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poppyplate · 1 month ago
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silly little guy
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I chose an alternate prompt for Day Nine of Bucktommy Fluffebruary: Drunken Love Confessions. Tommy's is really the prompt filling one, but everyone feels the love in this Chili's tonight. I realized I completely forgot this entire time that Melton is a Captain, so I've been writing him as just one of the other firefighters and made up some guy named Bryant that I mention in at least one other prompt fill. Melton bb I'm so sorry. You'll get that promotion soon. Tagging @bucktommyfluffebruary.
A joint bachelor party had been Tommy’s idea, because they’d fought over who got who as a guest for about five minutes before Tommy realized they had almost all the same friends. So why bother splitting the party up?
Maddie, Eddie, and Sal organize it as Evan’s co-Best Man and Woman and Tommy’s Best Man, and it turns into a bar crawl with a couple stops at places to get real food with a karaoke spot as their final destination. That had been Howie’s touch, because he felt guilty for missing the last karaoke bachelor party even though it was through no fault of his own. Plus, who doesn’t like karaoke?
The thing is, the last bar had been a tiki place, and tiki drinks are strong, so they’re all messes by the time they reach the karaoke place. Tommy claims a corner of the couch and pulls Evan into his lap when his fiancé passes by.
“You’re so-o pretty,” Tommy says, because Evan is so pretty. No one prettier has ever existed, and it’s a thought he’s had while he was sober, so it’s true.
“You’re pretty,” Evan counters, cupping his chin and squeezing so Tommy’s lips pucker. When Evan kisses him, it’s sloppy and probably not appropriate for their friends and family, but it’s a bachelor party. It’s two bachelor parties, actually they’re supposed to have double the debauchery.
“Are you gonna give me a lapdance later?” Tommy asks, squeezing his hip.
“Maybe,” Evan says, licking his lips, and Tommy watches his tongue raptly. He wants to chase it with his own, wants to feel it trace along his—
“Oh, my god, I’m going to dump water on you two in a minute,” Karen says, plopping down next to them. “Which one of you is singing with me?”
“Me,” Tommy says, grinning at her. He loves singing with Karen. She’s one of the best singers he’s ever met in his life, so he likes being around her when she sings. He’s not very good, but she doesn’t judge him.
“My Sonny,” she coos, pinching his cheek.
“My Cher,” he sighs.
Sonny Bono was known for two things: being Italian and not being as good a singer as Cher. Well, he was known for other things, too, but that isn’t relevant to Tommy’s situation. He doesn't plan on becoming a Republican, the mayor of Palm Springs, or a U.S. Representative. He does, however, plan on doing his best to croon along with Karen to “I Got You Babe” or “All I Ever Need Is You,” because she gets to belt more lines in that one and he wants to show her off.
There’s a bit of hubbub near the door to their suite, and then Bobby and Athena appear with a cake between them to a lot of cheers. They hadn’t joined them on the bar crawl, because Athena had said it would feel too much like Mom and Dad crashing their kids’ party. Tommy’s delighted to see them, because he hadn’t been expecting them at all. He and Evan cheer, and Evan wobbles out of his lap to hug them as soon as the cake is set on the table. Tommy gets hauled up by Hen so he can do the same thing, because the couch is deep and he is tall and drunk.
“You good?” Hen asks, and Tommy squeezes the back of her neck with a laugh.
“I'm great,” he says, leaving a wet kiss on her cheek.
Hen laughs and holds his head in place so she can do the same, and they end up simultaneously wiping slobber off their cheeks and giggling together on their way over to Bobby and Athena.
He’s gotten really close with Bobby and Athena ever since he and Evan got back together, but he’s not really a hugger with them. He is, however, drunk enough that it seems like a great time to turn into one. As he’s enveloped in Bobby’s arms and then stoops to have Athena do the same, he thinks it’s a good thing to keep going.
“Don’t be too happy to see us yet,” Athena warns, nodding toward the cake. “Hen ordered it.”
“I'm always happy to see a cake,” Tommy says, grinning. When he finally gets a good look at it, though, he bursts out laughing.
It’s unbelievably stupid, and Tommy whips out his phone to take several photos from many different angles, including one of Evan crouched next to it with his tongue near the one that’s shaped—presumably—like Tommy’s ass. It's one of those molded sexy cakes, and it’s two shapely naked asses seen under the hem of non-regulation turnout jackets—they’d never sit that high—with each of their names “sewn” on the hem. Each of their surnames has been added to the other to make it look like it’s handwritten into the correct spot to make them say “Buckley-Kinard.”
He loves it.
He loves everyone in this room so much.
“We should've had this be the wedding cake,” Evan says as he slips his arm around Tommy's waist. They pose next to the cake for pictures.
“Looks like I get to eat your ass twice tonight,” Tommy murmurs through his teeth as Howie takes their picture.
Howie bursts out laughing and shows them the picture. Evan’s face is caught between a grin and surprise, so his eyebrows are up near his hairline and his face is bright red.
“The hell did you say to him, BK?” Lucy asks, elbowing him.
“Not telling,” Tommy says, hugging his fiancé like a teddy bear. “She started calling me that last week. Know why?”
“It's your new last name initials in a week?” Evan guesses, because he's smart. He's so smart and pretty, and Tommy is the luckiest guy in the world.
“Yeah,” he confirms with a happy sigh, getting caught in his fiancé’s eyes for a moment.
“Alright, now that everyone’s here,” Sal says on the microphone, even though they’re in a small room and everyone could hear him if he just raised his voice enough, “I’d like to say a couple words, because there’s some stuff I can’t say in my Best Man speech. Such as: is anyone else dreading having to knock real loud going into every room these two are in for the next few months?”
“We already do that!” Ravi calls, and Tommy buries his face in his hands to hide his flushed, embarrassed giggles. Evan tightens his arms around him and kisses under his ear with a breathless giggle of his own.
“Seriously, I’ve started bringing earplugs if I’m going to crash in their guest room,” Sal adds, grinning. “I haven’t seen two people so into each other since I met Gina and got charged with public indecency twice—”
“Should’ve been three times,” Athena adds.
He points to her and grins. “And I thank you for that, Sarge. But it’s bad enough that I’ve had to start putting fuckin’ blinders on whenever Tommy opens his phone around me—well done, Buckley, by the way, you got a real eye for photography—but they’re also so in love with each other that it makes the rest of us look bad. I can only hope that they chill out in the next fifty years, but we all know we’re still going to be loudly announcing ourselves before we turn a corner even when they’re retired.
“So congratulations, boys, on finding true love, holding onto it, and never letting go of it,” he continues, his grin widening. “And never letting go of other things, apparently. To Tommy and Buck!”
Everyone cheers and echoes his toast, and Tommy is never going to be able to look any of them in the eye again.
“We’re not that bad, are we?” he asks, and Evan laughs loudly in his ear.
“Baby, we’re worse.” He nuzzles his cheek and murmurs, “They don’t even know what we get up to in our own house.”
Tommy bites his lip and is about to respond when he hears Sal call, “See what I mean?”
“Shut up,” Tommy says, throwing a balled up napkin at him. “Maddie, would you like to make an inappropriate speech?”
“I’m alright,” she says, grinning. “I changed Buck’s diapers, so it would be a little weird. Also, I make a lot of noise when I’m in your house for a reason. I don’t need to see all that.”
“I told you!” Evan says to Tommy, who had believed that Maddie was just comfortable at their house.
“Eddie?” Sal offers, and Eddie comes up to the platform acting as the stage, looping an arm around Sal’s shoulders.
“This guy is right,” he says, nodding toward Sal. “But he doesn’t have to work with Buck. So let me tell you all about how I walked in on these two Facetiming while Buck was in the showers. Thankfully, Buck’s got waterproof earbuds. Unfortunately, I could still hear him speak.”
“Oh no,” Evan groans, hiding his face in his hands. “Eddie, you said you were going to be washing the engine.”
“Yeah, and then Joey from B-shift kindly offered to do it instead, so I wandered my happy ass into the showers and heard my best friend complain, ‘But it won’t fit,’” he says, his voice taking on a high, breathy quality. “And then: ‘You’re going to have to force it.’ So I, being a family man—shut up, Chimney—loudly announced myself to the room, because what if Cap walked in? What if Hen walked in? What if literally anyone walked in?”
“Should I be hearing this?” Maddie asks.
“And I hear Buck call, ‘Hey, Eddie, Tommy might need you to help him drop in this transmission after work if you’re free,’” Eddie says flatly, and the whole room erupts in laughter. “And, yes, I did help, because that Chevelle was beautiful. Do I believe that they were actually talking about a transmission? I do, because otherwise I’d need to pour bleach in my ears. Is it very telling that I genuinely thought they’d get up to that kind of thing at literally any time of day when one or both of them is working? Yeah, a little. You guys are unbelievable. I love you both, I can’t wait to be there for you guys when you get married. I thank you for including my son in your ceremony, because he loves both of you more than you’ll ever know, but keep it PG around the kid, okay?”
“We always do!” Evan protests.
“No, we do,” Tommy agrees quickly as Eddie comes to them for hugs. “I promise.”
“Oh, I know, or I’d be making you answer whatever questions he’d be asking,” Eddie says, patting his cheek.
“Let’s get a groom up here,” Sal says to a round of cheers.
“Alright,” Tommy says, kissing Evan before going to Sal and grabbing the mic. “Alright, I get it, we’ll—well, I’m sorry, I can’t make any promises other than ‘we’ll try.’ But—Sal, sit down, you mook—I swear we don’t mean to be that bad. Anyway, I am not standing here to defend our very healthy and normal attraction to each other—”
“Oh, my god,” Evan says, burying his face in his hands as Eddie cackles next to him.
“—I’m here to thank you all for putting up with us,” Tommy says, looking out at the grinning faces of everyone he loves, even though they’re all a little blurry. “And for being there for us through everything, good and bad, and being people we can go to when things are bad or I’m freaking out about proposing or whatever it is I’m freaking out about at the time. I love you guys so much. You’re all amazing and wonderful, and sometimes I have to remind myself this isn’t a dream, because you’re the family I always wanted but didn’t think I’d get. So, thank you. I love you, thank you for being here and for always being there for us. Someone please take this microphone from me.”
Howie rushes the platform to hug him around the middle, and then Maddie, Karen, Hen, Lucy, Ravi, Melton, Eddie, and Sal follow until Tommy is in the center of a group hug. He can see over almost everyone’s heads, and so he can see the way Evan’s beaming at him with tear-filled eyes and the way that Bobby and Athena go to either side of his fiancé to put an arm around him and smile at Tommy, too.
There’s a chorus of “We love you”s from everyone, and then Tommy wrestles his arm free so he can bring the mic to his lips.
“Alright, who’s first on the list?” he asks.
“Me!” Lucy calls, making grabby hands for the mic.
He hands it off and detangles himself from the group so he can go to the three people standing off to the side.
“Liquid courage?” Athena guesses, patting his cheek with a fond smile.
“Yeah, a little,” Tommy admits, grinning. “That obvious?”
She snorts and fixes him with a knowing look. “Only to anyone with eyes.”
He gets a tight hug from a damp-eyed Bobby, who gruffly tells him he's proud of him and that he loves him, too. Tommy kind of sags against him for a second before getting a full-bodied hug from Athena that shouldn’t make him feel so small, and then there’s Evan in front of him.
“I love you,” Tommy says, his insides gooey and molten like they always are when Evan’s smiling at him like that. “Most of all.”
Evan steps into his space and puts his arms around him, crossing his wrists behind Tommy’s neck. “I love you most of all, too. You’re so drunk, babe.”
“I am.” He hugs Evan around the middle and rubs his cheek on the soft sweater he’s wearing. It feels nice. “Do we really scar them that much?”
Evan’s body shakes against his with laughter. “Yeah, I think we do.”
“Should we stop?”
“Nah, we’ll enjoy it while it lasts. Kids’ll probably slow us down.”
Tommy melts against Evan, letting him take his entire weight. Kids. They’ll have kids one day, and maybe grandkids, and he’s going to be scared out of his mind that he’s going to fuck them up and he has an entire group of people to turn to when that happens. It takes a village, and he has one. He knows he’s crying, but they’re happy tears. His face is also hidden in Evan’s neck, so no one can see.
But he doesn’t really care if they do. They’re family. Family cries around each other and doesn’t judge. Real families, at least, like theirs.
He sways with Evan to the sound of Ravi and Lucy wailing “Don’t You Want Me” by Human League into their microphones, and he feels something deep inside his heart finally heal.
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lemonjuiceday · 9 months ago
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The Royal's portrait 🍎🦌✨️
Here's some fanart I did from the amazing show of @vivziepop Hazbin Hotel 🌟 hope you'll like it !
( also all prints are available on my Etsy shop ! )
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ask-octomer-arthur · 1 month ago
((Seeing a couple ask blogs revives makes you feel like want to work again on yours, huh...))
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biblically accurate clone high
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monsoon-of-art · 3 months ago
Will the budding romance be cultivated into blossoming?
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sahisan · 23 days ago
the urge to start a 100k words levi x marleyan-but-not-really!reader fic based on my oc because holy shit
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spinecurlingmice · 20 days ago
Can you flower assign me too mice? >:3
mmm hii yes :3 hope ure okay with just 1 since im quite tired if u want another just ask me laturrrrrr
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strelitzia reginae / birds of paradise flower / crane flower
these can grow from ~3ft up to 5ft~ ! they prefer sunny areas with richy well drained soils. if theyre really happy, they can grow up to 36 flowers a year :3333333 theyre low maintenance.
they symbolize ellove and thoughtfulness !! !
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eebie · 2 months ago
im gonna make a side blog for more serious thoughts i think
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whats-it-mean · 1 year ago
going to specify that my current theme/layout is temporary until i find time to draw my own and uhm. actually figure out how the fuck to make layouts
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sugwrpwzz · 5 months ago
growing up is realizing "oh damn I really needed an aide for my severe adhd, thanks a lot school psychologist...."
like I'm in freaking high school and I cant do basic math half the time.
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soulcluster-moved · 2 years ago
Princess Peach your opinion on Mario?
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"I admit, I underestimated him at first, but he doesn't let anything keep him down. I mean, he beat Bowser!" Peach gestured toward the room where they kept her new 'pet'. "Him and Luigi. Credit where it's due. And most impressively," a smirk turned the corner of her mouth, "he makes that moustache look good."
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tired-needs-sleep · 2 years ago
the way i still haven't decided on kisaragi's birthday. oops
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katherinehoughtoncastle47 · 7 months ago
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wildtornado-o · 23 days ago
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I got. A little carried away maybe
Nathalie <3
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numberonechesnaughtfan · 9 months ago
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I like this game ha he i wanna play it
Da old one
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