#mod: terre.
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♡~Mirror, mirror on my floor, what do me and Pookie have in store?~♡
...This... This can't be...
"Friendzoned" by MON amour?!?!?! THIS CAN'T BE!!! THIS IS COMPLETELY FALSE!!! TU MENT!!!!!
Hmph~! I will not let something so RIDICULE perturb me. No I will not! How absolutely silly...
What if it IS accurate though... what if mon bourdon fou does want to friendzone me...?
KAKAKA~✩ What a ridiculous thought! He would never want to friendzone me! Mon bourdon LOVES me as much as I LOATHE him!!! KAKAKA~✩ Of course!!! That's what it must be!!
-Mod Shu 🍷
#shu itsuki#rinne amagi#shurinne#rinneshu#shu x rinne#rinne x shu#shurinnenation4ever#enstars#ensemble stars#tomodachi life
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Hey. I wanted to say a huge thank you for your work. I've been watching posts in here for… half a year now? And I've gone more and more into frustration with terralines.
Honestly, everything about the terraline community pisses me off right now. From the toxic-“friendly” community, to the complete inflation of the species characters, simply because one of the mods acted like a child, deciding to self-destruct the species in the form of “giving away limited myo slots”. Honestly, the best thing for terralines after that would have been to completely destroy them, lol. We'd at least have a more pleasant nostalgia for the killed specie Previously, when the specie was only open a month ago - I constantly praised the mods of terralines for the unique in my opinion concept and quite coherent work.
Right now though, I'm slowly starting to see more and more no point in being in the species. I've collected about 7 characters, but I can't even really trade one terraline for some other terraline I'd really like. And that's only part of the trouble - I can't even swap him for other species that I participate in events and am interested in! And it would seem like it - terraline is limited, has 2 limited good traits, has a quite good design. But because of the destroyed terraline economy - this terraline can be consigned to the trash if you want too (I'll still try to redesign them, lol).
So, thanks to your posts, I'm slowly starting to realize more and more the futility of wasting time on closed species (maybe because I work hard in real life, don't see the point of spending more than $300 for a branded character and am passionate about another fandoms?) and such and one good idea started to pop into my head - just void all my terralines to make them fan-off characters and redesign them however I want, add them new versions of the design that I personally want and such!
But I'm not sure that's rational. Personally, in terralines right now I'm looking at the economy. Because, alas - all the closed views, to me, are just a real “gucci” logo on sneakers from china that will cost $300 with the brand and $30 without it. All these branded characters - a great opportunity with them to get any other wants and also, as my personal experience has shown - advertising of your artworks. So on the other hand, I'm worried that if I now void characters - then in half a year, conditionally, the situation in the terralines will change and the economy in times will improve. But on the other hand - this taste of freedom characters… And no more stupid waits of 2 weeks or even a month for design verification…..
What do you personally think? Is it worth it? or better not to make hasty decisions and just “wait” (although why, if I want to use redesigns of their characters here and now, not waiting for 2 weeks for a response, only to get something from the category of “this terraline can not have a mouth on the visor and you can not do anything about it. But we will approve terralines of our mods in less than a day or two with a mouth trait, even though this limited terraline didn't originally have a mouth trait, lol. they just our friend) Well, or write me a motivating quote that will finally motivate me to void all my terralines :)
thanks for the kind words about the blog, im glad that things posted here have been spreading awareness
as for your actual question, i would say if youre this dissatisfied with the species its better to leave sooner than later. ask yourself how much of a connection you truly have to your Terra characters? do you have stories for them, do you draw them a lot? or do you just hold onto them for the possibility you can trade them for something higher value?
for terras that you genuinely love as characters, void them. you have a personal connection that would be there whether it was a terra or not
for those you only hold on to for the "value," trade them for something you will like more. you'll actually find a lot of success in trading terraliens for art, people offer really high quality work. if you find you arent getting as "high value" traits as you'd anticipated, maybe lower your standards. the point of the trade is to get out of terras after all
my main motivation for you is that if something isnt bringing you joy, leave. consider how much time and effort you've put into prompts lately, if you dont really care about the prompts or community, why else are you there?
good luck with breaking out of cs, its a neverending hold that so many (including myself) struggle to crawl out of
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hey mod, I remember you mentioning lately your Netflix watchlist being all in French. I’ve decided to start getting serious about the language so do you have any recs? thank you!
Ok anon, here we go. Mind you I can't tell you if any of them are good since they're still on my watchlist and I haven't watched them yet. 😬 It's mostly the French content Netflix has produced so it should be available everywhere.
Jusqu'ici tout va bien (series) Le monde de demain (series) Chef's Table France (series) - this one's good, big fan of food shows Les combattantes (mini series) Sous emprise (film) - Camille Rowe trying to act. lol Drôle (series) Les papillons noirs (series) Amour (film) - multiple Oscars Les roi des ombres (film) Family Business (series) Lupin (series) Happy Nous Year (film) Notre-Dame (series) - based on the true events Vous n'aurez pas ma haine (film) - based on the 2015 Paris attacks Les 7 vies de Léa (series) Friendzone (film) Plan cœur (series) L'origine du monde (film) Marseille (series) 8 Rue de l'Humanité (film) Divines (film) La vie scolaire (film) Banlieusards (film) Dérapages (series) Mauvaises herbes (film) Disparu à jamais (mini series) L'ascension (film) Les goûts et les couleurs (series) Loin du périph (film) Le monde est à toi (film) La forêt (mini series) M'entends-tu? (series) Madame Claude (film) BAC Nord (film) Zone blanche (series) Huge in France (series) Mortel (series) Je ne suis pas un homme facile (film) Oxygène (film) - with Mélanie Laurent Burn out (film) Vampires (series) Marianne (series) - horror Mignonnes (film) Sentinelle (film) Sans répit (film) La terre et le sang (film) Le voyage au Groenland (film) Le Manoir (film) - horror
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2023/03/18 En este espacio han convivido a lo largo de la historia muchas civilizaciones, teniendo en común que era un lugar fortificado para protegerse de los peligros que venían por mar y por tierra. Hasta hace unas pocas décadas, aun estuvo habitado, pero hoy en día es un sitio para aprender y para visitar.
Many civilizations have lived in this space throughout history, having in common that it was a fortified place to protect themselves from the dangers that came by sea and by land. Until a few decades ago, it was still inhabited, but today it is a place to learn and to visit.
Google Translation into French: De nombreuses civilisations ont vécu dans cet espace à travers l'histoire, ayant en commun qu'il s'agissait d'un lieu fortifié pour se protéger des dangers qui arrivaient par mer et par terre. Jusqu'à il y a quelques décennies, elle était encore habitée, mais aujourd'hui c'est un lieu d'apprentissage et de visite.
Google translation into Italian: Molte civiltà hanno vissuto in questo spazio nel corso della storia, accomunate dal fatto che era un luogo fortificato per proteggersi dai pericoli che arrivavano via mare e via terra. Fino a qualche decennio fa era ancora abitato, ma oggi è luogo di apprendimento e di visita.
Google Translation into Portuguese: Muitas civilizações viveram neste espaço ao longo da história, tendo em comum o facto de ser um local fortificado para se protegerem dos perigos que chegavam por mar e por terra. Até algumas décadas atrás ainda era habitado, mas hoje é um lugar de aprendizado e visita.
Google Translation into German: Viele Zivilisationen haben im Laufe der Geschichte in diesem Raum gelebt, denen gemeinsam ist, dass es ein befestigter Ort war, um sich vor den Gefahren zu schützen, die auf dem See- und Landweg eintrafen. Bis vor einigen Jahrzehnten war es noch bewohnt, heute ist es ein Lern- und Besuchsort.
Google Translation into Albanisch: Në këtë hapësirë gjatë historisë kanë jetuar shumë qytetërime, të cilat të gjitha kanë të përbashkët se ishte një vend i fortifikuar për t'u mbrojtur nga rreziqet që vinin nga deti dhe toka. Deri para disa dekadash ishte ende i banuar, sot është një vend mësimi dhe vizite.
Google Translation into Armenian: Պատմության ընթացքում շատ քաղաքակրթություններ են ապրել այս տարածքում, որոնց բոլորին ընդհանուր է այն, որ դա ամրացված վայր էր՝ պաշտպանվելու ծովով և ցամաքով ժամանած վտանգներից: Մինչև մի քանի տասնամյակ առաջ այն դեռ բնակեցված էր, այսօր այն սովորելու և այցելության վայր է։
Google Translation into Bulgarian: Много цивилизации са живели в това пространство през цялата история, всички от които имат общото, че това е било укрепено място, за да се предпазят от опасностите, пристигащи по море и суша. Допреди няколко десетилетия все още е бил населен, днес е място за учене и посещение.
Google Translation into Czech: Mnoho civilizací žilo v tomto prostoru v průběhu historie, z nichž všechny mají společné to, že to bylo opevněné místo, aby se chránily před nebezpečím, které přicházelo po moři a po souši. Ještě před pár desítkami let byl ještě obydlen, dnes je místem poznávání a návštěv.
Google Translation into Croatian: Kroz povijest su na ovom prostoru živjele mnoge civilizacije, a svima je zajedničko da je to bilo utvrđeno mjesto za zaštitu od opasnosti koje su stizale s mora i kopna. Do prije nekoliko desetljeća još je bilo naseljeno, danas je mjesto učenja i posjeta.
Google Translation into Danish Mange civilisationer har levet i dette rum gennem historien, som alle har det til fælles, at det var et befæstet sted for at beskytte sig mod de farer, der ankom til vands og til lands. Indtil for få årtier siden var det stadig beboet, i dag er det et sted for læring og besøg.
Google Translation into Slovak: V tomto priestore žilo počas histórie mnoho civilizácií, z ktorých všetky majú spoločné to, že to bolo opevnené miesto na ochranu pred nebezpečenstvami, ktoré prichádzali po mori a po súši. Ešte pred niekoľkými desiatkami rokov bol ešte obývaný, dnes je miestom učenia a návštevy.
Google Translation into Slovenian: Na tem prostoru so skozi zgodovino živele številne civilizacije, vsem pa je skupno, da je bil to utrjen kraj za zaščito pred nevarnostmi, ki so prihajale po morju in kopnem. Do pred nekaj desetletji je bilo še naseljeno, danes pa je mesto učenja in obiskovanja.
Google Translation into Estonian: Ajaloo jooksul on selles ruumis elanud palju tsivilisatsioone, millel kõigil on ühine see, et see oli kindlustatud koht, et kaitsta end meritsi ja maad pidi saabunud ohtude eest. Veel mõnikümmend aastat tagasi oli see asustatud, täna on see õppimise ja külastamise koht.
Google Translation into Suomi: Monet sivilisaatiot ovat asuneet tässä tilassa läpi historian, joille kaikille on yhteistä, että se oli linnoitettu paikka suojautua meritse ja maalla saapuvilta vaaroilta. Vielä muutama vuosikymmen sitten se oli vielä asuttu, nykyään se on oppimisen ja vierailun paikka.
Google Translation into Greek: Πολλοί πολιτισμοί έχουν ζήσει σε αυτόν τον χώρο κατά τη διάρκεια της ιστορίας, όλοι τους έχουν κοινό ότι ήταν ένα οχυρωμένο μέρος για να προστατευτούν από τους κινδύνους που έφτασαν από τη θάλασσα και τη στεριά. Μέχρι πριν από μερικές δεκαετίες εξακολουθούσε να κατοικείται, σήμερα είναι τόπος μάθησης και επίσκεψης.
Google Translation into Dutch: Door de geschiedenis heen hebben vele beschavingen in deze ruimte gewoond, die allemaal gemeen hebben dat het een versterkte plek was om zichzelf te beschermen tegen de gevaren die over zee en over land kwamen. Tot een paar decennia geleden was het nog bewoond, tegenwoordig is het een plek om te leren en te bezoeken.
Google Translation into Norwegian: Mange sivilisasjoner har levd i dette rommet gjennom historien, som alle har det til felles at det var et befestet sted for å beskytte seg mot farene som kom til sjøs og til lands. Inntil for noen tiår siden var det fortsatt bebodd, i dag er det et sted for læring og besøk.
Google Translation into Polish: Wiele cywilizacji żyło w tej przestrzeni w całej historii, z których wszystkie łączy to, że było to ufortyfikowane miejsce, aby chronić się przed niebezpieczeństwami przybywającymi z morza i lądu. Jeszcze kilkadziesiąt lat temu był jeszcze zamieszkały, dziś jest miejscem nauki i zwiedzania.
Google Translation into Romanian: Multe civilizații au trăit în acest spațiu de-a lungul istoriei, toate având în comun faptul că era un loc fortificat pentru a se proteja de pericolele sosite pe mare și pe uscat. Pana in urma cu cateva decenii inca era locuita, astazi este un loc de invatare si vizitare.
Google Translation into Russian: Многие цивилизации жили в этом пространстве на протяжении всей истории, и всех их объединяет то, что это было укрепленное место, чтобы защитить себя от опасностей, прибывающих с моря и суши. Еще несколько десятилетий назад он был еще населен, сегодня это место обучения и посещения.
Google Translation into Serbian: На овом простору су кроз историју живеле многе цивилизације, којима је свима заједничко да је био утврђено место за заштиту од опасности које су стизале морем и копном. До пре неколико деценија био је насељен, данас је место учења и посета.
Google Translation into Swedish: Många civilisationer har levt i detta utrymme genom historien, som alla har det gemensamt att det var en befäst plats för att skydda sig mot farorna som anlände till sjöss och på land. Fram till för några decennier sedan var det fortfarande bebott, idag är det en plats för lärande och besök.
Google Translation into Turkish: Tarih boyunca pek çok uygarlık bu alanda yaşamış ve hepsinin ortak noktası, kendilerini denizden ve karadan gelen tehlikelerden korumak için müstahkem bir yer olması. Birkaç on yıl öncesine kadar hala yerleşim vardı, bugün ise bir öğrenme ve ziyaret yeri.
Google Translation into Ukrainian: Багато цивілізацій жили в цьому просторі протягом історії, і всі вони мають спільне те, що це було укріплене місце для захисту від небезпек, які надходили з моря та суші. Ще кілька десятиліть тому тут все ще жили, а сьогодні це місце навчання та відвідування.
Google Translation into Arabic: لقد عاشت العديد من الحضارات في هذا الفضاء عبر التاريخ ، والتي تشترك جميعها في أنها كانت مكانًا محصنًا لحماية نفسها من الأخطار التي تصلها عن طريق البحر والبر. حتى عقود قليلة مضت كانت لا تزال مأهولة بالسكان ، وهي اليوم مكان للتعلم والزيارة.
Google Translation into Bengali: অনেক সভ্যতা ইতিহাস জুড়ে এই স্থানটিতে বাস করেছে, যার সবকটিতেই ��িল রয়েছে যে এটি সমুদ্র এবং স্থলপথে আগত বিপদ থেকে নিজেদের রক্ষা করার জন্য একটি সুরক্ষিত স্থান ছিল। কয়েক দশক আগে পর্যন্ত এটি এখনও অধ্যুষিত ছিল, আজ এটি শেখার এবং দেখার জায়গা।
Google Translation into Simplified Chinese: 历史上许多文明都生活在这个空间,所有这些文明的共同点是它是一个防御工事,可以保护自己免受来自海上和陆地的危险。 直到几十年前它仍然有人居住,今天它是一个学习和参观的地方。
Google Translation into Korean: 역사상 많은 문명이 이 공간에 살았는데, 바다와 육지를 통해 들어오는 위험으로부터 자신을 보호하기 위한 요새화된 장소라는 공통점이 있습니다. 수십 년 전까지만 해도 이곳은 여전히 사람이 거주하는 곳이었지만 오늘날에는 배움과 방문의 장소입니다.
Google Translation into Hebrew: ציוויליזציות רבות חיו במרחב הזה לאורך ההיסטוריה, המשותף לכולן שזה היה מקום מבוצר להגן על עצמן מפני הסכנות שהגיעו בים וביבשה. עד לפני כמה עשורים הוא עדיין היה מיושב, היום הוא מקום לימוד וביקור.
Google Translation into Hindi: पूरे इतिहास में कई सभ्यताएं इस स्थान पर रही हैं, जिनमें से सभी में समान है कि यह समुद्र और जमीन से आने वाले खतरों से खुद को बचाने के लिए एक गढ़वाली जगह थी। कुछ दशक पहले तक यह बसा हुआ था, आज यह सीखने और घूमने का स्थान है।
Google Translation into Indonesian: Banyak peradaban telah hidup di ruang ini sepanjang sejarah, yang semuanya memiliki kesamaan bahwa itu adalah tempat berbenteng untuk melindungi diri dari bahaya yang datang melalui laut dan darat. Sampai beberapa dekade yang lalu masih dihuni, hari ini menjadi tempat belajar dan berkunjung.
Google Translation into Japanese: 歴史を通じて多く��文明がこの空間に住んできましたが、海や陸からやって来る危険から身を守るための要塞であったという共通点があります。 数十年前まで人が住んでいましたが、今日では学びと訪問の場となっています。
Google Translation into Kyrgyz: Тарых бою бул мейкиндикте көптөгөн цивилизациялар жашаган, алардын бардыгынын жалпылыгы бул мейкиндик деңиз жана кургактык аркылуу келген коркунучтардан коргонуу үчүн бекемделген жер болгон. Бир нече ондогон жылдар мурун ал дагы эле эл жашаган, бүгүн ал окуу жана зыярат кылуу үчүн жер болуп саналат.
Google Translation into Malay: Banyak tamadun telah tinggal di ruang ini sepanjang sejarah, semuanya mempunyai persamaan bahawa ia adalah tempat yang berkubu untuk melindungi diri mereka daripada bahaya yang datang melalui laut dan darat. Sehingga beberapa dekad yang lalu ia masih didiami, hari ini ia menjadi tempat belajar dan melawat.
Google Translation into Mongolian: Түүхийн туршид олон соёл иргэншил энэ орон зайд оршин тогтнож ирсэн бөгөөд бүгд ижил төстэй зүйл нь далайн болон хуурай замаар ирэх аюулаас өөрсдийгөө хамгаалах бэхлэгдсэн газар байсан юм. Хэдэн арван жилийн өмнө энэ газар оршин суудаг хэвээр байсан бол өнөөдөр энэ нь суралцах, зочлох газар болжээ.
Google Translation into Nepali: धेरै सभ्यताहरू यस ठाउँमा इतिहास भरि बसेका छन्, ती सबैमा साझा छ कि यो समुद्री र जमिनबाट आउने खतराहरूबाट आफूलाई बचाउनको लागि एक सुदृढ ठाउँ थियो। केही दशकअघिसम्म यो बसोबास थियो, आज यो सिक्ने र भ्रमण गर्ने ठाउँ हो।
Google Translation into Panjabi: ਬਹੁਤ ਸਾਰੀਆਂ ਸਭਿਅਤਾਵਾਂ ਪੂਰੇ ਇਤਿਹਾਸ ਵਿੱਚ ਇਸ ਸਪੇਸ ਵਿੱਚ ਰਹਿੰਦੀਆਂ ਹਨ, ਜਿਨ੍ਹਾਂ ਵਿੱਚ ਸਭ ਸਮਾਨ ਹੈ ਕਿ ਇਹ ਸਮੁੰਦਰ ਅਤੇ ਜ਼ਮੀਨ ਦੁਆਰਾ ਆਉਣ ਵਾਲੇ ਖ਼ਤਰਿਆਂ ਤੋਂ ਆਪਣੇ ਆਪ ਨੂੰ ਬਚਾਉਣ ਲਈ ਇੱਕ ਕਿਲਾਬੰਦ ਜਗ੍ਹਾ ਸੀ। ਕੁਝ ਦਹਾਕੇ ਪਹਿਲਾਂ ਤੱਕ ਇਹ ਅਜੇ ਵੀ ਆਬਾਦ ਸੀ, ਅੱਜ ਇਹ ਸਿੱਖਣ ਅਤੇ ਦੇਖਣ ਦਾ ਸਥਾਨ ਹੈ।
Google Translation into Pashtun:ç ډیری تمدنونه د تاریخ په اوږدو کې په دې ځای کې ژوند کوي، چې ټول یې په ګډه دا دي چې دا د سمندر او ځمکې له لارې د خطرونو څخه د ځان ساتلو لپاره یو قلعه ځای و. تر څو لسیزو دمخه دا اوس هم اوسیده، نن ورځ دا د زده کړې او لیدنې ځای دی.
Google Translation into Persian: تمدن های زیادی در طول تاریخ در این فضا زندگی کرده اند که وجه مشترک همه آنها این است که این مکان مکانی مستحکم برای محافظت از خود در برابر خطراتی بود که از طریق دریا و خشکی وارد می شد. تا چند دهه پیش هنوز مسکونی بود، اما امروزه محل یادگیری و بازدید است.
Google Translation into Sundanese: Seueur peradaban anu cicing di rohangan ieu sapanjang sajarah, sadayana gaduh umum yén éta mangrupikeun tempat anu dikuatkeun pikeun ngajagaan diri tina bahaya anu sumping ku laut sareng darat. Nepi ka sababaraha dasawarsa ka tukang masih dicicingan, kiwari jadi tempat diajar jeung nganjang.
Google Translation into Tagalog: Maraming mga sibilisasyon ang nanirahan sa espasyong ito sa buong kasaysayan, na lahat ay may pagkakatulad na ito ay isang pinatibay na lugar upang protektahan ang kanilang sarili mula sa mga panganib na dumating sa pamamagitan ng dagat at lupa. Hanggang sa ilang dekada na ang nakalipas ay pinaninirahan pa rin ito, ngayon ay isang lugar ng pag-aaral at pagbisita.
Google Translation into Thai: อารยธรรมหลายแห่งอาศัยอยู่ในพื้นที่นี้ตลอดประวัติศาสตร์ ซึ่งทั้งหมดมีเหมือนกันคือเป็นสถานที่ที่มีป้อมปราการเพื่อป้องกันตนเองจากอันตรายที่เข้ามาทางทะเลและทางบก จนกระทั่งไม่กี่ทศวรรษที่ผ่านมาก็ยังคงมีผู้คนอาศัยอยู่ ปัจจุบันเป็นสถานที่แห่งการเรียนรู้และการเยี่ยมชม
Google Translation into Urdu: بہت سی تہذیبیں اس جگہ پر پوری تاریخ میں رہ چکی ہیں، جن میں سب کا مشترک ہے کہ یہ سمندر اور خشکی سے آنے والے خطرات سے اپنے آپ کو بچانے کے لیے ایک مضبوط جگہ تھی۔ چند دہائیاں پہلے تک یہ آباد تھا، آج یہ سیکھنے اور دیکھنے کی جگہ ہے۔
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okay, mod i got utterly hammered on alcohol last night and am now horribly hungover, but im back in business (somewhat). can you tell me what happened last night while i was drunkly sobbing over my cat being cute?
~ may or may not be Modpie (who may or may not be a minor. please dont call the cops)
[[ please take care of yourself . Hydrate or get some food..]
[[memory is shit but I’ll try to remember.
Steven and Lan were taken to the hospital.
Something happened with Caleb/William. If I remember correctly, Caleb made a deal with Terr-lies. Not sure what kind of deal.
However, Caleb and William are spilt in a sense. They don’t share the same memories.
William was in the flip side, not sure what happened, but he saw his loved ones basically die. However, he is back and has been comforted.
Terr-lies is still a thing.
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thinking about how much terry pratchett loved modding oblivion
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Le grandi auto: Maggiolino
L’auto, piccola ma dal design delizioso, simbolo della Volkswagen… Tutta la storia del Maggiolino iniziò nel 1934 quando Adolf Hitler annunciò al Salone di Berlino che l'auto non sarebbe stata più un privilegio esclusivo del ricchi tedeschi e affidò a Ferdinand Porsche il compito di costruire la Volkswagen, con una serie di regole sulle caratteristiche che essa doveva avere. Nel 1936 erano pronti i primi tre prototipi, due berline e un cabriolet, così, poco dopo, Hitler decise di trovare il luogo adatto per edificare la fabbrica del futuro Maggiolino, individuato in una vasta zona della Bassa Sassonia, nei pressi del castello di Wolfsburg del conte Von Schulenberg, che si vide espropriate le sue terre. Fu così che nel 1938 avvenne la cerimonia della posa della prima pietra di quella che sarebbe diventata la più grande fabbrica d'automobili al mondo e il nome scelto per il Maggiolino era KDF Wagen cioè "Auto della forza attraverso la gioia". Nel 1939 la KDF-Wagen debuttò ufficialmente al Salone di Berlino, ed era così rivoluzionaria da far impallidire le concorrenti. Con l’inizio della seconda guerra mondiale la produzione civile del Maggiolino venne convertita in militare e la piccola auto si la cavò in qualunque condizione climatica, dalla torrida Africa alla gelida Russia, e in tutti i tipi di terreno . Nel maggio 1945 la guerra finì e della fabbrica di Wolfsburg, danneggiata dai bombardamenti, era in piedi solo un terzo e si pensò di demolirla, ma, grazie al maggiore Ivan Hirst, gli inglesi cambiarono idea e, qualche anno più tardi, la riconsegnarono ai tedeschi, dando l'incarico di dirigerla a Heinz Nordhoff. Nel frattempo gli operai, con i materiali salvati ai bombardamenti, avevano ricominciato a costruire il Maggiolino, ma la produzione era a livelli bassissimi e fu proprio Nordhoff a compiere il miracolo, così dalle poche centinaia d'auto prodotte nel 1946 si passò a 19.000 nel 1948 e a 46.000 nel 1949. Inoltre furono introdotti miglioramenti tecnici, senza tuttavia mai toccare l'aspetto e l'impostazione originaria del progetto di Porsche, che si trovava prigioniero in Francia, poi nel 1947 fu liberato, ma gli fu consentito di tornare in Germania solo nel 1949. Il 30 gennaio 1951 Ferdinand Porsche morì, senza sapere che successo avrebbe avuto in futuro il suo Maggiolino. In questi anni ci furono le esportazioni negli altri paesi: Olanda, Danimarca, Lussemburgo, Svezia, Belgio, Svizzera e Stati Uniti. Nel 1967 il look del Maggiolino fu notevolmente modificato, i fanali diventano rotondi e verticali, i paraurti squadrati e maggiorati, le luci posteriori ingrandite e l'impianto elettrico potenziato da 6 a 12 Volt. Fu nel 1970 che nacque il Maggiolone e le differenze sostanziali riguardavano l'estetica e la meccanica, ulteriormente modificate nel 1973 con il Maggiolone mod.1303. Quando le vendite iniziarono a calare, nel 1974 a Wolfsburg si decise di trasferire la produzione del Maggiolino ad Emden per far posto alla Golf. Nel 1978 la produzione europea del Maggiolino cessò definitivamente, ma continuò ad essere costruito in Messico, da dove fu importato in Europa e nel 1987, per festeggiare i 50 anni dalla nascita, venne lanciato il Maggiolino del Giubileo, color grigio canna di fucile metallizzato e munito di cristalli atermici azzurrati, cerchioni sportivi in acciaio stampato, volante della Golf Gti ed interni grigi a strisce di varie tonalità. Read the full article
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Manchester City slog Bayern 2:1
Den 26. juli, en venskabskamp for klubfodbold, Manchester City mod Bayern München. Efter en kort ferie vendte spillerne i billige fodboldtrøjer tilbage til træning efter hinanden for at byde velkommen til den kommende venskabskamp.
I det 21. minut af kampen lavede Lewis et omvendt trekantindlæg, Alvarez' skud blev blokeret, McCarty scorede et supplerende skud, og Manchester City førte 1-0. De to hold scorede ikke i lang tid. I det 81. minut, Stanisic forlod I afleveringen blev Vanners første spark blokeret, og derefter lavede Terr et opfølgende skud, og Bayern udlignede til 1-1. I det 86. minut tog Manchester City et taktisk hjørnespark fra højre Foden skød fra en lille vinkel og blev blokeret Laporte scorede med et supplerende skud Manchester City førte 2-1 Harlands 2 forsøg på målet lykkedes ikke at opnå resultater Det ser ud til, at det vil tage tid at træne for at se det øjeblik, hvor han scorer! I første halvleg scorede McCarty, Sane ramte rammen med et frispark, og Ake blev skadet. I begyndelsen af anden halvleg skiftede de to sider næsten til en anden opstilling, Terl lavede et supplerende skud for at udligne, og Laporte lavede en lore. Til sidst Manchester City 2-1 Bayern. Det er værd at nævne, at antallet af mennesker, der så kampen den dag, oversteg 60.000. Det ser ud til, at begejstringen blandt fans, der bærer fodboldtøj Klubber, er meget høj.
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probably wasnt a mod but ¾t was st¾ll a purpleblood so ¾m st¾ll k¾nda terr¾f¾ed lmao
¾ res¾gned because someone posted a mod's headless corpse ¾n the gc but shhhh don't tell anyone :;|
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com unanimidade de votos na nossa pesquisa, realizaremos nosso primeiro ask game! a seguir, alguns avisos sobre o funcionamento da dinâmica:
o ask game terá início a partir das 14h de hoje ( 13/05 ) e terá duração até a abertura das interações, na qual vocês podem votar aqui sobre o melhor dia e horário.
temos um blog onde reblogamos alguns memes que seriam interessantes de serem desenvolvidos. ou seja, não será necessário reblogar nenhum meme no blog do seu personagem. caso tenha interesse em algum que não foi reblogado pos nós, nos mande o link deste pelo chat do blog de memes.
postem o link da askbox de vocês com a tag “ #lanveur:ask ” para indicar que irão participar do ask game, não esqueçam de dar like nesse post e nem de mandar ask pra todos que também deram like.
espero que se divirtam, snowflakes! qualquer dúvida, estarei na central.
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After almost 20 years of building mods, I’m finally learning that larp players don’t notice the torn up tarp and the janky duct tape. The art school kid in me wants all that to be gallery-pristine, but it’s really not what matters. I won’t stop aiming for it, but I might feel less stressed when we fall short.
#building a mod together is a true test of a friendship#because everything goes wrong#larp#new england larp#terres rising
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[ Image description: Play on Mucha's classic Art Nouveau work, "Terre" from his Elements series. It features Parvati Holcomb, sitting in profile with an oversized wrench over her shoulder. A stylized crescent frames her, showing the Spacer's Choice Moon Man face flanked by a series of Spacer's Choice green and gold ship logos on either side in decreasing size. A sprig of Emerald Vale ivy extends from behind her in an arc over her head. In the background behind her there is a stylized, layered landscape: the Vale volcano and a gear (in place of the sun that Mucha had put in his piece), the silhouetted skyline of Edgewater, and a tree and rocky escarpment. Below and in the background is a stream with tall rocks on either side, and there are two stylized puffballs on either side of the picture. The entire image is enclosed in an Art Nouveau frame featuring stained glass windows above and the word “TERRE” in a stylized frame, backed by images of wheat and some laurel-like greenery. End ID. ]
Yes, Max, that is French.
I went back to Twitter to find out when I’d actually started (and stopped) this work, thinking it had been a year ago. Nope: more than that. I had had grand hopes of doing a series of five images at the time, but that’s likely not going to happen if it takes me over a year to finish just one of them.
The stained glass design is actually by Bobby Hernandez, from his amazing designs for windows in Byzantium: https://bobbyhernandez.artstation.com/projects/zAGRRQ -- although I did mod it by dropping the Unreliable in there.
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La bellezza la ritrovi nei luoghi che porti nel cuore… Alessandro Biggi Studio Photography Sarzana (SP) - ✨✨ Sony A9 + Sony 16-35 mm F/2.8 GM + Nisi Holder V5 System + Paola + Nisi Filter ND 1000 ✨✨+ Control Remote Mod. Spark Alpine Lab. + Manfrotto 190 + Blackrapid #sarzana #sony #sonyalpha #sonyimages #landscapephotography #a9 #landscape_captures #mare #tellaro #cinqueterre #alessandrobiggi #italia #colors #sunset #sonyitalia #picoftheday #nisifilters #volgoliguria #cityscape #landscape #igerslaspezia #nisi #paesaggio #sea #liguria #landscapes #seascape #landscape_lovers #sunset #longexposure @nisifiltersitalia @nisifilters @sony @blackrapid @ramaidea @sony_official.italia @sonyalphaeurope @nisifiltersitalia @manfrottoimaginemore @alpinelabs @sony @sonykorea @nisiglobal (presso Portovenere Cinque Terre, Italy) https://www.instagram.com/p/CSLn889DJ5k/?utm_medium=tumblr
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Lu meet Terre
Lu examines Terre all around, rubbing her chin while doing so. “So…you indeed have the same hair as Ciel.”
Terre looks confused as she watches Lu take note about everything. “Umm…who are you?” She asked. “Why do you know my big brother?”
Lu looks up at her and grins. “That’s cause I saved him from death! He also works for as a butler. He makes the best cookies you know!”
Terre giggles and shyly reaches out to hold Lu’s hands. “Will you bring me cookies one day? Big Brother promised me that he’s going to bake cookies for me!”
Lu nods happily and she steps back to watch the little girl disappear from view. She later runs off to tell Ciel to bake double the cookies. Ciel doesn’t ask why.
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De Julian à Mark
Mark Blackthorn
a/s Helen Blackthorn
Institut de Los Angeles
Malibu, Californie
Cher Mark,
Ne te préoccupe pas du parchemin pour l'instant, je t'en reparle à la fin de la lettre.
Bonjour de Chiswick ! Ça se prononce « tchizick », c'est à deux pas du centre-ville de Londres, et c'est une ruine qui ne demande qu'à s'écrouler. Je parle de la maison, pas du quartier, qui est agréable, en banlieue, avec beaucoup d'espaces verts, très calme. Ça te plairait.
J'aurais dû t'écrire plus tôt, je sais… et je m'en excuse. Nous avons dû agir rapidement pour conserver la maison, et je savais qu'un message de feu ne serait pas arrivé jusqu'à toi. Blackthorn Hall a beau être en ruine, mais c'est l'héritage de notre famille, l’une des rares choses que nous avons héritées des Blackthorn du passé. Je m’en sens responsable, j'ai comme un besoin de préserver ce manoir pour Tavvy et Dru, à Ty et Liv… Enfin, tu vois.
C'était soit nous soit l'Enclave, et ils l'auraient démoli pour construire quelque chose d'autre à la place. C'est tellement délabré que le démolir serait la décision la plus sensée. Mais c'est notre propriété, et je dois dire que je l'aime. D'ailleurs, qui l'aimera à part nous ? Je suis sûr que la maison peut retrouver toute sa splendeur. Tu devrais venir nous voir quand tu en auras l'occasion (vous êtes tous invités, évidemment) mais je te préviens : si tu viens dans les deux prochains mois, tu seras mis à contribution.
Ce qui m'amène au parchemin : c'est le devis et le contrat pour les rénovations de la maison par les elfes charpentiers. Je me disais que toi et Kieran pourriez y jeter un œil, pour vérifier qu'il n'y ait aucune ruse dont le Petit Peuple a le secret, voir si leurs prix sont raisonnables, et aussi s'assurer qu'ils ne s'empareront pas de Tavvy si nous avons des retards de paiements, ce genre de choses. Ils nous ont été vivement recommandés. Ce sont des brownies… je crois ? Ils ressemblent à de grands nains de jardin. C'est sûrement à cause des chapeaux pointus. Ils pourraient les enlever, bien sûr, mais je crois que ça leur plaît. Ils doivent avoir conscience de ressembler à des nains de jardin. Bref, ils ont l’air dignes de confiance et travailleurs et tout ça. Mais les fées aiment jouer des tours aux humains. Dis-moi ce que tu en penses.
Oh, je devrais préciser qu’il y a une partie de la maison en très bon état et « tout équipée » comme ils disent ici[1]. Ça a été refait dans les années 60, et c’est… comment dire… sensass. Les équipements sont à la « Mod »[2] vintage. Je ne suis pas sûr que tu comprennes cette blague, mais ne t’inquiète pas, c’était plutôt nul. Je n’y avais jamais prêté attention avant, mais je me suis rendu compte que nos grands-parents ont dû faire les rénovations. Les dates correspondent. Alors ça doit être ici que Papa a vécu, il y a longtemps. Et Oncle Arthur. C’est ici qu’ils ont grandi. Et je me suis dit : eux aussi, ils ont dû être « sensass ».
Arthur. À un moment ou un autre. Il a dû être super sensass.
Je voudrais que tu laisses cette idée s’imprégner, comme je l’ai fait. Ça crée un sentiment qui, selon moi, n’a jamais été ressenti par aucun être humain au monde.
Tu devrais voir les vêtements. Je veux dire, pour de vrai. Tu devrais les voir. Il y a de quoi remplir tout un dépôt-vente de trucs vintage, et rien ne me va. Tu peux venir te servir, mais c’est presque uniquement des tissus synthétiques qui ne passeraient pas dans le Royaume du Petit Peuple.
Eeeeeet je divague, je sais. Je voulais éviter d’avoir à dire ça, mais il se passe quelque chose dans cette maison. Ça me rappelle les nuits où nous allions vadrouiller tous les deux aux alentours de l’Institut quand nous y vivions. Je me rends bien compte que c’est bizarre, Londres n’a absolument rien à voir avec les montagnes de Santa Monica : la forte odeur des feux de forêt, la senteur du chaparral et de la sauge, la terre sèche sous nos pieds, tout ça me manque. (Est-ce que ça te manque à toi aussi ? Je me dis que ça doit être très différent là où tu es dans le royaume du Petit Peuple.) Mais il y a eu de nombreuses occasions, surtout quand nous étions plus jeunes, où nous nous racontions des histoires de fantômes là-bas, entretenant la peur que quelque chose nous observait. C’était peut-être le cas, mais j’ai tendance à croire maintenant que ce n’était pas quelque chose de méchant. Ici, dans cette maison, j’ai la même sensation d’être observé, comme si des yeux étaient braqués sur moi, des ombres que je vois du coin de l’œil, mais qui disparaissent quand je me retourne.
Quoi qu’il en soit, j’aimerais vraiment que tu sois là. J’en parlerais bien à Emma, mais je ne veux pas l’inquiéter. Elle s’est donnée pour mission titanesque de trier des décennies de papiers et de journaux ayant appartenu aux gens qui vivaient ici, et j’ai commencé à repeindre la salle de bal. Je sais qu’Emma a écrit à Cristina, embrasse-la de ma part, et K aussi !
Ton frérot qui t’aime,
PS : Je me rends compte maintenant que je ne sais pas où tu recevras cette lettre, alors je voudrais clarifier une chose : quand j’ai dit « vous êtes tous invités », je voulais dire tout le monde à l’Institut de Los Angeles, pas toute la Cour des Ténèbres.
[1] L’expression britannique « mod cons » est utilisée dans le texte original, abréviation de « modern conveniences », signifiant littéralement « équipements modernes ».
[2] A la fois une sous-culture des années 60 originaire du Royaume-Uni, la mode qui en découle et la jeunesse qui suivait cette mode.
Texte original de Cassandra Clare ©
Traduction d’Eurydice Bluenight ©
Cette semaine, la traduction s’accompagne de l’original pour les détails picturaux.
Le texte original : https://secretsofblackthornhall.tumblr.com/post/660328098120777728/julian-to-mark
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