#mlp flitter flutter
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nextgenfoals · 26 days ago
Mayor Flitter Flutter from twinkle wish and Petunia Petals (g4)
Rosy Maple is an entomologist! She’ll talk your ears off about all the cool insects she finds. Honestly, she’ll talk to you about anything- she loves having company!
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~ Mod Ace ♥️
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hermajestyladybird08 · 1 year ago
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Mayor Flitter Flutter, in her prime
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pollie-pockets · 5 months ago
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Windy wing pony transparents
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charmsponies · 4 months ago
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mlp-toy-archive · 2 years ago
Gen 1 Summerwing Ponies
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Little Flitter & Lady Flutter
1987, Winger Ponies, Year 6
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crisp-sweet-pink-lady · 2 years ago
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Still the best joke in this whole special.
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ponydoodles · 4 years ago
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🐝🌸🌼 Summer days are breezy, we can take it easy… 🌼🌸🐝
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normaleeinsane · 3 years ago
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I got a new pony, G1 Summer wing pony, Little Flitter. ^v^
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diamond-song42 · 4 years ago
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Card Shark 121: Flitter, Flutterer
Happy Christmas Eve and welcome back to Card Shark! I’ve been hard at work on my new site... which means the Holiday Dumpster Fire Card-a-Thon is going to continue into the new year! I can’t wait for you all to see the grand new site when it is complete. For now, as I await Santa’s arrival, I focus on a High Magic card that may, unfortunately, be on the naughty list this year. Let’s take a look at “Flitter, Flutterer!”
I know I’m definitely on a couple naughty lists since I’m featuring this card in the Holiday Dumpster Fire Card-a-Thon. 3 AT and 2 Pink req nets you this 2 power Pink Friend. High Magic has a series of Friends that you can Immediately banish from your hand to temporarily reduce the play requirements of your cards by 2 of a certain color - this card is Pink’s version. But you can play her, too: in fact, when she enters play, you dismiss each opposing Friend in her area with 1 printed power or less. If you’re unaware, printed power is the raw power on the card - for example, this Flitter card has 2 printed power. At first glance, this may not seem like a very useful ability. While there are a lot of decks with at least one Friend with 1 printed power, paying 3 AT to dismiss 1-3 power may be too expensive. But you may be thinking about the wrong type of Friend. Back when I used to heavily play Blue/Pink, I realized the novelty of this card when I dropped it at a Problem with a handful of Token Friends. Arguably the most popular Token Friends in the game (at least right now) all have 1 printed power (Unicorns, Critters, and Earth Ponies). And Flitter can absolutely annihilate them. Thanks to the specification of printed power, Flitter can bypass cards like Conductor’s Baton that boost the power of certain cheap, low-power Friends and Holder’s Boulder, Key Stone that try and protect Token Friends from potentially more common ailments such as frightening. And what’s worse for your opponent is that unlike other dismissed Friends, they can’t get back their Token Friends unless they generate more. Token Friends may be able to be dismissed, but they won’t be going into the discard pile! And that’s not to say this is truly only applicable to Token Friends - if they’re at a Problem, Friends like Pillar of Strength, Tymbal, Guard Geese, Brian, Tri-Horned Bunyip, Delivery Mare, Shoeshine, Living to Laugh, Cover to Cover, any of the Cutie Mark-able or Breeziefied Mane 6, and many more can be scared away by Flits. That’s a frightening pink bow right there.
This is the part where I really get condemned to the naughty list. Let’s start with the first part, which is the ability to be banished to reduce color play requirement. It has... not aged great. Banishing any of these Friends only reduces play requirements until the end of the turn they are banished - temporary reductions that require banishing seem a bit... lackluster when cards like The Fire of Friendship, Rainbow Generator, and Motivational Speech now exist. As for the second half of the card? Sweet Celestia, this is so niche it isn’t funny. Seriously. When I ran Flutterer in my Blue/Pink deck, I did it just for the banishing aspect (this was before The Fire of Friendship existed). Other than one or two chance occasions, the ability to dismiss opposing Friends with 1 printed power or less was virtually useless to me. And in today’s metagame, it is unbelievably easy to generate and regenerate Token Friends. Just look at some of the decks that like to flex Bodyguard, Equine Escort or Critter Choir, Cheerful Chirpers. I can’t count the number of Unicorn Tokens I’ve seen Bodyguard generate in a single match. Unless you managed to block access to any discard piles, retrieving any non-Token Friends with 1 or less printed power is easier than it sounds. There’s this new card called Mrs. Cake, Pastry Panic that allows you to effectively replace certain Pink Friends... it’s not pretty when you’re on the receiving end of it. I appreciate you, Flits, but you’re being featured in the Holiday Dumpster Fire Card-a-Thon for a reason.
Here’s a few more cards looking for just the right flap:
*Party Hat. It’s the “Oops! All Resources” edition of my suggestion list! Party Hat was one of my staples when I used to run dismissal decks. You attach it to a Friend, and when any other opposing Friend is dismissed, the Party Hatted Friend is also dismissed! With this, Flitter can both wipe out a 1 or less printed power Friend and a Friend with any power as long as that Friend has a Party Hat. Of course, it isn’t just good for Flitter dismissing - it works with more traditional dismissers such as Pinkie Pie, Party Cannoneer and Belly Flop as well. Like with all Resources (and this is true for the other Resources on this list), beware of the Resource removal that may squash the fun.
*Somnambula’s Blindfold. If you’re using Flutterer, then chances are she’s not your only dismissal trick. For those other dismissal tricks, the dreaded Blindfold comes in handy. The Blindfold blocks players from searching or peeking at the top card in decks and stops cards from leaving discard piles. That means when you dismiss a non-Token Friend with the Blindfold in play, your opponent can’t use anything like Discord Pile or Redeeming Qualities to get that Friend back into play. Keep in mind that the Blindfold does go both ways - if you want to search your deck for anything or use a Discord Pile of your own, you’ll have to do away with your Blindfold first.
*Friendship Express. The obligatory New Dawn card of the Shark isn’t the most popular new Resource, but I think it could hit hard when circumstances are perfect. Hitching a ride on the Friendship Express gives any and all Friends in your hand Hasty, allowing you to play them Immediately... as long as you spend one additional AT. And I know some decks that can save up to 12-15 AT before making their move! Using this with Flits is probably the most obscure, crazed idea on this list, namely because I can already picture the look of devastation in your opponents’ eyes as they set up a bunch of Tokens to confront a Problem or challenge a Troublemaker or whatever and then Flitter comes in for 4 AT and all hell breaks loose.
Thanks for reading another Dumpster Fire edition of Card Shark! I may have another Shark out tomorrow (it remains to be seen depending on the Christmas Day activities I decide to indulge myself in), but whenever the next one comes out, I promise it will feature a Marks in Time Resource that may have been more threatening in the show than it is in the game. Come back next time to see what Resource it is! Diamond out!
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heckyeahponyscans · 5 years ago
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“The Wonderful Wayzgoose”, G1 My Little Pony comic #80 
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birthisland · 5 years ago
i once had a fantasy downloadable roleplaying game called ‘well of souls’ where you could create a custom world and there were 8 elements for spells in the game so i changed them, and since i was in a my little pony phase i made them all the core 7 ponies from g3.5 but since there were 8 and not 7 i made one of the elements ‘mayor’ (for a minor character in the movie) and all the spells were changed to be about politics
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nostalgiamare · 3 years ago
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YEAR: 2009
DESCRIPTION: The final G3 movie in the MLP franchise and the only G3.5 movie. This movie was made in promotion of the new side generation, when G3 had transitioned to its change of marketing to garner more sales. The story being that the Core 7 (Pinkie Pie, Rainbow Dash, Scootaloo, Sweetie Belle, Starsong, Toola Roola and Cheerilee) must rescue a wishing star named Twinkle Wish from a dragon after accidentally being released from a box, or else the Winter Wishes Festival will be ruined.
1: Still reflecting on how this whole conflict would’ve never happened if Scootaloo hadn’t opened the box-
2: Toola Roola is my queen.
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3: Sweetie Belle: Wanna cookie?
Mayor Flitter Flutter: Oh! No thank you! I’m watching my figure.
Scootaloo: ...Watching it do what?
LINK TO SOURCE: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=euT_FP3p0-0
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