#moe always seems ready to run at the drop of a hat. this is understandably upsetting for alfonse.
moe-broey · 5 months
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Moe is skulking around in the middle of the night looking like this is and genuinely confused when Alfonse (whose anxiety has been Increasing from observing weird little habits it seems to have, like keeping all its belongings in a bag) decides to take matters into his own hands and confronts it "in the act" and is VERY upset. Like Oh Hey whag's goin on ? Lmao 😊😇
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swanqueeneverafter · 7 years
19. The Crocodile, Pt.2
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Storybrooke. Present day. Blanchard Loft. (David Nolan is talking with Mr. Gold.) Mr. Gold: “May I have a word, (Looks down at the badge on David’s belt:) Sheriff?” David: “Uh, acting sheriff. And I'm already late on another busy day, cleaning up the mess you made.” Mr. Gold: “My apologies. That was a moment of poor judgment on my part. And it's not lost on me that I'm now here to ask for your help.” David: “Well, then it shouldn't be lost on you when I say no.” Mr. Gold: “Hear me out first. I'm here to report a missing person. (David sighs:) She left my home early this morning. Her name is Belle.” David: “Back in our land, you mentioned you loved someone once. Is-” Mr. Gold: “Yes.” David: “You also said she died.” Mr. Gold: “I thought she had.” David: “How can you be sure she's gone missing and not run away?” Mr. Gold: “I can't. Look, the townsfolk are less than sympathetic to my plight, but you- you're in the rather unique position to understand exactly what I'm going through. (Points to a picture of Emma and Mary Margaret:) Will you help me?”
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Enchanted Forest. Past. (Killian Jones comes back to the alleyway, prepared to fight Rumplestiltskin. He spots the imp sitting on top of an arch.) Rumplestiltskin: (He drops a sword in front of Killian:) “Pick it up, dearie, and let's begin.” Killian Jones: “There's no need.” (He reaches for his own sword, but Rumplestiltskin takes it from him using magic.) Rumplestiltskin: “Sorry, but killing a man with his own sword was just too delicious to pass up. Hmm? (The two begin to duel:) Ships that pass in the night. Well, at least one ship.” (Rumplestiltskin flings Killian into a pile of barrels. He gets up and continues to fight. Rumplestiltskin disarms him, and steps on his sword before he can pick it up. He puts the tip of his sword and Killian's throat.) Killian Jones: “Go on. I'm ready for the sword.” Rumplestiltskin: “No. Do you know what it's like to have your wife stolen from you? To feel powerless to stop it? It feels like having your heart ripped from your chest. Actually, let me show you.” (He sticks his hand into Killian's chest.) Milah: “Stop!” Rumplestiltskin: (Looks over in the direction of the voice:) “Milah.” Storybrooke. Present day. (Smee brings Belle into her father's shop.) Belle: “Who are you? What- what do you want from me?” Smee: “I'm just a man who procures hard to find objects. In this case, the object was you.” Belle: “So then who- who put you up to this?” Moe: (He steps into the room:) “Belle? Oh. Oh, how I've missed you, Belle.” Belle: (Crying, muffled voice:) “Father?” (They embrace.) Moe: “I'm so sorry this is how we had to be reunited. Please understand. I had no choice.” Belle: “But to kidnap me?” Moe: “After the curse broke, I searched all over for you and discovered The Dark One still had you captive.” Belle: “He wasn't holding me captive. I chose to be with him.” Moe: “Are you saying you fell in love with him?” Belle: (Nods:) “But I fear it may be over now.” Moe: “It must be. Promise me you no longer love him, that you will never see him again.” Belle: “I'm not- I'm not a child.” Moe: “You don't understand what that man will do to you, what he's already done.” Belle: “No, you don't understand. It's my life.” Moe: “Then I don't have a choice. I'm sorry. (To Smee:) Do it.” Belle: (Smee grabs her and drags her away:) “What? Father? Father, what- what are you doing? Stop!” Moe: “Goodbye, Belle. I love you.” Belle: “Father!”
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The Enchanted Forest. Present. (Emma, Mary Margaret, Aurora, and Mulan discuss the newly-found Captain Hook.) Emma: “You’ve seen him before?” Mulan: “Yes, I've seen him around. He's a blacksmith. Came to our camp a couple of months ago. Said he lost his hand in an ogre attack.” Emma: “Why would Cora leave a survivor? It's messy, it doesn't make sense.” Mulan: “You think he's lying?” Emma: “I think Cora’s tricked us before. I don't want that to happen again. (To Captain Hook:) Here you go.” Captain Hook: “I can't thank you enough for your kindness. Fortune it seems has seen fit to show me favor.” Emma: “An island full of corpses... you're the only one to escape. How exactly did that happen?” Captain Hook: “She attacked at night... slaughtered everyone in one fell swoop. When she started ripping out peoples' hearts, I hid under the bodies of those who had already been killed. Pretended to be dead myself. Mercifully the ruse worked.” Emma: “So much for fortune favoring the brave.” Captain Hook: “It was all I could do to survive.” Emma: “I'm gonna let you in on a little secret. I am pretty good at knowing when someone is lying to me.” Captain Hook: “I am telling you the truth.” Mulan: “We should leave here, in case Cora decides to come back.” Mary Margaret: “We should start searching for a new portal back to Storybrooke. I only got about five minutes with my husband, not to mention my grandson.” Captain Hook: “You have a grandson?” Mary Margaret: “Long story.” Captain Hook: “Well, I know this land well, I can guide you...” Emma: (Draws a knife and holds it over Captain Hook's throat:) “You're not gonna guide us anywhere until you tell us who you really are.”
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Storybrooke. 1983. Mayor's House, Regina's bedroom. (Regina awakens for the first time in Storybrooke. She looks out of the window, sees the town of Storybrooke and realizes that the Dark curse has worked.) Regina: “I did it. I won.” (She walks to her closet and chooses her clothes for the day.) Cut To: Storybrooke, Main Street. (Regina is walking down the street and sees Marco struggling to repair a sign.) Marco: “That should hold you.” (She passes Granny’s Diner to witness Ruby & Granny arguing.) Ruby: “I cannot believe you put me on the early shift.” Granny: “Not my fault you stayed out all night. When I put over easy on the menu, I was talking about the eggs!” Archie: (Walking by:) “Morning, Madam Mayor.” Regina: “Good morning, Crick—Dr. Hopper.” Archie: “Beautiful day, isn't it?” Regina: “Yes. Yes, it is.” Cut To: Storybrooke Elementary School. (Mary Margaret, holding a bird in her hand, is teaching.) Mary Margaret: “As we build our birdhouses, remember: what you're making is a home. Not a cage. A bird is free, and will do what it will. This is for them, not us. They're loyal creatures. (Releases the bird out the window; it flies up to a birdhouse:) If you love them and they love you, they will always find you. (Bell rings; class rises:) We'll pick this up after recess. No running! (Regina enters the room:) Miss Mills, what are you doing here?” Regina: “Refresh my memory. How long have you been a teacher here?” Mary Margaret: “Um I -- I'm not sure. As long as I can remember.” Regina: “Come with me.”
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Storybrooke. Past. Storybrooke General Hospital. (Mary Margaret and Regina are in front of John Doe's room.) Mary Margaret: “Why are we in the hospital?” Regina: “Tell me. Do you know this man?” Mary Margaret: “No. Why? Who is he?” Regina: “He's a John Doe, coma patient. No one's claimed him.” Mary Margaret: “Maybe someday he'll wake up. Maybe someone who loves him will find him.” Regina: “That would be nice for him. But I wouldn't count on it.” Storybrooke. Present. Dr. Hopper's Office. Dr. Hopper: "And the day would just repeat itself over and over?" Regina: (Nods:) "With a few differences here and there. Don't you remember?" Dr. Hopper: (Shakes his head:) "I mean, it was all pretty hazy-" (The door opens. Mr. Gold rushes in.) Dr. Hopper: “Mr. Gold, this is highly inappropriate.” Mr. Gold: “Quiet, you. (To Regina:) Where is she?” Regina: “Excuse me?” Mr. Gold: “You took her from me before, where is she?” Regina: “Why don't you check the ‘Missing’ board like everyone else?” Mr. Gold: “She’s not missing, she’s been taken.” Regina: “Well, then I'm sorry for your loss. (Looking to Archie:) But I’ve been here all morning.” Mr. Gold: “A likely story.” Dr. Hopper: “Mr. Gold, I have to insist. Please. Go.” (Mr. Gold leaves. Dr. Hopper closes the door.)
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Enchanted Forest. Past. In the alleyway. (Rumplestiltskin still has his hand in Killian's chest. He pulls it out.) Rumplestiltskin: “Milah. How?” Killian Jones: “Milah, you have to run.” Milah: “No. I'm not leaving without you.” Rumplestiltskin: “Oh, how sweet. It appears there's more to this tale than I know. Tell it to me, Milah.” Milah: “Please don't hurt him. I can explain.” Rumplestiltskin: “Tick-tock, dearie. Tick-tock.” Milah: “That first night, when Killian and his crew came into the tavern, he told stories about the places he'd been, and I fell in love with him. (Rumplestiltskin sticks his sword into Killian's side:) I didn't mean for it to turn out this way. I didn't know how to tell you the truth. I'm sorry.” Rumplestiltskin: “And so here we are. You've come to save the life of your true love, the pirate. I didn't realize the power of true love before. It is impressive. I'd hate to break it up. Actually, no. I'd love to.” (He continues to stick his sword in to Killian's side.) Milah: “Wait. I have something you want.” Rumplestiltskin: “Well, I find that very difficult to believe. (He pulls his sword out of Killian's side and Milah shows him the trader's red hat:) Where did you get that?” Milah: “You know who I took it from. I may not know what The Dark One wants with a magic bean, but I have it.” Rumplestiltskin: “Oh, I feel a proposal coming on.” Milah: “The magic bean in exchange for our lives. Deal?” Rumplestiltskin: (Moves closer to her:) “I wanna see it first.”
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