mlovesstories · 5 years
Warnings: MAJOR STUFF! physical abuse, verbal abuse, cussing, s14 spoilers, Robin from Props
Words: 2500
Summary: Jensen messes around too much on set.
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“Yadira, here.”  Robin handed the actress her character, Kaia’s, spear.  “Don’t let the boys have it until the script calls for it. Poke them with it if you have to, got it?” Robin raises a brow.
“Yes, ma’am.”  Yadira smiled. “I know how to use it. They don’t.”
“Perfect.”  Robin affirmed.  “Boys! Let’s go!”  She ordered them to their marks. Jensen and Jared eyed the spear in Yadira’s hands. “Don’t even think about it, you two.”  She eyed them playfully while they arrived at their spots, and she walked behind the cameras.
“Yes, mother.”  Jensen chuckled.  “Let me have it, Yadi.”  He whispered. She put the sharp edge to his chest.
“Don’t touch my spear.”  Yadira growled, smiling.  She brought it back, away from his body as they got set for the scene.
“Wow, so serious.”  Jared raised a brow.
“Leave her alone, guys.”  YN rolled her eyes.  She stood on her mark, ready to start the scene.
“Bossy people today, jeez.”  Jensen sighed. 
They did the scene a few times.  When it was over, Jensen snatched it from Yadi and started to swing it around ungracefully.
“Jensen!”  Robin yelled.  “Give it back!”  She stared him down. “Actually, hand it over.”  The props director moved toward him and put her hand out.  He slowly released it to Robin with a pout.  “Big baby,” she chuckled. He groaned.
“But I want it!”  He complained as they walked to the next set.  The group giggled at his tantrum.  
“Yes!”  He pumped how fist in the air.  “You promise?”
Robin rolled her eyes and said, “If you’re good.”
“Kaia!”  YN yelled for Yadi’s character.  She turned. Jensen grabbed the spear, per the script. When they called cut, he swung it around, joking. Before he knew what had happened, it flew into the air, hitting YN’s upper body..  She fell back from the force, blood evident on her.  When the girl hit the ground, everyone froze. Their light-colored clothes now spattered with red. Onset EMTs rushes to them.  Jensen stood still in shock at what happened.  Robin walked up behind him and snatched the spear from him.
“I told you to knock it off,” Robin groaned.  She took the weapon out of his hand.
“Yadi! YN!”  Jared ran over. “You okay?”
The cast and crew heard whimpers from both girls.  Yadi tripped back, but she had no injuries.  Jensen’s face turned white.  Bending over, he threw up onto the ground from the shock of the situation.
“It’s okay, we gotcha.”  The EMTs noticed that YN’s head was bleeding.  They put her on a stretcher and whisked her away.
“I-I didn’t. She-“. Jensen spoke in gibberish.
“Jared, take him somewhere else,” a crew member said.
“Come on, dude.” The taller TV Winchester took Jensen’s arm and walked him off the set. Jared stopped when he saw dark stains on Jensen’s collar. “Wait!”  Everyone turned around. “He’s bleeding.”  Red drops were coming from Jensen’s eyebrow.  Another set of EMTs walked over to assess him, but as soon as he had a flashlight aimed at his eyes, he dropped. Jared and the EMTs lowered him to the ground.
The two injured cast members were evaluated at the hospital.  Jensen was stitched up and released.  Yadira had a concussion so the hospital staff watched her for the next few hours. YN was injured the most. Jensen had hit her on the forehead hard enough to render her unconscious. He went to her room to watch over her.  Jared was already there. Puffy eyes showed his exhaustion.
“Hey,” Jensen slowly walked in.  Jared saw him stumble so the younger one guided him to a chair. “How- oh shit.”  He saw tubes and a mask on his co-star.
“Just breathe.  She’s sleeping. It’s only oxygen.”
Jensen sat next to Jared. The younger of the two looked at Jensen. “Let me see your eye,” Jared put his hand near Jensen’s face.  Jensen swatted his hand away.  
“I’m fine.  How is she?”
“Good, conscious.  Just sleeping right now.”  Jared offered a sympathetic smile.
“I can’t believe I- I hurt her and Yadi.”
“It happens, dude. You know that.”
“Her parents would have killed me.”  Jensen ran a hand over his face in frustration. “They trusted us with her and this is the way I treat her?”
“Stop it, Ackles.  You can’t do that to yourself.  Go get a coffee or something.  Go home.  Do something.”
“No. I hurt her, now I’m going to stay here and wait.”
“Don’t make me and Clif drag you out of here.”  Jared threatened.
“CLIF!”  Jared didn’t want to yell too loud. When the bodyguard entered, he looked at the boys.  “Take him home, please.  I’ll call you when she wakes up.”
“Don't you dare, I need to be here.  I did this.”
“And you’re going insane!”  Jared spat back.
“Let’s go, Ackles.”  Clif walked over to the older Winchester and hoisted him up. Jensen growled.
“Go, Jensen.  I’ll call you.”
“I’m going to show you something, and I don't want you to jump to conclusions.” Jared looked straight at Jensen in YN’s hospital room. He whispered to not wake up the girl.
“Look at her biceps and forearms.”
Jensen walked over to YN’s bedside and noticed discoloration covering each appendage.
“That’s not from what I did. Those are days’ old.”
“I know,” Jared affirmed quietly.  
“My girl.”  Jensen whispered with a heavy, deep breath.  “She’s practically my kid, Jared.  What happened?”
“Mine too, Ackles.  Let’s not assume anything though, okay?”
“YN has bruises everywhere and we shouldn’t assume?”  Jensen raised his voice.  Jared shushed him when he realized YN was waking up.
“Ya know, I realize I’m a pain in the ass a lot, but you cause me a lot of headache,” YN chuckled.
Jensen squatted down to look at her.
“YN, I’m so sorry.  Robin told me to knock it off, and I didn’t-“
“Who’s Robin?”
“Uh, Proppin’ Robin.  The props coordinator.”  Jared went to the opposite side of YN’s bed.
“Oh.  She sounds interesting.”
Jensen sent Jared a look of concern. The doctor walked in soon after.
“Hi. I’m Dr. Doe.  And you are?”
“That’s my uncle and my dad.”  YN smiled, lying.
“Perfect.  She was unconscious, but obviously doing better now since she is awake and talking.  Have you noticed any delay in thought process or stimuli?”  He looked at the men.
“She couldn’t remember a friend that we see often.”  Jensen frowned.  “Will it come back?”
“It’s common, so let’s not fret just yet.  Do you remember what happened?”  Dr. Doe looked toward YN.
“I got hit in the forehead,” she saw Jensen’s face fall.  She mouthed, “It’s okay,” to him.
“I’m encouraged by your progress. I’ll have my staff check on you later,” he smiled and then left.  Jensen was about to apologize, but she put her hand up.
“Don’t, Jensen. You didn’t mean to, and I’ll be fine.”
“Baby!”  YN’s boyfriend walked in.  “Are you okay?”
“Umm.  Who are you?”  YN sank back into the bed at his sudden entrance.
“”It’s okay, YN.  This is your boyfriend, Brett.”  Jared smiled at her.
“Oh.”  She looked down at her hands.
“What do you mean?  She can’t remember me?!”  He growled, uncontrollable.  “You did this!”  He stomped toward Jensen.  Jared intervened.
“Stop.  It was an accident.  You need to calm down, Brett.”
“You hurt her!”  He tried to pass Jared to attack Jensen.
“It was an accident!”  Jensen screamed.
“Hey!”  A security guard pulled Brett off of Jared.  Leave.  You need to leave, sir.”  He took hold of his arm and escorted Brett out of the room.
Jensen fell back into his chair, flustered.
“Jensen,” YN whispered. He didn’t look up.  “Green eyes. Let me see ‘em.”  He turned to face her.  “It’s fine.  I will be fine.”
“How can you not be upset at me?”
“You’re my dad.  Well, practically.”  YN smiled.  
“What if-“
“Leave if you’re going to play that game,” she sternly said.
“Give us a minute, YN.” Jared pulled Jensen out into the hallway.  “You need to stop.  Get out of your freaking head.  You ACCIDENTALLY hurt her.  She’ll  survive.”
“But, the bruises.  I mean-“
“I saw them.  Let’s take it one step at a time, Ackles.  Just breathe.”
“I love you, kid.”
“I love you too, adult,” YN giggled.
“Hi, YN.”  A female with a pant suit walked in.
“Who are you?”  She cocked her head.  “Do I know her?”  YN looked at Jensen.
“I’m a social worker associated with the hospital.”  The lady smiled.  She took a seat in the empty chair next to YN’s bed. “How is your recovery?”
“Good.  Memory is still foggy, but it’s getting better.”
“Good. I saw you got some stuff on your arms.  You must play sports or something.”
YN looked down and saw the bruises.
“Huh?”  She looked back at Jensen with an alarmed expression. “Where did these come from?”
“I am not sure, baby.”  Jensen prayed they could figure out what was going wrong.
“You hit your head and fell back onto the ground right?  You didn’t hit anything you on the way down?”
“She just collapsed.”  Jensen spoke up.
“Alright, so do you play sports?  You must be an active kid!”  The social worker smiled.
YN looked at Jensen, scared of all the questions.
“YN dances.”
“Oh, really?” The social worker smiled.  “My daughter is involved in ballet.”
“I love dancing.  It’s an outlet from working with that dweeb over there,” YN chuckled.  
“Hey!” Jensen crosses his arms.
“Stressful?”  The social worker raised a brow but giggled.  
“You have no idea,” YN rolled her eyes playfully.
“Oh, shut up, YN.”
“Okay, well, Thank you for your time.  I will leave you be.  Please don’t cause too much trouble though.”  The specialist stood up with a grin and walked out.  Jensen excused himself.
“Hey, lady!”  He called after the social worker. “Please, I don’t think she knows what those bruises are from.”
“I believe her, I don’t think she remembers.”
“What do you think happened?”
“Hard to tell, sir.  Are you her father?”
“Yes, now please tell me.” Jensen didn’t care that he played her TV father.  He wanted to know how YN was hurt.
“It looks like fingerprints.”  She let out a deep breath.  “I observed a few deep bruises, but most of the coloring on her arm is consistent with oval shapes.”
“Someone grabbed her.  A lot.” Jensen suggested.
“Basically.  Yes,” the worker agreed
Jensen grew red in the face.
“Please let us do our investigation.  We want what’s best for her too.”
“Whoever did this-“
“Will have to deal with an angry dad.  I know.” She gave a reassuring smile. As she left, Jared walked up.
“The social worker thinks someone hurt her.”  Jensen sighed.
“Poor baby.” Jared rubbed his forehead.
“Hey, YN.  How you feeling?”  Jensen brought her dinner the next night after being released from the hospital.
“Good, better.  Thanks for the food.”
“It’s the least I can do for ruining the last few days.”
“Oh, shut up.  I’m fine!  I’ve been getting my memory back.  Really, I’m good.”
“Speaking of, you okay?  You been dancing a lot lately?”
“No,” she tilted her head.  “Why?”
“Because you look like you’ve fallen a lot lately or something.  Look at your arms.”
YN pulled up her sleeve.  “I’m not sure.  I saw them earlier, but I just can’t remember.”
It’s okay, YN.”
“Hey, YN.  You ready to be back?”  Jared grinned and lightly hugged her.  She winced.  “Oh, sorry YN.  I forgot I needed to be extra gentle.”
“I’m fine, thanks.  So glad to be back,” she smiled as she walked up with Brett.
“YN!  Wardrobe!”  One of the crew members called for her.
“Oh, gotta go.  Brett, meet me in my trailer.” She ran off.
She took her clothes for the day to her trailer.
“You’re fine, don’t wince when someone hugs you.  You know you deserved those marks.”  Brett growled lowly. “You did this to yourself.  Deal with it.  And what are you doing ordering me to go into your trailer?”
“You did that?  Why?” Shocked, she stared at him.
“Like you don’t remember!  You were bad so I punished you.  You deserved it.” Brett stood from the couch quickly and walked toward her.
“No!” She put her arm up to block his, but he was able to hit her other arm.  YN created enough space to kick him and step back.  As he stumbled, she exited the trailer.
The scenes were long and arduous with emotional aspects that drained the cast. Since the next scene required wardrobe changes for a physical fight, YN chose to change in the wardrobe trailer.
When YN came out, she had a tank top on and was putting on her flannel when Jared stopped her.
“What’s that?”  He saw a fresh bruise on her arm.
“Nothing.  It’s nothing.”
“You know who did that to you, don’t you?” Jared looked over the marks on her arm.  He saw a fresh bruise on her tricep.
“No, leave me alone.”
Jensen walked up to them. “What-“ he noticed the purple bruise.
“Stop.”  YN growled.
“No.”  Jared responded sternly.  “You’re getting hurt somehow.  We love you, and we want to protect you.”
“Why?  ‘Cause my parents made you?  You doing your duty as my pseudo family since my parents died? Back off! Stop being so damn protective!”
“Woah!”  Jensen reacted.  “What is going on?”
“Nothing,” YN dismissed his concern.
“Hey, whore! Get back here!” Brett opened the door to her trailer not realizing Jared and Jensen were standing with YN outside the trailers.
“I’m going to kill him.”  Jensen stared at Brett.
“I didn’t know it was him! I promise!”  YN shrieked.  Jensen ran toward YN’s boyfriend. Jared hugged YN tightly, but then he realized how much Brett had hurt his TV niece. He let her go and chased after Jensen.  Before she knew what happened, security guards were pulling the boys off of the abuser.  Brett was brought to his feet by the officers and escorted to their office.  When the crew realized what had happened, Jared and Jensen were taken to the first aid station. Misha took YN into his arms and walked her behind Jared and Jensen.
“Come on,” he whispered.  He stroked her hair as they arrived to their destination.  “Let’s get you fixed up.”
“How?  Why would I let him do that?”  YN expressed.  
“I am not sure, YN.  But I’m glad you’re okay.”
She was encouraged to sit on the bumper of the first aid vehicle as Jensen and Jared plopped themselves on the gourney.  As she sat down, an EMT tried to wipe the dried blood from her arm.  YN flinched.  
“Sorry, sweetheart.  I’ll be gentle,” the specialist smiled at her.
“Here, take my hands and close your eyes.  Just relax.  No one will hurt you.  They are here to help, promise.”  Misha squeezed her hands.
“Okay, thanks, Meesh.  Love you.” 
Forever Friends (Everything):
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