pincer, and Murphy was ready to call Madam Pomfrey, because there was no way this was going to go right the first time.
The Skye squashed one of the teams beaters between her and the team Keeper, and flew directly towards Iris, who then began her attack, flying straight towards them.
She dipped, and ascended, hitting the Beater against her back and knocking the Quaffle loose in one of the smoothest motions that Murphy had ever seen. His eyebrow raised, very interesting.
Rosewood had pulled off the Parkin's Pincer on the very first try.
The four were hovering near the bottom of the pitch, he couldn't hear what they were talking about but he figured it was some sort of praise because Rosewood was beaming.
She has a really pretty smile. Murphy thought as he made notes on his pad on his lap.
A few more players flew onto the Pitch, signifying the beginning of a friendly. So Murphy grabbed his microphone and leaned in to study close, pen and paper in hand. A few students trickled in and sat by him near the commentators booth, but he paid them no mind as he began.
“It's a beautiful day for a friendly Quidditch match, with a 98.3% chance of edge of your seat excitement!” The snitch was let loose into the air, and he watched as the team all went in different directions. It felt like it was only seconds before Iris had the Quaffle in her hand. “That's Rosewood with the Quaffle! It looks like the chaser has some company... She'll have to pass it!” This will be a tell tale sign at her sense of 'team', Skye would never toss the Quaffle to anyone else, she would keep it and try to make the shot even though a fellow teammate is open and could make the shot for sure.
Iris did a funny little dip, and tossed the Quaffle to her teammate, distracting the other teams chaser, allowing Gryffindor to score. “Thanks to Rosewood's perfect pass, the team keeps the Quaffle and scores! Absolutely brilliant!”
Yes, absolutely brilliant. Rosewood could play as an actual teammate, not just for solo glory. He watched as she took to the skies and he was mesmerized by how well she could fly. She reminded him of a bird, like she belonged in the air and belonged on a Quidditch team. She scored three times after that, helping Gryffindor secure 30 points on her own and helping them secure the friendly win.
“After a magnificent match, Rosewood the chaser hopeful, has helped Gryffindor emerge victorious! These moments are what Quidditch is all about!”
Oh yes. This was going to be interesting.
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sourbat · 4 years
i'm always always always curious about your magnus and toki dynamic because it seems so fleshed-out and lovingly considered. can you talk a bit about how you write their relationship? :D and what is the appeal of them specifically that made you ship it and start writing it?
Oh, wow. There is just now way I’ll be able to answer this to the extent i want, but I’ll give you a brief intro???
I’ll be working backwards with this one. 
what is the appeal of them specifically that made you ship it and start writing it?
Specifically? I really like that they’re more a reflection of one another, with Magnus being a massive “warning/”what if?”” for Toki, if he was denied the same opportunities for love and/or success, kicked out of the band, etc.. They share a lot of similarities, both good and bad, so there’s also a potential “invest now and guarantee a better tomorrow” that both men, to some extent, are aware of. The fact that Toki is also objectively far from perfect also helps. I know with some ships, it’s not always clear that both characters have problems, and I know there are ships where it’s mainly one person helping the other. I think for this ship, it’s not about redeeming one character here, it’s about two characters trying to get past various obstacles and becoming better for it. To continue that reflecting theme, everything that Toki does for Magnus can be returned later, ranging from Magnus eventually taking care of Toki post G2, and even bringing Toki back to life.  It’s the fact that they’re one in the same, it makes it so interesting and fun to write! 
I know, with the basic power dynamic within the canon universe, not to mention established characteristics clearly stated in the show, it means that a lot of the burden is going to be on Toki using his resources to help Magnus first. I kinda dig it. Give power of (emotional/mental) healing to Toki, and make the god of death a savior. Personally, there’s a lot of really nice, untapped worship material here that I definitely want to explore. Or, you can. I definitely wouldn't mind. 
i'm always always always curious about your magnus and toki dynamic because it seems so fleshed-out and lovingly considered. can you talk a bit about how you write their relationship?
Thank you!! Well, this is going to be long, but I’ll try to keep it...kinda shortish? (In order at the very least.) 
To begin, I know someone who does live with mental illness, and over the course of our six year friendship, have experienced a lot of ups and downs. But we’ve been friends for six years, and looking at it as a whole, it’s crazy to see how much they’ve improved compared to when they first emailed me a billion years ago. But things weren’t always as good as they are now, and these things took time to get to that point. A lot of the things Toki’s said to Magnus aren’t too far from some of the things I’ve suggested to them, and some of the really messed up things Magnus has thought or said regarding himself, his mood swings, shifting attitude towards Toki, that’s all based on real moments, feelings and arguments. 
I think we agreed there were stages to this relationship, and mine are pretty much based on a combination of what I experienced, plus what I realistically think these two would go through. Since everything is, to some extent, planned out, and because I have a somewhat visible end goal in sight (already hinted at in other fics), it makes writing the harder parts leading up to it easier, and makes pulling memories and old emotions all the more fruitful. 
So there are four stages in their relationship, and when I write I try to figure where it's taking place. I’m not going into the nitty gritty, but if you want more I can elaborate. They are the following: 
Codependent stage: I legitimately think the first stage would be a codependent one. At this stage, Magnus cannot refuse Toki’s attention. It’s partly out of guilt, partly because Toki’s one of the few constants in his life, one of the few people providing him attention and with his illness, it’s some he craves. He wants attention without having to expose himself too much, and Toki’s providing just that. In turn, Toki receives validation and attention, something we know he wants from others. Neither want to talk about DR because they’re scared, and they both secretly hope the other will do it for him, but also dread it. Magnus is afraid that once the talk happens, things will “move on,” and he loses Toki, and Toki’s afraid he’ll fear Magnus again, and that everything everyone said about him is true. 
Communicative 1: The second stage really is just about communication, but it’s also the longest stage, which is why I break it into two. It’s  Magnus and Toki coming to terms with what happened, taking their time out of fear of what will come next, and facing that cathartic, but frightening sense of relief when they realize they don’t hate one another, and that are still bearings to their relationship. Toki now has evidence Magnus feels bad and cares about him, likes him for the joy it brings in his life, so there’s more incentive to return, even if it means asking more questions and getting painful answers. And Magnus now knows Toki will not leave him (for now), and starts to open up more, starting with things he thinks will continue keeping Toki around, then eventually moving on to other personal aspects of his life. 
Communicative 2: Magnus starts picking up slack, and Toki can start easing back with bearing the emotional/mental burdens. Magnus begins to share personal information he normally wouldn't, and Toki starts to feel more confident as his hard work starts to take form in Magnus being kinder, trying to stick with a plan regarding his mental health, creating goals and listening to Toki’s advice. Towards the later end, Magnus starts picking up on Toki’s issues more, and begins asking about them and slowly adjusting to avoid those triggers (Toki’s an alcoholic, has Panic Disorder and suffers from Depression). Eventually, guilt ceases to be the reason they’re together. 
Equilibrium: Magnus is regularly taking care of himself without needing to be reminded, and is now looking after Toki. Magnus CAN take care of Toki when needed, and can successfully put his own thoughts aside to help another person. Post G2 Magnus repays Toki back and basically takes care of him in the similar manner Toki did before. At various times during this stage Magnus believes Toki will never leave him, but considering his age chances are the doubt  will never vanish, only subdued when it arises. Toki eventually heals from some of his past traumas, beats depression, but still struggles with nightmares and panic attacks, though they are few and far between. They take care of each other.
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battlekidx2 · 4 years
Kipo Season 2 Review
I know this is late, but better late than never right?
Every cartoon I’ve watched on Netflix that dreamworks made has blown me away. Kipo has managed to continue their streak of fantastic cartoons. I got to Kipo season 1 late and only saw it a few weeks before season 2 dropped. I’m really glad I did because the wait would have been unbearable. Kipo has an inventive world with a lot of potential, fun characters that I enjoy every time they are on screen, a great soundtrack, and beautiful animation. There were some things in Kipo season 1 that I wish were expanded upon and I think a lot of them were addressed with the 2nd season. Kipo still has a lot of room to grow, but it has all the building blocks to be a great show and seems to be heading there. Dreamworks is probably my favorite animation company. I have been very happy with everything they have released recently.
I think I have to start with Scarlemage.  He was built up perfectly in the first season and I really liked the payoff. Dreamworks always has a knack for writing villains be it for their movies or their tv shows and they’ve once again created a very interesting and fun villain. Scarlemagne managed to be fun and sympathetic yet disturbing throughout the season. And while I’m typically all for redemption arcs I liked that he didn’t get one in this season. I think him not changing in the way kipo wanted was a learning moment for both her and her father. For her father it showed him his greatest flaw, giving up on people/things too soon, and how damaging that can be. For Kipo it showed her that as much as she may want to believe in the best in everything that’s not how it will always work out. I think these are major lessons that will effect the characters moving forward. My favorite villains are the ones who challenge the hero’s worldview and that’s what Scarlemagne does. Scarlemagne himself was very compelling this season and I do believe that while he wasn’t redeemed this season there is the possibility for change in the future. 
I got chills every time his musical motif played. I loved the logic behind his obsession with classical music and clothes. How it initially stemmed from his innocent wonder. I think it’s fascinating how in one episode everything we knew about Scarlemagne was flipped on its head. There was a sort of tragic inevitability to his “villain’s journey”. It was all born from one choice on the side of Kipo’s father that was completely understandable from his perspective, but heartbreaking from Scarlemagne’s perspective. (I’m also a big fan of tragic villains where there’s one choice or factor that makes it so that them and the hero can’t see eye to eye)
I like Kipo as a main character. She isn’t my favorite main character and I chalk a lot of that up to the fact that until the second half of this season her worldview wasn’t really challenged all that much. She was constantly proven right again and again which I think was framed really well for a large part of the first season. It’s because she doesn’t have any preconceived biases against mutes that she is able to find common ground and see the best in everyone, but this view that everyone is good and that everyone can change isn’t challenged in any meaningful way until Scarlemagne and even then we won’t get to see the fallout of that until season 3. More experienced humans like Benson and Wolf are show to have distrust of mutes and we see in Wolf’s backstory exactly why and yet despite having much more experience with mutes and living on the surface the second Kipo comes along everything they previously thought and experienced is proven wrong. I wasn’t the biggest fan of that. Again I think with this season we are starting to see a shift away from that. Kipo has just seen that her philosophy isn’t always correct with mutes and I would assume with how the season ended next season will deal with her coming to that realization about humans as well.
I think Kipo has a lot of room to grow as a character. And they seem to be taking steps to address the problems I had with her. I want to once again emphasize that I do like her. There are just things that I would like for them to address in the future. (also it’s nice to hear Glimmer’s VA again)
Wolf is the character I am intrigued by the most. Her past, while only briefly explored in flashbacks, was hard hitting. The fade from her attacking the mother wolf to the wolf skin she had on her head was chilling. Everything we learn about her childhood is fascinating because I like hearing about how she survived on the surface alone. It’s an interesting concept because unlike Kipo she had to adapt from a young age to survive, but she was left with little to no people skills and attachment issues because of it. She was the main character who had the most room to grow in my opinion and, while her arc may be predictable, I like how it has been handled so far. I do want more information about her past and maybe a run in with some of the wolves that betrayed her (I have a hard time believing that she killed all of them). I just think there is a lot of untapped story potential with her character and I was a little sad that outside of episode 4 and the finale she took a lot more of a backseat compared to the first season. Though it was understandable considering how much they had to cover in a 10 episode timespan.
Benson was given more to do this season, but still took a bit of a backseat. His relationship with Kipo isn’t given nearly as much attention as Kipo’s relationship with Wolf. I would like a Benson backstory because there is still so much left up to the viewers imagination about everything he went through pre-series. He’s a really fun character that I wish were utilized to his full potential. He has a fun dynamic with just about every character he interacts with and I look forward to seeing more of him in the future. I also like his blooming romance with Troy. It was really sweet and funny.
Kipo’s world is actually what drew me to this show in the first place. It was a unique take on the post apocalyptic mutant world and I was excited to see where they would take it. I really liked the worldbuilding and how unique each mutant society was and how they managed to very even the burrow cities. This world is just rich with so much wonder and potential. There are still a lot of questions like “What caused the apocalypse?”, “Did the mutes cause the apocalypse or did the apocalypse create the mutes?”, “How did society evolve the way it did?”, “How can it evolve from here?”. I am so intrigued by everything about it. The worldbuilding is probably the strongest point in the show. 
That being said, the music is a very close second. The score and soundtrack of Kipo is one that you can just pop on and listen to whenever you want. I don’t think there’s anything I can really say about the music other than it’s great and reminds me of spider verse with how the music is used in the story and how each type of music associated with a character tells you a lot about who they are. It does just about everything that I feel music should do in the audio-visual medium. It’s really amazing.
I’m a really big fan of this show. I have a lot of fun anytime I put it on. While it isn’t my favorite of the dreamworks cartoons I still find it to be amazing. It manages to have moments and episodes that hit me hard even on a rewatch. There’s just so much creativity and heart put into this show. I really want to see more of it because with how the show is going and growing I believe that a lot of my questions and problems will be addressed. I hope others can find the enjoyment out of Kipo that I do.
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sugarbutterbroadway · 4 years
Davey Mine
A/n This is the sequel to Paint The Sky and I hope you guys enjoy it! if you do, a reblog or a comment can go a long way :)
October 12th. October 12th, 2025. October 12th 2025 at 4pm. October 12th, 4pm at Oheka Castle on Long island. Jack could hardly breathe. He was getting married today. He was getting married today at 4pm. He was getting married today at a castle! A real life castle,where he was getting married. To Davey. His Davey. His Davey, who smiled too wide and kissed too rough and was currently kicking ass as a High School History teacher. His Davey who reserved those gentle eyes for him,Les and their puppy Luna. His Davey who still functioned entirely on coffee and got excited when they passed the home goods section in TJ Maxx.  His Davey who had gotten down on one knee two years prior, and asked him to marry him. 
His Davey who he said no to at first because he thought it was a joke, he still cringed at the memory. His Davey who he wasn’t allowed to see until the ceremony and it was driving him crazy. He had tried to run out of his room multiple times but was tackled to the ground each time by Spot,Race and even Katherine.
Then he was put on house arrest. He wasn’t allowed to leave this room until it was time to walk down the aisle.
And he was bored! He was bored and lonely because everyone was too busy to entertain him. Medda was checking the guest books,Race was probably off doing god knows what with Spot,Charlie was working on the floral arrangements,Katherine was making sure the catering was taken care of and Sarah was with Davey. Elmer,Finch,Albert and Romeo were driving up from the city while JoJo and Specs were flying from California. Buttons,Henry and Mush had flown in from Europe the night prior. Skittery only lived a town or two over so he’d be arriving with the other guests. So he wondered how he had a small army on the way and he still felt so lonely. Realistically he knew why, he only wanted to see his fiance and all that mushy shit, but it was getting ridiculous. He had a few hours to waste before he could see Davey, see him and kiss him and get to be Mr. Jack Kelly-Jacobs. He smiled, he couldn’t wait to call himself that. He could at least try to appreciate the place he was staying in, it was gorgeous. 
Davey had really gone the extra mile--even though Jack had assured him he would be fine getting married in a horse stable as long as it meant marrying him--but Davey had just kissed his cheek and promised that it would be a dream come true. And it was, the bed in his room was absolutely gigantic, and he--though he was told several times not to--still had the urge to do somersaults on it.
 The windows were huge and the curtains felt more expensive than anything he could afford, it still made his stomach turn to think about how much money went into this. It was expensive, but weddings only happened once so it was fine, it would be fine, he just needed to stop thinking about it. His favorite part had to be the crowns, Davey had got them matching crowns in gold and silver, and they were to die for. Jack never really had expensive taste, that was all Race, but if Davey kept spoiling him like this he just might turn. His suit hung near the window, a crimson red color embroidered with gold. This thankfully didn’t cost him a dime, Medda was more than happy to make it for him. He offered to pay multiple times but she said seeing him happy was more than enough. It was a beautiful suit, it looked professional. Sure back in her college days she worked on costumes in the theatre but this, she had truly outdone herself. It fit him like a glove and made him feel like a million bucks.
 And the locket, how could he forget about the locket? It was a gold painted locket made by Sarah and he’d been wearing it for weeks. On both sides were pictures of them. One in first grade and the other at their engagement party. He fell in love with the locket immediately and made a secret promise to never keep it out of his sight. It made him a little teary eyed to think of how excited six year old Jack would have been to see all of this. How timid he would’ve been to touch anything lest he break it and get his hide torn up by one of the orphanage workers. Jack grimaced and out of spite ran his hands along everything in the room, he was done being afraid. After he had touched every little trinket in the room he flopped back on the bed with a groan. Someone needed to come entertain him soon before his mind started wandering and he had a breakdown.
He was left to his own devices for a little more than an hour before someone came--well multiple someone’s came, and they came in a pack. There was a knock and Jack had barely said ‘come in’ before the boys barged in.
“Congratulations, Jack!”the chorus rang, and soon enough he was being pulled on by a different set of arms trying to hug him. He didn’t want to be dramatic, but he was an affectionate man and it felt amazing to hug some of the friends he hadn’t seen in years. They all looked damn good too, wearing the matching robes that Katherine had insisted on. JoJo with always the widest grin pulled Jack into another hug.
“I always knew it would be Davey,”JoJo whispered, before pulling away. Next he was passed onto Buttons, and boy did Jack have a lot to say.
“Benjamin Buttons”He teased and was met with a shove to his shoulders. He laughed and against Button’s will pulled him in for a bear hug.
“Yeah yeah it’s good to see you too”Buttons said, muffled by Jack’s shirt.
“Oh stop gripin”He scoffed, “I ain’t seen you since we graduated”
“That ain’t my fault”Buttons said, “I see a scholarship, I take it”
Jack rolled his eyes, “Yeah, all the way in Scotland. So tell me, any pretty girls caught your eye?”
“Jack, I'm crushed,”Buttons said, but his eyes twinkled with mischief. “You know the only girl I got eyes for is JoJo”
“Hey, listen here you litt-”
The group quickly dissolved into high school level chaos and Jack felt at home. It reminded him of day’s in the living room at Medda’s taken for granted. Sure he was happy to be out of high school, but he couldn’t help but miss it. It’s like someone yelled ‘scatter!’ the second they graduated and they all split up across the globe. He knew it would happen--he was there for every single acceptance letter, but it hadn’t sunk in until it was only him,Davey,Spot and Race left right where they started.
 JoJo had moved out to California to pursue acting,Specs had moved out there for UCLA. Elmer had gone to culinary school,Finch had moved for college,Albert was his roommate so he went too and Romeo got a job at one of Medda’s theaters. Buttons had moved to Scotland for school, while Henry and Mush had moved to London just for the adventure. And Skittery, he was moving up to Massachusetts for college too the following year. Jack was proud, it made his heart burst to think of how far some of them came--how far he had come himself. But he would always find himself thinking about when times were easier, when they were younger and vibrating with untapped potential. He had a hard time living in the moment, he was just always thinking. But he was trying, and he would try his hardest today because he didn’t want to look back and remember his wedding being a blur.
“Any of you smell smoke?”Race teased, and Jack blinked. Once, then twice, because when did Race get in here? And where has he been all morning?
“huh?”Jack asked.
“You were just thinkin so hard that...ah forget it, you missed the joke”Race waved dismissively. “The boys called me in cause you were lookin pale, you got cold feet? Cause I can sneak you out the wind-”
“No”He said, scrunching up his face. That was the last thing he wanted to do, he just wanted to see Davey.
“Then what is it?”Race asked, “You look really serious, it’s kind of concerning”
“I just...I was just thinking about how much I love all of you--not you,Race--but just all of you guys” He said, gesturing to the guests. He ignored Race’s squawk of indignation and continued. “Some of you I met freshman year,some of you I’ve known since the refuge and some of you I met in Juvie” Mush,Finch and Albert ducked their heads, but they were snickering. “I don’t know how to explain this but...we had adults tellin us we weren’t gonna do shit with our lives, and just look at us. We all got jobs,we’re all payin the bills and most of all we’re happy. I guess that’s just somethin to think about”
“Jack Kelly the sap”Mush said, though he was grinning.
“We love you too, Jack”Specs said, giving Mush the side eye. “Some of us are better at expressing that than others”
“We’re all really happy for you”Finch said, “I mean you and Davey were meant to be”
“Like some queer Disney movie”
��Yeah yeah! Exactly like some queer Disney movie!”
“Except more drama”
“Way more drama-”
“-and less magic-”
“-I mean depends on what we consider magic-”
“Alright”Jack groaned, rubbing his temples. “You guys couldn’t focus on one topic if you had a gun to your head”
“It’s really hard,”Albert said, nodding slowly. “I would know”
Jack blinked.“I...you worry me, Al”He said, “Race, collect your best friend before he gives me a heart attack”
“Why don’t you go ask your other brother?”Race scoffed, “The one who you obviously love”
Jack rolled his eyes. “First of all, you know I love you. Second of all, you’re my best man, so do what I say”
“Alright bridezilla”Race muttered, “C’mon, Albie. Let’s go”
“Goodbye!”Albert said, waving to everyone on the way out. Once he was gone Jack buried his head in his hands.
“God I love that kid, but how does he have a bio-engineering degree?”
“I don’t know”
“Beats me”
“I ask myself that everyday”
Jack had made a grave mistake. He started this day off begging for it to move faster but now that the anxiety set in, he just wanted everything to slow down. He spent about a little over an hour just chilling with the boys, before Katherine,Charlie,Medda and Sarah burst into the room saying it was time to get ready. Maybe time did fly when you were having fun because the clock that once read 1:15pm now read 2:45pm. He would be seeing Davey in less than two hours. His eyes widened. He would be seeing Davey in less than two hours. Oh god what if this was a mistake? What if the red suit was too much? He didn’t even know what color Davey was wearing. What if he stood out too much? Would Davey’s family like it? Would Davey like it? He squeezed Katherine’s hand as Medda combed and trimmed his hair. It was comforting to have his mom do this for him, but he was still absolutely shaking.
“Take deep breaths with me”Katherine said. He nodded and he tried but his diaphragm was spasming and he felt like he was going to have an anxiety attack. He’d been waiting two years for this day, what if it wasn’t perfect? What if he let Davey down somehow? Oh god. What if they got to the arbor and Davey realized it was a mistake? What if somebody objected? What if-
“Jack,”Katherine said calmly. “You’re not breathing.”
“I’m sorry”He whimpered. He wanted to cry, just a little bit to get it out of his system. But he had foundation on and he’d be damned if he had to sit there and get it applied again.
“Everything is going to plan”She said, rubbing his hand. “The cake is here,the flowers look great,seating charts are at the venue,everyone in both parties are accounted for and catering is on schedule.”
“How is Davey?”he asked, his voice was wobbly. Oh no, he was going to cry.
“Davey is doing just fine”She said, he let out a sigh of relief. “Sarah runs a tight ship”
“Wouldn’t you know, Mrs.Jacobs-Plumber?”He teased.
“Ah, shut up”She said with a smile. “It’s your turn to become a Jacobs now”
“Isn’t that crazy?”He said, “We both dated, and now we both married into the same family”
“I try not to think about it”She said, “And you shouldn’t either, keep your eyes on your Husband”
His husband. Today he got to officially call Davey his husband. God he missed Davey.
“Katherine”he said, sweetly. A little too sweetly. 
“Yes?”She asked, with narrowed eyes.
“Can I please call Davey-”
“Nope”She said, shaking her head.
“Why!”He whined.
“Because it’s bad luck!”She exclaimed, Medda and Charlie hummed in agreement. Jack scoffed, what would Charlie know? He was only twenty-one, and single.
“It’s bad luck if I see him,”He stressed. “I just wanna talk to him”
“No!”She snapped. “There is no talking to Davey until your ass is under that arch.”
“Mommy!”He whined, tilting his head to look up at Medda. She simply shrugged.
“I don’t know what to tell you, baby”Medda said, “You put Katherine in charge, not me”
“Grave mistake, Kelly”Charlie smirked, from the couch he was lounging on.
“You’re a little shit”He said. Medda thumped the back of his head and he winced.
“Don’t talk about my Charlie like that,”Medda warned.
“I’m mama’s favorite”Charlie taunted. She gave him a look and he immediately sunk back into the couch.
“I don’t have a favorite”She said, “I adopted you all for a reason. Jack, you’re done baby. Charlie, you’re up next”
Charlie shifted off the couch and limped over, not before receiving a smack to the back of his head from Jack. he went to strike back but Jack jumped out of the way.
“It’s my wedding day”He said, “you bruise me, it’s game over”
Charlie grumbled to himself and sat down in the styling chair. Jack discreetly tucked his phone into his pocket and announced he was going to the bathroom. Once he was safely inside he locked the door and sat in front of it for good measure before tapping Davey’s contact. With the phone pressed against his ear he waited. It rang for what felt like eternity before it went through.
“Hey, sweetheart”
Jack’s eyes fluttered closed and he let out a happy sigh. “Davey”
There was a laugh from the other end. “That bad, huh?”
“They’ve been treatin me like an animal”He whined. “I’ve been locked in this room since yesterday and i’m not allowed out until the ceremony”
“Aww my poor Jackie”Davey cooed, “I heard you tried to run, rookie mistake”
“Sarah is faster than she looks”He grumbled, “So is Charlie”
“Like that leg would stop him”Davey laughed, “He’s been dead weight since the day I met him”
“God, I remember he used to love when you came over”He grinned, leaning his head against the door. “Always wanted to know when Davey was coming to play”
“That seems just like yesterday”Davey said, “I remember those matching overalls Medda used to make you guys wear-”
“Don’t remind me”He groaned, “We’ll call that a lapse in judgement and a product of the early 2000’s.”
“Call it whatever you want, it was adorable.”Davey teased.
“Yeah yeah we was perfect cherubs”He said, “But listen, I don’t have much time. They think i’m just using the bathroom. I was feelin a little anxious and I just wanted to hear your voice, ya know? You ground me”
“And you ground me”Davey said, Jack could just tell he was grinning. “I gotta get back soon anyways, I'm in the garden. But I love you, Jackie and I can’t wait to marry you”
His breath hitched. “S-say it again, Davey”
“I love you”Davey said in a sing-song way, “I love you I love you I love you”
“I love you too, Davey mine”he whispered, a tear slid down his face. “And I-I can’t wait to be your husband”
“Don’t cry, Jackie”Davey said, “You’ll make me cry and then we’ll both be inconsolable messes”
He laughed just a little watery and nodded, “Yeah, we should cut this short before I burst into flames. I love you”
“I love you, see you soon”
With that the line went dead and Jack took a deep breath. How Davey managed to make him a blubbering mess anytime they talked was still unknown to this day. Being in Davey’s presence just made you want to bare your soul for him because he would see right through you anyways. His eyes were intense and his voice was more calming than any lullaby Jack had ever heard and the words he spoke felt like worship. Jack sighed and dapped at his face with a tissue. He was already a wreck and he hadn’t even stepped foot down the aisle.
In the far wing of the castle things were running smoothly, Davey and Sarah made certain of it. Call it twin telepathy or just amazing organization skills, but not a thing was out of place. They were running right on schedule. Sarah desperately wanted Davey to sit down and at least take a bit of a break but he was always a control freak, and it seemed that was never going to change. He wanted to know everything that was happening. Who was doing what,who was being seated at each table,what the playlist looked like,what alcohol would be served, it was the only thing keeping him from having a nervous breakdown.
 And Sarah caved, promising to give him hourly updates on how things were going. Those things included Jack. He was more than annoyed that they left Jack all alone for so long, it didn’t sit well with him. He would have marched right over there himself if Sarah hadn’t been watching him like a hawk. She’d cave for everything else, but no seeing Jack before the wedding. Davey did the same thing for her wedding, so it felt like it was coming more from a place of revenge than a place of love.
Besides the minor slip, he was excited. He’d been waiting to say ‘I do’ from the minute Jack said yes. He loved Jack, he loved him more than he could ever imagine. That was his best friend,his soulmate, and he had been there for everything. He was there when Davey learned how to ride a bike, he was there for Davey’s piano recitals,his soccer matches,his debate meets, everything. He was the first one Davey had come out, not even Sarah had known at that point. He was there and he held Davey while he cried and they brainstormed a way to tell his family. He couldn’t remember a time in his life before that beautiful whirlwind known as Jack Kelly, he didn’t want to know a time after it. 
He was good with his words so sometimes they come cheap but when he looked into Jack’s eyes and promised forever, he meant it. And he’ll mean it today and tomorrow and everyday to come, because he loved Jack. He could tell him all day long--he wanted to tell him all day long. He wanted to run right out of this room and tackle him to the floor in a flurry of kisses. He wanted to be at home,on their couch with Luna on his lap listening to Jack read to him. But he promised Jack fairytale and Jack was going to get fairytale if it killed him.
“You’re thinking hard, Davey”Sarah said softly, “What’s going on up there?”
“I…”He started, then chuckled despite himself. “I’m just thinking about how much I love him. When I think about him, it all sounds so good in my head and on paper, but then I look at him and I melt”
“That’s love if I've ever seen it”She said, fiddling with her hair in the mirror. “The kind that Mom and Dad have”
“That’s sweet, Saz”He smiled, “I don't know he...he just makes me speechless”
“Save it for your vows”She said playfully, “I’m not the one you have to pour your heart out to, he is”
“I get it, I talk a lot”He said rolling his eyes, “Sue me”
“Hey”She said, pointing a finger at him in the mirror. “Don’t push it, my wife’s a lawyer”
“I know I know”he said, “You only take every possible opportunity to remind me of it”
“It’s what I'm best at,”She said with a wink, “You need to start getting ready, like now. It’s already 3:30pm and guests are arriving at 4pm”
“Oh shit”He cursed, jumping up from his seat. “Out out out!”
“Alright!”She exclaimed, grabbing her brush off the vanity. “Come get me when you’re dressed, you’re not going out with your hair looking like that-”
“Yes, I know”He stressed, pushing her out the door. “But I gotta get dressed, immediately. Love you, bye!”
Davey shut the door behind him and ran a hand over his face. It would be fine, he had thirty minutes and getting dressed would take him no longer than ten. He reached for his suit folded over the vanity chair and sighed. He could do this, he’d be seeing Jack in an hour, then they’d get to go home and sleep in peace. He couldn’t wait to lock himself in the suite, and consummate the marriage til the cows came home.
He smirked a bit, if it meant that then he could definitely do this.
Jack leaned in to look at himself in the bathroom mirror. He wanted to get dressed in private, and Katherine granted him that luxury. He felt, he felt handsome. No, not just handsome. He felt beautiful, he’s not sure what he was worried about. The suit looked just as good as the day he tried it on and the gold shimmered in the bathroom lights, he paused, this was a really nice bathroom. He turned around inspecting the trousers and smirked, his ass looked fantastic if he did say so himself. He wiggled his hips a bit and shot himself a cheesy grin, he was starting to feel more like himself. He felt confident. He grabbed the crown that was sitting on the counter and gently placed it on his head. It had felt silly the first few times he tried it on, but now, it just felt right. He gently tucked his gold locket inside of his shirt, that was only for him to see and he wanted it as close to his heart as possible. He took one last look at himself before exiting the bathroom.
“The future prince has arrived”He announced as he stepped out onto the marble floor. All eyes were on him.. He walked out a bit further waiting for a reaction, but none came. His heart stuttered a bit, he knew it. He knew that they would hate it.
“Do...do you guys like it?”He asked quietly. In place of an answer Medda came forward and wrapped her arms around him. He was pulled flush against her chest and she just hugged him tight.
“You look stunning, Jack”She whispered, “Absolutely stunning”
“Thank you, mama”He said, with a shaky exhale. He felt a bit better, Medda didn’t lie. His knees weakened a bit and she held him tighter. The comments soon flooded after Medda’s approval.
“You look amazing, Jack!”Katherine squealed, “you look expensive!”
“I feel expensive,”He chuckled. He walked over to Charlie who had a dopey grin on his face,
“You clean up well, kid”He said, tousling the dirty blonde hair.  Charlie groaned and pulled Jack down for a hug.
“You look good, Jack”Charlie grinned, patting his back.
“So do you”He said, “Try and let me have the spotlight for once”
“In your dreams, Kelly”Charlie said, thumping his temple. He laughed and pulled Katherine into a quick hug, kissing her cheek.
“If you told me this was the same Jack Kelly who took me on a date to Wendy’s in eighth grade I wouldn’t believe you!”She teased, squeezing him extra tight. “Just look at you! God, Medda did amazing work because this fits you perfectly”
“Thank you, Kathy,”He said, swaying them side to side. The last one for a hug was Race. He looked at Jack expectantly with open arms and tears brimming at the corner of his eyes. Once Jack was within arms length he pulled him in and the tears began to fall.
“Fuck”Race choked out, “I promised myself I wouldn’t cry but, this...this is real Jack. This is happening, you’re getting married”
“Aww, Racer”He soothed, rubbing his back. “I’m getting married but I ain’t goin nowhere, promise”
“Y-you promise you’re always going to be my big brother?”Race croaked.
“I promise”He said, “We’ve been brothers since the beginning, I ain’t goin nowhere”
“Good”Race sniffled, attempting to compose himself. “Oh fucking hell-”
“Language,”Medda said, pointing a finger. “You may be grown but i’m still your mother”
He had the nerve to look a bit bashful. “Sorry, ma. It’s just...it’s hard to think of you as someone other than my big brother, ya know? It’s weird that you have a life”
“Thanks”He said flatly.
“That’s not what I meant!”Race whined. “Just...you look spectacular,Davey’s gonna love it and i’m so happy for you”
“It means a lot, Racer”He said, “Honest.”
“Just you wait”Race said, wiping his eyes. “I got a whole best man speech prepared for the reception, it’s gonna be great”
“I have no doubts”He said, “But, we all gotta get a move on it. Guests are starting to arrive and Charlie and Ma are the only one’s dressed.”
Katherine sighed and grabbed her purse off his bed. “You better not try to escape, Kelly. We will find you”
“Yeah yeah, get out!”He said, ushering her and Racetrack out the door. The sooner they got dressed,the sooner they could get this party started. He turned to face Medda and let out a giddy laugh.
“We were so focused on me, but look at you!”He said, “You look beautiful Ma”
“Aw you don’t gotta butter me up Jack”She waved off, “I already adopted you.”
“I mean it!”He exclaimed with wide eyes, “Charlie, doesn’t Ma look beautiful?”
“Absolutely gorgeous!”Charlie said from the couch he was lounging on.
“See?”He said, cocking his hip. “Two against one”
She smiled and pressed a kiss to his forehead. “Thank you, baby. I need to be on my way now too, your aunts are here”
“Auntie Esther and Estelle?”Charlie said. Medda nodded.
“I’m coming with you! They always have candy”
“Well come on!”She said, “you know they don’t like being kept waiting”
He pushed himself off the couch and Medda grabbed his crutch off the table handing it to him. He wasn’t too pleased about it, but he would be on his feet for the majority of the day.
“I just want them to hack this fucker off”Charlie grumbled, shoving the crutch under his armpit. Jack frowned a bit, and put an arm on Charlie’s shoulder. Medda took that as a sign to leave with a promise that she would be waiting outside the door.
“It’s only for the ceremony, we just want you to be comfortable”He said softly. “And one of these days it’ll happen, I know it will”
Charlie shot him a crooked smile and shook his head. “Optimism isn’t your venue, Jack. I’ll rant to Elmer later”
“Hey, it’s my job as big brother to at least try and sugarcoat the bullshit”He chuckled, “But seriously Charlie, tell me if you’re uncomfortable. You can sit-”
“No”Charlie said, “No, I wanna stand. It’s the least I can do for you, ya know. Since the minute I step out there everyone’s eyes will all be on me, gotta make it up somehow”
“Yeah, you’re a real peach”He said, rolling his eyes.
“A georgia one!”Charlie called over his shoulder as he left the room. Jack took this time to try and get the butterflies in his stomach under control. He was excited, so excited he might puke. He paused. Or did that mean he was nervous? He had no idea, he just knew that the minute Katherine entered this room, it would be time. That time came sooner than he thought because less than fifteen minutes later Katherine came bursting into the room wearing a champagne colored bridesmaid gown.
“It’s time, Jack!”She squealed. He nodded. It was time. His eyes widened.
Holy shit.
It was time.
“Are you ready to see your groom?”She asked, offering him her arm. With a shaky breath he nodded and looped his in hers.
“I’m ready”
The venue was perfect, picture perfect even. It was unseasonably warm for October. The sun was shining through the autumn leaves and the air was still and dry. Not a drop of rain in sight from the clear blue skies above. Jack could hardly believe their luck, it had been storming the week prior and he had been so nervous. He also felt a bit ridiculous, him and Medda were hidden behind a bush because she wanted his big reveal to be a surprise to everyone. He didn’t care about that, he wanted to see what was going on! And most of all he wanted to see Davey, their little phone call was only holding him over for so long. He grumbled quietly with only a stern look as warning to be patient. He was shocked out of his stupor when the music started.
It was almost time.
He peeked over the side as their many groomsman paired off together, sure he remembered from the many dress rehearsals--a theatre mom wants perfection--but seeing his friends dressed so smart made him want to laugh and cry all at once. They had all come here for him today, in the middle of October, just to see him getting married. He pouted a bit and placed a hand over his heart, it was touching. His smile only widened as he saw JoJo and Buttons walking hand in hand instead of arm and arm. Maybe Jack could do a little matchmaking of his own and get them to spill the truth. It took awhile for everyone to get down there, with over ten groomsmen of his own and not even counting some of Davey’s friends, it was a process. His heart stopped when he saw Katherine walking down the aisle with...was that Luna? He turned to Medda with wide eyes about to scream but she just laughed to herself and hushed him.
“Surprise”She whispered. He grinned, of course Davey couldn’t leave their baby out of this.
The wedding march soon drifted into the lantern song instrumental and Jack knew it was time. Without a word he gripped Medda’s arm and stepped out into the open. The applause were deafening but all he could focus on was Davey. There he was dressed in a purely white suit,silver crown on his head and his own silver locket hanging proudly on display. He looked regal, he looked like a prince. But his head was down, without thinking Jack whistled at him and snapped his finger, because hello, he was here now. Davey’s head snapped up and the minute his eyes caught Jacks, the dam exploded. His knees grew weak and he squatted down with tears blurring his eyes.
“O-oh my god”he stuttered, covering his mouth. Jack looked angelic, covered in red and gold from head to toe. This was the man he was about to marry, this was him. Sarah placed a hand under his arm and hoisted him up, letting him lean on her for comfort. How was expected to stand tall when Jack Kelly could bring anyone to their knees? He was blubbering like an absolute idiot but he didn’t care because now Jack was right in front of him. He quickly wiped his eyes and mumbled a quick apology because that was definitely not supposed to happen.
“I-you look-hi”He said. 
“You look pretty hi yourself”Jack smirked. He blushed and shot their officiator--Jack’s friend Blink--a withering look. He seemed to snicker before lifting his hands to silence the guests chatter.
“Friends and Family”He started, then stopped when Jack outright laughed.
“Problem?”He said, raising a brow.
“ ‘m sorry, i’ve just never heard you sound so serious”Jack said, “i’m okay now though, please continue”
Blink rolled his eyes and mumbled something that sounded akin to cursing, He cleared his throat and started again. “Friends and family, we are gathered here today to celebrate the once in a lifetime bond known as Jack and David. And if you couldn’t tell, this will be anything but serious so if that’s what you were expecting, I’m sorry”
A few of the guests laughed and Davey felt much better. Sure he liked serious but he didn’t like stuffy.
“Now, Jack told me that he wanted me to talk as little as possible so I will try to do that”He continued, “But this man right here is like a brother to me, so I make no promises. Marriage is a beautiful thing, but only if both parties are willing. So Davey, please let me know that Jack didn’t bring you here against your will”
Davey let out a startled laugh and shook his head, “I’m the one who proposed, so no”
“I just needed to make sure, we all know he can be a bit pushy”he smirked, “But in all seriousness, marriage is beautiful, a everlasting blond between two people pledging themselves to each other for life.”He paused, “I can admit it is a little culty sounding but beautiful. And as beautiful as it is, it is a commitment. That means sticking by each other's side through the highs and lows and everything that comes in between. Understood?”
“Crystal clear”Davey said.
“Absolutely”Jack said, giving Davey the once over, eyes twinkling.
“This is usually the point where I would ask if anyone has any objections but I think I'll get speared like a shish kebob if I do, so we’ll be skipping that part.”He said, Jack hummed in agreement and reached down to grab Davey’s hand. He was practically vibrating in his skin with mirth, it was a moment Davey wanted to keep forever. “Now I heard from a little birdy, that Davey had a pretty lengthy speech written, so I think it’s best we get straight into the vows”
Right, his vows, that was something that he had to say at some point. He didn’t necessarily have stage fright, but something about all of his loved ones staring,waiting for him to pour out his heart made him feel jittery. He grabbed Jack’s other hand and squeezed it, he didn’t have to look at them. He could just look at Jack and pretend it was only them. He took a deep breath, closed his eyes and tried to relax. He could do this.
“I just wanna start this off by saying, I love you. I can never say this enough and I will never get tired of saying it, so. I love you.”He said, running his thumb over Jack’s hand. “You snuck up on me, Jack Kelly. I never saw it coming, but now I can’t imagine my life without you. You always talk about how much i’ve been there for you, but now it’s time for me to talk about how much you’ve been there for me. You may not know this but, you were my rock. You were the one that kept me together, when classes and clubs became too much and I had to work and then go home and take care of Les. I constantly felt like I was falling apart, but just knowing I got to spend time with you made me smile.I was in a dark place for a while, I felt like I was failing everyone around me, like I wasn’t smart enough, like I wasn't good enough. And I hid it, because I was embarrassed that my own brain was even failing me.”
His eyes met his parents in the crowd and he faltered. He’d never told them that and now he couldn’t wait to have their distressed faces playing on a loop in his head for the rest of eternity.
 “I um, I remember even before we were dating I was just so drained that I didn’t come into school, I just laid in bed staring at nothing. You didn’t call or shoot me a text, you showed up outside of my house and scaled the side of it when I didn’t answer the door. You tumbled in through the window,climbed into bed with me and just started listing every reason why you were proud of me, and I sobbed, ugly sobbed. That was the first time I wanted to say I love you”
He shuddered and tried to compose himself, he could do this. He promised himself he wouldn’t completely break down today.
“And I’ve never wanted to stop saying it since, it ran rampant through my mind until that day at the park where I just blurted it out. Lucky for us, Sarah got that moment on camera”
He gave a subtle nod to blink who pointed a remote at the projector in front of them. On a white screen behind them there they were younger but still so in love, August 14th of 2019. He pressed another button and the video started to play. Jack gasped and leaned in closer as the memory came to life.
“I love you”Jack whispered, bringing a hand up to cup Davey’s cheek. “I love you, Davey. I...this is hard for me, really fucking hard. Kids like me don’t get fairytale”
“No, they don’t”Davey chuckled, blinking away a tear. “But they deserve it, and you deserve it”
“You really are my prince”Jack grinned, “My prince Davey”
Davey brought his own hand up and tapped Jack’s ring finger. “And one day i’ll make you a Prince too. I’m in this for as long as you want me”
“What if I want you forever?”
“Then i’ll stay forever”
“Can you please, kiss already!’Katherine exclaimed, breaking through the veil of privacy. “I mean honestly, we’re all waiting for it!”
The video ended abruptly with an unflattering shot of Race and Spot crying in the canopy and Jack was in hysterics. The guests were practically shaking the ground from how loud they were stomping and clapping. But no one was laughing louder than Race himself.
“That’s what I used to look like!”Race cried out.
“You still look like that,”Jack snorted. Davey shook his head and continued.
“I know this is long already but I'm surprisingly not done”He said, ignoring the groan from practically everyone. “I’m hoping I made good on my promise”He grins, “Because you deserve all of this Jack, and you deserve the best version of myself I can be. I promise to stay by your side through calm seas or choppy waters, I promise to be as patient as I can when things get hard, and I promise to love you entirely for as long as I live. I know things are going to get rough and we are definitely going to fight, but looking at the amazing support we have from both sides. I’m not worried. In sickness and in health, til death do us part Jackie”
“Oh fuck you”Jack gasped, then quickly covered his mouth. “That was...I’m expected to compete with that?”
“Yes, now speak”Blink smirked. Jack resisted the urge to give him the finger and instead faced the guests.
“Don’t expect that same thing from me”He said looking towards the guests, “He minored in English.”He got a few laughs out of them and continued. “I guess this is less of a vow and more of a thank you. Thank you Davey, for seeing the best in me, when nobody else would. Now everyone who knows me knows I love my theatrics, blame my mother, she works for a theatre!”he said in a sing-song voice. “So, I have a little story. I was your typical class clown in school, I was always in the office,always gettin in trouble and always fighting. Those staff members didn’t care, they just wrote me off as some delinquent, and gave up on me. No one took the time of day to see what was actually going on, but Davey tried. And I wouldn’t let him in, I was so scared he would look at me differently, so I just kept it all in here”He said pointing to his chest.
“The final straw was when I went to juvie--oh don’t act surprised! Some of you were there with me!”he scolded. Albert and Mush put their heads down once again.  “I was gone for two months, and he had no idea where I was, no one would tell him. The day I got out we got into the biggest fight in our lives. I’m talkin movie type fight, we was both screamin and throwing things. And I was just running my mouth, saying that he would never understand and I remember him just shouting--imagine Davey shouting--he shouted ‘I can’t understand if you don’t tell me you idiot!”
“Oh my god”Davey chuckled, running a hand over his face. Jack giggled and laced their hands together.
“That was like a lightbulb moment for me. We sat on the roof of my house and I told him everything there was to know about me, from beginning to end. And that made our bond even stronger.” He said. “I love him because he looked at me when I was at my worst and meanest and decided I was still worthy of being treated like a person. I love him because even when we fight it’s just because he wants what’s best for me, even when I'm being stubborn. Being loved by Davey has made me swallow a lot of humble pie in my life and I wouldn’t want it any other way.”
He turned to face Davey, and wiped a stray tear off his cheek.
“Davey mine”He started, “I promise to take Luna on walks in the morning because you like to sleep in. I promise to be there for you however I can be and I promise to love you unconditionally because you do the same for me. Til death do us part, baby”
“Til death do us part”Davey repeated, starry eyed.
“Hey hey hey!”Blink scolded, waving his hands. “You’re doing my job for me, at least let me try to look professional!”
“Go on then”Jack said, waving him off.
“Do you, David Jacobs, take Jack Kelly to be your lawfully wedded husband?”Blink said.
“I do”Davey said.
“Do you, Jack Kelly, take David Jacobs to be your lawfully wedded husband?”
“Hell yes”Jack said, staring at Davey’s lips. He was ready to go in for the kill.
“Then by the power invested in me by the state of New York, I now pronounce you husbands, you may kis--hey!”
Davey had beat him to it. He surged forward with so much force they both went tumbling to the ground. Race squeaked and jumped out of the way ranting about how unbelievable they were, but Jack couldn’t care. Davey’s lips were warm and his body was warm and his hand was cupping his cheek and-
“Alright you two”Blink said, “you are so lucky there aren’t any children here, stand up and have some sort of decency”
“Nah, give me a minute”Jack mumbled, and went right back to kissing Davey. His husband. Oh he could get used to saying that. He only had a few more seconds before Davey was forcefully pulled off of him and pulled over to stand by Sarah. The best part was he was smirking the whole time, he never thought shameless would look so good on Davey, but it was a color he wore well.
“Since these two have no self control”Blink sighed, “I’m going to wrap this up. I now present to you Mr.Jack Kelly-Jacobs and Mr.David Jacobs-Kelly! Now get outta here you two!”
Without a second glance, Jack had surged forward, grabbed Davey and took off running. The hazel eyed man laughed and stumbled behind him but did his best to keep up. They’d be getting an earful from Katherin and Sarah for pulling a stunt like this, but Davey was still learning and spontaneity was his favorite lesson. They kept going until they were well into the gardens and stopped when the roar of the guests could no longer be heard. Jack panted and kneeled bringing Davey down with him. 
“Hey Davey”
“Hey Jackie”Davey giggled.
“We’re fuckin married”
“I know!”Davey exclaimed, he quickly lost his balance and fell on his butt. Before he could get up he had a lap full of Jack Kelly-Jacobs.
“Hey Davey”He pressed his forehead to Davey’s and grinned.
“Yeah?”Davey whispered.
“Can I tell you something?”
“Anything, baby”
“We forgot the rings”
The ballroom used for the reception was beautiful. A shiny chandelier hanging from the ceiling,a sea of guest tables and a dance floor perfect for Jack to get drunk and absolutely obliterate. He couldn’t wait. But, it was his wedding and he needed to stay sober for the speeches at least. He was honestly starting to get a little tired, it had been a long day. Leaning his head on Davey’s shoulders he hoped to maybe catch ten minutes while the guests mingled. Davey pouted and brought a hand up to scratch at Jack’s scalp, just the way he liked. He was stupidly in love with this man.
“He’s asleep?”Katherine whispered as she passed by. Davey shook his head and awed internally as Jack groaned and buried his face in his shoulder.
“He just wanted to rest his eyes a bit, I'll keep him awake”He promised. She bit her lip and pointed to the guests who were now finding their seats.
“That would have have to be now”She winced, “We’re about to have the toast and then the speeches”
“I’ll get him up”He said, frowning a bit at Jack’s parted lips. He’d only been out for a few minutes, he must be exhausted. 
“You’re a gem, Davey. I need to make sure nobody is doing anything stupid!”with that she clicked away in her heels,disappearing in the crowd. This was quite the turnout for sure, the room was packed wall to wall. With Davey’s extended family,Jack’s as well along with all of his friends and Spot's gigantic family, they could fill up a stadium. All these people here to see them and Jack was two seconds from slipping into a coma.
“Jack”He whispered, rubbing his cheek. “Jackie, wake up”
“Mmm?”Jack grumbled.
“It’s time for the speeches, ya know? People telling us just how awesome we are”He teased, running that same hand down his neck. Jack squirmed and begrudgingly lifted his head.
“There you are”He said, “And my my my aren’t you beautiful?”
“Go to hell”Jack said, stretching his arms above his hand. 
“I’m already there”He sighed looking around again. Jack’s brows furrowed and he leaned in closer.
“Are you having fun here?”
Davey blinked, that’s not a question he was expecting. But it was sweet. He smiled and pressed a quick kiss to Jack’s lips.
“This is the moment of a lifetime, it’s just a lot to process”He explained. Jack nodded and mumbled a ‘same here’ before leaning back in his chair. Katherine stood at the front of a hall on a stage, with a glass in one hand and a knife in the other. She tapped the side repeatedly until everyone had muted their small talk and looked forward.
“Hello everyone!”she exclaimed, “I hope everyone is having a good time so far! Dinner will be served shortly but first we have some speeches prepared from the families of the grooms. Be prepared to laugh,cry and you’ll want to have your camera out because someone will  definitely do something embarrassing! Firstly we have Racetrack Higgins, brother to Jack and his best man!”
The guests cheered and Race stood up from his seat and walked towards the stage, Spot in tow. He shot Jack a smile and grabbed the microphone that was left for him.
“I want to start this off by thanking everyone who showed up. This packed ass room is just a testimony to how loved these two really are.”He said, Jack grinned and leaned in closer. This had to be good.
“ Now i’ll spare you most of the sob story. The way I met Jack Kelly was a little place called the refuge. I got there when I was two, and I don’t remember this but i’m told that I would scream for hours at night unless I was sharing a bed with him. I don’t know, call it fate but he was the person I decided to cling to.”he said and chuckled, rubbing his eyes.
 “I was so angry all the time that no one else wanted to be bothered with me but he...he dealt with me I guess. Soon enough I would never leave his side, I don’t have a memory there without him with me. Then Charlie came along”He shot a playful glare at Charlie, “and I was no longer the cute and small one, but it was fine because Jack always looked out for both of us. I’ll always say that Jack was my first parent and Medda was my second. It shouldn’t have been that way but..I-I...I’m sorry”he croaked.He turned his back to the guests and buried his face in the crook of Spots neck. 
Jack’s heart dropped.
“Holy shit”Jack said with a shaky sigh, sure he knew he did a lot but he didn’t think it meant this much to him. Davey squeezed his hand and gave a tight smile, tears pooling in his eyes.
“Holy shit is right”
Race took a few minutes to collect himself and turned back around, tears still streaming down his face.
“I-I can’t think right now and it’s really annoying cause I practiced this for weeks but I just wanted to say that Jack is my brother and my best friend and i’m just so happy that he has Davey, because Davey you make him so fucking happy. Kids like us aren’t expected to go anywhere in life, but he has Medda, he has us and now he has you. I wish you guys the best and please make me an uncle soon okay bye thank you” with that he quickly left the stage and leapt into Jack’s arms sending them both flying backwards.
“Ow, Racer. What the he-”
“I’m so proud of you, Jack”He said quickly, “I-I know I haven’t been the best brother or the nicest to you but I need you to know that I love you”
“Okay okay!”Jack said, clutching his hip. “I love you too, punk. We can talk more about this later, but get off of me!”
“C’mon, Tony,”Spot sighed, picking up the mess of limbs. Once Race was on his feet, he bent over and helped Jack up. “Congratulations Jack, you’ve been a pain in my ass as long as i’ve known this kid, but I wouldn’t have it any other way. Davey, you keep him out of prison”
“On my honor,”Davey said.
“Yeah, you too Conlon”Jack said, “Who knows, you might be next”
“Oh, Spotty! We should get married!”he gasped. Spot groaned and shook his head.
“You play dirty Kelly,”Spot said.
“It’s the only way to play”Jack smirked, “Go take him for some fresh air, I don’t want him to get antsy”
“Aye aye”Spot said, practically dragging Race out of the room by his suspenders.
Katherine emerged back to the stage and clapped raising her glass. “That is Jack Kelly down for the sixth time today and yes we’ve been keeping score! Next to the stage we have my lovely,intelligent,incredibly charasm-”
“This ain’t about you!”Jack exclaimed. Katherin gave him the finger and continued. “You know her,you love her, my wife Sarah Jacobs, brother to the groom Davey and his best woman! Come on up here, pumpkin!”
Sarah made her way to the stage, and placed a kiss to Katherine’s cheek. “Hello!”Sarah called out to the audience.
 “Unlike the rest of these saps I'm going to try not to cry”She said, “For those who don’t know, Davey here is my twin, and honestly my built in best friend. We’ve been joined at the hip since we could walk,and I know him like the back of my hand. I couldn’t imagine a better fit for him than Jack. Davey was a shy kid, really serious too. Not many kids got along with him because he didn’t like running around or hand games or kickball, he liked sitting off to the side and reading. So he wasn’t really given a chance to show how amazing he was the first few years of school. That was until a little boy who called himself cowboy Jack basically bulldozed his walls and threw himself into Davey’s life.”
Jack laughed and threw his arm around Davey’s shoulder, “That’s true!”
Sarah laughed as well, and continued. “And let me tell you, Davey was pissed at first. He couldn’t understand why this boy wouldn’t leave him the hell alone because oh my god was Jack persistent! It was ridiculous! But little did he know that annoying little boy would become his best friend and later his husband.”
Davey smiled and pressed a hand over his heart.
“My brother is a little hard to read at times, he doesn’t like giving all his tells to just anybody. But what a lot of you don’t know is that he’s caring and kind and cried for hours when he ran over a rabbit--yes that is true. He wears his feelings right on his face, you just need to know how to read him. And Jack could read him just as well as I could which terrified him. He wasn’t used to anybody but me,our parents and eventually Les. He was terrified of getting hurt, he didn’t want to know what heartbreak felt like so he never even tried.”She said.
 “But Jack brought out a different side of him, a side no one had ever seen. He became spontaneous, and more outgoing and actually alive! It freaked us all out at first because we didn’t know why he was changing, but little did we know this was just the beginning of a new Davey. It’s just weird to have known that shy little bookworm and see him become such a social butterfly. I can see people snoring so I’ll get off now, congrats you guys. I love you Davey”
The guests cheered and Sarah made her way off the stage. Jack was looking at him like he had three heads.
“You Jacobs ain’t got any emotions or somethin?”He exclaimed, wiping his eyes. “None of your family is cryin, that was beautiful!”
“We cry on the inside, baby”Davey soothed, pulling Jack’s chair closer to his.
“That’s...that’s not good-”
“Alright, everyone!”Katherine said, “This is the last speech we have on schedule for today, so don’t panic. Next up to the stage we have Charlie Morris, baby brother to the groom Jack and one of his groomsmen!”
With a bit of help from Medda, Charlie made his way to the stage. He shot a thankful look at Katherine who brought up a chair, it had indeed been a long day. He grabbed the microphone and plopped down in the seat.
“Thank god”He sighed, a grin when the guests laughed. “Now, I’m going to try and keep this short for Jack’s sake, he looks like he’s about dead on his feet” Jack sighed, he knew this boy was a natural comedian, but if this speech was more than five minutes he would smother him in his sleep.
“Skip the commentary!”Jack called out, then winced when Davey flicked his neck. 
“Would you let me say my speech? You’re lucky I wrote one”He said, “Now, just like Racer said, I can’t remember a time in my life without Jack being there. We fight a lot because I’ve still got that younger brother charm and he just can’t get over it--alright alright! I’ll be serious.”He chuckled after a wad of tissue was thrown at him.
 “Davey was introduced into my life from a young age, once he finally accepted his doom, he began to come over a lot. And I loved playing with Davey, he would teach me how to make paper airplanes,origami and he would read to me, that was luxury treatment in this household, okay. But he would only come over a few times a week, which I understood because he did have a family and all that jazz.”He said, gesturing in the direction of the Jacobs family. Mayer stood up from his seat and waved. 
 “But as those two got older, he was there every single day. And then I started wondering, why is Davey always here? Until I got up one night to get coco puffs and saw them kissing on the couch-”He smirked as the hall erupted in ooo’s “-and my pea sized thirteen year old brain went ohhhhh and I screamed ‘ewww they’re kissing!’”
Davey groaned and buried his face in Jack’s shoulder, he wanted to forget that day ever happened.
 “Which of course woke up the whole house, Jack did get in trouble and yes, I'm still paying him back for that to this day. This speech is not for Jack, no. I want to say thank you to Davey for taking the time to be so nice to me, unlike this man-”
“Get off the stage, Charlie!”Jack booed, putting his thumb down. Charlie blew a raspberry.
“In all seriousness, I'm really happy for you two. I’m not good with affection and stuff but Jack, you know I love you. And of course I'll thank you until the day I die for taking care of me. You’re one of the best big brothers I can ask for, i’m happy you’re getting married and please hold off on making me an uncle”
The applause were deafening, maybe it was Charlie’s humor or maybe they were excited for dinner, the world may never know. Jack was clapping the loudest, he was excited for dinner. Medda helped Charlie off the stage and gladly he went back to his seat. Jack let out of a sigh of relief, he was not ready to make that score seven, his back was killing him.
“Those were really sweet,”Davey commented. Jack rolled his eyes.
“Sweet but long, ‘m tired Davey”He whined.
“I know, sweetheart,”Davey said. “I know, but it’ll all be over soon”
“Promise me we don’t gotta get up tomorrow”He said.
“We can lay around all day,”Davey promised. “We can eat breakfast in bed and cuddle with Luna and sleep the day away”
“Oh my god, Luna”He perked up, “Where is my baby girl?”
“Our baby girl”Davey corrected, “She’s with Les upstairs”
“It got too loud for them, huh”
“Yeah, he texted me like an hour ago that he needed a break”Davey said.
“I sure as hell would like a break too”He grumbled.
“I know”Davey sighed, “are you still having fun?”
“I am”He said, “I am and I know how much work you put into today, I...i’m just reachin a limit, ya know?”
“I know”Davey nodded, “If it gets unbearable, let me know. I’ll tell Katherine to entertain everyone and we can take a break.”
Jack leaned in and pressed his forehead against Davey’s. “You’re so sweet with me”
“I’ll do anything for you,”Davey promised.
“Alright, let’s break up the romance!”Katherine said, taking a seat at their table. 
“Where do you keep comin from?”Jack groaned.
“Hell”She said easily, “Dinner is on it’s way out and I haven’t seen you eat anything but a bagel today”
“He did what?”Davey said.
“It’s not important”She said quickly, “Look, I know he’s exhausted. Just get him through dinner and i’ll cover until it’s time for the dances which aren’t until-”She pulled out her phone and scrolled, “-10pm, it’s 8 now, just make sure he eats and then get him out of here”
“You’re a saint”
“I take my maid of honor duty very serious”She said with a wink, “My phone is on all night so just shoot me a text if anything happens”
“Noted”Davey said, “Now how about you take a little break, you’ve been on your feet all day”
“I would, but I gotta keep things running smoothly”She said.
“Everyone is fine”Davey said, “Have dinner with us, bring Sarah too. It’ll be just like high school”
“Yeah with fancy gowns and fancy food”
“It’ll be like high school cause it’s us”Davey said, rolling his eyes. “now go get her”
“You promise we won’t be intruding?”she asked, “You’ve barely been alone all day”
“I got the rest of my life to be alone with him”Jack said, “today’s about friends and family”
“You have our word, Kath”Davey said, “now go”
After a well earned nap, Jack soon became the life of the party. He slid his way to the dance floor,drink in hand and ready to get this party started. Davey for one couldn’t believe he had married a toddler. Naps did nothing for him, he always woke up feeling disoriented and gross. But almost any of Jack’s problems could be solved by a nap, it was scary sometimes. But he was relieved that Jack felt better, they were going to be here for a while. Guests were supposed to be leaving around 11:30pm, and they had to be out of the castle by 1:00am because another wedding was happening that day and the staff needed to clean up. Then they had the drive from here to home which was four hours so they wouldn’t be home until 5am. Davey sighed, he didn’t drink for personal reasons but he’d never been so tempted to take a shot in his life.
“What’s wrong?”Katherine asked, and dear god she did seem to just pop up everywhere.
“Hmm?”he hummed.
“You’ve got that vacant look in your eyes, it’s the same one Sarah gets when she’s stressed”She said.
“Oh boy am I stressed”He sighed, “Just thinking about how long it’s gonna be until we get home”
“Well”She grinned, “This was supposed to be a surprise but you look like you could use some cheering up”
“Please”He said, clinging to her shoulder.
“We hired a clean up crew!”she said, doing jazz hands.
“Oh my god I love you”He all but melted against her.
“Yup!”she smirked, “Which means all we have to do is pack our bags and high tail it home, shouldn’t take any longer than twenty minutes”
“Thank you so much, Kath”He said, “home is still...it’s just so far”
“I’ll drive you guys home”She said, “Sarah and I already talked about this. It’s been such a long day and I know you’re both exhausted, plus Jack is drinking like a monster”
“That’s...I don’t know what to say,”he said.
“You don’t have to say anything, Davey”She said, “We’re family, you two were such a big help at our wedding that it’s the least we could do”
“I like helping,”He said earnestly. “I’d do it again”
“Noted,”She said, eyes scanning over his shoulder. “If you wanna help, go get your husband. You know how he gets when he’s drunk and-”She paused, listening to the music “-Shakira is playing”
“Oh god”Davey groaned, “I-you know where to find me!”
The remainder of the reception went off without a hitch. The first dances were as sweet as expected, Jack did shed a few tears as he danced with Medda but mostly kept it together. The bouquet toss went well, Race caught the first one and Spot football tackled Skittery to catch the second. The cake was cut, and the guests were out at 11:30pm on the dot. Jack and Davey had practically sprinted up the stairs and packed up their belongings in record time. The day had been magical,they couldn’t wait to look back on the pictures, but it was time to go home. A little after midnight Davey found himself saying goodbye to Sarah and squeezing into the backseat of their car with Luna fast asleep. If you asked him what had happened in the last hour he honestly couldn’t tell you, he stopped processing it around 10pm. Jack wasn’t any better but for different reasons. A drunk Jack was a handsy Jack and maybe Davey should have taken the front seat.
“Let me love you!”Jack whined as he once again grabbed at Davey’s leg.
“You’re drunk”
“You’re hot”
“Thank you, baby”
“Keep it pg back there,”Katherine said, eyeing them in the rear view mirror.
“Tell that to him!”He said, placing Luna on Jack’s lap. “Here, take the puppy”
Jack squealed with delight and focused his attention on that. Katherine stifled a laugh and focused her eyes on the road. Davey sighed.
It was going to be a long four hours.
“Thank you, Kath”Davey yawned, stepping out of the car. “I really appreciate it”
“It’s no problem”She replied, stepping out to stretch. “Do you mind if I crash here?”
“Not at all”He said, “there’s a key under the mat, let yourself in. I need to get Jack and Lu”
“Got it,”She said.
Davey walked around to the opposite side of the car and opened the door. 
“Be free”he said. Luna leapt out of Jack’s lap and happily trotted up the stairs. Jack was dead asleep, alcohol and exhaustion seemed to work better than any melatonin he’s ever taken. He leaned into the car and picked him up bridal style, closing the door with his hip. Katherine, ever the saint, had left the door open for them. 
Once he was inside he quickly padded into the bedroom, dumping Jack on the bed. He knew he should probably be a good host and make sure Katherine was comfortable but he couldn’t stand  being awake a minute longer. He closed the door and stripped down to his boxers. He was exactly one second away from jumping into bed before he realized that Jack was fully dressed.
He leaned over and shook Jack’s shoulders.
“You gotta get naked”He said, then blinked. That’s not what he wanted to say but it got his point across.
“Do it for me”Jack mumbled and lifted his hips up.
Davey sighed and bent down to take off his shoes. “You’re so spoiled”
“Your fault”Jack mumbled. “You made me spoiled”
Next came the socks and pants. “Because I like spoiling you”
“Then stop complaining”
Davey snorted and pulled off his blazer. “I’m not complaining, i’m stating a fact”
“Gonna be so hungover”Jack groaned.
Davey started to unbutton his shirt. “Sounds like a you problem”
“You’re such an ass”
“Am not”Davey said, pulling his arms out. “No one told you to drink like the world was ending”
“I tol’ me to”
“Well you have terrible judgement” he pressed a kiss to Jack’s forehead, “You’re all done”
“Mmmthank you Davey”
Davey finally climbed into bed and relished in the mattress under his back. “No problem, now go to sleep”
Jack mumbled something in agreement and opened his arms, Davey tilted his head.
“ ‘m big spoon tonight, deal with it”He said and well Davey wasn’t going to argue, he was rarely ever the little spoon. He scooted back into Jack’s arms and god he was so warm. He felt a hand carding through his hair and he let out a low hum. This, this is what he had been waiting for all day. And it had been worth it. A full two years of planning,taking on extra projects,living on a tight budget and sheer hope had gotten him the day of a lifetime. And some funny twist of fate got him the man of a lifetime. He didn’t know who or what he had to thank for giving him Jack Kelly, but he found himself thanking the universe. It hadn’t been easy getting to this point, they had fought and argued and screamed and cried, but it was worth it. After all, every fairytale has to start somewhere, and it started the moment they said I do. And the end--well, that’s a long time away so let’s focus on the now. The present feels like a dream and the end is nowhere in sight, their fairytale was just beginning.
And Davey couldn’t wait to see where it took them.
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incomingalbatross · 4 years
top 5 doctors and top 5 companions! (I'M SORRY) and if you like, top 5 things that make you feel comfortable/encouraged :)
It is VERY hard to choose, but a fun list to consider so thank you for that! @isfjmel-phleg​ asked some of the same things, though, so I'm going to divide my answers.
Doctors (a little unsure about the order, but this is my top five):
Fourth Doctor. What can I say? He's Tom Baker, and (thanks to my parents' excellent taste) he's also "my Doctor." Although less so now than when I was a kid, he's still kind of THE "Definite Article" Doctor in my head. One of the Doctoriest Doctors for me.
Eleventh Doctor. He's "my Doctor" in the sense that he was the first one I watched while he was on. And I just... I love him. The age Matt Smith conveyed, the hidden-but-still-there depths, the Oncoming Storm gentled by his affection and compassion and growing self-awareness. AND the goofiness.
First Doctor. Okay, this may be more "who I'm currently watching," but I always love him. He's a pain in the neck--mischievous and touchy and forgetful and self-absorbed--but he's also warm and kind and vulnerable and gleefully delighted by the universe, and after his initial development? He's pretty darn heroic when someone needs him to be!
Twelfth Doctor. Some of this is "Peter Capaldi deserved better," but honestly? Twelve is incredible. His rough edges catch against the world, but he loves so much. I love most of his big speeches, and I love his interactions with babies, and I love seeing him show his heart more as his seasons go on.
....Ahhhh, at this point it REALLY depends on my mood. I feel like it should be Two, overall? But I haven't watched him lately, so that's not quite clicking. ...RIGHT NOW, I think it's the Sixth Doctor. I've been listening to audios, and Colin Baker is just. So good. Six is a BRAT, but a delightful one. And a warm and empathetic Doctor underneath the loudness.
Companions...oof, this is hard. I’m just gonna say that this my list at this moment, because I love almost all of them and the ones at the top definitely depend on who I’ve been watching recently. That said:
The Brigadier. Never sure whether or not to call him a companion, per se, but he’s my perennial favorite. He’s so calm and long-suffering and accepting and good. I think I probably end up talking about him more than any other non-Doctor character, so... he deserves this spot. :P
Sarah. Again, perennial. How can I not put her here? She’s Sarah Jane Smith, and she’s iconic for a reason. And I love SJA so, so much. Honestly, the fact that Lis Sladen came back and had her own great spinoff and made her character more incredible than before is just...amazing.
Charley. I’ve listened to Eight’s audios up to (not including!) Neverland, and I can officially state that I love Charley. She’s adventurous and outgoing and loves Eight deeply and isn’t shy about calling him out when he needs it. She reminds me a lot of Sarah, honestly, and I mean that in the best possible way.
Ian. Courtesy of my First Doctor kick recently—and yes, I know he and Barbara are a package deal, but I’m really loving him especially right now. He’s brave and protective and clever and kind, but also a dork and a goofball. And I really love his dynamic with the Doctor: they each get on each others’ nerves (sometimes on purpose) but there’s so much mutual respect there, as well. It’s layered.
Turlough. ...I’m a little self-conscious about this one because yes, I know his characterization wasn’t as well or consistently executed as, well, anyone else’s on this list. But Turlough is great! He has a ridiculous number of Doctor parallels going on, he’s a Cynic With a Heart of Gold who somehow still hasn’t realized he’s actually a good person, and there’s a fascinating amount of untapped potential in his story. Also I’ve listened to two Turlough audios recently and really liked their characterization.
(Honorable mention to Tegan, who’s been on my mind lately a little less than these ones but who is Very Important and Deserved Better at every moment of her time on the TARDIS.)
Things that make me feel comfortable/encouraged:
My faith. This isn’t on the surface of my mind as much, I guess, but when you really get down to it, all my peace and all my hope are grounded on the foundation of my faith in God and my home in His Church. I would be a very miserable atheist.
My mom. She's very good at listening and helping me find a way forward when I need it, making me feel better, or just telling me things will get better if that's what I need.
Being home. Getting to come home and collapse and turn off my Outside Awareness Routines is the BEST.
Positive feedback in general. Getting to know someone thought something I did/made is neat is always a boost! (I have some really nice comments on my Ian/Barbara fic that I haven’t had time to answer yet, but for now I keep going back and rereading them. :) )
And though this isn’t exactly top five, I guess, the wool stress ball I felted together the other night has been surprisingly comforting for the past couple days! It’s a nice texture and very squishy and I have been fiddling with it while trying to do schoolwork a lot.
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hiatuswhore · 4 years
Viktoriya (Vik)
best: generous, caring, loving, loyal, fair
worst: don’t speak up when i need to, let people walk over me, kinda manipulative?, jealous type, anger issues
biggest fear: abandonment
shows/movies: tvd, teen wolf and avatar
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Viktoriya Repchuk, the sole survivor of the Repchuk Massacre. Your coven known for its incredible depths of mental manipulation made all of you targets in the supernatural world. You were only a girl carrying all the power of your coven at a very young age. It was late the night it happened you could remember your mother yelled at you for not being in bed in time. Your older brother was practicing spells with your father and Pretzel was rolling around on your bed. His black fur littering your blanket you remembering whining about it being everywhere. You could not recall when you had fallen asleep but you remembered Pretzel’s barking woke you up. Peaking out of your room door your mother suddenly rushed in.
“Under your bed,” Your mother urged as she pushed you beneath the bed. Whispering an incantation you were unsure what was happening but you were scared. Hearing your mother scream you peaked out, freezing at the sight you would never forget the face of the man in the room.
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Klaus knew about your family and when he got word of the massacre and the sole survivor it piqued his interest. He was surprised that you were the sole survivor, only a child with untapped potential. Taking you in it was a long difficult road before you opened up. Klaus could see a lot of himself in you, a young angry girl, his little witch. Always promising he would help you find the man who killed your family. Through Elijah’s journals, you learned patience and strategy. Through Kol’s journals, you learned the art of intimidation. And through Rebekah’s, you learned to use feminism as a weapon. Klaus’s hunt for the Petrova doppelganger is why you were sent to Mystic Falls High.
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Practically being Klaus Mikaelson’s daughter you were no fool. Learning everything you could on Elena and her surroundings you knew Caroline was your in. Playing on her insecurities and need for validation it took one comment and a bonding moment to befriend the naive blonde. In actuality, you found her materialistic and whiny personality insufferable. She first introduced you to Bonnie the Bennett Witch.
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She would ask many questions at first not necessarily skeptical but her curiosity did worry you. Struggling to keep up with your lies you had to be meticulous when it came to Bonnie. Getting past this though somewhere within your manipulation you grew to actually care for the girl. It was something you struggled to understand as you never really had any friends. Always focusing on your studies and need for revenge. That’s why it was hard using your mental manipulation to make her forget conversations or lies. In doing so Bonnie was starting to notice all the little holes in her memory. Playing with her newfound magic and breaking through your spells it was then she realized you were not who you claimed to be. By the time she realized what was happening it was too late. You had already inserted yourself into Elena’s life.
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At first, you struggled to smile at the girl dating your family’s murderer. Everyday seeing their smiling faces greeting you, it only reminded you of that night. It was only the night when everything happened only for a second did you feel bad for Elena. When Klaus gave the order you headed into the woods where the spell would take place. Waiting for Jenna and Elena you felt terrible but only for a second. As Klaus appeared handing you the moonstone he reminded you this benefited him and would make Stefan suffer.
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He had never thought too much about you he thought you were just a normal kind girl. There was something familiar about you but he never thought too much about it. As he made himself known at the ritual circle so did you. Revealing who you actually were it took Stefan a few seconds to remember his dark period, ripper Stefan. Going off just you, Klaus, and Stefan. He begged to take Jenna’s place and his desperation brought you a small joy. Everything he had caused was finally coming back to bite him. You had not planned to kill Jenna. When she tried for your life you knew Klaus would without a doubt take hers. Stefan tries to play to your kindness but it falls on deaf ears as you cannot unsee your mother’s murder. When Damon and Bonnie show up Stefan stops his brother from killing you. A small step in the direction of atoning for all he had caused you.
Main Story Arc
First story arc is heavily a revenge arc. All of your worst qualities presented on the surface it is clear you were brought up like a Mikaelson. It is very secretive at first the most that is learned early on is that you’re a witch. Through all of this, you did make rocky friendships and left a lot of unfinished business.
Second Story arc you are once again alone as you believe Klaus is dead and you’re unsure where Elijah is. Trying to figure out who you now are without revenge being your motivating factor. It’s Katherine who pulls you back into the Mystic falls madness. When you return it is a long road to redemption with all you left behind.
The final Story arc is realizing the Mikaelson’s are truly the only family you have left. No matter how much Stefan would and could do you would never be able to really forgive him. There is always a little reminder somewhere within the sea faces reminding you of a time when you would be willing to kill any and all of them. Leaving for New Orleans there is a new life waiting for you.
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