#mlb tiny bios
lily-drake · 3 years
Resurrected Marinette, with some Bio!Dad Bruce thrown in?
Why Can‘t Bats Rest In Peace?
you asked for this….
Marinette gasped for breath and tried to sit up only to be pushed back down.  Something soft, yet firm holding her down.  What was going on?!  She-she had been falling off the Eiffel Tower, Hawkmoth had taken her miraculous...he was going to make his wish!  No, no, she saw Vesperia paralyze him and Chat Noir take both hers and Hawkmoth’s miraculous.  Someone...someone had been yelling her name.  Who was it?  What was she thinking about?  Her thoughts started to become fuzzy, and she was still trapped in the dark.  She couldn’t see anything, why couldn’t she move?!
After a long fight she was finally able to free her arms from the invisible bonds wrapped around her.  Her fingers clawed at the silky fabric pushing and pulling at whatever was keeping her on her back.  Finally her fingers reached something hard and firm, it was some kind of wood.  Marinette pushed and pushed until finally the top moved.  Instead of the relief and the light she was expecting to receive, more panic filled her as something rough slid down her face and onto her body.  Marinette nearly screamed as whatever it was began to trickle down faster and faster as more of the top moved.  Marinette clawed her way up, up what she now figured out was dirt.  She was wearing something that was dragging her down and was tearing as she clawed her way up.  Wait, was she even going up?!  What if she was clawing downwards, down towards the dark abyss of death and decay.  She had to keep going though, she had to.
After what felt like years of clawing her way through the Earth on her last swipe up her hand grabbed at nothing.  Her body hurt, it was an excruciating pain that her brain was trying to understand, but she just couldn’t process.  When she was finally able to pull herself out of her self-dug hole she collapsed onto the piles of wet dirt she had pushed up and lay there gasping for breath before her mind finally gave up and all she could do was lay there and stare out at what appeared to be her family’s graveyard.
Damian sat at the batcomputer staring at the alert on the screen.  It had been Todd’s idea to have a sensor on the lid incase either someone tried to rob the grave or….other circumstances occurred.
Damian called for his Great Dane as he picked up his katana.  Marinette had been dead for 5 months now, he hadn’t gone out in suit since.  She had been pushed off a level of the Eiffel Tower by Gabriel Agreste when he was Hawkmoth.  He had tried to reach her, he had been so close to reaching her, but he was too late.
He had seen death hundreds of times, been the reason for a majority of those deaths, and none of them had ever affected him.  But this was his sister, his older sister.  She had protected him, loved him, and understood him in a way no one else could.
He mourned her, was still mourning her, and while he was thankful that everyone had stayed with him, he needed space sometimes.  He knew that father wanted him to come back into the field, but everytime he even thought of putting it on all he could think of was his failure to his sister.
So Damian grabbed a comm, his katana, and a flashlight ready to decimate anyone who dared to touch his sister's grave.  Titus followed along right beside him as they made the trek from the cave to the family graveyard.
Damian peeked from behind a tree to see if he could get a look at the intruder who dared to go near such sacred ground.  But what he saw was not that, it was something that made him shake in disbelief and drop the flashlight he had gripped in his hands.  No, she was supposed to be at peace, she wasn’t supposed to come back!
Titus bumped his nose into his hand before walking towards the dug up grave and laying down next to the dirt and blood covered lump of ripped muddied white fabric and skin.  Damian could barely register that his legs moved slowly towards the grave, walking without his mind even realizing he was moving until he collapsed next to the lump.  Damian swallowed and with shaky hands pressed his fingers against the pulse point on her neck where he felt a slow continuous heartbeat.
Tears began to flow down his cheeks as he slowly lifted her limp, still broken, unconscious body onto his lap.  He didn’t care that his clothes were getting dirty, or that there were bits of her blood coating him now.  She was alive.  She was ALIVE!  She was supposed to stay dead!  A sob escaped his throat as he leaned against her, Titus coming and laying completely against his side giving him comforting licks.
“Damian report!”
He could hear voices from the comm say in his ear, but what could he say right now?!
“G-get Jason.”
Damian whispered his head still leaned against his older sister's shoulder.  It was silent for a few seconds before he could hear their father ask,
“What was that Damian?”
Damian grit his teeth together, this was not the time for him to repeat himself!  He needed Jason, he would know what to do, he would understand.  He needed Jason and he needed him now.
“I need Jason at our graveyard, now!”
He almost yelled, only barely restraining himself as he did not wish to wake Marinette.  The silence lasted longer this time as the implications of his request set in.
“Oh, sh*!  If this is a prank De-“
Jason growled out, though his voice cracked a bit.
“No.  I would never joke of this.”
And with that he took the comm out and threw it at the trees releasing his anger at the world.
Why can’t bats just stay dead?!
He didn’t know how long he waited there, how long he sat there with his sister's cold body in his arms.  He was unable to move from shock and fear, unable to do anything other than hold her to him.  She had opened her eyes, but they were blank and glazed over as if she were in some kind of trance.  She made no noise, just nearly stared into nothingness.
He heard heavy footsteps coming closer to them, warning him that Jason had arrived.  Then they stopped a few feet away from him.  A few moments later the stride was uneven and halted when they were right next to him.  There was a sharp intake of breath before Jason was kneeling right in front of him.
Jason stared at his little sister, flashbacks of what happened to him flashing in the back of his brain.  His breath hitches as he brushed some of her dark locks behind her ear.  They are never burying anyone ever again.  Their coffin will either be above ground or the will be cremated g* d*it!  Letting out a slow breath he placed a gentle hand under her knees and around her shoulders and gently picked her up, taking her out of Damian’s rather weak grip.
“Come on kid.”
He said gently to Damian,
“We need to get her to the cave.  Alfred might be able to help.”
Damian blinked and looked up at him with wet cheeks and red rimmed eyes.  With a sharp nod he slowly got to his feet, Titus helping him steady himself and they began their quiet and tense walk back to the cave.  Once they finally arrived everyone was already there, and it sounded like Alfred was on the phone with Dr. Thompkins.
It was completely silent when they entered, everyone staring at the three, but Marinette didn’t even seem to notice as her gaze was still blank and unfocused.  Bruce took slow long strides over to them until he was in front of Marinette still being held in Jason’s arms.
Tears rolled down his cheeks as he stared at his now living breathing daughter.  Hadn’t she done enough for this world?!  Hadn’t she lived through enough?!  Did she not deserve to have peace, to finally rest?!
Jason carefully handed her limp body to him, letting Bruce cradle and cry for his baby girl.  He rocked her in his arms as he walked to the medbay, the others silently following behind him.
Bruce turned to look at Selina and as if it physically pained him asked,
“Can you clean her up, please?”
Silently she nodded and took the small girl into her arms and walked towards the showers in the cave, only coming back out to grab a stool.
3 months later
Marinette blinked wearily as her brain slowly began to function.  There was a soft voice speaking, but she wasn’t sure what they were saying or if it was towards her.  She was surrounded by warmth on all sides and she felt like she was laying down on something firm yet comfortable.  Her body felt so heavy and all she could really do was move her eyes around, but it was blurry and everything was unfocused and confusing.  She closed her eyes and focused on her breathing trying to get in touch with all of her senses once again.
First she focused on the sounds around her: a soft yet firm voice, the sound of a page turning, breathing from other people, and a steady heartbeat.  She could feel clothes against her skin, what was probably a warm blanket wrapped around her, something firm against her ear; probably a chest if what she heard was indeed a heartbeat, and soft gentle fingers running through her hair.  She slowly opened her eyes, her vision less blurry.  It was dark, there was a fireplace with dying embers, a small brown coffee table, the walls were painted a dark blue, a few couches, and on the couches were familiar people that she just couldn’t completely recall.
The voice changed octaves slightly, a new character speaking, her mind supplied like this had happened before.  It must have though, it feels far too familiar to have not happened.
She mumbled before her brain could even realize what she did.  The room went completely silent and she could feel eyes looking directly on her.  The hand in her hair stopped moving and she could feel a whimper leave her throat before the gentle calming ministrations picked back up.  There was now another hand on her back, rubbing small circles there, and someone took her hand, and someone placed their hand in her leg, and there was so much touch she couldn’t focus on all of it.  There was a gentle press against her forehead and she could feel herself lean into it.
The warm voice picked up where it left off, and small drops started to fall atop her face, but she didn’t mind.  Her mind simply went back to the blankness she was in before surrounded by warmth and a sense of joy.
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virgil-is-a-cutie · 5 years
The Red Eyes Return (But On Innocent Terms)
@nobodyfamousposts I loved your MLB x DN crossover and it made me want to make a fic based on my bio!dad Mello au hdcs. This is also Male!Marinette fic.
Summary: Sabine and Mello met when Mello was in the mafia during the time he was trying to beat Near on finding Kira after L had died. They fell a bit in love, but Sabine runs off to Paris to escape Japan and finds out she's pregnant with her and Mello's child. After Kira is defeated, Mello, Matt, and Near find her. They realize she's pregnant and are very shooked. Sabine gets together with her blonde ex and his redheaded friend who are both excited about the baby whose eyes confuse her and everyone in the room when the baby's born.
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She was so scared at first, not even 16 yet, barely half way through to being 15 when she finds out she's pregnant. She's not proud of that, more so that she got pregnant from a member of the Japanese mafia. Even if they were strong on trying to find Kira because the member she slept with was one of Detective L's heirs and they wanted to beat the other heir.
She's more scared and horrified and at certain times she is both at once. Because she is alone, her parents killed and their murderer killed by Kira a month after the case was brought up in the news. It makes her worried for the small child growing inside of her.
She's more worried because she is in Paris, France. She left Japan just to get away from the intense fear of Kira since it was well noted that that's where he was from and did most of his killings.
More worried, because before she left for Paris, she never at all gave Mello her number, and she does not at all listen to the radio or watch the news. Because then it's new news about Kira or those trying to capture Kira and how wrong they were for trying to do so.
Sometimes she thinks about the Russian blonde who made her feel a little special in that seedy hideout he and the rest of his mafia fellows hid out. Thinks about his unhealthy obsession with chocolate. How he would just sit there menacingly as he spoke aloud about how he would find Kira.
Sometimes she remembered the soft touches in secret, ignore the wince he would try to conceal whenever he was any sort of rough with her when in front view of the other mafia members.
And she blushed at their first time. It was when they had the hideout to themselves, a bit relaxed. They talked and one thing led to another and they made love. Somewhat. It was a little complicated because of his job of course.
The she remembered the small hushed whispers as they spoke, the small touches. Then of those small touches turning into shaky clumsy fingers as they had their fun.
She remembered it all.
She even remembers the sad smiles he'd throw at her whenever his buddies and her and the girls hanged out, her just curled up beside him before he whispered in her ear how she was somewhat special.
When she's 5 months into her pregnancy it's when she realizes that the Kira who her old lover was trying to find had finally been caught.
She and her roommate sobbed happily because yes they both didn't do major crimes, but Kira's run was so long that people asked for other people to be killed for petty reasons, stupid silly reasons really that should have not made people try and force themselves to act good and kind.
But both feared for their lives because they both got into the wrong crowd and did a few bad things because of that.
So at 6 months into her pregnancy, she's working at a mediocre bakery owned by a somewhat racist man who possibly may have felt bad about her being a teenage mother and with no baby daddy in sight. She's at the cash register when she hears a loud gasp, but she thinks nothing of it.
"Sabine?" a soft voice is heard and she looks up and froze when she saw who it was.
"Mello?" she breaths out in shock as she sees the boy in front of her.
There stood her the boy whom she had shared a sweet time before she left for Paris, his blonde hair still having bangs. However, what shocked her was the burn scar that went from the left side of his face down to his shoulder.
Next to him was a readheaded boy and a platinum blonde haired boy. The redhead waved a little, a cigarette behind his ear while the platinum blonde was fiddling with a single curl in his head.
Mello looks at her with wide eyes before they travel to her somewhat small stomach and he hissed seeing her small round belly.
She frowns, "Mello...the baby is yours," she said quietly as to not cause a scene and get herself fired.
Mello froze and his eyes widened before he smiled widely.
"A...are you serious?" he asks a bit shocked before smiling widely as Sabine nods to confirm it.
They all moved into an apartment in Paris. Sabine having told them that she wanted to stay in the City that she had felt somewhat safe in when she ran away from Japan.
The three of course understood, and used the extra room as an office to work on cases that came from any place of the world.
They became her boys.
She would bring them snacks whenever she checked on them and played a bit of mediator if Mello and Near fought which eventually made them stop because they did not want to further distress the pregnant bluenette.
She was 16 years old when she went into labor. Mello and Matt being 17 years old and Near just shy of 15 years old.
She was at the bakery when she felt her water break and she was glad the old fart at least had the decency to have her take the rest of the day off to go to the hospital.
Her three boys rushed her to the hospital as she calmly breathed in and out, occasionally gripping Matt's hand as a contraction hit her a little too hard.
Matt, Mello, and her were now in a relationship that at first shocked her but then she was fine with because both of them loved Mello dearly.
The two males knew Sabine sort of liked to work at the bakery, that the owner's 16 year old son wanted to own his own bakery because he felt like the bread his father made could be made more special.
Later on they would help the poor boy escape the toxic home and have him help around the bakery Mello and Matt bought with L's inheritance.
Both boys winced as Sabine's screamed in pain. They didn't like when she was in pain, the little baby inside her kicked a lot and was very strong throughoug the rest of the pregnancy that they witnessed on their own.
After a few minutes they heard the first sounds of a baby's cry and they both kissed Sabine's sweaty forehead as she weakly smiled at them.
Matt ran his fingers softly through Sabine's hair as Mello eyed their child and felt his breath be taken away at how small and tiny they were.
"It's a boy!" the doctor calls out as the nurses take the wailing child and clean him up.
A boy?
He felt his heart soar a little and rushed back to Sabine and kissed her temple and rubbed soothing circles on her back as she waited for their son to be brought to them.
When the nurse finally gave them their son, the little thing was fast asleep.
"What?" both her boyfriends turned their heads to look at her.
"His name. It's Marin," she said with a wide smile as she cooed at her newborn son.
Both boys looked at her and shrugged before nodding.
They named him Marin Seban Lawliet Jeevas Kheel-Cheng. Giving him L's last name as to remember him as well as Matt's real last name because the three knew they'd stay together.
They looked at little Marin, waiting for the little thing to open his eyes.
Near came in with Roger behind him, having called the director of Whammy's house just to have him be a part of something amazing.
Sabine held Marin close to her chest and everyone watched as his eyes opened.
They all smiled noticing he had Mello's blue eyes before their eyes widened as the little baby's eyes suddenly turned red.
Roger choked out a breath and staggered back as all 4 turned to look at him with confused look on their faces.
"H...his eyes. T...They're the same as Beyond's," he said weakly as Mello, Matt and Near's eyes widened as they finally understood what he meant.
"M...Mello what's wrong?" Sabine asked softly.
"He has the eyes Sabine," he said weakly as her eyes went wide.
To be continued....
Tag list: @ravennightingaleandavatempus @a-marlene-s @multifandomscribette @musicfeedsmysoul12 @luciferge @thyladyanput @18-fandoms-unite-08 @vivilakitty
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How you can Obtain Your Youngsters Active And also Working out.
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Regardless of whether your skin layer care program isn't looking for an adjustment, Autumn as well as back-to college is a perfect time to improve your products. The prototypewill outfit an amount of customers along with the glasses as well as an associated smart device application that will track the individual's activity. I am actually still early in my way of life practice, yet this previous year was actually one of the most fun from my whole entire lifestyle. Whether our company stay in a over cast or sunny climate, using sunscreen to your face everyday is critical for lasting vitality. And also individuals are actually much more very likely to think about the skin layer on their body as well as skin in comparison to the skin layer on their lips. Better yet, seek advice from a well-trained esthetician who is actually specialist on customized skin layer care programs. Seven from 10 sports supporters who Like or comply with a company online state they level to sharing brand information, involving or even purchasing goods with social articles. I am going to point out, I do not assume my face could have handled a day-to-day AHA printer toner and also a daily BHA therapy when I was actually using the Tretinoin lotion. From all athletics, punching was considered the absolute most virile sport a man could participate in. Even when a male failed to really intervene the ring to fight, he 'd devote his weekends enjoying pair of other fighters duke it out in suits that lasted hours as well as in some cases days. About Blog http://kozmetikaiorom.info/ - Exterior Professional photographer is the highly regarded publication regarding exterior digital photography. So I got together with the skin layer treatment brainiacs at Bioelements as well as our experts reinvented the face. 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laresearchette · 3 years
Thursday, September 02, 2021 Canadian TV Listings (Times Eastern)
US OPEN TENNIS (TSN/TSN3/TSN4/TSN5) 11:00am:  Early Round Coverage - Day #4 (TSN/TSN3/TSN4) 7:00pm:  Early Round Primetime Coverage - Day #4
MLB BASEBALL (SN) 1:00pm: A’s vs. Tigers (SN) 7:00pm: Red Sox vs. Rays
PARALYMPICS (CBC) 3:00pm: Daytime Coverage (CBC) 7:00pm: Primetime Coverage
WNBA BASKETBALL (SN1) 8:00pm: Los Angeles Sparks vs. Minnesota Lynx (SN1) 10:00pm: Chicago Sky vs. Las Vegas Aces
THE INCREDIBLE DR. POL (Nat Geo Canada) 8:00pm (SEASON PREMIERE):  Dr. Pol and team work on cases from a tiny reptile to an injured horse.
CESAR MILLAN: BETTER HUMAN BETTER DOG (Nat Geo Canada) 9:00pm (SERIES PREMIERE): 9:00pm: Cesar and his team rehabilitate a dangerous pit bull and a vicious yorkie.
LOG CABIN LIVING (DIY Canada) 9:30pm (SEASON PREMIERE):  A Texas couple decide to set down roots in Denver, which offers them an outdoor life near their jobs.
THE HATCHER FAMILY DAIRY (Nat Geo Canada) 10:00pm (SERIES PREMERE):  The Hatchers work together to save a severely injured family cow.
LOST SPEEDWAYS (History Canada) 10:00pm/10:40pm (SEASON PREMIERE):  Dale Earnhardt Jr. travels to South Carolina to explore an outdoor venue that used to be a premier NASCAR stop; once there, he finds key players of a tumultuous 1966 boycott, the consequence of an epic arms race.
THE PROGRAM: PRISON DETOX (TLC Canada) 11:00pm (SERIES PREMIERE):  This docuseries, shot during the COVID-19 pandemic, follows the 14th class of the inventive program designed to help drug felons, who have been in jail multiple times, turn their lives around.
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easyobsession · 8 years
DWTS24 Cast Announcement and why Simone Biles won’t win.
Do you feel it? The anticipation, the desire, the lust for shirtless foreign men mixed with the scent of sweat dripping on hardwood?
The Guys
To start us off, like a large portion of the cast this season, especially the males, I have no clue who this person is. Apparently he’s a bull rider and model? Because those two things are commonly associated with each other… Anyway, he looks 12 but apparently is almost thirty. Now, if you remember back to season 8, rodeo cowboy Ty Murray (ex-hubbie of singer Jewel, though they were still married at the time) managed to get to fourth place with Chelsie Hightower. Now I won’t take anything away from Ty, but the competition wasn’t incredibly stiff that year outside of the top 3. That being said, it is possible this Bonnor guy (raise your hand if you’ve ever heard that name before. Me either) could turn out to be the next James Hinchcliffe and shock us all (shoutout to James. We love and adore and miss the hell out of you and Shar. #GetMarried). But I doubt it. My expectations are low. Moving on.
Please welcome the latest inductee into the Pro Athletes I’ve Never Heard Of Because They Are In Fact Athletes Club! His bio says he’s a running back in the NFL. Wasn’t Tim Riggins a running back on Friday Night Lights? GO RIGGINS! (Shoutout to everyone in Dillon, Texas. #TexasForever) …That’s it for my football knowledge. But congrats to Emma for getting a partner that isn’t old enough to be her grandfather and is actually in good physical shape. He won’t win, but he sure as hell won’t be as bad as her usual partners. Yahoo!
I’m never upset to see Witters. I missed her on the tour. This guy’s turn on SNL was before my time, so I’m 0/3 thus far. I’m gonna make a guess based on physique and just first glance (because I wouldn’t be the Lo you all love if I wasn’t a judgmental asshole) and say he’s gonna suck and be out early. Sorry Wit. Enjoy your time with the troupe.
Again, I’m always happy to see Lindsay. We’re up to 0/5 for my recognition of the males of season 24, and we have our second inductee into the season 24 IDK Athletes Club. My knowledge of baseball is limited to the new FOX show Pitch (watch it. Fall in love with it. Obsess with me and my friendys in the #bawson tag. And yes, that is Mark Paul Gosselaar from Saved By The Bell. Zack Morris is a sexy motherfucker with that beard. #ShamelessPlug) but he seems like a nice guy. Horray for the MLB finally getting someone on the show. Or really, I’m sorry to the MLB for finally getting someone on the show. Moving forward.
MR. T with pro partner KYM HERJAVEC:
I KNOW THIS ONE! YOU GUYS, I KNOW WHO THIS ONE IS. And Kym is using her married name! (BTW, sidenote, I’ve started watching SharkTank and now adore Robert. Just sharing #Sharkaroo) Anyway, I think we all know how this is going to turn out. Lord help us. And I’m already sick of hearing that catchphrase.
Sigh. Yes, I know this one too. First of all, let me say welcome back Peta. We’ve missed you and couldn’t be happier to see you back on our screens. However, I’d rather see her with damn near anyone else but this guy. Am I watching this season of the Bachelor? Hell no, and Nick is the reason why. I didn’t watch his seasons of The Bachelorette- I actually have only seen a handful of seasons, but I’m aware of what’s gone on. And I’m opposed to him being the Bachelor for two reasons: #1. It should’ve been Luke. And #2. He’s a dick. Go ahead and try to convince me otherwise. I’m waiting. He won’t be great, and hopefully he won’t be around long. Sorry Nick, yet again you’ll be sent home with only your hand to console you. BUH-BYE NOW.
The Girls
Another sigh. Am I excited she’s on the cast? Yes. Will she do well? Pointless to even answer. Am I excited to see the routines she does and how epic her partnership with Sasha will be? Of course. But I’m 95% sure she won’t win and here’s why: it’s also why I’m upset she’s on this season: they can’t and won’t have two identical winners directly next to each other. Simone isn’t even just a gymnast like Laurie, she was literally on the same team and is damn near a carbon copy. Is that a bad thing in life? Hell no. She’s tiny, adorable, and too precious for planet Earth. Make no mistake, I’m in love with the girl. But Simone winning would be almost an exact repeat of last season, which I do not think TPTB (sorry, I mean “the public voters” O.O) will allow. This is why when directly after the Olympics Simone said she couldn’t do the fall season of the show because of other commitments but would love to do the spring season, I was concerned when they announced Laurie. It’s like when Riker Lynch competed and his sister Rydel (shoutout to R5 for being fucking rockstars. Also, #TeamRallison you are missed) said she’s wanted to do the show for a long time, I said even if her schedule worked out it would have to be several seasons before she competed because having siblings back to back is too similar. So really it’s unfair to Simone and unfair to Sasha as well that she’s competing this season, because it’s an almost guarantee she won’t win despite the fact that we know she’ll be one of the best on the floor. Will she make it to the finale? Of course. But I sincerely doubt she has a real shot at getting the mirrorball.
CHARO with pro partner KEO MOTSEPE:
Okay. I get it. With a lot of the male vets being gone, it makes sense that Keo would get another shot as a pro. Plus, in this scenario whether or not he’s a great teacher doesn’t really matter. Do I know who this woman is? Yes. And…I don’t think I need or want to say much more. Godspeed.
The Housewives is actually one of the few reality shows I don’t watch, primarily because I simply don’t have the time. So I have no clue who this woman is. I have a feeling she’ll be similar to Kim Zolciak, who I also did not know during her run in season 21 but quickly fell in love with and still follow on social media to this day. So who knows? I’m open to it and wish her well.
Nope. Don’t know her either. But I remember when poor Dorothy Hamill, another former Olympic skater, back in season 16 was tragically forced to drop out of the competition in week 2 due to injury. Dorothy’s first performance was epic though, and she and Nancy seem somewhat similar in build, so… perhaps this could work well. If nothing else, we know the Olympians know how to train. Again, I wish her luck. Let’s see how this goes.
I will be honest: of all the members of Fifth Harmony, Normani is not my favorite. She’s actually 4/5 for me, and yes, I still count Camilla. But I’m open to new things. She seems cool. And just because she isn’t my favorite member of Fifth Harmony doesn’t mean I don’t like her, she’s just not my fave. I’m excited to get to know and love her. I think she’ll be great. I look forward to seeing her partnership with Val. I’m good with this.
OH MY HELL KIDS, HERE WE GODDAMN GO. “Did you know that dolphins are just gay sharks?” “Whenever I pray, I fall asleep.” “Mr. Schue, is he your son?” “When I pulled my hamstring I went to a misogynist.” “It’s a male duck.” “I’m pretty sure my cat’s been reading my diary.” “She’s the one they made me talk to when they found out I was keeping that bird in my locker.” IT’S BRITTANY MOTHERFUCKING S. PIERCE. Yes she toured as a dancer with Beyoncѐ. Yes she knows how to not just dance, but slay. Is it fair? Probably not. Do I care? Find my fucks, I dare you. This is my girl, this is my pick, this is it. The end. I’m sorry Simone, honestly I am and I wish to hell you weren’t in such a shitty position, but this is my One. Mic drop. I’m done.
The Troupe and Missing Pros
Again, sorry to see Mark absent, but he’s moved on and seems happy so good for him. I’ll miss Allison like hell and wish both her and Jenna well in whatever they’re doing next and hope to see them return at some point. Meanwhile, I’m popping bottles and toasting because #MANTISLESS24. Make it trend! Watch me work! PS- welcome to the newbies in the troupe. Mama’s spikin’ her Dr. Pepper tonight. YES INDEED!
EARLY EXIT/THANKS BUT NO THANKS: Charo, Chris, Mr. T, and possibly Bonnor (he could go middle and surprise us).
MIDDLE OF THE ROAD/AT LEAST YOU TRIED: Nick, possibly David, Nancy, Rashad, possibly Erika (she could go lower. We’ll see if she’s more Nene or Kim).
GOING ALL THE WAY/LOVE ON TOP OF THE LEADERBOARD: Normani, Simone, Heather. Final 3, I’m calling it now. Unless they end up shocking us and letting Simone have it, I’m gonna predict Heather takes the mirrorball, Simone gets second, and Normani lands bronze. I know Amber Riley won back in season 17 and Heather winning would be the second Glee star to win, but I don’t think that matters as much as two Olympians from the same team winning back to back. That’s my prediction as of now.
I’ll be on vacation in DISNEY WORLD (yessir, let’s go Mickey) for the premiere but I will of course check out the routines online that night. I’m coming home Tuesday so within the next day or so I’ll watch the whole show and either write up something for this blog or toss out some tweets. Keep an eye out.
And that’s it! Season 24, it’s on. I thought for quite a while over the break that last season was season 24, so there you go. Big shock, I have no idea what’s going on. What else is new?
Feel free to join the discussion and hit me up on social media which has changed since last season- I am now @lauthom93 on Twitter and Instagram. You can also comment on this post, check out my ask box, or send me a message. I’m always down to talk. :)
You all know what time it is. Say it with me:
Until next time, love, hugs, and inappropriate gestures. <3
I love you guys to all the moons and back.
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peterwrite · 7 years
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🇺🇸 #THURSDAY SALES 🇺🇸 CUTEST #MLB CARDS EVER! 👨🏽‍⚖️ #EBAY LINK IN BIO ↖️ #TwinLakesSilverFrontier #antique #vintage #forsale #auction #sales #deals #texas #louisiana #pennsylvania #florida #nevada #baby #mini #micro #small #tiny #bitesize #crackerjack #gum #baseball #card #astros #cute #90s (at Long Beach, California)
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lily-drake · 3 years
Marinette is Dick's daughter ans he get captured by the court of owls and he loses his memories.
Of Hearts and Broken Minds
“Daddy!  Daddy!  Don’t leave!  You said you’d stay Daddy!”
Dick looked into his daughter’s blue zircon eyes that were welling up with tears.  He gave her a small sad smile as he moved her inky black tresses away from her face.
“I know baby, I know.  But I’ll be back soon.”
He placed a gentle kiss atop his child’s forehead.
“Y-you said that last time a-and you were gone for a month!”
And that month was pure torture to him.  He wished it was shorter, he wished he didn’t have to do this, but Bruce was counting on him for this.
“I know my Blueberry, I know.  I can’t promise how long I’ll be gone, but I can promise that I’ll come back.  I’ll always come back for you.”
He placed his forehead against hers relishing the tender moment.  Marinette jumped up and clung to him as tears ran down her cheeks.  He hugged her back tightly and wished desperately that he could stay.
“Think of all the fun you’re going to have with great-grandpa Alffie, grandpa Bruce, and uncle Tim.  You said that he lets you play games with him.  And you said Alffie was going to teach you to make macaroons.”
Marinette sniffed and made a small hum of agreement, her grip on her father never loosening.  Dick sighed and carefully picked her up.  She should still have a bunch of clothes at the manor so he didn’t have to worry about packing anything for her.
“I need you to let go honey so we can drive to grandpas.”
Dick said softly as he stood in front of the door with his daughter still wrapped around him like a koala.  She made an upset huffing sound and refused to let go.
Dick said, a soft warning in his tone.  Marinette let out a disgruntled sound before finally letting go of him and letting him buckle her into her car seat.  When he was done he gently ruffled her hair and kissed her head before going to the driver's seat and beginning the drive from Blüdhaven to Wayne Manor in Gotham.
“Remember, you’ve gotta get Sitka, so you have to come home.”
Marinette said at the steps of the manor holding the stuffed elephant tightly in her arms as she held back tears.  Dick wished so strongly that he could stay with his little girl, he loved her so much.  But he had to go, and he would be back as soon as he could.
“I’ll come back for something even more precious.  I’ll come back for you.”
He said, booping her nose when he said ‘you’.  With one last kiss to the crown of her head and he let Alfred take her into the manor and left.
He woke up, his head throbbing with pain.  What happened, where was he, who was he?  He looked around and saw people with strange masks covering their faces.  They told him he was special, that he could help them save the world.  He was their greatest soldier and that he would be the one to make the world a better place.  Something was scratching and pulling at his brain, but everytime he tried to think of it his head hurt and he had to stop because it hurt so much.
He stalked the bat like he was told, and he watched Bruce Wayne to see if he would be able to recruit him.  He would sometimes see Bruce walk around the city with a small 6-year-old girl.  He felt a strong connection to her, like she was the most important thing in the world.  He would often watch her as she played with Tim or by herself in the manor.  She often looked happy, but he could tell that she was sad and that she was waiting for something.  He didn’t know why, but he felt like he needed to protect her at all costs, so he did.  It was often small things when she was out of the manor; stopping muggers, making sure she wasn’t hurt, stopping her then disappearing before she ever caught a glimpse of him.  He didn’t know why she was sad, but he would find a way to make her happy.  She’s the most important person in your life, his mind whispered to him, so he would treat this small child like that.  Because she must be if every time he looked at her his chest felt like it was about explode with joy and want.
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