caninecigarette · 1 year
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First post! Yay! Still learning how to use tumblr.
This is my oc, Kaito Carmin, she is an autistic disable pony, she is my ponysona. Kaito is a big happy girl who lives in a famous family, the Carmin Family!
Kaito has one sister and one brother, her big sister got out of jail and her little brother is still learning a lot of things at 6 years old. Kaito family it's not a bad family, the Carmins are seem as very important people. Her mother is an albino heart pony duchess/princess from an important place, and her dad is an unicorn who does the big parties for important ponies, like the grand galloping gala, fancy pants events, Celestia events, everything important he is there. Her mother is incapable of expressem emotions, so she is always with the same face and the same voice, but not in the moments when she is angry, it's the only emotion she shows, she is not a bad mother. Kaito get worried about her future for being in the Carmin family, she also gets worried about her siblings, she is happy, but overthinks, and she is sicks, so she can't do much about everything that's happening or will happen, she just hopes for the best.
Kaito loves being outside, flowers, drawing and everything that gives her creativity, her talent his creativity, so she loves doing those things, she offens worries that her talent dont have much use in the family, but her father always puts herself up, he says without creativity i will have nothing, even the most borring things.
Hope you guys like it! i will bring more about my oc's!
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viomlpcreator · 1 year
Before the ascension of Queen Thorax the changeling’s hive had one goal in mind and that was their an ever constant pillage of pony settlements. They would spy, infiltrate and literally suck their resources dry before moving on to their next target. (Chrysalis was one of the few ambitious queens that sought out to conquer a whole kingdom to feed her subjects)
However it took one lone thinker, one abnormality, one reject Thorax to realize that by giving and receiving love he was no longer starved for nutrients and his whole mind and biology were forever altered upon the realization. This very realization brought on the dawn of a new era in changeling life.
The story and lesson is something I very much loved. I praised Hasbro for making such a creative redemption for the Changeling story overall.
However there are some (alot of)things in the “To Where and back Again” season finale I don’t agree on. Although the revelation of Thorax realizing that by sharing his love he was no longer dependent on violating other ponies for sustenance. However, there is another very important and very key feature expressed about Thorax that makes him so viscerally different from the other changelings. So different that he is forced to flee his only home.
Thorax is not like the others, he's not a mindless drone, nor a successful killer he’s shy, awkward, curious, emotional and meek. And that's exactly what makes him so hated by the other changelings. But it's exactly what sets him on a different path. By doing that he meets spike, is accepted by the Royal Crystal Family (of all ponies) and gets to explore and learn and grow as an individual.
And it’s because of that he comes to the realization that love can be shared and cultivated with other individuals.
His love is so bright it has no choice but to penetrate every single heart of a changeling and metamorphosis them into complete whole beings. Capable of thoughts, feelings and individuality.
Also I don’t like the designs but that's just a personal issue. My big thing is how the hive just transformed from one set of scary drones to another colorful set of drones. (though there does seem to be some variety in the changelings but I can’t really tell)
Further information about the changelings will be posted the following week
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viomlpcreator · 1 year
Before the three tribes crossed the Celestial Sea and successfully traversed through the Far Lights Cover.
Equestria (more broadly the continent of Giya)was a large and multicultural continent full of unique wildlife and creatures all living in their own culture and way of life. However there lives would forever be altered after the three tribes arrived and wrought havoc onto their homes and way of life.
Here are just a few examples (there are allllot more) of native Giyan creatures affected by the great migration. They were the biggest victims of of destruction, slavery, disease and specie-ism (aka racism).
More Lore about the animals
Buffalo: were like the Phoenicians in many ways where they cared about trading and luxury goods allot more then gaining power. At least the plains buffalo were.
Horses: had impressively massive agriculture that rival modern day farming. Except their farming practices were far more sustainable.
Deer: the deer were kinda like the Aztecs where their kingdom was so massive and gorgeous but their lust for power and wealth alienated them from other Native equestrian creatures. Their downfall was only imminent, but was accelerated by the arrival of the three tribes. Many deer to this day are still bitter.
Changelings: ooooh boi dp the changelings have it rough. It is considered to be the largest fall from grace. The changelings empire is like the equivalent to Atlantis stories in equestria.btheir kingdom was as close to utopia as possible (or as the historians say) but their singular force in the sky made them incredibly vulnerable to the sudden pillage of warrior Pegasi. Modern-day changelings, even reformed changelings, pale in comparison to the beauty and splendor that old changelings looked like. Old changelings were basically complex birds of paradise
Feel free to ask any questions for clarification if the type is difficult to read.
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viomlpcreator · 1 year
Believe it or not even though I ranted in my previous post how every changeling is just some mindless, feral, drone there are some different types of changelings in the hive who serve different functions but that’s because they were breed that way not by their own choice.
So anyway here we have the 3 types of changelings that function in the hiveThe Common workers descend either upon a settlement or maintain their hive.The warriors that are bred for heavy duty front line fighting. (they resemble attack doberman)And lastly the brooders who watch and care for the young. Probably the less dangerous job of the two, but don’t be fooled they deal with energetic monsters all day long and could still kick yer pony hide.
After Thorax's ascension and queenhood and blah blah share love blah. Anyway the hive changes a bit. With workers now considered to be citizens who are independent of their own thoughts, jobs and passion. A citizen (should they wish to reside in the kingdom) are now able to pursue their own needs (whether that be an architect, gov. official, craftsmen or artist)
Citizens can also become Guards and Mothers but that is a more rigorous process as those two roles are vitally important to the hive.
Notes on reformed- changelings
Although the hive roles may not look that different from the previous hive, ponies must understand that changelings are still learning how to engage in their new environment. It's gonna take awhile before they hive becomes a fully functioning kingdom. Luckily Celestia has granted their land to be an independent city-state and over a period of 100 years they will have the option to secede from her kingdom.
Hopefully in the future their economy can be more of a capitalist, parliament society but for now the hive works as an absolute monarchy.
Nowadays changelings are now able to pick their own fate. There has been a recent metamorphosis of individuals either lacking a horn or wings or both. Three distinct races are starting to pop up as citizens are learning what communities they fit into more.
Some researchers theorize that because changelings have heard from Queen Thorax’s stories on how the ponies of equestria have inspired Thorax to open this eyes about a new way of existing many changelings are now fascinated by ponies and how they live and are curiously copying many of their mannerisms and trends. Although in the show changelings seem to do a 180 on their appearance I headcanon that it takes a while for changelings to experiment more about their self-expression for now the older changelings all simply have a base color of black, or gray and two fun colors on top of that. And a lot of changelings are inspired by the lustrous Queen’s color palette. However many younger changelings are starting to experiment more vigorously about their self expression and are starting to resemble themselves closer to birds of paradise then changelings. XD
One last note the mother is just a nicer way of saying brooders and changelings don't have to be explicitly female or male (if it wasn’t portrayed earlier changelings don't really have a binary gender)it's just a term they heard ponies use and they copied it.
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viomlpcreator · 1 year
The domain of Equestria is a large and very expansive land mass to think that only 4 races were affected by the Pony migration is incredibly misleading. Recently, historians and archaeologists have begun to work tirelessly to document other lesser know races that were still affected by the arrival of the 3 tribes.  
Btw the bog ponies ideas was inspired by Vindhov amazing species artwork 
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