deltabrony7 · 6 years
MLP Season 9 Adventures: The First Victory
*At the Cantelot throne, the Mane 6, and the royal princess were laughing with each other until Delta Brony arrives at the scene*
[Delta Brony] “Twilight!!”
[Twilight Sparkle] “DELTA!!”
[Celestia] “Delta.”
*Delta Brony rushes to Twilight and hugs her.*
[Delta Brony] “I was so worried that King Sombra was about to take over Equestria.”
[Twilight Sparkle] “He’s gone now. We defeated him by working together.”
[Delta Brony] “So, the magic of friendship never fails. I also noticed that you defeated King Sombra without the elements of harmony. And... I’m...”
*short pause*
[Delta Brony] “I’m sorry about what happened to the tree of harmony.”
[Twilight Sparkle] “It’s ok. Princess Celestia taught me a lesson about leadership.”
[Delta Brony] “Is this true Celestia?”
*Princess Celestia nods her head.*
[Delta Brony] “Twilight, Pinkie, and others... your destinies are going to be changed forever.”
[Twivine Sparkle] “AS IF...!!”
*Twivine come out and her mane was covers in leaves and sharp thorns*
[Applejack] “Whoa there Twivine. No need to be angry.”
[Twilight Sparkle] “Celestia, Luna, and Starswirl the Beared defended Ponyville from those vines.”
[Twivine Sparkle] “Really? Why am I not surprised?”
[Delta Brony] “You’re alright?”
[Twivine Sparkle] “Yeah. It’s just that those plants came out of nowhere, the sky was all dark, and there were crystals all over Ponyvi... wait a second... Twilight, was a villain trying to take over Equestria?!”
[Twilight Sparkle] “Yup, it was King Sombra.”
[Twivine Sparkle] “Whoa!! King Sombra. That guy must be a big meanie now is he?”
[Fluttershy] “Oh yes he was. He enslaved all of Ponyville, including Starlight Glimmer and Spike.”
[Rarity] “He almost took over the Crystal Empire.”
[Twivine Sparkle] “Sounds like that Sombra pony of yours is a challenging foe.”
[Rainbow Dash] “Um... I hate to tell you this but... he destroyed the tree, along with the elements.”
[Twivine Sparkle] “WHAT?!! You mean... Elements of Harmony, the Tree of Harmony?!! How is this... possible!?”
[Pinkie Pie] “Somehow he discovered it or maybe he followed us.”
[Twivine Sparkle] “But without the elements, you won’t have the chance to vanquish a villain.”
[Twilight Sparkle] “It’s ok Twivine. Our magic of friendship is strong. We don’t need the elements anymore. We are the elements.”
*The Mane 6 band together as the form a circle to created one big magic ball.*
[Twivine Sparkle] “WHOA!! That is so cool!!”
[Twilight Sparkle] “Yes. We defeat King Sombra with that spell.”
[Twivine Sparkle] “I gotta try that with you one day.”
[Delta Brony] “Whoa there. You might wanna leave this to the experts. Oh btw... the vines are gone, so it’s safe go to back.”
[Twivine Sparkle] “Alright!!. I’ll see you around.”
*Twivine leaves Canterlot while Delta Brony looks at the Mane 6*
[Delta Brony] “I must learn how to do that. Oh darn.. I’m starting to be like Twivine.”
*The Mane 6 laugh at Delta Brony.*
To Be Continued....
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awthredestim · 5 years
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Fanart - MLP. Season 9, EP 13, Royal Duet by jamescorck
Today's episode was pretty good, but then again I'm biased. It's fun to see that these two bicker and argue so often, but then again they're siblings. One of the cores of having a sibling is the certainty that you're going to argue with them at some point. And that's fine, it's better to have one short argument then patching things up, than having no arguments until a big one ruins everything.
This doodle was fun to do, I won't lie. It's a shame they didn't stay in these looks longer. I think Celestia pulls off that death-punk-goth-whatever look rather well, but again, I'm biased.
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stagmanparty · 7 years
Hey someone remind me to reblog this when the MLP Season 7 finale airs cause I gotta celebrate this CANON!
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staelofficial · 7 years
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Lunes 8 de agosto #MLPSeason con @briganjp #MenLePap #MediaTakingOver 8-9pm Blanc Radio on @TuneIn. #NowPlaying http://tun.in/sftSD
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mlpseason7hub · 8 years
s’About time’s all I can say. Anyway, MLPSeason6Hub is at last MLPSeason7Hub! Yes, I should’ve done this months ago, but better late than never, that’s what I always say. Now, all that needs to be done is to wait for Season 7 to come at us!
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artsyambi · 9 years
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School’s almost over, requirements/responsibilities are all done. I just saw the newest trailer for season 6 and saw this cute pony. So I decided to draw a cutie Sunburst
HQ: http://aidraws.deviantart.com/art/Sunburst-597557241?ga_submit_new=10%253A1458397861
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