#modern! pelle ohlin
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child0feden · 1 month ago
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one thing about this au needs to get out of my head already so, modern! pelle is definitely still broke as fuck so camgirl! reader girl, please do not ever expect more than a €15 donation from him, he really gives you all he has to spare though, poor little thing probably even apologises so awkwardly for how little he thinks knows it is in his donation messages to you! it looks so especially small next to some of your other donation amounts from other people :(
he is a desperate little starving artist who is just so obsessed with you and he gives you just about everything he has because you make him feel all weird good inside… watching you, hearing you and talking to you makes him feel something he has never felt before… he definitely was not even a donator at all at first though!
he was absolutely a lurker who never said a single thing, not even in the free chat box on your stream! he just lurked and watched you work yourself into euphoria on his old laptop screen in the darkness of his room, the confidence he had worked up to make his first donation to you was probably majorly spurred on from him being tipsy drunk and after that, he just grew addicted to your attention… he grew addicted to hearing your soft voice address him his username directly and he was addicted to how you seemed to talk to just him, how you seemed to divert your attention away from all of the other paying viewers just to address him and his measly €15 with a genuine smile on your perfect face…
anyways, yeah, modern! pelle would just be an obsessed little loser ( lovingly ) and i will write more about this lol <3
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child0feden · 1 month ago
i need to know more abt ur thoughts on modern!pelle and camgirl!reader please omfg im deadddddd
well, i have many thoughts about them hehe! as like a short little timeline that i will go more in depth with another time, i think pelle found you, became enamoured with you, began donating to you whenever he has €15 to spare, you became interested in him due to his username and some things he said in his donation messages, you messaged him privately first and the two of you just spoke for hours, both of you continue chatting privately for months before organising a meeting, you meet and yeah you guys are just so in love, you start dating and so on… i will go into a better explanation of all of that later on but for now, have these hehe…
okay so these are just assorted little headcanons for modern! pelle and the camgirl! reader au! there is no major plot nor a major timeline, these are just some short and random little things with them! these are just some of my thoughts about them for you, anon <3
modern! pelle who often gets quite insecure when he sees other donations made to camgirl! reader from other people
pelle had not often found himself all that insecure about how much he had in the bank! yes, he was very aware of the fact that he had… below average in his bank and was what some most people would consider broke but he could never find it in himself to care! he had a lack of enjoyment for things that really required money, he did not often feel like he needed money and hey, he was alive no matter what his nickname may be… money was never an insecurity nor even a worry to the mind of pelle until he became obsessed infatuated with you! only then, did he feel like such a damn loser and such an idiot for even thinking that you would ever even acknowledge his €15 donation when he could see your highest donations of the day all lined up in the corner of his little laptop screen, they were such bigger sums of money, they were so frequent and regular… before that night of him getting drunk and making his first donation of €15 to you, he had always backed out just as he went to press the confirm payment button! he always pulled his ever so slightly shaking hands away from his keyboard and decided not to, he always decided that there was just no point in donating such a small amount and if you noticed him at all, it would probably be to point and laugh at how small of a donation it was and then he would have felt an urge to smash his laptop into little pieces which he knows he cannot afford, both literally because of his lack of funds for a new one and figuratively for his music…
modern! pelle who almost immediately sobered up when camgirl! reader did acknowledge his very first donation
pelle was drunk and he knew he was drunk, it did not take much cheap liquor to completely destroy his frail body and mind at all… he was holed up in his almost pitch black room, his back pressed up against the white painted wall as he sat on his springy old mattress on the floor with his cock held in his fist, the only dim light coming from his laptop screen as it illuminated a small glow across his pale and visibly worn out face… his eyes were stuck on what had become his usual comfort and pleasure of the dark, desolate and cold nights… you… his screen showed him the now familiar sight of you as you fucked your self with your fingers whilst looking right back at him the camera, oh… pelle just could not get enough of you, you made him feel so strange inside, you made him feel things that he did not even think he was capable of feeling, you ignited a burning wildfire inside of a man who thought he was as good as some wet wood… the urge to give you what was left in his bank account, a measly sum of €15 at most, was so sudden and this time, his drunken brain had an instalment of almost unstoppable faux confidence and a real drive… he could not stop himself this time, he could not pull his slim fingers away as he typed in his credit card details and confirmed his choice to send you that all he had! but even with his drunken brain on a high of adrenaline and spurred on confidence, his breath still seemed to halt and pause in his lungs as he watched the his donation pop up on your stream, his unblinking eyes beginning to burn as he watched you study the notification on your screen before reading it out… when you read out his username? some overly morbid and death related username, a horrid username that sounded oh so beautiful coming out of your mouth, he swore that he felt his heart stop beating in his chest for a second! only when you thank him for the first time donation and offer him a sweet welcome to your… community is when he feels like he can breathe again, only when you blow a kiss at him your screen is when he feels as if he was immediately sobered up whilst he feels his cock now becoming notably even harder in his hand from your interaction… yeah, he thinks maybe you are worth going completely broke for after all…
modern! pelle who never quite knows what to put in his donation messages to camgirl! reader
pelle does not really know how to dirty talk, not in person nor online… it is very unfamiliar territory for him and he just never really goes there due to his lack of knowledge for how to actually do it! and he does not want to accidentally creep you out by saying something that sounds more like a strange threat than some sweet dirty talk… so for the most part? a lot of his donations come without a message, or they come with a simple little smiling emoticon! but the rare ones that do come with a real typed out message from him? well, those are always a treat for you! they never really include anything all that dirty, actually, the messages are quiet mundane but in comparison to all of your usual donation messages that are always full of filth and demands? they are such a refreshing change! pelle just always asks you about music, about what your favourite bands are! he always wants to know what kind of movies do you enjoys, if you like snuff stuff or not so much… the questions almost make you laugh as you read them, wondering if he can actually see just what you are doing to yourself when he wants to know about your favourite classic horror… but every single time, you answer his questions with genuine responses, your responses are often filled with stuttering and moans in between your words but pelle appreciates them nonetheless! your dedication to answering his questions that he was hesitant to even send only makes him more infatuated and interested in you and little does he know, his questions to you and about you only drive you to want to know so much more about him…
modern! pelle who starts seeing camgirl! reader after months of getting to know each other more
pelle is not super sure on what the two of you are… if someone asked him, he would probably say that you are partners, that you are dating! but he is unsure if you would say the same because despite how badly he want to think of himself as your boyfriend, as badly as he wants to see your relationship as something real and official, he almost hopes you do not think the same as he does… he almost hopes that you do not see him as your boyfriend because he just thinks you deserve someone so much better than who he is, pelle thinks you deserve so much more than what he can give and he almost hopes that you can see that and that you know that… it is almost strange! the two of you have had sex together at this point, he sleeps at your apartment more than he sleeps anywhere else, the two of you do so many general things together and yet he does not know what it really is and he wants needs to know… as insecurities eat away at him one night, he feels like he just needs to know! and so he asks you, after the two of you had a somewhat domestic day together in your apartment and are laying in bed together, with pelle flat on his back beside you whilst letting you curl up into him, he just asks you… his voice is almost a whisper as he asks you what you guys are, he asks you just what you see him as, he almost sounds afraid to ask and his voice is riddled with total unsureness before he goes deathly silent after getting the question out of his dry mouth, his eyes staring up at your ceiling as his ears seem to ring at the sound of his own fearful voice and the pitiful question that left his mouth! pelle fails to realise that you are beyond half asleep when he asks his question, your brain barely manages to comprehend what he asked you but you manage to give a response, your tired voice mumbling into his band t-shirt covered chest about how he is your boyfriend, obviously before you seem to conk out for good… and pelle feels like he can breath freely when you answer, he feels as if a deadweight was lifted up from his weak shoulders as your words repeat over and over again in his tired mind, a tiny smile crawls across his face as he brings a hand up to stroke your hair before planting a timid kiss on your head as he feels himself drift off into a sleep of his own… in the morning, you will suddenly remember what he asked you just before you passed out and have a more serious conversation about it! you will tell him that of course you thought of him as your boyfriend and you will apologise for not making it clearer to him sooner, and as a sweet treat? you will go with him out to his favourite forest later that day when the sun begins to set and a camera in hand with just one video title in mind “ sucking my BOYFRIEND off deep in the woods and letting him CUM on my face ” and who could ever say no to that…
modern! pelle who does not quite move in with camgirl! reader but basically does move in with her
pell spends far more time at your apartment than he does at the house he shares with his band mates! your apartment brings him an almost unfamiliar sense of comfort and ease, he feels a strange sense of genuine enjoyment when he is surrounded by things that just have so much of you attached to them… pelle has found himself just touching so much of your stuff so many times, usually in quite innocent ways too! he has found himself bringing his pale fingers down to run along your hairbrush… he has found himself picking up one of your shirts from the laundry basket and bringing the soft cotton up to his nose in search of any scent of you that remains attached to the fabric, his hands tightening around the shirt and his breath huffing through his nose with satisfaction and pleasure when he finds the scent of you that he was searching for… he has found himself mindlessly fiddling with your hair ties that are always laying around somewhere in your apartment, his fingers examining and studying the loose hair strands that remain on the small and often used hair tie as his brain is indescribably pleased to know that the little strands of hair are a leftover part of you… he has found himself sniffing one of your candles and immediately letting out a breath of strange relief when he realises that the scent of this candle is the new and unfamiliar scent that he has been smelling around you and your clothes lately, that his brain was wrong in making him paranoid that maybe you had been getting close with someone else and had gotten bored of him…
modern! pelle who sometimes wants to be in the room whilst camgirl! reader streams
pelle does not always feel like having sex, nor does he always feel like having sex with you on your stream… but this does not mean that he does not still like to watch you please yourself and hell, it does not mean that he might not end up palming his cock through his tattered jeans as he watches you fuck yourself… he sits just behind your webcam, he stays out of view and he stays completely silent save for a few stuttered breaths and low groans that fail to even be picked up by the microphone due to your own moans and whines blocking them out! he enjoys just sitting against a wall and watching you work away at yourself, watching you please yourself with your own hands and your own devices whilst he studies your body or palms at himself through his pants, he loves feeling his breath hitch in his throat when your eyes drift just a little bit away from the webcam and meet his own… he loves when you lay your cheek down on the soft sheets of your bed and look right over at him, right into his curious blue orbs as you fuck yourself for the viewers him and he loves keeping your eyes locked in a stare of such primal want and need and such human curiosity as he observes the way your pupils blow out in a pure form of total euphoria when you reach your high and are forced to break away from the intense stare with pelle in order to let your eyes drop closed with pleasure… he likes that you looked away first, he feels a slight breath of relief leave his mouth when he realises that he will get to observe you and admire you in your post orgasm haze…
modern! pelle who sometimes just listens to camgirl! reader as she streams
pelle might not even come into your room and watch you stream, oh no! sometimes, he will just be walking around your apartment, he will just on his way to grab something from his bag and he will hear your moans echoing through the thin wooden door to your spare room, the room where almost all of your streams take place… of course pelle knew you were streaming, you always tell him beforehand so that he can either come in the room and watch or just so that he knows what you will be doing for a little while out of your day! he had already heard some of your louder moans through the walls as he sat on your bed in your now shared bedroom and sure, hearing those sudden loud moans would always send a strike of lighting through his stomach and straight to his cock but when he walked past the door and heard almost everything? when he walked past the closed door and heard every single one of your moans and your whines and your gasps? when he heard all of the noises and began picturing just what you were doing to yourself today? he stills outside of the door, halting in his step and leaning back against the wall before bringing a pale hand down to palm at his cock, he knows he could go into the bedroom and open your stream to watch and then just fuck you himself when you end it but something about listening in through a doorway makes him feel so oddly excited as he unbuttons his jeans and pulls his cock out… sometimes, after walking past the room and hearing those noises, he just cannot help himself! he just has to lean against the painted wall and fist his cock whilst picturing what you are doing to yourself, wondering how many fingers you are shoving into your sweet cunt or if you are using a toy today, he wonders if your cunt is just aching to be stuffed by his cock instead of your own fingers or some plastic… he just cannot stop himself from getting himself off in the hallway of your apartment and he knows it is so disgusting, what kind of person does this? what kind of person listens in on their girlfriend as she fucks herself for other people who are paying to see it? what kind of person gets off on that? but these thoughts only make pelle feel even more heated as low grunts and deep huffs leave his mouth, his hand tightening around his cock as he fastens his movements, his eyes squeezing shut before he lets out a strangled moan as he feels himself reach a sense of euphoria… it takes him a minute of reaching clarity to realise that his cum has splattered on your hardwood floors… but do not worry, he will be sure to get that cleaned up before you are done with your stream…
modern! pelle who lets camgirl! reader make a custom toy of him
pelle was somehow surprised when you asked to make a custom replica toy of his cock! despite how many times you had told him that he just had such a perfect cock and how it always filled you up so well, despite how many times you had praised him during sex about how his cock felt so heavenly inside of you… he was just surprised that you would actually want a toy of him, i mean… was it really that good to you? he never saw much special about his cock but then again, he did not tend to admire himself in a mirror all that much… but when you straddle him on the couch and begin nibbling at the pale flesh of his neck whilst explaining to him that yes, his cock really is that perfect and yes, he really is that good to you and when you mumble into his neck about how incredibly hot it would be to fuck yourself with a replica of him during your streams? oh… well that is what really gets pelle going as he thinks about it! it gets him so flushed and he can feel his cock hardening as he thinks about you using him a replica of him to fuck yourself in front of so many people who have no idea! he gets so hard at the thought of you fucking yourself into stupidity with something meant to exactly replicate his own cock… and yeah, this toy ends up doing wonders both for you and pelle, especially in the times before pelle was confident enough to join you on camera… he loved watching you fuck yourself with it, he loved really being able to see how much of a struggle it was for you to fit his cock into your tight little cunt, he adored really being able to watch as your cunt almost failed to take his full size… he loved watching your cream paint the replica of him in a layer of creamy goodness, he just loved watching you fuck yourself with what is basically a piece of him in front of all those people who you chose him over, you chose him and his €15 over everyone and you show it off like no other…
anyways, hope you like these at least a little anon <3
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child0feden · 2 days ago
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a super short thought but modern! pelle absolutely loves it when when you get manicures and pick out the coffin shape just because it reminded you of him!
and getting coffin shaped nails in his tip colour too? wowow… it would just make him so flustered but at the same time, he loves how kind of weird that is… like in a strange way, he kind of gets off on the fact that no one but the two of you know where you got that colour idea from… whenever he hears someone give an innocent compliment about the colour or sees someone give an innocent compliment about the colour in the comments of a photo of them that you posted on your social media profile, it always makes his pale face flush a deep red colour… he is not blushing because of these random people and their remarks though, oh no! he blushes because of you, he blushes because he knows that you knew exactly what you were doing with choosing that colour, he blushes because he knows that this is you showing him off in such an intimate way to unknowing people… like it is so filthy and he just loves it, even if it makes him blush like a fool…
i need to write more about modern! pelle soon because i love the concept lol <3
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child0feden · 5 months ago
welcome to my second metal masterlist! this list will expand over time and my first metal masterlist can be found here <3
✩ next to a title symbolises a personal favourite!
request status: open!
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