#mmmm its just so goo d
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a defiant whumpee dragged in front of whumper by henchmen. They're bleeding from their mouth and they lick the blood away before cursing whumper out.
And whumper only smiles. With a wave of their hand, one of the henchmen slaps whumpee across the face, and the other shoves them to their knees.
The message is clear.
Stay down.
They don't get the message
Whumpee tries to stand again, spitting vicious threats. Their knees are watery, threatening to give out on them.
Whumper shakes their head and whispers something to their henchmen.
Whumpee, shaking on their feet, can only watch as Caretaker is dragged-- literally dragged by their shirt collar-- and dropped beside them. Caretaker doesn't move, their breathing a ragged rise and fall. It's some semblance of life, without consciousness.
"Kneel," says Whumper.
Whumpee crashes to the ground, unable to look away from Caretaker. At their damaged hands and closed eyes, dirtied clothes, and matted hair.
Kneeling now?
"Don't cross me," murmurs Whumper and strokes the top of Whumpee's head, like one pets a stray dog just found.
Whumpee snarls but says nothing.
#whump#whump writing#whump prompt#whumpblr#whump ideas#whump community#whump prompts#whump scenario#defiant whumpee#i love the idea of a caretaker becoming a whumpee#and whumpee showing them the ropes#mmmm its just so goo d
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cartoon of lonk for the URL meme? :o
Send me a url and I’ll talk about them! [ x ]Accepting
My Opinion on;
Character in general:
Hnnnnn I love Link a lot in like, all iterations of him ;w; He’s been one of my favourites since I was like literally four years old because that’s when Ocarina of Time came out- Wind Waker was one of my first game cube games and for the longest time I didn’t have a memory card so I would just, continuously start a new file every time until I finally got a memory card- I adored Wind Waker Link, I loved the fact that he has a sister and a grandmother; I loved travelling the seas, I loved his expressions and his incredible journey- and then I found the manga and I fell even more in love with this incredibly dorky child
Long story short? Wind Waker Link must be protected at all costs, I love him and anyone who hates on his game just because of its cartoony cell shading or whatever can fucking fite me come at me scrub lords I’m ripped :U
How they play them:
Wonderfully! Such a lovely balance of shenanigans and seriousness; it’s always nice seeing Goo’s Link on the dash, he’s so well thought out and clearly loved- and I love how different he is from other WW Link’s I’ve seen before! He’s still got his serious moments and he’s still Hero, but he’s also got this softer side to him and I love how he doesn’t seem afraid to be himself, be it wearing dresses or being super proud’n loud about how much he loves boys- Link you’re valid and I will fite anyone who tries to be mean to you (ง •̀_•́)ง
The Mun:
Goo is awesome! Super friendly; amusing, very fun to chat with and banter with- she’s just this amazing force of positivity that everyone should be friends with
Do I:
RP with them:
Not yet I believe D:
Want to RP with them:
Ship with them:
Mmmm, not really. I mean, maybe depending on things- like, maybe a one-sided Lonk crushing on SunSun (or one of his siblings) kind of ‘ship’, or a platonic familial like ship, or maybe if an au where SunSun and Lonk are the same age maybe? But I’d definitely be aiming more for the familial tbh, Mini’s already a little brother Lonk can be one too
What is my;
Overall Opinion:
Goo and her Link are an amazing pair which such wonderful relationships with so many muns and muses; I highly recommend them and I have never regretted following them
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kurvakiousSexekutionoir 2
-- kurvakiousSexekutionoir [KS] began trolling talentedSalad [TS] at 17:43 --
[05:43] KS: Hey! hoow are yoou?
[05:43] TS: Hey! Long time no see. :P
[05:43] TS: I'm good.
[05:44] TS: Whaddup?
[05:44] KS: I was woondering.
[05:44] KS: yoour having this party thing
[05:44] KS: hoow are peoople getting there? me foor example
[05:45] TS: Well, in your case I will be picking you up!
[05:45] TS: So there's nothing for you to worry about
[05:45] KS: .... where are yoou having it if we have too avooid yoour guardian?
[05:46] TS: Mmmm, not my hive!
[05:46] TS: I got a place though
[05:46] KS: which means were goonna use that weird jumpy thing...
[05:46] KS: doosnet it
[05:47] TS: You mean a transpotalizer...?
[05:47] KS: witchcraft
[05:47] TS: (eyeroll.exe)
[05:47] KS: technoocraft?
[05:47] KS: freaking freaky either way
[05:48] KS: but i doo it foor yoou kiwi
[05:48] KS: um alsoo
[05:48] KS: loots oof peoople?
[05:48] TS: Not a lot! ONly 9 so far.
[05:49] KS: 9?!!!
[05:49] KS: thats soo many...
[05:49] TS: The Halloween one I went to had 30 people ;D
[05:49] KS: .... ooh goog
[05:49] KS: Thats...
[05:50] KS: were there aloot oof scary peoople their?
[05:50] KS: there
[05:50] TS: I dunno! They didn't seem scary to me.
[05:50] KS: Yes but yoou a very sweet little shut in...
[05:50] KS: oor ex shut in?
[05:50] TS: Hey!
[05:51] TS: Look, no one was scary! They were all very nice.
[05:51] KS: then why was the party soome hoow saved by oone persoon oonly being there foor a few minutes?
[05:52] TS: Mmm, Probably because that person doesn't get along with the host?
[05:52] TS: Can't say!
[05:53] KS: *whine* soo whoo rsvped?
[05:53] TS: Hang on, lemme look
[05:53] KS: kay
[05:55] TS: 1. subborealcetacean 2. violetbard 3. kurvakioussexekutionoir 4. aesthetic-virtuoso 5. ad1ostoreador 6. wa2p 7. adeysia 8. feralvulpecula 9. solbee-captor
[05:55] TS: These are they
[05:56] KS: hoow many oof these are highbloooods? just oout oof curioousity
[05:57] TS: How high of a blood do they need to be in order to be highblood?
[05:57] KS: aboove teal
[05:58] TS: Not including teal?
[05:58] TS: Just one!
[05:58] KS: ah... im guessin viooletbard is... yeah
[05:59] KS: ooh geez oone sec. mooms chewing oon a roock
[05:59] TS: Your lusus is weird
[06:00] TS: You are what you eat, so she must be dumb as a rock
[06:00] KS: never mind it was a very red peice oof wooood.
[06:00] KS: hey!
[06:00] KS: shes smarter than yoou'
[06:00] KS: guess thats noot saying much :p
[06:00] TS: Prove it :P
[06:01] TS: You called a transportalizer witchcraft
[06:02] KS: looook, i knoow their coommoon. but anything that takes my parts disoolves them and refoorms them is fucking scary
[06:02] KS: what if it gets turned ooff half way!
[06:03] TS: Thennnnn
[06:03] TS: You die?
[06:03] TS: I don't know
[06:03] TS: Never happened! :D
[06:03] KS: .... Yoou die shoould noot be acoompenied by smiley face
[06:03] TS: Hehehe~
[06:04] TS: Well, I don't think it dissolves you anyway
[06:04] TS: That's a misconception
[06:04] KS: what is it then?
[06:04] KS: what dooes it doo?
[06:04] TS: Smoosh!
[06:05] TS: Space!
[06:05] TS: :D
[06:05] KS: hndfjsdhfksdi im goonna dieeee
[06:05] TS: Eventually! ^_^
[06:05] KS: im goonna lick yoou...
[06:06] TS: Gross
[06:06] KS: right in the ear
[06:06] TS: Ew
[06:06] KS: really wet
[06:07] TS: UR Disgustin'
[06:07] KS: yoour a troollgladite
[06:08] KS: Are yoou ignooring my amazing wit
[06:10] TS: Yeah, "amazing" is one way to describe that
[06:10] TS: But I wasn't ignoring you
[06:10] TS: I was working on my Uni-Stitch
[06:11] KS: yoour croochet?
[06:13] TS: Hehe, yeah, let's go with that ;D
[06:13] TS: What're you up to?
[06:13] KS: ... what else coould that mean?
[06:13] KS: ooh um
[06:13] KS: i am attmpting too make my cloothes foor the party
[06:14] TS: :O
[06:14] TS: D'you want some help?
[06:14] TS: What're you going to wear? It's not a costume party
[06:15] KS: ive goot it moostly. im just having a hanioous time with the design
[06:15] KS: i knoow but i alsoo doont want too wear my ragged cloothes ya knoow?
[06:15] TS: :T
[06:16] TS: You sure you don't want me to make/get you something?
[06:16] KS: woorried ill embarass yoou?~
[06:18] TS: Nope!
[06:18] KS: truth is im recycling an oold thing i made foorever agoo.
[06:19] TS: Mmm? :3
[06:19] KS: yooull see ;)
[06:19] TS: Okay. So long as you are comfortable, that it what matters
[06:20] KS: ooh theres gooing too be aloot oof peoople.
[06:20] KS: im gooing too be freaking oout inside
[06:20] KS: ooutside ill be hoot as fuck
[06:21] KS: this isnt foormal is it?
[06:21] TS: Not formal, no.
[06:21] TS: Casual is fine.
[06:22] KS: ookay cooool
[06:22] TS: Are you excited?
[06:23] KS: i am alsoo scared but yea
[06:23] KS: but i have oone questioon foor yoou.
[06:23] KS: this is a human hoolliday oor soo has been said.
[06:23] KS: whats a human
[06:23] TS: Ohhh myyy GOOOODDDD
[06:23] TS: This again??
[06:24] TS: They
[06:24] TS: Are
[06:24] TS: Aliens
[06:24] TS: Pinky softy aliens
[06:24] KS: what doo yoou mean again?!
[06:24] KS: alsoo fucking ew what?
[06:24] TS: :O
[06:24] TS: Wait
[06:24] TS: I thought we talked about this?
[06:25] KS: ... i yoou "multiverseing" again?
[06:25] KS: are
[06:25] KS: noot i
[06:25] KS: wtf
[06:26] TS: I am always multiverse-ing!
[06:26] TS: You are too, now
[06:26] KS: ... i.. did i coonsent too this
[06:26] TS: Yep!
[06:26] TS: You're welcome
[06:27] KS: ... that soounds like yoou coonsented foor my kiwi
[06:28] TS: No way! You totally agreed.
[06:28] TS: You're in it now
[06:28] TS: :P
[06:28] KS: mmmmmmmmmmm
[06:28] KS: i knoow
[06:28] KS: soomeoone foolloowed my bloog
[06:28] TS: !! :O
[06:28] TS: Who?
[06:29] KS: succinctlysevered
[06:29] TS: aiylsihbvs'
[06:29] TS: BAD
[06:29] TS: OH
[06:29] TS: D:
[06:30] KS: ???
[06:30] TS: That guy is scary
[06:30] KS: they seemed ookay when we talked foor a sec.
[06:30] KS: but i was awkward soo we havent really talked again
[06:30] TS: He is really
[06:30] TS: REALLY
[06:30] TS: into killing and stuff
[06:30] KS: ....
[06:30] KS: troolls
[06:31] KS: oour whoole race
[06:31] TS: :(
[06:31] KS: sweet little shut in kiwi
[06:31] TS: >:(
[06:31] TS: It grew eyebrows just for you
[06:31] KS: such a precioous innoocent sooul
[06:32] KS: yoour gooing too be eaten alive
[06:32] KS: and noot in the fun way...
[06:33] TS: D:<
[06:33] TS: Kitty
[06:33] TS: STFU
[06:33] KS: oohhh sensitive
[06:33] TS: I can be tough
[06:33] TS: I'm trying
[06:33] KS: awwwwwwwwww
[06:34] KS: kiwi
[06:34] KS: im soorry yoour just too cute
[06:34] KS: like a baby meoowbeast trying too attack a dragoon
[06:34] TS: I will block you
[06:34] KS: noooooooooooooooooooooo
[06:34] KS: loooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooovvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvveeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeemmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
[06:34] KS: iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii ccccccccccccaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaarrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrreeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
[06:35] KS: dddddddddddddddddoooooooooooooooooooooooonnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnttttttttttttttttt leav me
[06:35] TS: stahp
[06:35] TS: garbage words
[06:35] TS: ew
[06:35] TS: I had to read this
[06:35] TS: SEVERAL times
[06:35] TS: in order to understand you
[06:35] KS: *whine*
[06:35] TS: (Squint)
[06:36] KS: doont bloock me
[06:36] KS: doont leave meh
[06:36] TS: Why are you being dumb
[06:36] TS: it was a joke kitty
[06:37] KS: mir
[06:38] KS: kiwi why doo yoou doo this too me
[06:38] TS: Do what?? Make jokes?
[06:38] TS: Now who's sensitive, you weenie?
[06:38] KS: blugh
[06:38] KS: shuddup
[06:38] KS: i am noot
[06:38] KS: hT{OO:GReyfjtmsrga
[06:38] KS: FYGUNLE
[06:39] KS: ,VKJOOUEFY8Wgab
[06:39] TS: (SquintX2 Combo)
[06:39] KS: cvgfkvm.
[06:39] TS: stop
[06:39] KS: moom was oon the keybooard again
[06:39] TS: Your lusus is dumb
[06:39] TS: XP
[06:39] KS: she likes yoou thoough
[06:39] TS: XPPPP
[06:39] KS: did the spit ever coome oout oof yoour shirt froom when she licked yoou?
[06:40] TS: I had to destroy that shirt!
[06:41] KS: why?
[06:41] KS: it was just spit.
[06:41] KS: and a little blooood..
[06:42] KS: ookay maybe there was moore blooood than their shoould usually be
[06:42] TS: YEAH
[06:42] TS: I had to destroy the evidence before Anista saw
[06:42] TS: Couldn't risk it
[06:42] KS: ooh... yeah thats fair....
[06:46] TS: So what're you doing?
[06:46] KS: well i just sewed part oof my finger too my dress... soo i seam ripping.
[06:46] KS: yoou?
[06:47] TS: You sewed your finger onto your dress? How??
[06:48] KS: stoopped paying attentioon and went throough the calloouse
[06:49] TS: Are you bleeding on your new clothes?
[06:50] KS: noope
[06:50] KS: im gooood doont woorry
[06:50] KS: cant see it anyway. im wearing black
[06:51] TS: Mm.
[06:52] KS: soo what will yoou wear? goobblebeast coostume?
[06:58] TS: No way! The event is CASUAL
[06:58] TS: I will wear something CASUAL
[06:58] TS: Not a COSTUME
[06:58] KS: ......
[06:58] KS: yoour a meme i doont belive yoou woont be extra
[06:58] TS: Holy shit
[06:58] TS: Called THE FUCK out
[06:59] TS: by my own friend no less
[06:59] TS: You absolute monster
[06:59] KS: if its private i think its just calling hoooofbeast shit?
[07:00] TS: >:O
[07:00] TS: I guess??
[07:01] TS: Well, either way, I am dressing CASUALLY
[07:01] KS: alright.
[07:01] KS: its gooing too be oon yoour shirt istn it yoou little turd
[07:05] TS: No!
[07:05] TS: I was gonna wear something normal
[07:07] KS: alright fine i relent
[07:10] TS: Good
[07:11] TS: Sorry, I've been pretty busy
[07:11] KS: its all gooood
[07:11] KS: whats wroong?
[07:11] TS: Nothing is wrong!
[07:11] TS: Not right now, anyway
[07:11] KS: yoou sure
[07:12] TS: Yep!
[07:12] TS: Just checking for cracks
[07:12] TS: Fixin' the place up
[07:12] KS: .... croochet doosnt crack...
[07:12] TS: :?
[07:12] TS: Sure it does?
[07:12] KS: earlier yoou said yoou were dooing croochet
[07:12] TS: :D
[07:12] KS: It disnt
[07:13] KS: what are yoou danceing arooung yoou degenerate lightning bug
[07:13] TS: Hehe! You're funny. ^_^
[07:13] TS: ZZip! ZZap
[07:13] TS: Lightning!
[07:14] TS: Don't worry about it. :P
[07:14] KS: fine....
[07:16] KS: hey
[07:16] KS: soo ive been looooking aroound gaming sites
[07:16] KS: any yoou coould suggest too me?
[07:17] TS: Sure!
[07:17] TS: I know a Karkat who plays the Sims
[07:17] TS: He enjoys it!
[07:17] TS: I could ask for a copy
[07:17] KS: sims?
[07:17] KS: and what doo yoou mean a karkat
[07:18] KS: ... theres moore than oone
[07:18] KS: multiverse
[07:18] KS: ooh good theres moore than oone
[07:18] KS: is there anoother me?
[07:18] KS: oof coouse theres anoother ma
[07:18] KS: hooly shit
[07:19] TS: I haven't met another you yet, if it's any consolation
[07:19] KS: doo yoou think there are peoople whoo goo betweaan these universes? noot just with a weird techmagic server
[07:19] KS: but like
[07:19] KS: peoople
[07:21] KS: what if thats what all these peoople can doo
[07:21] KS: am i the oonly oone whoo cant
[07:21] KS: am i really that fereal
[07:21] KS: am i crazy????!!!!
[07:24] TS: You are feral and crazy! :P
[07:24] TS: jk
[07:24] TS: But
[07:24] TS: I had to travel across the multiverse to go to that party you know
[07:24] KS: ooh my good transpoortalizers are actual fucking witchcraft
[07:29] TS: Well
[07:29] TS: Not all of them
[07:29] KS: ....
[07:29] KS: is this soome hoow linked with yoour brain poowers
[07:32] TS: My brain powers? Really?
[07:32] TS: A lot of lowbloods are psychic!
[07:32] KS: yes but i mean yoou seem too be... extra...
[07:32] KS: i dunnoo
[07:33] TS: :?
[07:33] KS: yoou seem really stroon coompared too oothers ive knoown
[07:34] TS: Oh. Really? :3
[07:34] TS: I'm flattered.
[07:34] TS: What makes you think so?
[07:34] KS: pfff oone persoon i used too knoow coouldnt lift a spoooon. yoou fly
[07:34] TS: Ohhh
[07:35] TS: Well, I'm not REALLY strong
[07:35] TS: But I'm decent!
[07:35] KS: impressive.
[07:35] TS: ^_^
[07:41] KS: blugables
[07:43] TS: What?
[07:44] KS: ooh thats the soound oof my incooming death because yoour cute as fuck
[07:50] TS: Why must you do this?
[07:50] TS: Oh hey
[07:50] TS: I just remembered
[07:50] TS: I met someone
[07:58] KS: what?!
[07:58] KS: wait
[07:58] KS: like
[07:58] KS: MET?????!!!
[07:58] TS: Face to face? Uhhh, yeah?
[07:58] TS: I went to a party!
[07:58] TS: But if you mean did I MEET someone...
[07:58] TS: ;)
[07:58] KS: quadrents bitch doo yoou have them
[07:58] TS: I do! :D
[07:59] TS: Haha
[07:59] TS: His name is Tulket
[07:59] TS: What do you wanna know?
[07:59] KS: tulket...
[07:59] KS: tulllket
[07:59] KS: Crestaciean?
[08:00] KS: the guy whoos handle soounds like shellfish?
[08:01] TS: !!!
[08:02] TS: subborealcetacean you brute
[08:02] KS: what even dooes that mean
[08:02] TS: LOOK IT UP
[08:02] TS: You language bound hooligan
[08:02] KS: nyaw looookit yoou
[08:02] KS: getting all prootective
[08:02] KS: cute~
[08:03] TS: Can it you trout >///<
[08:03] KS: canned troout? this reminds me
[08:03] KS: isnt he a fishy?
[08:03] KS: kiwi and guppy?
[08:03] KS: sitting in a tree?
[08:03] KS: k
[08:03] KS: i
[08:03] KS: s
[08:03] KS: s
[08:03] KS: i
[08:03] KS: n
[08:03] KS: g
[08:04] KS: ?
[08:05] KS: be right baclk ookay?
[08:12] TS: You are GARBAGE
[08:12] TS: XPPP
-- kurvakiousSexekutionoir [KS] is now an idle chum! --
-- kurvakiousSexekutionoir [KS] is now an idle chum! --
[08:31] KS: yes i knoow but still
[08:31] KS: alsoo after reaading anything and everything i coould oon his pages
[08:31] KS: ...
[08:32] KS: ill be woorried but yoou are ookay with him i think.
[08:32] KS: just knoow
[08:32] KS: if he ever hurts yoou, i will find him.
[08:32] KS: i will capture him
[08:32] KS: and i will make sure my lusus eats him in teeny tiny peices
[08:32] TS: Oh, you're back. Thanks for making this unpleasant. >:T
[08:33] KS: ~ just looooking oout foor my girl
[08:33] KS: anyway im super happy foor yoou
[08:33] KS: yoou deserve happieness
[08:34] TS: XPP
[08:34] TS: What were you doing, anyway?
[08:34] KS: ...
[08:35] KS: i may have goone and cyber staled him too make sure he wasnt a serial killer oor cannabal oor anything woorriesoome
[08:35] TS: O_O
[08:35] TS: Creepy
[08:35] KS: what?
[08:35] KS: i care aboout yoou
[08:36] TS: Okay, but Tulket is a good person!
[08:36] TS: You coulda asked me
[08:36] TS: OR
[08:36] TS: You could talk to him yourself!
[08:37] KS: ... i think ill wait oon that
[08:37] KS: but yoou shoould tootaly tell me aboout hi,
[08:37] KS: 'and yoou guys as a cooupel
[08:37] KS: wait
[08:37] KS: dooes he knoow aboout yoour blooood?
[08:37] KS: and if soo hoow did he find oout
[08:37] KS: was it inaproopriate?
[08:38] TS: >:O
[08:38] TS: You lewd thing!
[08:38] TS: YES
[08:38] TS: He knows about my blood color
[08:38] TS: HOWEVER
[08:38] TS: I don't think he gets it
[08:38] TS: He's a teal seadweller
[08:39] KS: thats deffinately oodd foor sure
[08:39] KS: still doosnt tell me weeather oor noot yoouve pailed
[08:39] TS: !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[08:39] TS: NO
[08:40] TS: I haven't known him that long!
[08:40] TS: D:<
[08:40] TS: What if I said we did, huh? Then what??
[08:40] KS: awww soo embarassed~ i bet if yoour emoojis were accurate im sure theyed have little lines
[08:41] KS: then id be impressed. maybe. id proobably ask hoow gooood he was
[08:41] TS: (SQUINT)
[08:42] KS: what? im curioous
[08:43] KS: hiding froom scoociety and coonstantly mooving doosnt give aloot oof "scoocial" time
[08:45] TS: (((S Q U I N T)))
[08:45] TS: Look
[08:45] TS: I gotta go
[08:45] TS: I'll talk to you later
[08:45] KS: ooh..
[08:45] KS: ookay
[08:45] KS: i wast trying too make yoou actually mad. soorry broo.
[08:45] KS: talk too ya later ookay?
[08:46] TS: Yep!
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Lap it tip top smack d butt it oW/Ly t lea v in sabin oh mutt addie mad mat putt it inn. i came Hon Ur on her an in and i sed right Like fed Matt Pro Hats to Be Linne. thats not the telly but um tatts a loddle Axe or Quad lle bet ard oi ;olef ) only i led lit which wich as tray ... thats ok bi me but ut hiRedU QuainT deaD scuf le vi ohh d vine old grrrr ape shit baller mats watch on from the GayTes. asz'ure all mi'ssured i AV ep i cured can sore stubby feel d up a cup ohh yea sheesh oh geizure i galWay in Clined sit up Don say. This shhhhy goo gee whiz 1 i ole jo blows star fish zapper Tizers to wu finx is (why sir) . ohh no sirree omma got vis(a) bid earl'ie' R. 1 bloody nor a 2 but yr Vladder few but swallEn Ball is dick . missed aisle for lips TICK. lip tack to liberally toray or matt so mucha mortar giv aye but nutter cun deL iver or hound Slow on mouNt No Leigh Mac tooshy tush was clean of herb ooooooossshh. osh kosh good golly wog gosh iz not wound id erecT a swOrN in soredSman oose goodwiv bothams. late or in de Bait or wat is batter. some roll fish innit and others use it for lea'T'her to splatter. not bat tall i wee coil but on dons lush lorna mills coat i swore i could have more for D(App)ohhze. Matt chew didNt but hadda mega byte anna dry ve i see but on lea sharP khan only tv. now its golem or wazza wook or by cRook . Ed's pettin on votes quotes and tax rorts on No Don bra know ahhh i Ken done lowes E port. im a man or a bot re Capt aint gon fish nic na k new 2 soon do coz jan jonZ ill and im am brozen. i men 2 sav i o u R1 too made in oz. O Zone caff hay but inPhleMeant bottom its ard marks man cement. stay in les be good orb wed spy daft pu(N)k tit and monked it nowra day odour T.P ode darl ill blue heel bum feelyA. di anna or die oh reel i a im more ita nose the reAl deaL or messAy liol far honed Well timmz Queer Eye tee verSe nack of Man Tackle powers no shack le. phhew nearly blew it i saw tarr (my bad) slipped it in her bud and vent Sc:!whipped it out of order for no more faith fully grown ill in fill(e't) fillaye it in her hi you hired ness o made it hay nez. soup or min ten dough orbit you gal ways wee fur do as Stew Pid . seams i by the Chin of ginny wu u new weir. no im jay all tats tits tooed and im queer. now git'Ubs' a beer and mag o im so reMorse fully aware im gawdawfum. i miss tup my nun Da Weisser Joan no Barker or Marker. so its bout to reighn kin Dumble dor ball En fours or some bull emmm it ill say not quit but keeper onLine till i em done. Tee offal my shit. ol'e pup z cock tup tail dock lights spot ,right in De point. no dat sun was du pont Ding and she spinks ur le'conte. connDimma new itty aHN (mAbbie) a schinitty of matter a gat toes shes bit shiT'ze or seats morsals ohh e se x .05 vis Ion iss App breezy Do me now or Dimmie tina im cleaner. lean mmmm ahhhh me anAlick ticks are grippen and my jew sew Er i say reed in and wi Ti N. run tin tEmpTan sultan O bran or lease i am a man of verbal die but chore ears me ger bull. oh pure Ity limp i teddy bear pod Doll pin PlastLy ima lick my own come watch me as i sucker punch doo war day finnish On Swisss shhhh matt's deBaden bin hard a gain and crows sqWalk and leah oil bud earl Lee. and mines tas Ting grrrr ate outer Matt pr O for no lAck of tac tick tock or san CasTile. my stYLeZ Matthew SmILeZ (ai) azur'e you its whurst made for give you. . if u dont ill give you Two cents from Re: Pre Hen See CybUll. fonz foul tie and wellied are frockin the pass ch/u \chuuros de garrh goo gum on dimEz due 2 ReAtt hired....... add verts or admired alexa rd or i fail he. i see as far ass the I C A N due sea and u2 ill plu ck your chooks if your Win Da Pooh. he is I and i am hymn and winnie witty or schnitty les oil take 1 in out Gull see rePon Tiffle win kin oh wince oil penze or pin stance im ed cho ooo oooww arrgh u azza Matt(P) you are Just as I am. matt oh wad nope lan doreeen boar i ream pay per hApps scun Tree App are Ent(I++y) to stingy bark tweeSir gleamin hyAteArse oh ye i recall Mapps Mark smo sman pee 2 pan or blu bantaimMan2
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