#modern back to wall toilets and modern wall hung toilets
bathroomforless · 2 months
Upgrade your bathroom with our range of modern back to wall toilets at Bathroom4less. Known for their contemporary aesthetics and space-saving benefits, these toilets feature a sleek, compact design that fits snugly against the wall. Crafted with precision and high-quality ceramic materials, our own branded back to wall toilets offer durability and sophisticated elegance. Explore our curated collection of modern back to wall toilets and modern wall hung toilets, modern close coupled toilets to find the perfect blend of form and function for your bathroom upgrade. Discover more at Bathroom4less today!
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faithintaiwan · 2 months
july 27 - taitung rice museum, green tunnel, & aboriginal museum
It’s our first day back to our program! Last night in the hotel was definitely an experience I would not like to repeat. I was so exhausted after traveling all day only to be met with the dustiest hotel I had ever stayed in. It didn’t have a shower head in the tub rather the shower head was hung next to the toilet with a flimsy curtain separating the two areas. In my complacency, I had not bought slippers like I said I would before I left and it was definitely needed for this. The hotel had two pairs for us in the room but they were absolutely not ones that had been replaced or cleaned anytime recently. Fanny and I trekked in the rain to Family Mart where I bought more disinfecting wipes and a travel set of soaps. After wiping everything down, I was able to take a shower which went better than I thought it would. The room also had a door that led to Andy and Eli’s room so we had fun yelling at them through it!
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After eating convenience store food for four days straight and tons of it before the typhoon I am so sick of it. Luckily we had the best hotpot today! There was so much pork, lamb, and beef I almost cried of happiness. I have never craved a homemade meal more in my life but we don’t have a kitchen so it isn’t possible. The hotpot definitely saved me, though.
Unfortunately, it was raining all day so some of our activities were cut short. Our first stop, the rice museum had the cutest cat and a store full of snacks but not much in the way of educating about the industry. After not getting to pet the adorable kitten at the hotel because she was so skittish, I was so happy that a cat had come up to me to be pet!!
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The second thing on our itinerary was the “green tunnel”. Imagine for a second what that would look like. Maybe a tunnel through the mountain that’s been painted green or a cave with moss. No. It was a normal road with trees on either side. We stood outside it and stared at it as it poured rain. A low moment in my life for sure.
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But it’s ok because the aboriginal peoples museum was incredible. There were so many exhibits detailing the prehistoric details of Taiwan and the history of the native people. It even went up to modern day with commentary about harmful stereotypes and major contributions to Taiwanese society and culture. I’m really glad we got to explore the museum and read about everything! Even if I was suffering through the rest of today this definitely made up for it and was a highlight of the trip!
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Luckily there is only one more night at this hotel before we go to Kaohsiung. I am so excited for there to be more than only two wall chargers, a shower with an actual barrier, and food that’s not an hour away by bus!
Academic Reflection
On the party bus before we reached the rice museum, Peter told us about the industry. He said that Taiwan is self sufficient for rice with the biggest producer being in Taichung. The new generation is also not demonstrating as big of a demand for rice resulting in many governmental efforts to increase the popularity of it. People are now going for pasta or other goods that have to be imported making it more expensive and putting rice farmers out of business. He said to eat some rice while we’re here to support the local industry! This definitely made me feel better about spending so much money on sushi in the past few weeks.
Our next major stop was the prehistoric and aboriginal people’s museum. Here we learned about how Taiwan was created out of a complicated tectonic boundary that remains active resulting in destructive earthquakes like the one a couple months ago. Much of the infrastructure is thus created with earthquakes in mind reducing the deaths that the country unfortunately experiences with each major one. Taipei 101’s giant ball is one example we’ve seen of anti earthquake measures. Taiwan also boasts tons of mountains with many of the volcanoes now dormant and only two active ones left. The museum also detailed the history of the aboriginal people. Similar to the Native Americans, the people here crossed 30,000 years ago when the Ice Age lowered sea levels enough to expose a strait between China and Taiwan. They then created villages and cultural regions with differences in beliefs, lifestyles, and even themes in pottery. One particular thing that stood out to me was in the 1970s and 80s the Taiwanese government dumped dangerous nuclear waste under the guise of a fish cannery onto Pongso no Tao. The waste infected the water of the fishing grounds that the people survived off of and greatly harmed the local population. Rising levels in fish mutations, cancer, and more have been effects of this dump
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blueberryjam1201 · 11 months
Chapter 4
Genre: Drama, Romance
Summary: How the one week in separation will change their life?
This story wasn't suppose to be sweet and heartwarming from the first place...
Dear reader, are you ready for a new ark filled with sadness? But remember, after every rain the sun is shining. Will Kyungsoo find his sunshine in this storm?
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"Was I always this vulnerable?
Was you my only strength?
Sharing with you my desires,
Telling you about my misery,
Like you are the best medicine,
Does it have a side effect?
Or Did I overdose?
The season has changed...
Why I'm still here?"
Kyungsoo breathed heavily while leaning on a desk in his office room at home. All the books were scattered under the shelves. Ripped pages next to them. The abandoned guitar's unfortunate place under the wall on the right side of the room was telling stories about the hysteria from a not long time ago. There was this unbearable lament bouncing off the walls...
In silence...
Chapter under the cut❤️
It was a sunny morning, past 6 a.m. This airport was living its own life like it was Saturday afternoon in the city center. Many flights landed. The light brown color of the floor tiles reflected the sunlight, jumping inside the building by the glass walls from the exit side. Kyungsoo was sitting on one of the bench seats inside. 
He wore a light brown jacket and black trousers. While holding a mobile phone in his hand he smiled gently. It was YiSeul messaging about having fun the next couple of days without her.
"It's a work trip, how can it be fun?" He thought, and the phone started ringing. 
- Chanyeol-ah! - Kyungsoo answered while looking around.
- Kyungsoo-yah!- laughed while imitating his friend - I'll be there in a second, just going to the toilet and grabbing a coffee, you're ok? You can wait near the entrance, I'll find you - 
- Ok, hurry up - said Kyungsoo, and hung up. He then grabbed a grey backpack, wore it on his arms, and bucked his waist-belt. After that grabbed a large, black suitcase on wheels and casually proceeded to the exit. 
Outside were small (compared to inside) crowds of arrived travelers. This was a street where many cars were parked to collect those travelers, and opposite the exit, a little further down, was a small park with trees and benches. He looked up in the sky. Even the noise around couldn't disturb his peaceful mind. "..ah...it's only one week...I hope she won't be bored alone....". These thoughts were swirling around his head, how great is to have her by his side...
Suddenly, he jumped to the side, barely staying on his feet, and raised his head to see who just pushed him so hard.... realizing he unconsciously caught this person, so she didn't fall on the ground...
It was a young woman. He thought: "Maybe 25, maybe 28, it's difficult to predict as girls these days are using many amazing cosmetics and ..."
She jumped back from his hands, waking him up from his internal analysis. Panicked, brushed her long dark brown hair with her fingers, shouted "Apologies!", grabbed her large, black suitcase, and ran away leaving him speechless. It was a long few seconds when he was watching her disappear. 
- Kyungsoo! - Chanyeol jumped on him, scaring him slightly, so he swung clenched fist at his friend's stomach, but just touched to scare Chanyeol back in revenge.  
- You done? - asked
- Yeah, let's go. Your coffee - Chanyeol handed the warm drink to KyungSoo and they headed to the nearest taxi. 
The hotel where KyungSoo and Chanyeol were staying was in a classic 1970s style. Although the windows were modern, and looked a little bit out of context, in general, the view was pleasant, and looking at the interest in this place, none of the guests probably minded the mix of styles. 
They checked-in in reception and hurried to their booked rooms to change clothes and prepare for a meeting. 
Kyungsoo entered his room which was studio apartment size. From the small anteroom, he could enter all the rest of rooms which was: the toilet on the left, the kitchen opposite, and the bedroom on the right. Funny how the bedroom was connected to the kitchen from the inside. "This could have been just one room, what is the point in those walls separating the anteroom?" He smirked, after creating a reconstruction plan in his head. His mind is always absorbed by analyzing new experiences and places like it would change anything. But he can't fight with this part of his personality.  
He went to the bedroom first and placed his backpack on the small brown bedside cabinet under the white wall. All the walls were white, and the carpet covered the floor on every inch, excluding the toilet where the white tiles were placed. 
Then he put his suitcase on the bed and opened it to take some stuff important for the meeting...
"What is that...?" He stiffened and all the waters in his body started to boil from shock, out of fright, or all kinds of panic emotions you can feel at this kind of moment. His mind went blank. He tried to remember what happened before he arrived at the hotel..." That girl..." he whispered with a pale face. Hopefully, his laptop was in the backpack together with all the documents. He tried to calm down, took a deep breath a few times, sat on the bed and after long seconds of consideration he created a plan for a meeting. That was the most important now. 
Then he looked into her suitcase and found a name tag, similar to the one that parents are sewing or just hang on their kid's clothes or bags when they go to primary school. 
The message on the tag was as follows:
If found alone
Call Rose
He was gazing at this tag for a long time in silence. It wasn't certain to him if his messed up state of mind was caused by this situation in general, the fact she swapped the suitcases by mistake or...that she was keeping this tag in her suitcase because it's probably the last thing that adult would think of before going on a trip alone...
He called the number. 
The signal was on but no answer. Then tried again, 4 times to be precise. 
After looking at the time on the phone, he hurried up and started preparing for a meeting. 
The meeting place was a boardroom in one of the JJ ENTERTAINMENTS buildings. This spacious room had only the most important furniture which was a long, polished wood table and 11 stylish spinning chairs for all board members. The walls were in magnolia color, the floor was covered by navy, fluffy carpet. Doors were at the top of the left side, and the wall on the right was made from stone mosaic wall tiles in a light gray color, with the exception in the center where there was a place for a 90" size TV. Also, at the bottom of the wall, under the TV was a small chiller for drinks, filled with only water and a few cans of Coca-Cola, probably ordered by the members beforehand. 
It was 9 a.m. when 11 attendees started gardening, including Manager Kim. Each one of them was in an expensive suit, mostly grey and black. Besides men, 5 women came, also in suits of the same colors. Then Kyungsoo was wearing the same clothes as before, which were a light brown jacket, and Chayeol in a retro-styled hooded jacket. They both sat just at the beginning of the table under the TV. 
The man in his probably 60s sat just at the end of the table and patiently waited till everyone was settled down. He was the CEO of JJ Entertainment.
At some point, he said:
- Good morning, I hope everyone had a comfortable journey. We are here today to discuss the anniversary concert next 3 or 4 weeks. The date still hasn't been settled up, but we will get there eventually....- and waited for any reaction from other members. His facial expression reminded the one of the governor in prison. He smiled like an angel, but his gaze was a thread. He didn't have to say a word, his stare was creating a law that everyone had to obey without discussion. 
- Let's begin, shall we? - and the angelic smile just appeared, bringing insecurity even to prepared for these meeting members....except two friends at the end. Kyungsoo was typing lyrics on his mobile and sending them to his email address while Chanyeol was absorbed by staring at the least favorite board members and laughing quietly at their frightened behavior. 
The meeting was going smoothly. Each one of the employers was sharing their theories or presentations. Kim was sitting quietly until his time came. 
- Woo Shik, what have you prepared for Creams? - the silence appeared in the room. Woo Shik was a young man, age max 30. Black curly hair cut short in the back, but fluffy bangs were almost covering his eyes. Long face, small eyes, and slightly damaged lips from biting. 
-...um...- he started, but had difficulties to construct the sentences - they will be performing 5 songs...so I was thinking, we can choose the most popular 5 ...- he paused for a moment to look at their reactions, which were none so he continued- and...um...we can make the "candy" appearance, fans loves it....- he paused again. This time it looks like he ran out of ideas, so the pause was like a begging for someone else to speak up. Kim slowly looked at Kyungsoo who was still working on his phone hidden under the table. 
- Doh, anything you wish to add? - ...silence. Kyungsoo raised his head and needed a few seconds to understand the situation. Then he leaned on his chair comfortably and said:
- I would use 4 of the most popular songs, 2 from the debut and two from the second album. Then I would give them 5 minutes to interact with the audience announce a new single, and sing the highlight from it. It would build excitement amongst fans. Also...- he looked at Woo Shik - I don't think the "CANDY" theme is the best. First of all, they are not newbies anymore, and together with the last scandals about them dating seems not in place. I would choose FAITH as the 4th song to emphasize that they are no longer children. That would help to make the audience understand that they are also human beings and will calm down the media a little... - he finished. 
The silence in the room was shouting about admiration. Then suddenly, the silent applause could be heard. That was the CEO who was entertained with KyungSoo's speech. 
- Manager Kim, what's your decision? - Kim needed a long second to answer: 
- I'll go with KyungSoo's idea...- it seems his plan to embarrass Kyungsoo has failed. Was it this plan? Or maybe there was a different reason? 
The meeting was carried out as planned till the end, and no one realized that KyungSoo's presentation was mostly created on a mobile phone while going by taxi and during the meeting itself. 
Later in another room, there was a presentation again, this time led by one person for the audience consisting of employees. Large area, fully in white colors, hundreds of chairs, and a scene with a mini cinema screen behind. The presentation was about the stadium where the concert will take place and all the important details in this matter. 
Kyungsoo was sitting with Chanyeol somewhere in the middle of the right side of the audience. 
- How's our naughty YiSeul? - Chanyeol joked after looking at Kyungsoo scrolling the phone. 
- Alright, I think. Stop talking like she's your girlfriend too - 
- I always wanted to ask you this, because sometimes when speaking, she has this weird accent, where is she from? - 
KyungSoo's eyes widened in a second.
Time has stopped, why is his mind blank suddenly? Where is she from? He was replaying all his memories in his head like an opened family photobook, like an archive in the basement or the attic. He was in every corner of his memory...where is she from? 
- Oi! - Chanyeol woke him up from his trance - Don't tell me you don't know! - covered his laughing face to not make any loud sound - KyungSoo-yah, that's not good? Ask her, and let me know ok? - 
Kyungsoo was barely hearing his friend as his mind just created another investigation in his head. What does he know about her past? They meet one year ago, he was always telling stories from his life, he complained to her about his dilemmas, she was supportive...was she? She was always there, right? But was he supportive? Has she ever told him about her difficulties? 
This year passed so fast that he wasn't paying attention to many significant points. What does he know about her? 
After another important presentation, the working day was finally over. 
Kyungsoo came back to his room, looked at the phone, and threw it on the bed, then went to take a shower. 
*buzz buzz*
The phone was ringing. 
When he came back from the shower, while drying his hair with a towel, he grabbed the phone and stiffened.... 4 missed calls and one text message. He rushed to open it:
- Do you have my suitcase?! -
He breathed a sigh of relief and started typing:
- Yes, can we meet tomorrow morning? I need the equipment from inside ASAP -
Two seconds passed:
- OK then, tomorrow at 6 am at the airport, same place as today. See you! - 
He opened his round eyes widely but smirked with satisfaction that everything was sorted. Now, only time for a dream after this long day. 
YiSeul hasn't texted him, she's probably busy. "Good night" he typed with a heart emoticon at the end. 
Good night, KyungSoo-yah...
The next day, same time as yesterday, Kyungsoo arrived at the airport. He was waiting at the entrance for women who swapped their identical suitcases. He still couldn't believe this story, but he accepted that, and told himself that many unexpected stories can happen, like his and YiSeul's example. He waited. "I think I came too early," he thought, but after looking at the phone, it was exactly 6 a.m., as agreed. He wore the same jacket, so she would recognize him. All of a sudden, he felt shivers, sometimes you feel this when someone is watching you, so he raised his head to look for the source of this unpleasant feeling. 
Just opposite him was standing a short girl, with dark brown long hair lying on her arms. Her pale skin color and dark, upturned eyes together had something unique, fascinating, Kyungsoo couldn't explain it in words. Maybe it's that red lipstick? She was wearing a blue sweater and a long, white dress, almost hiding her feet. 
Slowly, she came nearer to him while not losing an eye contact. 
- Is that you? Do you have my suitcase? -
KyungSoo's chest flattened as the uncertainty was forcing him to be prepared for any defense if it wasn't her, if he just had long eye contact with a random person who would approach him without any reason. He smirked and said:
- I have no idea how we swapped our suitcases, but hopefully, you had this name tag. Are you always keeping it inside?- he couldn't wait to ask that question which had intrigued him since yesterday. She then grabbed her suitcase and left his next to him. Then she smiled gently, raised her head, and explained:
- I get what you mean, that's unbelievable, right? I can't believe it myself, but what happened is I was late for my meeting, hopefully, I had all the documents on my phone so just printed them off on site. I was running and looking at my phone, so it's my bad, apologies for running into you - the way she spoke made Kyungsoo surprised as she answered all his questions in one go, and for some reason, he was not even bothered anymore. What happened, happened. Hopefully, everything will be back to normal from now on. 
- What's your name? - she was looking at her phone while asking. Kyungsoo, amazed by this question said:
- Doh Kyungsoo, but why are you asking? -
- No reason, I'm Rose. Nice to meet you. Apologies, but I need to check in, my flight is soon - then she moved to the entrance, raised her hand, and waved - See you, maybe someday! - 
- Remove! my num..m..ber...- The last word he whispered slowly as she was gone already. 
For some reason, this situation was fascinating for him and he smiled while turning around and headed to the first taxi. 
He spoke with YiSeul later. She was in the hospital with her mom. Her health was not getting any better, and that made Kyungsoo upset but he needed to focus because today he had another busy day...and all week was the same. He was waking up and going to the JJ ENMT building, planning, writing, arranging, listening, recording, and planning again. He spoke with YiSeul every evening, In the daytime she was absorbed by work and her mom's condition. 
He then arrived in Yeonhui.
"Finally at home," he thought. It was evening, so the skies were covered in dark ink, and because of a rainy time, the clouds were covering all the stars. 
His fence and grass were in the same condition as he left. "She took care of this place". Then he opened the door, not even thinking about taking off his shoes, he just wanted to see her first. 
She was in the kitchen wearing an apron, a little dirty after cooking but that didn't matter. Nothing matters, as far as she's here. Her hair was tied in a top knot. The only makeup on her face was probably mascara. She lifted her soiled in sweet cake icing finger and licked it while raising her eyes to look at him. 
- Hey! - he ran to her and hugged her like he just found his long-lost treasure. 
- How's the flight? - she asked while hugging him back and patting his arm. 
- Easy, it's a short flight so I didn't even realize when we landed. How are things? All ok? How's mom? Sorry, that is the most important, is she feeling better? 
YiSeul looked into his eyes, it seemed she was constructing the best sentence to describe the situation. 
- She's back at home, it seems she just overworked, and her back is not standing this kind of pressure anymore -
Kyungsoo was speechless for a second. 
- So it's not life-threatening? -
- No, she fell down the stairs while doing housework. It's OK now - 
He asked himself, what was the reason for him to create the life-threatening sickness, was it something she said? Or he just added this part by himself, which is hard to accept, but now he can't remember what exactly she said about her mother's condition. Mom - hospital - bad well-being - this generated a story in his mind? Sounds like an absurd. Maybe he is just too sensitive, maybe he was asking for a situation where he can support YiSeul, the same as she was supporting him up until now? If that's the case, that is very selfish of him.But he still couldn't accept this possibily....
- I'm happy everything is fine now, was worried about your mom - 
YiSeul smiled slightly, took his hand, and led him to the set table, filled with tasty dishes and a big cake in turquoise color. 
- Wait! - he gave an order and ran straight to the shelf just above the sink, grabbed a red wine, and came back to the table with two wine glasses.
- Addition to the delicious food you have prepared - he hasn't tried it yet, obviously, but he missed her, and whatever she prepared he will appreciate. Then he gave her a kiss...going deeper as his deep feeling of longing. She put her hand on his back for a second, then suddenly she cut this precious moment with words: " Let's eat first, shall we? - smiled and sat down. 
"What's that? " he thought while standing still and watching her. "What is this feeling?" 
Why does her lips seems so unfamiliar today?
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roammania2023 · 1 year
I took the train from the airport to Bucharest North. The journey only cost 88p. The train was a modern and electric. The line to the airport opened in December 2020. Ignoring the fact that the toilets were overflowing…it was a nice ride. The was stopped by the ticket inspector halfway through the journey. He spoke to me in Romanian and I looked vacant. I presented my ticket but he didn’t seem happy. The lady next to me explained that I had a ticket which needed to be scanned and the inspector wasn’t used to using the technology. She also said that he was playing with me…he said that it’s sunny outside and a nice day so relax and be patient. Eventually the ticket was scanned. The lady sat next to me had flown back to Romania from New York with her husband. She had to change in London and she made her connection, unfortunately her luggage didn’t.
I arrived in Bucharest Nord. The station felt like something from another era, and I was, but it did have a certain charm to it. Mindful of my belongings admist the chaos, I eventually found my way to the Metro.
The ticket cost 88p and the train arrived promptly. The Metro network in Bucharest was built from the late 70s onwards and it was functional. I alighted one stop too early which wasn’t helped by the lack of signage. Not wanting to pay for another ticket I walked to my hotel. I walked through a park where the scallywaps bypassed the afternoon and made my was down the grand boulevard towards my hotel.
I passed the parliamentary palace and grand fountains, which were turned off. Cost of living crisis you know! Eventually I approached the outskirts of the Old Town. Traffic sped through multi lane roads, whilst teens flocked to the McDonald’s. Grand walls which once hung portraits of communist leaders now worship Western celebrities advertising the latest product. Communism abolished religion, but it has now been replaced by consumerism. Isn’t it a sin to worship false idols?
After a brief food stop, I walked the sunny streets to my hotel, checked in and fell asleep. I think that I may be suffering from Jet Lag, after all Romania is 2 hours ahead of the UK, lol.
As sun set, I freshen up and took a stroll the the Old Town. Mindful that two thirds of it was destroyed somewhere between WW2, the 1977 earthquake and the construction of the parliamentary palace, I wasn’t expecting too much, but I was impressed. It’s safe, vibrant and fun. Possibly spoilt but stag parties, but it is possible to escape the decadence. First impressions, I like Bucharest.
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steadybreadbanana · 2 days
Finding a Trusted Geberit Dealer in Chennai: A Comprehensive Guide for Modern Sanitary Solutions
When upgrading your bathroom or plumbing systems, choosing reliable and innovative products is essential for long-lasting performance. Geberit, a world-renowned brand in sanitary solutions, offers high-quality products known for their design, functionality, and durability. Whether you're renovating a bathroom or setting up a new one, finding a reliable Geberit dealer in Chennai is crucial to ensure you get authentic products and excellent service.
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In this article, we will explore the importance of choosing the right Geberit dealer in Chennai and what to consider when purchasing Geberit products. We will also discuss the variety of products that Geberit offers and how they can benefit your home or commercial space.
Why Choose Geberit for Your Sanitary Solutions?
Before discussing how to find the best Geberit dealer in Chennai, let’s first look at why Geberit is a preferred brand among homeowners, builders, and architects. Geberit has established itself as a leader in innovative plumbing and sanitary products, offering solutions that combine modern design with cutting-edge technology.
Some key features of Geberit products include:
Water Efficiency: Geberit’s toilet systems and cisterns are designed to conserve water without compromising on performance.
Durable Materials: The brand uses high-quality materials that are resistant to wear and tear, ensuring longevity.
Elegant Designs: Geberit products are not only functional but also visually appealing, making them ideal for modern bathrooms.
Hygiene and Easy Maintenance: Geberit designs products with hygiene in mind, making them easy to clean and maintain.
Innovative Technology: Geberit is known for its advanced technology, such as concealed cisterns, wall-mounted toilets, and touchless flushing systems.
How to Find the Right Geberit Dealer in Chennai
Finding a reputable Geberit dealer in Chennai is important to ensure that you receive authentic products along with professional customer service. Here are some tips on how to find the best dealer:
1. Look for Authorized Dealers
When searching for a Geberit dealer in Chennai, make sure the dealer is authorized by Geberit. Authorized dealers are more likely to provide genuine products backed by manufacturer warranties. You can find a list of authorized dealers on Geberit’s official website or contact their customer service to confirm the dealership.
2. Product Range Availability
A good Geberit dealer in Chennai should offer a wide range of products from Geberit’s catalog. Whether you are looking for concealed cisterns, wall-hung toilets, or drainage systems, having access to a broad selection allows you to find the right product that fits your specific requirements.
3. Customer Reviews and Reputation
One way to identify a trustworthy Geberit dealer in Chennai is by checking customer reviews and ratings. Customer feedback can provide insights into the dealer’s quality of service, product knowledge, and after-sales support. Look for dealers who have positive reviews for their professionalism and reliability.
4. After-Sales Service
Installing sanitary products often requires professional assistance, especially for advanced systems like Geberit’s wall-mounted toilets and concealed cisterns. A reliable dealer will offer after-sales support, including installation guidance, maintenance, and troubleshooting services. Before making a purchase, inquire about the dealer’s after-sales service policy to ensure you are covered.
5. Competitive Pricing
While Geberit products are known for their premium quality, it’s important to find a Geberit dealer in Chennai who offers competitive pricing. Compare prices from different dealers to make sure you're getting a fair deal. Some dealers may also offer discounts or special promotions on Geberit products, so it’s worth asking about any ongoing deals.
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esselbathfittings · 8 days
Pick the Perfect EWC for Your Bathroom Space
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When we say European Water Closet or Western toilets, it is to the design which is enhanced to be very sleek and worthy, in other manner it is that the design is integrated with multiple other mechanisms that might not be found in any other simpler toilet seats. EWC hence, creates an ecosystem of the bathroom with the outlook as well as the built-in advanced features.
Even if not for the looks the Western toilet works better than a traditional toilet setup, it is due to the integration of multiple features which makes it more flexible While a regular toilet seat is just the lid and seat part that sits on a standard toilet bowl, an EWC or western toilet is a complete unit that includes both the bowl and the flushing mechanism. It is all curated to make a better toilet seat for an experience in the bathroom.
One Piece EWC/ One Piece Toilets
One piece EWC curates a design that has a single unit for every combination or setup of the tank or other parts. The major development with one piece EWC or western toilet is that it eliminates the need for multiple joints making them almost invisible. Now these joints might be of no relevance to you only if you didn’t know that they will have less chance to be clogged. This is because the absence of joints in between of tank and bowl makes it easy to flow and even better for the cleaning process. The installation process with one piece toilet also makes a lot of difference with one piece of EWC, as the single unit of EWC is not exactly hard to install. They are all ready to be installed. One piece EWC will use much less amount of water and yet flush better due to an efficient flushing mechanism.
Few options for One Piece EWC
EARL- One-piece water closet with seat cover EAST- One-piece water closet with seat cover ELMO — One-piece water closet with seat cover
Wall Hung EWC/ Wall Hung Toilet Seat
Let us take a shot at the big space bathroom. More than showers and a few other accessories you can minimize your bathroom with the EWC you choose. Wall hung western toilet is mounted and fixed on the wall. More than beating gravity from inside the wall, it takes the minimum space in the bathroom and makes the area more open to new requirements.
By beating gravity it does not beat gravity, while we must ensure that the base does not touch the floor which makes the floor clear to clean and has a very fair advantage with hygiene. Nevertheless, the design of the wall hung toilet Seat always has complexity during the installation because beating gravity behind the wall takes time and effort and to give a chic appearance it is required to keep it that way ensuring safety for the longest time. It is also required to have a strong wall support that will further create support for the structure of the wall hung EWC.
Few options for Wall Hung EWC
ECAR — Wall Hung Closet with UF Seat Cover EDIA — Wall Hung Closet with PP Seat Cover ELECTI — Tankless Wall Hung WC with electro Flush, UF Soft close slim seat cover
Conventional EWC
Have you seen the very retro style of the western toilet? If not then here is one such western toilet which has the traditional mechanism. In conventional EWC, the tank is mounted on the back of the bowl, and the flushing mechanism is typically integrated into the tank. This is what we call a traditional bathroom, retro-styled. They are easy to be installed and do not need too much work while installation. Although they might catch more grime at the joints and require frequent maintenance. The flexible installation makes it easier to clean and maintain. Furthermore, these toilet seats must use more water than the modern western toilet unless they are designed with water-saving features.
Few options for conventional EWC
EACT — Conventional EWC square with seat cover EBAR — Concealed — Conventional EWC EBIO — Universal with seat cover
The types of EWC or western toilets depend on your preferences, if you need a minimal look go for wall wall-hung EWC, if you need a sleek design with efficient function function, go for a piece EWC and if you need a traditional western toilet, go for a conventional EWC. all play a major role with the preferences but most importantly look for the needs for each with your bathroom style and design. With bath fittings, Essel also has paved its strength in the trust of all these types of western toilets.
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institutionalsadism · 15 days
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It had been a long day, but rewarding. Seven new men were brought in and assigned to various departments, I'd overseen a couple projects I found interesting, and I had gotten a large donation from a benefactor to the Institute and treated him to dinner as a thank you. So much done and I was ready to retire to my quarters as all but the security staff left for the day. 
I got to my apartments in the upper areas of the compound and walked into the living room, decorated in a modern style it was rather minimalist. Television above the fire place with sleak Black leather couch and a modern black fabric chair facing it. Pictures of some of the men I had found particularly interesting were in photographs on the wall, some before, some after, and some during their use at the facility. I moved to the bathroom. 
It was all black tile and a large jacuzzi tub stood in the center of the large room. To the side was a toilet and next to it was a young former athlete, I can't remember his sport, secured as a urinal. His arms were up and back with metal loops securing them. He was in a seated position back against the wall, tubes attaching with adhesive up his rump and over his genitals for waste disposal. Metal loops also secured his legs at multiple areas together and out, so I could stand with a foot on either side. I took my position and let my stream land in the special gag strapped around his head with a wide outward bowl to collect the urine and funnel it down his throat as he chocked it down. His back was also looped to the wall, he was almost completely immobile, to prevent movement. All he did was quiver and gulp, letting out a few choking gags as the urine went to its desired place. We changed the boys out each week, I liked this one. He was pale and thin, but well muscled. Little Pink nipples. Maybe he had been on a track team? I finished while wondering and zipped up. I washed my hands and then changed into a black silk robe as he choked down the last of his drink, his flat belly heaving. 
I went to the bedroom. There could often be several straight projects around the place, but for the moment it was just three. My thin urinal slave, a muscular Japanese police officer stripped naked and tied down on the balcony that I put out my cigarettes on, and my current pleasure boy. The pleasure "boy" currently in use was a 25 year old Indian man brought over from Dheli. One of the security guards was playing with him, over in a corner with a cherry red ball gag and head harness. His arms were tied back and up to a ceiling hook and his ankles sported a spread bar. "You may go." He stood to attention, let go of the boy's cock, and swiftly exited. 
I sat sat and lay back on the bed, and observed him. I'd had him only a few days, I liked his big sad brown eyes. He was almost completely smooth, with just a few dark pubes for his little uncut cock and balls to bounce around. He had perfect dark areolas on his smooth caramel chest. He didn't struggle much, just hung there and looked at me. He had been a grad student, but those dreams were obviously gone now. I got up and went over. I placed a finger under his chin. 
"Were you toileted and fed tonight, before he played with you?" He gave a single nod. "Did he fuck you?" He shook his head. Good. I didn't like them doing that with my pleasure slave, the Asian on the terrace had been offered if they wanted a fuck. I stroked his head, "I'll tell you what, you work your little ass as I fuck you before bed, and I'll see about restraining you on a cot tomorrow night. Does that sounds nice?" He looked up, hesitated, and nodded twice. "Excellent, let's lube you up." I liked this one. I might take extra care and when I was bored of him I would consider sending him to the Sexuality department as a subject for a more forgiving use...
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danishbuildingsupplies · 11 months
Demystifying Toilet Suites, Cisterns, Back To Wall Toilets, and Freestanding Bathtubs: From Flush to Finish
When it comes to designing or renovating your bathroom, the choices can be overwhelming. From fixtures to furnishings, there are countless options to consider. In this blog post, we'll demystify the world of bathroom essentials, focusing on toilet suites, cisterns, back to wall toilets, and freestanding bathtubs. By the end of this article, you'll have a better understanding of these key elements that can transform your bathroom from flush to finish.
Toilet Suites: A Blend of Form and Function
Toilet suites are the centerpiece of any bathroom. They consist of two main components: the toilet bowl and the cistern. Here's what you need to know:
Toilet Bowl Styles: Toilet suites come in various styles, including close-coupled, wall-faced, wall-hung, and back to wall. Each style offers unique benefits and aesthetics, so consider your bathroom layout and design preferences.
Cistern Types: Cisterns are available in both concealed and exposed varieties. Concealed cisterns are installed within the wall for a sleek, minimalistic look, while exposed cisterns are visible and easier to access for maintenance.
Efficiency Matters: Look for water-efficient models with dual flush systems, as they help reduce water consumption and lower your utility bills while being environmentally responsible.
Cisterns: The Heart of Your Toilet
Cisterns are often an overlooked but crucial component of the toilet suite. They store and release water for flushing, making them vital for the toilet's functionality. Here are some key cistern considerations:
Concealed vs. Exposed: Concealed cisterns are a great choice for creating a clean and modern look, hiding the cistern within the wall. Exposed cisterns are easier to access for maintenance and repairs.
Dual Flush: Opt for a dual flush cistern, which provides a high and low flush option. This feature promotes water conservation without sacrificing flushing performance.
Compatibility: Ensure that the Toilet cistern you choose is compatible with the toilet bowl and flush mechanism.
Back To Wall Toilets: Space-Saving Elegance
Back to wall toilet are an excellent choice for modern bathrooms. They sit flush against the wall, concealing the cistern and plumbing for a sleek, space-saving design. Key considerations for back to wall toilets include:
Space Efficiency: Ideal for smaller bathrooms or bathrooms where space optimization is essential.
Easy Maintenance: Since the cistern and plumbing are concealed within the wall, back to wall toilets are easier to clean and maintain.
Design Versatility: These toilets come in various styles and designs, allowing you to match them with your bathroom decor.
Freestanding Bathtubs: The Ultimate in Luxury
If you're looking to create a luxurious, spa-like atmosphere in your bathroom, freestanding bathtubs are an excellent choice. Here's what you should know:
Design and Elegance: Freestanding bathtubs are often prized for their elegant and eye-catching designs. They become a focal point in your bathroom.
Placement: These tubs can be placed anywhere in the bathroom, offering design flexibility.
Material and Comfort: Consider the material of the tub and its comfort features, such as ergonomic design, to ensure a relaxing bathing experience.
In conclusion, demystifying toilet suites, cisterns, back to wall toilets, and freestanding bathtubs is a crucial step in creating your dream bathroom. Understanding the different styles, features, and options available will help you make informed choices that not only enhance your bathroom's aesthetics but also improve functionality and water efficiency. So, from the initial flush to the final finish, your bathroom can become a space of beauty and relaxation.
To know more ...
Contact us : Danish Building Supplies
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Top 5 Best Remodel Ideas for Small Bathrooms
Small bathrooms can present a big challenge when it comes to remodeling. Limited space often means limited possibilities, but with the right ideas and strategies, you can transform your small bathroom into a stylish and functional oasis. In this blog post, we'll explore the top five best remodel ideas for small bathrooms that can help you make the most of your space. And remember, if you're looking for professionals to help with your bathroom remodel, visit AllQuotes.ca to find the right experts for the job.
Maximize Vertical Space:
One of the most effective ways to optimize a small bathroom is by making the most of vertical space. Instead of cluttering up the floor with storage units and shelving, consider installing wall-mounted cabinets and shelves. This allows you to keep essential items within reach without sacrificing precious floor space.
To further enhance your bathroom's functionality, invest in tall, narrow storage units that can fit into tight corners. These units provide ample room for towels, toiletries, and other bathroom essentials without encroaching on your already limited floor area. By utilizing vertical space, you can create a cleaner, more organized bathroom that feels more open and spacious.
Opt for a Walk-in Shower:
Traditional shower and bathtub combinations can take up a significant amount of space in a small bathroom. To free up this area and create a more open feel, consider replacing your bathtub with a walk-in shower. Walk-in showers not only save space but also offer a sleek, modern look that can make your bathroom feel more inviting.
For a luxurious touch, choose frameless glass enclosures for your walk-in shower. This not only adds a touch of elegance but also helps maintain an open and airy atmosphere. To make your shower even more functional, install built-in niches or shelves for storing shampoo, soap, and other shower essentials.
Use Light Colors and Mirrors:
When it comes to small spaces, light colors and mirrors are your best friends. Light, neutral colors such as white, beige, or pale gray can create the illusion of a larger and more open space. Consider using these colors for your bathroom walls, tiles, and fixtures.
Mirrors, on the other hand, can work wonders in making a small bathroom feel more spacious. Installing a large mirror or multiple mirrors can reflect light and create the impression of depth. Mirrors also add a touch of elegance to your bathroom's decor. You can even opt for mirrored cabinets, which provide storage and functionality while visually expanding the room.
Choose Space-Saving Fixtures:
To maximize space in a small bathroom, it's crucial to choose space-saving fixtures. Compact toilets, wall-mounted sinks, and slim-profile faucets can all help conserve space while maintaining functionality. These fixtures not only make your bathroom feel less cramped but also create a modern, minimalist aesthetic.
Consider installing a wall-mounted toilet, which not only saves floor space but also makes cleaning a breeze. Wall-mounted sinks are another excellent choice for small bathrooms, as they open up the area underneath, making the room appear more spacious. Additionally, selecting a single-handle faucet can reduce clutter and provide a sleek, streamlined look.
Incorporate Clever Storage Solutions:
Storage is often a significant concern in small bathrooms. To address this issue, incorporate clever storage solutions that optimize every inch of available space. Consider recessed niches in the shower or above the bathtub to store shampoo, soap, and other toiletries.
Over-the-toilet shelves or cabinets can make use of vertical space that might otherwise go unused. You can also add storage in unexpected places, such as behind the bathroom door. Install hooks or a towel rack on the back of the door to keep towels and robes neatly hung up and out of the way.
Remodeling a small bathroom doesn't have to be a daunting task. With these top five remodel ideas, you can transform your small bathroom into a functional and stylish oasis. Remember to visit AllQuotes.ca to find the right professionals to help bring your bathroom remodeling dreams to life. By maximizing vertical space, opting for a walk-in shower, using light colors and mirrors, choosing space-saving fixtures, and incorporating clever storage solutions, you can create a small bathroom that feels open, organized, and inviting. Say goodbye to cramped spaces and hello to a bathroom that you'll love!
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suburbeastern · 1 year
Bathroom Renovation Packages
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Modern bathrooms add value to a home. However, a homeowner should avoid dodgy contractors who quote the lowest cost per hour for the job. They often compromise on the quality of work and materials.
Most renovation packages include a new bathtub or shower. They can offer standard tubs, soaking tubs, or air and whirlpool tubs. They also typically come with a sink and toilet. To know more about Bathroom Renovation Packages Sydney, visit the Eastern Suburbs Bathroom Renovations website or call 0415902838.
The cost of a bathroom renovation can vary based on the style, materials, and inclusions chosen. It is also important to allow for unforeseen costs, including wiring and plumbing alterations. Structural changes like moving fixtures or altering the floor plan can also significantly increase your budget.
To keep your costs down, opt for cosmetic changes instead of a full remodel. Repainting cabinets or re-glazing bathtubs can give your bathroom a new look for less. Also, shop sales and discounts for the best bargains.
If your budget is up to $15,000 you can make major changes to the bathroom with a new shower, bathtub and vanity. You can choose framed or frameless shower screens and install new large format tiles in the $30 per square metre range. You can also upgrade to modern back to wall toilets or a freestanding bathtub.
If you have more than $30,000 to spend you can have a premium bathroom that includes a top quality floor and wall hung vanity, in wall cisterns, luxurious freestanding tubs and mosaic or subway tiles ($60+ per sqm). You may also opt for a framed or semi-frameless shower screen and high quality plumbing fixtures and fittings.
Eastern Suburbs Bathroom Renovations is a renovation company that offers luxury bathroom and kitchen packages in Hills District, Hornsby, Ku-ring-gai Shire, North Shore, Parramatta and St George. They offer a full service that includes design, carpentry, plumbing, electrical, demolition, waterproofing and tiling.
Whether you’re looking for a modern bathroom or a traditional one, professional Bathroom Renovators in Coogee and the Hills District can help. They’ll design a beautiful bathroom that fits your budget and home style. They’ll also complete any plumbing or electrical work.
After the painters and tilers finish, you’ll finally see your new bathroom take shape. They’ll lay and paint the tiles and walls. Then, they’ll install your vanity, mirror, shower screen, and other fixtures. They’ll also apply waterproofing and sealant around sinks and bathtubs.
Based in Coogee, NSW, Eastern Suburbs Bathroom Renovations is a one-stop shop for kitchen and bathroom renovation packages. They’re committed to top-quality construction and provide product warranties. They also offer a free design consultation and project management service. This ensures that projects are completed on time and within your budget.
There are hundreds of different packages that can be purchased online. Some are low cost and some are designed to be high value. However, it is important to do your research and not to buy a package just because it has a high RRP. You may find that the items included in the package can be bought separately for similar pricing or you might be purchasing low quality products to achieve the discount.
Most bathroom renovation packages will include a new bathtub or shower. There are many options to choose from including standard tubs, soaking tubs, air or whirlpool tubs. They will also include a new sink, toilet, towel or paper holders and taps. These items will help create a cohesive look. Some will even include a new vanity.
George and his team were an absolute pleasure to work with. Their attention to detail and professionalism is second to none. The whole process was smooth, hassle-free and delivered a quality finish we are really happy with.
Eastern Suburbs Bathroom Renovations has been operating for over two decades and is one of Sydney’s leading licensed builders. Their experienced team consists of dedicated designers and project managers who will create your dream bathroom. They offer free no-obligation consultations and their renovation projects are completed on time and on budget. They also provide a detailed quote, HIA contract, and HBFC insurance. In addition, they offer an easy-to-use tracking software for their clients’ convenience. They service areas throughout the Northern, Eastern, and Western suburbs of Sydney. Moreover, they provide custom luxury and sustainable designs that are both eco-friendly and ethically-sourced materials. To know more about Bathroom Renovation Packages Sydney, visit the Eastern Suburbs Bathroom Renovations website or call 0415902838.
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bathroomforless · 3 months
Discover a wide range of stylish and space-saving back to wall toilets at Bathroom4Less. Our collection features modern designs that seamlessly blend with any bathroom décor, providing both functionality and aesthetics. Shop now and find the perfect back to wall toilet to complete your bathroom upgrade. Visit Bathroom4Less today for unbeatable prices and exceptional quality! Shop Close coupled toilets, wall hung toilets, rimless toilets, modern toilets, and, traditional toilets from top brands such as Nuie toilets. We also sell our own branded WCs which are more durable at the lowest prices online and available with the fastest UK delivery.
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alneli · 1 year
Upgrade Your Bathroom with Alneli's Modern Toilet Collection
Elevate your bathroom's style and functionality with Alneli's exquisite range of toilets. We offer a variety of innovative designs, including rimless toilets, wall hung toilets, close coupled back to wall toilets, and close coupled toilets. With Alneli, you can transform your bathroom into a space that exudes elegance and sophistication.
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How to Decorate Nice Bathrooms on a Budget
Whether you’re planning to remodel your home or you’re simply looking to update your current decor, there are a few things you should consider when designing a beautiful bathroom. From a sleek, clean line tub to a wall-mounted toilet, here are a few tips to help you decide what to include in your new bathroom.
Mirrors reflect light and make the room appear larger
Adding mirrors to a bathroom can improve its look. Not only can they add a touch of class, but they can also reflect light and make the room appear bigger.
The best mirrors for bathrooms are those that are placed in strategic locations. For example, a mirror hung across from a window can add light to a room. Similarly, a mirror on the opposite wall can enhance the effect of a small window.
Small bathrooms can look larger when mirrors are strategically placed. A vertical mirror can also make a room appear higher.
In general, mirrors in a bathroom are usually clear glass. However, they may be covered in a thin film of metal to enhance the reflection.
A small bathroom may look small, but a large mirror can double the room’s size. Plane mirrors are ideal for bathrooms because they have a flat, reflective surface that reflects the image proportionally.
Modern tubs should have clean lines and flat slender edges
Having a sleek and shiny tub in your master suite is a must if you are a modern day lady. Luckily, you can find modern tubs in virtually every shape and size imaginable. Some even offer hydrotherapy options. Most modern tubs are freestanding. Most modern tubs have a streamlined style and are made from acrylic. A few boasting a splash guard are also worth the price of admission. Some of these tubs are designed to complement modern decor. This means that you can restyle your bath without tearing up your tile. Some tubs come with matching showers. This means you can put your sizzling hot bod on display to your guests without sacrificing your privacy. Having your bathroom all to yourself is a luxury.
Wall-mounted toilets are another element of the modern style bathroom
Whether you are moving into a new house or just want to upgrade your current bathroom, installing a wall-mounted toilet is a great way to add a stylish touch to your bathroom. Not only will it look great, but you’ll save space and have easier access to cleaning.
Wall-mounted toilets have become popular around the world, thanks to emerging trends in design. Designers such as Philippe Starck and Marco Bortolin have created sleek self-contained toilets that incorporate new technologies and design elements.
Wall-mounted toilets have a more streamlined look than traditional toilets. They are easier to clean because the tank is hidden behind the wall. The tank is usually made from light-weight materials. They can also be easily adjusted to fit a specific height.
Leggy open vanity will extend the sight lines
Whether you’re re-doing your bathroom or building one from scratch, you’ll want to give it some thought. It’s not always the most glamorous of rooms, but it can be a place where you’ll spend a lot of time, and you don’t want it to feel cramped. The best way to avoid this is to keep it tidy. Keeping your bathroom clutter free is the best way to ensure a pleasant experience for both you and your family. For example, a basket of small items tucked away in the back of a vanity is an effective way to keep things tidy.
A well-designed vanity can reclaim much of the space for other uses. For example, a floating vanity paired with a lower shelf containing drawers is a smart move.
Decorate on a budget
Whether you want to make a quick change or complete a major overhaul, it is possible to decorate nice bathrooms on a budget. In fact, there are many simple changes that can have a significant impact on a room’s appearance.
Adding color can help the room feel warmer and more inviting. The best way to choose color is to use paint that is moisture-resistant or washable. Some paint options are also quick-drying and low-odor.
In addition to color, adding a few live plants can help bring nature indoors. Easy-care plants such as pothos can bring a soothing, natural look to a bathroom. They also don’t require much sunlight.
A small chandelier with crystal drops can create a sophisticated focal point in a bathroom. It also draws attention to the high ceilings.
Whether planning a bathroom renovation or simply looking to update your existing space, Vancouver Kitchen Renovation is the place to turn. We’re Vancouver’s premier bathroom design and renovation specialists, and we pride ourselves on being able to create spaces that fit perfectly within your budget. Whether you’re renovating a small guest room or transforming a whole house, we’ll guide you through each step so you can enjoy your finished product for years to come. As a locally owned and operated business, we know what it takes to build lasting relationships with our clients. We’re committed to providing quality products and services and strive to exceed expectations every time.
We understand that to be successful is to stay ahead of the curve. That means staying current with the latest technology and design trends. We always want to improve our products or services without breaking the bank. That’s why we stay connected to the latest technologies of NKBA, National Kitchen and Bath Association. In addition, at Vancouver Kitchen renovation, our primary focus is providing sustainable bathroom design and renovation packages, and we believe in sustainable living. Sustainable living is a way of life in harmony with nature. It is a lifestyle which focuses on the preservation of our environment. Sustainable living is a philosophy emphasizing respect for the environment and concern for its well-being. This means we should take care of the planet and treat it as if it were our home. We should try to preserve what we have and protect it from destruction. If we do this, we will enjoy the benefits of the earth’s resources for many generations. Whether you’re planning a major remodel or adding finishing touches to your current bathroom, we’d love to discuss your project. Book your showroom consultation online.
Main Areas of Service in British Columbia:
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Frequently Asked Questions
What’s included in a complete bathroom remodeling package?
A bathroom remodel package could include many services depending on the customer’s requirements. These services are common and may include:
Bathroom design and consultation
3D rendering of bathroom design
The Schluter system provides waterproofing services
Services in the setting of tiles
Tile delivery and supply
Supply and Install in-floor heating systems
All plumbing fixtures and lighting fixtures supplied and delivered.
All plumbing, electrical, and other work by our licensed electricians.
Supply, delivery, and installation of the vanity
Supply, fabrication and installation of the countertop
Glass for shower and tub installation.
Demolition and removal of existing fixtures and materials
Services for wallpaper and painting
What bathroom sinks style is 2023?
A variety of bathroom sink styles will be very popular in 2023. Some of the most popular styles include:
The Vessel Sink: This vessel sink is very popular in bathroom remodels. They can add a distinctive and stylish touch to your bathroom.
The Undermount Sink. This undermount sink is also popular in bathrooms. They offer a sleek and modern look that can update the look of your bathroom.
The pedestal sink: Another classic option for bathroom sinks is the pedestal sink. They are elegant and practical, with a timeless design that will look great in any bathroom.
Integrated sink + countertop: This new trend has become increasingly popular. This option gives your bathroom a seamless look. Because the sink is integrated into the countertop there is no space between them. This can give your bathroom an elegant and modern look.
No matter which style you choose to fit your bathroom, it is important that it complements the overall look and feel of the space. You want your bathroom where you feel happy and at ease. You want to achieve this goal.
How do you do a facelift in a bathroom?
A bathroom renovation is not just about replacing fixtures and fittings. It’s about creating a home-like atmosphere. Your bathroom should be inviting and relaxing for you and your guests.
Here are some examples:
Add plants. They will help to purify the air and provide natural beauty. You can choose among a variety of indoor plants such as succulents or mosses.
Your lighting should be correct. Lighting is an important part of creating an inviting space. Consider using indirect lighting sources in place of direct. These will provide soft, diffused illumination.
Make sure you have a comfortable place to sit. This could be a small table or a bench. To display art or photos, you can also mount shelves on the wall. Brighten the space by installing a mirror that reflects light in the room.
For hanging your coat or robe, consider adding a bathrobe hook.
You will find a lot of information on bathroom design, remodeling services, and accessories. Our experts will be glad to assist you with planning your renovation. Give us today a call!
How long does it take you to remodel your bathroom in Vancouver?
A complete bathroom renovation project takes approximately four to five weeks. You can expect the project to take longer if permits and inspections are involved. Keep in mind that your renovation’s size and complexity may affect the timeline.
How much does a bathroom redesign increase home value
Bathroom remodeling typically offers a return on your investment (ROI), of between 60% and 70%. This is a great option if you’re looking to increase your home’s value. The amount your bathroom remodel will increase the value of your home will depend on many factors including the scope of the project, the quality and location of your home. A luxury bathroom remodel will offer a better return than a modestly-appointed one in a lower-income area.
How can I make the bathroom feel Zen?
A great bathroom can be a place for reflection and relaxation. After an exhausting day of work, this is where we relax. Why would someone choose a place that makes them feel stressed?
It is easy to answer: bathrooms are places where you can relax. Showering is a way to wash away stress. We clean ourselves and then brush our teeth to remove all the debris from the day.
There are ways to create a quiet and peaceful bathroom while providing us with all the necessary amenities.
A white wall can make a space appear larger and cleaner. White walls also reflect light, making the rooms seem larger.
A large mirror lets us see our faces without needing to look around.
You can make your bathroom a peaceful place by adding candles. Candles provide warmth and a feeling of security. In addition, scented candles can encourage feelings of calmness.
A bathroom with plants can promote tranquility and peace. Plants have been shown to increase focus and reduce stress.
Finally, lighting is another way to set the mood. You can create a warm environment by using lighting. Warm light, such candlelight, may create a calm environment.
When you’re next in the toilet, make sure to take some time for relaxation. This is where we can be totally free of all outside influences.
Do floor tiles need to be darker than wall tiles?
Not necessarily. For the floor and walls, we would recommend the use of the same tile. You can choose to use two tiles if you wish. A modern bathroom should have fewer tiles.
2023 bathroom design trends: Bathroom faucet designs reflected wellness concerns, with 61% choosing accessible lever handles, 48% choosing motion and 36% going for the touch or tap options. (https://nkba.org)
2023 bathroom design trends: 82% of those surveyed preferred low-maintenance, nonporous surfaces for their bathroom. (https://nkba.org)
If possible, allow a 15 to 20% contingency fund so you’re prepared for the unexpected. (loveproperty.com)
I can’t tell you the number of times I’ve had someone call and say they have an existing old tub (which, 99% of the time, is 60” wide once they’re pulled out) and want to convert the bathtub to a shower. (blog.innovatebuildingsolutions.com)
2023 bathroom design trends: Large format tile (59%) was the most popular material for tub and shower surrounds. Slab surfaces (40%) were the next most popular (https://nkba.org)
Other sustainability instruments developed by Noken include an ‘Eco cartridge’ (its two-position switch makes it possible to use 50% less water and energy), and a water ‘flow rate limiter’ (that uses jets and air to reduce water consumption). (decoist.com)
The average midrange bathroom remodels costs $27,164, according to the latest Remodeling Cost versus Value report, and it’s projected that you will recoup 58.9% of that cost when reselling your home. (architecturaldigest.com)
According to a 2019 remodelling report from the National Association of Realtors, 70 percent of consumers “have a greater desire to be home” after a bathroom renovation, so read on and soak up the secrets. (housebeautiful.com)
Outdoor showers can dramatically increase the value of your home—according to a 2018 report from Realtor.com, homes with outdoor showers tend to list for nearly double the asking price of other homes! (housebeautiful.com)
2023 bathroom design trends: Digital showering allows users to program their preferred flow rate, and the temperature was a 23% preference. 44% wanted the ability to start their showers with their phones. (https://nkba.org)
WaterSense-labeled bathroom sink faucets use a maximum of 1.5 gallons per minute, reducing water use by 30 percent or more from the standard flow of 2.2 gallons per minute – without sacrificing performance. (elemental.green)
2023 bathroom design trends: Windows above tubs were favoured by 51% of those surveyed. Skylights were selected by 37% of those surveyed. (https://nkba.org)
External Links
How to Paint Bathroom Cabinets and Make a Simple Vanity Upgrade
Home – NKBA
Real-World Budgeting for Bathroom Remodeling
How To
How to design the master bathroom
Here are some things you need to keep in mind when designing a master bedroom. First, think about the size of the space and what type of fixtures you want. Second, choose a style that you love, and that fits your overall home design. Choose materials that can withstand moisture and wear. Finally, don’t forget to add some personal touches to make the space your own.
A great way to ensure your master bath feels luxurious is to add a spa-like experience. Add a steamer shower, heated towel rails, and candle-scented lamps. These little touches will make bathing more comfortable.
A master bathroom also requires good lighting. Lighting is essential for reading, working and relaxing while you bathe. A skylight should not be a distraction from the beauty in the bathroom.
Your master bathroom doesn’t have to be extravagant. Keep it simple, clean and to the point. Avoid bright colours and use neutral tones. The bathrooms will make your home look much better.
Make sure to store everything! A master bathroom’s storage space is crucial, as it is vital in all rooms. Make sure everything is in its own place and invest in top-quality cabinetry. It’ll surprise you how much easier it will be to tidy up the bathroom when everything has its home.
These are just a few suggestions to help you make the perfect master bathroom. Remember that this space is for you, so make it your own. Enjoy the journey!
The post How to Decorate Nice Bathrooms on a Budget first appeared on Vancouver Kitchen Renovation.
source https://vancouverkitchenrenovation.com/bathrooms/how-to-decorate-nice-bathrooms-on-a-budget/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=how-to-decorate-nice-bathrooms-on-a-budget
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Low Maintenance Family Home
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esselbathfittings · 2 months
Exploring the World of Sanitary Ware: Essential Types for Modern Bathrooms
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n contemporary household architecture, the bathroom's role can be considered a comfort and cleanliness zone. Core to this haven is a plethora of sanitary-ware products, all of which serve specific sanitary functions and enhance the space’s aesthetic appeal. It is important for those planning, designing, or remodelling the bathroom to have adequate information concerning the different categories of sanitary wares. Whether it’s the old-age classics or the new-age novelties, here is your comprehensive guide to the basic categories of sanitary ware to become the stylist of your bathroom space.
The most basic fixture one can have in a bathroom sanitary fittings is a toilet; however, innovation has allowed for a wide array of choices for every shower door. Close-coupled toilet designs are common and they refer to the style where the cistern is affixed to the back of the toilet bowl, making it compact in design. Wall-hung toilets are installed on the wall so they look as if they are ‘floating’; the design is fashionable and helps keep the floors clean. Back-to-wall toilets incorporate the elegance of wall-mounted toilets with the easy installation process of the close-coupled one since the cistern is fixed within the wall or a piece of furniture.
Basins or sinks can come in several designs to make them suitable for the bathroom in terms of their designs or their functions. Pedestal basins are conventional in their design and they are mounted on a pedestal that conceals the pipes, so they exude elegance. Wall-hung basins are installed directly onto the wall and thus do not require a pedestal, and they are good for modern style and compact washrooms. Vessel sinks, or countertop basins, are installed on top of the vanity or directly to the countertop which provides a great emphasis in the design. Under-mount basins are fitted below the countertop so that the waste appears to be directly below the counter, they also make it easier to clean the counter since they are fitted below.
Bidets are more and more being adopted in contemporary washrooms for sanitary purposes. They come in two main types - the standalone bidets which a wash basin fixtures placed beside a toilet and bidet toilets which are bidets that are built into the toilet, thus being the space-saving type. Although widely used in franchises, urinals are gradually being incorporated into home use, particularly in houses that have male occupants. Hanging models and floor-based ones are offered, both possessing efficiency and saving space for the room.
Bathtubs are most associated with comfort and richness or at least with the desire to be rich. There are the child hoc ones which are freestanding bathtubs They are installed anywhere within the bathroom and are considered as the center of the bathroom design. Corner bathtubs are placed with three sides are space-saving, and usually are accompanied by a shower. A corner bathtub has triangular walls and installation is done on the corner these bathtubs are ideal for space savers. They are generally known as accessible bathtubs and contain a door through which a person can enter the bathtub, and these are suitable for the elderly or disabled person.
Shower Enclosures
Enclosures themselves come in all shapes and sizes, fitting the size and style of the interior design of the bathroom. Some shower enclosures are frameless, the design of these incorporates a few nuts and bolts as this will give a more sophisticated outlook. Framed shower enclosures have noticeable frames and give shower screens a more classical touch and extra sturdiness. Sliding door showers are recommended if the bathroom space is small because the doors roll in instead of swinging out. Walk-in showers do not have doors and have very small plans to them and this gives the user a wide space feeling.
Bathroom Accessories
Other accompaniments to the general outlook and use of the bathroom include towel rails and rings whereby you place your towels in an ideal position. Soap dispensing systems and dishes are either to be mounted on the wall or standing on the counter. The toilet roll holders can range from simple designs to elaborate ones that conform to the décor of the bathroom. Some bathroom essentials can include mirrors and cabinets and the available varieties include simple mirrors and even those mirrors that are installed with cabinets.
Selecting the bathroom sanitary ware plays a crucial role in designing the required comfort and at the same time a clean and beautiful interior. Why settle for a boring bathroom design when there are millions of choices out there guaranteeing you a bathroom style of your preference whether it is the conventional or the modern style? Knowing the various types of sanitary items for the bathroom will enable you to consider the various aspects that will help in the improvement of the showpiece’s functionality and beauty.
Start your bathroom remodeling process with Essel Bath Fittings because the perfect bath sanitary ware is there to actualize your dream.
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