spiderfreedom · 9 months
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Thanks, cosmetics companies of the 20th century, you guys suck!
From “Perfect Me.”
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Sometimes I want to be clay
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argent-sz · 1 year
Scary to thibk that there are people here that have seen my irl face 😦
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lovegasmic · 7 months
it’s clear the second virgin! Childe’s cock slips past your folds, that he’d get addicted to the feeling of your cunt. he’s so cocky, so well aware of his abilities, but fucking was beyond his area of knowledge, the red head knew you’d feel absolutely amazing, so warm and tight, trembling slightly at the mere thought while undressing between eager messy kisses.
“o-oh, baby, you feel so good” he stutters, bottoming out with a shaky exhalation from both the sucking of your walls around his throbbing cock and how absolutely beautiful you look underneath him, “i... can’t stop!”
Childe fucks himself into overstimulation, marking your insides with an immense amount of precum that eases the slide of his cock in and out your sobbing pussy, feet firmly planted on each side of your hips to reach as deep as possible, it aches, burns but he can’t and won’t stop, there’s tears brimming in his blue eyes, threatening to spill with each wet smack of his balls against your ass. it's so messy how much cum spills from your hole, drenching the sheets underneath, adding lubrication to Childe’s length that doesn’t show a sign of stopping soon.
and you’ll get addicted to him, to his cock, to his desperate kisses that break from whimpers unable to contain, to how moldeable he turns, all pussydrunk and needy to continue fucking you through at least a couple of your orgasms.
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the-moon-pal · 2 years
What. Is a Wini
Like they look like something I would eat a bucket of I just don't know what they are.
they're soft candies!! basically like a cube HJSDHJHF apparently their old name was sugus but they're like different brands now
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victormalonso · 2 years
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HECHIZO | víctor m. alonso
[una sustancia plástica, materia prima de lo oscuro y el aire, que se aviene a las formas, y yo, en medio de tanto frío y tanta soledad, inmerso en lo oscuro, confundido con el mar, el cielo, la noche. allí, aquí, yo y mi pensamiento, que también es oscuro, moldeable, frío, triste y solitario como la noche.]
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carnatus89 · 2 months
I have a great apreciation to c!Dream, he's so moldeable. So, I decided to draw some Dream AUs I like.
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First two are my own Dreams I just rotate in my mind. The last two are Black Dog!Dream or Laelaps from @simplepotatofarmer and The Villain needs a therapist!Dream from @rainystressed247
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Version 2 since I looove drawing hair and I liked to draw the mask bloddied.
Close ups and rambling below
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Voices in my head Dream, my blorbo, my baby boy. This design is kinda in the future? The scars don't really heal and he get's a little gift from a special someone.
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Canibal Dream. My main source of inspiration is my spotify playlist and I have some, songs that talk a lot of blood and flesh and eating, so. In both DreamXD is a bitch, all my homies hates DreamXD. Basically Dream having the hungries but fighting it, geeting thinner and thinner until is just to much and just starts literally biting people.
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Black Dog Dream, one day I just scrolled all the tag on tumblr and I haven't know peace since. But holy fuck I hate the fucking mask, I spend like an hour on the sketch just for the dog mask. On the other hand, the hair? God. And the scars, I really like how it turned out. And dead eyes, loooove it.
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The villain needs a therapist Dream. I don't know, I just think he's neat. Also I love drawing eyes so I had an excuse to draw spiral eyes. And long hair.
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deepinsideyourbeing · 5 months
Tienes algún pensamiento de Simón? que tipo de kinks tiene o cómo es en la cama?
Simón es la persona más dulce que pudiste conocer en toda tu vida: es amable, sensible, cariñoso, sumamente respetuoso y considerado, además de ser una persona que disfruta y cuida la naturaleza. Cuando sonríe sus ojos color pardo se achinan y su piel bronceada siempre es cálida cuando te recibe entre sus brazos.
Es más que lógico que en la cama sea todo lo contrario, ¿no? Siempre dedicándote palabras degradantes, haciendo caso omiso a tus protestas cuando las líneas del placer bordan el dolor, dejando en tu piel diferentes marcas -ya sean de sus manos o de objetos- y utilizando tu cuerpo como si fueras nada más que un juguete.
Cuando se acercó para sugerir que dieran un paseo en su auto y te pidió utilizar uno de tus vestidos favoritos, lo último en cruzar tu mente fue que se trataría de algo más que una simple y romántica salida nocturna. Estacionó junto a un parque, debajo de un árbol que arroja flores sobre el vehículo, y te ordenó subirte a su regazo.
-Calladita, ¿sí?- te dice al hacer a un lado tu ropa interior, como si intentara prevenir que la delicada tela se arruinara-. Que por tu culpa nos vieron la última vez.
Querés objetar, decirle que no fue tu culpa, pero sus dedos introduciéndose bruscamente en tu interior hacen que un gemido interrumpa lo que fueras a decir. Comienza a mover sus dígitos para dilatar tus paredes cálidas y estrechas, observando tu rostro con atención cuando siente que tu excitación comienza a ser más y más abundante.
Te mordés la mano para suprimir los patéticos sonidos que salen de tu boca cuando redobla el ritmo de sus movimientos pero Simón jamás te la hace fácil: su mano libre se cierra sobre uno de tus pechos para apretarlo como si fuera moldeable. Tus quejidos deben resultar poco para sus oídos ansiosos, porque tira de tu vestido y comienza a pellizcar tu pezón con fuerza.
Las lágrimas hacen arder tus ojos y él sonríe ante la imagen. Acerca su rostro al tuyo para besar el rastro húmedo sobre tus mejillas y oís el sonido de su ropa.
-¿Acá?- preguntás en un sollozo, observando a través de los cristales el parque vacío y la acera apenas iluminada por los faroles de la calle.
Su punta roza tu entrada y tus labios se separan, pero el sonido de tu gemido es mudo.
-Acá, sí- sujeta tu cadera-. ¿Por qué? ¿Tenés miedo...?
Escribí esto en una sala de espera y sé que la chica que se sentó al lado mío estaba viendo lo que hacía, así que espero que lo haya disfrutado y que ustedes también lo hagan ❤️
¿Sabían que a Simón le gusta Bon Iver? Yo lo descubrí mientras stalkeaba su Instagram y creo que me enamoré un poquito más sólo por eso...
@madame-fear @creative-heart @recaltiente @llorented @chiquititamia @delusionalgirlplace (y @castawaycherry por las dudas 🤭)
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jojo-schmo · 2 months
maybe an incredibly broad claim, but any remotely creative forgotten land storytelling makes me think of you, especially if it involves the beast pack!
i think you're one of few folks i see doing really focused work with the lore and story building of the beast pack (both canonically or in your roleswap), so when i see any of them i always think of you and your work and headcanons!
STARFLUNG-??? Thank you SO MUCH?!!?? 🩵🩵🩵 what an honor from someone who also weaves such wonderful stories in the Kirby universe!! Uwahhhh!! I could tear up from joy right now 🥹
It’s honestly been so much fun coming up with my own headcanons for the Beast Pack!! Much like the other universes people make out there like the GSA, or other anime lore, or unique backstories for the main characters, the Beasts are also so malleable and moldeable and filled with potential for development!
One of the many joys of the FL Roleswap has also been diving into the thoughts of the Beasts. Why do they want to leave the Forgotten Land so badly? Do they resent the civilization that left them behind? We know canon Leon seems to resent them, but what about the rest? How do they interact with each other behind the scenes? What if the Beast Council were childhood friends? How would that impact canon or the Roleswap?
The base is laid for them in canon and it’s great fun filling in the rest! I am very excited to gradually reveal what I have in store for them :3
…Plus, if you really wanna grow your art skills, spend a lot of time drawing characters that are as complicated as they are. They are among the least orb-shaped beings in the Kirby universe and wow, did they force me to learn a lot about drawing limbs, hahaha <3
Thank you again!! What a beautiful compliment, gosh!! I’m doing my best to make them interesting and likeable!! :)
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rusted-soda-can · 1 year
I think a big reason that wangxian and ineffable husbands are my fav ships is because they’re perfectly moldeable to basically any fanfic trope. Like either one could be the tattoo artist or the florist and it makes sense for their character, they can also be enemies to lovers, or childhood (term is being used loosely for immortals) friends to lovers, either could own a coffee shop and it works too. Their dynamic is so multifaceted that it works in any scenario. Mutual pining? Yes. Accidental marriage? Absolutely. Time travel?? Yeah, probably.
So yeah, I just love wangxian and ineffable husbands so much.
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manoelt-finisterrae · 2 years
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o meu ti moldeable carne do amor cabalo sendo fuxida indolente tacto beira dócil que é aínda o seu porque límites encontros apertas miña ela pel extinguíndonos
sometidos nesta noite de finais fera de area que nos percorremos sen lembranzas pertencemos a ese vestido de mar xuntos cómplices nós perpetuos abre e haberá a onda de vivirnos inacabados
© Manoel T, 2023
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karenka-sutcliff · 11 months
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Shinigamis Kuroshitsuji/Black Butler, versión Funtom Bunny 🐰🐇. Hechos con pasta japonesa, pasta moldeable.
💀👓 🥀🥼🪻🤟🏻🩸
William T. Spears
Grell Sutcliff
Ronald Knox
Alan Humphries
Eric Slingby
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Tú culo... Ruptura involuntaria de tu carne, geometría que escapa a tu deseo, territorio acotado por mis sueños, punto de mira de mis madrugadas insomnes, cuando siento en mi cuerpo la necesidad de posar mis desnudas manos y dibujar en él, el mapa de mis sentimientos. Tu culo... Pareado de curvas insinuantes, soneto de incandescente rima, cántico invertido para voz átona, tiernos brotes de ortodoxia discutible, pétalos arrebolados por mis caricias, violenta emancipación de tu yo externo que se torna moldeable entre mis dedos cual suprema concepción de mi deseo. Tu culo... Vaivén que me estimula cuando andas, ominoso balanceo que me aniquila, feroz conjugación de amor y deseo, asunción de tu cuerpo con mi ansia, arquitectura febril que me atosiga cuando, al fin, te apoyas sobre mi sexo y expandes mi universo que te aguarda mitigando el dolor de mis sentidos. Tu culo... Urbe donde habitan mis anhelos, sobria trasposición de lo oculto, panorámica imprevisible, sugestión de mis sentidos, remanso acogedor, arrebato lujurioso en mis mañanas cuando, aún adormecida inicias el simple proceso de acurrucar tus nalgas junto al ardor de mi sexo. Tu culo... ¡Ah, niña!..., tu hermoso culo, configuración etérea de tu carne mía, añoranza de un momento compartido, suavidad sobre la que se desliza mi deseo en la forzada soledad de mis ardores cuando, a solas, contigo en el recuerdo, con tu boca amordazada por mi boca... mi alma entra en él y lo hago mío
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pokemon-ash-aus · 6 months
We doing unusual food combos? I think the closest I can give is the fact one night, I decided to pour this fruit hot sauce thing called Tajín onto my watermelon fruit bar popsicle made with real fruit just to see what the taste would be like. I actually ended up making those spicy watermelon lollipops, but frozen and bigger.
Espy, I am Mexican. Tajin is in my blood XD
It's actually meant to be put on fruits and the like! If you want a *wild* try, get a Green Apple, some Tamarind, chamoy and Tajin.
Wash you're green apple, and heat up your Tamarind so it's moldeable then wrap that around your apple, once fully covered, cover it in Chamoy and then Tajin.
Sweet and spicy and a lovely treat to have!!
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alexit00000 · 25 days
What if we do the miku trend but with link...
It would be so cool seeing him with different cultures and i think he is really moldeable(? like Miku
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munsonology · 1 year
I want to make one final post about the horrors of this week before I move on for my own well-being.
I don’t anticipate anyone to read this. This is mainly for my mental health and anxiety.
This is the most open I’ve ever been here and I’m terrified of sharing. I talk about serious topics below so please be aware if you do take the time to read.
First, all I wanted was to create a safe place for myself, a black girl on the internet. Eddie came into my life when I needed him the most. I was experiencing targeted harassment at the establishment (I still am), so Eddie was my comfort away. My safe place became others’ safe place as well. I’m still proud of that.
My blog was always and will always be 18+ ONLY. I have MDNI in all caps for a reason. I am a grown woman in my late twenties with grown problems and grown stories.
I want to make myself perfectly clear! THIS SPACE IS NOT AND WILL NEVER BE OPEN TO ANYONE UNDER THE AGE OF 18. Please respect that.
I’ll be going through my blog and blocking any blank and underage blogs! So if you are an adult and your age is not anywhere on your page YOU WILL BE BLOCKED!
Now, I’d like to talk for a second about that disgusting blog. I first came across that blog in November/December 2022. This blog was posting fics in the main Eddie/reader tag. There was no content warning in the tags or in the heading of the post. The only way to know was by reading. I read a few sentences before realizing what this was. It made me sick to my stomach, and they had posted many of them in a row in the Eddie/reader tag.
I immediately blocked and reported them, but I didn’t unlike a post before I did so. That is on me.
I hadn’t seen or heard about that blog since, until Monday. I thought tumblr had removed them. At the time, I thought this was an adult writing this ILLEGAL filth. I didn’t know they were a minor, and quite honestly I have my doubts about that.
My theory is that they hid those fics outside the main Eddie tags, so the only way to see it was if it was reblogged or by scrolling through the specific tags this person put.
Seeing this blog come up again was incredibly upsetting and triggering for me. It’s brought up so many memories I don’t talk about, but I’d like to now.
From time to time, I mention how a fic reminded me of my ballet days. Those are good memories. I participated in ballet from age 5 to age 14 when I quit without notice.
My first ballet school was owned by a husband and wife. The wife was also head instructor. Her husband was a pedophile. It was an open secret. To my knowledge his preference was the older teen girls. I have no confirmation he wasn’t looking at the younger girls as well, he likely was because I’d see him around.
Part of our lessons was stretching by having another girl sit on top of us, widening our legs. We had a name for this day but I don’t wanna share to protect myself. If we weren’t near tears the stretch wasn’t enough so the wife came by and pushed us down. The position we’d be in for a specific stretch is now extremely troubling to me.
He’d hover around during lessons and help the older girls. Too close for how an instructor should be.
For recitals, the wife would have favorites to get better roles, I personally believe those favorites were being groomed. I also believe she had me on her list to be another favorite but I went through puberty early so my body changed. Since I wasn’t super skinny anymore I wasn’t moldeable.
I believe older girls who were violated by the husband would receive recommendations to elite ballet companies. This is based on what I know and info my dad received from one of the more wealthy mothers who allegedly knew about what was going on and used it for her own advantage.
During my time at this school, I witnessed incest around the age of 7 in the dressing room, spit on, had the parent of the child who spit on me slap them in front of me, been sewn into my costume and told not to eat or drink for over 8 hours because they didn’t want to alter it, put on a diet at age 10 which I failed.
I believe someone was going to come forward about the husband when they sold the school and moved out of state. It was very abrupt so I can’t help but assume he was about to be reported.
Seeing people think the absolute worst of me destroyed me and brought up these memories. I’m learning this is still considered trauma.
It makes me sick what survivors had to experience this week. I thank those for sharing their truth. Part of me is nervous about sharing because I wasn’t physically harmed, and I never want to take away from others.
I feel completely violated by those who have infiltrated our safe spaces with those ILLEGAL POSTS and by those who’ve lied about their age.
I want to make myself perfectly clear: I have never and will never in my life condone that behavior. Children are some of the most vulnerable in our society and they need to be protected by any means necessary.
My blog is and will always be a safe place for my fellow bipoc individuals, LGBTQIA+, AAPI, Middle Eastern communities, Latino communities and more.
I don’t play those fucking games.
We should all take this as a lesson to please read what you’re looking at online, please be careful of what and who you’re interacting with. Please keep your kids safe. The internet is an unforgivable and dangerous place.
I’d like to bring back my post about what’s happening on Pinterest right now. You can find it here. Please be careful over there, the predators are posting actual pics and sharing CSA pics to their boards. Regular users, many who are young girls and women, are having their pics saved to these boards with disgusting comments. PLEASE BE SAFE IF YOU’RE ON PINTEREST AND REPORT WHAT YOU SEE. The sudden wave of this only started within the last couple of months now and their algorithm can’t keep up.
As always my messages are open for anyone who needs to talk no matter what.
— sav ❤️
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