#ml writers guillotine
rjalker · 1 year
A listener would have thought at last that the one role of woman on earth was a perpetual sacrifice of her person, a continual abandonment of herself to the caprices of a hostile soldiery.
can you believe this French man from the 1800s is more progressive and feminist and shaming of misogyny than real men today who pretend to write "Girl power" shows for little kids where they literally teach young girls that sexual harassment is the height of romance and that they should be happy that boys sexually harass them????
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I don't wanna hear anyone defend that pussy Andre or Anappymandy or whatever the fuck his real name is ever again.
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mlwritingprompts · 2 years
Submitted prompt: This Movie Is Garbage
Because I refuse to believe Animated Astruc isn't just as much of a misogynistic creep in his writing as the real deal.
So, we've all heard the thing about Thomas Astruc basing Sabine on one of his ex-girlfriends, basing Tom on himself, and Marinette basically being his RPF fankid, right?
For those of you that didn't know, I am so sorry to have robbed you of your innocence.
Anyway, for the purposes of this prompt I'm ignoring Tom being a self-insert because Astruc has an even more blatant self-insert, that being the literal in-universe version of himself, which is the Thomas Astruc I will be referring to for the rest of this prompt unless specified otherwise.
Sabine and Thomas Astruc used to date. It doesn't really matter how their relationship went or how it ended- although for the record I'm going to assume badly- because the real meat of it comes after, when he started directing. 
See, in the Ladybug movie, Ladybug's mother shows up in a few scenes, and bears a striking resemblance to Sabine. On her third watch of the movie, Sabine manages to pause it at the right time and find a family photo in the background, and, wouldn't you know it, the fictional Ladybug's father bears a striking resemblance to Thomas Astruc himself.
Sabine realizes that Thomas clearly never got over her, and is now using his movies to imagine a future where they'd stayed together and had a child. While this is undoubtedly disturbing and more than a little pathetic, it's far from her only problem with the movie.
For one thing, there are certain shots and scenes in the movie that make Ladybug look... rather sexualized. She is at MOST fifteen in the movie and, having a teenage daughter herself, Sabine finds it disturbing that the camera seems to want her to view a teenage girl as sexually desirable. And the fact that said teenage girl is meant to be in the wrong for not wanting a relationship, and her arc resolves with her dating someone Sabine can safely say will not give her what she needs. (Like respect, for one thing)
The fact that this is an animated version of her and Thomas's potential child does not help matters at all.
And god, there is so much more. The more Sabine thinks about it, the more she realizes how bad this movie is on a writing level and a moral one.
She knows Marinette has seen it, so she decides to have a chat with her daughter about some of the more objectionable content. It's not that she doesn't trust her, but, well. Teenagers can be rather impressionable at times.
To her relief, Marinette already seems to have spotted it, and she is not pleased.
Neither is Alya, who is over at their house at the time, and seems to be in the process of writing a review of the movie to be posted on the Ladyblog. To call it a negative review would be an understatement.
Their discussion turns into more of a venting session about Thomas Astruc and all his various crimes against storytelling. Alya seems to be taking notes of Sabine and Marinette's complaints in between her own.
Once Alya's review is published, all hell breaks loose on social media with regards to the Ladybug movie. The movie becomes deeply controversial, although most people seem to agree it's bad, even if they don't agree on why. Even more controversial than the movie itself is the people involved in making it.
Alya did her research on this one, and she found what can be generously described as "a lot of bad shit". Animators for the movie drawing NSFW of the very underage, very based on real children characters for one. Also, with Sabine's permission, she included the little tidbit about Movie!Ladybug being Thomas Astruc's hypothetical child with a woman he never got over.
Akumas will be made. Blood will be spilled. Call-out posts will be written. How do you imagine the fallout?
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walks-the-ages · 4 years
Are you fucking serious.
Her name is Ladylion
Is that really her fucking name?
They couldn't be assed to give her an actual proper name?
Oh wait, I forgot. These writers apparently think putting "Lady" in front of a whitewashed hero's name is "girlpower!!!!!!"
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adriensaltprompts · 4 years
I hate when adults try to write kids romance, when Aang kissed katara I realized watching the show that it was without her constant but it’s supposed to be ok because even though she was confused Aang pushes his feelings to her. The creators wanted the hero to get the girl. Same with cn. Ladybug is constantly telling him no but he always pushes it, why can’t kids learn about themselves and not about romance at 14. Girls aren’t prizes
I haven’t watched Avatar in a while so my memory is hazy but Avatar actually does way better than ML, since I do remember that when Aang kissed Katara after she told him she needed time to think, she snapped at him, reinforced that boundary and reiterated that she’d already told him to stop, and he was shown to be in the wrong.
Assuming I’m remembering right, which I might not be. But I distinctly remember her saying “I need some time to think,” Him kissing her, and her snapping at him that she just said she needs time to think.
He thought kissing her would magically solve all his problems and make her love him and it didn’t, and he had to deal with the consequences and was forced to respect her boundaries.
Miraculous Ladybug, meanwhile?
Marinette sets boundaries, Adrien maliciously violates them, laughs in her face, and he’s portrayed as in the right, and we’re supposed to be cheering him on, and awwing over the poor wittle baby when he gets sad about her rejecting him. And then he goes straight back to sexually harassing and assaulting her at every possible opportunity.
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I don’t know if spoilers bother you but I’ll just say that zag posted a image on Instagram which a) not only spoils some upcoming hero designs but also b) has a ‘girl power!’ message right underneath a gratuitous and frankly disgusting image of ladybug that feels very sexualised with a lot of emphasis on her ass 🙃🙃🙃🙃🙃🙃
i saw that and i was sitting there looking at it like
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jhere's the link if anyone's interested https://www.instagram.com/p/CPfQ9_RAeUN/
and it is...bad doesn't even begin to cover it. just like with every other aspect of the show, it's telling us 'girlpower!! uwu' but it's showing us the absolute opposite. i don't know how on earth this was allowed to be published. it shouldn't have made it past the draft stages.
like i know i've talked about this before but the lengths the miraculous team go to to have all the child characters covered head-to-toe in clothes but still manage to make the girls feel naked is revolting. i'm no stranger to wearing revealing clothing, and i used to swim competitively, so like. i'm used to kids and young adults wearing skin tight swimmers being active, but it never felt as sexual as what the ml team have done.
also like, i haven't seen the she-ra reboot but i've seen screenshots, and like. boob windows are basically a key design feature throughout the show and never feel erotic??? i just. it's revolting how ml has managed to make girls wearing full-length clothing feel like nudity.
also spoilers but the fact that they make the one fat girl have actual layers to her costume and none of the others??? just full on fatphobia my dudes. end spoilers
anyway as soon as i dig my drawing tablet out of my desk drawer i'm gonna be putting chat noir in the same pose ala hawkeye project (which i highly recommend looking up and was an eyeopener for little me and how we represent women, specifically cis women in media).
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rjalker · 2 years
I just think it's really funny that the people who claim I'm obsessed with Miraculous Ladybug don't even realize that I didn't even watch the show willingly, the only time I ever watched it was because Walks put it on and we only have a single TV in our living room and it's kind of hard to ignore the TV when it's on, lol.
The only time I've ever willingly gone out of my way to watch an episode of Miraculous Ladybug was when I needed to get the exact quotes for the misogyny and sexual harassment in my posts about it. I've literally done nothing but talk about the misogyny and glorification of sexual harassment in this show since Walks put it on the TV.
But apparently, thinking sexual harassment is bad and shouldn't be portrayed as a good thing at all, let alone on a TV show aimed at 13 year olds, is cringey.
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rjalker · 2 years
These fucking idiots have written themselves into a corner because there are literally only two options here:
Either Adrien knew that was Felix, and knew that Ladybug had probably tried to give Adrien a Miraculous again, and, since Felix was currently pretending to be Adrien to the point that he managed to convince both Adrien's own father and Nathalie and everyone else, Ladybug thinks she's given the Dog Miraculous to Adrien. And Adrien knows this, and he decides not to warn her that that's actually Felix pretending to be Adrien, the way he did "when they first met him".
Option one: Adrien knows Ladybug is being tricked, and decides not to warn her.
Or Adrien doesn't know that that's Felix, and is just treating him like shit because uh.......Adrien's default response to new heroes is to hate their guts and treat them like shit for literally no reason except jealously that anyone else gets to interact with Ladybug.
Option two: Adrien doesn't know that's Felix, and is just treating him like shit because he just treats everyone like shit.
So, either Adrien is willfully endangering everyone and standing by while Ladybug is lied to and manipulated...or Adrien is literally just a terrible person who treats everyone like shit because he's mad they get to interact with the object of his obsession.
Marinette was even going out of her way to try and fucking make the introduction go smoothly and be friendly without Adrien getting fucking pissy or throwing a tantrum. She should not have to fucking babysit Adrien's feelings in the middle of fucking battle, but that's what she has to fucking do, because Adrien's a jealous fucking asshole who decides to make his jealously everyone else's problem, even in the middle of battle.
So which is it gonna be? Which fucking idiotic path are these writers going to go with?
Either they admit that Adrien is allowing Marinette to be lied to, or they admit that he treats other people like shit just by fucking default.
There is no fucking third option.
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rjalker · 2 years
Anyways, you know what I just realized now, lol?
The reason Adrien had to fail so ridiculously in Desperada?
Was it to show how irresponsible Adrien is?
Nope, you're supposed to be cheering for him and feel bad for him because he's "traumatized from having to watch the girl he loves die over and over again".
Like he's not the one who literally kept choosing to let her get killed rather than do the responsible thing and not fucking lie to her and abandon Plagg.
Was Deperada written to show us how horrible of a person and so-called "hero" Adrien is?
You want to know why it was written? Literally?
To punish Marinette for trying to rely on Adrien without his secret identity getting in the way. She did not mean to give the Snake Miraculous to Chat Noir, she meant to give it to Adrien Agreste.
The boy she has a crush on.
The entire episode exists to punish Marinette for trying to interact with Adrien when she knows it's him, rather than him as Chat Noir, who she doesn't realize is him.
Because that would mean letting Marinette get over the literal trauma response of debilitating anxiety that she has whenever she tries to interact with him.
That would mean letting Marinette actually be happy and would mean that their ""relationship"" actually gets to develop in a way that benefits them both, instead of it literally just being Adrien sexually harassing Marinette for five seasons straight and having the time of his life with it while she's so stressed and anxious and depressed she's constantly literally on the verge of a fucking mental breakdown.
And these writers, these 45+ year old white men, cant' have that. They can't let Marinette be happy, they can't let her have a healthy relationship with Adrien, because that would ruin all their fun of tormenting her through their self-insert "can do no wrong and if he does do something wrong it's actually Marinette's fault" Adrien.
The writers did not intend for Desperada to showcase how horrifically irresponsible and callous Adrien is in regards to the safety of Marinette or anyone else in Paris. It's not meant to show how horribly he treats Plagg, abandoning him at the drop of a fucking hat.
It's meant to punish Marinette for daring to try to do something to progress her relationship with Adrien beyond "literal panic attacks at the thought of talking to him". We're supposed to blame everything that goes horribly wrong in the episode on Marinette, for daring to choose Adrien over Luka.
....Even though the writers themselves were then forced to immediately write Luka out of the story because they realized that their audience was coming to the painfully obvious conclusion that if Marinette has to be in a relationship, she deserves to be in one with Luka rather than Adrien, because Luka actually treats her with respect and compassion.
The entire thing exists to punish Marinette.
Kind of like the literal entire show.
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mlwritingprompts · 3 years
Submitted prompt: Over-Prepared Marinette Saves herself purposely, and accidentally.
edited a little
Am I the only one who thinks Marinette was a little OOC during Chat Blanc?? And where was Tikki and Alya?!
Chat Blanc AU where Marinette's thinking and planning ablities are not taken away for the sake of that horrible hugging scene, with a pinch of Adrien salt.
As Nathalie left with the tablet from which Gabriel casually ordered Marinette to break-up with Adrien or else he would not allow his son to go to school (which is abuse and he should pay for this. Preferably by his life), Marinette was meanwhile trying to control the raging emotions inside of her.
But at the same time, she did not forget that she is Ladybug.
While she can admit that she had faults, being an idiot or naive was not one of them, at least, not when it mattered.
She knew that if she was to do as Gabriel asked (ordered) her to do, she will have a long-awaited breakdown.
And when people have any negative emotions, from slight annoyance to full blown mental breakdowns, Hawkmoth tries to possess them, mind-control them, and forces them to do his bidding.
Marinette is many things, but she is not an idiot.
She knows that following Gabriel's demands means giving Hawkmoth a chance to Akumatise her, and Adrien.
And she knows that she won't be able to hold herself from actually breaking down like the many other times she's managed to repress her emotions unhealthily.
Tikki won't be able to help her as if she tried to catch and purify the butterfly targetting her on her own, it might cause unknown side effects, not to mention that it might blow her cover and Hawkmoth can find out she is Ladybug.
Tikki can't help on her own.
And Marinette can't deal with the emotional pain on her own without breaking down, and she knew that she won't be able to resist effectively.
But no one said that the duo of a Kwami and her friend are alone.
Marinette knows people who can help her.
People who she trusts to protect her life.
Even more than she trusts Adrien.
As she returned to her room to calm herself, she looked over the plan she was thinking of, and deemed it the best thing to do for now.
The Kwami looked at her.
"Do you trust me?"
Tikki nodded.
"Of course, Marinette!"
Marinette breathed.
"I will be honest here, Tikki, I won't be able to stop myself this time, and I know, Ladybug duties and all that, but please listen to me first."
Whatever Tikki was about to say was stopped.
Breathing again, Marinette continued.
"I know that it might be different to you and your past holders but it isn't so simple to separate your emotions from yourself, and at some point, people have to feel something. This is my limit. I'm really sorry but I can't keep bottling things up like this. It's killing me."
Tikki looked in shock for few seconds before a look of resignation appeared on her face as tears started flowing from the Kwami's eyes.
"But I don't want you to be controlled by that villain Marinette."
Marinette smiled sadly.
"Me neither, and that's why I have made a plan, and I am sure of it's success."
Tikki perked up.
"Are you sure? This isn't like our normal obstacles."
Marinette's smile didn't waver.
"Trust me, Tikki. I know a way to deal with this, the plan is              "
And with the plan laid out to her, Tikki had to agree that this might be the best plan under these conditions.
"I understand, Marinette, and I trust your plan. You never failed in defeating the odds before after all."
Marinette gave a slight laugh.
"Let's go then, Tikki, spots on!"
Transformed, Marinette exited her room, with her target in mind...
The next day, Marinette stood at the gate of the Agreste mansion, her heart pounding at the fact that she will have to shatter Adrien's heart.
Adrien looked from the door, asking her what is going on.
"Marinette? Why aren't you coming in? What's wrong?"
Her heart started to break.
"Adrien, I... Forgive me, we, we're not just right for each other."
Adrien was not able to believe that.
"What are you talking about? Of course we are, we love each other!"
Marinette breathed and then spoke.
"No! I... don't love you... Anymore!"
With that she ran from the mansion, knowing that she can no longer contain her emotions anymore and Adrien pleaded desperately with Henri to let him go to her.
Meanwhile, Gabriel thought to himself that he truly got the jackpot, and sent the Akuma towards the distraught girl, just as Adrien managed to convince Henri to let him go.
Adrien yelled her name which caused her to see him as he transformed into Chat Noir.
Unfortunately for Adrien, his bout of confidence was all for naught, because before he can even jump and use the Cataclysm to destroy the corrupted butterfly, a red yoyo with black spots appeared out of nowhere, opening as it sucked the Akuma in before it got any closer to Marinette.
Adrien, Nathalie and even Hawkmoth stood there dumbly as the yoyo retreated behind one of the roofs around the place, and then, Ladybug appeared, seemingly jumping from the roof she hid in.
"It seems you were targeted by an Akuma, are you alright?"
The heroine looked concerned, and Marinette took a breath, while glancing at Adrien, trying to push down the bile in her throat as the realisation that Adrien and Chat Noir, her harasser are one and the same.
"O- oh, yeah, I'm fine..." She couldn't trust her voice if she tried to say anything else right now.
Because she knows that now, even without Gabriel's threat, she WILL break up with Adrien. She might even kill him.
"Come on, let me bring you home."
Marinette accepted as the hero held her and they flew away, leaving Adrien horrified at the fact that he was NOT dating Ladybug, and causing Gabriel to throw away his cane in frustration and screaming at the fact that his plan to make the masterpiece Akuma was ruined.
With only one silver lining that wasn't actually a silver lining. Adrien being Chat Noir would have been better if Chat Noir weren't notoriously horrible at his job.
A few hours later, after Marinette managed to pull herself together (as much as she can with the revelation of who her harasser really was under the suit), she looked at the Kwami in front of her.
Mullo, the Kwami of the Mouse Miraculous.
"Let's see, if nothing went wrong with the other two, then..."
Transforming, she jumped, going straight towards a secluded area, where two figures were waiting her.
One of them was wearing the Fox Miraculous, and the other was wearing the Ladybug earrings.
Notably, the Ladybug holder was not the same person as Ladybug.
"Multimouse?" The fox weilder asked while clutching their weapon.
Better be safe than sorry, especially with imposter akumas and amoks.
"Evil only wins when good does nothing." Marinette stated, and the two relaxed. That was their agreed password, and it seems that none of them were imposters. To be sure, they exchanged three more passwords, each more obscure than the last.
"The plan to save Marinette was a success, just as I hoped. Rena Rouge, Viperion"
Marinette said, looking at Luka who was for now wearing the Fox miraculous, and Alya who was wearing the Ladybug earrings.
The plan that Marinette made to protect herself from Hawkmoth's influence at her moment of weakness was both simple and convoluted.
First, she took both the Fox and the Mouse yesterday, transformed as Ladybug and told Alya that due to reasons, she won't be able to be in the city in the next day to protect the city, and she was giving her the earrings to fill her place for tomorrow at least.
Then going to Luka along with Alya who transformed into Rena rouge, and explained the situation to him, and asked him to try to give the impression that "Ladybug" had never left by using an illusion over Rena Rouge who would be wearing the Ladybug earrings to make her look exactly like Ladybug.
And finally, she told them that later, she would have a retired Miraculous holder called Multimouse to get the Miraculouses back at a later date.
It was a little difficult for them to fully comprehend the plan right away, as well trying to use different Miraculouses than the ones they normally did, but they succeeded.
Her plan had actually worked.
Even more spectacularly than she imagined. Because she didn't get Akumatised.
And even more horrifically than she wanted it to be as well. Because the fact that her crush and her harasser are the same was more painful than her breaking up with him before finding out.
She saved herself on purpose by destroying Hawkmoth's attempt to control her.
And she saved herself accidentally, from the clutches of her harasser.
She needs more time to wrap her head around all of this...
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rjalker · 2 years
The ML writers: Marinette is bad because she doesn't pay enough attention to Adrien's feelings! That means she's selfish and cruel!! She should be more careful about not hurting his feelings!!!
Also the ML writers: Marinette is bad because she's paying too much attention to Adrien's feelings! She should stop trying to avoid hurting his feelings!!! This whole situation is her fault!!!!
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rjalker · 2 years
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rjalker · 3 years
Remember back when the show was new and everyone still assumed the writers were actually planning to tell an actual story, and everyone was like “Wow! I can’t wait until Adrien realizes he can have friends other than Chloe and starts learning to become a happier, healthier, better person!!!! I can’t wait until Adrien realizes that he has real friends now who care about him, so that he can stop sticking up for Chloe!!! I can’t wait until Adrien learns what healthy relationships look like so he can treat Marinette and the rest of his classmates with respect!!!!!!!”
and now it’s just “Wow, I sure hope Adrien doesn’t kill anyone this week.”
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rjalker · 2 years
What's the point in having Juleka have a speech impediment /(?) if everyone except the audience can magically understand what she's saying? Like?? No one ever has to ask her to clarify or anything. They all just magically know what she's saying like the punchline of the joke is that she's mumbling incoherently and I guess it's funny? Or they're trying to get brownie points for it? Except it's never actually shown that it causes Juleka any problems except for when the writing demands something be Marinette's fault (even though it's literally not).
Juleka should have trouble communicating with people. Like. This is the bare minimum??? Why have her have trouble speaking if it's...just there as a joke? Why not have it just be Rose who can understand Juleka because they're so close and she's figured out how to interpret what Juleka's trying to say? Why not have Juleka text people or write things down or hell, even learn LSF aka French sign language???
There's so much that could be done with a character like Juleka that will never be done in Miraculous Ladybug. We've already seen how these people treat completely nonverbal character's like Adrien's bodyguard, he gets fucking compared to an animal and is only known either as "Adrien's bodyguard" or "the gorilla", because according to the writers, nonverbal people aren't really people and thus don't even deserve to have names -.-
Juleka clearly struggles with verbalizing and communicating other people, and instead of doing literally anything to take this seriously and show how she and her friends have adapted to this, everyone can just magically understand her except the audience, because apparently it's funny.
Especially when Juleka gets a Miraculous and the tiger kwami immediately proceeds to yell at her and pester her for not speaking clearly enough -.-
I've always been annoyed by Juleka's whole character before, and could never put my finger on exactly why. Finally figured it out. It's the fucking ableism. She doesn't have trouble speaking because the writers care, she has trouble speaking because the writers think it's funny.
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rjalker · 2 years
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[ID: Two gifs from Spongebob, showing the realtor exclaiming angrily," What kind of fool do you take me for?"
She points at Patrick, who becomes labeled, "Tom Dupain-Cheng" as she exclaims, "He's a self-insert," The points at Spongebob, now labeled, "Adrien Agreste", then Squidward, who is labeled, "Literally just Thomas Astruc as a character.".
The realtor throws her hands into the air and shouts, I'm a self insert! Are there any other self-inserts that only exist to push Thomas Astruc's misogyny I should know about??"
The next gif shows Gary with a pickle between his eye-stalks to mimic Squidward's nose, saying, "Meow", labeled both "Marc", and "Nathaniel".
End ID.]
There's nothing wrong with self-inserts by themselves, but this man is literally just using them to brainwash children into thinking misogyny and sexual harassment are romantic and normal.
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rjalker · 3 years
well anyways, Adrien actually did the correct thing after being thrown in a dumpster in Glaciator 2.0.
He stopped calling Marinette condescending nicknames he knows she hates, even stopping himself mid-sentence so he wouldn't do it.
Of course the fucko writers had to go and make it easy for him by having Marinette insist that she's totally fine with him calling her "my lady" to give credence to the idea that she doesn't really mind after all, but like we all know they'd have to fuck this up somehow.
He did the correct thing in destroying the billboards. Except then they had to ruin that by having him mistreat Plagg to do it by using Cataclysm over and over again for no reason -.- he could literally have just scratched up the picture with his steel-shredding claws. But at least he made an attempt hampered by idiocy rather than no attempt at all.
It would be great if this fucking lesson could stick and be treated as the bare fucking minimum instead of making it all about how Sad™ Adrien is now that he has to Walk On Eggshells Because Men Can't Say Anything These Days Without Being Called A Misogynist™ /s.
and of course we all know this isn't going to stick. At all. but it would be so fucking nice if it would -.-
anyways I think we can all agree that we just need to guillotine Andre the ice-cream man, right?
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