iamveryold · 3 months
Ok, I have finished a few Dramione fics since I last posted. I took the kids camping (twice), celebrated some family milestones, and worked a ton! It’s amazing how much time you have to read when you’re chilling next to a river all day lol.
Reviews (I use that term loosely) with some spoiler-ish details below.
Last I posted I was still reading When He hungers by MomentDivine. Loved it!!! But the cliff hanger destroyed me, like omg, my heart!! Just when I thought they were going home… NOPE!!! Frankly, rude. I need more!
After that, I finished Pet Names and Parting Gifts by Elaney. Short and sweet and made me happy sad. They describe the loss of a beloved pet perfectly (it aligns very strongly with what my experience is, this might not be true for everyone), and the support and burgeoning friendship/maybe more relationship made me feel warm and fuzzy.
Next was Universal Truths by scullymurphy. I love Pride and Prejudice anyway, so seeing that relationship format with my two favorite characters was suuuuuuper fun!
Following that, I read Beauftiful Night by EvergreenTuesdays. Short story, Draco is a Veela. Loved it. Steamy and dark in what I think are good doses lol. I was kind of bummed it was over, but appreciated the quickness of it.
And finally, I am currently almost done with Draco Malfoy and the Mortifying Ordeal of Being In Love by isthisselfcare. Loving it.
I don’t know if it’s the familiar characters in new situations or the love of the Harry Potter universe (jk can go suck on a lemon) or some other random thing, but reading Dramione fics has been my Happy Thing lately, I can’t get enough lol. I tend to not leave “bad reviews.” Maybe because I haven’t read a fic in years and am essentially new to the community, I haven’t so far read something and thought it was over done lol. At most, sometimes the writing isn’t perfect and the scene reads weird but a lot of these amazing stories are being written by first time writers, or not originally in English, or super-fast-just-to-get-the-idea-out!!! I’m so excited to read people thoughts and ideas on where these childhood characters could have gone. It makes me happy.
Wait just kidding! You know what really grinds my gears!!! People who recommend fic but don’t give authors. I go to the title and then see that there are many works with the same title! Which honestly is rad, I’m trying to avoid the “read every book with *this* title” trap! I just wish that when people recommend or review fics, they should include the author.
Other than that, I am seriously loving my mid life crisis coming in the form of some of the “nerd shit” of my youth lol.
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iamveryold · 3 months
Currently seeking your Dramione Spotify playlists. I’m sure some of y’all have something good lined up!
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iamveryold · 4 months
I just started When He Hungers by Momentdevine on AO3. I’m liking it so far. Post war, Voldy wins, hunger games style AU… I’m hooked lol. Draco and Hermione just met and their vibe is perfect. Super dark but also weirdly, some light banter? I definitely would not recommend this fic to anyone triggered by mentions of self harm though, so tread carefully.
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iamveryold · 4 months
Gaahhhhhhh!!!! I don’t want to spoil anything for anyone but holy crap on crackers! Chapter 9 of When He Hungers wrecked me! There are exactly 2 characters you don’t make sad (it’s probably not who you think, unless you’ve already read this and know exactly what I’m talking about) but MomentDevine went and made them so sad!!! I can already tell this fic is going to break my heart.
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iamveryold · 4 months
I think when he hungers might be my new fave? I’m on chapter 17 and the story is getting intense. The dynamic between Theo and Hermione is developing into a lovely friendship and although Draco’s introduction has been gradual, it definitely feels like things are developing. Plus and also, MomentDevine is really nice on the clock app.
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