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5 Simple Digital Marketing TipsHave a clear StrategyUse data to inform decisionsOptimize for mobileUtilize social mediaTest and measure Was this helpful?Ask any questions in the comments. Like, share and save for later Visit@ www.cloudstar.digital Call us@ 95-5599-5599 #GrowthMarketing #PaidAds #DigitalMarketing #Experts #SocialMedia #Ideas #Growth #InboundMarketing #ecommerceseo #businessowner #startupbusiness #entrepreneur #website #webdevelopment #searchengineoptimization #digitalmarketingcompany #branding #socialmediamarketing #leadgeneration #SEO #SMM #contentstrategy #contentmarketing
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Mobile marketing has made great progress over time. Mobile Marketing is the art of marketing your business to appeal to mobile device users. When done right, mobile marketing provides customers or potential customers using smartphones with personalized, time- and location-sensitive information so that they can get what they need exactly when they need it, even if they're on the go. I would tell you that mobile is the future of marketing, but really the era of mobile has already arrived. If you're not implementing some kind of mobile marketing strategy, you're already trailing behind! #mobilemarketing #mobileworld #digitalruchika #ruchikakachhawaha #airportskyinn #mobilewizard #mobilechaos #mobiletechnology #mobilelead #mobilebusiness #mobileboom #mobilefeatures #mobileera #mobilefeed #mobilebenefit #mobilemanagement #mobileusers #mobiledetailing #mobiledetails #mobiletech #mobiletheme #mobileadvantage #mobileutility #mobilead #mobilestrategy #mobilewide #mobileshot #mobiles ##mobilemarketing #mobiletechies #mbilecustomers (at Jaipur, Rajasthan) https://www.instagram.com/p/CD8XuQVHeLP/?igshid=oc9q019sfrt3
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package com.masterprojectoriginal.utils;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest;
public class MobileUtil { public static boolean JudgeIsMoblie(HttpServletRequest request) { boolean isMoblie = false; String[] mobileAgents = { "iphone", "android", "ipad", "phone", "mobile", "wap", "netfront", "java", "opera mobi", "opera mini", "ucweb", "windows ce", "symbian", "series", "webos", "sony", "blackberry", "dopod", "nokia", "samsung", "palmsource", "xda", "pieplus", "meizu", "midp", "cldc", "motorola", "foma", "docomo", "up.browser", "up.link", "blazer", "helio", "hosin", "huawei", "novarra", "coolpad", "webos", "techfaith", "palmsource", "alcatel", "amoi", "ktouch", "nexian", "ericsson", "philips", "sagem", "wellcom", "bunjalloo", "maui", "smartphone", "iemobile", "spice", "bird", "zte-", "longcos", "pantech", "gionee", "portalmmm", "jig browser", "hiptop", "benq", "haier", "^lct", "320x320", "240x320", "176x220", "w3c ", "acs-", "alav", "alca", "amoi", "audi", "avan", "benq", "bird", "blac", "blaz", "brew", "cell", "cldc", "cmd-", "dang", "doco", "eric", "hipt", "inno", "ipaq", "java", "jigs", "kddi", "keji", "leno", "lg-c", "lg-d", "lg-g", "lge-", "maui", "maxo", "midp", "mits", "mmef", "mobi", "mot-", "moto", "mwbp", "nec-", "newt", "noki", "oper", "palm", "pana", "pant", "phil", "play", "port", "prox", "qwap", "sage", "sams", "sany", "sch-", "sec-", "send", "seri", "sgh-", "shar", "sie-", "siem", "smal", "smar", "sony", "sph-", "symb", "t-mo", "teli", "tim-", "tosh", "tsm-", "upg1", "upsi", "vk-v", "voda", "wap-", "wapa", "wapi", "wapp", "wapr", "webc", "winw", "winw", "xda", "xda-", "Googlebot-Mobile" }; if (request.getHeader("User-Agent") != null) { String agent = request.getHeader("User-Agent"); for (String mobileAgent : mobileAgents) { if (agent.toLowerCase().indexOf(mobileAgent) >= 0 && agent.toLowerCase().indexOf("windows nt") <= 0 && agent.toLowerCase().indexOf("macintosh") <= 0) { isMoblie = true; break; } } } return isMoblie; } }
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Most Advertising Agencies don't make adverts any more, instead they create digital experiences social media applications, engagement platforms, shareable content, mobile utility made possible by technology.
Don Sajith
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