#mob!Tom imagine
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peterdarlingg · 5 months ago
Bloody promises
Pairing:Mob!tom holland x reader
Synopsis: it’s your first date with Tom in a long time. Though things don’t go as planned.
Warnings: mentions of injuries, blood, pain meds, angst. (I think that’s it let me know if I’m missing something.)
A/n: hope you enjoy! I love hearing feedback (nicely<3)
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It was wrong place wrong time. You and Tom had planned to go out on a date that night, seeing as it’s been months since you both had spent quality time together.
You decided to just keep it simple and take a walk and eat some ice cream from your favorite place in London.
Taking a stroll all the while Tom is telling you about his day, how horrible it was, how someone owed him tons of money and how much he missed you.
You always took his mind off of his work. Looking back, you knew what you were getting into when you started dating.
After all, you yourself had come from the second most powerful mob in London. Your father though kept you in the dark about a lot of the bad and the ugly, seeing as he wanted to protect you but now this is your life permanently. Though Tom always tries to protect you from everything and anyone.
Many always tried to take down Tom and his mob and all were unsuccessful. That meant he always had full protection on the mansion and on you specifically. You always had a target on your back since you were considered Tom’s weakness and your father had his own powerful mob as well. So you thought who would dare go against the top two mobs in London?
Tom looking back now, was regretting not having his personal guard with him on your guys’ date. You specifically asked today, that it would just be you and him and that you were tired of having someone follow the both of you around and how you just wanted today to be private. “Please T. For me?”
“Things have been really stressful for the both of us and I just want to spend this time together. I know it would be good for us. Please. Just this once?” You begged him to be alone together. You had literally not once gone out wheather with or without Tom, without having protection. Just you and Tom.
He couldn’t say no to you.
“Tom, T-Tom please,” you cried out.
“We’re almost there darling, stay with me,” he strained, choking back his sobs.
“I can’t, I c-ca-an’t,” you choked out in pain.
Tom stepped on the gas and held your hand and kissed your knuckles and putting pressure on your wound on your side.
“Hey-hey, y/n, stay with me, stay awake okay, we’re almost home!” You could hear Tom faintly talking to you but it wasn’t really registering over your heavy breathing at this point. But you could feel the anxiety radiating from him. “Harrison!” Tom yelled bursting into the house with you in his arms, looking for his second in command. His yell echoed eerily through the house and just seconds later Harrison came running down the hallway, face panicked and alert.
“Get Claire here now!” He barked. Claire was a doctor and he pays her a hefty amount of money to work for him and the only one Tom trusted at that. Harrison opened his mouth just before Tom yelled “Ask questions later haz, now!” He ran down stairs to the med bay Area and put you in the bed. You were yelling in pain begging him for relief.
“Please make it stop,” you shouted voice straining in pain. “Make it stop,” you muttered, sobbing quietly. “Please..” you begged him. “Shhh” Tom whispered between your cries of help, tears searing down his face, holding you in his arms rocking you back and forth gently, arm wrapped around your head cradling it gently while his other hand continues putting pressure elbow deep in your blood.
You whimpered as he put generous pressure to stop the blood from flowing further. “Shhh, I’m so sorry sweetheart, I’m so sorry, it’s okay, you’re gonna be okay love,” face buried in your hair, pressing his lips to your temple. “It hurts Tommy,” you muttered. “I know, I know my darling, it’s okay we’re going to get you fixed up okay?” He rasped. His heart hurt hearing the absolute agony in your voice. His mind kept going back to your date and how he could’ve saved you from this pain.
“You doing okay love?”, he noticed you were very quiet. You were sitting together on a bench in the park at night after having a mouth watering dinner. Not from those fancy restaurants Tom went for his formal meetings though.
You had always loved getting the greasy, mouth watering food from your favorite diner that had been around for forever. “What’s going on in that pretty head of yours?” He asked while looking at you with all the admiration in the world. It was just you and him.
“Yeah.” You smiled softly at him. “I was just thinking that I don’t remember the last time we went out together, you know I just-“
Tom was brought back when he heard footsteps coming inside and he saw Claire. “What’s the damage?”, She asked Tom. You tuned them out, you felt heavy but on the clouds at the same time. Tom was holding your hand and still putting pressure on with his other. You didn’t look so good. Your face was white as a sheet and you were sweating profusely. Your body was shaking and shuddering. Claire was already going to work. “How much blood has she lost?”, she asked him. Tom let out a shaky breath, his anxiety overflowing. “A lot. A bunch of it…too much,” his voice barely above a whisper. “I-I-I’m-m cold-d.” You whispered. You were breathing rapidly, Your body shaking, curling up into you self as you tried to get warm.
“She’s going into shock,” Claire announced and she started working as fast as she could. “Get that blanket from the chair over there and wrap it around her shoulders. Now.” She ordered Tom while she continued working on you and pushing some fluids into an IV into your arm and hooked you up to various machines that made you look so fragile beneath them. In just a few seconds, Tom came back next to you and started covering you with the blanket and tucking it around your shoulders very effectively. He then proceeded to rub up and down your shaky arms continuously trying to comfort you and keep you as warm as possible.
He stood at the head of the bed and watched Claire starting to work on you. She had given you some anesthesia and pain meds so you were slowly getting knocked out at this point. Your eyes fluttered shut looking up at Tom, his fingers tangled in your hair, hand rubbing up and down your arms and leaned down and kissed your hair. He was the last thing you saw before you saw black.
You woke up to annoyingly loud beeps. Attempting to open your eyes was a struggle it was like they were glued shut. You felt a pang of pain down your side that came and went. Finally coming to it your eyes slowly fluttered open and you realized you were in the med bay in your home. Suddenly you heard muffled voices coming from the other side of the door. The voices got gradually louder and that’s when you realized it was Tom arguing with Harrison. You looked around the room and found evidence of Tom staying here by your side. His phone, cups of coffee and blankets and other clutter. The door opened abruptly and Tom walked in.
“Sweetheart, you’re awake!” Tom tried to look happy but you could see the concern and sadness clear as day in his eyes. “Yeah,” You croaked your throat scratchy and dry. You coughed harshly, wincing in pain from your side. Tom rushed to get you some water.
“Here, here darling, drink baby” he held up a cup of water to your mouth helping you sip, his hand cupping your head for support. The cold water felt incredible, like you hadn’t had a drink in weeks.
“More water?” He gently asked. You shook your head no. “No thank you.” You whispered head falling back from a sudden dizziness. “You okay, love?” “How are you feeling?” He gently probed, gently running his hand over your hair. “I’m okay I think, just a little lightheaded. “It’s probably the meds they got you on. It’s gonna go away in a bit don’t worry.” He said softly, sitting beside you on the edge of your bed.
“It’s okay it’s kinda sick actually, it’s like I’m drunk,” you giggled, turning into a full blown laugh. Tom started laughing as well seeing you all high and silly from the meds was very interesting to say the least. “Why were you yelling?” You softly asked him after coming down from your laugh attack. “What?” “I heard you and Harrison arguing out in the hall,” you told him. “Oh..I- I’m just so- I just can’t believe I let tonight happened. It’s all my fault and I’m not gonna stop till I find out who did this to you. I’m so sorry darli-“ “T, stop, take a breath.” You stopped his rambling. “It’s not your fault.” “Please don’t ever think that. It’s not.” You shook your head looking him in the eye. “You saved me.” Voice cracking, you smiled sadly at him, tears welling in your eyes. “No but I shouldn’t have had to save you from anything or anyone, you don’t get it.” He shook his head, getting worked up now. “I could’ve lost you tonight.” His voice cracked, eyes teary. ‘I could’ve lost you, I was loosing you.” His eyebrows furrowed a pesky little tear escaping his eye. You slowly cupped his face, gently wiping his tears with your thumbs, kissing his forehead.
“I’m here,” you whispered in the cold empty room. Just you and him. “I’m here Tom, I promise I’m not going anywhere.” You pressed your forehead against his, eyes closed breathing each other in as time stood still, just you and him. “I love you,” he whispered. “I love you most.” you whispered back. He smiled gently. You don’t know who leaned in first but it didn’t matter you felt his soft warm lips on yours.
He Feverishly kissed you like you’d disappear and slip out of his arms at any moment. His fingers tangled in your hair and your hands around his neck. He was holding onto you so tightly but so gently at the same time. He deepened the kiss and held you tighter somehow if that was even possible. Both your limbs entangled and you couldn’t see where your arms began and ended. He was being so gentle and tender with you like you were made of glass, he never forgot that you were still freshly, badly injured.
Coming up for air both of you panting, you rested your head on his shoulder and closed your eyes enjoying being in his arms and in his warmth and presence. “Please don’t blame yourself my love.” You told him, voice soft. “I don’t blame you and I don’t believe that what happened was in any way shape or form your fault.” “If anything I’m the one to blame, cause you told me it’s best to have protection with us and I said no and-“ “hey-hey, no, you’re not to blame for this. At all.” He backed away to look at you.
“You just wanted it to be me and you.” “And that’s valid.” “I know you’ve been stressed lately. And I know I haven’t been making it better with me always looking over my shoulder. But I promise you right here, right now I’ll do better by you. I swear it.” He looked at you intensely, eyebrows furrowed. “Pinky promise?” You lightly laughed, trying to lighten the mood, raising your pinky.
He chuckled and held up his own. “pinky promise.” He intertwined his pinky with your own. Then hugged your head firmly to his chest, kissing your hair.
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wheredafandomat · 2 years ago
Party girl
Mob! Loki x female reader
18+ | contains smut, alcohol, unprotected shmex
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You brought your glass to your lips, hips swaying a little as you felt the music reverberate through you, each sip lowering your inhibitions enough to smile at the stranger eyeing you from across the rooftop. Your gazes had met a few times now, neither of you approaching the other as the people around you continued to move intoxicated in tandem, dancing to the music. When one of your favourite songs began to play, you couldn’t help the pull of the melody leaving you throwing your shoulders back as you danced, singing along with the rest of the crowd. The scent of alcohol mixed with perfume was carried around the rooftop by the swift evening breeze, engulfing you in a feeling that could only be described as nostalgia; you were happy you came out tonight.
“It seems like he likes you.” Nat spoke, finding you in the crowd again after topping up her glass and noticing the strangers gaze on you.
“Who even is that?” You replied with a small scoff not having realised she had noticed.
“Loki.” She stated as if it was common knowledge.
“Okayy.” You answered apprehensively.
“Loki Odinson.” She clarified leaving you no closer to recognition.
“Am I supposed to know who that is?” You chuckled at her seriousness.
“One of the Odinson brothers” she began, eyes rounding “they’re notorious mobsters y/n, you’re not seriously telling me you don’t know them.” Nat stressed, eyes almost pleading with yours.
“I don’t.” You replied truthfully as she looked over your shoulder.
“Well it seems you’ve definitely caught the younger ones attention.” She smiled.
“He’s coming over.” She continued excitedly.
“What?” You gasped again before she spun on her heels, turning away from you.
“And what pray tell are you drinking tonight?”
You quickly spun as you heard the deep, sultry voice in your ear before you were met by the man from earlier who you now knew as Loki Odinson going on what Natasha had said. She walked behind him, flashing you a thumbs up before disappearing again.
“Pornstar Martini.” You answered, your eyes staring into his emerald ones. They were even more dreamy up close. Your eyes ventured to his hand as he raised it, clicking his fingers in the air before a shorter man appeared next to him.
“The lady would like a pornstar martini.” He spoke, eyes fixed on yours.
“And for you sir?” The man answered.
“Bourbon, on the rocks.” He replied before the man dismissed himself leaving you and Loki alone again.
“You could have gone yourself.” You spoke, breaking the silence that had settled between you both.
“I could have.” He agreed.
“But you didn’t.” You stated.
“I did not,” he smirked, “keen eye.” He added, making you smile too. “I like to pride myself on my observance, meaning that I couldn’t help but notice you haven’t danced with anybody all night.”
“You’ve been watching me?” You giggled.
“I have an eye for rare beauties and my my” he started, eyes trailing over your body “you are rare.”
“Subtle.” You teased his blatant eye fucking of you. Before either of you could say anything else, your drinks arrived. You took your martini, bringing the glass to your lips as you took a sip, Loki doing the same to his drink. His eyes searched for yours over the rim of his glass, busy eyes relaxing once they met yours. You bit your lip, allowing yourself the pleasure of checking him out now, your gaze lingering on the exposed hair on his chest peaking through the two undone buttons of his shirt. He was handsome, you couldn’t deny that, all the way from the shine of his inky locs to the polish of his leather shoes. His body language exuded confidence, the arrogance of his status leaving you slightly flustered especially when you noticed his eyes mapping you again.
“So, do I at least get a name?” He questioned.
“Do I?” You bit back causing him to smile.
“You’re funny” he laughed as you narrowed your gaze in confusion “you’re serious.” He murmured, causing you to shrug “you must be from out of town.” He decided.
“Maybe.” You smiled knowing you didn’t live far from where you both were right now, definitely in town. “Give me your name and I’ll give you mine.” You bargained.
Swigging his drink again, Loki finished it before swallowing thickly.
“Loki odi—just Loki.” He answered.
“Y/n, just y/n.” You replied.
“Well just y/n, care to dance?” Loki offered, taking your hand.
“Lead the way just Loki.” You grinned.
His hands were large, that much was obvious as you felt them roaming over the contours of your body. This was a man who was used to getting exactly what he wanted and judging by how he pulled you against him, his chest firmly against your back as his hands caressed your hips, tonight, he wanted you. Drinks came in abundance, the both of you almost daring the other to make some kind of move. Eventually his lips caught up with his hands as he pressed kisses against your neck leaving you resting your head back against him as your eyes closed. One of his hands moved across from your hip to your torso before it moved slightly lower, resting over your stomach as he gently nibbled on your earlobe leaving you reeling. When his hand ventured back up, cupping your breast, the realisation that you were in public made you open your eyes quickly only to be met by Natasha who was across the rooftop giving you a thumbs up. You couldn’t help but smile.
“How about I take you on a tour of the city?” Loki suggested as you spun to face him.
“Maybe I’ve already seen the city.” You replied cheekily.
“Not from my limousine you haven’t” he winked “we’ll have a really good time.” He continued, hand stroking your side.
“I’m not looking for anything long term.” You warned, desperately wanting to ease the ache between your thighs without consequence.
“I’m not the commitment type.” He smirked. You bit your lip, about to reply before you saw Nat mouthing GO from over his shoulder.
Moments later you were kissing each other hungrily from the secluded inside of Loki’s limousine after he told his chauffeur to just drive. His ravenous lips found your neck, kissing you there roughly. His hand found your cheek, his thumb caressing it as your hand moved across his body. He was hard, extremely so, leaving you almost salivating when your hand reached the bulge in his trousers. His lips found yours again before he sucked in a sharp breath feeling your hand moving along his clothed erection. You eventually undid his button, freeing his length before bringing your hand to your mouth, breaking the kiss to lick it. Your eyes met as you lowered your now moist hand again, running it along his shaft. His eyes fell closed, head resting back against the seat as you stroked him, your hand tight around him. Your name fell from his lips in pleasured whispers making your smile grow and your heated core throb.
When you stopped, you were kissing again, Loki pulling you on to his lap. Your dress rode up your thighs as you rolled your hips against his, the lace of your thong driving Loki insane as it moved against his sensitive member. Unable to continue the teasing, you reached between you both, pulling your panties to the side as Loki guided himself towards your entrance. The both of you moaned as you lowered yourself onto him, the stretch filling you with carnal delight.
“Fuckk.” You panted, Loki’s arms wrapped around you tightly as he thrusted up into you. The limousine was quickly full of the sounds of you both satisfying each other as well as the aroma of alcohol and sex. Neither of you cared that the driver could hear, the only thing that existed in that moment was the two of you.
City lights passed you, the colours illuminating in the car as goosebumps spread across your body. Loki looked up at you, hands holding your hips firmly as he continued fucking up into you. Feeling yourself nearing your peak, you took over, stealing your pleasure as you bounced above him, your hands finding his shoulders as your eyes closed. Loki’s expression changed to one of awe as you took over, as you used him, centering yourself and your bliss. The thought left Loki almost quivering as he felt your walls tightening around him before you both came loudly.
You stayed like that for a few moments, perfectly still as Loki spent himself inside of you. Opening your eyes, you looked down at him only to notice his eyes had glazed over as he looked up at you.
“What’s the matter?” You asked amused.
“N-nothing I just—” Loki stuttered.
“What?” You smiled, cupping his cheek.
“You’re trouble.” He answered as the limousine came to a stop in traffic.
“Says you, Odinson.” You whispered in his ear leaving him shocked as you got off of him, ignoring the mixture of your arousal that was beginning to trickle out of you before opening the door and leaving.
Still taken aback, Loki hollowed his cheeks as he watched you walk away.
“You’re going to be a problem y/n” he spoke aloud, smiling to himself “a problem I’m going to enjoy dealing with.” He finished.
The following morning, you made your way into the kitchen to grab a coffee before you spotted Nat saying goodbye to the guy she had bought home last night.
“Bye Steve.” She smiled.
“Yeah, bye Steve.” You joked before he left, Natasha playfully scowling at you.
“So, how was last night for you?” She questioned before the door knocked.
“Did Steve forget his boxers or something?” You laughed, answering the door only to be met by a large bouquet of roses. You took them before reading the note inside.
Morning trouble
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Someone care to explain why it’s summer and I’ve got an awful cold? Because everyone’s talking about the titanic etc, in my fever dream I was on it 😭 feeling a lot better now though, got through the worst of it. I apologise for any mistakes, my excuse is that I’m half dead 😘
@lokiprompts @mischief2sarawr @lulubelle814 @lokisgoodgirl @mochie85 @eyesbluelikethetitanic @vickie5446 @mcufan72 @fictive-sl0th @peaches1958 @lokilvrr @evelyn-kingsley @strangelockd @xorpsbane @lovingchoices14 @donaweasley @sailorholly @lokidokieokie
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moon-fics · 1 year ago
headcanons about mob!tom holland × female!reader with the trope grumpy × sunshine where she is extremely agitated and hyperactive which drives him crazy sometimes because she can also be quite impulsive but he loves her more than anything else
A/n: Love the Mob!Tom requests! AHHHHH😍
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Tom is always busy with work and keeping things quiet
Which sometimes means he's tired and just wants peace and quiet
So when he comes home to you rambling about your day he has to stay quiet and listen
It's not that he doesn't enjoy listening to you talk because it's one of his favorite pastimes
However, sometimes he just needs to close his eyes and relax in silence
You can easily catch one when it's one of those days and you'll happily trade talking for cuddles
During your time together he'll shut off his phone and if he forgets he'll scold anyone on the other line for calling him
He often has to talk you out of bad ideas right before you do them
A lot of people think he finds you annoying because he refuses to smile in front of his colleagues
He'll just be standing behind you with a frown while you smile at every person you pass by
The truth is he's happy every second he gets to be with you and you're close enough to know that
If anyone tries to tell you otherwise they'll have to deal with his frustrations
Although he doesn't like PDA too much he'll gladly kiss you if you ever ask
But if anyone tries to tease him about it he'll pout for a while
He'll stop once he wraps his arms around you
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huntergatherercreator · 2 months ago
Liar: Part 7
Pairing: Mob!Tom Holland x Reader
Summary: You find out what Tom does for a living.
Warnings: Mentions of violence, blood, guns, murder, general mafia stuff
Part one | Part two | Part three | Part four | Part five | Part six
Part 7- 1733 words
Tom crept to the entrance of the warehouse with Harry close behind. Intel hadn't been able to tell them what to expect but he knew Montana usually worked with a crew of ten men. None of them would make it out alive. They'd agreed that in the car. A few feet away they could hear murmured voices from inside. With a silent signal Harry took up stance on the opposite side of the door. Hands firm on his gun Tom breathed deeply, pushing out all his fears on the exhale. You would be OK. He would keep you safe.
Meeting Harry's grim expression he nodded. Kicking the door in Harry rushed into the building. Tom followed, pausing only long enough to help take out the two men in the corner of the room. The internal door was closed but this time there was no hesitation. They'd already lost the element of surprise. Pushing through the door Tom narrowly ducked a fist. Using the momentum from his dodge he landed an uppercut that sent the man reeling. Harry shot him before he could recover.
Three down.
Shots suddenly rained down around them. Another man raced at Harry and Tom tackled him, rolling until he was using him as a shield. His body shuddered as bullets hit. Suddenly his whole weight was on Tom. Stray shots hit the light switch beside the door and the warehouse plunged into darkness. The top windows were all boarded up, and they were left with only the small sliver of light from under the door. Tom cursed under his breath. He'd barely got a look at the layout of the room.
As the body above him jerked from the blow of more bullets he worked out the trajectory of the attackers. One on the left, two on the right. He knew Harry wouldn't be far away. Just as he thought it a low whistle from the left wall sounded. The firing automatically moved to the new target and Tom pushed out from under his shield. He aimed left while circling right. The satisfying clatter of a dropped gun sounded, followed closely by a shriek as Harry managed to hit another one.
Sticking to the wall his eyes slowly started to adjust. He could see the outlines of the two men, one now on his knees. The second was skirting back, shots flailing around the room as he tried to find one of them. Noise covered by the rapid fire, Tom crept close enough to shoot him from behind.
In the sudden silence he crouched low against the wall. His heart beat steadily despite the worry infiltrating his concentration. What if he didn't find you? What if he didn't get them all? With a sharp shake of his head he battled them back into the dark corner they'd crawled from. He was good at his job, he reminded himself, and right now his job was to find you. Scanning the room he found the other three has been spreading out, letting the others act as a distraction while they got into better positions. One covered the main door, the two others close by.
"Tom!" The urgency to Harry's voice had dread lacing into his adrenaline. He pinpointed him in the far corner. In the dim light he could see him shifting a body from a chair and laying them down on the ground. Tom was sprinting before he realised. The shots started up again, ricocheted around him as his heart stuttered in his chest. You were here. You were in reach. You weren't moving. He slid to a stop, dropping to his knees to cover your body protectively with his. Hands gripping your cheeks he barely breathed, a silent prayer chanting endlessly in his mind as he took in the sheen of sweat coating your skin.
Unable to hear your breathing he put his hand on your chest. A wet warm liquid spreading under his palm had him turn to ice. Shaking, he found his fingers coated with blood. His stomach dropped as he frantically tried to check your pulse. You were alive. You had to be. You were still warm. His fingers gripped your neck and after an agonising minute found the weak thrum of your heartbeat. He sagged for a second as he took a shuddered breath.
Harry had been returning gunfire and now paused to crouch behind the chair and reload. He signalled to a spot behind Tom and then saluted, determination radiating from him. A shout lodged in Tom’s throat as Harry suddenly turned and sprinted into the fray. This had been the plan he tried to remind himself as panic choked him. Harry could handle himself. Getting you out was the only thing that mattered.
Cradling you gently he checked over his shoulder to where Harry had indicated. Another door. Standing quickly he kicked it open, pausing only long enough to shove it closed behind him. The chaos of gunshots dampened into dull background noise as he moved through the small room and out another door at the back. He exited into what felt like a long hallway punctuated by green emergency lights. He followed them right, moving down the space as quickly as he dared in the dark. The exit came into view, the light above outlining the edge of the door, and relief flooded through him. Gathering you closer he picked up his pace.
A shot pierced the quiet hallway. Pain startled him as a bullet tore at his ear. He staggered, stumbling through the closest doorway. His grip tightened on you as he landed sharply on his shoulder with a hiss. Droplets of blood trickled down his jaw as rage filled him. Nothing was going to stop him getting you out of that door. Laying you in a safe spot he pulled out his gun.
Stepping into the hallway he fired a few rounds into the dark. A high pitched curse and a clatter followed. He kept his gun pointed towards the sound while he slipped out his phone and lit up the hallway with the torch.
Montana was kneeling on the ground, her injured right arm cradled against her chest, blood dripping onto her blouse. Her gun had fallen too far away for her to reach. She tried to shield her eyes as he stalked closer.
"We won't stop," she warned through gritted teeth, "you know we won't." Her words had his fury peaking. After everything he did for them, all the lines he'd had to cross, morals he'd had to skirt to protect them. A deadly calmness settled over him. They'd realise soon enough that you were the only thing that mattered to him now.
He raised the gun and shot her at point blank. There was no hesitation. No whisper of doubt as he'd taken in the split second of panic on her face. He regretted nothing. He knew he'd do anything to protect you and now he had.
Shoving his phone away he retraced his steps and lifted you back into his arms. Pushing out through the exit the sunlight had him ducking his head as his eyes adjusted to the sudden brightness. His gaze caught on your face. The colour was leeching out of your skin, your lips turning blue. He scanned your body for any other wounds and the vibrant stain coating the bottom half of your shirt was suddenly all he could see. It looked almost fake. There was too much of it. Panic started to rise in his chest.
Harry yelled from the drivers seat of the SUV pulling him out of his spiral. As the rear door popped open Tom hurried over and climbed in with you. Slamming the door shut he grabbed the first aid kit as the car tailspun away from the warehouse and shot back onto the road.
Ripping your shirt open his stomach lurched as he took in the knife wound. Fumbling for some gauze pads he tried to stem the bleeding. Within seconds the fabric was soaked.
"Harry," he pleaded and the car shifted gear, the outside streaming past the windows. Stripping off his shirt he folded it roughly and used it to apply pressure.
His eyes met his brothers in the rear view mirror. The uncertainty radiating from them had Tom gripping you closer still. You would be OK. He knew harry would stop at nothing to get you to the hospital. You would be OK. With a shaky hand he brushed back the loose hair caught on your face. His thumb caressed your cheek softly in a gentle rhythm.
“I’ve got you. You’re safe. I’m here.” His voice broke as he repeated those lines over and over, hoping for some indication you could hear him. Praying to every deity he could think of that you’d wake up. Droplets landed on you, washing away some of the blood he’d smeared onto your face. Tears he realised as more dropped steadily from his jaw. He needed you to wake up. He would do anything and everything to have you open your eyes right now. He couldn’t, wouldn't, lose you. Not like this. Not with everything still unsaid between you. He needed a chance to tell you how much he didn’t blame you for running. How much he would make every one of them pay for hurting you. And most importantly how much he loved you. Fuck, he loved you with everything he had. You not waking up wasn’t an option. He didn’t think he’d survive if you didn’t.
Your skin was starting to cool down. He draped himself over you as close as he dared, praying his body heat would help. He could see your chest struggle to take in air. His free hand fisted in your hair, his forehead pressing against yours tightly as he a sob wracked him. You just needed to hold on a little longer.
"Please, don't leave me. Please."
The car stopped. So did your breathing.
Everything suddenly moved too fast for him to keep up. The back door to the SUV was yanked open. Hands pulled him away from you. You were moved onto a stretcher. An oxygen mask was put on. Someone took over holding your wound. They were rushing you away into the hospital. He tried to follow but he wasn't quick enough. The doors closed.
You were gone.
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mochie85 · 1 year ago
I'm absolutely doing cartwheels right now in my room! yes! i am! 🤸‍♀️ you made me so happy friend. I'm so glad to hear that it stuck with you! A YEAR LATER!? I am very honored.
now i just hope I can finish it! 😝🤭
Dear, congrats again on this milestone! I’m sooo happy for you and hope to keep enjoying your amazing writing and talent in this place 💜
I want to make a request with a song, just if it inspires you, so no pressure (;
Brut Gold - Chapter 1 Loki & Lia
1K Celebration Masterlist | Brut Gold Masterlist | Complete Masterlist
Summary: Loki sees you dancing in his club and is immediately infatuated with you. Pairing: Mob!Loki x Female Reader/OFC Word Count: Over 3K Warnings: No Smut, angst, killing, language A/N: Part of my 1K follower celebration. I want to thank @coldnique for this request and for introducing me to this song. I love this song! It is now on heavy rotation in my playlist. And the following scenario is what I pictured when I first heard it. So I hope you like it.
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The haze of the club seeped through the walls and into the lungs of every guest attending that night. The air was heavy with deep breaths and sighs. The music was so loud and deep you only had yourself for company; because no one else could hear anything you could or would be saying.
The large hall was dark, with vintage speakeasy furnishings and two bars that boasted to have every drink imaginable. There were private booths in the back that were separated by curtains of red and chrome. Curls of smoke could be seen wafting out when the curtains were pushed back to reveal secrets and obscurities.
Beyond that were the private rooms of the owners where they conducted their daily business.
The Odinsons. They were brothers from an old family, with ties to the royal households of Norway dating back a long time. With money stretching even further back.
Back here, the curls of smoke were thicker with lace and the music was replaced by the screams of people whom the brothers had deemed worthy of their attention. Good…and bad.
Loki had just collected his dagger from the body slumped on the floor. His second-in-command, Fandral, quickly approached him and handed him a handkerchief to wipe his blade. “Thank you, kommandør. Be a dear and dispose of the trash, will you?” Fandral nodded silently to Loki as Hogun leaped up to help him.
“Brother, if you keep killing them, we’ll never find anyone to distribute our product,” Thor said, with an amused grin. He sat with his legs crossed on the back couch, looking like a Pharoah presiding over his kingdom. His crisp white suit hung delicately along his muscular frame. Quite the opposite of Loki’s leaner figure clad in an all-black ensemble.
“Well, if we started recruiting more loyal soldater, I wouldn’t feel the need to kill them.” Loki retorted.
Just then, Lady Sif walks through the door with a tiresome expression on her face. “Another one, Loki? I just saw Fandral and Hogun carrying a black duffel bag to the back.” Loki could only shrug as he wiped his blade clean.
“There she is!” Thor yelled. “My wife. My heart.” He held out his arms for her to join him. Sif pulls out her dagger and places it against Thor’s throat.
“Did you have something to do with this?”
“Ooh. I love it when you’re feisty.” He says pushing the blade away from himself slowly. She swings it back his way, expecting an answer. “No, I did not.” He sighs.
Satisfied by his response, she stows her blade and sits on his lap. Loki watches as Thor nuzzles up to his advisor-turned-wife, rolling his eyes at the blatant expression of love between them.
Deep down he knew he was jealous. Not of Thor, but of the connection he has with the person he found to love. But Lady Sif had always been by their side. She grew up in this life. She knows the harsh truths about sacrifice and gains. She was their rådgiver, their adviser.
Loki wanted someone outside of the chaos. Someone who doesn’t know who he is and doesn’t expect anything out of him but love and affection. That was hard to find in the line of work he was in.
He finished cleaning his daggers when Fandral opens the door and whispers to Loki, “It’s done. Volstagg is driving it to the junkyard as we speak. The front of the house needs your presence though.”
“Thank the gods. If I must stand here another minute, I might witness the creation of my future niece or nephew.” Loki whispered back, making Fandral look at what was happening on the couch. He just rolled his eyes and followed Loki out of the room, leaving the two lovers alone.
Closer and closer, Loki struts to the front of the house. The music got louder. The air got thinner. And his heart raced faster in time with the beat of the music.
Loki stopped at the threshold of the large hallway, flanked by Fandral and Hogun on either side. Those closest to them stopped and stared. The three were a sight for sure. All three were dressed impeccably in black slacks and dark shirts. Loki looked the most devastating of all with his shirt sleeves still rolled up and his top buttons still loose from the ‘sentencing’ he carried out moments before.
He looked around the club and saw a large sea of people swaying and gyrating to the music. It was busier tonight than usual. The locals mixed in with the tourist crowd for the summer.
A twinkling flash of gold caught his attention in the middle of the room, and he spotted you dancing on the floor.
Everyone else stared at them. Knew of them. But you- you remained unaffected and joyous as you continued swaying your body to the deep bass of the music. Loki was mesmerized. He’d never seen you in his club before. The sway of your hips made the gold sequence of your skirt catch his eye and he couldn’t look away.
As soon as they sat down, they were bombarded with attention. Some were from lower soldaters, soldiers who wanted to be in the inner circle and paid their respects. While others were of a more sexual nature. Loki ignored them all and just watched you.
He watched as your hands ran through your hair, your body moving to the beat. Your head thrown back lost in the music. He wondered if that’s how you would look, lost in passion, in between him and his bed.
You came in with a bachelorette party. The women you were with all clamoring for attention from the other clubgoers, getting drinks and compliments. You shone brightly behind them, keeping a low profile, just dancing and being protective of your friends who would otherwise end the night with some predator. Loki saw that as a positive quality of yours. Protective, loyal, caring, and gorgeous. He could see all the stares of appreciation you got every time you passed by someone.
He scoffed at the laughable attempts that were directed your way. All of which you turned down. He continued to watch you dance with your friends from one of the private booths in the back. He instructed his bartender to give you and your friends top-shelf drinks and made sure that no one else bothered you for the rest of the night.
Never, had anyone affected him this way before. Just one look at you and he was stunned. He never put much stock in fate or destiny. He always relied on his judgment and instincts. So, this fleeting moment of obsession alarmed him. “Find out all you can about her, Fandral. And don’t alert my brother of your research.” Loki asked his kommandør. Fandral and Hogun looked at each other quickly and let a sly smile pass between them.
Loki would’ve caught their little interaction, had it not been for some ingrate that tried to get handsy with you. Loki growled his displeasure from his seat.  But you quickly slapped the cretin’s hands away and pushed him off. When the lowlife tried a second time, Hogun got up to take care of the situation. He’d seen the way Loki was all night. Loki hadn’t paid a single attention to what was happening in front of him. He was too preoccupied with you. Hogun knew that if things didn’t deescalate quickly, he’d have a whole other mess to clean up.
Loki placed his hand on Hogun’s shoulder, stopping the deadly assassin from continuing. Instead, Loki made his way to you as Hogun followed behind closely. “Thor won’t like this if you make a scene, Loki,” he whispered in his ear.
“Who said I was gonna make a scene?” Loki paused with a solemn face. Hogun huffed in response. “Take that scum to the back. Make sure he doesn’t have use of those hands for the foreseeable future.” Hogun knew better than to roll his eyes at him. He simply nodded and grabbed the offending fool off by his collar.
Everyone gave Loki a wide berth as he walked right up behind you. Up till now, he’d only been watching you. But there was something about that handsy boor that stroked his possessiveness towards you.
He started to sway in time with your body. His arms snaked around your hips, as his lips came dangerously close to your ear. You were about to turn and slap whoever decided to get frisky with you until you heard Loki’s velvet voice caressing your ear, “Dance with me.”
There was a deep command laced in his tone. You had never heard a voice sound so sensual. So confident. His touch was firm but reverent. As if he were the lead dancer instructing your body on how to move. Your body relaxed into his. A sly smile formed on your face as you felt his hands trace your curves.
Loki twirled you to face him. You first noticed his eyes. They were cunning and sharp. They were also the brightest green you had ever seen. His smile was what you liked the most. His thin lips gave way to a wide smirk that promised fun and excitement. You could feel his strong arms holding you close to his body as you both swayed slowly to the fast-paced music.
“I’ve been wondering when you would make your move,” you said to him.
“So, you’ve been watching me, have you? I’m flattered.” Loki purred with a guarded smile.
“It’s hard to miss someone whose got the attention of everyone in the room.” You continued as you swayed your hips.
“Likewise, my dear. I haven’t been able to take my eyes off of you.” He whispered in your ear. A blush formed on your cheek from his charm. “Have a drink with me.” His tone left no room for refusal. Loki kissed your hand as he leads you back to his private booth. Everyone you passed just stared at you with judgment or awe.
He signaled to his barkeep for a drink while he held the curtains open for you to slide in. Soon after, a scantily clad woman, wearing the tightest mini skirt you had ever seen, walks up with a tray. She holds out the bottle for Loki to approve and he nods his head without taking his eyes off you. The pop of the bottle startled you and made you jump closer to his embrace. She eyed you suspiciously as she poured a gold bottle of brut with a spade on the front label. His eyes viciously glinted as he felt your body press up against his.
He snaked his arm tighter around your shoulders, pulling you closer to him. “Have you ever had Armand de Brignac before?” he whispered in your ear.
“No. I can’t say I have,” you smiled as he reached for his glass, dismissing the bottle girl. Loki held it up to his lips and took a sip. His eyes noted how you looked down at his throat, watching him swallow the expensive champagne.
With closed lips, he leaned in close to you. He pressed his mouth to yours and puckered slightly opening your lips to the cool champagne in his mouth. You sucked on his kiss as the taste of the champagne coated it. It was tart with hints of fruits. The bubbles were still evident as they tickled in between your joined lips. You drank the rest of the champagne from his mouth. His hands held the back of your head steady, helping you drink from him. When you had finished, a trickle fell down your chin to your throat. He was quick to wipe it away with a hooked finger and brought it over to your mouth to lick off.
You played along with his game and wrapped your lips along the length of his finger, licking the drop of bubbly from the bend.
“Delicious, is it not?” his voice hitched.
“Yes,” you said breathlessly. “Very much so.” Your mind tried to catch up. Your body was thrumming with adrenaline and hot need. Your bodies were turned towards each other in the private booth as his hand continues to caress the hairs on the back of your head.
“Would you like another taste?” he offered, looking down at your lips. He grabbed the flute without waiting for your answer. As if he knew you would say yes. Hoped that you would say yes.
“Yes, please.” You whispered, making him smile. He brought his lips towards yours again and you happily drank his sweet champagne kisses. Your hands roamed his shirt, pulling on his shirt collar to move closer to you. When you had drank every last drop, you snaked your tongue in between his lips and tickled the roof of his mouth.
When you finished, you looked down at his throat again and your fingers traced the outlines of a snake tattoo on his neck. Loki rumbled at the feel of your fingers on him. “You dangerous creature. I don’t even know your name.” His breath smelled like the champagne, crisp apples, and fruit.
“My closest friends call me Lia,” you whispered as your fingers followed the tattoo down to his collarbone.
“My friends, if I had any, call me…” Loki started but he was soon interrupted by someone calling out your name.
“Lia!” Your cousin slid the curtains open, much to the protest of Hogun standing guard. She had on a tiara with a veil and a sash that said wifey around her shoulder. “Lia! There you are!” Rosaline glared at Loki and grabbed your hand. “We have to go. Other clubs to visit.” Rosaline gave Loki a tight smile as she pulled you out of the booth. She looks vaguely familiar, Loki thought, but couldn’t put his mind as to where he’s seen her before. The bachelorette get-up surely didn’t help his memory either.
“Ok. Ok. Hold on a second.” You told her as you scooted out of the booth. Loki held on to your other hand, not wanting to let go.
“Lia.” He called out. “Will I ever see you again?” he smiled as you got up from the booth.
“My cousins just visiting for the wedding,” Roseline answered. You gave her an angry look for talking on your behalf. “Come on. Let’s go.” Rosaline dragged you quickly away from the private booths and back to the safety of the group of girls you came with.
“What’s the deal, Rose? I thought you wanted me to find someone tonight?”
“Yes! Someone. Just not that one.” She said as she grabbed her purse and coat. Everyone in your group was doing the same, getting ready to go to the next club.
“What do you mean?”
“Girl, do you know who that is? No, of course you don’t. Ugh. Sometimes, I hate daddy for sending you away. All these years without my bestie…”
“Rose! Who is he?” you interrupted her, as she wrapped you in your coat.
“That is none other than Loki Odinson. Part owner of this club. Along with his brother, Thor Odinson.”
“Yes! That Odinson! The same Odinson that’s rivals with the Barnes family. You know…my fiancé!” The realization made you look back to the booth you had just shared. Except this time, Loki wasn’t alone. He was accompanied by another man. Striking blue eyes and an imposing figure, clad in all white. Thor Odinson.
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“Brother, I leave you alone for a couple of minutes and you cause all kinds of mischief,” Thor laughed as he sat down in the booth. Thor watched you walk away, being towed by none other than Rosaline Strange. “If I ask you to stay away from her, would you listen?”
Loki ignored his question and watched as your cousin, undoubtedly, informed you of who he was. “I saw what Fandral was researching for you. Would you like to know who she is?” Thor dangled the information in front of Loki, baiting for any response.
“Her name is Juliette ‘Lia’ Banner. Daughter of Bruce and Donna Banner. Donna, her mother, is Strange’s younger sister. Her parents both died a long time ago in an accident. They weren’t ‘in the life’ and wanted to keep their daughter out of it as well. When they passed, Strange honored their wishes and sent Juliette away to boarding school and Uni abroad to keep her safe. Apparently, she just graduated and is in town for the nuptials of her cousin Rosaline and James Barnes.”
“Barnes?” Loki said alarmed.
“Of all the juicy details I said. That’s the one you pick up on?” Thor chuckled. “She’s got too many ties for us to unravel Loki. Leave her be.” Thor warned resolutely.
“I don’t know if I can, Thor.”
“What do you mean you don’t know if you can? You have to. Or else…”
“Or else, what? Thor? Cut me off like you did Hela?”
“DAMMIT LOKI! You knew that was her decision.” Thor slammed his fist on the table making everyone in the vicinity jump. “I can’t protect you if you go after this girl. It would be a war for sure with Barnes and we don’t need that right now.”
Loki sat there quietly; watching as your group prepares to leave. “I’ve never lied to you brother…” Loki started. Thor just raised his eyebrows in disbelief. “…Regarding matters of the business and family. I’m telling you right now, that I want her.”
“How do you even know she wants you back? You can have any goddam cunt in here tonight. Hel, this whole club wants to sleep with you. Take your pick. But not her Loki!”
“If she turns to look back…”
You walked towards the front entrance, the chill from the summer night was flowing through the doors making you hold on tighter to your coat. Your cousin and her friends all laugh and beckon you outside to join them. Each step you took forward felt heavy. You couldn’t help it. One last look.
Both men stared at you as you made your exit. Shivers ran down your spine as you replayed his last words to you, ‘Will I ever see you again?’
God, I sure hope so, you thought.
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⬅️ Series Masterlist | Brut Gold: Chapter 2➡️
@alexs1200 @a-witch-with-words @athalialaufeyson @britishserpent @cakesandtom @crimson25 @el-zef @fictive-sl0th @gigglingtigger @glitterylokislut @goldencherriess @holdmytesseract @holymultiplefandomsbatman @huntress-artemiss @ijuststareatstuffhereok89 @immersed-in-mischief @kellatron55 @kikster606 @kkdvkyya @ladyofthestayingpower @lokidbadguy @lokiprompts21 @lokisasgardianvampirequeen @lokisgoodgirl @lokisninerealms @lokischambermaid @lokixryss @loopsisloops @lucylaufeyson3 @luvlady-writes @michelleleewise @mischief2sarawr @mukagentropy @muddyorbsblr @nopenottodayson @one-oblivious-nerd @ozymdias @peaches1958 @salempoe @sarahscribbles @sarawr-reads @silverfire475 @springdandelixn @starktowerrooftop @theaudacitytowrite @thedistractedagglomeration @thomase1 @vickie5446 @vbecker10 @wheredafandomat @xorpsbane  
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wheneverfeasible · 8 months ago
You ever think about Eddie Munson in his early 30s watching Rob Halford coming out on MTV? You ever think about Eddie, knowing he was queer but unable to come out for fear of repercussions? He’d been hunted by one mob before and he didn’t want to go through that again.
Maybe Corroded Coffin made it big. Maybe Eddie started or joined a new band. Maybe he does a solo act. Maybe he’s not famous at all and he’s living a regular life.
And then Halford comes out, and Eddie sees how the metal community accepts him, how the community embraces him, and Eddie realizes that yes it’s scary but also he wants that happiness that Halford has, that wonderful moment of coming out of the closet.
Maybe Eddie understood “Raw Deal” for what it was all along, maybe he’s always gotten the hints sprinkled here and there throughout some of the songs. Maybe he always suspected, always wondered. Sure, he lives in a podunk town in Indiana, but he’s sought out whatever information he could when he first realized he was different. He read zines and articles and listened to hushed talk in bars when he escaped Hawkins for a little while when he was younger.
You ever think about Eddie, coming out in his 30s, because even though he knows it can be dangerous, even though he knows it can go all wrong, he doesn’t want to be in the closet anymore and later he writes a letter to Halford, not really expecting him to ever read it, expressing gratitude for the courage and the strength to finally be true to himself, come what may.
Imagine Steve Harrington, adding his own little postscript, thanking him for helping him find the man of his dreams.
Years later, when it’s finally legalized and they’re both graying and a little soft around the middle, do you ever think about Eddie and Steve inviting Halford to their wedding not really expecting him to ever read it or show up if he even did?
Do you ever think about Rob Halford showing up with his own partner Tom Green and telling Eddie and Steve that they’ve been rooting for them all these years?
You ever think about Eddie, alive, happy, and loved?
Link to Halford’s interview
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your-nanas-house · 1 year ago
"Mine, darling"
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◇ Pairing: Mob!Tom Riddle Sr X waitress!Reader
◇ Warnings: smut, Riddle, waitress and prostitute, age gap (both off age)
◇ Summary: Tom Riddle Sr attends an important meeting in a small bistro and takes a moment to appreciate the place or rather the worker.
◇ Note: Sorry for the mistakes and the English. Tom Riddle Sr is Tom Riddle's muggle father. @veroriddle this was my baby's idea, I made it an imagine...I hope you don't mind.
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His warm and firm palm pressed more and more on your back, a small moan almost whine came out of your lips bruised by the previously exchanged kisses.
When you entered the bistro where you worked that day you expected a quiet evening, maybe some unpleasant and rude customers but you certainly didn't expect to meet one of the customers— from your second job, which you wanted to remain secret.
That evening, you put on your usual uniform which consisted of a shirt partly covered by a vest and a miniskirt that showed enough but not too much. Your hair were pulled up and the pen was held by your lips as you walked to the new costumers that walked in, to take just their orders— thing that changed as soon as you met those infamous light eyes that stared at yours before looking you up and down in silence.
It was enough, you were already melting and he just needed to find a moment to get you alone to have you like he wanted— after waiting and staring at the other men looking and flirting with you.
It passed nearly 20 minutes and your body was pressed against the sink of the bathroom, his eyes kept staring at yours as he gripped your hair in a tight grip to prevent your head to drop
"Always so thigh for me, darling" the man grunted, his free hand holding your hips in a tight grip as he slammed his cock back inside your soaked hole "Was thinking—" he groaned softly against your hear, continuing to talk even if your moans kept interrupting him "—about you".
You just hummed, not really listening to what the man, you learned was called Tom, was saying too lost in your own pleasure and the way he was thrusting mercifully in you while still kissing your bare back in a kind of loving and tender way
"Fuck, darling, taking it so good" Tom praised as he slowly reached his climax, his big hand with slender fingers moved from your hair down to your clit, making sure to make you you cum first so he could feel your abused walls clench around his stiff lenght— before shooting his load inside of you and help you put your clothes back on, just like he did while you adjusted your hair and makeup.
Your back was still facing Tom, he moved closer again when he fixed his suit just to kiss your cheek and place a £ 100 bank note on the dry sink, squeezing your ass as he whispered his goodbye and a small promise before leaving the bathroom.
You just took the money, your face flushed as you put them in your bra, and walked out of that room as well to continue your shift there.
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@gabile18 , @mrsfullbuster500 , @rex-ray , @elizamalfoyy, @eovjjj , @wife-of-magic-monkeys , @jeremiah-va1eska , @gothamchic16, @rabbiteggz , @dieg0brandos-wife , @rottenecstasy , @lazyexcuse , @teh-vampire-bunny , @lobotomy-lover , @slasher-smasher , @sleepycreativewriter
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peterdarlingg · 6 months ago
Mob!tom tonight!!! 👀
Finally for real this time
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nedlittle · 2 months ago
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it's that time of the year again! i read a whopping 135 books in 2024 and have collected the worst of the worst for your entertainment ft. homophobia, taylor swift, girlboss baba yaga, and mary shelley's nipples. i hope you enjoy these reviews to make up for the suffering i endured to write them.
a lethal lady by nekesa afia ⭐
A Lethal Lady exists in a series of nondescript beige rooms because there is no effort put into making them anything else. Your reader should not have to imagine scenery themselves because you cannot be bothered to craft any description apart from vague adjectives, which do nothing if they exist without context!
the good women of fudi by liu hong ⭐
It's like Liu Hong sat down and Googled "gay books" and read the first one that came up, then Googled "lesbian books" and did the exact same thing. And then she thought, What if I did that but worse?
the witch and the tsar by oleysa salnikova gilmore ⭐
We can't even have hags anymore. Because of woke. At least Marya Morevna is bisexual.
mary and the birth of frankenstein by anne eekhout (tr. laura watkinson) ⭐
If I were sent back to 1816, I could identify Mary Shelley by her nipples alone. I could pick her nipples out of a police lineup. Her nipples are going to haunt me for the rest of my life. Her nipples are more myself than my own.
a fatal crossing by tom hindle ⭐.25
The timeline spans five days but feels like five years. The chapters are relatively short, but the action is so repetitive that it becomes cyclical, dragging on like Hector's corpse around the walls of Troy.
five wives by joan thomas ⭐.25
The Governor General's Award is not a serious award, lmao. We have approximately five recognizable Canadian writers, so much of our publishing is just slop, so we have to reward everyone who can string two sentences together.
dear sylvia, love jane by erin hall ⭐.5
It's like oh wow queer found family! community! a spunky underdog protagonist! And then a woman is murdered off-page by her husband who is then iced on-page by the mob. And then we go back to found family.
late bloomer by mazey eddings ⭐.75
You could scroll gay Twitter for 30 minutes and have the same experience as reading this book.
the formidable miss cassidy by meihan boey ⭐⭐
The characters and dialogue were too twee for my tastes, and Miss Cassidy herself is Mary Poppins if she were a whimsigoth Tumblr witch.
maude horton's glorious revenge by lizzie pook ⭐⭐
The whole book lends itself to being read with only half of one's brain engaged; neither engaging nor forgettable, it's the sort of thing that vanishes entirely from your psyche the moment after you mark it as read.
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moon-fics · 2 years ago
A/n: I love this request because I love mafia AUs!! I sadly couldn't come up with any ideas as an actual fic, so I made headcanons for you to enjoy anyway!
Request: Hii, I hope you are having a good day! Can I request one with the mob! tom holland × reader where tom is really protective of his private life and everyone thinks he is non-committal and only hooks up for one night but actually, he has been with the same girl since he was 15 and they just get more in love every day 🥺🫶
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Tom HATES sharing his personal life with the public
He will do everything in his power to keep his life private, especially from the newspaper
He only does it because anything can and will be used against him by many people who could easily take him down
So, even though the public yearns for details about him, nothing is really confirmed
There have been rumors that he sleeps around or can't keep a girl for more than a week
That's far from true bc this man has one love and it is you
He's been in love with you since high school before he became the powerful man he is today
Even though he can be intimidating and brutal, you know he's still the same dork that you met back in freshman year
He will do anything for you and only you
He refuses to let the tabloids know about your connection to him
He absolutely adores you in every way to the point where he won't denounce the rumors just to keep your identity hidden
He honestly doesn't mind being called a player because you both know he's far from it
At some point, the rumors about him sleeping around did bother you, but he quickly assured you that they'll never be true
Now, him keeping your private does not mean he's never in public with you
Quite the opposite, he's almost always in public with you
He just has people on the inside of the newsroom who do everything to stop headlines from running
This may seem like it's the opposite of privacy, but the public only gets information about him through the news
He hires people to block any photos that contain you and him, even at premieres or dinners
Not one paparazzi has successfully gotten a photo of him and you together
Even though he worries for your safety he would never lock you up and keep you inside
He enjoys going out with you, knowing he has other people keeping your identity safe
Not to mention his bodyguards admire you and are just as dedicated to protecting you
At the end of the day, you laugh at the rumors with him, pretending to catch him cheating and acting out dramatic scenes you saw in movies
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huntergatherercreator · 2 months ago
Liar: Part 6
Pairing: Mob!Tom Holland x Reader
Summary: You find out what Tom does for a living.
Warnings: Mentions of violence, blood, kidnapping, torture, interrogations, angst
Part one | Part two | Part three | Part four | Part five
Part 6 – 1952 words
He sat quietly as Harry spoke to the bar owner, an untouched drink clenched between his fingers as he silently wished he would talk faster. The older man was slowly warming up. As much as a dive bar owner in the ass end of a small town would to outsiders.
“I’m actually passing through on the way to meet up with my girlfriend.” Harry shared a photo of you with a fond smile. There was no arguing that he knew how to charm someone. Working in distributions must be a constant performance to keep people on your side. A non committal noise from the bar keep as he slid the rag from over his shoulder and started wiping the closest glass.
Casting his eyes over the worn furniture and pictures of Georgia’s greats lining the walls Tom struggled to see you here. He hated the thought that you’d be wasting your talents pouring beers for the regulars who were already slumping in their bar stools at 12pm on a Tuesday.
Trying to tune back into Harry’s conversation was pointless. He was already done being there, he wanted to get back on the road. Excusing himself to use the restroom he took his time washing up. The splash of cool water helped wake him up a little more after having the last driving shift but did nothing to make him look any better. Staring at his reflection he barely recognised himself. Water dripping from his too long curls caught in his short beard. He’d never gone more than three days without shaving, now he didn’t care. Slicking his hair back he blinked at the tired eyes looking back at him. He was a mess. Go figure. With a sigh he dried off and left the bathroom. He pulled up short as a waitress exited from a hall behind the bar, the double doors swinging in her wake. His eyes snagged on a white board filled with time slots. A rota for the bar, he realised. Pushing the door open for a better look he froze. His stomach simultaneously sank and soared as he read the name listed for the last three nights shifts. Y/N.
When he got back to the bar he gripped his Harry’s shoulder. A silent signal before saying, “we should head out. I’m sure there’s a motel around here somewhere we can rest up.”
Harry looked expectantly at the barman who nodded and gave rough directions to one further down the road. Slipping a few bills over Harry stood but Tom had already taken off back to the car.
“I can’t tell if you have good news or bad news,” Harry admitted as he joined him in the front seat.
“Her name was on the rota. She’s supposed to be here tonight. She has to be close.” He pulled the car out and headed towards the motel, a prayer on his lips that he was about to find you.
Harry’s phone dinged. From the corner of his eye he saw him swipe at the message and then freeze.
“Tom, pull over.” Eyes darting to his brother the tone of his voice had his chest constricting. He turned into the motel parking lot and stopped across several spaces in his haste. His hands choked the steering wheel as he waited for Harry to speak.
“Montana has her.” The tremor of worry in his words was nothing compared to the full body shake that started in Tom. It couldn’t be. They wouldn’t send them for something this small, for someone this unimportant. What was he missing? Head resting on the wheel he tried to breathe but his chest kept constricting tighter. The people he’s spent years protecting had turned on him. They’d gone behind his back and taken you to be- he stopped himself. He didn’t wanted to think about what he knew Montana would do to you. Black spots floated over his vision until Harry’s phone sounded again.
“I have an address. Its 20 minutes away.” His decision was made in seconds. A burning determination charged him. As soon as he got his hands on you he’d never let go again. He’d keep you safe even if it meant burning everything in his life to the ground. Burning them to the ground.
But those were his choices, he wouldn’t drag anyone else into this. He turned to Harry about to voice that and got a stern glare.
“Don’t you dare get sappy on me. If you go, I’m coming too.” As if to back up his statement he popped the glovebox and took out the gun hidden there. “I won’t let you lose her.”
With a shared look the weight shifted off his chest and he threw the car into gear.
Your head swam as bright light pierced at your eyelids. You listened for the sound of your alarm but couldn’t hear anything. Five more minutes you told yourself. Your body ached to stretch out and it wasn’t until you shifted you realised you were sitting. Had you fallen asleep at work? The worry behind that thought helped you shift closer to awake but just as you thought you’d be able to open your eyes a wave of darkness pulled you back to sleep.
It was the sound of footsteps that finally helped you surface. Opening your eyes your mind sluggishly tried to put together the information they were seeing. A dirty concrete floor. A single bulb above you casting a small circle of light. Everything beyond that was swathed in darkness but you could sense eyes on you. You tried to shift your arms but found they were stuck. A sliver of panic raced up your spine as you tugged harder and felt the bite of plastic straps tightening around your wrists. The sudden adrenaline rush that followed triggered flashes of memories. Being grabbed in the motel room. The sharp sting of a needle in your arm. The rough carpet beneath your palms. They'd got you.
The icy press of metal against your back registered too slowly. You felt like you were underwater. Everything wavered at the edges as you struggled to suck in enough air.
“Don’t worry. This won’t take long.” The tension lacing the air snapped with those words and reality flooded in. Your body froze up, muscles tensing painfully as it finally registered how much danger you were in. The barrel dug in slightly as he reached out to grip your shoulder. You were too shocked to even flinch as his rough fingers dug into your collar bone, holding you in place.
A lighter flickered in the shadows then the steady pace of footsteps echoed closer and closer until a shape took form outside the boundary of the light. Smoke fanned from them on a heavy exhale.
“Tell me what you saw.”
You barely heard her words over the rapid beating in your ears.
“I don’t-” You cut off as the grip on you tightened in warning.
“When?” you re-routed quickly.
“The office.” There was no clarification needed for that. The scene was still burned into your memory even if the feeling surrounding it had dimmed, been resolved with your acceptance of Tom.
“He was with someone. He had a gun to their head.” Your voice sounded off, mechanical as you relayed the information.
“Do you know who it was?”
You shook your head. “There was too much...too much blood.”
“Hmm.” She stepped forward, her hazy form snapping to full definition as the light hit. With a crisp navy pant suit and perfect hollywood curls she wasn’t what you’d been expecting and a glimmer of hope fluttered in your chest. Maybe you could reason with her? Maybe you could- Your thoughts cut short as you saw the way she stared at you. Like you were a butterfly caught in a jar. A butterfly she would pull the wings from without hesitation. You tried to swallow but your throat had dried up.
She took a long inhale of her cigarette, the embers flaring before drifting to the ground.
“Let’s see if we can help you remember any more details.”
The restraint on your shoulder tightened. Before you could blink the cigarette was pushed against the base of your neck. Your shock numbed you for a blissful second before the sting had you sucking in a pained breath and jolting back against the gun barrel. Tied to the chair you had nowhere to go.
You forced yourself to hold still, fingernails digging into your palms, teeth biting the inside of your cheek to hold back your whimpers as she created a constellation of burns along your shoulder.
Eventually the cigarette snubbed out and she raised an eyebrow expectantly.
“I don’t know who it was,” you managed to croak out. All the available moisture in your body seemed to have evaporated or joined the rivulets of sweat dripping down your back.
She sighed. “I thought you’d say that.” A switch blade clicked open in her hand and your heart stopped.
With a flick of her wrist the blade disappeared. You're gaze dropped in confusion to find the knife stuck between your ribs. As soon as your brain registered the injury pain blazed like wildfire through your chest. Your breath caught in your throat. Then she pulled the knife out. Searing agony filled every nerve ending as more damage was done. There was a rasping sound. It was you trying to breathe.
Warmth spread out over your side and soaked into your clothes. The metallic tang was all you could smell. You knew, without even needing to look, that there was too much. That there was nothing you could do.
She crouched until she was eye level with you. “Now is the time to tell me anything you’re holding back. If you do know something I’m sure we can come to an arrangement.” You looked at the dull disinterest in her eyes. Even if you had known something there was nothing about the way she spoke to you that gave you any hope of making it out of there. With startling contrast you realised that this was what a true killer looked like. How you had ever thought Tom could be cold and heartless like this was unforgivable. Bile rose in your throat as you thought again about how much you must have hurt him. Grimacing through the pain you knew there was only one thing you wanted to waste your breath saying to the monster before you.
“I hope he finds you.” For a fraction of a second you swore she froze, then her eyes narrowed.
Scrunching your eyes shut to block her out you pictured Tom. You'd memorised his face that night. His warm brown eyes that flared with hope when you told him you needed time. The conviction to his words when he told you nothing would change how he felt about you. That he’d be there when you needed him. Your heart clenched in despair. How had you been so stupid? How had you ever thought that running away would make things easier? You wished you'd kissed him. Brushed his curls away from his face and told him you loved him like you had a million times before. Now you’d never see him again. Never get the chance to apologise. He'd never know how much you regretted leaving him. Tears spilled over onto your cheeks.
"Ugh," the sound of disgust brought you back to the present. "I don't have time for this. Deal with her." You tried to cling to the vision of Tom behind your eyes. A shuffle of movement behind you had you freezing. Then pain exploded at your temple. Everything went dark.
Part 7
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dontbesoweirdkira · 11 months ago
Mafia Trilogy !Yandere¡
Ranked On Insanity
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A/N: This is purely my opinion on them. We all interpret their characters differently so don’t come at me if you don’t like their placements. I’m trying to be kind of accurate to their characters but also do fan service…I’m stressed so plz 😪
Requests open: 24/7
Warnings: Yandere and toxic themes.
I’m ranking them in three different categories…
Delulu to not as delulu
Batshit and completely delusional
These are the men who are at the point of no return….They are willing to do anything to get you at any cost. I do not say this lightly like I mean they are willing to do anything
My boy John has the entire c.i.a. at his very disposal and you think he won’t use it to find you??? He’s going to get you. Sam will too,, He’ll send out multiple men to come hunt you down if you even dare to hide from him. They do not give a flying duck if you don’t even have romantic interest in them, you are their darling. That’s the end of discussion.
Whatever they want you to do, you’re going to do it. There’s no rationalization with these two. Lincoln and Tom give them all the talks they want but they will not listen. Pushed to the brink enough and their friends are not safe either from their delusional thinking.
You already saw what Sam did to Paulie…imagine what he’d do for his darling. Not the ideal men for normal girls. You will be tormented every single step of your relationship with either one of these men.
No effort is made to hide their sinister behaviors and your eyes will bear witness to their horrific atrocities. If you push them too far they might even harm you eventually. There is no escaping or telling what their insanity will make them do.)
Sam Trapani
John Donovan
Pretty fucking crazy but is in a weird gray area between the other two
They are in the middle. Paulie is already an irrational brute and Vito is a traumatized Soldier, so they are definitely operating weirdly.
They both have similar desires of wanting a partner but have been dealt an unlucky hand when it comes to dating so when you came along…they couldn’t let you go. Their obsession comes from a place of codependency..they need you sooo badly and they cannot go back to their old cold life without you.
They really do care about their darling, truly. They’ll do whatever they can to organically win over your love and trust. Sure they will be super touchy, maybe a little too bossy or over protective of you but they mean well… they truly want to be the “chill bf” but who are they kidding??? They are cray cray in the membrane.
At any moment they can and will snap…their delusions will get the best of them if pushed to that point. If they feel like you’re going to leave or are constantly rejecting them, they will do a full 180 and turn into the previous bunch. They are extremely accusatory and feel like you’re constantly trying to cheat or leave them. Tons of arguments and unsavory punishments.
I can’t say they’d do exactly all the same things as the previous much like they’d never physically hurt you or make you watch their crimes but they are damn near close to being like them…
Paulie Lombardo
Vito Scaletta
Average Mafia Member
These men are still very much Yandere and are willing to kill and fuck shit up for you but aren’t as delusional as the rest. Like on average people terms they are very yandere but in comparison to other members of the mob…eh.
I know this is going to piss hella people off but I can’t imagine any of these three holding you against your will or being overly passionate about their darling.
Your safety comes first and they are more go with the flow kind of men. Especially Lincoln and Tommy, despite their desires, your wishes come first. Joe is just Joe, he cares a lot about you but on average he’s like fuck it…it’s your life girl-. Forced intimacy and everything isn’t their thing.
If you really weren’t romantically feeling them they’d just become platonic yanderes and make sure you’re safe from a distance. If any moment you changed your mind they’d be right there waiting to give you the world but if not they really won’t do too much about it. These men would have to have been romantically invested in you for years for them to snap and become like the rest .)
Tommy Angelo
Lincoln Clay
Joe Barbaro
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therealvinelle · 2 years ago
Tom Riddle but he takes time after school and gets a muggle science degree through sheer stubborn determination, because damn if he isn't going to learn how all those bombs work. Still Voldemort?
Those who remember my Tom, possible creator of requirement rooms (or who have read this blog at all) post, will know that I like my esoteric Tom theories.
In other words:
Who's to say he didn't?
A bit about Tom's prospects
As an orphaned child growing up in poverty in the 1930's, Tom would have had no prospects, no future, nothing whatsoever. Being the lowest of the low in a rigidly classist society he was never going to get into any of the good schools, no matter how well he applied himself, and he wasn't going to get a prestigious job, nevermind a well-paying one.
If he hadn't been accepted into Hogwarts, I imagine he would have ended up on the fringes of society, using his abilities and underground network to become that guy you pay to make your problems go away. I... can't think of a more lucrative, nor a more probable, venue for Tom, not when every conventional path would have been infinitely harder and with less payoff.
I also imagine that he knew this even then, that even if he hadn't formed the specific plan of becoming the neighbourhood witch he knew he was going to have to figure something out if he wanted to live a comfortable life.
Along came Hogwarts, however, and with it the promise of a future Tom could never have hoped to touch otherwise.
When plots thicken
Tom would have had two problems, though.
The first: Hogwarts does not teach a Muggle curriculum, nor does it provide diplomas the Muggle world would accept.
The second: Expulsion leads to the confiscation of your wand, and the student is forbidden from practicing magic. In other words, the past few years' worth of education will be completely wasted, and the student will be unemployable in the wizarding world and completely without qualifications in the Muggle world.
To a pureblood, or even half-blood child, this would be harsh but survivable: I imagine the student either finds work the way Hagrid and Filch did, doing something non-magical within the magical world, or they become the family hanger-on, the one who never moves out but who, in a world where food can be duplicated indefinitely and expansion charms exist, never becomes much of a burden either. Put differently, if expulsion ruined the lives of wizard children irrevocably, it would only have taken one pureblood child being expelled for the rules to be changed (remember, the school board and the Wizengamot are made up of the wizarding world's most influential, and Wizarding Britain being what it is, these people are all related).
To a Muggle-born, however, there would be nothing. Their only network in the Wizarding World would be their peers, who themselves are teenagers and can't take responsibility for them. They would have to return to their Muggle parents and- figure something out, it's not the Wizarding World's problem.
An expelled Muggle-born is, essentially, made Muggle again. (Make of that and the punishment for expulsion being what it is what you will.)
Tom Riddle, having no family to take him in should he be expelled and having been told in no uncertain terms by Albus Dumbledore that Hogwarts has a no-tolerance policy, and being from the working class which is disproportionately punished by law enforcement, would realise in time that attending Hogwarts means putting all his eggs in one basket. If he gets expelled, his options would be the sea or joining the mob.
But if he doesn't, then he loses out on the greatest opportunity to come his way and declining the school invitation might get his wand confiscated and him prohibited from practicing magic anyway. Certainly, the Wizarding World won't be as forgiving of him practicing magic openly among Muggles the way they were when he was a child. In other words, making a living off his magic in the Muggle world is no longer a feasible future for him.
He has to attend Hogwarts, and hope to God that he doesn't get expelled (cut to Dumbledore side-eyeing his spotless behaviour because way to be a sociopath, Tom).
(And let's keep in mind that everything went well for Tom at Hogwarts (basilisk incident excepted). He made prefect, Head Boy, and had top grades in every class. He still wound up working at Borgin and Burkes in the "So you thought merit mattered in the Wizarding World" of the decade, and only achieved greatness under a different identity with no ties whatsoever to Tom Riddle.
There was never a future for Tom Riddle in the Wizarding World.)
And this is where we enter headcanon territory: because I think Tom, who famously made a horcrux when he was fifteen and then five (or more! Who knows!) more horcruxes just in case, would have a backup plan.
Mrs. Cole, can I attend summer school?
I don't know what Tom might have said, how he did it, or anything, really. I don't know enough about how British schooling in the 1930's and 40's worked, period, if private exams were offered and how much they might have cost. Considering how there have always been children sick or otherwise unable to attend ordinary schools, I should think the possibility would have been there, though difficult if not impossible for Tom to attain.
Or it might have been as simple as telling Mrs. Cole that the school is teaching him nothing useful and clearly only exists for the wealthy to network, and hopefully he'll be able to network himself into a job that pays the bills but uh it would be nice to have actually learned algebra. Please sign him up for private exams.
Or something.
Regardless of the how, I believe that Tom would have done everything within his power to get exams in Muggle subjects. He would have had to study on his own, and perhaps not get any exams at all while he was at Hogwarts but be knowledgeable enough that he could take them as an adult: should Hogwarts for whatever reason not work out for him, he would depend on this.
My, that fellow's magic is quite something, isn't it?
Purely headcanon now: but Tom is noted again and again as being a true visionary, someone whose magic is unlike anything anybody has ever seen before.
I therefore raise the following theory: Tom's mysterious years where he was completely under the radar and no one knew where he'd gone, those years where Dumbledore could only shudder at what dark arts he was leaning, might just have been spent learning the wicked ways of physics.
Quite relevant to this theory is my belief that magic in the Harry Potter is not at odds with the laws of nature, but laws Muggle scientists haven't uncovered yet. But as wizards have become further removed from what magic truly is, choosing instead to swing their wands and spout nonsense Latin hoping it'll make their chair levitate across the room, their understanding of magic and ability to form it becomes increasingly distorted and obscured.
Tom, who would have the background for this (And who screams STEM. You don't become a powerful wizard and innovator if you wouldn't in some other universe be a programmer or a physicist), who would find himself in a world where every source of knowledge he sought out was less able to answer his questions than the next, might just have decided to find his own answers.
And what better place than to start with the basics, learn what the Muggles have uncovered and build from there?
I'm a Tom Riddle has an MA in physics truther.
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mentholmuse · 4 months ago
The Last Of Us - Incorrect Quotes
Very Correct Actually | HBO Specific
Things that don't exist in TLOU Universe:
Miranda's 'Cerulean Blue' speech
Australia (probs) (like aus is GONE the grain industry over here.... nah)
Wicked, post first show
Wicked loosing tony to Avenue Q
Ugg Boots on a red carpet
Me (2004 baby)
Star Wars Episode 3, and by extension mass bi awakenings
Star Wars OG Trilogy box set/being able to see carrie fisher in the mental bikini at home
The Hunger Games, ellie would have ate this UP for all the wrong reasons
World of Warcraft
Lord of The Rings 3rd movie
Europe Nation-States as a whole probably (baby thats cordycepsfalia now)
Autism in women (pretty much)
Dissolving of the Asperger's Diagnosis
The Wii
The iPhone, but more interestingly Steve Job's insults
Fears abt the world ending in 2012 bc of the Mayan calendar
Any imaging from the Hubble Telescope (launched DAYS before outbreak day) (that's kinda poetic honestly like you want to venture out. okay, well so do cordyceps)
the term "baby bump" according to wiki
flash mobs
The Kardashians™️
Shrek 2
Spider-Man 2
Howl's Moving Castle
Attack on Titan the manga
The idea of GTA 6
Michael Jacksons death (as we know it)
"Bimbo Summit"
The Notebook
Paris Hiltons Music career
Bling Ring
My Immortal (fanfic)
My Parents Marriage
Teen Vouge
That one vanity fair cover with all the 2003 it girls
Legally Blond 2
Charlie's angel 2
Scooby Doo 2
Madonna and Britney Spears kiss
Britney Spears conservatorship (Britney would FUCK UP some infected)
Beyoncé's solo career (aside from first album) (she won FIVE grammys in 2004)
Ellie being an NCTizen (i just see it)
In Da Club -50 Cent
Youtube as a whole (i feel like sarah would have liked tarot card readings on youtube and joel would also secretly eat them up)
the resolution that an american politician was the one to leave a hit and run, dead dear in the middle of a park (arent the Kennedys basically american royals. yalls royals are wild, mine just 'secretly' assassinate each other)
SPF 50+
Harry Potter and The Prisoner of Azkaban again en mass awakenings... liking wolfstar, wolfstar roleplayers, liking kinda along hair nerdy guys, liking girls who punch ppl like draco malfoy in the face.
dare i say movie adaptation drarry stans
the marauders fanon
Ashley Simpson lip syncing scandal
Solo Gwen Stefani
Yeah! by Usher, lowkey i think this song would have been Joels guilty pleasure
Jojo Siwa
Desperate Housewives
Pretty Little Liars the concept as a whole
Napoleon Dynamite (#voteforpedro)
Barbie and Ken Divorce
Criminal Minds
Spencer Reid
Dr Spencer Reid
My crush on Dr Spencer Reid
Mggs mockumentary
Mgg modeling picks we only see in his mockumentary
Hillary Duff "Do you know what you say" (TV Ellie would 10000% call things gay*)
Tom Cruise scientology controversy
cancel culture... all though i think FEDRA is their cancel culture
any publicly elected president in america ever again
kevin rudd sorry speech
julia gillards speech
gay marriage (in australia and in all american states)
jihyo being a kpop trainee
girls generation
bang chan being australian potentially
the gabby hannah show.... and poetry, and music....
my chemical romance*
amy winehouse
honourable mention kinda :
could you imagine thinking the world was gonna collapse in 2000 bc of, y2k, 2001 bc of 9/11 or 2012 bc of the mayan calendar but it was 2003 instead. evolution just couldn't handle wonyoungs impending beauty apparently
there are probably a lotttt of coeliac people in post outbreak TLOU universe
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thebeastofblackmoor · 1 year ago
honest CW Drew Crew endings
Nancy: After multiple seasons spent wondering if her Hudson lineage made her a bad person, her fears are confirmed! Her soul was that of one of the original Hudsons who was the ultimate oppressor and sacrificed children to create monsters that would erase crimes from memory to defend perpetrators. Explicitly out of guilt, Nancy takes to the road alone to erase these beasts from the face of the world. She's in a distance relationship with Ace, though, so that's all we care about.
Ace: Despite being a genius computer hacker, Ace decides to get into medical examination. (Also alone and far away!) I guess the problem with getting a job in the field he was truly gifted at wasn't that he was having a hard time motivating himself or that he didn't have a good group to support him, but that he was not working with corpses! Despite having claimed in the past that he's never had a group of friends like the Drew Crew and showing no interest in the medical field before last season, he leaves them all to pursue medical examination. Except Nancy, who he's doing long distance with I guess.
Bess: After having been kicked out of no fewer than three households in her life and spending her entire childhood friendless and family-less, Bess's first actual home is burned down by an angry mob and her friends all leave town. She is explicitly devastated by this, but don't worry, this sudden and complete massively triggering abandonment is played for laughs! And she has a girlfriend, so rest assured she couldn't be happier.
George: After having been forced to work her entire life to support her sisters, George selects a notoriously difficult, stressful, and cutthroat career path. I guess she's passionate about it, although like Ace, she's never shown interest in being a lawyer for more than a season. We are informed that her mother just... got better offscreen and that her sisters are grown now! (After one in-universe year.) Rather than finally being able to settle down in her home and be cared for alongside her sisters, she also leaves Horseshoe Bay to hit the grindset far far away from her friends and family. But she's not alone! She has the most boring and random man in existence with whom she has 0 chemistry and we've almost never seen her interact with. Seriously, this is a good thing for her, trust us!!
Nick: Nick's ending is the only one that makes even a little sense, since he has had a long-established interest in tinkering and technology and had an established rapport with Tom Swift. However, the career that he got with Swift Industries is only brought up in the very last scene, presumably because the writers had to pull something out of their asses to justify him leaving Horseshoe Bay, too. He also has an eleventh-hour significant other to run off with.
Seriously, I get that the ending of everyone going their separate ways is supposed to feel "realistic" and like everyone is prioritizing their own happiness, but I am baffled by the fact that anyone in the writer's room thought these were good endings. Everyone's paths came out of nowhere and were way too sudden to feel realistic. The writers love to gripe that they weren't given the time to do the ending they really wanted to pull off, but if that's the case, then they should have adapted the ending accordingly! If they didn't have time to set up all these individual career paths, they should have worked with what they had set up. If they didn't have time to get us to love new romantic interests, just scrap that altogether; not everyone needs to be neatly paired off with someone. If they weren't able to show all the magical Horseshoe Bay adventures they wanted to, they should have left the group intact so that the audience could imagine more and the group would still feel whole rather than randomly and swiftly disbanded, especially since they only did one year of in-universe time, and that leads me to believe the Drew Crew will not keep in close contact. It's not like they're long-term friends.
The focus on everyone having a relationship and a career that trumps their friendship and established happiness in Horseshoe Bay just feels icky to me. Like the writers thought that having a high-powered career and an SO--no matter how irrelevant both are to the established character--is the only way to have happy ending and are the only things that matter.
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accirax · 6 months ago
initial thoughts on DCAS episode 21
AKA, the finale :O this will be a doozy...
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for Going Through It as frequently and as strongly as Jake does, i find it hilarious that all of his promotional material always looks like it was ripped straight from a dorky high school girl's instagram feed. also, go Ashley, roast that clown (/lh)
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that's such a cute drawing omg!!! i always have fun thinking about how good the drawing is in the context of the universe it was drawn in. like, to us, his proportions look kinda off, but in their universe, the giant heads and tiny waists are actually really accurate. Hunter is going to be the next great artist fr.
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... i thought that the point was supposed to be that Jake grew more than anyone here, which is why he was facing down Riya. i mean, i guess you could say that Ally had to grow a new personality for the beginning of the season, and then have that character develop. she is more changed from s2 Ally than Jake is from s1 Jake because Jake had more of a character in s1.
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and boy, would it suck if that promise was left unfulfilled! (/s)
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it is true that this (if she actually remained on Riya's team the whole time) is kind of a win-win for Ellie. either Riya loses, or she gets $100K. both are acceptable.
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this was such a cute/fitting response for Jake to have. it's a really great button on their relationship.
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i love how smug they look at no one wanting to help Riya.
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actually, we know that Tom is a terrible liar, so maybe he got waterboarded by the mob boss after they figured out he was lying in the interrogation.
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w... what...?
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dare i say iconic
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i know that they didn't really have time, but with Alec and Ellie working together (and Alec protecting Ellie, as he did here), i had kind of hoped that we'd get a bit more closure on their relationship. like, does Ellie still hate Alec for betraying her? or is the fact that they were going to be in the villains alliance together mean that they'd cross that bridge? maybe i'm just forgetting, but their relationship feels somewhat unresolved. (i mean relationship platonically btw; no hate to people who ship them but i don't need to know if they're a couple or not because the canon answer is obviously no)
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i don't know if this was really necessarily but good for you girl
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this is like the first time Fiore has cared about anyone ever :,D Fiore and Alec the duo ever!!!
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why are you preventing this from happening? you know Gabby, so you should know that this would absolutely work.
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rewatching the beginning of the episode after knowing the end, i sorta wanted to question whether Ashley abstaining from helping could have accidentally lost Jake the win. however, Tom is just so doggedly determined to cover his man that i think he probably was the best guy for the job. like, would Ashley dive for him? idk.
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... does Riya understand how pain works? or the American healthcare system? Ellie surely wanted to use that money for something else, dude.
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so they are kinda sweeping Tom's wrongdoings under the rug, huh? sigh. hopefully it's just a "for now" thing to be further explored in the miniseries.
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i love Trevor's little :3 face
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and boy, would it suck if this favor was left unfulfilled! (/s)
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i watched a compilation of each Disventure Camp character's first and last lines, and let me just say, it's really weird that "Go, Jake!" (said with Aiden) is James' last line ever.
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(also, glad his foot seems to be doing better)
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i know i probably would have made fun of this scene for being super corny/moving too fast if Tom had said "i love you," but it's perhaps equally funny that he didn't. like, c'mon bro, you can't even muster the L word in this incredibly dramatic and heroic moment?
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oh boy...
y'know, beyond just not having a good time slot in which to do so, i also kinda put off writing these initial thoughts because i just really didn't feel like having to write anything about ONC's choice regarding the winner of the season. everyone online seems to have these really radical opinions-- either saying that this was a brilliantly subversive and poetic choice, or that the entire season (and perhaps even s2 before it) are ruined by the choice to let Riya in. the truth is, i'm incredibly neutral.
on one hand, i'm incredibly disappointed. if you've been keeping up with these initial thoughts throughout the season, or especially my episode-by-episode power rankings, you'll know that i've very firmly believed that Jake was going to be the winner of this season since the beginning of the merge. and it's not because he's my favorite character and i really wanted him to win or anything-- i have a generally favorable opinion on Jake, but it was mostly because i thought that the arcs and messages of the season would be best capped off with a Jake win. therefore, it's saddening to believe that they didn't capitalize on all that potential just for the sake of shock value.
then again, i really appreciate what ONC was trying to do with Riya. i can tell that they must have felt like they had a lot to prove with Riya in DCAS given how mixed her reception was in s2. so, they put in a lot of work to "fix" her character in DCAS, and, on the whole, i think they got a lot better! as much as i was predicting the Jake win, i was also kind of dreading it, just because it was the sort of cheesy, fanservicey ending that could be predicted from a mile away. so i appreciate the boldness to go for an unexpected ending, and the refusal to stagnate in cookie cutter fan-pleasing storylines when your artistic heart is driving you in another direction.
which is why, in the end, i have no strong opinions. i think that the character writing absolutely could have been set up to establish viewer expectations better, but i also don't think that the entire season is unwatchable because Riya wins. the truth of the matter is still that all of the other contestants besides Yul are the real winners of the season, because they made friends and grew as people. if you rewatch the season, you can still see the gang do just that. but the equal truth is that all of the promises those friends made and the goal that drove them to improve might all feel a bit more hopeless with the knowledge that Connor never did get to one-up Riya. People who needed the money more, like Ashley, Alec, or Ellie didn't get a cent of it. and unlike it would be for Jake, who had a lot of connections with a lot of people, many contestants had pretty much no bearing on the winner of the season at all.
i want to believe that the Disventure Camp writing can and will continue to overall get better, but i also can't ignore the obvious signs of growing pains. can't bring myself to get all too mad at them either, though. mostly, i just want to stay out of any drama.
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it really shows that Jake hasn't been able to look at social media since the beginning of the show. trust me, buddy, not everyone was rooting for you.
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unsurprising that tomjake gets the last kiss of the season/era.
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cite your sources, please (/j)
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i guess the real person Riya was lying to all along... was herself. *vine boom* because, seriously, how the fuck did she not realize that it wasn't just acting anymore? when she double-broke Connor's foot and tried to make Ally think that Jake lied about being suicidal???
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