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disneyvillainsforjustice · 10 years ago
Hey Queenie, how is the first day of Ramadan going? I can't imagine how hard it is to actively ignore food for so long, especially during the summer, since days are stupid long. (Not bashing on your religion, its just I actually admire how Muslims are able to have such strong discipline like that)
Hello! I’m sorry love, I’m not sure when you sent this, but it just showed up in the inbox, and I have almost completed my first week! Very exciting. 
It’s not as hard as I imagined it would be, to be honest. I prepped for it the week ahead of time, and I don’t naturally eat whole lot any way, so other than the midday ache as I call it (which is when I typically have my largest meal), it’s been not bad at all. 
I’ve been reading the quran, and reflecting on my faith and why I choose this path, even if I don’t quite walk it on the straight and narrow. Thank you so much for asking after me love 3
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disneyvillainsforjustice · 10 years ago
Selfie week wasn't at all made in retaliation against blackout, it was /inspired/ by it. AFPE even stated that the reason she made it was bc she loved how it made so many ppl happy, so she wanted everyone to get to feel that way, no matter the race.
It was a reaction to Blackout. The hashtag Whiteout was a reaction/retaliation. I watched it form. Maybe AFPE didn’t mean it that way, but the speed and switness, and what those involved in Selfie week are tainting it.
I’m glad it was inspired. That’s great. I still find it tactless. I still wish the best for the people involved. I still wish people weren’t complaining about it being too exclusionary. I sincerely hope people feel uplifted. I wish y’all would have waited. I’m disgusted with people who are hoping the following BlackOut Fridays aren’t as successful.
I can’t separate my blackness from my humanity, inasmuch as I try not to show too much bias on here. Honestly this feels like when people tried to shoehorn #BlackLivesMatter to #AllLivesMatter. Yes they do, and yes, everyone should feel pretty and beautiful, but this wasn’t about everyone.
I’m tired Nonnie. It’s a tiredness in my spirit. #Blackout was a shining bright point within all of that, that applied a balm to old wounds over decade old, a rebuke against messages pushed on me that my skin was disgusting, that I would never be as good as my light-skinned counterparts or as rich in cultural depth and majesty as my darker-skinned ones. 
Black issues are not about every person, and they shouldn’t be. But it feels like so many people think that those issues should be about everyone. 
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disneyvillainsforjustice · 10 years ago
On Blackout day
Look, I’m honestly a little disappointed about everyone’s reactions with regards to #Blackout. Even on our blog, from our associated blogs, I see people completely and utterly missing the point. And it really hurts my heart to see all this... this misinformation.
Blackout was started by a Black person for Black people. Black people of all shades and colors and shapes and gender identity. Yes, it was exclusionary. Yes, it was racially charged. It wasn’t just about a rejection of Euro-centric beauty standards, but a celebration of Black people, a vehement, community rejection of anti-Blackness, an event of self-healing and self love that our Black was Beautiful, and that we would support one another in this.
This was something that was ours. The black community, not just on tumblr, but all over the internet, praising each other, and if we were lucky, our non-black friends helping to uplift us as well. Yes, there were assholes who said no one white should post a selfie, but the creators and organizers never did, only wanted the hashtags for the event.
From the creator:
I got inspired to propose Blackout day after thinking “Damn, I’m not seeing enough Black people on my dash”. Of course I see a constant amount of Black celebrities but what about the regular people? Where is their shine? When I proposed it, I thought people would think it was a good idea, but not actually go through with implementing it. Luckily people wanted to get behind the idea, and @recklessthottie created the #Blackout tag.
I thought about the tag #Black Friday, and making it a tradition on the first Friday of every month, because celebrating the beauty of Blackness is of the UTMOST importance. I’m really sick and tired of seeing the “European standard of beauty” prevail. It’s past time for the beauty of Black people to be showcased.  I love all people of color, but this here is for us.
Black History Month is always excellent, but one month isn’t enough to celebrate our heritage and our beauty. No matter what your skin tone is, you’re beautiful. All my life I have heard my grandma tell me stories of how her own people did her because she was lighter than most. She told me some awful stories that will make anybody tear up and its these stories that make me wish that there wasn’t such a divide in skin tones. We need a unified agreeance that ALL black people are beautiful and worthy of praise and admiration, and Blackout day is a step towards that.
Frankly, I find Selfie week to be a little tactless. I hope y’all enjoy it. Honestly I do. I hope you get whatever you need from it, that you feel empowered and beautiful. I hope you understand that the fact that these this week arose as a reaction against #Blackout is why people are upset. I hope your day goes well.
Specificity is not a sin. Enjoy your week kids.
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disneyvillainsforjustice · 10 years ago
I dislike the terms "queer" and "people of color" because they seem too close to slurs for me, do you know any non-offensive alternate terms?
Honestly, I find it’s best be as close as possible to specificity.
“Homo- and polysexuals tend to face” 
“Those on the LGBT spectrum...”
“Black lesbians have a higher incidence...”
“Indigenous people of Alaska...”
“The Amazigh people of North Africa...”
“Afro-Latinos of Arizona tend to live...”
Rather than trying to group such diverse groups under a single label. 
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disneyvillainsforjustice · 10 years ago
Islam itself is not a peaceful religion, i studied it for qiet a long time now. this doesnt mean every muslim is dangerous or whatever, but it means that these crimes justified with Islam really have their basis in this religion. There are peaceful verses in the quran, but there is also the rule that later (in mohammeds live) said rules or statements replace earlier ones and the early ones are the peaceful ones. Try some research, it's not even that difficult. Have a nice day :)
If you've truly studied Islam for several years, there’s a major difference between recognizing the Quran as the one true text and the hadiths and narrations as supplementary information.
The closest thing that can even be related to what you’re saying is about the teachings of generations past and generations future, where one should not raise their child on generation past’s upbringing.
Moreover, criticism of Islam not being a peaceful religion is usually based on either minority fundamentalist approaches or misinterpreted texts. Even so within the Muslim community, there may be misinterpretation of a lot of the text purely on the basis of the cultural history and which sect one follows.
For someone who claims to have studied Islam for a period of time, you’re not touching the surface of the complexity that branches out once you study religion - where many religions have the core belief of inner peace and attempts of seeking spirituality and guidance
Mercy is constantly emphasized in the Quran, as it is a vital part of our lives to show mercy for ourselves and others the way God shows us so much mercy on a daily basis.
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disneyvillainsforjustice · 10 years ago
We've raised enough money in 24 hours to make the Harvard trip a permanent part of the MHBA curriculum. With two weeks left in the fundraiser, I sat down with Ms. Lopez today to learn the best way that we could continue to help her secure a bright future for her students.
“We have a major need for a summer program,” she explained. “Learning stops during the summer for my scholars. We have what is called a ‘summer slide.’ My scholars can’t even go outside. It’s too dangerous. As an exercise, my teachers broke into small groups and took a walk through the community. We wanted to understand how our students live. We went inside the housing projects. The parks and playgrounds were empty because it’s too dangerous. Even the library isn’t a safe zone. Just last Saturday, one of my scholars had two guns pulled on him while he was walking to the community center. In broad daylight. It’s just too dangerous to be outside, so my scholars stay inside all summer. They aren’t learning to ride horses or drive boats, and they certainly aren’t traveling. They miss out on the enrichment available to children from more affluent neighborhoods. They need a safe place where they can do activities and continue to grow their minds. I tried to put together a program last summer, but I couldn’t afford it. I couldn’t really put together any activities, and I could only use teachers-in-training. I need the funds to put together a program with my own teachers so my students have a safe place where they can continue to grow outside of school.”
Ms. Lopez estimates that an effective summer program will cost about $40,000 a year. So every $40,000 beyond the $350,000 we’ve already raised will provide another “safe and productive summer “ for the students at Mott Hall Bridges Academy.
If you hadn’t already donated, please consider helping us continue to empower this visionary educator in her quest to transform her school and community: http://bit.ly/1JmIB8u
Consider continuing to donate to the Academy friends!
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disneyvillainsforjustice · 10 years ago
which one of the mods were in charge of the white survivalist thing? Because you need to kick that one out. You are sounding less like an actual social Justice blog and more like an off shot of cishits and softcisphobia
We're sounding less like a Social Justice blog... because we talk about the ways in which media outlets treat black suspects versus white suspects in America?
No sure how talking about race make us sound like those blogs but that's fine.
The submit button is there for you to expand on why you feel that it's so horrible and to show a trend of what you feel is horrible behavior or whatever, and the un-follow button is always available to you if you feel that our blog no longer suits you.
Seeing as the Admin who posted that did not violate the Code of Conduct, I fail to see why they should leave.
Don't tell me how to run my blog, please and thank you.
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disneyvillainsforjustice · 10 years ago
I read in a newspaper something that made me think. A columnist said "I'm not a muslim, so why am I being forced to obey their religious rules?" and its kinda true though. I shouldn't be scared into following a religion's rules and doctrine for fear of being killed for it.
I... What?
Would you mind sharing some context, because this seems really out of the blue.
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disneyvillainsforjustice · 10 years ago
I've always enjoyed this blog so this is the last place I expected to come to see a long tirade against one of my favourite characters. That has no place on a blog like this, and despite the fact that I've always enjoyed this community, I have nothing to say but fuck you and am promptly unfollowing.
Oh no!
I'm so sorry!
That was meant for my personal!
I mean I don't regret the things that were said, but you are absolutely right that it did not belong on this blog. I sincerely apologize. My only excuse is that I was on mobile and didn't not realize that it was on DVFJ in the first place.
So, so sorry you had to experience that, and I only wish I had been able to take it down earlier.
-Queen of Hearts.
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disneyvillainsforjustice · 10 years ago
Is it ok if I ask advice on a nsfw question thing...?
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disneyvillainsforjustice · 10 years ago
I have social anxiety and i work as a life guard. I just had to tell some 19-20 year olds to stop doing something. I think my chest is going to explode 0_o
You're gonna be okay. I'm super proud of you for doing that. You're not gonna die. Drink some juice, eat a snack, congradulate yourself for doing something hard.
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disneyvillainsforjustice · 10 years ago
Happy New Year Followers!
It's the first day of 2015. DVFJ is quickly approaching it's first anniversary. A lot has happened. We've had some really great ups, and some pretty craptastic lows. With a New Year started, we've decided to change things up.
Over the next three to six months, we are going to be completely overhauling DVFJ. Everything from the site layout to the tagging to how and what we post to how we interact with you, the followers.
Additionally, we will be opening up applications for mod positions in three weeks, on January 22, 2015. There will be new rules, and we hope to have a much less turbulent year than we did last year.
To moving forward!
-Queenie, aka Queen of Hearts
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disneyvillainsforjustice · 10 years ago
Hi. I've had an unbearably hard day and am being forced to spend my birthday and New Years apart from my parents because my job is awful. I'm utterly depressed and so burned out I don't know how to get up tomorrow. I know others have worse problems, but I just want to lay down and give up because I've just lost the will to care. I don't know if you can help, but it felt nice to say it to someone.
I'm sorry dearheart, I wish you didn't have to spend the holidays without the people you love. I have a little bit of advice, although I don't know how useful it'll be to you.
Try setting up a Skype date with your parents on both of those days. Watch a movie together, or play games. Watch2Gether and Tinychat are good websites to use as well. Take a day, if you can, to pamper yourself. Take a bubble bath, book a massage, get a pedi/mani, wander around a bookstore... Whatever makes you feel good.
This website is called Seven Cups of Tea. There are trained listeners there who will listen to you. If you can, consider therapy. You can do sessions online or in person.
I hope you feel better.
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disneyvillainsforjustice · 10 years ago
How do some of you feel towards the word "crazy" referring to people with mental illnesses? I personally get uncomfortable, because my family has used that word in such a negative and gross connotation and I'm mentally ill myself, so I'm get irked by it. Is it weird of me to feel this way?
I dunno, I'm split on how I feel when it's specifically used towards people one knows are mentally ill. On one hand, I know there are some behaviors we exhibit which are definitely in the realm of crazy, and nothing wrong with saying that, but on the other hand, people (like my father and your family) who use the word to dismiss mentally ill people.
That said, regardless of how I or anyone else feels, whatever you feel is valid. It's not weird of you to feel that way either.
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disneyvillainsforjustice · 10 years ago
I feel like a white man trapped in a brown body
Why's that?
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disneyvillainsforjustice · 10 years ago
Can I just say thank you for reblogging that sibling abuse survivors post? I have been abused by my older brother myself and it makes me happy when people actually acknowledge abuse between siblings because I rarely see any of that.
I've been a victim of sibling abuse as well, so I figure showing others would be helpful.
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