#modern warfare reboot x reader
sapchat · 3 months
I Have to Clean What?
Kyle Garrick x GN Reader No use of Y/N
This goes hand in hand with my ‘A Fucking Rat’ story I did for GPD’s May CoD writing challenge which you can read here!
Here’s Kyle learning to pet sit your horse! (Kyle would end up with someone who owns/leases a horse, he just screams horse bf/gf partner. Side note, you only actually have to clean these every 6-12 months and only when absolutely necessary.
Kyle ‘Gaz’ Garrick x GN Reader     Fluff
Words: 1.6k
Warnings: I’m American so I use ‘thousand’ instead of… England terms. We talk about horse dick.
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“Okay so it’s pretty basic, I mean you don’t really have to ride him, you can lunge him if you want. You’ve done both, granted I was here for it each time. It’s the same concept as then. But if you don’t ride him any, I’d at least lunge him, give him a quick wipe down like I’ve shown you then turn him loose in his paddock for a few hours.” You start telling him as you’re giving your horse Charley a thorough brush down. Kyle’s off to the side watching observantly as you do so, watching everything you do, as if he hasn’t watched you do this every time he joins you.
“Okay how about food? And what happens if he gets sick or anything and like… pukes?” He’s nervous as if he’s being left alone for the first time babysitting a child. It brings some enjoyment for if your relationship continues for future kids.
You give a small laugh, “Kyle, like I told you earlier, his feed schedule and info is on the little chart by his door, also if you think he’s sick, just call the vet. And if he pukes, then it’s… I don’t know what it would be, but horses can’t physically puke. So, if he somehow does, emphasis on call the vet. Granted Charley is also a dumbass and sometimes inhales his water and then coughs it up… so if he was drinking and then you think he puked, he’s likely fine.” You inform him, trying to ease his worries.
Kyle nods, and honestly you think if he had the choice of a note pad, he’d be taking notes. Like the good noodle he is. Such a good soldier. Charley, annoyed at the fact the attention has left him and turns to clack his teeth at the closest thing he can reach, that currently being Kyle.
The man makes a small noise at the thousand-pound animal and reaches a hand out to toy with his lips flickering at him. “Hey pal…” he mumbles playing with it, Charley’s head moving to bob up and down. “You get to be stuck with dad whilst mom leaves the country….” He tells him, as if he even knows what’s being said.
“You know if you don’t want to do this, or are… anxious to do this, I can just have one of the girls check in and take care of him…” You tell him, letting him know there’s nothing wrong with him waiting to take this step.
Kyle vehemently shakes his head, “No! It’s fine, it’ll give me something to do, plus give me time to bond with him. Besides, feel like this is the next step! Keep your pet alive and then we can… I don’t know start doing more things together with him.”
“Kyle dearie, you know you don’t have to take care of my horse for me for us to spend time together, you know that right?”
“Well, yeah… and I do spend time with you when you’re here already, but if I learn to do this, we can look about leasing my own horse, maybe even buying one… and then can spend even more time together.”
My god this man… the minute I’m able I’m sucking his dick.
“Figure helping here will let me get kinda an idea of what to expect.”
Dick is getting sucked.
“Kyle, you don’t have to do this to get a lease horse, or even buy one… And if that’s what you want to do, I’m happy to help, but if you think this is what it takes, then I guess I’m happy to help.” You tell him, it’s sweet he’s taking the time to do this to spend even more time with you.
In past relationships they’ve gotten pissy about the time you spend with your horse. Maybe it’s because he himself if gone for a few days to months at a time, so he knows what it’s like to be passionate about something.
“Okay, so feeding schedule is on his door, ride or lunge him, and I already know where his tack is in the room area place-“
“Tack room, but yes to everything so far.”
“After riding or lunging, give him a wipe down, I’ll make sure he’s cool before turning him into his little paddock area. Should I leave the back door to his stable open so he can come and go, or should I put him up before I head out?” Kyle continues, after your interruption and runs through the process, and then asks the question.
You sit for a second looking at Charley in the cross ties, “Uhh… check the weather. If it’s going to rain, or the temperature drops low put him up, the stables is heated but… there’s no brain cells in this massive head of his and he will sit outside in the rain or cold.” You inform, moving up to his head and giving his forehead some scritches as he chews on my shirt.
Kyle nods, “Gotcha, and his blanket if needed is also in the tack room?”
You smile at him, then walk over to Kyle, “He won’t need the blanket, it won’t be that cold, plus he still has some winter fur. Trust me, you’re thinking this is going to be the hardest thing ever, but he’s essentially a thousand puppy. He’ll he even plays chase. Don’t engage though he will win.”
Kyle gives a small laugh at that, moving to wrap his arms around you, “Any other way he can kill me?”
You blow a breath of air as you think, “Uh… hmm… you know how he likes nibbling on clothes? Well, his previous owner did warn that with men, he does like going straight for the crown jewels…”
Kyle sits for a second, as if taking that in. Tongue against his cheek as he kisses his teeth. “Okay… I’m going to find my old cup… And just never let his head be dick level.”
This causes a chuckle to be pulled out of you, “Yeah, the guy I bought him from was like ‘Urgh, by the way, he bites dicks.’ And I was like ‘well convenient for me, I’m not dating anyone!’ then turned out and ended up in a relationship.”
Kyle just gives his head a shake, “Okay anything else I need to do?”
You turn, placing your back to Kyle’s back as you lean into his arms, looking Charley over, then you see it. The… thing hanging from your horse as he sits relaxed in the crossties. “Uh… Can you bathe him for me at some point for me? Like a full body shampoo and hair wash, and don’t forget to like squeegee him off too?”
“Yeah, that’s an easy request. Does he have a skin care routine like me?” He asks, knowing you make fund of him for how good his skin looks.
You give a small snort especially because you know what you’re about to ask next will be fun. “Can you also clean his sheath? It’s due for a clean.” Your head tilts to look back at him for a second as you ask this, to see his reaction.
A confused look crosses his face, “His sheath?” He gives Charley a quick once over, trying to figure out what it may be.
You just nod, “His sheath. And he’ll know what’s happening when you take a wet rag to it and like… drop out.”
Kyle’s brain still seems to be making the connection, “Drop… out…?”
“Yeah. And the stuff for it is in the caddy that’s in my locker, and you’ll just get the rag super wet, and do a thorough cleaning.” You tell him, giving him a small motion with my hands to almost demonstrate the motion.
“Love… are you talking about his… um…” His head tilts almost as if he’s trying to figure out that’s what you are actually talking about.
“Yeah, I’m talking about his dick.”
“You’re asking me to clean his dick?”
“I’m asking if you would, I mean I can just do it when I get back, I guess.”
He gives a blink as an answer, still processing, “You have to clean their dicks?”
“You have to clean your dick.” You tell him, turning your head fully to look at him. Seeing the look on his face change from confusion to you don’t even know how to describe it.
“What about female horses? Do you have to clean their… areas?”
“No. Actually human women aren’t really supposed to, can introduce unhealthy bacteria. You knew that right? It’s important to me that you knew that already.”
“I… you… I have to clean what?” Kyle fully stops out, still seeming to try and connect the dots, even though he knows what it is you’re asking.
“Yes, dear I’m asking if you’ll clean his dick.” You finally turn to face him as you say it, ignoring whatever it is Charley is doing in the cross ties behind you. You place your hands on his chest, almost in an appeasing way, “It takes like… five minutes, it drops out of the sheath, you get the rag wet, throw some soap on it, lather it up then run the rag just… up and down him.”
“I’m starting to regret agreeing to pet sitting.”
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I gave the horse such a backstory that it didn't need, not a specific breed, nor color, he's a gelding (no balls), his name is Charley, and his show name (the name he is registered under for showing) is Give a Charley Horse.
I'll eventually also do one for Johnny and John! :)
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omegapropaganda · 29 days
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harveywritings92 · 10 months
R/n: I got a cute idea; you watch me climb a tree and I refuse to come down! :3
Ghost: Refuse to get down...or can't get down?
{R/n sends pic showing they're already in a tree.]
R/n: Can't.
Ghost: I'll be right there....
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nrdmssgs · 5 months
It's not that Nikolai doesn't see himself as a handsome rascal. Quite the opposite: he knows exactly how to present himself to make a particular someone weak in her knees. He notices every glance stolen, every breath hitched. And gods, does he abuse this knowledge.
But when he's like that? Exhausted by the heat of the night, having almost completely thrown off the covers, he wakes up with a groan and brushes stray strands of hair from his forehead. Only to meet her gaze wandering down his soft belly. A guilty gaze and a hungry one.
She must have worked on something, but the documents are lying on the desk, forgotten and abandoned. Lips parted and still wet after she must have licked them unconsciously.
"How many times do I need to tell you to wake me up whenever you need me?"
"What made you think, I needed you right now?"
She turns away. Almost. Because Nik is a rascal. At the last moment, his hand casually slides over the thin, light blanket and, as if by chance, presses it closer to his body, showing her his outlines.
Nikolai is used to keep calm about others attention. But when it comes to her - he always needs more of it. He stretches and covers eyes with his arm.
"Fucking tease." Her voice is so much closer.
The blanket is being pulled down and Nik grins.
"Your fucking tease."
I miss them like hell, I slowly cook the Matters epilogue, I promise.
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benslittlestarkiller · 7 months
Violent Ends.
A Vladimir Makarov x Reader story.
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”You dare to disrespect me?” His voice is a low growl. Rarely does he ever use it on you. It sends a shiver up and then down your spine. You feel a tingle deep within your core. An ache. One only he could fulfill.
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Notes: I decided to write another Vladimir Makarov this time sending it to my bestie for editing so hopefully this one is better than the others. Please let me know if you want a part two ❤️‍🔥🥀
Your love affair had passed in a blur of passion. Like the winter winds of Russia your relationship was turbulent. FIlled with the most glorious ups and the most horrid downs. But you wouldn’t change a thing. He was a traditional man. He demanded respect from you, but he loved when you refused to give it easily. Like today, when you ignored his call for your presence in his office. 
A noise alerted you to his presents behind you. Without even looking at him your could feel the tension radiating off him in waves. Slowly you turned to face him and you could see it in his eyes.
”I’m sorry, Vladdy.”
“Are you really?”
”Yes, of course—“
“Tell the truth!” He harshly grips your shoulders, jerking you towards him. “When I give you a command I expect you to listen!” 
“You're not the boss of me!” 
“Oh, but that is where you are mistaken. As your husband, I expect complete obedience—“
And then you made a mistake. You stuck out your tongue at him. Vladimir saw red. But not only was the red he saw the color of fury, but also hot desire, burning lust… fiery passion. 
He pushed you backwards until your booty collided with the wall behind you. So harshly did he push you that your contact with the wall sent a painting falling to the floor. Glass burst, scattering out along the wood grain in all directions.
”This is how you treat your tsar? After all he has done for you?” he hisses out. 
You look up at him, craning your neck and giving him exactly what he wants. Submission.
He descends down like a bird of pray, his teeth digging into your tender skin. He marks you there before descending lower, marking your collarbone before capturing your lips like the Red Army capturing Berlin on the 2nd of May in 1945.
"I do everything for you,” he says, his breath ghosting along your skin, raising goosiebumps in its wake. “I take you wherever you wish to go, I buy you everything you desire… and this is how you repay me. I should punish you.”
"Please, punish me,” you beg. “I deserve it.”
He lifts you up with his strong, sculpted arms, his muscles hardened from a lifetime in the military, evidence of the many battles he had won. You felt your coochie tighten at the sensation of his virile form pressing against your softer, feminine form. 
“Please,” you say again.
”Tell me what you want, baby girl,” he says. “Tell your Vladimir.”
”I… I want… you!”
He pressed his thigh against your most sensitive place, the place where you desired him most, the place only he had ever visited. Your coochie gushed with liquid desire for him and him alone.
His ministrations continued until you both were panting into each other’s mouths. The grunts escaping his lungs doused the fire burning in you with fuel. You were like a living samovar, your lust for Vladimir boiling over inside you.
He reached a hand down between the two of you as he did away with the barriers between you. Your clothes and his fell away like the Berlin Wall crumbling to pieces as it fell on the 9th of November in 1991. 
Sliding your panties aside, he pressed his cock against your dripping entrance. He pushed forward slowly, so that the onion dome-like head, akin to that of St. Basil’s Cathedral, was inserted. But then something terrible happened… nothing happened. Vladimir ceased moving altogether. 
“Vladdy!” you scolded. “What are you doing! Don’t stop!”
He smirked down at you. You went to slap his chest when he caught your hand with one of his much larger hands, the knuckles of his hands dusted with a light smattering of dark hair, the nails trimmed and filed neatly. He brought your hand down to the stem of his fat cock. Slowly you began to pump it like one wrings a wrag after washing dishes at the sink. Though doing dishes and other housework tasks was not something you were accustomed with. That was work for your servants, in particular your maid. 
Your dainty hand glided over the smooth skin of his virile penis. He grunted low in his chest, his head falling forward, forehead resting against your shoulder as his breaths escaped him in pants.
"Please, I need you," you said, attempting to pull him closer to you.
"N-Nyet," he grunted. "This is your punishment."
You whined out desperately but your hand did not cease pumpkin him. His cockhead remained plugging up your entrance as your juice seeped out of him. The movements of your hand grew in intensity, a distinct squelching sound filling the room. A cacophony of your moans and his grunts also filled the room, the heat between you heating up like the inside of a samovar as the tea inside bubbled hotly. 
You felt the twitches in his dick as it erupted, white hot seed filling your insides before Vladimir finally thrust forward, making sure to deposit the rest of it deeply inside you. 
After a moment, your breathing evened out, and he placed you back down on you feet. "This time, it will take, and I will bear you a son. An Heir to the Empire."
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mockerycrow · 1 year
Price x GN!Reader where you’re a demolitions expert. Why would they bring another demolitions expert when they have both Gaz and Soap, you may ask? Well, this order came straight from General Shepherd—because you’re a demolitions expert, specifically with gas bombs.
And Nova Six has made an appearance after a long, long hiatus.
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vvh1sk3y · 2 years
It’s me 😆 can I humbly requests soft Alejandro H/C PLEASE FEED ME IM STARVING 😆 big love pimp 💜💜
of course 😗 love you ❤️❤️
character(s): alejandro vargas, mentions of gen!reader
warning(s): none!!
alejandro is a very romantic man, he has a lot of love and affection to give to a special someone.
he loves cats, he’ll feed strays on the road and has even taken some in before.
alejandro has a secret journal he writes poetry and random entries in. he writes a lot of poetry about his love for you.
alejandro is a family man, he puts them first before everything, even though he doesn't speak about them much.
he plays the guitar and he's really good at it. he claims he's "super rusty" every time he picks it up, but he's not. the man can play even the most challenging songs effortlessly.
he will take you to where he grew up! he will take you to the restaurant he went to a lot when he was a kid, show you his childhood home, etc.
alejandro will try to teach you spanish. he'll teach you random words and phrases, but grammar? you better pick up a textbook.
expect alejandro to spoil the hell out of you during the holidays and your birthday... he will get you whatever you want and more.
speaking of holidays, alejandro loves christmas. he loves giving and being with those he loves the most :,)
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Time for bit of fun? 🤭NsFW if you are keen.
I loved that render of Nikolai in armchair render from a while ago so much.. And it inspired me to write the Nik x Mini wedding night. Soooo from one of the scene.. Mini kneeling between his legs and.. Ahem, servicing him??
Thank you :D
Ok here goes my first attempt at suggestive NSFW...
I'm a fucking liar, I just haven't posted any. The things I've done would make peepaw Price blush
I'm putting it under a cut just in case lol, I hope you like it love.
Also, disclaimer: this is not a Nikolai faithful model as I haven't found any, is just a lookalike that @sofasoap likes enough to want to 'play'
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part 1, part 2, part 3, nsfw version
In terms of physical appearance, Simon is said to resemble his mother more. The hair and eye color came from his paternal side.
He's also the tallest member of his immediate family.
Also has one cheek dimple, courtesy of his mom.
To piggyback off the second bullet point, this came as a surprise to his parents. They didn't expect him to shoot up like a beanstalk, especially his father.
In fact, for the longest time, his brother was bigger than he was.
He would always win when they wrestled, though.
Has two major pet peeves: broken promises and people assuming that because he's from Manchester, he must positively, ABSOLUTELY, love Manchester United.
His first pet peeve comes from the fact that his father would make empty promises as a way to keep the family (especially Simon) under his thumb. He never came through with them, always moving the goalpost to justify reneging on them.
As for the second, well... watching soccer is a pretty good way to pass the time and he doesn't mind the banter or two but he actually prefers rugby. When he was a wee lad, he actually wanted to be a rugby player when he grew up. He's also developing an appreciation for American Football as well.
Remember when Simon joked with Johnny about not being ugly under his mask? Well, it's the truth. He's not ugly. He DOES, however, look incredibly boyish when he's clean-shaven. Doesn't like full-on beards because it's too much work for him to maintain but prefers to keep a five o'clock shadow. He's tried the beard game before and it wasn't for him. Had to deal with a shit ton of ingrown hairs.
That may be why he also thinks Price's beard looks ridiculous sometimes. But he’ll forever keep that tidbit to himself.
His favorite homecooked meal is Toad in the Hole with peas, potatoes, and extra gravy.
His favorite tea is chamomile. Ghost enjoys it with two scoops of sugar and one teaspoon of milk. Will only use honey as a last resort.
Usually drinks his coffee black, too.
However, when Autumn rolls in, Simon's inner basic bitch comes out and he'll treat himself to a pumpkin spice latte every so often.
If/When he gets hot chocolate, he likes it with a lot of marshmallows and/or whipped cream.
Part of the reason he got his tattoos was that he wanted to rebel against his father who forbade any ink or piercings in the house.
And if he wasn't in the military, he'd have a couple piercings in his ears, too.
He wants to get a full sleeve next.
There's this one childhood bully he has beef with. If he ever sees the fucker again, it's on sight.
His brother wanted to name his nephew after him. Simon had to convince him not to. ("Give the kid his own identity, yeah?")
Despite his size and bulk, Simon has pretty delicate-looking wrists and ankles. His brother used to tease him about them, too.
His hair is naturally curly.
One of these days, when he has some downtime, he'd love to visit Tintagel Castle out in Cornwall.
Has a tendency to crack his phone screen more often than not.
Sometimes, when he doesn't feel like replying to you in text, he'll send an emoji. Just one. It's usually this one: 💀
And if he doesn't feel like doing that, he'll call you.
Doesn't mind FaceTime but also doesn't care for it because Simon would rather not look up into people's nostrils. ("Huh?" "Long story.")
Does. Not. Like. Mosquitos. And gnats.
When it comes to alcohol, he never has more than two drinks.
When he takes showers, the water is scalding hot. When he takes a bath, the water is ice cold.
Can't sleep with ANY light on. It has to be completely dark for him to get even a sliver of rest.
He collects knives as a hobby.
His favorite takeout food is curry. Likes it spicy as fuck, too.
Was attacked by a gull once. Don't ask.
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sinaminviv · 2 months
(Please reblog to keep alive!)
Setting: (AU, University, Graves is football team Captain)
*Graves swaggers over to your table at the library.*
Graves: I got somethin’ you can get a closer look at, darlin’. What’ya say ya put that book away and come study me?
Y/N: *Snorts a laugh* I don’t have a magnifying glass handy.
Graves: *Smirks and chuffs a laugh* You got a mouth on ya’, sugar. I approve. C’mon.
*He leans in just enough for his breath to ghost the hair by your ear.*
Graves: Don’t make me beg.
Y/N: Mm, I like the sound of that. *Quirks a cheeky eyebrow, waiting*
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applbottmjeens · 10 months
Villain head game strong. I promised, and now I deliver. I am also very sorry.
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sapchat · 4 months
IDK if this has been done but I went through the 3 reboots and did a timeline of events so you wouldn't have to!
Side notes: sometimes I use the first initial for who it is! also some of MW3 has timestamps. I also apologize for spelling. Also, lots of this shit happens over like 7-12 days April 6, 2019 Makarov bombs Verdansk Price, Ghost and Soap know each other at this point, have NOT met Gaz
Start of MW1 Oct 24 2019 'Al Qatal' moves gas Oct. 25 2019 Piccadilly Square Oct. 25 2019 Price meets Gaz Oct 26 19 Alex & Farah blow Barkov's bombs Same day destroy one of B's bases Oct. 27 19 Price and Gaz go to Picc Safe house Oct 28 19A&F go to Urzstan hospital for "The Wolf" Oct 28 19 P&G meet up w/ A&F for the Wolf Oct 29 19 Plan ambush for Butcher & Wolf - Hadir uses the gas, learn Hadir stole the gas Oct 29 19 PGAF Go to kill W, & get H Oct 29 19 PGAF kill the wolf, H is 2 Russia Oct 31 19 PGN go 2 Russia, Capture Kill Butcher (and traumatize a family) Nov 1 19 Hadir is handed over to Russia Nov 3 19 Take down Barkov's gas production plant & K Price meets Kate @ Tea shop makes TF 141 w/ Ghost, Soap, & Gaz END of MW1 - May 22, 2022 Soap goes side questing, turns green (idk I didn't watch the trailer (I did but I just know there's like green gas)) Start of MW2 July 15 22 Ghost Blows AlMazrah base (Honestly didn't get the point of us seeing this) Oct 28 22 GS Kill/Cap Mission for Hassan -> Find American Missiles not Hassan Oct 28 22 PG in Amsterdam for Missile info (Think they used it as an excuse to swim) Oct 29 22 Capture a cartel mem 4 info Oct 29 22 Alej. Go for cartel jumping border Oct 30 22 GSAlej go 4 Hassan safehouse They capture Hassan (picnic in the desert omg!) Oct 31 22 PG in Spain for Hassan info Kate gets caught Shepherd tries to abandon her Nov 1 22 PG meet with F to get Kate (they get her and get juicy gos on Shep) Nov 1 22 Soap goes into Casa de Sin Nombre Nov 2 22 Gulf oil rig, blows up by G&S (philip was here too) Nov 3 22 Soap & Ghost are fighting Shadow co Nov 3 22 SG go for Alej w/ Rodolfo. PG meet up Nov 3 22 141 goes for Graves Nov 4 22 Go 2 Chicago 4 Hassan & missile kill both END of MW2 - Kate (& tech. Gaz) learn about Makarov
Start of MW3 Nov 10 23 Makarov is broken out of jail 2am Nov 10 23 Farah is ambushed Konni got missiles around 6am Nov 10 23 141 go for Nuc Power Plant, P get gased 9am Makarov has been out for 6 hours Nov 11 23 They go for Missiles in Urzikistan Nov 11 23 Kate is going 4 intel on Makarov meets Yuri @ 3pm Nov 11 23 Makarov crashes plane, blames Farah and Alex go there 7:30-9:30pm meet with Kate and Nikolai in hanger Nov 12 8am Nov 12 23 they go for Milena 7pm Nov 13 23 they get Makarovs right hand man Nolan 11am Nov 14 23 They find Shepherd swimming at some point 9:30 Nov 16 23 SG stop Verdansk dam bombing Same time PG are at airsti Nov 21 23 141 go after Makarov Hacker Nov 21 23 They stop Makarov bomb, Soap gets killed. Price kills Shepherd after spreading Soap's ashes.
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harveywritings92 · 11 months
Soap: What are some screwy movies you seen this year?
R/n: Uh, there's one...It's called Titane, basically, It's about this chick loves cars and I do mean romantically, *Soap gives her a look.* I know, lemme finish. And she does the deed with a car, not with some bloke in the car, with the car. She then goes on killing spree; steals the identity of this firefighter's son who went missing years before, the poor bloke is in such heavy delusion that he believes she really is his son, and the end of the movie she dies giving birth to this half metal baby.
Soap: What the fuck?
R/n: Yeah, that's what I said.
Soap: There's no way that's a real movie.
R/n: It's real. Go look it up and watch it.
Soap: I'll do just that!
{Later that night Soap calls R/n}
Soap: Steamin' Jesus, whot the hell?!
R/n, starts laughing: Did you watch it?
Soap: Did I watched it?! I need to bleach my brain!
R/n: Told you it was screwed up.
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nrdmssgs · 1 year
Tips to write for Nikolai (useful phrases)
Masterlist Tips to write for König (useful phrases)
AN: This guide is not meant to encourage you to start loving Russian language or culture. As much as I personally love Nikolai, I'll absolutely understand, there are people out there, that may feel bad, seeing him in CoD franchise, because of everything going on right now. This is not a call to start loving him, not a call to start describing this character as an absolute angel (he is not and never was). If seeing such a guide makes you feel bad - I'm genuinely sorry, and I'm open to a dialogue to make it better.
I tried to cover the most commonly used themes. However, it's impossible to make it short, yet all-covering. So please don't hesitate to come into my DMs with 'hey, I want Nikolai to say this thing in my fic - could you translate it in Russian for me?'. I'm always super-happy to help!
These are not my HCs, about what would Nik say, just some usefull phrases!
And the last one: Russian language uses Cyrillic letters. But I personally love to, at least try to hear, how other languages sound. So I provided translations (Cyrilic) and transliterations (Latin).
TW: swearing
Basic words, you may need for everyday chit-chat
Hello - Здравствуй Zdravstvui
Hi - Привет Privet
Good morning \ day \ evening - Доброе утро \ добрый день \ добрый вечер Dobroe utro \ dobryi den' \ dobryi vecher
Goodbye (untill next time) - До свидания Do svidaniia
Bye - Пока Poka
Thank you - Спасибо Spasibo
You are welcome - Пожалуйста Pozhaluista
Yes \ yes of course - Да \ Конечно Da \ Konechno
No - Нет Net
Genderless (can be used, referring to both men and women, depending on relationship dynamic):
Angel - Ангел Angel
My soul - Душа моя Dusha moia
Treasure - Сокровище Sokrovishche
Sun \ little sun - Солнце \ Солнышко Solntse \ Solnyshko
My joy - Радость моя Radost' moia
Love - Любовь Liubov'
My light - Мой свет Moi svet
My happiness - Счастье моё Schast'e moe
Dream - Мечта Mechta
Little cloud - Облачко Oblachko
Little fire - Огонёк Ogonek
Precious - Прелесть Prelest'
Heart - Сердце Serdtse
Little tiger - Тигрёнок Tigrenok
Wonder - Чудо Chudo
Feminine and masculine versions of petnames (Here you can add 'my' moia for feminine, moi for masculine versions of names)
Priceless - Бесценная \ Бесценный Bestsennaia \ Bestsennyi
Divine - Божественная \ Божественный Bozhestvennaia \ Bozhestvennyi
Peerless - Бесподобная \ Бесподобный Bespodobnaia \ Bespodobnyi
Gorgeous - Великолепная \ Великолепный Velikolepnaia \ Velikolepnyi
Delightful - Восхитительная \ Восхитительный Voskhititel'naia \ Voskhititel'nyi
Darling - Дорогая \ Дорогой Dorogaia \ Dorogoi
Precious - Драгоценная \ Драгоценный Dragotsennaia \ Dragotsennyi
The only one - Единственная \ Единственный Edinstvennaia \ Edinstvennyi
Desired - Желанная \ Желанный Zhelannaia \ Zhelannyi
Golden - Золотая \ Золотой Zolotaia \ Zolotoi
Affectionate - Ласковая \ Ласковый Laskovaia \ Laskovyi
Beloved - Любимая \ Любимый Liubimaia \ Liubimyi
Sweetheart - Милая \ Милый Milaia \ Milyi
Tender - Нежная \ Нежный Nezhnaia \ Nezhnyi
The one, I can't stop looking at (lovingly) - Ненаглядная \ Ненаглядный Nenagliadnaia \ Nenagliadnyi
Incredible - Невероятная \ Невероятный Neveroiatnaia \ Neveroiatnyi
Charming - Очаровательная \ Очаровательный Ocharovatel'naia \ Ocharovatel'nyi
Dear (often said to someone, you consider your family) - Родная \ Родной Rodnaia \ Rodnoi
Sweet - Сладкая \ Сладкий Sladkaia \ Sladkii
Good one - Хорошая \ Хороший Khoroshaia \ Khoroshii
Love confessions and stuff around that
I love you. - Я люблю тебя. Ia liubliu tebia.
I like you. - Ты мне нравишься. Ty mne nravish'sia.
I fell in love with you at first sight. - Я влюбился (if man says it) \ влюбилась (if woman) в тебя с первого взгляда. Ia vliubilsia \ vliubilas' v tebia s pervogo vzgliada.
I can not live without you. - Я не могу без тебя жить. Ia ne mogu bez tebia zhit'.
You drive me crazy. - Я схожу по тебе с ума. Ia skhozhu po tebe s uma.
I wanna be with you. - Я хочу быть с тобой. Ia hochu byt' s toboi.
I think about you constantly. - Я постоянно думаю о тебе. Ia postoianno dumaiu o tebe.
You are my only one. - Ты мой (if the partner is masculine) \ моя (if the partner is feminine) единственный\ая. Ty moi \ moia edinstvennyi\aia.
I really need you. - Ты мне очень нужна (f partner) \ нужен (m partner). Ty mne ochen' nuzhna \ nuzhen.
We were meant for each other. - Мы созданы друг для друга. My sozdany drug dlia druga.
I'm ready to do anything for you. - Я готов/а на все ради тебя. Ia gotov/a na vse radi tebia.
I'm never giving you to somebody. - Я тебя никому не отдам. Ia tebia nikomu ne otdam.
Dirty talking
I want you. - Я хочу тебя. Ia hochu tebia.
I'm all yours. - Я вся твоя \ весь твой. Ia vsia tvoia \ ves' tvoi.
Your body drives me crazy. - Твоё тело сводит меня с ума. Tvoe telo svodit menia s uma.
I want to feel your touch all over. - Хочу чувствовать твои руки везде. Hochu chuvstvovat' tvoi ruki vezde.
You can do anything you want today. - Тебе сегодня можно всё. Tebe segodnia mozhno vse.
Take me the way, you want to. - Возьми меня, как ты хочешь. Voz'mi menia, kak ty khochesh'.
I want to make you moan. - Хочу заставить тебя стонать. Hochu zastavit' tebia stonat'.
Give yourself to me completely. - Отдайся мне весь (to m partner)\ вся (to f partner), без остатка. Otdaisia mne ves' \ vsia, bez ostatka.
Show me, that I belong to you only. - Покажи мне, что я только твоя \ твой. Pokazhi mne, chto ia tol'ko tvoia \ tvoi.
What do you want to do to me? - Что ты хочешь со мной сделать? Chto ty hochesh' so mnoi sdelat'?
Don't stop. - Не останавливайся. Ne ostanavlivaisia.
I want to taste you. - Хочу попробовать тебя на вкус. Hochu poprobovat' tebia na vkus.
Fuck (as an interjection) - Блять Bliat'
Fuck off - Отъебись Ot"ebis' (to one person), отъебитесь ot"ebites' (to a group of people)
Bloody hell - Ёбаный пиздец (NOT used during sex!!) Ebanyi pizdets
Bastard - Сволочь (applied to any gender) Svoloch'
Motherfucker - Ублюдок \ уебан Ubliudok \ ueban
Son of a bitch - Сукин сын Sukin syn
Asshole - Жопа \ задница. Zhopa \ zadnitsa.
Cunt \ Pussy - Пизда (This and next one can in theory be used in bed, but i really strongly recommend you to NOT) Pizda
Cock \ Dick - Хуй Hui
Cultural extras to get in the mood
I sometimes meet this take, that Russian, as well as German language, sounds menacing or harsh. And as much as I understand, that it is subjective perception, I have something to add: you can modulate Russian speech as well as any other. You can sound like softest softie, coo and purr in Russian, if you want. Here is a good example: a guy just reads a poem, but you try and tell me, he is not straight seducing you.
Very nice perspective on how non-tourist Russia looks like. The guy travels to places, that still look and feel like USSR and somehow manages to survive. Don't mind him rambling, how good was soviet life - he doesn't mean it, he just says whatever people, he meets, would love to hear.
Another good channel to explore non-tourist Ru and some extreme weathers. Don't worry, there are no jumpscares and nothing scary happens on the videos.
Russian winter is a tricky one, because -40 С in Yakutsk can sometimes feel softer as -20 in Moscow. Humidity and wind are the keys.
No, vodka is not the only alcohol option) You can write a Ru character, that despises vodka and it will be 100% legit.
If you need domestic and interior references to Nikolais youth in soviet Ru - I can recommend HBOs Chernobyl series. An accuracy and attention to domestic details there is so great that it gets uncanny sometimes.
Stefan Kapičić does very tender and smooth version of Slavic accent. And he is 100% right to do so - it works good both for his character and the audience. If you want to hear heavier versions of Russian accent - here is a little funny video.
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the-whispers-of-death · 8 months
Welcome to the Blog!
About me:
I'm Aaron, and as my bio states, I'm 21. My current hyper fixation is COD Modern Warfare 2 (Reboot) but I also write for my non-fandom OCs which is in "The Iriecester Realm Masterlist".
Before you read further, please note that this is an MDNI account (which means no minors and no ageless blogs). I will block whoever has an ageless blog or is a minor!
I've decided to redo my pinned post because this one will also have the masterlists of all the drabbles and one-shots I've written for the fandom, including the ones for my OCs "Stone", "Kali", "Ladder", "The Lions", the Iriecester/Non-Fandom OCs (Labeled as "The Iriecester Realm Masterlist") and "Python".
I am now accepting NSFW Requests! (EDIT: NSFW requests are now CLOSED! However, feel free to send SFW requests!)
Here are the rules for requesting NSFW.
My asks are open, so feel free to say hi or request a Drabble for a Reader I’ve already done or one you want to see!
Taken anon emojis: 🫧 anon,🐈‍⬛ anon, Freezer anon, Jester anon, 🎰 anon, 🍙 anon, 🪮 anon, 🍅 anon, 🥀 anon, 🥜 anon, 🔮 anon, 🩸anon, Lawyer anon, Rusty anon, Appletun anon, 🧼 anon, 💬 anon, 💫 anon, Hypeman anon, 🧃anon, Lurker anon
First things first, I had to redo my masterlists because I had too many inline links. So, this had to be separated into individual masterlists.
This will be organized by drabbles first, then OC Masterlists, one-shots last. I will be doing my best to have them in order of when I posted them in their specific sections.
Note: Desi!Reader is just specific to just being Desi and not any other archetype of reader, though all of the reader drabbles are technically with a Desi!Reader because I've written them with me (a Desi man) in mind. Also, most of my Reader drabbles are written as gender-neutral (the ones that aren't are labeled as the specific gender on the masterlists) and the characters in the Drabbles are listed on the masterlists!
COD Characters x Reader (each Reader will specified in the specific masterlist) Masterlists:
Desi!Reader Asthmatic!Reader Closed Off!Reader Recluse!Reader Grumpy!Reader Bookworm!Reader Butcher!Reader Worshipper!Reader Deity!Reader Worshipper!Ghost Worshipper!Soap Fallen God!Ghost Bartender!Reader Pretend Boyfriend!Gaz Extremely Protective!Reader Old Friend!Reader Mindless Soldier!Reader Knight!Ghost Knight!Price COD AU: Life/Death Bear!Reader Bunny!Reader Puppy!Reader Feminine!Reader Best Friend!Soap Incubus!Reader Veteran!141 AU Sugar Daddy!Price Religious!Ghost COD AU: Beauty & the Beast Vigilante!Reader
COD OC "Stone" with the 141 Masterlist
COD OC "Stone" x Male!Reader Masterlist
COD OC "Kali" (Only Kali stuff) Masterlist
COD OC "Stone" x COD OC "Kali" Masterlist
COD OCs "The Lions" Masterlist
COD OC "Sarabi" x Reader Masterlist
COD OC "Kali" x Reader Masterlist
COD OC "Simba" x Reader Masterlist
COD OC "Ladder" with the 141 Masterlist
Mr. Silent & Mr. Grumpy AU Masterlist
The Iriecester Realm Masterlist
COD OC "Python" Masterlist
And here are the gender identities and sexualities of my OCs. And here are basic info posts for Hearrthrob, Hellstorm, and Death. Here is the list of Stone Variants.
This is not a complete list! It will be updated as time goes on!
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karlachismylife · 19 days
Juju's Masterlist
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god i love how they look at each other when i place pictures like this
Figured this might be needed! As I am planning to spam-reblog so much cool stuff...
Hi, I'm Juju (or Juju Starr more formally XD), 22 yo and in this blog I primarly write things on the rarepair I came up with, Karlach (Baldur's Gate 3) x Soap (Call of Duty: Modern Warfare, reboot trilogy by default).
However, I also write things in both these fandoms with other characters, different ships (including other ships with Karlach and Soap), poly ships, x reader and x OC. There are NSFW ones and I will be checking every blog interacting with them, so minors and ageless blogs DNI, please.
Requests are open! Send in anything <3
*also I have no idea if I'm using the word blurb right, feel free to correct!
The masterlist itself is under the cut!
First mention of Karlach x Soap (a little overview of the ship dynamic)
I Might Have A Type (a post mentioning how the ship was born, trust me, there's concrete evidence of them being compatible)
All things Karlach x Soap (thoughts, fics, little ideas and concepts - simply sorted by hashtag)
Karlach x Soap fics
Morning Routine (blurb, fluff, 238 words) - Karlach, Soap and shaving
Birds of a Feather (blurb, fluff, 271 words) - Karlach and her dynamic with task force 141
They're Horny (blurb, smutty (NSFW), 228 words) - Karlach is horny and Soap is horny, but there's a difference (there's not)
Explosive Love (blurb, fluff, 105 words) - what it's like when you have a demolitions expert and a walking bomb on your team
Not Fair (blurb, angst, 457 words) - Soap is there when Karlach breaks down after the death of a certain bastard
Restless Fingers (blurb, fluff, 130 words) - one word: fidgeting
Scar Twinsies (blurb, fluff, 245 words) - surviving Hell and blowing shit up leaves similar marks
Practice Makes Perfect (drabble, fluff, 932 words) - something from Soap's weaponry catches Karlach's eye and he does not miss an opportunity for a date
Tactic Tactile Affections (headcanons, fluff, 764 words) - it's not just about kissing and fucking!
Baby Fever (blurb, fluff, 260 words) - can you imagine their babies tho (C)
Is It Visual Stimming or Is He A Romantic? (drabble, fluff, 945 words) - something about smouldering coal is just so mesmerizing... what are you looking at, Johnny?
Hey Skullboy (blurb, fluff w/angst, 467 words) - Karlach shares with Ghost not only his sergeant, but also trauma
Solar Eclipse mini-series (2 parts)
Total Eclipse of the Heart (drabble, fluff w/angst, 1286 words) - dog tags can be so many things, learns Karlach when she spots an unfamilar piece of jewelry among other alien things Soap brought from his world (part 1) Worshipping the Sun (drabble, fluffy smut (NSFW), 4201 words) - solar eclipse is beautiful, thinks Johnny when he looks at his circular dogtags blocking out the glowing light of Karlach's engine. He wouldn't mind seeing a thousand of those as soon as he gets a chance to make the little steel plates bounce on her chest (part 2)
Introductions (blurb, fluff, modern!AU, 105 words) - what Soap would call Karlach in modern!AU
Two of Us Wearing Raincoats (headcanons, fluff, partially suggestive, partially modern!AU, 2855 words) - requested domestic fluff, a lot of it!
Love Texting (blurb, fluff, modern!AU, 96 words) - what their texting looks like (Karlach is illiterate, Soap is Soap)
(Be)longing (blurb, suggestive fluff, 190 words) - Johnny and collars, am I right?
Bath Time (blurb, fluff, 246 words) - sharing a bath to save time
Karlach x Ghoap (Ghost x Soap) fics
Package Deal (blurb, fluff, 135 words) - tame one golden retriever, get one free
None Are Free Until (blurb/idea, angst w/fluff, modern!AU, 558 words) - anarchist!Karlach and everything complicated because of that
Call of Duty fics
Task Force 141 Ensemble
Their reaction to you playing datesim games (individual drabbles, fluff, partially suggestive (NSFW), no use of Y/N gn!reader-insert, 5073 words) - how do they find out and what do they think?
You're a character in their favourite game (individual blurbs, no use of Y/N gn!reader-insert, 786 words) - how do they approach you in-game?
The Queen of the Clan || Series masterlist (hyena shapeshifter!AU, no use of Y/N fem!chubby!reader-insert) - when you decide to shake up your life a bit and partake in a trip with a documentary crew, you have no idea that meeting an unnaturally friendly hyena and have it mark your backpack would be only the beginning of weird things to come. Whatever will you do when a leaderless clan of four male hyenas chooses you as their matriarch?
Rushed (blurb, fluff, 78 words) - what some consider rushed, Johnny considers almost too late
Mohawk Appreciation Time (blurb, fluff, mentioned Karlach x Soap but Soap-centred, 249 words) - I do not condone calling his mohawk stupid unless it's fully affectionate!
Emotional Support Dog (drabble, fluff, no use of Y/N gn!reader-insert, 1132 words) - when you're struggling with work-related stress, Johnny's there for support
I'm In Love 100 Times (drabble, fluff, no use of Y/N gn!reader-insert, 485 words) - when you look at Soap, you almost choke on your love for him, but he's there to rescue
Now They Ain't Got a Prayer (drabble, hurt/comfort, no use of Y/N gn!military!reader-insert, 1479 words) - after a mission goes not like planned, there's a heavy feeling in the air, but there's something even heavier in your chest
Ghoap (Ghost x Soap)
Help! (blurb, fluff, 213 words) - thoughts on Simon Riley and The Beatles
Baldur's Gate fics
Forged Under the Stars (drabble, fluff, no use of Y/N gn!reader-insert, 1157 words) - at the Tiefling Party Dammon comes over to sit with you under the stars
will be re-working this thing
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