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A brief history of the Minimoog Part II
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乱数の捧げ物(How Sweet to be blindly mover...)
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do my bingo

#thoughts#if u want…. i alr feel like i could’ve made it better but it’s ok#also i initially made this as a joke for my irls so if u don’t know what the tube is it’s like in sci fi fiction where they have someone#floating in a tube full of like goo or liquid and it’s glowing slightly. if you get it u get it#FUCK I FORGOT TO PUT ANATOMICAL MODELD ON HERE. if u like them ur a real one#and the bible. wtfffff. but i consider that part of classic lit personally (makes everything up)
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Click here for What Is Your Function by Rainbow Clash on Spotify! Check out the EP: What Is Your Function
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❤️中古ボード❤️ DK SURFBOARDS 9'4" MODEL-D SINGLE NOSERIDER ノーズライダー ●MADE IN USA BRAND『DK SURFBOARDS』 ●Rich PavelやSteve Boysen等有名ブランドで数々の経験を積んだDK氏のブランド。 ●DK氏のMODELの中でも最もオーソドックスなアウトラインのノーズライダー。 ●重すぎず、軽すぎずの適度な重量感が、重いのは嫌だけどシングルFINに乗ってノーズライディングをしたい!!という夢を叶えてくれるはず。 ●テールコントロールが非常にしやすいノーズライダーです。 ●レールは50/50レールの為切り返しがしやすい仕様に!! ⚫︎状態は中古とは思えないほど美品です。 ●SHAPER : Dennis DJ Kane ●SIZE : 9'4" × 23 × 3(284.5cm×58.42cm×7.62cm) ●COLOR :CLR SAND仕上げ ●FIN SYSTEM : SINGLE BOX ●付属品 : 無 ⚫︎状態:超美品 #dksurfboards #noserider #modeld #ノーズライダー #乗りやすい #中古ボード @harborsidesurf (THE USA SURF) https://www.instagram.com/p/CqKqvk0POd2/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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E-ticaret dünyası, hızla değişen dinamikleri ve sunduğu fırsatlarla her geçen gün daha fazla kişiyi kendine çekiyor. Ticaretology, bu heyecan verici yolculukta size rehberlik etmek için burada. Hayalinizdeki online işinizi kurmak için ihtiyacınız olan bilgiye ulaşmanıza yardımcı olacak çeşitli kaynaklar sunuyor. E-ticaret fikirlerinden, C2B modelinin ne olduğuna, fiyatlandırma stratejilerinden güvenlik analitiğine kadar geniş bir yelpazede içerikler sağlıyor.
E-Ticaret Fikirleri
E-ticaret, geniş bir pazara erişim imkanı sunmasının yanı sıra, yaratıcı fikirler ve yenilikçi stratejilerle de zenginleştirilebilir. Özellikle işletmelerin sürdürülebilirliği ve rekabet gücünü artırmak için dikkatle planlanmış e-ticaret fikirleri büyük önem taşır.
Örneğin, müşterilerin ihtiyaçlarına göre kişiselleştirilmiş ürün önerileri sunmak, kullanıcı deneyimini geliştirmek ve satışları artırmak için etkili bir yöntemdir. Aynı zamanda, sosyal medya platformlarında etkileşim artırarak e-ticaret sitenize yönlendirme yapabilir ve müşteri sadakati oluşturabilirsiniz.
Bir diğer ilginç e-ticaret fikirleri ise abonelik temelli hizmetlerdir. Bu model, düzenli gelir akışı yaratırken, müşteri memnuniyetini de artırır. Örneğin, gıda ürünleri, kişisel bakım ürünleri veya özel içerikler için abonelik modelini düşünebilirsiniz.
Güvenlik analitiğiyle birlikte çalışarak müşteri verilerini analiz etmek ve alışveriş deneyimini daha da güvenli hale getirmek, markanızın itibarını güçlendirmenin yanı sıra, potansiyel müşteri kaybını da önleyecektir. Bu tür stratejiler, e-ticaret fiyatlandırma konusunda daha bilinçli kararlar almanızı sağlar.
C2b Nedir
C2B nedir, yani Consumer to Business, tüketicilerin işletmelere ürün veya hizmet sunduğu bir e-ticaret modelidir. Bu modelde, bireyler kendi yarattıkları ürünleri veya hizmetleri firmalara sunarak gelir elde etmektedir. Özellikle freelance çalışmanın yaygınlaşmasıyla birlikte C2B modeli, dijital pazarda önemli bir yer edinmiştir.
E-ticaret fikirleri arasında C2B, yenilikçi bir yaklaşım sunmaktadır. Tüketicilerin, firmaların ihtiyaçlarını karşılamak amacıyla nasıl daha fazla değer sunabileceği üzerine düşünmeleri bu modelin temelini oluşturur. Örneğin, bireyler sosyal medya üzerinden içerik oluşturarak, işletmelerin marka bilinirliğini artırmalarına yardımcı olabilir.
C2B uygulamaları, özellikle e-ticaret fiyatlandırma stratejilerinde farklılaşmalara yol açar. İşletmeler, insanların sunduğu hizmetlere ve ürünlere uygun fiyat belirlerken, pazara yönelik dinamik bir yaklaşım sergilemelidir. Bu durum, işletmelerin ihtiyaçlarına göre daha esnek fiyatlar sunmalarına imkan tanır.
Ayrıca, C2B modelinin güvenlik analitiği açısından da önemli bir rolü vardır. Tüketiciler ile işletmeler arasındaki bu etkileşim, veri güvenliği ve gizliliği konularında dikkatli olmayı gerektirir. İşletmeler, tüketici bilgilerini korumak için gerekli güvenlik önlemlerini almak zorundadır.
E-Ticaret Fiyatlandırma
E-ticaret fiyatlandırma, çevrimiçi işinizi büyütmek için kritik bir faktördür. Doğru fiyatlandırma stratejisi, ürünlerinizi veya hizmetlerinizi daha çekici hale getirebilir ve rekabet avantajı sağlayabilir.
Bu noktada, fiyatlandırma modelinizi belirlemek önemlidir. İster sabit fiyatlandırma, ister dinamik fiyatlandırma olsun, her iki model de avantajlar sunabilir. Dinamik fiyatlandırma, piyasa taleplerine göre anlık değişikliklere izin verirken, sabit fiyatlandırma müşterilerinize güven hissi verir.
Fiyatlandırma stratejiniz ayrıca promosyonlar ve indirim kampanyaları ile desteklenmelidir. Bu tür uygulamalar, potansiyel müşterilerinizi harekete geçirebilir ve satışlarınızı artırabilir. Tüm bu faktörleri dikkate alarak, e-ticaret fiyatlandırma stratejinizi şekillendirebilir ve başarılı bir çevrimiçi iş modeli oluşturabilirsiniz.
Güvenlik Analitiği
E-ticaret dünyasında güvenlik, kullanıcıların güvenliğini sağlamak ve veri ihlallerini önlemek için kritik bir öneme sahiptir. Güvenlik analitiği, işletmelerin alışveriş yapanlarının hareketlerini analiz ederek potansiyel tehditleri tanımlamalarına ve önlem almalarına olanak tanır.
İyi bir güvenlik analitiği sistemi, gerçek zamanlı veri izleme ve analiz yetenekleri ile donatılmış olmalıdır. Bu sayede, dolandırıcılık girişimleri veya siber saldırılar gibi olası tehlikeler anında tespit edilerek, gerekli önlemler hızla hayata geçirilebilir.
E-ticaret fikirleri geliştirirken, güvenliği ön planda tutmak, hem müşteri memnuniyetini artırır hem de marka itibarını korur. Güçlü bir güvenlik analitiği ile donanmış bir e-ticaret platformu, başarıya ulaşmanın anahtarlarından biridir.
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#cats on synthesizers in space#catsonsynthesizersinspace#cosis#cat#cats#synth#synths#synthesizer#synthesizers#space#cosmos#astronomy#scifi#nasa#spacex#caturday#cute#epic#funny#lolz#catsofinstagram#cats of tumblr#moog#minimoog#modeld#theeaglehaslanded
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Dağılmışımdır. Dün dümdüz siyah kazak baktım, yok inanır mısınız istediğim modelde dümdüz bir siyah kazak yok.
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A brief history of the Minimoog Part I
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Yuu No. 83 Birthday Vignette
"A party? For me...? Oh, how nice of you. Oh, but make sure Shin and Ghidorah don't fight over the cake, okay?" - Yuu No. 83
NRC School Newspaper A Birthday Interview with Yuu No. 83
Grimm: First off, henchman. I, the Great Grimm, would like to wish you a happy birthday!
Yuu No. 83: Thanks, Grimm.
Grimm: Now, onto the questions! Firstly, I would like to know how you found something like Shin and Ghidorah, and why do they look so weird?
Yuu No. 83: Ah... They're a special kind of organism. Something ancient, yet new. Like an endangered species, yeah? Doesn't this world have all sorts of magical beasts?
Grimm: Is that so? Sounds fishy...
Yuu No. 83: *nervous chuckle* I'm sure you're much more iconic than any magical best, Grimm.
Grimm: Fufu~! Yeah, I am! Not even a dragon can be more popular than the Great Grimm!
Yuu No. 83: But Shin beats you in being the cutest *smirk*
Grimm: Wha-! Hey! I'm much cuter than that chihuahua thing anyday! You just have a bad eye for cuteness...
Grimm: Next, what is up with your name, Yuu? And why is your last name 83? It sounds very weird to have a number for a last name...
Yuu No. 83: Oh, you probably didn't know...
But "Yuu" is the nickname everyone in NRC decided to give me because they couldn't remember my number ID.
Grimm: How hard could it be to remember 83?
Yuu No. 83: It's actually 083-116...
Grimm: Funya!? That's it?! No real name or anything!?
Yuu No. 83: Let's just say... I grew up somewhere militaristic. There were a lot of "kids" in that facility- I mean, "boarding house".
They couldn't give all of us names so they used numbers to be more orderly... But I do agree that it seems out of place.
Grimm: How many were you all living in that place?
Yuu No. 83: Umm... about a thousand.
Grimm: Aren't you cramped in there?!
Yuu No. 83: It was a really big "boarding house", okay? So, can we drop the subject and move onto the next question... please.
Grimm: What's your favorite food?
Yuu No. 83: Noodles! I love the broth, the toppings and I love the variety. I am a huge fan of beef noodles!
It's so good to eat on a cold day or when you get sick.
Grimm: Noodles aren't that full of meat though, if it were me, I would want a big juicy steak!
Wait... now that I think about it what do Shin and Ghidorah eat?
Yuu No. 83: Well... Shin eats mostly anything, sweets, meat, and fruits. But he likes raw meat the most. It's quite hard to stock up, especially when I'm not that good at hunting...
And I don't want to impose on Rook even if he was offering to help.
As for Ghidorah... he eats minerals. He doesn't eat anything else other than that. I tried but they all end up being thrown away... or at me. *scowls at Ghidorah*
Grimm: I can understand, rocks taste good too if you pick the right ones!
Yuu No. 83: ...
Grimm: By the way... what's with that pink little box that you always carry in your pocket?
Yuu No. 83: It's my taser.
Grimm: What's it for?
Yuu No. 83: It's for self defense. Just a press of the button and... ZAP! They get stunned long enough for me to counterattack or run away. Useful, isn't it?
Grimm: You must be paranoid or something... Do you really need something that severe?
Yuu No. 83: This thing is the only thing keeping us away from being squeezed by Floyd.
Grimm: Good point...
Grimm: Look at all the gifts! Which ones do you like best, Yuu?
Yuu No. 83: Professor Crewel gave me these custom harnesses to carry Shin and Ghidorah around. It doesn't lessen the weight, but at least I have both my hands unoccupied!
Though, Shin is the only one I bring around campus. Ghidorah is too heavy to carry on my side. I have to hold him in the front.
His weight makes my back sore...
Grimm: He is bigger than Shin.
Yuu No. 83: Then Vil gave me this ring that was modeld after his crown. I don't wear much jewelry, but I like the simple yet elegant design of the ring.
Grimm: I bet it's worth a lot of madols!
Yuu No. 83: It probably is... And I feel so scared to acidentally scratch it.
Grimm: What's this one?
Yuu No. 83: Oh, that's the last of my favorites. Deuce actually took me to a place where we can spin gacha machines.
I spent a good chunk of my savings to get a bunch of cute and tiny figurines, hehe!
Grimm: You seem oddly fixated on those things. You don't even use them for anything.
Yuu No. 83: Hey, it's just a hoard, okay? I don't judge you for stuffing mountains of tuna cans under the bed.
Grimm: Urk! Anyway... happy birthday once again, Yuu. This concludes the interview from yours truly, the Great Grimm!
#twisted wonderland#twst#Yuusona#do not repost#I made a Yuusona who lives in a kaiju era#Since I have two puppets based on kaiju#and I bring them to conventions#I built my Yuusona around that concept#Shin godzilla#kamata-kun#king ghidorah#kaiju
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Is Cassie's new body a rejected/disused Glamrock Foxy? The design matches the Plex variations of Foxy (orange fur, blue accents, golden eye), and you had them lying with a pile of Daycare stuff (strong ties between Foxy & the Daycare beyond just Kids Cove, as pointed out by CathuresArt et al.) </FnafTheorist>
I've had a handful of folks asking about this or thinking the animatronic is foxy, however that's not like- 100% accurate but it is close!
I have explained this in full on stream before but I probably should put it down in writing so everyone can get the ✨️lore✨️
The basic idea is that the animatronic cassie is possessing comes from a very short lived secondary band from when foxy and Bonnie were still part of the main Glamrocks. This band was designed to be like smaller, more pastel versions of the glamrocks that were still their own separate characters (think like- loony tunes vs tiny toons).
The purpose of this band was to be a more toned down alternative to the glamrocks that occasionally played at superstar theater for younger kids and those with sensory issues that still wanted live music!
So yes- the animatronic is modeld after foxy but is not quite foxy :) (I tend to call her 'Vix' in my head)
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Çok kararsız kaldım acaba saçımı kestirsem mi kestirmesem mi? İçimden bir ses bırak uzasın saçların diyor bir tarafım değişiklik olur diyor. İstediğim modelde birazcık riskli bana uyarmı bilmiyorum NAPICAM BEN YA
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so like, i would be interested to read a fic where movieverse!veddie meet up with comics!spidey, specifically a plot where venom and eddie are separated and venom bonds with peter in the meantime to get back to eddie.
theres a LOT to explore there, venom's perfect symbiosis with peter, the freedom he feels moving around using webslinging, the feeling that he's finally a true hero, maybe even being led astray from his original goal of reuniting with eddie. plus peter trying to work out how he feels about, you know, a giant head eating space monster(sorry V) hitching a ride. he's teaching venom all sorts of moral rules about what constitutes evil and villainy and rehabilitative justice and why you cant just eat petty criminals, things eddie had tried to explain but wasnt able to get through to V.
"WHAT ABOUT PEOPLE WHO HIT THEIR PARTNERS?" venom asks, always asking, always testing out peter's morals and trying to find where the line is.
"no. obviously nothing excuses something that terrible, but what if they had a bad childhood and that's what was modeld for them? what if they never got the therapy they needed to control their anger? what if they would change, given proper help? you have to give people chances to change."
"again, there's no excuse for abuse. but people backslide, people dont change all at once. and they have to want to change."
peter groans and shakes his head. "no. no it isnt. and anyway, studies show that upping the punishment for crimes doesnt effect the crime rate whatsoever, because most crimes are spur-of-the-moment, or crimes of passion, where people aren't considering consequences. and if they are considering consequences, either any consequence is enough to dissuade them, or they find their situation untenable enough that they're willing to risk it. higher risk doesnt factor into the decision-making process, it just means people end up worse off."
venom thinks about this, too. really chews on it for a moment. "HUMANS," venom concludes, "DO NOT MAKE SENSE."
#of course venom DOES get reunited with eddie and choses eddie over peter#but they had a whole thing in the comics! venom has perfect symbiosis with peter!#they should feel good and powerful together#a symbiosis thats only acheived with eddie through eddie's intense love feeding the phenethylamine#need#polycule au
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✨Bebeğinize alabileceğinizz , onu sıcak tutucak bebek battaniyemizz , istediğiniz renk ve modelde sipariş verebilirsiniz 🤗🌸🪄💌
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