#mogra the bandit
midnightluck · 5 years
Prompt MarcoAce where Marco terrorizes the bandits for neglecting/abusing Ace during his childhood.
I’ve been sitting on this for a while because I couldn’t figure it out. Marco doesn’t seem the type to be vengeful enough to do something like that, and regardless of whether or not Dadan and the bandits’ care was abusive, I can’t imagine Ace thought it was.
So here, have a different way Marco could have met the bandits:
“Oh, you don’t want to go upthere,” the woman says. “There’s bandits in these woods.”
“Bandits,” Marco repeats, andthe woman nods.
“Yeah, bandits. A rough gang,and they’ve been here for years. Don’t bother the town itself, not really, sowe let it go, but they’d catch a stranger walking into their woods.”
“Good,” Marco says, setting offinto the forest. The woman yells something behind him, but his hand clenchestight around the item in it and he sets his chin and steps forward.
The woods are light to startwith, but the trees get denser as he heads further in. It’s dark, here, butthere’s just enough light to see by. It’s hearing, though, that warnshim—there’s animal noises until there aren’t anymore, and Marco keeps his headup and his shoulders down.
Something moves behind him andMarco sidesteps easily.
“Well, now, what have we here?”a large, ugly person says, casually reeling back in an absolutely massive club.“You lost, stranger?”
“On the contrary, yoi,” Marcosays, and raises both hands in surrender. “I think I’m exactly where I need tobe.”
The bandit’s eyes go to hishands to check for weapons and stay there. “What—” they get out, and, “Isthat—”
Marco’s fingers tighteninstinctively around it. “I’m looking for Dadan,” he says. “I think she’ll wantto see me.”
“…yeah,” the bandit says. “Yeah,I—I think she will.”
Marco follows the bandit up thepath, towards a small clearing. There’s an array of similar people there, alllarge and perfectly arranged for maximum intimidation, and the woman in thefront has red curly hair and an axe as big as she is.
Marco swallows on memories andfocuses on keeping his pace steady.
“Well, well,” she starts, thenlooks up and catches the look on her subordinate’s face. “Magra. Somethingwrong?”
“He—Boss, it’s…”
Marco steps forward and asks,“Are you Dadan?”
Her eyes narrow and she haulsherself up to standing. “Who’s askin’?”
She’s not the tallest personhe’s ever seen, but she’s the tallest he’s seen recently, and that hurts too.He brings his hand forward and forces his fingers to uncurl around the necklacehe’s been carrying for far too long. “He,” Marco says, and his voice cracks,just a bit. “He said this was yours, yoi.”
She stares at the red beads, andeveryone else does too.
“He wanted to give it back,”Marco continues into the silence. “Said he was sorry he couldn’t carry it allthe way, and that it, at least, should come back home.”
Dadan, the mighty woman, sinksto her knees, right there in the clearing in the middle of the woods. “How dareyou,” she says blankly, but they both know she means how dare he.
But that was the problem withAce, even if he came by it honestly; the Gol men were always at their cruelestwhen they were trying to be kind. It was unintentional, probably, andthoughtless, but that never made it hurt less to those they left behind.
“I’m sorry,” Marco says, and hemeans for everything.
“Leave,” she says, and he nods,takes a step forward, and offers her the necklace. She lets him drop it intoher hands without looking up at him.
Marco turns and walks away, backthrough the forest. A wail rises behind him, and his shoulders hunch in as heputs his hands in his pockets and stares down at the path.
He’s getting real sick ofwalking away from grief.
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scondren-blog1 · 5 years
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Wedding decorations is the first thing anyone notices when they enter the wedding venue. Wedding decorations can be dreamy and can instantly spell magic on your wedding day. Wedding decorations welcome the guests even before the family or friends do.
And, we love and respect the wedding decorators and wedding planners who put in all efforts and creativity make your wedding venue shine like a star in the sky. And, while we were on the search for the best wedding decorators, Phoolan Devi Events’ wedding decor caught our eyes.
Before we move on let’s show you some of their stunning wedding decor:
Yes! This is the wedding decor that inspired us to talk more about Phoolan Devi Events. And, then we met Ms. Ridhi Nagu Kapur, the brainchild behind one of the best wedding decorators, Phoolan Devi Events. Ridhi started working with a wedding planning organization and after gaining experience in the field she started with her own venture, Phoolan Devi. Venture’s name was an inspiration taken from a book called The Bandit Queen Of India (the biography of Phoolan Devi).
Talking about Phoolan Devi Events, Ridhi says, “ Be it wedding design, decor, florals or even hospitality, Phoolandevi takes care of it all. It all starts with identifying a vision or creating a theme/vibe for the occasion. With our design ideas catering to your specific needs, originality, eye for detail and flawless execution, you can be rest assured that we will realise your vision better than what you could ever imagine it to be. Each and every element that we put out is a benchmark of our quality and sophistication and will enable us to transform your venue into a paradise that honours your style, imagination and budget.”
What else does a couple looks for? We feel Phoolan Devi Events is your go to for a theme wedding or a simple one.
Here are some tips couples must know about before planning their wedding decor.
Let’s check some more wedding decorations done by Phoolan Devi Events did:
Phoolan Devi, the best wedding decorators did a stunning job with marigolds at this wedding.
Did you notice that marigold strings and that swing decorated so gorgeously?
  Take inspiration for your swing decor from here.
They used bottles to give a modern touch to this traditional wedding decor.
Phoolan Devi Events did an absolute exquisite wedding decoration with the roses. Especially this stage decor with a massive lotus motif created with roses.
Phoolan Devi Events decorated the wedding venue with roses and mogras and did you notice the mogra strings which had lotus cut outs?
For the mandap, the tomb was covered fresh roses and its pillars were covered with strings of mogras.
This wedding clearly had a theme of lotus done with roses and mogra by Phoolan Devi Events.
So, you know whom to trust for theme wedding decor!
We have some budget wedding decor ideas for your wedding here.
Check out glimpses of Phoolan Devi Events in yet another stunning wedding where they used baby pink roses.
  They even used tablescapes with candles and glass balls to complete the decor and give a warm ambience.
  Aren’t these wedding decorations just so beautiful and elegant? We love the fact that one of the best wedding decorators, Phoolan Devi Events put in all their hard work, time and creativity in making a wedding the most memorable event in a couple’s life. They keep all prospects in mind before starting with their job and this is exactly what every couple wants.
In the end, Ridhi just says, “By the time we are done, we would have created a special place in your memory. So while we fulfil your dreams, help us fulfil ours! Hire us :)”
The post Phoolan Devi Events Is Your Go To For Theme Wedding Decorations appeared first on ShaadiWish.
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