#mod beato
whentheycrypositivity · 7 months
If you want to solve my closed room murders you're going to have to defeat the seven stakes of purgatory
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iammissingautumn · 2 years
making alterous pfps with my kin in front of it to assert dominance
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waffleweirdo · 1 month
Umineko starts with Battler complaining about his name, but wow did Battler battle.
I ramble about my thoughts on Umineko, this will probably contain spoilers so be warned
Well when I first started I didn’t think Umineko would be any longer than maybe 30 hours at most… oh how wrong I was… it ended up taking me 110 hours and 2 months to finish.
I think the experience of reading Umineko was very interesting. It was my first time reading a visual (or maybe second, if you count Slay the Princess, which is far more interactive and far shorter than Umineko so they feel pretty different to me). That medium itself was interesting. Whenever I need to think of a really niche superpower I’d like to have I always say I wish that I could have the ability to play perfectly fitting music as I read a book, and in that sense Umineko delivered. I also played with a mod that adds voice acting as I saw that that was recommended and overall I thought the addition of sound was far more significant than the addition of visuals to me. I first thought that there would be a lot more interactivity, as in choices that decided branching story paths or outcomes, and was at first disappointed when I found out there was virtually no interactivity. However soon after I began to accept it as truly just a book that I was reading with added visuals and sounds than a game. Which made it hit even harder when 100 hours in it had interactivity!! Even though those riddles were all super simple they were some of the most I’ve been involved in gameplay in recent memory which was fascinating. (A similar effect to Bern’s mystery, which I think was just as well implemented, just lacking that same initial surprise). My largest takeaway from Umineko was that it was incredibly taxing to read- far more than reading a book, and I think even more than a game as well in many cases. I’d be interested to seeing if this was thanks to Umineko itself (as it was a very dense story that made me stop and think a lot) or a consequence of visual novels as a medium. Ultimately I’m honestly surprised I managed to finish it, there were some times it was a genuine struggle (I think in general I’ve noticed myself being less able to complete really long stories such as lengthy rpgs so this was really impressive). There were a few moments where it felt like the games were dragging on, even though ultimately I think it was all worth it, and in hindsight was all great there were some times where the pace dragged.
Ultimately Umineko as a visual novel was a fascinating new experience for me, and I’ll be interested to see what aspects of that differ based on the vn itself, or are inherent to the medium (I guess I’ll find out when I read El Dorado!)
Characters are often what stands out to me throughout a story, and I think what stuck out to me so much about Umineko’s cast is that I couldn’t hate any of them. Which is I think an immense compliment to the success of the writing, themes, and characterization. I think, generally, I shouldn’t be able to wholeheartedly hate a person, and while of course these aren’t real people Umineko does such a good job of fleshing them out that despite their greatest sins they are too ‘real’ for me to truly hate. Of course this is also a large part of Umineko’s thematic core as well, and the way that it communicates this, necessity for love and understanding through the characters over the course of the story as it builds up to the climax which cements those very same ideals is just excellently done.
Honestly I thought at many points that the cast was surely getting so large that I couldn’t possibly keep up, but by the end they all had such distinct personalities and made up an excellent ensemble. Even many of the smaller side characters are wonderful, and I’m having a genuinely hard time thinking of my favorite characters which is always an excellent sign.
In all honesty I don’t think I can talk about Battler, or Beato, or Ange at the moment. Don’t get me wrong I loved all of them, but their characters are too significant I just need to sit with them for a while longer and think about them while I let the impact of Umineko settle… I’m sure I’ll be thinking about Umineko a lot for the foreseeable future…
That being said some of my favorites from the side characters (I don’t say that to diminish their importance at all, just the way I think of the cast in my head):
Dlanor is wonderful. At first I wasn’t sure what to make of her as her first appearance was alongside Erika who at the time I had very tumultuous feelings about (oh I’ll get to her), but after Dlanor’s scene with Beato and Battler in the Golden Land was so sweet, and the realization that she is just always so excited to be involved in an actual mystery instead of being forced to stamp documents all day is so funny. She’s great!!
I liked all of the servants a lot, Shannon and Kanon are in a similar boat to Battler and the others that I don’t quite think I can properly talk about them at the moment, but in general they were all great! The more I learned about Gohda the more he changed from being annoying to somewhat silly, overzealous, but still a bit annoying (in a nice way this time) was sweet. Genji was probably my first favorite character, he was just cool, and juxtaposing him with Ronovoe was excellent. Kumasawa would probably be my pick for my favorite, her constant playful attitude combined with genuine care was so sweet, and her backstory with beato was, probably my favorite reveal besides beato’s backstory herself…
Furudo Erika huh. Fascinatingly she might’ve been the character that stood out the most to me. My first impression was genuine admiration that they had managed to craft a character so incredibly pitiful and simultaneously terrifying, but of course Umineko didn’t stick with such a simplistic character even if it was a fascinating characterization. Her growth isn’t quite right… largely she didn’t change a ton, but her narrative reframing was fascinating (that’s not to say she didn’t grow much that’s bad, narrative reframing is super cool). The scene that has stuck with me the most is her moment with Dlanor in the 6th game as she gives Dlanor a mystery to solve, “but you still haven’t disproved my five blue truths that I love you” is soooooooo. In a story such as Umineko that isn’t really about solving a mystery, but about love, Erika as an antagonistic force, especially a force similar to how I as a player likely went into the story with (wanting to find the culprit and solve the mystery) is so cool. Anyways Erika is great and I will likely have, “such reasoning is possible for Furudo Erika” stuck in my head permanently.
While I don’t have a lot to say about the entirety of the cast there are some notable witches I haven’t mentioned yet. Anyways I freaked out when Bern first appeared in the 1st tea party. I knew this was made by the same person/team who made Higurashi, but I had no idea they were so connected, but woooow were they connected. New my experience with Higurashi is a little bit wild… first and foremost I’ve only watched the tv show, and reading through this really did make me wonder how much I would’ve gained reading the Higurashi vns as well, and that’s still something I’m interested, but my god I do not have another vn that long in me for a while and certainly not until after el dorado so I might just go back and rewatch the show… but that’s all a tangent. When I first watched Higurashi I managed to start with Gou which I had no idea was the third season and due to the way that the fragments and Rika’s looping were depicted I just assumed ‘oh it’s nonlinear storytelling I’ll learn the context later (if I had a nickel for every time this happened to me I’d have an embarrassing like eight nickels…), but anyways that is to say that Higurashi was a crazy experience for me, but one that redefined how I thought of psychological horror completely. And when I did eventually go back to watch the original and Kai I loved the story even more. Heck even though I was sort of confused by and didn’t like Sotsu as much after reading Umineko I have a whole new appreciation for it. I’ll be honest I sort of forgot the point I was trying to get at here, but ultimately, I love Bern and Lambda and seeing their fun little proxy wars with Battler and Beato was a wild ride.
Though while the characters are certainly incredible what blew me away the most about Umineko was it’s themes. I entered into Umineko knowing basically nothing besides that it was made by the same people as Higurashi, and I had first watched Higurashi on a complete whim while clueless and I loved it, so I wanted to do the same here. In that respect my first impressions were largely a way, I wonder what this will be about, quickly turning into curiosity about the mystery of the murders during the first game. Which quickly shifted back to hoping Battler believes in the which rather than finding a culprit. Which is perhaps in broad strokes the ultimate emotional journey I had while reading. But. Umineko had me on a rollercoaster of that same dilemma over and over again. That exact switch of hoping to solve the murder, vs hoping for the fantasy of the witch to win and back forth happened many times. I cannot express how effectively and masterfully Umineko manipulated my emotions. It truly felt like a battle between mystery and fantasy… but just when I got comfortable thinking that way it was proven that was wrong too. Beato’s games weren’t a battle, the truth didn’t need to be ruthlessly exposed, without love it cannot be seen. I truly don’t think there is a way that I can describe Umineko’s themes better than the way it does itself. They hit a bullseye on my heart dozens of times, and really might genuinely change my world view. I mean it’s a beautiful story about love, and trust, and hope… it’s spectacular, and spectacularly conveyed. The constant manipulation of expectations that kept me on a rollercoaster while also walking the simple path that would lead to the thematic was so good. It is done so that throughout the whole story I felt clueless, yet when the reveals began to happen, and it was time to start understanding the story it felt crystal clear from the start.
So uh, that was a lot of words to say that Umineko is really good and I liked it
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akihatohnoofficial · 4 months
beato cyberfunk mod is too good because every time she laughs I have to do the cackle too
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grimrester · 4 months
hi i dont have anywhere to deposit my umineko thoughts now that im a little more than 1/4th of the way through a playthrough so im depositing them here. mostly so i can come back later to see how right or wrong i am. i dont think this post would be interesting for anyone but myself. spoilers below the cut
some notes:
i am much less interested in the concrete individual mysteries and locked rooms than i am in the overall themes and meta-narrative
im watching a youtube playthrough so my ideas may be influenced by the youtubers
i just finished the scene of the second twilight in ep 3
i know/have seen enough of higurashi to know who bern and lamda are analogous to in that story
ive seen a handful of very very vague spoilers including: at some point maria also receives the title "the creator" (i do not know what that entails), rosa and shannon may become beatrices at some point (i saw fanart tagged similarly to evatrice fanart), battler becomes a "sorcerer," kinzo died 2 years ago somehow (???) and at some point there is a character who sentences people (i dont know who) to death in some kind of trial????
anyway here are some collected thoughts on theme assembled in no particular order:
i think the "point" of umineko is going to be that it's a story about storytelling. the "witches" very much all seem, to me, like young girls telling each other fucked up stories. in-text they frequently call each episode "a game" but it plays out much more like collective storytelling, where they all have varying amounts of influence. the magical fights in particular remind me of seeing people god-modding in rps on gaia online when i was 14.
beato is only just getting her footing when it comes to telling a story. she really wants to tell a gory fantasy story but battler refuses to engage with her story that way, and instead goes into it like a classic murder mystery. it frustrates her to have an audience that doesn't seem to perceive her story as "fun" like her fellow fucked up traumagirlie witches do.
virgilia is a more restrained storyteller who thinks more about the emotional aspect of stories, and this is why beato says she's always sucked at "these kinds of games" when they're having their magic fight where the goal is to ridiculously one-up each other.
battler is also a fledgling storyteller, but everyone around him wants to tell fantasy stories and he can't let go of stories more grounded in reality.
im guessing the trial i got spoiled for but haven't gotten to yet is going to put all the witches and maybe battler on trial for their storytelling techniques. the point will be to ask the reader to personally evaluate what value different kinds of stories have. maybe it'll also ask battler to prove concrete culprits for the murders in each episode?
there's also themes here about how empathy is a skill that children have to learn and how trauma can interrupt that learning. this is why most of the witches so far are described/portrayed as cruel but also innocent. they're delighted by gore, dress in ridiculous costumes, and engage in the power fantasy of being witches. it reeks of kids emulating my little pony creepypastas on deviantart because they need some kind of outlet (and, like, same).
all or most of the characters in tea parties represent some real-world person (that we will probably never meet). beato's real world equivalent has friends like her (bern and lamda) or older than her (virgilia and ronove), and likes the real-world battler. she tells stories trying to impress him and that's why she gets frustrated by the way he engages with them. the other tea party characters are essentially her friends dropping by mid-story and contributing to either make it more interesting, or to try and help her by steering her towards a story battler would like more. she's very emotionally stunted due to trauma. i would guess her real-world counterpart's history is similar to the story we hear about Beatrice from rosa. she has an older relative who is, at a minimum, inappropriately interested in her and grooming her.
some some random notes on the mystery solutions:
any magical explanation for the murders are "not true." they are Beatrice's initial explanations for the murders, but battler will eventually go in and work basically as an editor to retcon in real-world explanations. when someone becomes a "witch," this is actually them becoming the culprit (so eva is a culprit in ep 3).
kinzo is burned in every episode to hide that he actually died years ago. his appearance in late ep 2 is due to Beatrice's storytelling - he's not "actually there." the other characters just never found his body.
because kinzo is already dead, and by the red truth we know there are 18 people on the island, the actual 18th person is beato, perhaps? im not super confident in that one.
i feel like i have basically no ideas on the ep 1 murders. i think the faces mustve been smashed for a reason, so the culprit(s) is probably one of the first people murdered, but idk who or why. i think I'd have to go through ep 1 again to come up with anything. same for ep 3 coz i havent finished it.
for the epitaph solution, i think the sweetfish was a hint about following forest trails down to the ocean, then following the oceanline. much like rosa did as a child, this would eventually lead you to the "second mansion" where beatrice lived. this mansion is actually the same as the the first mansion, and they're connected somehow by the underground tunnels. the "two" people in the riddle refer to the two portraits of beatrice and they lead to a passage that connects the two mansions. idk about the middle part of the epitaph about the twilights. honestly i think it might be a red herring added later, as the execution of the twilights doesn't actually seem to revive beatrice (she doesn't really seem to have changed at all throughout the story so far - she sort of always has some level of presence and influence). but i might just think this bc i cant figure out any kind of wordplay puzzle with it.
i think battler gets pretty close to some of the solutions in ep 2. the first twilight is easiest i think. maria is given the key, someone (my guess is rosa) takes the key in the night and commits the murders, reseals the key and puts it back. rosa is shown buying sweets early in ep 2, and in ep 3 she is shown as having sleeping pills for maria. she invites her siblings to the chapel to "discuss" and offers them drugged sweets or other food during the discussion, then murders them after they pass out. (the corpses are frequently described as looking like they're just sleeping.) she does it because she thinks she's the closest to solving the mystery due to her experience as a child with beatrice, and doesn't trust any of her siblings not to steal the gold from her.
i dont think she does the later murders. those are by a different culprit, which is why battler has a hard time solving them - he keeps assuming it's the same person. my guess is whoever commits the later murders does them because they become paranoid after the first twilight. i think it must be one of the servants due to the master key issue but im not sure who, so im stuck from there.
that's all! im excited to find out how wrong i am!
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redustrial-ruin · 5 years
Next episode of the Umineko Skyrim stuff with Battler and Beato, in which Beato finds out she's dragonborn, Gaap tries to take credit for slaying the dragon, and Battler takes Beato some place special... First kiss, incoming.  To be continued. 
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zoethebitch · 2 years
Other day I got tagged to list some music I've been listening to lately and tbh I haven't been listening to music at all that much lately. I usually do that in the car but my car has been in the shop for 3 weeks. But I will do my best here
Tagged By: @jvzebel-x 💕🌹
Rules: List some songs you’ve been listening to lately and tag others to list theirs.
Tus Ojos - Zoraida Beato
Every Little Thing - The Barefoot Movement
Golddigger - Supreme Beings of Leisure
The Mod Parlour - Joseph Shirley, Ludwig Goransson, Thundercat
Florida - The War and Treaty
How Long Do I Have to Wait for You? - Sharon Jones & the Dap-Kings
Changes - Miles Davis & Milt Jackson Quintet
Lingua Ignota - Sinner Get Ready
This one's not a track but a whole concept album about the terror of christian religious fervor
I don't feel like tagging anyone right now but I'll thank @jvzebel-x again for tagging me 💘
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leafiu · 4 years
So this talented individual was able to recreate Beato’s hairstyle. So I hope you don’t mind me showing off my Beatrice Sim. Not 100% accurate clothing wise, but still beautiful!
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I’ve also modded the portraits into my game!
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isolaween · 5 years
At 7 PM, all guests are waiting anxiously. Some are excited, others are nervous, but everyone wonders what will happen now. It's only been a few minutes since the lights went off, but it feels like an eternity.
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And then... Golden butterflies, just like those idly flying around, begin to amass at the top of the staircase leading to the second floor. They form a true cloud, which dissolves to reveal none other than the silhouettes of tonight's noble hosts. They wear costumes inspired by 1980's fashion, just fitting for their own temporal origin. And as expected, they start the festivities with the most iconic sentence:
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The lights turn on once again in a burst, as several magical figures, servants of the Ushiromiya family, pop into existence either on the staircase or floating above it, as they bright forth a wave of applause. The spotlights highlight the Golden Witch and the Endless Sorcerer the most, as the latter grabs a microphone to start their presentation.
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"Good evening, Spirale City! I hope you folks are ready for a truly spooooky night, where the world of humans and the world of witches comes into contact with each other!"
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Then, Beato took the microphone. "There is no need to be afraid, however. This is an once-a-year moment, where the grotesque, the weird, the supernatural, can exist freely, without being afraid of the limitations humans bring to them. This is a night of joy, after all."
"And speaking of limitations, that includes the temporal restrictions fashion imposes to us on a daily basis. This year's theme for our guests' costumes is a Chrono Celebration! No matter whether you came from ancient times or the most distant future, show off your time period's culture and style with pride! I hope to see many people joining this fun. Ihihi!"
"Of course, we wouldn't be so cruel to expel you if you choose to go for another path in your fun. But if you have even the tiiiiniest change of heart about it, check the rooms to the hall's right, where a costume room can be found. Alternatively, you could ask the makeup crew's assistance to make you look like a monstrous being straight from Hell! *Cackle**cackle**cackle*!!"
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“Beato, please, we have children here.” He whispers to her ear, before coughing and returning his attention to the audience. “A-Anyway, that is not our only attraction! To your left, you’ll find the parlor, where a karaoke system is set up on the TV. Just ask Hieda no Akyuu (@ninthmiare), who is overseeing it, to help set you up and go have fun singing your lungs out with friends!”
A spotlight shone upon Akyuu over this mention of her, as it would do for any other person mentioned during their speech. “Of course, if you feel like that is too cheerful for a Halloween Party, you can just wait a bit later. Once we hit 11 PM, Akyuu will move to the dinner room, where a ghost story sharing session will start! Bring on your scariest tales, or read some of the material provided to us by a partner of ours-” Beatrice summons business cards for Owl’s Books to everyone’s hands, much like the cards present at the gift baskets, with info about all the partner businesses that collaborated with the party. “-for maximum fright!”
“Those who’d rather partake in a more physical activity can go up the second floor, where Emma (@gracefieldorphan) and Jon K. are responsible for carrying out a hide-and-seek game! It’s open for all ages, so don’t be afraid to join!”
“And for people who’d rather enjoy tonight in a more intellectual manner, we’ll ask you to go all the way up to the third floor. A escape room game shall await those who dare take the challenge. I hope none of you will bore our dear Piper Elenmin (@shadowedstep) with boring reasonings!”
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“Lastly, we shall have an ample selection of musical attractions throughout the whole party! Starting at 19:20, we have Ultimate Pianist Kaede Akamatsu (@pureryudo) and famous idol Rise Kujiwawa (@wavesang)! Next, at 20:10, we have the idol duo of Sayo Hikawa (@heroicadvents) and Aya Maruyama (@ayasashi)!!”
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“Check in at 21:00 for the spetacular presentation of fellow cute blondes, Rin Kagamine (@rightreflection) and Klavier Gavin (@rockstarprosecutor)! By 21:50, it’ll be time for yet another idol to join us, the versatile GUMI (@mozeik)!!”
“If you’d rather listen to other sorts of music besides singing, just wait until 22:40. First, we’ll have Ecaterina Ciobanu (@unulales) bringing some creepy tunes with her violin! Next, it’ll be the time for Midvalley (@midvalley-the-hornfreak) to captivate us with a saxophone show at 23:30!”
“Music shall accompany us until the end of this magical night. After the stroke of midnight, Dorothea Arnault (@chanteuser) will bring us to a night in the opera, exactly at 00:20! And to end the service, we shall have I-no (@sinfoniette) going feral with her guitar! Huh huh, I can’t wait to have all of you relieving my boredom with your sweet tunes!!”
“Ihihihihi! I think we all will, dear!” Battler says amused, before pulling a more serious face. “....Before we end it for tonight, though, I need to give you folks a general warning. This is meant to be a funny evening, with nothing but positive vibes here. Light hearted pranks are fine, but violence of any sort will not be tolerated. See these?” He points to a golden butterfly flying around. “They’re directly linked to Beato and I’s minds. If any of you try pulling anything ‘funny’ that would disrupt the party, we will know.”
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“And the consequences for such violations of our hospitality will be dire.” Beato adds. “We have a strong security team. We trust them to be able of handling most rumbuctious folks. If you insist on offering resistance, however, goat butlers will appear around you and immobilize you. If that doesn’t suffice, we have our higher ranked furniture, such as the Seven Stakes of Purgatory or the Chiester Sisters, to deal with such elements.”
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“And if even after all that, you insist on spoiling people’s fun...” Battler raises his hand, where a small glass-like Fragment appears. “You will be sent to this Time-Out Fragment until the end of the party. It’s pretty much a pocket dimension, so don’t think you can escape if it gets to this.”
As soon as he finished that, Battler broke into a happy smile and clapped his hands. “So, I hope everyone enjoys the party! Thank you to everyone who came, and to everyone that helped and is helping us right now! Oh, and a last thing. If any of you gets hurt or feels ill, check the medical room, where you’ll receive due treatment. That is it for now!”
With that, Battler and Beatrice teleported away from the staircase, freeing the way up. They must be somewhere in the crowd now, as they wish to enjoy the party as everyone else...
(Hello, everybody! This is Battler-mun talking. Welcome to the first edition of Isolaween! Following the tradition of C*ttaween, this party will last ICly from October 4h, 7 PM, to October 5th, 2 AM. These are very special dates for the Umineko fandom, which is why the party happens this early.
OOCly, the party will last from this post’s bublishing time, which should be midnight of October 4th (Isola time) to midnight of October 11th (Isola time), unless the mods request us to end it earlier. You can obviously continue threads related to the party until then, but make sure to publish your starters and opens before end time! And remember: use the tag #isolaween2k19 so we and everyone else can see your interactions at the party!
Below are maps of the mansion, so you folks have an spacial reference on where each room is in relation to the others:
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As mentioned in the text, there will be musical presentations during this period, which will consist of drabbles written by the collaborative muns. The OOC dates for each presentation is below, so keep a look at these blogs at the corresponding day:
- Kaede and Rise: 10/4
- Sayo and Aya: 10/5
- Rin and Klavier: 10/6
- GUMI: 10/7
- Ecaterina: 10/8
- Midvalley: 10/9
- Dorothea: 10/10 (Around midday)
- I-no: 10/10 (Evening)
The rules of the festivities have already been well laid ICly, so I won’t repeat myself here. Just let’s try keeping things positive during the party, ok? Any doubt just ask either me (@ingoldentent) or Beato-mun (@goldenless) And above all, let’s have fun! Now excuse me while I go download Ciconia…)
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ingoldentent · 5 years
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their  Discord  handle :  zenzendameda#1968
their profile  picture :  An adorable pic of him kissing Beato’s cheek. Alternatively, a character from one of his fave mangas.
what  their  online  status  would  usually  be  on :  online / idle / do not disturb / invisible
light  theme  or  dark  theme : dark theme, who uses light theme?!
would  they  moderate  a  server : pretty much forced to become one to control the rowdiness and abuse of power brought forth by other mods. would rather just be a normal user, but he is fair in his use of authority. Tries talking in private with troublesome members before banning them, but won’t hesitate to ban if the other party refuses to change. if only he could do the same with other mods...
what  is  usually  on  their  game  tab :  super bario maker or old adventure/detective games
their  custom  status : my wife is soft and i love her
tagged  by :  saw around and decided to do it! tagging : @goldenless​ @wrightsideofthelaw​ @gildedusurper​ @suplex51​ @landsharkbite​ @smallblueboyscout​ @solarsubterrestrial​ @whohassummonedme​ @headmastering​ @donneratem​ @sinfoniette​ and anyone else who wants!
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whentheycrypositivity · 11 months
No shot is her last name actually Begay
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witchofdiscourse · 7 years
Test test and tag dump.
test test
testing testing ignore this.
testing testing ignore this.
testing testing ignore this.
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tsukifairy · 6 years
parrucchiere torrino
Vanda e Barbara parrucchiere roma eur Barbiere mette a sistemazione servizi quali pulizie del volto, cerette, trattamenti abbronzanti e colorazioni delle ciglia, oltre a tagli in creatura e colf, pieghe, colorazioni prive di ammoniaca, meches, shatush e permanenti. Agli inizi degli anni '90 mi sono trasferito a Roma e, lavorando mediante diversi negozi di barbiere con lo scopo di coniuge della capitale, ho potuto finire e spiegare le mie capacitá, la mia ingegnosità ed il mio modalità di adoperarsi. Ombre significa “ombreggiato” con francese, e questo è il sistema ottimo a causa di disegnare presente forma popolare. Grazie al nostro bagaglio lavorativo, al nostro connaturale sensazione artistico, alla continua ricerca dei migliori prodotti sul mercato ciononostante soprattutto, all’amore e alla tormento a causa di questo funzione, siamo sicuri giacché riusciremo a renderti beato. Giorgio Nardi è unito dei pionieri della coiffeurs a Roma: moltissimi parrucchieri quali i fratelli Ciuti&Ciuti, Bartorelli e altri hair stylist hanno iniziato dalla movimento di Nardi decine di anni fa.
Ely Hair System S.a.s. A causa di codesto abbiamo esplorato tutta la cittadini alla ricognizione dei migliori Hair Salon, e abbiamo selezionato 10 indirizzi da non calare perché hanno presuntuoso brillare in monopolio, bravura e stile da alienare. Sopra pochi minuti dal fulcro municipio ovvero arrivando da fuori dal grande giuntura anulare, si potrà rintracciare il operazione commerciale di acconciatore e usare dei suoi servizi di natura. Durante aggiunta ai servizi di un salone classico, offre servizi di make up e trattamenti di rimedio verso i capelli. Marco Gentile deve la propria istruzione all’accademia di Aldo Coppola, dove si è creato come hair stylist e ha permesso successivamente di intuire il proprio salone affermandosi come il stimato hairstylist richiesto da numerose dive e star dello show. Lilly e Paola Hair Fashion di Liliana Berrettoni e Paola Fioretti S.n.c. Quality Hair si trova a Roma con parte Catasta Santo ed è un barbiere abile mediante tagli classici e alla voga, inclinazione e tintura.
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Lo equipe stampo un parrucchiere eur equipe acceso di stilisti di desiderio, poiché si dedicano a rifornire trasformazioni di colore e tagli di aspirazione. Mod Salons Prati, funge non solo da salone di incanto giacché da salone da barbiere a Roma, infatti, nello spazio di il lavorazione verso tagli capelli alternativi, e in direzione di tagli di capelli donna di servizio, offre vivacità in direzione di unghie, e creme aspetto. Il salone si trova in via Gaetano Fuggetta 75, nei pressi di Campagna Bonelli. Non occorre prenotazione e di domenica è aperto mediante orario protratto dalle 10 alle 19. Infine per via Ottavilla 11, dalle 9.30 alle 13, potrete recarvi da Duplice Style. Si trova esattamente mediante via Orazio Vecchi n. Nel borgata Torrespaccata, coppia giovani romani, avevano modificato un salone di acconciatore a fulcro di rivendita di sostanze stupefacenti, ciononostante sono stati scoperti ed arrestati dai Carabinieri del Essenza Pratico della Associazione Roma Casilina. Pier Calenda Coiffeur si trova a Roma nel rione Garbatella per una striscia ben servita dai mezzi pubblici. Dinastia Spanò è alla analisi di riservato adatto durante punto vendita in regione piazzale di spagna. Il design degli spazi è parroco nei minimi particolari, con lo scopo di sostenere un’esperienza monopolio, raffinata e ricercata.
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I tuoi follicoli piliferi sono influenzati dalla genetica, dagli ormoni e dall’età per tutta la vita. Le donne si sono tinte i capelli sin dall’alba dei tempi. Colori innovativi, colori classici, tendenze del minuto ovvero colori sempreverdi, i Colori Capelli Bella stagione 2018 sono semplicemente fantastici, e puoi vederlo unitamente i tuoi occhi. Il nocciolo è un punto di nesso in le ragazze e a causa di le uomo in quanto desiderano sottoporsi ad un cura colore senza contare avariare i propri capelli. Associazione Bellissima parrucchiere Roma accoglie la propria compratori durante un ambiente distinto, ideale in rasserenarsi e trasferirsi giacché mani esperte si prendano preoccupazione di voi. Penseremo noi a tutto: il nostro ambiente familiare ti metterà a tuo agio permettendoti di permutare quattro chiacchiere dato che vorrai, finché ti suggeriremo tutto quello che potremmo fare in direzione di assistere il tuo look parrucchiere roma eur. Con lo scopo di momenti di assoluto ristoro, combinate una colloquio di styling a un strada salute nella sua Urban Spa, situata all'interno dello storico Edificio Coppedé.
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Il percorso di Acconciatore inizia mediante un Biennio di 1800 ore e 500 ore con lo scopo di il terzo Anno di Specializzazione. La location è una ritaglio altrettanto urgente per un traffico in quanto fa dell'bellezza e della assistenza una sua mission. Cerchiamo apprendisti parrucchieri / e attraverso far dose del nostro staff cricca della amenità. Prima di intavolare però, ti convocazione a farmi società nel breve viaggio nella fatto della colorazione dei capelli, affinché mi appresto a fare. La naturalezza del colore è vistoso quanto la salute dei capelli, e va aggiornato ordinatamente a causa di restare piacente e femminile. Se cerchi un’ disegno a causa di avvicendare look, le parrucchiere esperte e creative di Keep Calm & Capelli regaleranno alla tua capelli uno signorilità senza pari. La evoluzione comune da ombra a oscurità, rende le radici meno evidenti quando i capelli crescono. Splendore e Creato S.r.l. Il salone nasce dalle menti creative di Marco D’antoni e Daniela Costantino, esperti nella colorazione e lo styling parrucchiere roma eur.
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redustrial-ruin · 5 years
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I backtracked a bunch in my Skyrim to go back and play through Beato and Battler’s stuff, because I’d pissed through half of it, and I realize if I am sharing my Umineko Skyrim with people that showing their relationship in particular was kind of fucking important..... His mod is pretty hilarious. Not perfect exactly, but it’s the romance mod, so it had to be used. 
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mod battler is telling me, mod kanon, mod zepar, and mod furfur about what echo characters are similar to higurashi characters
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idk who chase or flynn are but according to him theyre both rika
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whentheycrypositivity · 11 months
If this post hits 20 reblogs, Mod Battler has to buy me taco bell
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