As usual, those that were unfollow have until tomorrow to ask for their characters back before I delete everything. Those that have a warning have until tomorrow to post or contact the main. 
The points have been updated [x] with the girls in the lead! Thank you to everyone that decided to participate in the event, we're already planning another event for Thanksgiving! 
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How many apps do you expect to need before going through acceptances, etc.?
We don’t have a set number, we usually accept whenever we both have gone over them.
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Do you guys advertise/have a promo blog?
Yes, we actually do. Since I was more focus on revamping the main I stop the advertisement but I will start to fill it up today.
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Are you allowed to have an unclaimed demigod?
Yes, absolutely! I would actually love to see one!
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Did you guys use a psd for coloring all the pictures on the bios? I love how it works with every fc despite them all looking different and stuff!
Yes, I created my own psd to use on all of them! Thank you, I attempted to make a coloring that would do just that! 
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Hmm... hypothetically, how would one go about rejoining? For OC's, premades, etc.?
We save every application we get so if the player comes to us and gives us a valid reason as to why they went inactive (and when I say valid reason, I mean something like ‘my computer crash’, ‘I had family issues’ etc) we will take them back; OC or premade. Usually we clean the application folder but since I haven’t had time to do that all applications are still in there as of now. 
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what about those on hiatus?
I’m sorry but even those on hiatus need to send that information in by October 3rd. It really does not take long to answer those few questions/send in missing information. 
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Sorry for my disappearance but changing states has been a quite an experience, very exhausting. But now that I'm starting to get the hang of things I'll be more active on the main. I just queue some promos that will run throughout saturday. Tomorrow I will do another activity check and hopefully release another weekly task for those that are still here. Thank you for patience!
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