tales-from-annwn · 7 years
chapter one: and so it starts
Three weeks earlier
Jeremy was getting ready for school. His dad was already at work, his mom was tipsy in her room ‘cause “Life is hard on a 35 year old white mom with two mocha kids.” Anywho. Once ready he left to walk to school. He met up with Sapphire, whom he’d known all his life. She was vicious to those who hurt her friends, she could be nice at times, or evil or just ok. Her home life was good, her single mom worked a lot to give her daughter what she never had growing up. I’d describe her as stern but fair. So as soon I saw her I waved, and Sapphire joined me on my walk to school.
“Hi Jeremy, how are you?” she asked with a smile like she was hiding something little did i know.
“I’m ok, you look like the cat that ate the canary.” i replied.
“Oh you’ll see boooooyyyy.” she sang. Oh shit she’s watched  rent recently i’m fucked all the references to finding my Tom collins yea what are friends for.
“No not today moms drunk already and now you're making rent jokes.”. I sighed while she laid her head on my shoulder and linked our hands.
“You know you love me.”. She was right unfortunately, we arrived at school and went to our lockers, mine had writing saying ‘gays are against god’ yea right he's probably fucked guys too.
If only we were in rome this would be fine. I get my books and head to class. Class was boring but hey i had Sapphire throughout the day. During lunch my brother Matt called asking about school, home and work. I lied and told him all was good but i hadn’t told him about kathukara yet, i don’t know how he’ll act about that whole thing.
I spend the rest of the day wondering about my boyfriend and if my mom hates me for being gay. If he regrets being with me or just eh with me. I see him and wave, he smiles and waves back.
After school i met him under the bleachers, so overused but hey so isn’t the jock stereotype and me a geek latino boy. Dream pair right nope. His dad is hardcore hetorosexual where as hes homosexual. His dad will beat him half to death yea that's a good home life.
“Hello Jeremy, how are you?” he asked concerned
“It could be worse, my life isn’t a disney movie but it's not a horror show.”  Jeremy sighed.
He moved to hug the other boy but stopped himself realizing that he had two day old bruises. “How did you get those?” he asked worried.
“I got them at practice, remember you were there.”  Kathukara just brushed it off like it was nothing new but he knew those mark have got ones like it from his own dad, but nothing to do now that he’d said it was from football practice. “If you say so.”. That's how my school ended.
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tales-from-annwn · 7 years
Tender moments can be lost forever due to a misunderstanding, Jeremy sat, upset at Kathukara (kath-u-kara), because he has said, “I can’t have you meet my parents. They’ll judge us but, I love you.”. Yeah like that was an excuse, so there he sat in his room crying, knowing his boyfriend was at prom with Stacy Middler, head bitch and lead bully. Life was bitch most days. Alone on prom day. If his jock brother was there, he’d laugh then comfort him, but his brother was at college to get a degree and then a job as a lawyer. So life goes on. If you would have told him he was dating the boy of his dreams he’d tell you ‘you're crazy, he’s straight, and don’t like guys’ but hey anything's possible. Then aloud, “But this isn't a love story. This is heartbreak and sorrow.”
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