#mlp stays winning
ltooz · 1 year
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I replaced him with raimbow dash
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frostharbourer · 8 days
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royally mandated egg-cracking
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heyy! i was hoping to request a percy x eris! reader.
like since eris is the goddess of strife everyone thinks the reader would be all dark and gloomy all the time, but reader is a literal ball of sunshine, complete opposite of what everyone says.
but just because reader’s personality is opposite of their mom it doesn’t mean they doesn’t use their powers. i was thinking they have the ability to create conflict, like during battle and stuff reader can make their opponents fight eachother.
following the creating conflict thing, i also think reader is very good at arguing. whether it be something small or big, they always win. this would drive the camp nuts with reader always getting their way. i think percy would secretly like this because he thinks reader deserves whatever they want and more
thank you!
Percy with Eris!Reader
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OOOOO ME LIKEEYYYY!!! The way i had a RUSH of inspiration reading this!
Has anyone watched that one mlp equestria girls movie about the sirens? And how they're music caused everyone to go against each other? Well this definitely reminded me of them lol
Also lowkey less centered around Percy SORRY😭😭😭😭😭 I was just so focused on baddie reader😔
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Despite there being very few children of Eris now, I feel like most people know of the destructive power her offsprings hold
There's even cautionary tales amongst half-bloods to leave an area where discord settles in human hearts unless you want to backstab your friends
Children of Eris have been known to lack empathy for others, preferring to watch as people tear each other part over the littlest of things
This had made them starting catalysts for wars back in the day, until Olympus decided 'reducing' Eris' children would be better for human-kind
Her children still roam the world though, spreading chaos and strife just by their mere presence
Now when Percy was told this information for his quest to retrieve one of Eris' children and bring them back to camp, he was not expecting reader to be such a bubbly person
Homeboy was ready to battle them and take them back to camp by force if he needed to, something he really didn't want to do, but he was very much confused and unsettled to see how different reader was to what he was told
Instead of being a dark brooding figure, taking delight in chaos you were creating, you sat by your lonesome, appearing upset with all the arguing and fighting happening around you
While people yelled at each other, you would try to help them settle down and make peace, though this would only cause louder arguing between everyone
Everywhere you went, you spread discord and strife amongst the people you passed
Couples on dates would find the smallest thing to nitpick their partners over, customers and workers would argue over the dumbest inconvenience that shouldn't have bothered anyone
It was as if you were the living embodiment of 'having a bad day'
So when he finally approaches you, he couldn't stop the fluttering in his heart at the sight of your bright smile!
You were kind and compliant when he told you of his quest, something he wasn't expecting at all
Percy was waiting for you to at least put up some fight but you never did. Instead you just followed him with a pep in your step, happily talking to him about any and everything
Reader's presence itself causes calamity, their aura affecting everybody near them. It's puts people in a trance
I feel like people would see reader as a bad omen, a source of bad luck to stay away from
This shows with their interactions with Percy!
He sees that you're a naturally friendly person, but you always seem a little desperate talking with him
Like you think that he's gonna leave once he knows how unforgiving your power truly is😔
When he sees you use your power for the first time against some monsters chasing you, it sort of clicks just how controlling you actually are
The monster once working together now clash against each other after only a few minutes of finding you both
You'd glare at them and flick your hands towards them, a wave of your discord hitting them head on
"You've messed with the wrong person, I will not tolerate this disrespect."
Even reader knows their own power and influence to cause strife within anything
Honestly this serves as a perfect distraction for any situation cuz any party involved is gonna be too busy to notice the two of you sneaking by them
Of course there are people who are able to resist readers influence, those who are powerful enough to clear their mind from them. Percy is included in this category
Once you settle in camp, most people avoid you for the most part even when you finally control your mother's given powers💔💔
You try to approach people with a friendly smile and positive attitude but I guess people get too wary
The cabin you would most get along with is Ares, no doubt
It's just nature for children of Eris and Ares to get along as the gods themselves have worked together in the past on many occasions
Percy still sticks close to your side though, always reassuring you when you feel like giving up on making any friends
I think campers would start approaching Eris!Reader more once they witness them arguing with Dionysus over a situation
Whether it be over something simple as a cancelled game of capture the flag, or sending people out on an important quest that cannot wait, it's clear that the argument is in readers favor
The god and demigod are both quick witted, making back and forth talk look as easy as breathing
Its obvious your natural power backs the wine god himself into a corner when he cant find another excuse for his decision
And really? He'll never win an argument against the god of strife and discord's child
He sees Eris' unforgiving gaze in your eyes
So he puffs his chest and mutters a few words before disappearing with a low, "It's your life, not mine."
Reader def gets brownie points from the camp for not backing down against Dionysus
Hell even Percy is cheering you on as everyone surrounds you
"You're so cool! I don't think i could ever speak like that to Dionysus of all people."
"Oh it was really nothing..."
"Come on, you got the big dog to agree with you! That's like, never heard of!"
I think everything would be smooth sailing from there
People know not to drag you into any fight/arguments cuz they know you'll win regardless
And if you do find yourself in one, you already know Percy is gonna be such a big instigator like bro go away LMAO💀
You two would get along so well since he's able to keep up with your quick remarks
And after everything you've been through, and how much he's helped you in changing your life, it's after one dinner night when you confess your growing feelings for the boy
He's gotten to know you for the person you are, not for the person people say you are
Percy knows you're more than just your mother's child, a vessel of discord
He knows that you’re a good-natured person at heart and you've poured your heart into fixing everything you cause destruction to
He happily accepts your feeling, awkwardly admitting he's felt the same for some time 😅(what a cutie patootie)
Honestly I see sm potential for Eris!Reader, especially if they were like an antagonistic character
They don't even have to get their hands dirty to have their enemies succumbing to them
Badass demigod with a badass boyfriend
What more could you ask for lol😜
He knows not to get into any fights with you cuz you will win in the end, whether you were right or not
The most he can do is put up a good fight😭
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Hii ♪⁠~⁠(⁠´⁠ε⁠`⁠ ⁠)
Can I request Danny with a shy darling?
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You were usually by yourself, which you'd think would make it easier for Danny to approach you
But it's like you have a 6th sense for when he's near and you take off
He sometimes thinks you're scared of him or something
But when he's ghost, you're like a different person
As Danny Fenton, you never approach him and barely speak a word to him
Though as previously state, when he sees you as a ghost, you're drawn to him and talk to him about everything [Like Fluttershy in MLP S1E1 when she's shy around Twilight, but talks a lot to Spike]
"What's it like to be a ghost?"
"How did you become a ghost?"
"Are you dead? Or are you like half dead? How does it work?"
You ask him a million questions and he wishes you would give him this same attention as Fenton
He'll sneak up to your room as a ghost, so he can talk to you normally
He can listen to you talk for hours, because he'll never get this chance again
He loves how soft spoken you are like an angel
You have a hard time telling people no, and Danny sometimes takes advantage of that, by staying past him welcome
He becomes more dominant in his demands as Fenton, wanting you to talk to him
He seeks you out and will trap you/corner you to talk to him
You're to nervous to tell him to leave you alone, but you eventually warm up to him
His friends are surprised when you come over to their table with Danny
But Danny is willing to do whatever it takes to win you over, no matter how shy you are
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rosypenguins · 10 days
🍃🌸Green Gang Headcanons!🌸🍃
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🩷Surprisingly a lot stronger than he seems. (Carries 40lb bags of gardening soil like it’s nothing.)
🩷Always really warm for some reason.
🩷Probably has terrible posture. Man is always hunched over.
🩷His hands are probably really shaky too. Even when he’s relaxed.
🩷Would 100% listen to Cavetown.
🩷Plays FPS games with Milly suprisingly. (Thank you @ratkingnezu for this one. 🙏)
🩷He probably secretly loves MLP. (And when Milly found out they definitely binged the series together.) (His favorite character’s Fluttershy.)
🩷Gives names to all his plants.
🩷Aurizzm King. 👑 (He’s literally so charming without even trying.)
🩷 Probably doesn’t know what a twink is. (But if he had it explained to him he’d probably unashamedly agree that he is a twink.)
🩷Would probably be more than comfortable wearing a skirt.
🩷“I need a kind of woman that’ll actually just kill me.”
🩷Needs reassurance 24/7. (Milly leaves him alone for two minutes. “She probably hates me…”)
🩷Terrified of rejection. (Literally avoids doing things just so he can’t be rejected.)
🩷Literally the whiniest person with the people he’s comfortable around.
🩷Finds ways to win arguments in the shower. (But clams up in any real confrontation.)
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🖤Probably gets mistaken as an adult a lot. (Everyone assumes he’s around 21-25.)
🖤95% of his wardrobe is just tracksuits. Man wears nothing else. (He’d totally wear one on a date or something and think nothing of it. 😭)
🖤Lifts 200lbs. “I’m gonna be so good at hugging.”
🖤Listens to a lot of heavy metal, but specifically the songs that have like the really soft vocals and absolutely insane drums.
🖤Oh but you know he also listens to Sabrina Carpenter whenever he goes jogging.
🖤Good at pretty much any sport he tries. (Even without any practice.)
🖤Probably likes his food really bland. Like he seasons nothing.
🖤Refuses to kill bugs if they get inside. Traps them in cups and takes them outside.
🖤Momma’s boy 100%.
🖤He’d be the type of boyfriend to overhear his partner off-handedly mention they’ve been craving strawberries, then go out to a strawberry field to pick only the finest of strawberries to bring home, wash, cut, and serve to his partner. (And then he says nothing about it afterwards.) (Man would be DEDICATED.)
🖤Physically incapable of talking to girls. (Or anyone he deems attractive really.)
🖤He’s one of those people that’ll just linger in the corners of social gathering for like two hours, surveying the vibes and conversations without realizing how creepy he’s coming off as, and only once he’s figured out the topic of discussing and how everyone’s feeling, he’ll try to blend into the conversation and not understand why everyone seems a little off-put by him.
🖤Has a really bad habit of just staring at people. (Probably likes people-watching in general.)
🖤The gardening club has a group-chat and Bradley refuses to talk in it. Like, the most he’ll do is send some Instagram reel of a cat, then go back to lurking for the next several months.
🖤Probably has that damn pineapple in his room still, which he talks to sometimes. 🍍
🖤Sometimes just leaves conversations without really saying anything. Like someone will be in the middle of talking and he’s just “-aight, I’m out.”
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💚She’s really bad about staying asleep. She tends to wake up at like 3:00am every other night, and since I like to imagine her and Dom share a room, she probably wakes him up sometimes.
💚Midnight snacker 100%.
💚She’s really quiet when she moves, so sometimes it seems like she just spawns in when she’s actually been standing there for several minutes. (She’s fully aware of this and likes using it to startle people.)
💚Along with spiders I think she’d like sharks too.
💚Loves being in the dark.
💚Sensitive to loud noises.
💚Her and Dom were always bringing bugs inside the house when they were younger.
💚Was obsessed with fairies when she was younger. But not the pretty Disney fairies. She liked the fairies from mythology that would curse people and steal names. (She’d pretend to steal Dom’s name all the time.)
💚Also had a Warrior Cats phase. (She had a whole medicine cat OC and can still name all the herbs used in the books.)
💚Doesn’t really get mad often, but when she does she’s terrifying. (Even Dom get’s a little on-edge.)
💚Really bad at reading facial expressions and social cues. Unless something is directly stated she’s going to be very confused.
💚Neither her nor Dom have a single pair of normal white socks. They always have to be brightly colored, or have fun patterns on them.
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🧡When he first saw Ratatouille, it became his whole personality for like a month. (He still refers to every rat as Remy.)
🧡Probably watches Dragon Ball.
🧡Really likes Squishmallows.
🧡One of those people who wants like literally every animal as a pet. (Despite being fully aware that many of the animals he wants very well might kill him.)
🧡Probably still afraid of the dark. (And keeps a night-light in his bedroom.)
🧡Very accident-prone. (And has probably broken several bones before.)
🧡Pan. (And absolutely terrible at flirting.)
🧡He’s surprisingly good at reading people, but only because he knows what patterns and smaller details to look for. (He’s a little better with social cues than Faye, but not by much.)
🧡Cuts his own hair. Thinks hairstylists are a scam.
🧡Probably draws on his shoes.
🧡I like to think the sweater he wears is actually too small for him. (Considering the sleeves cut off a little short.) He outgrew it last year but he’s emotionally attached to it so he refuses to wear anything else.
🧡Had a Wings of Fire phase. (Is probably still in said phase.)
🧡Looks at obviously hot object. “Hm, I wonder if this is hot.” Places hand on hot object to check. Shocked when it burns him.
🧡Him and Faye always had to pull out the measuring tape whenever they were told to split something.
🧡He’s probably a lot more protective of Faye than he lets on. (He’s probably older by like, 5 minutes and refuses to let Faye forget that.)
🧡Left-handed. (Not really a headcanon I just wanted to point this out. If you go back to the first episode of the spin-off you can see Dom’s pencil’s on his left side. He later uses his left hand to spin the pencil around, too.)
🧡He likes stealing Elliot’s glasses to see how bad Elliot’s vision is.
🧡Him and Faye have oddly good senses of smell.
🧡The biggest baby when he’s sick. (Yet he actively refuses to take medicine.)
🧡Probably a secret anarchist.
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bear-boi-5 · 3 months
Master Post
remaking this shit
G-Day mate! You can call me Bear, Beary or Soy, doesn't bother me :3
Some info to get to know me :]
-I use She/Her or She/They, idm :3
-I'm Australian
-I enjoy Fandoms like FNAF, Minecraft, Pac-Man, Super Mario, Super Smash Bros, Pokemon, Cuphead, Danganronpa, South Park, Pikmin, TADC, Hazbin/Helluva, SMG4, Baldi's Basics, TF2, MLP, Sonic, Tyke and Sons and Fairly OddParents
-I'm the creator of the Shroomy/Anti X Karen ship, ShroomKitty (since I have never seen it done before and I can only presume I created it)
-I have a sona called Soy (my pfp)
-#Please I'm lonely is used for ramblings
-If I say I don't like a ship personally, then that doesn't mean I'll attack you for liking it. If you like say MxM, then go ahead, just don't make it weird or force it onto others, including me. If you ship gross/illegal shit then stay 10 million kilometres away from me
I have created AUs such as
Pikmin: Other AU
TADC: The Spectacular Digital Studio
Pac-Man: (no name yet I just have a Pac-Man AU)
Super Mario RPG: King Mallow AU
Smg4: Viral Virus, Meme Plaza and Smg3, I shrunk our friends, Break the Cycle, Smg3 Wins and Never Bit
MLP: The Apple Core Plague
TF2: Double Trouble
FNAF: FNAF AU (no name again)
Tyke and Sons Lumber Co: Your Fault
Fairly OddParents: A New Wish AU (no name again again)
-Anything fucking nasty
-People who force beliefs onto people
-People who force ships onto people
-People who demand art from a creator, please don't ever do that, the artist owns you nothing
-People with gross fetishes/kinks, I don't want to hear it thanks
Oc Ref:
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Here's the link to my old Master Post for all my important information regarding Viral Virus
And here's my Alt account if you want to ask or dare Viral Virus :3
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sugarywishes · 1 year
In regards to the whole Gregory is GGY thing, I'm just blue screening since if that's true, Gregory is apparently what, 15 to 16 years old by the time SB starts for some reason?
Stares at the child
You telling me this eight year old looking tot is 16??
Nevermind how he even got brainwashed to begin with, or even broke free (since neither are even mentioned "at all"), I'm just...what?? XD
But as for the actual question. Cassie and Gregory friendship headcanons? Any you might have?
oh my God I GENUINELY FORGOT that people think he's actually a teen in SB 😭😭
Like sure, there are definitely teenagers who are...puberty deficient. (Aka those small ass teens who still look like they can pass as trick or treaters even at age 17) but even then at SOME point they're bound to properly hit puberty, if we are to presume he's like 15-or 16, okay. HE'S STILL SMALL! He likely doesn't have the strength of an almost grown man BECAUSE OF HIS BODY MASS! Just drop kick him I don't understand how these grown guidance counselors died 😭😭
And you raise up a good point, how DID he get brainwashed? I'm gonna also assume Fazbear Entertainment didn't let a minor beta test this game (because of legal issues or such) so how did it happen? And HOW DID HE EVEN GET OUT ACTUALLY?? Was it the power of friendship like Ruin implies is now CANON TO FNAF?? (GlamFred had to sing 'A true friend' from MLP to save Gregory trust me I know /j)
Speaking of friends, let's get into the hcs!
Cassie and Gregory Friendship Headcanons!
(I know I usually put emojis here but I couldn't think of any atm :( I'll edit this later)
- They both already didn't even have friends before they met eachother, mostly because Gregory was homeless but for Cassie it's just cause she was surrounded by some FAKE ASS BESTIES 💔💔
- So they quickly got attached to eachother lmao
- Cassie and Gregory would've totally done makeovers and nails (probably during Cassie's bday at the Glamrock Salon) (I'm sure if they older she'll start using him as a test dummy for makeup ideas 😭)
- speaking of them getting older, I know it's (probably?) A popular hc that they would get romantically involved. But I just don't see it, they will stay as a bestie unit 😎
- if they did to trick or treating together, they'd do duo costumes. But not like the fictional best friend costumes like Sonic and Tails or Mario and Luigi (sometimes yes) but they'd do the rival duo costumes!! Like Sonic and Shadow or Batman and Joker, they just think it's funny
- They'd also do candy trading (Gregory loves chocolate and Cassie loves sour candy!!)
- They would totally play fighter games in the arcades like Mortal Kombat or Street Fighter just to battle eachother 😭 Cassie spams buttons and Gregory actually finds certain moves to use to win (it ends up being a 50/50 tie for them usually)
Thanks for asking! If you want more just ask!!
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lolotheparagon · 1 year
Every MLP G3 Special In a Nutshell
A Charming Birthday: A bunch of ponies construct a 50 ft tall friendship bracelet for the village hermit's birthday cos she've never been surprised before. I think that would surprise anyone tbh.
Dancing in the Clouds: Two ponies ride a rollercoaster, immediately get inspired to do a dance routine and then GOD APPEARS to summon butterflies to make the ponies fly. Cos why dance in a routine when you can cheat?
Friends are Never Far Away: This is the first time I've seen in a kids cartoon where the main characters meet indigenous people with the offering of friendship and not colonisation and seizing their land. Funny how MLP G4 completely spat on that idea.
The Princess Promenade: A pony becomes princess because she was given a flower by a stinky old lizard...oh and she also has to organise a flower parade as well because a pixie couldnt do it....Nah, being a princess is boring, let's make everyone princesses!
A Very Minty Christmas: Minty's OCD caused her to break a magic candy cane and thinks she's ruined Christmas for everyone so she goes on a perilous journey to fix things when all her friends want is her to be home. Awww.
The Runaway Rainbow: A unicorn filly who's a part of The Rainbow Justice League is teleported to Ponyville, spends a day rolling around in mud and eating cake and then says im tired i wanna go home. Oh and this filly is apparently a vital element of nature because without her making rainbows, THE COLOURS OF THE WORLD ARE FADING THIS IS A SIGN OF THE END TIMES
The Ladybug Jamboree: Pinkie has a brain blast that makes all her band members play successfully for the first time...moments before they go on stage
Greetings from Unicornia: Rainbow Dash and Rarity fuck around in a castle for a few minutes
Come Back Lily Lightly: A unicorn is scared of being judged because her horn lights up when she giggles... I have no idea what kind of metaphor this is supposed to be.
Two for the Sky: A lesbian couple desperately want to fly. They get their wish but they quickly hate it cos they cant sleep together with those giant wings in the way.
Positively Pink: The ponies pink-ify the entire town for Pinkie Pie's birthday but realise they just wasted a whole day because her birthday's not until tomorrow.
Pinkie's Special Day: Oh so this is what they did for her birthday: they gave her a clipshow! Wow, that's cheap. That's like the giftcard equivalent of birthday surprises.
Star Song and the Magic Dance Shoes: Starsong and Pinkie try to do a dance routine without their shoes but realise its they cant dance without them. THE SHOES ARE A CRUCIAL ELEMENT IN DANCING WHERE'S THE SPARKLY PINK SHOES?!
Pinkie Pie's Party: Pinkie Pie has an anxiety attack during a trip about party and then goes to speedrun prepare for a party. Then her friends decide to make a party out of preparing for a party. Yknow Ponyville can make even paying taxes sound like a party.
Rainbow Dash's Party: Dash hosts a hat fashion show for all her friends where she likes everyones hats so much, she lets them all win. Even though one clearly should’ve won. I mean come on, Starsong’s has functioning piano notes on it. Do you know how much wiring goes into that? No, in fact Toola Roola's should win, its got the best motif and why arent easel-style berets a thing yet? Im way too into this. Lets carry on.
Cheerilee's Party: The ponies have a sleepover where they refuse to go to sleep. Hey, why dont we let Crane tell the scary stories. That'll help them stay awake.
Scootaloo's Party: Scootaloo hosts a sports day party for her friends and they decide to give her the trophy. Awww.
Starsong's Party: A pony gets stage fright about singing on stage but her friends encourage her to try anyway at a concert and whilst the pony is singing off stage, the curtains go up, revealing her talented voice to the world. And then G4 remade this plot into someone's nervous breakdown.
Toola-Roola's Party: Toola Roola spends a whole day waiting for her friends' painted plates to finish drying cos she doesnt know what a kiln is. Then she gets them mixed around cos the namecards are lost when its clearly obvious which is which. What a disaster horse.
Sweetie Belle's Party: The ponies put their own ideas for a cake into one batter, end up making something that even Buddy the Elf would have a heart attack and then Sweetie Belle suggests making them into a cake with separate layers….that’s still gonna taste like shit.
Twinkle Wish Adventure: A dragon steals a star Pokemon from the ponies because she thinks its a toy and by her logic, will help her get more friends. And then the ponies sing about how great their friendship is. Girls, she stole your property. Punch her.
Waiting for the Winter Wishes Festival: This is literally just a deleted scene from Twinkle Wish adventure. If you want to see Scootaloo fumble around doing a holiday tiktok dance, here it is.
Sweetie Belle's Gumball House Surprise: The core 7 ponies spend 5 minutes searching for Sweetie Belle in her house via scavenger hunt only to find she's just in the backyard. The little gremlin.
Pinkie Pie's Ferris Wheel Adventure: Pinkie creates/manages an entire theme park by herself just for her friends to visit. Pinkie, where did you get the money to create this theme park? Are you a rich kid? Do you have a trust fund?
So Many Different Ways To Play: Baby Scootaloo is just pure chaotic gremlin mode and drives her sister and her friend ragged. This is the content I want to see.
Over Two Rainbows: The baby ponies find out baby Sweetie Belle has god-like powers but just wants to have a dress up party. AND APPARENTLY BABIES ARE MADE WHEN TWO RAINBOWS FUCK
The World's Biggest Tea Party Live: It's weird to see me watch this without 3 ex-bronies screeching at the screen for how 'cringeworthy' it is and then go completely off the rails to talk about Tumblr memes and have nipple fights.
....Oh yeah, the plot of the show is that Pinkie and Minty have a miscommunication boo-boo and now their tea party's fucked cos they aint got a teapot. Then they ask the audience to summon a giant teapot with the Tea-necronomicon. There was much rejoicing
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nin-jay-go · 2 months
oh we're just starting off in the administration huh
sora?????? and arin??????? breaking in?????
look at themmmm being ninja ;w;
jay's missing???????? hello????????????????
is the master jay. that'd be so funny
"i can't believe she wasn't waving her designated vapor-dispelling papers"
dragons descending
nokt's voice is cool
OH..... SHE'S DEAD.....
oh hi rapton good to know you've gone freelance
HE'S AN MLP FAN JHSGFCDKJHASKJSGF wait. this is confirming unicorns exist. MY QIRINS CAN BE REAL
oh shit a source dragon died? yiiiikes
wyldfyre.... girlie.............
oh god they are so bad at stealth
zane so busy all the time
jay out here destroying source dragons for fun not clickbait
oh is geo not here? friend: he's staying home to look after the kids
can't they just like. provide proof that they got a mission from the source dragons?????
elemental master of ceremonies!
he's a little bit cringe
frak ;w;w;w; youre so cute
AND THE BALL DROPS. they finally used the same element as one of my ocs 😔 sorry teri but ig you have an actual canon one now
very interesting that roby's outfit is the same colors as chen's coat
jay wins it, calling it now
ohhhhhhhh zantans is the new nature master!
DEMONS????? DAVONIANS.........
omg he's bilingual
HELLO????? WHO ARE YOU??????????
really enjoying the fight choreography
ohhhh it was a droid
paws :3 he's a kitty kitty
if frak's master is jay i'm gonna scream. i miss him
sighs. 13 year olds.
oh hey geo did come! nice
friend: cole your mom had a gundham! me: she has two!
frak :( come onnnnn
O_O guy on throne.....
master of reflex??? zur?????
that was. fast
elemental transition? 🏳️‍⚧️
she's well-hydrated!
oh god she's fighting JAY OH THERE HE FUCKING IS
oh he just fucking woke up there huh
and i will always hate you
oh the throne person's a woman? love wins
nyaaaa :((((
i dont think jay's been sent away btw. i think he's still around
ohhhh no arin
NO NO NO NO NO NO NO [excited]
reverse the merge.....
arin: lloyd's never gonna believe that his master caused the merge, i can't tell him! us two: he will. he's done worse without meaning to.
noooo euphrasia :((((
why does frak sound like robin
hi nokt
....now i'm thinking about marchosias jay......
vr experience slash gift shop....oh arin buddy this is NOT the person to ask about roby
oh so they're retconning lloyd's element as life instead of energy?????? hello??????
oh figment is a GOOD power name
that. is a horrible fix guys
HE'S IN A COMA??????
we took an intermission and chatted about what we think is up with jay. i think that jay being away is a mission for him to gain back ras' trust in taking down the ninja, or he's just being kept in reserve just in case
of course lloyd would know how to use wind....
EVIL WOMAN !!!!!!!
oh zur's voiced by paul dobson. neat!
oh wait is reflex just the renamed speed element? or are they different
augh poor roby :( doesn't understand that his uncle is EVIL
nooo whattttt? rigged? can't be /s
oh those are giant claw arms
soul yoinked!
i know the truth about this universe.....
jay's power went in a WEIRD direction
bye wuost
oh this was fun this was soooo fun
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abarero · 3 months
Pick your Fave of my Faves!
Challenge: make a poll with five of your all time favorite characters, and then tag five people to do the same.
Tagged by @harocat and for fun- I went with my fave “villains” even if they don’t all stay villains. 😈
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dash-n-step · 1 year
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Why is Huntress Wizard's Fionna and Cake AU version Big Mcintosh from MLP?
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Also, whatever his deal is, it seems like Cake is teasing Fionna about him, judging by the shapeshifted ponytail
so Finntress fans stay winning?
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marsti · 2 months
i kinda wanna redo a take on a concept for one of my oldest characters... abby was was a RP character i played in a lot of different settings when i was like 13-18. her deal was that she was basically this really shitty person, who believed she could never improve, who erased her own memories (or repressed them REALLY hard) to give herself a second chance because she didnt want to be evil but didnt see a way out of it at this point. she couldnt bear to be herself. but obviously the thing here is this was never gonna work because when you have amnesia all you wanna do is remember who you were.
she was always a really hurt character. a thing that carried over in all her iterations was that she couldnt have children but longed for motherhood, she wanted a family more than anything. i always made her an outsider in some physical way that she had to hide too. in most humanoid settings, she was born with a facial difference and wore a mask. as an MLP character, she was a changeling-pony hybrid who stayed in pony form all the time. etc etc
so anyway her stories all ended with her realising that trying to be "good" just meant playing into standards that were never meant to include her and taking her place as the secret major antagonist. real girlboss shit. and then shes imprisoned or dies and the heroes win or whatever.
obviously this is because in all settings i was playing a twist villain and the other players had to win but like... she rejects the world that rejected her and then what? she fucking dies? what kind of bullshit is that. she should have won. she deserved to destroy the world. justice for abby.
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MLP Rewrite AU - Rainbow Rocks (if you haven't done it already)
Okay okay okay I did do a kinda rewrite? Or at least more re: Sunset's POV.
Most of my Lore Changes were in the Sirens themselves by making them normal creatures not, ya know, ancient monsters.
So like. Sirens are an aquatic race of ponies(yes I know I have to figure out how they differ from the movie fuckery I'll come to that later.) Sirens' Magic is a similar combination of both Changelings and Dragons.
They are similar as Changelings in that they 'feed' on an emotion. In this case, Desire. Their Magic Songs bring Desires to the forefront and the emotions others give off funnels into them. But like Dragons, they have a Berserker Mode in which they get stuck in a loop of needing more and more. For Dragons it's Greed fueling their want of items, for Sirens it's once again Desire and spiraling from whatever they originally wanted into just more and more power.
An important thing to note is that their Magic does not actually control others. It only brings Desire to the forefront and makes it quite hard to ignore. So yes people will let their Desire to win a competition drive them to cheat and sabotage the competition, and it would drive them to adore the pretty new girls with oh so much talent, but they wouldn't blindly follow any order given if it's something they truly don't want to do.
Re: the Immortal thing: They're not the same Sirens that Starswirl vanquished. They're a totally separate trio who ended up in Berserker Mode and were tossed through the Portal when they became a threat, hoping this world would not have enough Magic for them to cause harm(haha..... yeah. Tia doesn't /fully/ know everything about the Human Realm.)
Main plot would stay mostly the same but GOD give me Sunset and Flash talking about shit and becoming friends again!!!! I know they sorta did it eventually but Flash is always stuck in Sexy Lamp territory let him have character damn it!!
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dapper-lil-arts · 15 days
I think someone asked you this already, but what are your thoughts on the legion of doom (Chrysalis, Tirek and Cozy Glow), do you think Sombra and Storm King should have been a part of them? Do you wish Grogar wasn't Discord in disguise? What would you do if you wrote the ending of the end and would you redeem the legion of doom?
Also, would you like for the legion of doom to return for a G5 comic or should they stay in stone? Also also, do you think the real Grogar should show up as a G5 villain trying to reclaim the Bewitching Bell from Sunny?
Personally I'm not fan of the legion of doom just bc like... Cozy glow is baby, Tirek is a one note villan, and Chrysalis is waaaaayy too good to be like this lmao Tirek as a magic eater leech is not only a way too overdone thing in mlp (I wouldnt mind it if it was just him) but also smth that just is kind of boring when applied to any combat scenario, theres no fight, he just sucks the enemies off and boom thats a win. Then they get a bell from grogar that does the exact same thing? Sheesh. Cozy glow is a child you know where I stand, she never should have been a villan THAT big to actually endanger all magic, she should have been a school rival and thats it tbh. I woulda been ok if she was a racist baby Also although Chrysalis siding with other villans doesnt seem impossible, I feel like her ego is way too large for her to be anything other than a leader in that situation, even if she isn't the strongest-- Like how she butts head with the mean 6s twilight because both were too self centered to let another lead them, heh. She's super damn good even by herself, and she is absolutely NOT strong enough to be fighting all of the mane 6 or all of the princesses lmao (Which is why I wrote her to consider celestia her nemesis and want her attention and time everytime lmao. girls will antagonize other queens and engage them in combat for an excuse to touch them) Also no, I don't think I wanted grogar to be real, because just saying "Oh fuck this guy is super dangerous a thousand years ago trust me" isn't as effective as they'd thing. He might have worked better as a flashback villan for other heroes like celestia and the pillars to fight! I dont think he fits as a villan from g5 and I sure as hell don't need the legion of doom to return, the comics have wonderful stories for chrysalis already and that's all I need
If there's any reason I wished discord wasnt disguising himself as grogar it was just because his plan was deranged and dangerous and unecessary
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Scootaloo for Most Orangest
Hello, I am Roman Artificialkidspoll and today I'm going to tell YOU why you should be voting for Scootaloo for most orangest in the @orangecharactersmackdown.
First of all, look at her:
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Look how orange she is! And it's such a nice shade of orange too! Like obviously you can't go wrong with any shade of orange but I'm very partial to that particular range of oranges, the ones that are REALLY orange, like this is a PURE shade of orange.
But on top of that, she also has purple mane and tail. Purple and orange go SO well together, like Loxley and Bagel. You can't miss!
Another reason you should vote for her is because she has a cool scooter that she uses to do sick tricks and stunts.
Like so!
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Continued under the cut cause this got uh. Long.
In fact, someone was kind enough to make a whole compilation!
Also, she likes Rainbow Dash SO much, and Rainbow Dash likes her too! From her introduction onward she was always Rainbow Dash's biggest fan, but over the course of the series Rainbow Dash came to really like her SO much in return, even going so far as to become SCOOTALOO'S biggest fan (apart from me, of course). She even agreed to take Scoot under her wing and be her big sister figure, because she thinks Scootaloo is neat! (See below)
And she takes her role SERIOUSLY because she loves Scootaloo and wants her to be happy and awesome (you should want this too, and express it by voting for her)
Here are some other facts about Scootaloo:
She lives in Ponyville with her lesbian aunts because her parents are adventurers and always off on adventures. At one point she gets the chance to go back to living in Cloud City with them but decides to stay in Ponyville because that's where her loved ones all are!
She's disabled (see above video). This was actually pretty clear from early on but they actually CANONIZED it in a later season, at which point I promptly lost my mind because I didn't think they'd ever say it out loud. Her wings are too small to support her in flight, but she's able to adapt to it with the support of her friends and family, because she's AWESOME. See: sick tricks and stunts.
She and the other Cutie Mark Crusaders got their cutie marks in season five, and not only did their cutie marks mark out their special talents and purpose, they also marked them as BEST FRIENDS. Imagine best friending so hard that your MARK OF DESTINY decides that being best friends is your destiny.
Oh look here's her cutie mark
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She has her, Sweetie Belle's, and Apple Bloom's mane and tail colors as the stripes. You WISH you were as cool and bound with your friends as she is.
Here she is as flower girl in the royal wedding. Ignore how grumpy the bride looks, she's actually an evil changeling queen disguised as Princess Cadance. The real Cadance is much nicer.
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Here's another one where she's wearing a pretty dress. Note that she is once again complementing her lovely orange with purple!
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Here she is as a Merpony!
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Oh my god she's so cute I'm going to die
Here's her experiencing magically induced teenagerhood (and also having an even cooler mane style)
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Here she is all grown up teaching school!
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Even as a grown up she's superbly orange uwu
Here's her aunts. See how much they love her? ;A;
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And her parents~! Wait, who did she get that lovely orange coat from? 🤔
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Here's a sad Scootaloo. She's sad because she has to leave Ponyville, but this is also how she'll look if she doesn't win most orangest.
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Don't do that to her, what's wrong with you?
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Anyway in conclusion you should vote for Scootaloo for most orangest because she is CLEARLY the best and cutest and most orangest candidate.
I'll close this out with a MLP fansong about Scootaloo
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ponysongbracket · 10 months
Worst MLP Song: Results of Round 2
Long post, many stats
The three biggest landslides were Snips and Snails Rap (78.77%, 115 to 31 votes), 'Cloudsdale's Anthem' sung by Spike (81.62%, 222 to 50 votes), and You Got to Share, You Got to Care (82.33%, 233 to 50 votes).
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You Gotta Share and Snips and Snails Rap went up against actual songs, which is a big (dis)advantage even if the songs are mid. Spike's Cloudsdale Anthem managed to pull these numbers despite going against a songlet (from Pinkie nonetheless!)
The three closest matches were Friends Are Always There For You beating School of Friendship (52.7%, 70 to 78 votes), Hop Skip And Jump Song beating Rainbow (50.74%, 67 to 69 votes), and It's a Pony Kind of Christmas beating Piggy Dance (50.5%, 101 to 99 votes).
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Two matches came within just 2 votes. Also note how Rainbow only barely lost to a songlet (that they deliberately made worse in production). Pretty bad showing for even a mid song, we really hate Sia.
The average win margin this round was 64.45%
The biggest upset was Scootaloo's First Draft (criticized in-show) beating Rappin Hist'ry of the Wonderbolts (5 submissions)
Last round, there were 2 songs (Magic Inside and Rainbow) that had won Round 1 in their tournaments. Both were defeated here, so the bracket is now just the losers (plus Scootloo's Draft and Happy Flowers, which were never in a tournament before this)
Here's how many songs entered and progressed by season
Season 1: 5 | 4 Season 2: 2 | 0 Season 3: 1 | 1 Season 4: 3 | 1 Season 5: 4 | 2 Season 6: 3 | 1 Season 7: 2 | 1 Movie   : 1 | 0 Season 8: 2 | 0 Season 9: 1 | 1 Equestria Girls: 6 | 4 Other: 2 | 1
And by character
Pinkie : 9 | 5 Mane 6 : 4 | 3 Spike : 3 | 1 CMC* : 2 | 2 Twilight : 2 | 0 Fluttershy : 1 | 1 Rarity : 1 | 0 Student 6 : 1 | 0 Rainbow Dash: 1 | 0
*Neither of these songs are the three of them singing as a group. Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle each have a song individually. Apple Bloom stans stay winning
I was correct in my prediction that the two songs entering round 2 that I had saved would both be eliminated. My 11-year-old self, on the other hoof, still has a song they saved in the tournament. Like I said last time, I think it's semifinalist material, so it's not going away anytime soon.
Round 3 starts tomorrow
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