#moheb catalonia-winner
graydama · 6 years
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Harmonic Trials Relationship Chart
Really had fun making this! Lists out the relationships for these guys, excluding some as 1. I don’t have some references for all the OCs and 2. plot. Lololol I was worried that adding too many lines would get confusing but then people wouldn’t see some of the connections. So if there is any little errors please excuse them and feel free to ask questions in case it is confusing. ; w ;
Image credits: Poltergeist-El cathrine6mirror dotpapercrowndot   CeryliaRectris
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graydama · 8 years
Snapshot Series 2
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And here's the next edition of this mini Snapshot Series! The third installment should be up within the week but no promises since I finally finished my Maymester and I officially don't have class again until July. So taking all the rest I can get, while also editing and writing. And now to the next new pilot!
Name: Moheb Lufti Catalonia-Winner
Birth Date: A.C. 205
Age: 22
Sex: M
Height: 6'0
Eye Color: Blue
Hair Color: Dark blonde
Ethnicity: European/Arabian
Family: Quatre Raberba Winner (Father)
Dorothy T. Catalonia (Mother)
Ari Majida Bahira Catalonia-Winner (Little Sister)
Affiliations: Preventer, Mars, ESUN
Occupations: Manager of Finance for Winner Co.,
Part time Field Agent
Snippet (Scene):
"Honestly how many wives do you plan to have once you get married?" Wusheng glanced at the horde of women they left behind. She had meant to see his father but the older Winner was caught up in a meeting. So Moheb invited her to stay at his house until Quatre was done. Upon their exit a legion of women had suddenly appeared and were all fixated on him.
"Are you asking because of my religion or because of my popularity?" He unwrapped his head scarf allowing his hair to come undone. It had grown longer again.
"Neither just a curiosity, they will all have my sympathy since those women will probably be fawning over you even when you're married."
"I'm flattered."
"It wasn't a compliment."
"So you don't find me attractive?"
"Oh just shut up Scrawny." she turned her head away. The cityscape began to morph into a desert. How far away did he live?
"That's hardly fair," she looked back at him. "I never made fun of you and your body when we were young."
"That's because my body was perfectly fine then as it is now!"
Amusement danced in his eyes. "Yes it is."
“Moheb,” she growled.
He chuckled. “You make this too easy my friend.”
Art by alexiafelix
Original Link: http://alexiafelix.deviantart.com/art/Mohed-613386857
Please do not repost.
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