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social-work-ing · 4 years ago
{Symptom, Situation, Cognitions/Feelings, Intrapersonal, Interpersonal, Systems conflicts}
Contracting with an individual, group, community, or other system {purpose, meeting details - eg. number of meetings, who - when - where, how will you know when things are better - focus, expectations, *Informed Consent*}
Purpose of the assessment {to understand the system, to plan interventions, to identify needed external resources}
Why this person / family / group / organization /community with these difficulties at this time?
Examples of the phases and stages of micro social work process {1. referral, 2. symptom, 3. diagnosis, 4. treatment plan, 5. treatment, 6. follow up - additional service required?}
Assessment data collection {standardized tests, questionnaires, diagnostic interviews, personality measures, mental status examinations, behavioural observation, reports by others}
Examples {the transgenerational (bowen) school genogram, computerized instruments, measurement tools - rating systems - self assessment, therapeutic techniques like empty chair, Minuchin's re-enactment, solution-focused Miracle Question}
Eco Map, Genogram ecomap,
Assessment leads to intervention planning {Define the problem inorder to start to plan the intervention}
Assessment techniques for organizational practice {Organizational assessments - establish org goals, monitor progress towards goals, make adjustments to achieve those goals more effectively and efficiently, Measurement tools rating systems - united way management indicators list, fieldstones non-profit life stage assessment}
Person In Environment system {the problems, the interventions needed, the order to effectively address the problems}
{Wenden v. Trikha 1991, Smith v. Jones 1999}
As part of the informed consent process, clients need to be warned of limits to confidentiality. A duty to protect (warn or inform) exists.
Smith v. Jones Test {duty to protect where: Risk to a clearly identified person is determined, includes bodily injury, death or serious psychological harm, imminence, creating a sense of urgency}
Risk Assessment
Duty to Warn
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mulkfiction-blog · 7 years ago
For this week, we finished the javascript animations of the interface and decided on whether or not we wanted to continue from building off where we left off in the materials workshop.
1. (Materials) Because we had limited experience with materials and the time limitation on module three, we weren’t really sure when we would hit the breakthrough and wasn’t really sure what this is what we should be focussing on. We kind of struggled with continuing with the sound by reflecting on what connection did the sound have to do with the interaction and came to the conclusion that during our tinkering, we got a bit lost and wasn’t exactly sure what we were doing with it. We weren’t sure whether or not it was arbitrary.
2. (Javascript) We wanted to implement different animations on the interface to engage the user. We wanted the user to use hover and click in different ways to trigger an output feedback.
3. (Coaching with Clint) Notes:
- The interaction could be a bit artificial, not as organic because of the way we focused on the visuals and the motor separately
- Using a contact speaker
- Expressing individual items in the field or the field itself?
- Servo can’t be precise, do we go against or go with it?
- What is the general character of the thing rather than the individual thing
- Do we appreciate for what it is, all one thing?
-Challenge: for the user to find their own activity around it and be able to play with it, how you’re upsetting the whole field rather than manipulating the individual
- Motor can be more of an extension of the cursor rather than the object
- What’s the metaphor of the interaction?
- Probing the objects?
- More residing in you rather than the objects
- Maybe the dark blue square have more of a harder movement and the opaque one, softer. Feeling the triangles, tactile feedback? A surface that you’re touching and probing, not really seeing the objects as active as much
- Overall turbulence of the thing versus the individual
- What conceptualization of this do we want to go with?
- Movements: back and forth between small ranges
- Framing: What are we representing?
After talking to Clint, we decided that we wanted to play with the field as a whole. We definitely agreed that we should have built the whole interaction together along with the servo and the interface. It would have made it a more organic interaction versus it being forced because we weren’t entirely sure how to connect the Arduino servo into the sketch. Following that, we wanted to make the darker colours more intense and the clicking more intense.
4. (Arduino Sound) By using delays() and servo.write(), we first started by playing with the rhythm of the  Arduino servo sound to mimic the movement of the animations as a way to connect the user to the interface. We wanted to explore user understanding through a direct connection of the animation.
5. (Movement)
6. (Intensity) After getting the hover to work a bit better, we wanted to compare and contrast it to a user prodding and poking at it. As Clint said, “Motor can be more of an extension of the cursor rather than the object.”
7. (Insights) It didn’t really end up the way we wanted it to because of us struggling with the code a lot. We wanted more hovering interactions and felt that it would have been a lot more like an extension of the cursor. How does sound represent the intensity of the sketch when the user probes it? Does sound add depth/ 3D?
Some insights we found:
Movement versus Intensity/ the whole versus the Object:
- the movement has to be precise
- moving the light blue triangles taught us the importance of easing in and easing out in animations, to make it a fluid experience
- Intensity
- Which ones are more intense and how do you judge that?
- Animation versus visual intensity
- Which one catches your eye more? The visuals?
Colour, hierarchy, /Gestalts are all characteristics that affect it
Colour sticks out more
- Which ones do we use?
- the faster the animation, the more intense it is
Loudness versus Intensity
How does the loudness of the servo play into the intensity of it? Is the sound it’s making intense or is it just the volume?
- the intensity in the sketch versus the servo
- servo
- delay
- movement
- loudness
- visuals
- colour
- movement
combined as a whole?
8. (Coaching with Jens)
- Animations
- Experimenting with coupling animations with sound and how that affects the experience and feeling
- Relationship between animations, how they can be enhanced and supported with sound
- something in the animations that we are emphasizing through sound or vice versa
- How does visual intensity go into sound intensity?
- Vocabulary has limitations (“intensity”)
- Intensity: call and a response?
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teeganesc407-blog · 5 years ago
Week Three - What are Classroom Technologies?
[ Posted Monday 2nd December 2019 ]
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Software in the Classroom - MentiMeter
For my most recently placement, I was at an independent school in Wagga Wagga (that has links to over 100+ campuses globally!) that uses technology in an interesting way. This school had roughly 50 students from years 3 to 12 on this campus, with similar numbers on the neighbouring campuses of Albury and Leeton. Teachers at this school connect and teach students who may or may not be on their campus. Through technology, I was able to teach the students physically in the classroom with me and others on different campuses. The program Zoom was used to host Skype-like meetings where lessons would be delivered.
This was a completely different style of teaching for me and threw me out of my comfort zone completely! It made me rely on technology more as I couldn’t get my students to do hands on activities often. This school also allocated one hour of school time for professional development in which I was introduced to the website MentiMeter.
MentiMeter is a website that allows collaboration in real time. I used this website to gather information from students, often at the beginning or end of lessons, to gage knowledge, understanding and general opinions about the lessons. The website was simple to use and all students had to do was type in a short code and then answer the few questions. Their answers would then pop up on the presentation in real time. One feature I enjoyed of the site was the profanity filter – as real time answers pop up, any inappropriate comments are filtered out. This was very helpful when working with teenagers. MentiMeter was a highly valuable tool to use to connect with my online students.
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Above: A collaborative brainstorm between the class about what they learnt in English during Term 2.
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Above: Students identifying what they need to improve upon in English.
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This article tells the stories of 5 couples that met in restaurants. This relates to the short film, Table 7, where the couple’s relationship is saved by an eavesdropper in the basement of the restaurant. This article highlights the restaurant’s role as a meeting place for love and relationships.
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shunlongwei · 4 years ago
Sell Fuji 6MBI30F-060 New Stock #6MBI30F-060 Fuji 6MBI30F-060 New 30A/600V/IGBT/6U, 6MBI30F-060 pictures, 6MBI30F-060 price, #6MBI30F-060 supplier ------------------------------------------------------------------- Email: [email protected] https://www.slw-ele.com/6mbi30f-060.html ------------------------------------------------------------------- 6MBI30F-060 Description 6MBI30F-060 is a Low Saturation Voltage Voltage Drive Variety of Power Capacity Series. Target Applications 6MBI30F-060 Inverter for Motor Drive AC and DC Servo Drive Amplifier Uninterruptible Power Supply Industrial Machines, such as Welding Machines 30A/600V/IGBT/6U Shunlongwei Inspected Every 6MBI30F-060 Before Ship, All 6MBI30F-060 with 6 months warranty. Part Number Manufacturer Packaging Descript Qty SKKD162-16SemikronIGBTDiode Module Rectifier; 1600 V; 160 A; 0.18/0.09 K/W; A 23; Axial Leaded 212 PCSMAX6366LKA31+TMaximSOT23-8IC SUPERVISOR MPU LP SOT23-8 4040 PCSNL6448AC30-10NECNew LCDNL6448AC30-10 NEC 9.4inch Panel 640×480 110:1 CCFL TTL 373 PCSLQ084V1DG42 SharpNEWSHARP 8.4 inch Panel 640×480 262K CCFL Parallel RGB 217 PCSLMG7135PNL HitachiNEW 260 PCSCM600HU-24FMITSUBISHIIGBT module600A/1200V/IGBT/1U;IGBT MOD SGL 1200V 600A F SER 257 PCSCM20MD1-12HMitsubishiIGBT moduleThree Phase Converter + Three Phase Inverter 20A/600V 23 PCSDMF6104NB-FWOptrexLCD ModuleDMF6104NB-FW Kyocera 5.3inch LCM 256×128 5:1 Monochrome CCFL Parallel Data 176 PCS
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social-work-ing · 4 years ago
Relationship transference
Influencing {logical consequences, self-disclosure, feedback, suggestions, directives}
Boundaries of confidentiality {Duty to warn, Duty to report, Duty to protect}
*Confidentiality builds relationship
Structural - Positional
Boundary crossings vs. boundary violations
Boundary issues - types of dual relationships {intimate relationships, personal benefit, emotional & dependency needs, altruism}
Complex relationships
Potential for crossing boundaries {gifts, touching, post-termination "friendships"-always a power imbalance}
Relationship building [video]
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social-work-ing · 4 years ago
"Social work is not what you do, it's who you are."
Relationship building [video]
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social-work-ing · 4 years ago
Relationship Building - Curative Elements
The proven most influential elements in psychotherapy by Lambert (1992):
-Expectancy, hope and placebo factors [15%]
-Model and techniques factors [15%]
-Therapy relationship factors [30%]
-Extratherepeutic factors [40%]
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mulkfiction-blog · 7 years ago
What Lisa and I struggled with the most was coming up with a topic to start exploring and to start tinker with.
1. (Brainstorming) Because of the interactive abstract emotion art I was tinkering with during module one, I was really interested in exploring expressionism. I wanted to build off of it and make something that took in user input and generated art using the servo.
At first, I was really ambitious and was looking up ways to hook up the Arduino to the Xbox Kinect, I wanted to explore movement and expressionism through user movement interaction. We also thought about using camera vision again and attaching it to the servo as an expression.
Something else I thought of was to use the servo as an input. If the user was to turn it, it would turn the onscreen interface,  kind of like a kaleidoscope for kids.
After discussing it with Lisa, we noticed that the servo made a lot of sounds. It had a harsh motor mechanic feel to it and we wanted to use it as an output. How do we build from the motor? How do we use sound as an expression?
What we really liked out of our brainstorm session was to use the servo as an output, we didn’t want to use it to mimic or point to things. We wanted to play with the idea of sound as well.
2. (Attributes) We struggled a lot with finding a direction to follow so we referred back to the interaction attributes. We went down the list and picked the ones we wanted to use as a guideline. It sparked a lot of questions about the type of interaction we want to explore and produce.
Diverging: unusual, unnatural, amplified, grasping for attention
Covered: magic, excitement, exploration, action-mode, witchcraft, deeply impress somebody
- Inconstant = random?
Mediated: Uncertainty, ambiguity, magic, handing over the responsibility (the interaction
happens somewhere else), you don’t put much of yourself in it
As something abstract and expressionistic, we wanted it to grab the user’s attention while still keeping it playful and explorative. We began discussing whether or not we wanted to make an implicit or an explicit interaction. Does it become an implicit output just because you don’t understand it? Is user understanding related or correlated to an interaction being explicit or implicit outputs? What is the connection to user understanding?
3. (User Expectations) We thought about challenging user expectations and user understanding. If we were to make an illogical interaction where the user’s expectations were proven wrong, what type of feeling and interaction would that create? What would that add to the interaction and how far would we be about to push it? As from module one and two, a common theme that kept coming back to me was the sustainability of the interaction. Like mentioned in the module before, Snapchat sustains on its playfulness and its users' exploration. Does making an interaction illogical make it more sustainable in the long run? What happens when the user figures it out? Going back to Module two, me and Adam’s definition of metaphorical depth and distance, I can draw comparisons with user exploration of illogical interactions to adding depth to the interaction. We also were thinking of exploring delay feedback and instant feedback.
4. (Movements) We continued further and started by trying to connect movements to sound. We wanted to create an interactive interface where the user would explore the field and the motor would move. It would include delayed dragging, longer movements, and changing colours. So essentially, How do we connect sound to the interaction on screen? What kind of interaction does that mean to the user?
5. (Sketch) We created a graphical user interface for the user to interact with:
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—> random triangles
- Double click —> changes colour
- Hover —> move away to different spots
- Drag & drop
- Scrolling
- Rotate
6. (Notes on Coaching from Clint)
- Find a motivation, find some tensions
—> aspects diminish, push and pull to conclude something
- Micro vs macro
- The whole ix
- Different ix techniques activating hovering
- Why should that on screen ix have that sound?
- Sound has depth because the ix has depth
- Contact mics, amplifier? —> inside of the interaction, immersive interaction
7. (Sound) After the coaching session, we spent a day in the materials workshop and tried to build out from the servo and create a sound that would hide the harsh mechanic sound of the servo. We were thinking of mimicking the sounds hovering, clicking, and panning. We wanted to play with organic sounds versus louder and harsher sounds. We found it really difficult since we had limited experience on materials and we struggled a lot with a flexible enough material to move and scrape the surface.
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This meme relates to The Killersby Ernest Hemmingway in a comical way. While the short story was very serious about a group of people looking to kill Ole Anderson, this meme portrays a “happy” restaurant, however clowns are associated with horrifying feelings and often lead to death.
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