#mods asleep post wen ning sermons
wen-ning · 2 years
u know those hyper-monogamous friendships where you hang out with only each other every single day for months on end and kind of blur the lines of platonic and romantic? that’s wen ning and wwx
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wen-ning · 2 years
ok hear me out i adore wangxian with every fiber of my being. truly never loved anything more in this godforsaken life. but lwj’s devotion? too little too late. wen ning’s devotion? off the fucking bat. wwx was kind of nice ONE (1) TIME ☝️and wen ning never let him down after that, no hesitation just did whatever he thought wwx would want him to do. like i get the whole point of wangxian is the bone-shattering tragedy of it’s hindsight but wen ning deserves the recognition for being the infallible arrow in wei wuxians bow, for better or worse. thank u for coming to my ted talk.
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wen-ning · 2 years
i get so damn emo every time a fic emphasizes wwx and wen ning being rly close like lots of them put wen qing in the best friend slot and like That’s Cool I Guess, but wen ning is the reason they even have any kind of connection and the boys go everywhere together after wn is resurrected and i’m just. i’m having so many feelings.
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