#mlp strawberry fair
cherryzombiezz-art · 1 year
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my tiny horse
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sleepytoycollection · 3 months
So a funny thing happened today.
Today was the day of the local toycon, and I was very well behaved. I only bought things I'd already been on the look out for (not pictured, but I got replacement shoes for my Strawberry Shortcake dolls!), and no impulse purchases. Sadly a lot of the things I was hoping to find were not to be found, but oh well. Good for my wallet I guess. Still had a blast talking with other collectors. c:
One thing I've been hoping to thrift for a while is a Rainbow Brite doll (I know I could just buy one online, but where's the fun in that?) to go with her horse friend I thrifted a year ago:
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But I hadn't had luck with that, so when I found one cheap at the toy fair, I bought her. (Got Rodger too, bc I've been wanting a small plush of him to go with my custom Jessica.)
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Anyway, after leaving the con, my ride wanted to go by goodwill, and guess what I find there?
A Rainbow Brite, the exact same as I bought at the fair LMAO
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Granted, the one from the fair is cleaner and in better condition, but there's a twist!
They're variants!
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The one on the left (the goodwill one) is the Taiwan version, and the right (toy fair) is the Hong Kong version!
It's easier to see in person, but there's a lot of little differences between them despite being otherwise the same doll. Taiwan has more hair, but a blurrier face printing with lighter colors. The skin tones (and fabric skin tones) are different, and other such little details.
Goodwill had a lot of other 80's there toys too, I bought the 2 G1 MLP (I'll show them later), and another woman bought the Care Bears and Cabbage Patch dolls.
I can't believe I finally thrifted one the literal same day I finally decided to buy one elsewhere.
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dollsonmain · 9 months
Decent looking Sugarberry for $20 BIN
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ask-de-writer · 2 years
FIENDSHIP IS MAGIC  (Part 54 of ?)  18+ readers only  (sex scenes)
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Making Fiends and Influencing Ponies
An Anthro *Tail* of the Mane Six
Part 54 of ? (Work in Progress)
De Writer
59611 words (story in progress)
© 2022 by Glen Ten-Eyck
All rights reserved.  This document may not be copied or distributed on   or to any medium or placed in any mass storage system except by the express written consent of the author.
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Users  of Tumblr.com are specifically granted the following rights.  They may   reblog the story provided that all author and copyright information remains intact.  They may use the characters or original  characters in my settings for fan fiction, fan art works, cosplay, or fan musical compositions.
All sorts of fan art, cosplay, music or fiction is actively encouraged.
New to the story?  Read from the start HERE
Twilight actually nodded at the outrageous claim that her seal was needed to be sure that she got her tax cut.  “It does, in fact, assure that, true.  However, the primary reason is simpler.  I send my agents to the address to determine whether the siezure or eviction is properly justified.  If it is, besides getting my seal to go ahead, I try to see that the evicted ponies are taken care of.  I do not want to have homeless ponies in Ponyville.”
Ex judge Horsefry snorted, “What do you do if you think it ain't justified?  Leave some poor landlord stuck for mortgage payments or property repairs?”
“They already are, MISTER Horsefry.  That is required to be in EVERY lease or rental contract.  A condition required to collect any rent or payment is that the property be maintained in a condition suitable for the intended use.
“In the past, the Crown investigation has uncovered many instances of evictions of tenants for requesting that REQUIRED repairs or maintainence be made.  That is illegal and those evictions were stopped.”
Horsefry stompped angrily, “That fool bleeding heart way of handling trivial things has cost Sir Snobbin Realty thousands of gold bits!”
It was Princess Luna who smiled like a shark about to bite!  “I am so happy to hear that eviction is such a trivial matter!  Bailiff, would you please serve this formal notice of eviction and property seizure to mister Horsefry?  Princess Twilight's seal is not required as it has both Celestia's and Mine.”
“What!? You got no grounds for seizing my home!”
Princess Luna snorted, “425 reasons, actually.  According to this report, that is how many seizures or evictions you pulled this post dating stunt on.”  She paused to swig some coffee and take a bite from a chocolate croissant with strawberry filling before continuing, “Each one is a count of Criminal Judicial Misconduct.  Those each carry a fine of one hundred golden bits.  Add in your portion of the damages to the Carousel's property and restitution to the assorted dancing mares that you had a direct hand in robbing and you owe just over three fourths of a million golden bits.  Seven hundred sixty five thousand four hundred and forty six golden bits, to be precise.
“According to your tax records, your total value of all assets combined is only fifteen thousand two hundred and seventy four golden bits.  Of course, it is always possible that you lied on your taxes but even if you did, I doubt that you have the necessary funds to pay what you presently owe.  Your house, lands and accounts will be set against your debit.”
“Um, Princess, I had no hand in the destruction of the antiques.  Reverend Tightcollar ordered that.  Anything connected to them should be dropped.  As for the claim that the dancing mares are due any restitution, I deny that.  They got that money by acts of lewdness. Ponyville cannot allow such behavior to be rewarded.”
Twilight lifted a paper and glanced over it before she spoke up.  “I have witness statements that contradict what you have just said. Specifically, the statements of the subverted officers concerning the illegal raid on the Carousel.  They all unanimously agree that you personally told them to not only carry out the raid and arrests, you told them to smash the door pane and the cash register.”
“I was only relaying Reverend Tightcollar's orders.”
Twilight intervened, “I am sorry but we did make clear at the beginning that no such defense will be accepted.  You were a willing part of the chain of command unless you can show us otherwise.”  She returned to her chocolate and strawberry Bismark and warm coffee.
It was Princess Luna who pointed out, “Simply because you disapprove of how another makes their living gives you no right to take away their legally earned or acquired money or goods.  What the dancers do was and is legal.  The taking by force of their earnings under any pretext is theft.  THAT IS ILLEGAL.  The dancer's restitution order stands.”
Twilight's reaching hands found no more of her favorite treats and settled for a vanilla topped twist.  Before biting into it, she stated, “So far, we have been hearing from the big fish.  I want to hear from the bottom of this food chain.  What do the officers have to say for themselves?  They did the actual raids.  We can always get any of the dancers, Pinkie Pie, Rarity or Kin to fill out what they tell us.”
Celestia snorted into her coffee!  “We need to get Pinkie here anyway! Those butterscotch treats seem to have evaporated!”
Luna, putting away her Magic Net mirror, chuckled, “Taken care of, Sister!  She was at the Carousel with a friend helping out on the costumes.  She is now hard at work replacing all of our snacks!  I told her to bring Kin with her when she makes the delivery.”
Rarity, Kin and Minty were hard at work, getting the new costumes made. Pinkie put away her Magic Net mirror and bailed for the kitchen!
“Kin! They just called from the trials!  We need to make up more snacks! All three Royals and Judge Coldheart are out of favorite snacks and are reduced to drinking dime store tea bag brew!”
Kin yielded her place at the new sewing machine and joined Pinkie in the kitchen!  She snickered, “Dime store tea bag brew?  I did not realize that anyone hated the Princesses that much!  Are they trying to assassinate them all?”
Pinkie looked up from stirring up bowls of fillings and toppings to agree, “It sure sounds like it, doesn't it?”
Soon the whole Carousel was filled with the lovely smell of deep frying goodies!  As fast as Kin could get them cooked and drained, Pinkie was shooting them full of all sorts of sweet fillings!  Rarity, having temporarily abandoned the costumes, was dipping them in toppings and Minty was boxing them up, being sure to label them according to which Princess preferred what kinds.
As Pinkie and Kin loaded the delivery cart, including three huge urns, one of regular coffee, one of hot chocolate, and one of Rom black tea, Rarity and Minty looked each other in the eye, and nodded silent agreement.  They began to cook up more goodies for themselves!
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oldwebmlp · 2 years
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From: https://web.archive.org/web/20010803215038/http://www.mylittlepony.subnet.dk/IPD/Denmark.html
Text from page below the cut:
Hi, I'm Strawberry Fair and welcome to International Pony Day's page about Denmark! I'm your host on this page. I was chosen to represent Denmark because I have the same colors as the Danish flag - red and white. Also, like my symbol, there are lots of wonderful strawberries in Denmark in the summerJ.
Best viewed in 800x600 screen resolution
Where is Denmark?
Denmark is a small country in Scandinavia, Europe. It is right above Germany.
What is Denmark?
Denmark is a very small country. It consists of a peninsula and 406 islands. The total area is 43,004.39 km2 and the total littoral is 7,300 km, quite a lot for such a small country. There are 5,330,020 inhabitants.
Because of all the islands there are lots of bridges and ferries in Denmark which makes it easy to come around.
What is Denmark known for?
Some of the things Denmark is mostly know for are the fairy tale writer Hans Christian Andersen and the Little Mermaid, which actually is from one of H. C. Andersen's fairy tales. Denmark is also known for their fine butter, Lurpak, and as I mentioned in my welcome, there are lots of wonderful strawberries during the summer in Denmark. In Denmark we have the oldest monarchy in the world. We got our first king around 950, so that is more than 1000 years ago. Denmark also has the second longest bridge in the world, the Great Belt Bridge, only surpassed by a bridge in Japan. Below are pictures of H. C. Andersen, my friend, Bubbles, by the Little Memaid, the Royal Family and Great Belt Bridge. Click on the pictures to view them in full size. The picture above is me with some real Danish strawberries.
Denmark also has a great soccer tradition, it is more or less our national sport. When the Danes go to an international soccer game with the All-Denmark team, they paint the Danish flag on their faces and dress in red and white. Just like my daughter and I in the picture below (except from the painted faces;). The outfits were're wearing were made when Denmark won the World Championship in Mexico in 1986.
This is Danish Dynamite, a custom pony. She has promised to show you the activities on this page.
Hi, I'm Danish Dynamite, a real Danish pony! As you can see I'm red and white as the Danish flag and my symbol is TAF Danish flags. My name 'Danish Dynamite' is what we call the soccer players on the All-Denmark team. I was made as a tribute to Denmark. Two of the activities on this page are links to other pages that are not a part of this page and one is a link to a picture belonging to this page (not whole page).
Read H. C. Andersen's fairy tale "The Little Mermaid"
View Strawberry Fair MOC the way she was sold in Denmark
The official Danish My Little Pony page
Thanks for visiting us and have a happy International Pony Day!
This page is created and copyrighted 2001 by Baby Sunbright aka Tanja Fuglø [email protected]
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heckyeahponyscans · 6 years
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“Strawberry Fair Helps the Pieman”
G1 My Little Pony comic #64
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ponyguru · 2 years
Hi, can you help me? I really like my little pony dolls and ive been wanting to start a collection of all the generation four gals if I can (i would settle for the mane 6 and a few others), however i have no idea where to start or how to find any, and on amazon i have only find weird knockoffs that have hard silicon hair. I also want to have an archive of all thr launched dolls, both mlp and equestria girls, but again, i have no idea how to research or really do any of this, do id really really like some pointers, or if you dont have any, for you to point me to someone who does.
Hi! Oh gosh, sorry for the late reply!! I'm not great about checking my Asks, and I only seem to get notifications for messages about half the time! >.>
So... it's a funny thing! Because when I was building most of my early collection in the early 2000s, the way to do it was to buy big eBay lots, and sell/trade any extras you didn't want from there. But now with eBay prices skyrocketing, and more folks getting into collecting/flipping pony lots, prices are all over the place - mostly ridiculously high.
Prices for G4, at least, seem to still be pretty low! More people are selling than buying. So if you're looking for G4 ponies, I highly recommend looking for eBay lots. I've still gotten some good deals there, even on harder-to-find ponies like G4 Minty. There's a fair amount of people just flipping them from the thrift, or selling childhood/post-fandom collections, so you can get good prices for them still. (G1 is less so! And G3 seems to be creeping up as well.)
I also suggest Mercari! Mercari is, unlike Facebook pickups, generally assumed to be for mailing items, so although there's some stiff competition, you can still find good deals! You can use that as an app or on their website! (If you are good at IRL stuff, you could always try the thrift stores yourself, or try local flea markets/toy fairs/Facebook sales! G4 is plentiful among toy collectors, especially those who trade secondhand, and you might be able to get some deals!)
I'm curious about what hard silicon hair ponies you're finding! I took a quick look, and I think you may be seeing the Ponyville/blind bag figures, which are minis. When I look on Amazon I still see some G4 stuff, but it's mostly 3rd party sellers, so it's very expensive. I still scroll through the Amazon Warehouse from time to time - you won't find older ponies, but if there's any newer releases you like, they may have those a little cheaper with a banged-up box! I found a cool Cutie Mark Crew set for $6 on there recently!
The most well-organized and comprehensive site, at least for the first few years, was Strawberry Reef (here's her release list by year), but I believe she fell behind in the past few years, since it only goes up to 2013. (She may have skipped G4 in favor of G4.5? I see links for G5 stuff there now.) MLP Merch is keeping up admirably, but I'm not sure if they have a chronological guide. There may also be some stuff in the various MLP wikis, but I haven't done a lot of research on that yet!
I suggest eBay by and large, but I also suggest checking out the MLPArena - it's one of the last remaining pony forums, and there's still folks selling and trading there! MLPTP is also still going, but they seem to be less busy than the Arena. I'd suggest Facebook, but the crowd there is Real Bad, and a lot of the folks who've become popular there were previously banned for being scammers on the forums. So if you join MLP groups there, be wary, and pay very strictly with Paypal goods/services - no friends/family, no Facebook pay. (Neither will give you ANY level of buyer protection!) There was once a feedback group for Facebook, but it turned out that it was run by some of the same scammers who got banned from the forums.
I'm trying to think of what else to say - I've found some nice and cheap G4 ponies on instagram flash sales, and I've also found some overpriced G4 ponies there! It really just depends on who's selling and how popular/packed their sales are. Jupiter.magia, for example, is a very popular, friendly seller; I got some great basic G4 ponies from her! But her sales posts would get claims within like .05 seconds. Ditto for Kristwoforks, a popular thrift reseller. She does a lot of sales, and has a LOT of fans! (And then of course, there's the classic "super popular seller who everyone loves but will occasionally scam people out of their items and attack anyone who speaks up", which I've personally run into in the past, as well as witnessed my friends get scammed by multiple Big Names.) Instagram, sadly, isn't a real sales platform, so there's no protection if things go south; your only recourse is through Paypal, and there's no real way to leave feedback, so scammers thrive there, as they do on Facebook. You have to be very careful and mindful of your claim deadlines, so I generally warn beginning buyers away from there until they gain a little more experience, and can pick up when someone's giving off bad vibes. I've found most of my IG buys from people I follow; they'll say, 'oh I got this last week from X!' so I'll go follow X's page for their next sale; or Y will get their sale post boosted on my friend's story, so I'll go check them out too. It's much safer IMO to find sellers by this sort of word-of-mouth, because then you know someone who had at least one good interaction with them.
I gave you a LOT of information here, ha ha, but I'm doing my best to be comprehensive! You've decided to collect G4 at a very good time, because with the end of the series, folks are losing interest, and selling off their collections. Not everyone of course, but quite a few! I wish you the best of luck in your future collecting adventures! And feel free to pop back around if you get stuck or have more questions!
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kazuwhora · 2 years
💌 hands and knees begging don’t say beetlejuice
tee u didnt see the warnings did u
tee u remind me of a man who’s name I wont say but he is basically a rotting corpse and his name is not shigaraki. he’s obnoxious and green and purple and he’s ugly 🖤🖤🖤
u remind me of my little ponies and men who have body pillows on their bed with mlp’s on them. but actually I think u remind me more of those knock off mlp’s that were cheap and smelled like burnt plastic 🖤🖤🖤
but u actually remind me of picking your friend up and you put on a song from your childhood and it brings back that wash of nostalgia that brings an excitement and a rush of joy and makes you feel whole again. you remind me of those scented strawberry shortcake dolls and the scented erasers you’d be hyped to get at book fairs as a kid. you remind me of squishmallows and webkinz 🤩
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autistic--cryptid · 4 years
there looks to be about 16 of them and they can be either:
apple, floral, popcorn, chcoolate, orange, coconut, flower (listed separately from floral), vanilla, pineapple, bubblegum, root beer, or strawberry scented
8 of them were released in 2005 in stores, while one was released in 2005 as a fair exclusive, and the other 7 were released in 2007 as a part of the 25th anniversary line
the orignal 8 were:
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from left to right: coconut grove, pineapple paradise, tangerine sunset, tropical suprise, citrus sweetheart, lavender lake, apple spice, and thistle whistle
the only one listed as floral is bay breeze, the 2005 mlp fair exclusive
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unlike the others her cutie mark is raised and she has a different pose than the rest
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kinqemperor · 5 years
alister how has ur day been! also! team bonding time! what sort of shows/franchises do u like that are similar to care bears? like strawberry shortcake maybe?
My day was..pretty good I'd say! My fam and I went to this giant fair today and it was AWESOME. It was super duper cold and I turned into a damn ice cube but I'd say it was worth it. The whole thing was so colorful and fun!! I actually planned on posting some pics on my insta! C:
And uhhh, I really like MLP!!
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razzledazzy · 6 years
mlp gen 3 dolls i own:
cotton candy (she was my first)
scooter sprite
desert blossom
cherry blossom ii
rarity (whose hair has been tragically cut)
moondancer (who has some ink dots on her)
sunset sweetie
amazing grace
mlp gen 3 dolls i just bought lmao:
pinkie pie (x2)
strawberry swirl
silly sunshine
skywishes (x2)
lovely ladybug
lovey dovey
june rose
island rainbow
shell-belle (x2)
chocolate delight
fair weather
ribbon wishes
royal boquet
aloha pearl
peach surprise (x2)
paradise island
fun fairy
scootaloo (x2)
tulip twinkle
twinkle twirl
jade garden
chocolate chipper
peach blossom
pearly pie
(unidentified yellow pony because i cant see her cutie mark)
wave catcher
pinke sunsparkle
desert rose 
rainbow flash
silver lining
flitter flutter
gem blossom (x2)
g1 tuneful
and lastly gen 3 dolls i want:
petal blossom
aloha pearl
august gladiolus
january carnation
always and forever
desert rose
fairy dust
royal rose
velvet bow
comet tail
garden wishes
tulip twinkle
sweet sparkle
and mannnnnnnnnny moreeeeeeeeee
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yello80s · 7 years
Twice as Fancy Ponies, or TAF for short, debuted in G1 year 5 and had a cutie mark pattern across the entire back and a matching small mark either on the cheek or forelock. Strawberry-themed Sugarberry is from the first set, known as Strawberry Fair in the UK. 
SweetBerry TAF – Yello80s
SweetBerry TAF – Yello80s
SweetBerry TAF – Yello80s
My Little Pony Sunday: Twice As Fancy Sugarberry Twice as Fancy Ponies, or TAF for short, debuted in G1 year 5 and had a cutie mark pattern across the entire back and a matching small mark either on the cheek or forelock. Strawberry-themed Sugarberry is from the first set, known as Strawberry Fair in the UK.
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kingglorie · 6 years
My Side of the MLP Steam Chat
No names in here are changed, so if you want to sue me, go for it.
There was a point, in the height of the My Little Pony phenomenon where I would frequent the forum for Terraria online and participate in their Brony thread. Most of the guys there were cool people, and there was some drama but that isn’t the point of this story. After sometime of the thread on the forum, the members growing, we still had yet to put up a MLP Server. I decided to take it upon myself and put up a server, I already have a setup built for it, just needed to get it running. Quickly after I put up the server and it was neat, we all had fun playing on it. Suddenly one day I got a message from some person, there display name was something about strawberries, and they ran some website and they told be they had submitted my Terraria to I think a website called Equestria Daily? Regardless it was a fairly popular website for MLP fans, and we had a large influx of requests to join the server. A bit after said website posted the server I got a message from someone, I don’t remember what their display name was on the forum, but later I learned this person was Corrie. They wanted me to take my server and set it up for their Steam Group, which was just a general MLP Steam group, but it had like 50,000 members. So after weighing my options I decided to go ahead and do that. After this I really became distant from the Terraria forum people and they went on and did their own thing, they ended up making their own Website called Global Equestria, which is it’s own shitshow for another day.
I was made an administrator in the Steam group, and I was told to post the server information in an announcement whenever I was ready. So, I took a week and tweaked the server, made sure it was to my liking. Made a way to Whitelist people so there wasn’t rampant griefing, etc. Then I announced the server, and not to my surprise, there were a lot of requests to join, and most were accepted and that was that. I learned at this time, their Steam chat for the group was fairly active, normally twenty people at a time, but often enough more. I figured well hey, if people have questions about the Terraria server they can ask me there. So I joined, and just kinda sat back reading the messages. Everyone now and then people would take notice of me, and I’d say something, but for the most part I just hung back. I was never asked to be a chat moderator, which did exist, but I almost took it upon myself. I was in the chat room already, might as well moderate. I was never asked to stop, they allowed me, they didn’t have a problem with it. I was given an account for the ban logs to record bans or kicks, and that was that, I was a chat moderator as well. Fairly quickly the hype of a new Terraria server died down and people barely played on it, I kept it up for a long time, but it rarely was used. I finally took it down after some time, and stayed a chat moderator. Later on I would put up a DayZ server near the end of my time there.
I’m not going to remember everyone, but I remember most people who were important enough to include.
Long Shot - He was basically the head moderator for the chat. He had the final say aside from Corrie. We got along at first, but we would come to butt heads later on because we had different styles of moderating.
Corrie - He (Prefered she) didn’t come into the chat much, despite that we had on and off communication, she was nice enough at the beginning.
Vero - One of the few guys who I still very rarely talk with, he was alright. He would become a moderator and then be stripped of the title later.
Fredrex - Again, still have them added but even more rarely talk with him. He wouldn’t be a moderator for a long time, but after he was, became the group owner when Corrie left.
Mothu - Brony in denial, he pretty much hated everyone. He did his job as a moderator though. He had a thing for Fredrex if I remember correctly.
Strawbs - Sweet guy, would often break the RP rules in chat. One of the first just random people I told I was gay to. I would have to ban him later though, which really ruined our relationship and he never really talked to me after that.
Most other chat members, admins, or moderators were so on and off that they aren’t important at that time.
The first few months were fairly unimpressive. Most people got along, people talked, etc etc.
Then something happened, I’m not quite sure what.
The first major event that happened in my mind was when another administrator, Arctix Pie as he was called at the time, who later would just become Arc, join first I think the first time even in the chat, because someone decided to randomly invited every admin and moderator into the chat room. He really laid it on, hot and heavy for me, pretty much instantly. I wasn’t sure who this guy was but he was going for it. He would private message me and I would tell him I wasn’t interested. Finally I caved and we became a “thing”, this would last 1 1/2 years to 2 years. There is a lot that happened in between but the main points are, we did a lot together, and after he started to moderator the chat more. Arc got more involved in everything, he may of talked to Corrie a lot before, but not to my knowledge, but after he and Corrie were close. At some point I started to join the chat less, I couldn’t tell you the reason though. Arc did as well.
I don’t know when it happened, but there was a guy who joined the chat and was generally just a pain to be around. His display name on Steam was Squishy Marshmallow Pony Butthole. He didn’t like me, I constantly had to kick him for breaking RP rules and the like, and I guess that's why. Long Shot wouldn’t enact any rules on him. I have no proof of this claim, but I think they had similar fetishes and would RP with each other. I wasn’t super active in the chat when this happened and I don’t know how it happened but I got a message from someone says that, who I will refer to as Squishy, was made a moderator. I was pretty vocal about my distaste for this move, but it was Long Shots choice to make. I noted the amount of times I had to straighten stuff out when he made it get out of line. I avoided the chat heavily after he was made a moderator. After some time and complaint, Corrie stepped up and made the decision to remove Squishy as a moderator, a move I agreed with, through the grapevine I heard it wasn’t a good move that Squishy was made a moderator. I still have a friend that randomly messages me says “You remember when they made Squishy a moderator?” “Yeah.” I’ll answer and he will always say “That was awful.”
After Squishy was removed from moderator, I took it upon myself to be more active in the chat, filling the void for the now defunct moderator. Squishy had it out for the chat thought, he made a second chat and group, basically for the banned people from the chat. I had a friend who would sit in on their chats and would relay messages. They really disliked me, couldn’t tell you why. But they also had the same, people in the regular chat who would pass stuff I said over to Squishy, and they would talk shit about me. I brought it up to Corrie but was basically told to just deal with it. I did end up banning one person who was doing this, and it brought down hellfire on me, he raised a shit storm and basically I was told not to ban people as it didn’t justify breaking the “trolling” rule.
Not to long after, when I was at work I received a message from Arc saying that chat was a bit unruly and Strawbs was posting porn in the chat, which was very against the rules. I said, ban them for the time being, I’ll deal with it when I got home. Long story short, I got told off my Long Shot, that I should of given Strawbs more chances because he was a “friend” and now he was upset at me and that I had lost a “friend.” I argued that it doesn’t matter if he’s my friend or not, he broke the rules. I didn’t suddenly dislike Strawbs, he was still a great guy, he just broke the rule were it’s basically one strike and you’re out, but that wasn’t a good enough reason. Strawbs was unbanned, I was told by Long Shot not to do it again. I was very disinterested in the chat after that, and rarely visited anymore. Arc would still participate in the chat enough to get himself into trouble which he did.
To make a long story short, he banned someone from the chat, jokingly he said, because someone said he would buy him a video game for it. So Arc banned him, and then unbanned him shortly after. The person who was banned was upset to say the least, and basically brought the thing up to Corrie. Corrie was mad at Arc, and as far as I know didn’t talk to Arc anymore after that. But somehow I got caught in this, even though I wasn’t involved, I was still questioned about it and blamed for it. Corrie was upset at me as well, for I don’t know what. It felt unwarranted, I’m was not responsible for his actions. Arc was removed as an administrator.
A bit after that they decided to do a moderator purge and re-evaluate the chat. They got all of the moderators and administrators in a group chat and had “moderator” review. Corrie basically told us what she thought of us, and we could choose either publicly or privately to be reviewed. Everyone chose publicly, and I was basically told that I wasn’t doing enough and was more of a problem than a help. It was fair to say I wasn’t doing enough, I was not participating in chat at all, and hadn’t for a bit. So I willingly gave up my title. When I chose to give it up, only one of the other moderators said anything to me regarding it, which basically amounted to that I did a good job and I shouldn’t go, and that I’ll be missed.
I had a lengthy discussion with Corrie after the fact about it. I didn’t want the title back, I just wanted to set some stuff straight. I didn’t think it was fair I was given blame for something Arc had done. I didn’t think it was fair how much favoritism was given to certain members as far as rule breaking was concerned, and how Long Shot was playing favorites constantly, specifically noted the Squishy and Strawbs incident. Corrie didn’t really care, she said if it was truly a problem I would of brought it up before now. We left it at that.
A bit later, Corrie left the group and gave the group to Fredex, who was moderator at the time. I know from talking with Corrie that she had received a job at Blizzard and was moving to California and didn’t want to have to manage or deal with the group anymore. When Corrie left, she had completely deleted me from all social media, so I never got to wish her good luck or anything, which stung quite a bit. I would be asked later by Fredex if I wanted to play Heroes of the Storm when it was in alpha, I told him I didn’t have a key, and they cost to much money. He was surprised Corrie didn’t give me one. he was finding out for the first time Corrie didn’t talk to me anymore and had deleted on all platforms. He asked if I wanted him to talk to Corrie about it, I said no, just leave it be. It was too long gone at that point.
A few people told me that group had turned into shit after I left, but I didn’t really care. I felt very jaded about the whole thing, all the time devoted to just be tossed aside and then ignored. Most of the “friends” I had from the chat stopped talking to me after I was no longer an administrator, they weren’t real friends, they just wanted to say they new a moderator.
The people who didn’t delete me, we still don’t talk much.
As far as I know Fredrex still runs the group, I haven’t talk to him in very long.
Nyx I still have added, but I don’t think I’ve talked to him since I was an admin.
Vero is still added, he streams sometimes and I drop in on his stream and say hi, he’s still a cool dude.
I tried to talk to Mothu, but he deleted my friend request a bit after I sent it, which didn’t surprise me.
Me and Arc stayed together for awhile past that, but we grew apart as time went on. He wasn’t a healthy person for me to be around, I believe the last time I spoke to him was when my dog died and I went to him for emotional support, and he really didn’t want to talk about it, he didn’t know how he could help. He would deleted me from social media awhile later as well, we never technically broke up, just stopped talking. When I was resetting up this Tumblr, I still had his added, he would use Tumblr much more than me, and his note said he didn’t have a boyfriend anymore and had a sad face. I also received a “Happy Birthday” message from what I assume is him last year, He doesn’t us Steam much anymore. Assuming I have the right person, he hasn’t been online in 22 days.
I ignored the birthday message. Maybe it was his idea of trying to contact me and talk? I don’t know but I didn’t, which maybe was a mistake, it would be interesting to see what he’s up to. but regardless, I hope he’s well.
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ask-de-writer · 2 years
THE PRICE OF AMBER : Part 4 of 23
This takes place shortly after MASTER SARGENT (RET.) WARRIN’S HEARTHWARMING
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Part 4 of 23
De Writer (Glen Ten-Eyck)
29012 words
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© 2022 by Glen Ten-Eyck
Inspired by a bit of silliness shared with
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That train was followed by a second, with a deeper whistle.  It was one of the Equestrian Defense Bureau's monster armored engines.  It had eight huge drive wheels propelled by two big double acting pistons on each side.  The fuel car and all of the cars behind it were armored as well.  The flat cars were loaded with enormous 200 cm mage mortars! There were over fifty cars in the train.
Returning to his seat and his dessert, Dawn Fire reflected that the apparent surprise declaration of war in court that morning might not have been very much of a surprise to the Princesses.  Or to Countess Arianne, either, come to think of it.
Over the next week, there was little news from County Corbiestep.  Dawn Fire awoke on the eighth day of his stay in Castle Canterlot to find, along side his morning tea and sweet biscuits, The Canterlot Crier.  
The headline proclaimed, “WAR!”  The stories told how forces launched through four passes in the Sunset Mountains of County Corbiestep in a daring night time strike, had already captured three war staging encampments and a major ammunition dump!  Arianne, Countess Corbiestep's forces were thirty kilometers into Prance and holding strategic supply routes by dawn.
Dawn Fire went to his favorite dining hall to have his breakfast.  The matre de was now well familiar with him and saw him to a table at once.  He exclaimed, “It is amazing news!  I mean, yes, the war was declared, but who would have expected so young a pony to strike so deeply into Prance?  I do wonder if Arianne can hold what she has taken?  Prance is a substantial nation.”
Dawn Fire replied, “Considering what she has already done, I would worry more about the freshness of the strawberries on the buttered oatmeal!  I think that this morning's Court will be fascinating.”
“Indeed, Sir.  Your server will be here immediately.”
While waiting on his breakfast, he was listening to the buzz of conversation around him.
“Total madness!  Do you know that I heard that her troops were firing MT84s and 40mm mage mortars from TREES!”
“Infantry should march to battle!  She is using captured TRAINS to haul them!”
“Emergency Military Teleport is supposed to be for EMERGENCIES!  I heard that she is using it to leapfrog over Prance positions with light artillery to strike them from behind in a cowardly fashion!  Besides, it is too short range to be much use in most situations.”
As Dawn Fire ate his eggs and oatmeal with coffee, he tried to figure out what the outrage was for.  It appeared that Arianne's unorthodox tactics were working!  Breakfast over, he quietly went to get a good balcony seat to wait for the morning Court.  He was not alone.  The balcony was nearly filled with mostly retired military ponies.
Even there, he overheard, “Sure, she's grabbed land with a surprise attack. Anypony could do that.  Can she hold it?  I think not.  Prance has many seasoned generals.  They will beat her back to the mountains by tomorrow.”
There was a stuttering thunder approaching the castle from the north.  It stopped suddenly.  Visible through one of the large north facing windows, a formation of pegassi carrying some sort of load glided down, landing out of sight.
There was much muttering among the nobles and military ponies in the galleries and down on the floor of the Court.  The Royal procession was late! That was nearly unheard of.
Shortly, the fanfare announced the tardy start of the Procession.  The cause for the delay was announced immediately after their Royal Highnesses, Princess Celestia and Princess Luna.  “Arianne, Countess Corbiestep, Commander of Equestria's Expeditionary Forces in Prance!”
As she took her place on the runner between the Thrones of the Princesses, just in front of the Empty Throne of the Queen, all could see that Arianne was in a plain infantry uniform, distinguished only by her pectoral of County.
Princess Luna whispered to her Herald who announced, “The normal business of this Court shall be delayed.  We have a current war situation report to be given by Force Leader Arianne, Countess Corbiestep who has come to us by Military Teleportation Transport.”
A large display type of magic net mirror was rolled in on wheels and set up where all the Court could see it.  As quickly as it was up, it displayed a map of Prance.
Arianne took a pointer in her magic and began, “Moving by night, we struck across Corbiestep Pass, the Candlestick, and Wethall Pass and through the rail line at Grimald Pass.  We had little trouble because Prance has had crews clearing the passes during the last four days in preparation for their planned invasion.  We simply hit first!
“By midnight, we had captured all three of their invasion staging camps. A great plus for us was taking their central ammunition depot intended to supply their invasion.  Since we got it, we have not needed to use any of our own ammo except for small arms and MT84s. Their small arms and ours do not match well and they have almost no MT84 portable cannons.  Their 40 and 60mm mage mortar ammo works very well in our weapons so we have been using it.”
She used the pointer to draw on the map.  “We secured this bridgehead 30 kilometers into Prance to protect the passes and give our reinforcements swift and safe passage.  As soon as it was secure, we sent flying units and Military Teleportation units carrying MT84s, 40 and 60mm mage mortars, ammo and gun crews to take all the railroad and road bridges along the Grimald River, from the Sunset Mountains west to the Grey Flow.  We also took the railroad border station at the Grimald Pass.  That is allowing us a direct railroad connection to Equestria, which has made our supply and reinforcement situation very favorable.
“These events have fully isolated the whole north eastern quarter of Prance. In a wedge from the Far Northern Dales in the north, to the Grimald River in the south, we are reducing the assorted bases and armories of Prance.  We are using their own excellent rail system to move our troops swiftly to every hard point for combat.
“When I left to give this report, we were holding 75 kilometers from the Sunset Mountains, west into Prance.  We estimate five more days to secure the whole captured area.
“We have taken 2,560 prisoners so far.”
She put down the pointer to a shocked silence from military and noble alike! No pony in history had waged such a massive and swift campaign against a modern and well equipped army.
Dawn Fire noticed that the already captured area included the entire Weird Wood.  He thoughtfully acknowledged the sheer brilliance of Princess Luna.  A possible route to the Weird Wood indeed!  He became sure that she already knew this was going to happen.
Without waiting to be recognized, the Ambassador of Prance was storming, “This is madness!  No pony can possibly have taken so large a swath of Prance in under a day!  To the Grey Flow it is more than 300 kilometers!  You have, by your own admission, only taken 75 kilometers!  Our Generals' counter attack will drive your insolence back into the Royal Gardens of this city!”
Arianne waited until he had run down before riposting, “I think not.  To effectively assault our positions, they will need to cross the Grimald River.  We hold all of the Grimald valley and its bridges and have lookouts in between them.  I have some reports of an attempt to bring massed troops against us for an assault.
“We let them approach to within 20 kilometers of the Highfold Road bridge. That is when we hit them with our 200 centimeter railroad mounted Mage mortars backed up by T Jumping  MT84 and mage mortar units preventing them from spreading out to lower their casualties.  Their retreat has showed them that our railroad guns have an accurate range of 50 kilometers.  Our troops were assessing Prance's losses, securing prisoners and taking reports of civilian casualties and damages from the battle when I left.”
Ears back and neck bowed in dismay, the Ambassador asked, “Why would you worry about civilian casualties and damage?  Is not reducing your enemy enough?”
Arianne looked compassionately at him for a few moments before responding gently, “I believe that your questions reveal the difference between our nations better than I could have stated them.”
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